Monday, February 6, 2023

Part 7 DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral ...Advanced Electrogenetics

Pirates of the Sacred Spiral 
By Dr. Len Horowitz
Chapter 8. 
Advanced Electrogenetics
“We’re going to put back what is missing in a nontoxic way. We’re going to complete the electrogenetic pulse that’s found in all the higher living forms, in our cells,and in our physiology. If we can restore that pulse, we also restore the confidence that we are part of a continuum of energy flow in nature that is intimate to the emergence of organisms.”
Dr. Merrill Garnett The First Pulse:
A Personal Journey in Cancer Research

The previous three chapters provided an introduction to cellular electrodynamics with special focuses on electrochemistry and cancer. This chapter provides an advanced understanding of the direct role played by the “Sacred Spiral”—DNA—in electromagnetically transmitting the “orchestra of life.”

For decades in search of a cancer cure, Dr. Merrill Garnett labored to discover the “original enzymatic gene site events” that might convert cancer cell anaerobiosis to normal aerobic metabolism. According to his predecessor, Dr. Otto Warburg, and others, oxygenating processes could turn cancers around. He studied hundreds of metallo-organic compounds to restore normality to genetically challenged, oxygen deprived, malignancies. Understanding that cancer cells mimicked embryonic cells in relying on anaerobic metabolism for their energy, he sought to “restore the aerobic portion of the cell metabolism that was missing.” He theorized that by “putting back the aerobic system” one could restore the pathways, needed to stress cancer cells into extinction. 

“Modification and selection are the mechanisms of evolution,” he wrote.”They’re also the mechanisms of cellular evolution and cellular processes.” His “therapeutic mode” involved a selection that allowed the “emergence of the aerobic clones within the cancer.”(Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

“In both cases, the anaerobic and the aerobic,” he realized, the energy molecule, ATP, is made from the same electron potential. Thus, without poisoning the ancient anaerobic glycolysis energizing cancer cells, while turning its own energy against itself, Dr. Garnett discovered a way to energetically direct DNA to reverse cancer and evolve healthy cells from within the same tissue. 

“The external environment and the universe has always been an intimate force in the shaping of life,” he theorized. “The outside, the exterior, the without, the unknown is incorporated with the inside, the within, the deep reactions of the organism. The without and the within communicate continuously. They form those metastable states which can survive the winnowing and selection forces around the organism. . . . Gene material,” he concluded, must make use of this same philosophy, taking energy from ATP and the environment to form proteins in complex events. “Proteins have a life time, and they need stability for a certain period. Those stabilities and harmonies,” he reckoned, “are the organism. It is what we observe at a particular time as apparent stability of form, that we see with our eyes, even though this form is changing. 

“That stability in time units, when examined from the physical chemical view, can be described in wave theory, through instrumentation in the analytic laboratory. It sees characteristic energy peaks in gene material, for example. These resonant frequencies carry on reactions. They are not just the signature. They are the active vibrating life of that molecule. These energies and reactivities will interact with the other material that comes close to the genetic material. If we look carefully, we will see that  reactions that transfer information and energy successfully have resonant wave interaction. They have a harmony of energy. They have a beat that’s recognizable.”(Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

Distinguished researchers paved the way for Dr. Garnett. The passage of electrical current and standing waves through genetic material had already been described as “an every day event in biochemistry. Groundbreaking studies of electron transfer in DNA” had been performed at Georgia Tech, Columbia, and Cal Tech. But Dr. Garnett credited Bistolfi in 1990 in Genoa, Italy for having first described the pulsing nature of DNA energy. 

Poetically, Dr. Garnett wrote of this subject in his book, The First Pulse: A Personal Journey in Cancer Research: 

There is a harmony of the organism and a harmony in structure that allows the transfer of energy so that the organism can live and vibrate. So it can carry on its metabolism and its replication. Those harmonies and resonances must be perceived as inherently musical, because those harmonies recur and recreate the organism. It is not merely random information, but rather information which can function, and to survive to function means efficiency. Ultimately, there is a musical or harmonic element within the organism which can recreate the patterns of information and energy. This is beautiful and resurgent. This is molecular music, fragile, dependent recurring under the right conditions, based in quantum echoes and hidden physics.(Garnett, 2001) 

He also reflected, “electron transfer reactions favored the formation of DNA based genes over RNA based [decidedly carcinogenic] genes. DNA alone can absorb and buffer the cell against oxygen radicals. Oxygen radicals denature proteins at their sulphur sites. This protein denaturation is lethal. But the DNA acceptance of electron charge from oxyradicals allows a variety of gene reactions favoring modification and selection of cells, ensuring survival. . . . Electricity was first. It was the first meal. The first breakfast was electrons.” 

Dr. Garnett added that even free radicals are benign by themselves. “We live in a field of radicals. We exhale free radicals, and  a halo of radicals floats over our heads and can be suppressed by a variety of drugs such as alcohol. . . . Radicals are a part of nature, and are neither bad nor good in and of themselves. . . . "

In cells, the radical state was too high an energy state to go unanswered. Living cells were injured by this instability, so they had to develop a new system to take care of radicals.(Garnett, 2001) 

“In all the assemblage of metabolism,” Dr. Garnett continued, “and in all the cycles that we learn about in biochemistry, we see the scene repeated: the conversion of an electron transfer potential to a stored form of energy. In the variations of the organism, it always derives its energy from the electron. No matter what you are eating: carbohydrates, proteins, or fats (storing them as one molecule or another, as ATP or acyl bonds or fats)—you always start with that electron, and you accumulate that electrical potential, and your body conducts chemical events based on that electrical potential. That electrical potential is what we should measure and attend to in the flow of ions, salt and water, and in the fall out assemblages of ATP. . . . [as] the universe streams through us. . . . 

