Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Man Behind The Curtain 
Image result for images of Dick Cheney
The President was not in Washington on 9/11. This left the Vice President as the de facto commander of the White House response. In theory, Dick Cheney, a former Defense Secretary was the perfect person at the perfect time. Note that the initial response by our fighter jet coverage was quick and competent. Isn’t it interesting that when the tactical plan began to experience delays, the military went into an inexplicable stall? Most bizarre was the President’s attempt to look busy reading The Pet Goat with second-graders. Later, the Vice President claimed he scrambled more fighter jets but when we checked seven separate logs of communication and orders, this claim was unfounded and misleading. [1] 

The planning, knowledge and skill required for the mission involved a host of matters large and small, basic and highly esoteric. Somehow the hijackers had confidence that they could defeat airline security with lethal weapons that would just narrowly pass checkpoint scrutiny – as if this matter had been thoroughly tested. 

The most challenging aspect of conducting an air raid against the United States is defeating our blanket of fighter jet coverage. On any given day, in any given time frame, U.S. fighters may be up and flying within seconds of New York and Washington. Without someone on the inside of our top military commanders, it would be impossible to know where these fighters would be positioned when the attack commenced. 

Coincidentally (or not), no fighters were airborne on the east coast on the morning of 9/11. But still, the world’s most advanced system of military fighter jets was ready to scramble at a moment’s notice, with a variety of lethal missiles capable of taking down any hostile aircraft in short order. It is impossible to explain why, for two hours, our fighters were not scrambled to at least intercept and interfere with the raiding planes. As a last resort, which would require approval from our Commander in Chief**, fighter pilots could have shot down any hostile plane heading for a populated area.

The Decoy 
Image result for images of Osama bin Laden
Now, let’s take another run through the 2002 Congressional Joint Inquiry’s report with a different focus. This time, we will see how the Inquiry began on page 3 with a pre-set notion that the matter of guilt had long been decided by the Intelligence Community** and that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attack. We are led to believe that a man with no country, armed solely with a vague “fatwa,” was able to defeat a $9 billion a year Intelligence Community** within a trillion dollars worth of U.S. national security. 

Let us note that someone on the Inquiry was making a case that bin Laden was responsible for the attack. Someone kept inserting bin Laden as the culprit, and that someone must have had a hand in the editing and writing of this report. Later, we will see exactly who this person was, but for now, let’s see what was reported. Once we get past the headline, we find nothing to support the claim that Osama bin Laden defeated, or had any capacity to defeat our domestic fighter jet coverage or to plan anything that resembles a coordinated air raid. Once we get past the mysterious claims, we see no evidence of his involvement in any planning or operational knowledge of the attack. None. 

Osama bin Laden’s role in international terrorism had also been well known for some time before September 11. He initially came to the attention of the Intelligence Community** in the early 1990's as a financier of terrorism. However, bin Laden’s own words soon provided evidence of the steadily escalating threat to the United States he and his organization posed. In August 1996, he issued a fatwa – or religious decree – authorizing attacks on Western military targets in the Arabian Peninsula. In February 1998, bin Laden issued a second fatwa authorizing attacks on U.S. civilian and military personnel anywhere in the world. Bin Laden’s fatwas cited the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, the Palestinian issue and U.S. support for Israel as justification for ordering these attacks. (Page 3) 

RED FLAG – After studying the entire report, this paragraph is used (time and again) as the absolute justification that Osama bin Laden was behind 9/11. The Intelligence Community’s** conclusion is based primarily on a fatwa supposedly written to unknown members of a vague organization. Says who? The Intelligence Community’s** unnamed analysts. Also, on the bottom of page 3, we get a footnote of sorts about the Anthrax scare that added hysteria to an already hysterical scenario.[1] A thousand words of fear are countered with: 

To date, no connection has been established between the anthrax attacks and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. (Bottom of page 3 in footnote form) 

RED FLAG – If there is no connection to 9/11, then why is this in the report? The Anthrax that was used to scare the hell out of everyone was actually linked to a U.S. military lab** in Maryland. [2] But this report has linked a fatwa writer to anthrax – as part of the overall hysteria delivered to the nation. In 2001, Americans were suddenly feeling vulnerable from a host of new enemies and all types of strange weapons. Fox News reported these threats as a real possibility every single day from 9/11 until the American invasion of Iraq. [3] 

For the next 100 pages we get “intelligence” from the Intelligence Community**. All frightening quotes about a “new breed” of terrorism, violent Islamic cells, not linked to any specific country but united in anti-American zeal. 

In January 1996, the Counter terrorist Center (C.T.C)** – which had been established at CIA** in 1986 (Reagan-Bush Administration**) – created a special unit that was dedicated to focusing on bin Laden and his associates. The unit** quickly determined that he was more than a terrorist financier, and it** soon became a hub for expertise on bin Laden and for operations directed against his terrorist network, al-Qaida. Officials from the unit** , which started with about 16 CIA officers** and grew to about 40 officers** from throughout the Intelligence Community** prior to September 11, 2011, had unprecedented access to senior agency officials** and White House policymakers**.” (Page 4) 

RED FLAG – This confirms that the C.T.C** and the CIA Bin Laden Unit** were actually Intelligence Community** operations under White House** control. For the remainder of the report, heavy quotes from these two CIA units** are used to counter FBI field agents’ reports. This report goes down a road to pinning all types of attacks on bin Laden, without mentioning any specific operational evidence. None.

