Tuesday, September 19, 2017


By Jim Stone
Image result for images of hurricane maria
This morning, at 8:30 AM CST, Maria has 109 MPH peak sustained winds at high elevation, and 83 mph peak sustained winds on the ground. THIS HURRICANE IS B.S. LIKE HURRICANE PATRICIA WAS

FACT: When Hurricane Irma had max sustained winds of 145 mph, you could poke around in the global wind speed map at different elevations, and find winds up to 230 KM/h. That would indicate Irma had winds of only 138 MPH but I chalked that up to sampling errors in the global wind map. But at least it was within 10 mph, so I said (and many people probably remember it) that Irma was not as strong as they were saying if the global wind map was right. But at least it gave an error reference and was not totally off somewhere in looneyville. Obviously Irma had wind speeds higher than 230 KM/h showing at other times.

Now, with Maria, they are saying this hurricane has 160 mph winds, while the global wind map is peaking out at 183 KM/h at high elevation, which corresponds to 109 mph winds as a max anywhere in the hurricane, and on the ground Maria is peaking at 139 KM/h, which corresponds with 83 mph surface winds. This means Maria is not even a major hurricane by any definition. Yet they are pumping Maria up as a cat 5 monster.

Image result for images of hurricane maria

FACT: If Maria really had wind speeds of 160 mph, you should be able to poke around in the global wind map and find wind speeds up to 270 KM/h. Yet the strongest it is anywhere is 183 as of (now) 9 PM CST. SOMEBODY IS LYING AT THE NATIONAL HURRIANE CENTER, and you can bet it has everything to do with globalist politics.

Why would they lie? Because Mexico is going to put in place an enormous carbon tax that is going to make gas ridiculously expensive ($4.50 per gallon) and the U.N. is having a meeting on climate change! They did not lie about Irma, but they are lying their butts off with Maria. When it comes to political motives, N.O.A.A and the U.S.G.S are the undisputed CHAMPIONS.

YOU CAN BUST NOAA IN REAL TIME. HERE IS THE GLOBAL WIND MAP. Click anywhere you want on Maria, and remember the speed you are seeing is in KM/h. To get MPH, multiply KM/h by 0.6

Opinion: Texas spraying for mosquitoes and telling people to wear mosquito repellent does not equate to chemical warfare on the people.

There is a report out there claiming Texas is carpet bombing it's people with neurological poisons. And in my opinion, that report is VERY BAD for the reputation of the site it is posted on. If you saw that, I did not miss it.



Since I started fresh with Kaspersky on a new computer, the combat mode issues have been resolved, so I'll probably discontinue combat mode soon.

Kapersky's fine products are available HERE. On top are the pay products (that is what I would go for and you can try them free for a month), and all the way down at the bottom there are 12 completely free tools that appear to be great, including virus scanners, hard drive recovery and more. Have fun!

There was a large earthquake in Mexico today (Sep 19)

Details are still coming in. The recent one in Chiapas damaged 1,600 schools and numerous homes. There were very few collapses for an 8+ and an extremely low death toll due to reasonable, (and affordable) building requirements. In Mexico, it is all brick and concrete with the rule being that reinforcements must be placed at regular intervals. They sell the reinforcements at Home Depot, and even at the high prices Home Depot has relative to elsewhere, the steel reinforcement columns (welded in a box shape) that is usually 15 centimeters across and 10 meters long costs less than $10, and most houses don't need more than 10 of those. They really reduce collapses, as the recent earthquake in Chiapas shows, but they can't stop cracking which still happened everywhere.

I don't expect a lot of deaths from the latest earthquake, which ranged anywhere between 7.1 and 7.5, but there will be a lot of stucco work to do. For reference on how well Mexico is built, the recent earthquake in Chiapas killed 83 people, and was an 8.1. The San Francisco earthquake of 1989 (loma Prita earthquake) was a 7.1 and killed 57 people. Both happened near heavily populated areas. Unlike what trolls say, Mexico's construction is not bad, unlike Haiti where a 7.1 killed 230,000 in 2010(according to Haitian government stats). Mexico is built like a first world country. So I don't expect today's quake to have done much.

The reports say this happened 71 miles outside of Mexico City, which means it was still in the city because everything reaches out that far. I felt nothing where I am, and was only wondering why the internet quit working (obviously now that I am back online it went out due to being overwhelmed by families trying to contact each other)

Important to note: This quake happened on the anniversary of the 1985 Mexico City quake that was very bad. So there is little doubt that Mexicans, who are already questioning how an earthquake happened during Irma, will seriously question this earthquake happening on the anniversary date of the prior huge Mexico city quake. Mexicans are well aware of man made disasters, so this will be something to pay attention to.

BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: There was an earthquake drill underway in Mexico City when this quake struck! Just like the Chiapas quake of 2012. This may well have been a warning from the new world order Of equal importance is initially the depth was reported at 10 KM, but got chaged to 51 KM. This could be to cover up it being man made.


People in Mexico City are saying this was far worse than the quake a couple weeks ago, because the epicenter was so much closer. Even still, damage appears to be minimal. Here is a live cam of part of Mexico City (the city is huge, with many districts like this). This is where I was during the Chiapas quake in 2012

Not a hoax: Solar panel use banned in Florida after Irma

Florida power and light has done such a good job of lobbying a corrupted government that if your home has solar, and you decide to use it during the power outage after Irma, you can go to jail.

The excuse? Because Florida power and light previously successfully lobbied the government to enforce rules that all solar panel systems had to be grid tied, and since they are grid tied, they could feed power back onto the system and electrocute workers trying to restore main power. That's a B.S. excuse, because all homes with grid tie in Florida also were required by law to install a transfer switch which can simply be flipped to disconnect the solar power system from the grid.

All homes with solar power in Florida have a switch that cuts off the tie to the grid. Yet even if a homeowner flips that switch and disconnects the system from the grid, they can't use their solar panels anyway. This means that the excuse about electrocuting workers is a lie, and the rule against using your own solar power after a hurricane is simply a control mechanism to prevent anyone from being self sufficient in any way whatsoever.

There is no finer example of corporate/government collusion in corrupt policies than this ANYWHERE, so the "sunshine state" can just eat crap after a hurricane, even for those who do not have to!

Here is some Great comic relief

To make the following very clear, it has now been published that the flu shot is in fact an anti fertility vaccine.

Due to complete censorship, 500 trojan links, and trollage in the in box, I'm taking this to the max.

Anti fertility vaccines are old news now.

" First they came for the Africans, and I did not speak up because I was _____. Then they came for the Mexicans and I was too busy to care. Then they came for the Filipinos, Asian Indians, and I had a Bq to attend. And then I was sterile because they came for me at the local piggly wiggly pharmacy, and CNN did not say jack, and I am 35 and will never have kids because I waited "until later" and this damn shot won't wear off until my clock has completely ticked out.

The topic of anti fertility vaccines is so established it is easy to find stuff like this:

Anti fertility vaccines containing both progesterone and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin have been around and known about since the 80's, and from the beginning it was known that it was the WHO and the U.N. doing it. Early broad scale releases of these vaccines went to Iran and Latin America. This is a super old topic of mine, if people think "hard proof" was found for the first time recently in Kenya, they are new to the topic, this has been going on with HARD PROOF for THREE full decades. Take a look at this Pub Med release dated July 14 1987. New topic? NOT HARDLY!

This Pub Med report dated 1987 proves the anti fertility vaccine is NOT just an "internet conspiracy" and has been around a LONG TIME.

A potential anti-pregnancy vaccine built by conjugation of the beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin to adjuvant-active muramyl peptide.

Schutze MP1, LeClerc C, Jolivet M, Deriaud E, Audibert F, Chang CC, Chedid L. Author information


The beta-sub unit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) conjugated to tetanus toxoid is being investigated as a vaccine for human fertility control. Initial clinical trials indicated that the level of antibody response induced by such an immunogen was not always sufficient to prevent pregnancy. Therefore, efforts are being made to evaluate new carriers for the beta-subunit and to select adjuvants to yield a more efficient vaccine. In the present report, we demonstrate that conjugates of the beta-subunit of hCG with muramyl dipeptide (MDP), or its nonpyrogenic derivative murabutide, may have potential as an effective antipregnancy vaccine. The copolymer of beta hCG and MDP administered with Al(OH)3 to mice induced a high anti-beta hCG response, better than that induced by the conjugate of beta hCG to tetanus toxoid given with Al(OH)3. Moreover, the antibodies induced by such an immunogen were competent for neutralizing the biological activity of hCG in vivo. Even more interesting, a copolymer of beta hCG and of murabutide induced high levels of biologically active antibodies. This immunogen may represent a promising candidate for the development of an efficient vaccine for human fertility control.

Here are more PubMed links. I'll find a few of these before continuing on to how such vaccines were used to sterilize women via vaccination campaigns that never said what they were really for.

Here is the original study, that proves they had success with anti fertility vaccines in 1976.

This is the basis of the tetanus vaccine they used to sterilize many third world women. The current flu shot sterilization methods are far more advanced, and were developed in 2005 (see links above).

Here is the abstract for the original effort, dated 1976

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1976 Jan;73(1):218-22.

Isoimmunization against human chorionic gonadotropin with conjugates of processed beta-subunit of the hormone and tetanus toxoid. Talwar GP, Sharma NC, Dubey SK, Salahuddin M, Das C, Ramakrishnan S, Kumar S, Hingorani V.