“When we deal with a biological system, it isn’t surprising that the ancient form of energy released is that of an electron jump from one molecule to another. As organisms evolve they become more complex. The number of protein enzymes which handle electrons increase greatly and electron energy is stored in chemical bonds called ATP. The highly efficient system can make more ATP. . . . As we know, the molecules in the Krebs cycle are dismembered of their charge by proteins, and then the electrons are transferred. The energy runs down hill. And down at the end of the hills is oxygen with a tremendous hunger for electrons.” But it wasn’t until years later that he realized “there was also DNA with an even greater hunger for electrons.”(Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

DNA and the Life Force Schematic 
In reviewing aerobic metabolism, and concluding the energy schematic of life, Dr. Garnett submitted: 

The first metabolic mechanism is designed to admit oxygen. This is Carbonic anhydrase. The next one is the charge transfer species, which takes the charge from the oxygen radical and conducts it through the radius of the cell to the center, to the DNA, and creates an electrical field. These mechanisms form the inward current. After these two mechanisms, a third arises, which takes the electrons at a receptor site and puts them on an oxygen molecule to make peroxide, then hydrates it to make hydrogen peroxide. It then splits the peroxide to make hydroxyl radicals, and donates these to the surprisingly ancient enzyme product, procollagen. Then the procollagen flows out, not as a gelatinous liquid, but as fiber, to become mature collagen, which binds cells to tissues. This is the outward current. The schematic is complete. The cell has its first pulse, which makes an active energy exchange between the internal and the external, at a higher level than had been found before in nature. And this first pulse resonates with many other cells, and the packed cells carry on their pulsations with the environment. They resonate with each other and set each other off by inductive influence so that their pulses increase. And the tissue pulses appear, and the heart beats and the brain discharges and the muscles evolve. The organelles modulate and use this in contractile structures, converting the pulse to organic phosphates and other high energy bonds. But the cell pulse is first and provides the raw electrical energy for all the physiological pulses.[Emphasis added.](Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

Dr. Garnett considered the differences between direct currents (DC) versus alternating currents (AC) in biological systems critical to energy (i.e., electron and charge) transfer. He realized the biological limitations of continuous direct current electricity, and the necessity of AC to achieve the high efficiency electron transfers needed for biological systems to operate along with a Life Force. In describing his own evolution in consciousness, he referred to the accomplishments of Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison. 

Tesla arrived in the late 1800s to prove the efficacy of pulsed or alternating electrical current. He showed how pulsed electrical current, that is AC, most efficiently propagates “because the field collapses along the conductor and re-induces the flow of electricity. As long as you pulse, energy can traverse great distances with low ohmic resistances, and with an impedance that can be calculated and planned from the material at a frequency,” Dr. Garnett wrote. Today, thanks to Tesla, we transfer electricity over great distances using AC. 

Thomas Edison invented the DC light bulb and engaged in the first experiments directing continuous current through electrical wire. But DC current electricity could only travel about a mile and a half before dying due to the wire’s resistance. This resistance causes heat and stoppage of electrical flow. Alternatively, the Westinghouse company used AC to send electricity from Niagara Falls to far removed places throughout New York State. AC current had overcome wire resistance, with only a trivial amount of remaining impedance. 

Dr. Garnett considered reciprocal electrical networks that acquire all their energy from their own components, with zero reliance on external energy sources. Many large molecules, he explained, have “electronic character such as capacitance or inductance.” Voltage through capacitors always lags the flow of current. Current through inductors, on the other hand, always lags the flow of voltage. “These lags produce pulsed or intermittent peaks in the electrical signals,” Dr. Garnett explained. For example, he found that the sodium potassium ATPase enzyme had an average frequency of six Hertz. 

When he looked at the data on DNA, he realized this genetic material resonated at several frequencies. Thus, he concluded, DNA stored both molecular and energetic information. “DNA sets up the critical resonant frequencies of a cellular pulse. Then, over time, there is the emergence of a tissue pulse, and organ pulses, and neurologic pulses,” Dr. Garnett explained. “We must look at these resonances if we are to understand what is uniquely alive. There is a reciprocal network of molecular echoes behind the physiologic pulse.”(Garnett 1998; 2001) 

Further explaining genetic electro-resonance, and its fundamental role in energizing life, Dr. Garnett reported: 

The DNA resonates with charge. It has harmonics, like a string quartet. To get anything to move efficiently, like say a surfer on a wave, you wait for the wave that can carry the kick and paddle, so that the sine peaks overlap, and the energies carry each other. This is how the pulse works. This is how any harmonics works. The only nonchaotic, nonturbulent way of transferring energy efficiently is by overlapping crests of the peaks of these energies. This is the resonance of the organism. The intrinsic beat of the DNA is 55 beats a minute, in the case of calf thymus DNA. The beat diminishes with Digoxin, and rises with Noradrenaline. . . . The organism is a pulsed system . . . the frequency response molecules in solution.(Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

Contrasting traditional drug use and chemotherapies with this far more efficient “electro-active” manner of energy movement to induce biological outcomes, Dr. Garnett reasoned: 

Organic metabolic conversion is the great biochemical sequence of the body. As electron transfer comes in, we add, for the first time, energy transfer through the system that is of an electronic nature, and which has very little binding. The whole convention for drug interaction has been binding (at the binding site). When we switch to electronic discharge, the coefficient of binding is 10-15 seconds. So it’s not really binding any more. It’s a bounce, it’s a spark. Your spark plug is not bound to your piston. It just sparks it. Similarly, electro-active drugs are not bound to their receptors. Even though they need their receptors, they just spark them. The current is modulated, much like through a transistor. There’s a burst of energy. There isn’t binding in the sense of a structure. There is only binding in the recognition sense. (Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

Eventually, Dr. Garnett learned that “electronics can be done in liquids just as you do in a radio or television, providing your wave forms and your electronics are well modulated. 

Fig. 8.1. Dr. Garnett’s Energy Experiments 
The two photomicrographs above are of the protazoan Tetrahymena, before and following treatment with the electro-metallic anti-cancer drug palladium lipoic acid. The organism maintains similar membrane attachments as cancer cells. In the upper left photomicrograph the organism appears normal with a definitive, well-structured, cell membrane. Following treatment and attachment of the energetically active pharmaceutical, the cytoplasm lost its halo and turned gray. Then obvious cell leakage was observed. The organism’s guts poured out prior to death. Consistent with cancer cell experiments, “the cells began to leak and collapse rather uniformly.... It appeared the new drug was a shunt, a carrier of electrical charge, which had both a source and a place to target.” Below are liquid crystal micrographs. Prothrombin is on the left. DNA liquid crystal showing curved and angular branches is on the right. (Garnett, 2001) 

He studied molecular tuning. “We could always tune them [molecules] by voltage, but now we’re tuning them by frequency. 

“The intermittent nature of a current flow in a circuit arises in the capacitance and inductance of the device units,” he continued. “. . . [E]lectronic devices are now biological molecules. Many of the large biological molecules can be seen as electronic capacitors. A few can be seen as inductors. . . . The charge that exists in these compounds exists on the surface hydrates of the molecules. And that hydration charge is transferable.”[Emphasis added.](Garnett, 1998, 2001) 

This work has impacted the world of AIDS research, cancer virology, and the immune-taxing enzyme RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, better known as reverse transcriptase (i.e., the enzyme that is said to make HIV a ticking time bomb). Dr. Garnett based his chemotherapy and tumor treatments on the restoration of electrical charges with exceptional results. His somewhat technical explanation of this success included the following: 

What makes it even more fascinating is we found that along with the charge transfer, that there is a possibility of dual kinetics, whereas one acceptor of charge will enable charge transfer, another acceptor will cause the production of radicals. And instead of a reductase-type reaction it will be a peroxidase. So there is charge transfer in one direction towards DNA. And in the other direction, using double stranded RNA or T-RNA or viral RNA, there is peroxidation. We suddenly see that nature has set up a choice for the DNA and RNA world, to go either with charge transfer or peroxidation. Peroxidation is a highly dangerous, potentially toxic modifying and selecting reaction. The proportion of DNA to RNA will make a decision in the life of this cell.(Garnett, 2001) 

Garnett’s Liquid Crystal Faraday Effect 
“Electrogenetics refers to the energy reactions by which the living state interacts with its heredity material. . . . [I]n the living state the transmission cables are made of long chain molecules we call polymers. The polymers that do a lot of work are prothrombin, DNA, RNA, membrane phospholipids, hyaluronic acid and procollagen. If you study these polymers individually, they are dull electronically. That’s because they only become efficient electronic devices when they are coated with a suitable dielectric shield. That dielectric shield is the polymer hyaluronic acid. Once you coat prothrombin or DNA or RNA with hyaluronic acid, they carry current efficiently. 

Besides a number of variables studied by Dr. Garnett to elucidate electrogenetics, including the natural electronic impedance of the aforementioned polymers, and pseudo inductance in the intracellular fluid matrix, Dr. Garnett studied liquid crystals. He found something fascinating about cancer. Greater than the supposed impact of oncogenes on carcinogenesis, cancer cells triggered what appeared to be clearly associated with “the destruction of liquid crystallinity.” How was this determined? 

Dr. Garnett and colleagues exposed polymers and interacting polymers to magnetic fields, and observed the formation of continuous liquid-crystal patterns on slides as the water was evaporated. Liquid-crystal fern patterns emerged under the influence of magnetic fields. This response has been called the Freedericks transition. The liquid-crystals showed electrostatic or magnetic field sensitivity demonstrated by various crystal lattice shapes and patterns. After that, researchers at the Garnett McKeen Laboratory studied the effects of carcinogens, like tobacco smoke, on the drying liquid-crystal. The cancer triggers always caused dramatic restructuring of the liquid-crystals evident in their dried patterns. The tobacco smoke, for instance, “produced magnificent, glowing, crystal crosses where there had been a continuous fern pattern previously.(Garnett, 1998; 2001) 

Garnett’s group concluded that carcinogens interfere with liquid crystal formation as mediated by and though cellular molecular energy systems. Here is what they wrote: 

The data shows that we have fields within us that provide symmetric influences over long distances. These influence not just the polymers within cells, but the cells themselves. The larger form follows its constituent forms. We have the challenge to measure the degree to which field effects alter biologic form. We realize that we have nano-fields, and that nanotechnology is pervasive. It’s a subject that’s been under our nose and it is time we noticed that electronics is more than direct current and electrostatics.(Garnett, 2001) 

Clustered Water and DNA Electrochemistry 
Chapter 3 provided an introduction to the most vital life elements—hydrogen and oxygen—energetically harmonized into water molecules. These molecules are, like their constituents, directed by sound and electromagnetic frequencies to form larger sacred geometric forms called “structured” or “clustered” water. These energetically gathered and directed forms of water are essential for optimal DNA function in the realm of electrogenetics. This section offers greater detail on this important topic. 