The immunogenicity of the conjugate prepared from "processed" beta-sub unit of human chorionic gonadotropin (choriogonadotropin, HCG) and tetanus toxoid has been studied in animals and a human subject. The conjugate elicited the formation of high-affinity (Ka = 10(9)-10(11) M-1) anti-HCG and anti-tetanus antibodies. On primary immunization, the antibody, response lasted for several months. Repeat injection of the conjugate in the declining phase of antibody titers produced a booster response without a lag period. The antibodies reacted with the beta-subunit of HCG and the complete HCG molecule but were devois of significant crossreactivity with human growth hormone, placental lactogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone at tonic and surge levels. The antibodies were competent for neutralizing the biological activity of HCG in the mouse uterine weight gain assay, the ventral prostate weight gain assay, and the radioligand assay for binding of 125I-labeled HCG to receptors on corpus luteum. HCG (5000 international units) administered to an immunized subject was completely bound by circulating antibodies. Administration of HCG (in contrast to conjugate) was without booster effect on anti-HCG titers.

My comment: This is the vaccine that was used to sterilize third world women. To give it maximum effectiveness, three shots were given (above it says only one, without the boosters, wore off after "several months" but booster shots made it last longer - history has proven out the boosters caused it to sterilize women for 15 years.

I know we have these perverts BUSTED with this, they are using the flu shot to sterilize American women now. Why keep this tech in the third world? They have proven they can get away with nailing American women with this too, (thanks to a scamming MSM that won't report it, so why not! The following covers this VERY WELL.


The natural miscarriage rate is between 13 and 14 percent every year. This is confirmed outside of this study. No matter how anyone trolls this (and it is getting heavily trolled everywhere, even when others post about the same topic the same way I did without reposting what is here, I mean separate independent reports,) the 7.7 number represents a 77 percent miscarriage rate after two subsequent flu shots.

After the first flu shot, the miscarriage rate jumps to 37 percent, after the second it jumps to 77 percent which proves the flu shot is in fact an anti fertility vaccine, and anti fertility vaccines need more than one dose to become highly effective. They are always administered as an initial dose and two or more subsequent boosters. This correlation of increase between subsequent flu shots fits the profile exactly for historic incidents of administration of clandestine anti fertility shots in nations other than America.

There is no difference between the flu shot given in America which is now a proven veiled anti fertility vaccine, and the tetanus shots which were also revealed as anti fertility vaccines administered to women in the Philippines, Africa, and Mexico. It is the same old story in America now, and the new vector the elite are using is the flu shot. Folks, it can't get any simpler than this, READ IT AND BE AWARE:

Vaccine eugenics trolls are ALL OVER THIS. They have to protect their weapon from the light of public scrutiny at all cost, clearly they expected this report to stay buried deep on page 49,355 and never expected it to see the light of day. On top of it, the report was done by pro vaxxers who for whatever reason produced the real numbers and then ignored them, instead burying them under unbelievably wide error margins. It stayed buried for five years until someone shed light on it.


Two subsequent years of receiving the flu vaccine boosts miscarriage rates from a baseline of 14 percent to 77%

Pay no attention to how they whitewash this, because they actually gave the real numbers, which speak for themselves.

More than just the abstract was hidden behind a paywall, but the abstract had all the key info!

The abstract proves that every time you get the flu shot after the first shot, it is only a booster shot to make the anti fertility component work even better. This study only shows what happens after two subsequent years of getting the shot.

FINAL OUTCOME: Normal miscarriage rates are 14 percent after pregnancy is confirmed (when you are not calling induced abortions miscarriages.) After ONE flu shot, a woman's chance of miscarriage increases to 37 percent. If the next year she gets another flu shot (which is obviously an anti fertility vaccine booster shot), her chances of miscarriage increase to 77 percent. The study did not go to the third year of getting the flu shot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use planned parenthood's numbers which are greatly overstated and plug them into the numbers in this abstract, the miscarriage rate would have to be over 200 percent (which we all know is not possible) because Planned Parenthood calls induced abortions miscarriages. Planned Parenthood has successfully polluted the infosphere almost entirely with their B.S., but the study used the actual real miscarriage stats, which I confirmed with a little work. So if you decide to try to verify this, make sure you use clean numbers because planned parenthood has wrecked almost all data sources with fraudulent miscarriage stats.


Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010-11 and 2011-12

James G. Donahuea, , , Burney A. Kiekea, , Jennifer P. Kinga, , Frank DeStefanob, , Maria A. Mascolac, , Stephanie A. Irvingd, , T. Craig Cheethame, , Jason M. Glanzf, ,

The original source is at ScienceDirect, HERE

Abstract introductions

Inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended in any stage of pregnancy, but evidence of safety in early pregnancy is limited, including for vaccines containing A/H1N1pdm2009 (pH1N1) antigen. We sought to determine if receipt of vaccine containing pH1N1 was associated with spontaneous abortion (SAB).