The first reference to water clusters was made by English chemist Robert Boyle in 1661. Previously, herein, and in Dr. Horowitz’s previous books, he discussed clustered water and its critical role in facilitating intercellular communications and cellular up-regulation through the DNA liquid crystal matrix.(Horowitz, 2001; Horowitz and Puleo 1999). The entire field of electrochemical communications through nano-structured aqueous solutions is now burgeoning and reinforcing these earlier reports. 

In Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Dr. Horowitz wrote how new Bible code discoveries revealed the original six note Solfeggio (musical) scale that included the 528Hz frequency associated with genetic repair, and the ancient middle “C” note. The same frequency has been used by leading military weapons technicians for “tuning” sophisticated hardware. Dr. Lee Lorenzen, developer of one of the first clustered water formulas, used the same frequency, 528Hz, in a nutritional health supplement. “Intimately related to this discussion,” Dr. Horowitz wrote, “. . . investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal, clustered-water molecules form the supportive [and electrically active] matrix of healthy DNA. During aging and intoxication, these water clusters are depleted, thus, compromising the electrical potential and integrity of cellular DNA. This primary process, underlying aging, negatively affects virtually every physiological function. 

According to biochemist and author Steve Chemiske, these six-sided crystal-clear water clusters that support the DNA double helix structure, “vibrate at specific resonant frequencies and these frequencies can help restore homeostasis to cell structures in the body through signal transduction . . . the process by which one form of energy is converted to another. 

“When clustered water is consumed,” Chemiske wrote, “high frequency information is transmitted to proteins . . . [and] this wave of information is carried throughout the body like a ‘wakeup call’ to restore normal function.” 

Dr. Franco Bistolfi, a bioelectronics expert, theorized that intercellular communications, instantaneously affecting cells throughout the body, occurs “by means of piezoelectric interactions and photon/phonon transduction of electromagnetic signals of both endogenous and exogenous origin.” Much of this book’s content has already addressed these topics. In short, tiny imperceptible energy signals, both man-made and natural, profoundly influence health status and the pathogenic processes involved in virtually every disease.(Horowitz & Puleo, 1999; Liu, Cruzan and Saykally, 1996; and Chemiske, 1998) 

Dr. Horowitz recalled that in The Secret Life of Plants, plant physiology was shown to react dramatically to the sound of the human voice. Words—electromagnetic and bioacoustic energies— positive and negative, produced profound changes in water structure, molecular flow, and vibrational dynamics. This affects, Dr. Horowitz reasoned, the basic physiological functions upon which plant and animal life rests. Plants, like humans, are composed mostly of water, and especially important structured water. These uniquely-shaped water rings function as electromagnetic memory units capable of transmitting memories of sound, color, and light frequencies to humans and plants. This, again, is the science upon which the entire field of homeopathic medicine rests. 

Among the first labors of love to graphically document these phenomena is The Message from Water: Take a Look At Ourselves. The book’s author, the renowned Japanese physician, Dr. Masaru Emoto, published full color photomicrographs (i.e., 20,000 magnification) of beautiful six-sided ringed crystal water clusters. Some of those were formed from cryogenically cooled water electromagnetically influenced by various sounds, music, and words. A black and white composite of these amazing pictures was reprinted in figure 3.4 with an enlargement of a representative structure in figure 8.2. Dr. Emoto showed that “heavy metal music,” or condemning words, caused beautiful regularly shaped water clusters like these to explode into shapeless messes. Dr. Emoto explained, as many religious/spiritual leaders have, that words and music coming from “good” or “evil” hearts can profoundly affect human health and energy. It is astonishing that these effects are mediated by water through DNA. (Emoto, 2000) 

Dr. Emoto concluded, “Indeed, there is nothing more important than love and gratitude in this world. Just by expressing love and gratitude, the water around us and in our bodies changes so beautifully. We want to apply this in our daily lives, don’t we?” 

Water Rings, Sacred geometry and Bio-Electricity 
Since Dr. Horowitz first reported on clustered water in 1999 in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, the field of water science has exploded with structured water revelations. According to Harvard Paleontologist, Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, the cutting edge of health science and electrochemistry now involves pentagonal and hexagonal water rings. Two key areas of ongoing research are: 1) structured water ring induction of order or chaos in proteins, including enzymes and membrane structures; and 2) the apparently vital roles these ringed structures play in transducing and amplifying energy processes required for life. 

Fig. 8.2. Water Clusters and DNA Electronics 
Health reporter Uri Dowbenko described clustered water and the work of Dr. Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi, a doctor who dedicated his life to looking at water structure, and won the Nobel Prize in 1937. Dowbenko described Dr. Lorenzen’s and Dr. Emoto’s efforts in Japan investigating the famous healing springs of Kirumisu. These researchers designed a way of flash-freezing water with liquid nitrogen right at the source of the spring. They kept it in liquid nitrogen, brought the samples back to their laboratory in Tokyo, and then analyzed them. They were able to show a relationship between the structured water source and its healing properties. 

Healing water was micro-clustered, or structured in geometric rings. The molecular composites looked like six-sided snowflakes when frozen. “It was basically these hexagons—these forms that were most prevalent in the healing springs—that don’t really exist in a lot of other areas,” Dr. Lorenzen explained. “When you flash freeze them, you can do crystallography and X-ray analyses. It was really quite unique. We had no idea that water would form like this.” 

They published these findings in the Japanese scientific journal Snow and Ice. Later they published Message from Water, a summary of more than ten thousand photographs taken during their research. 

 Some forms of energized clustered spring water can remain fairly stable with good biological activity. “Biologically active means that the water works well in hydrating living tissue, unlike common [fluoridated and chlorinated] tap water. Most importantly, the size and shape of these unique water molecules allows them to pass through cell walls freely, delivering oxygen, nutrients, proteins, and enzymes, while removing toxic substances. 

To make Dr. Lorenzen’s patented form of clustered water, purified water was spun through a vortex, which created the six-sided molecular structures. Next, an extremely high-powered magnet was used to produce the long-term stability of this structure. Using this method, a Clustered Water concentrate was created, bottled, and  distributed. When one ounce of this concentrate was placed in one gallon of steam-distilled water (ideally in a glass bottle with a plastic or cork top containing no metals), then shaken, and then refrigerated for eight hours, the entire solution became clustered like that of healing spring water. 

“This is the primary form of water in a very young child,” explained Dr. Lorenzen. “Similar research done by Dr. Katayama called it clustered water, or biowater. He showed that biowater is the dominant form of water in very young, potent cells. By the time you reach the age of thirty-six, your amount of biowater or clustered water drops by sixty percent.” 

The effects of this water, Dr. Lorenzen reported, are twofold. First, a standing wave effect is produced in cellular structures and cytoplasm as described by Professor Waterson of Griffiths University. This nanotechnological affect helps to reorient water along proteins, which helps protein, body enzymes, and more, function most efficiently. 

“Secondly, what’s left over after the standing wave, is a large collection of water rings that have a very high mobility,” Dr. Lorenzen continued. “It penetrates the body through the stomach. In just a few days, we see that someone who’s very ill and dehydrated will show a very significant improvement in overall health and energy levels. . . . We’re just trying to help re-induce order in the protein systems. Protein systems themselves can’t have adequate order, unless there are actual water rings involved in bending and holding the proteins.” 

This research has been ongoing in Japan for more than fifteen years. “Frankly, the Japanese were just more open-minded about new technologies,” Dr. Lorenzen admitted. “We’ve done clinical double blind studies with private physicians. And we’ve taken that data, very significant data, to universities and research facilities [in the United States]. They dismissed it. . . . They said it was not possible.”

Dr. Lorenzen acquired more than 210,000 patient histories showing that clustered water helps in a variety of ailments, but he insisted “it is not disease-specific, but it helps in overall cell function. . . . It’s a much more efficient way of hydrating cell systems in that it’s giving [or returning] the water ring structure, which is necessary for normal cell [DNA and enzyme] function, signaling, replication, and repair. As we age, we dehydrate anyway. That’s well documented. . . . We’re showing that with these clustered water solutions we can help eliminate edema, help improve intercellular water pressure, help improve protein structure, and therefore cell function.”(Dowbenki, 2002) 

Most recent research has shown that these ringed structures are highly active in stabilizing proteins, besides genetic electromagnetics. This is adequately detailed by Yao (1997) regarding aromatic rings and proline in bolstering protein integrity. Boge (1995) also reported stabilizing Taxol—the anticancer drug originally derived from Yew bark—with water rings from microtubule assemblies. Serrano et. al., did the same.(Gould, 2003) 

Research described by Tetter determined that water rings had special relevance in controlling protein function as well as structure. In reviewing data on the hydrophobic protein crambin (MW4700), water rings were proven critical in stabilizing folded protein structures required for normal enzyme activity.(Gould, 2003) 

Gould also described the hydrophobic protein crambin with pentagonal and hexagonal water rings associated with its electric structure and function. These, he wrote, were associated with “chains of water linking polar residues.” He wrote of the electrical properties of water rings in facilitating protein performance, “The chain-like arrays are strongly influenced by the protein surface, and inversely, with the flow of high frequency signals [from the water rings] through semi conductive proteins.”(Gould, 2003) 

This same determination was published by Liu and Seykally et al. (1996), regarding the perfect spiraling form of DNA for optimal genetic expression including regulation of protein synthesis. 

In fact, DNA expression, protein metabolism, and energy conduction throughout your body completely depends upon pentagonal and hexagonal-shaped water rings. Dr. Jon Mushuku, previously at the University of Miami, currently a professor at the University of Seoul, Korea, postulated that hexagonal water rings are the most powerful influences upon ordering protein structures. Pentagonal-shaped water rings were most commonly found in association with simple sugars.(Gould, 2003) 

Dr. Gould reviewed works by numerous other investigators in this field to develop a consensus regarding the vital role played by clustered water rings in facilitating, if not regulating, energy processes within cells and tissues. Among his most fascinating reviews concerned the work of UCLA physicist, Seth Putterman, presented before the Acoustical Society of America. As you read the following paragraphs excerpted from Dr. Gould’s unpublished paper, written shortly before he died prematurely at age 60, recognize that the implications of these findings for revolutionizing health care through sound and color therapies are profound: 

Because Smith has postulated that water rings have the capacity to amplify high frequency cell signaling, ring function may be similar to the energy transduction and amplification properties of “light bubbles.” . . . Putterman reported that an oscillating gas bubble driven by sound waves could capture the wave, concentrate this energy more than a trillion times and generate light. Known as sonoluminescence, it was shown that the bubble would expand in a water/glycerin mixture under the effects of a 20-kilohertz sound field, followed by a sudden collapse and transfer of energy to interior atoms, which released light, blinking in synchrony with the sound frequency. [Authors’ note: This helps explain the mysterious formation of “bubble rings” by sonically empowered free dolphins as discussed in Chapter 12 in the context of bioacoustic healing.] Because water clusters and rings possess the ability to change structure rapidly in response to coherent waveforms, water ring/gas structure transduction may be an important process to consider in cell energetics and coherent wave transmission. Chen has found significant photon [light energy] emissions from proteins, especially during cell reproduction/division stages wherein DNA appears most active. 