My comment - the bolded text means that this was a study to see if the flu vaccine really was an anti fertility vaccine, hence the phrase "spontaneous abortion methods". This proves they had a reason to be suspicious, because they only did this study to see if the flu vaccine was an anti fertility vaccine, which causes spontaeous abortions.

We conducted a case-control study over two influenza seasons (2010-11, 2011-12) in the Vaccine Safety Datalink. Cases had spontaneous abortion and controls had live births or stillbirths and were matched on site, date of last menstrual period, and age. Of 919 potential cases identified using diagnosis codes, 485 were eligible and confirmed by medical record review. Exposure was defined as vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine before the SAB date; the primary exposure window was the 1-28 days before the SAB.

My comment - This paragraph establishes the legitimacy of the test, by stating the test conditions.

The overall adjusted odds ratio (aOR) was 2.0 (95% CI, 1.1-3.6) for vaccine receipt in the 28-day exposure window; there was no association in other exposure windows. In season-specific analyses, the aOR in the 1-28 days was 3.7 (95% CI 1.4-9.4) in 2010-11 and 1.4 (95% CI 0.6-3.3) in 2011-12. The association was modified by influenza vaccination in the prior season (post hoc analysis). Among women who received pH1N1-containing vaccine in the previous influenza season, the aOR in the 1-28 days was 7.7 (95% CI 2.2-27.3); the aOR was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7-2.7) among women not vaccinated in the previous season. This effect modification was observed in each season.

My comment: The above states the ratios of what happened between unvaccinated women and vaccinated women, with the maximum possible error swings also stated. The error swings are reported in a way that is way out of whack to leave near mentally deranged margins of error. In this case the margin allowed was 2.0, when the normal rate of miscarriage was 1.4, which represents a margin of error that allows a result more than double normal miscarriage rates to simply be called "error" to help conceal how bad the damage from the vaccines was. This fails because the damage was too much to bury even with that huge error swing allowed.

The first numbers outside of quotes - 3.7 followed by 1.4, shows 3.7 as the rate of miscarriage after vaccination in the first year (before their "error margins" were applied, and 1.4 as the baseline miscarriage rate (which is 14 percent) in unvaccinated women for the same year. For the second subsequent year of women getting the flu shot, the rate of miscarriage in vaccinated women was 7.7, and the rate of miscarriage in unvaccinated women was 1.3 (13 percent) due to small yearly variations in natural miscarriage rates

Spontaneous abortion was associated with influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days. The association was significant only among women vaccinated in the previous influenza season with pH1N1-containing vaccine. This study does not and cannot establish a causal relationship between repeated influenza vaccination and spontaneous abortion, but further research is warranted

My comment: It is clear they tried to lie here by leaving margin of errors so high that they buried the first year stats, but in the second year the damage was so much they could not hide it, no matter how they fudged the data. After showing an increase in miscarriage from 14 percent to 77 percent, they then say it is no big deal and can be ignored until further research proves the vaccine is actually a veiled anti fertility vaccine. But the numbers more than obviously speak for themselves.

This abstract was discovered by GreenMedInfo.com. Their report is very different from mine, because I saw what they were talking about, and then re-did all the confirmation my own way, in much easier to understand terms.

The problem with their report, (even though they stated the same thing in a different way) is that if anyone tries to confirm what they said, and then gets mired in a pool of Planned parenthood fact rigging bullshit which dominates the infosphere, they won't make any sense of the abstract because inserting planned parenthood's numbers into it would put the miscarriage rate after two years of flu vaccination at over 200 percent, and almost every source out there is using planned parenthood's numbers.

But Greenmedinfo found this buried abstract to begin with and should be commended for that, and may have made the mistake of not clearing up the issue of planned parenthood fact rigging because they know planned parenthood has obscured the real miscarriage stats badly and as a result never got ensnared by them and then had to filter fact from bullshit. You can read their report HERE Their report is well worth reading also, because it goes into the politics of the issue, and my report was a basic fact check.

SO MY FINAL NUMBERS: The flu vaccine, after two subsequent years, boosts the miscarriage rate to 77 percent, which is a 592 percent increase over normal. Green Med Info came up with a final answer of a 640 percent increase. The difference is negligible. Two decent sites looked at the same abstract and reached the same conclusion. OBVIOUS ANSWER: There is no way the flu vaccine is anything but an anti fertility vaccine, and I'd bet the kids who do get through pregnancy after their mom takes the jab have a hugely higher autism stat.

The original abstract is at ScienceDirect, HERE USE IT EVERY TIME A VACCINE TROLL SAYS YOU CANT HANDLE SCIENCE. That is the control mechanism they use - to call you ignorant. This will shut them up!

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Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...