This appears to be in agreement with the findings of Lipscomb. It has been shown that there is a relationship between water ring size and frequency of occurrence relative to nucleic acid interfaces. Thermal mobility was found to be significantly greater in these regions associated with water rings. If the central AT base pair [of DNA] is switched to a CG base pair, there should be a low energy cost in avoiding the guanine amino group. The energy difference for binding preference between d(CGTACG) and d(CGCGCG) could be considerably less than 20 kcal/mole. 

We postulate that there are two primary modes of action of nano-structured resonant water (NRW) solutions. First, hexagonal and pentagonal water rings are formed and exposed to bioactive compounds at established excitation frequencies. These organized domains of ringed water have specific excitation spectra that are released upon exposure to living tissues. It is believed that the rapid release of frequency-specific information can be amplified and transmitted through the bioelectronic connectional system to influence protein structure. (Galvanic skin response measurements document a conduction wave within 2 seconds after consumption of a structured water solution.) A second biological effect is accomplished following the disintegration of organized water domains. Water structures maintain stability at 37 degrees cenTIGRade with many surviving the acid environment of the GI tract.(Gould, 2003) 

Liquid Amplification of High Frequency Cell Signaling 
Regarding the “Sacred geometry” represented in water clusters, organic chemistry, and throughout all life forms, electronic configurations have a direct affect on the frequency of various structures and structure sizes. According to Dr. Gould, specific electronic bonding patterns make certain structures particularly stable. Gould found that small changes in the structure size of water produced large changes in its adsorptive behavior. This reinforced the fact that water structures represent a unique phase of matter. 

Physics University professor Dr. Martin Armbruster, in Freiburg Germany, demonstrated that negatively charged water clusters were extremely common. They are composed of eight or more negatively charged water molecules. Dr. L. M. Banic at the McLennon Physics Research Laboratory at the University of Toronto found more than forty-nine distinct water molecule structures surrounding carbon and sulfur dioxides and charged ions. These findings were confirmed by several other investigators. Due to the unique chemical and resonance activities of these structures, these organizations can hold several “minima in free energy potentials, leading to the coexistence of solid and liquid structures, enhancing the potential for communication in cellular systems,” Dr. Gould reported.(Gould, 2003) 

When water structures combine with active biomolecules, resonant information is transferred. This process, widely known to occur in science, has now been proven with nano-structured resonant water, or NRW. Among the unique characteristics of these structures is their ability, within certain parameters, to trigger self-reproduction, that is autocatalytic, structural “cloning” in other fluids. Massachusetts General Hospital researchers Szostak and Doudna, writing in Science News, described a similar autocatalytic process occurring with reproductive material.(Gould, 2003) 

Nano-Structured Aqueous Solutions and Homeopathics 
Dr. Gould observed solutions of NRW had been corrupted by magnetic fields during sterilization. His working theory was that sterilization with powerful pulsed magnetic fields could disrupt paramagnetic molecules in bacteria and yeast. The technique caused destabilization of microbial membranes leading to cell death and sterility. Although these tests proved successful, samples of the exposed solutions exhibited bizarre properties. They caused symptoms of tachycardia, altered blood pressure, and sympathetic nervous system stimulation in human test subjects. Dr. Gould continued his research to explain these outcomes. 

Over the ensuing years, Gould’s determinations reinforced the underlying notion of homeopathic therapeutics. He discovered that “water structures can be directed to bind to pharmacological active substrates,” then through processing and removal of the substance, the liquid would retain many of the agent’s activity in the water structures themselves.” This homeopathic-like process of energizing water with a specific frequency associated with the active substrate became the focus of his Nano Template Induction patent application aimed at developing new solutions with low risk and predictable biological activity. 

Dr. Jacque Benveniste and his associates published in Nature (June, 1988) that homeopathic-like preparations of water agitated with immunoglobulin E (IgE) maintained biological activity despite being diluted beyond concentrations in which any IgE remained in solution. Although their findings were independently confirmed in six separate labs in four countries, no one could explain the transmission of biological activity. “We demonstrated that what supports the (biological) activity at high dilutions is not a molecule. Whatever its nature, it is capable of reproducing subtle molecular variations, such as the rearrangement of the variable region of an IgG (anti-e vs. anti-y) molecule,” they published. “Water could act as a template for the molecule, for example, by an infinite hydrogen-bonded network or electric and magnetic fields,” they theorized. 

The transmission of biological activity depended on the dilution and agitation process, much like the technique used for centuries with homeopathic preparations. These contemporary scientists theorized the creation of a “sub molecular organization of water.” Barnard and Stephenson (1967; 1969) revealed the “successes of high dilutions represent stereospecific, isotactic polymers imprinted in the solvent by the solute, with self-replicating qualities in the absence of the initial solute. Thus, as in cytoplasmic molecular chemistry, the information content of the solute may reproduce itself separate from its chemical action.” 

Dr. W.W. Smith in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Salford in England researched structured water’s electrical properties comparing it to well known electrical components. When water containing small amounts of allergen was administered to highly allergic patients, he learned that the water had “memory.” The solution, diluted far beyond Avogadro’s number of dilutions necessary to assure no allergen remained in solution, nevertheless caused potent allergic responses. Even when frozen, the water retained its ability to prompt allergic reactions. Smith’s study was confirmed by other investigators using double-blind measures. 

To confirm the biological effect observed, Dr. Gould described experiments done to determine whether high frequency emissions were responsible for the results. Screens with varying mesh sizes were used to filter the allergenic solutions. Other techniques were used as well. The results determined that frequencies above 100 GHz were responsible for the allergic response. This finding jibbed with previous reports by Dr. Herbert Frohlich, a physicist at the University of London. Dr. Frohlich predicted that cell membranes maintained fundamental coherent energy oscillations with frequencies in the order of 100 GHz. 

Dr. Smith commented that five and six-sided water helices would be suitable models to describe simple oscillators, and that these pentagonal and hexagonal structures would resemble electrical relay cables used to construct energy resonators. This is analogous to acoustic musical resonances produced by stringed instruments. Structuring only one milliliter of water into a single helical organization of water molecules “could provide a delay of about one minute, making a resonator of about 1/100Hz,” Dr. Gould determined. 

Water’s Unique Physical and Resonant Capabilities 
Water maintains the unique ability to mystify even the brightest materials scientists. Dr. B.V. Deryaguin, a physics professor at the Moscow Institute of Science, injected water into glass capillaries to observe the effects on hydrogen bonding. When the water was heated in these microtubules, the boiling point became an astonishing 500°C. The freezing point dropped to -40°C with an increased density of 140%. When pure water is freed of dissolved gasses, the boiling point can reach 180°C. Upon further heating, the water will, literally, explode! 

Although the traditional freezing temperature is 0°C/32°F, and the density of water is greater than ice, when water is compressed (e.g., to 20,000 atmospheres) and then cooled, new varieties of ice emerge that are all denser than water. The ice called “ice II” is denser than water by 12%. This, and another species referred to as “ice III” contains oxygen atoms that are tetrahedrally surrounded by four more oxygen atoms. The only known difference between these species of frozen water is caused by distortions in molecular linkages or differences in hydrogen bonding. To date, seven known forms of ice have been discovered, some with as many as four hydrogen bonds (versus typically two). 

Dr. Gould wisely noted that the actual state and structure of water in cell cytoplasm can dramatically differ between in vitro versus in vivo experiments. “Biologists in the 19th century generally considered the cytoplasm to be highly organized, however, lack of technical substantiation [and the political paradigm in which biological sciences evolved] kept this theory limited to the minority of cell researchers.”(Gould, 2003) 

Among the first contemporary investigators to document the high-powered physical activity of structured water was Dr. Julia Goodfellow at London’s Birbeck College, Department of Crystallography. She showed that water interacted with biological macromolecules causing proteins to fold, enzymes to change activity, DNA and RNA structural alterations, protein transformations, and that “hydration forces in cell metabolism were much stronger and greater in influence than originally thought.”(Gould, 2003) 

Later, Dr. Ivan Cameron at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio proposed four classifications of biologically-associated water based on a number of scientific measures. These cell water types included: 

Fig. 8.4. Kirlian Photographs of Energy Emissions 
Healthy ecosystems and healthy organisms emit a wide range of acoustical and electromagnetic frequencies—a broad spectrum of energies. Unhealthy organisms and ecosystems have frequency emission imbalances wherein some frequencies are transmitted in excess or insufficiently leaving holes in emission spectra of electromagnetic and/or acoustical energies. The above photograph, taken using a Kirlian camera, reveals a healthy “aura” emanating from a leaf. 

It is now known that sick individuals commonly show certain emission bands with either excessive or deficient energies. Where they have deficiencies, holes in their auras will be seen or photographed.

The authors theorize that such persons will be naturally or intuitively attracted to a balancing energy source. We also believe one reason you may feel uncomfortable being around sick, unhappy, and/or negative people is that you intuitively perceive being resonantly drained of energy. Such statements as, “You put off bad vibes,” may actually point to a physical/electromagnetic mechanism of energy transfer. 

Individuals, various geometrical structures, and even geographical locations with different minerals, crystalline rock structures, natural magnetic forces, and/or man-made electrical appliances, all emit different energy frequencies. 

The Kirlian fingertip photos below are of the same person before (left) and after a hands-on energy healing treatment

1. Bulk Water—water so distant from the solute that its molecular motion is determined only by the interaction characteristics of the water structures themselves; 

2. Bound Water—water molecules that are hydrogen bonded to fixed polar sites (i.e., electric dipoles) or to ionic charge sites, thus distinct from bulk water; 

3. Organized Water—water molecules that are electrically or chemically influenced or “perturbed” that are distinct from bulk water. 

4. Hydration Water—water molecules in groups 2 and 3 above. 

These categories provide a framework within which the electrodynamic nature of water may be considered in facilitating the expression of genes, and metabolic functions of proteins and enzymes. 

Advancing Theories of Organized Water 
The most prominent scientist in this multidisciplinary field has been Dr. Gilbert N. Ling in the Department of Molecular Biology at Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania Hospital. Through extremely sophisticated technical methodologies, Dr. Ling developed his Association-Induction (AI) hypothesis best explaining the dynamics of structured water in relation to cell membrane activities. As stated by Dr. Ling, “the confirmation of the polarized Multilayer Theory of cell water by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), dielectric, neutron scattering, and other studies not only reverses the conventional belief of the existence of cell water as normal liquid water, it also gives a new definition to colloids.” 

Confirming Dr. Ling’s hypothesis at the Department of Biochemistry at Monash University in Australia was Dr. John G. Watterson. This investigator theorized, much like we have discussed previously, that organized water clusters travel in stationary waves through cellular and extracellular matrices. The organized water forms “an array of cubic structures separated from one another by the nodal planes which make up the faces of the cubes.” Although these cubes are composed of individual water molecules, they react as a unified structure, partaking in cellular up-regulation and coordinated function.(Gould, 2003) 

Coherent Energy Transmission 
Science has tended to thermodynamically characterize the organization of “coupled reaction-diffusion processes in terms of the free-energy flow. This course has taken us far in our attempts to understand the nature and chemical directionality of biological processes,” argued Dr. Gould. “However, elucidation of energetic principles applicable to the microscopic confines of organized states in vivo, demands that the usual thermodynamic analysis be supplemented with molecular details of the functional coupling,” that is, the binding of electrically charged water and/ or cell solutes with each other, or with organelle. “The reactive properties of the protein molecule,” for example, “suggest that enzymes are suited to function as field-effect electronic/protonic elements in the execution of chemical reactions. It is quite plausible that, in many cases, the enzyme molecule not only connects the active center mechanically to the surroundings, but, also, protonically/electrically.”[Emphasis added.](Gould, 2003) 

“Within the confines of a multienzyme structure, part of this energy may be retained within the protein superstructure and used in subsequent catalytic processes.” Dr. Gould added, reflecting on the Sacred Spiral of DNA, “the assembly geometry of alpha helices in protein molecules gives rise to quasi-spherical crystal-like . . . structures, which possess piezoelectric properties. Substrate-translocation, among interacting protein molecules in a multienzyme assemblage, may be facilitated by this kind of [electromagnetic] transduction.”(Gould, 2003) 

Dr. Gould and others detailed the likelihood that nano-structured water was also capable of causing membranes to depolarize. 

Resonance Shifts as a Disease Precursors 
Studies with tritium have demonstrated ring water structures can penetrate the intestinal tract up to six times faster than distilled water. This, research indicates, introduces a significant number of water rings into blood streams for use in energetic, metabolic, and physiologic processes. Research ongoing at the time of this writing showed that water rings may enhance cell water turnover and intercellular communications. 

Most importantly concerning the electrically-controlled generation of illness, Dr. Werner R. Loewenstein, working at the University of Miami School of Medicine, determined that cell communication systems, especially gap junctions, are among the most important factors in predisposing to chronic diseases. Reduced electrical conductivity and transmission from impaired or depleted water structures reduces intra and intercellular communications to pathological levels. Modern science has proved correct ancient Asian disease and healing beliefs—blocked energy signaling causes disease; restoring the energy flow promotes restoration of good health.(Gould, 2003) 

Defective cell membranes, membrane channels, and gap junctions, as tiny as 2 billionths of a meter in length, have been shown to produce communication reductions. This apparently reflects the healthy/normal design of biology. When cell communication systems leak, or metabolism becomes depressed, gap junctions and ion channels heal, or seal, themselves. This inhibits further water ring loss, dehydration, and abnormal cell messaging. Abnormal waveforms of electricity in gap junctions cause cell water “freezing.” This blocks additional cell water movements according to research by Green and Lewis. Gould’s review concluded that increased cell water turnover may be a factor in accelerated healing. 

Animal studies at the University Rene Descartes de Paris documented “significant increases in tissue healing time of external wounds” due to abnormal structured water levels.(Gould, 2003) 

Generally accepted models of disease management prefer treating ailments following the expression of symptoms, that is, late in the disease process. These symptoms result from gross biochemical imbalances caused by myriad risk factors including environmental and lifestyle toxicities. These risks slowly but surely take their toll on health and energetic systems. By the time symptoms develop from pathologies, frank organic disease is commonly severe and/or widespread. This new knowledge offers a far more preventative and conservative alternative. “Preceding gross biochemical alterations,” Dr. Gould summarized, “aberrant coherent information transfer would be taking place as a result of abnormally structured cell water multilayers.” Employing Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) technology now offers non-invasive determinations of pre pathological conditions. Disease process can then be accurately predicted or, better yet, prevented based on aberrant shifts in resonance data and resonance intervention. 

Damaged DNA and the Body Electric 
Given the preceding information, the genetic machinery of the cell, as mediated through structured water, controls the extracellular matrix (ECM), glycocalyx, cell membranes, cell membrane receptors, and intracellular macromolecular components. In essence, DNA electrodynamics determines everything living! And those who control it are, likewise, divinely empowered. 

It is well known that the genetic machinery of cells can be altered to produce abnormal states by: hereditary factors; environmental factors such as viruses, heavy metal pollutants, toxic chemicals and pharmaceuticals, radiation from man-made or natural sources, free radicals, and/or age-accumulated errors in transcription. We now add dehydration, particularly structured water shortages, to this list of predisposing factors for gene-linked diseases. Most of the above genetically malevolent factors are man made risks upon which profitable industries are based. Some of the most lethal are rationalized using an illusion of public health. The structured-water-reducing harmful practices of water fluoridation and water chlorination are two examples. 

Genetic abnormalities, man-made or otherwise, include DNA strand breaks, acquired dysfunction of DNA repair mechanisms, mutations in genes that drive cells to divide, mutations in genes that suppress cell division, and failure to properly code mRNA. 

If improvements are made in gene function through genetic repair and/or removal of genetic toxins, the types of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates manufactured by the cell will change as will health status.

Pirates of the Sacred Spiral 

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