Weakest Link
Image result for images of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 
So, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. On page 154 of the Congressional Joint Inquiry’s report, we get exactly what we are looking for in a relatively small, four paragraph section entitled: The Case Against Bin Laden. The case is a bread sandwich. 

The Case Against Bin Laden 

In the days following the September 11 attacks, the FBI** received additional photographs from the surveillance of the Malaysia meeting. One of these, the FBI** quickly learned, was a photograph of Khallad. The Bureau** also learned that a January 2001 photo identification of Khallad by the joint CIA/FBI** asset had been mistaken. The person thought to be Khallad was actually Nawaf al-Hazmi. 

The conclusion that Khallad had attended the meeting was nonetheless correct. 

Later in September, the FBI** prepared an analysis of bin Laden’s responsibility for the September 11 attacks to help the State Department** develop a “white paper” that could be shared with foreign governments: 

Even at this early stage of the investigation, the FBI** has developed compelling evidence (the analyst** concluded) which points to bin Laden and al-Qaida as the perpetrators of this attack. By way of illustration, at least two of the hijackers met with a known senior al-Qaida terrorist, the same al-Qaida terrorist that reliable information demonstrates orchestrated the attack on USS Cole and who was involved in the planning of the East Africa embassy bombings. 

The two hijackers were al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi. The senior al-Qaida terrorist was Khallad. The place they met was Malaysia. The facts linking al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi to Khallad and therefore to bin Laden became the crux of the case the State Department** made to governments around the world that bin Laden should be held accountable for the September 11 attacks. (page 154) 

Compelling evidence? They pin 9/11 on bin Laden because a guy he may have known was at a meeting with suspected terrorists in Malaysia. This is the case? Where’s the aviation expert, or tactical planners, or any operational evidence? There are 80 pages in the report linking Saudi Intelligence directly to the hijackers and this is all they found on Bin Laden.

As we have seen earlier, these are the same two hijackers (Mihdhar and Hazmi) that were receiving checks from Saudi Prince Bandar’s wife’s account at the Washington-based Riggs Bank**. This opens a can of worms. 

In 2002, FBI field agents reported an interesting link straight to the top of the Saudi government. The field agents discovered that the same Saudi Government agent, Omar Bayoumi, who met two hijackers in Los Angeles and became their logistical handler throughout their preparation, had opened bank accounts for two hijackers at the Washington-based Riggs bank. About two weeks after the accounts were opened, Bayoumi’s wife began receiving huge monthly payments from another Riggs account belonging to Saudi Prince Bandar’s wife’s. Red Flag. [1] 

When we follow the money that funneled to the 9/11 hijackers, we see that it originated from high officials of the Saudi Arabian government through accounts at Riggs. Wouldn’t you know, the storied Riggs Bank, which opened in 1836 and was the bank of choice for twenty-three U.S. Presidents, world leaders and notorious dictators, abruptly shut down in 2005 when the FBI started probing Prince Bandar’s frequent withdrawals of a million dollars or more. The bank, founded by members of an Ivy League secret society, survived the Civil War but the connections to Saudis and 9/11 took them down. [2] 

Now, let’s find their evidence against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the American media’s convicted “mastermind” who is being held at Guantanamo Bay**. 

The first mention of K.S.M comes on page 29: 

Finally, an early summer 2001 Intelligence Community** report stated that Khalid Shaykh Mohammed – the senior al-Qaida official who has been identified as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks – was recruiting individuals to travel to the United States and engage in planning terrorist-related activity there. (page 29) 

RED FLAG – They call K.S.M a senior al Qaeda official identified as the 9/11 mastermind. If you repeat that the world is flat a million times, it does not make it flat. This is where we see evidence that the Intelligence Community** continued setting up their decoys in early 2001, while special activities knew the attack was in “go mode”, when the hijackers were in the final stages of flight training. 

Nearly every time we see mention of K.S.M by the Intelligence Community**, there is a deliberate effort to hot-wire him as the 9/11 mastermind. But when researching evidence of his involvement, there’s a biography about a guy who graduated from North Carolina A&T so, therefore he’s hot-wired as the 9/11 mastermind. 

He’s also been blamed by the Intelligence Community** for the murder of New York Times journalist Daniel Pearle. The evidence: K.S.M is a suspect based on a gruesome photograph of an unidentified man, holding Pearle’s severed head by the hair. The photo only shows a hand,supposedly of the executioner. One Philippine investigator claimed that the hand in the picture resembled the hand of K.S.M. Therefore, we are to believe, that K.S.M splits time between chopping off heads and figuring fuel calculations for Boeing 767 flights. 

Let’s take a look at the most detailed evidence on KSM. It’s there on page 30, where KSM gets his very own paragraph and once again we see an effort to label him the mastermind: 

Khalid Shaykh Mohammad 5.i. Prior to September 11, the Intelligence Community** had information linking Khalid Shaykh Mohammad (K.S.M), now recognized by the Intelligence Community** as the mastermind of the attacks, to bin Laden, to terrorist plans to use aircraft as weapons, and to terrorist activity in the United States. The Intelligence Community** , however, relegated K.S.M to rendition target status following his 1996 indictment in connection with the Bojinka Plot and, as a result, focused primarily on his location, rather than his activities and place in the al-Qaida hierarchy. The Community** also did not recognize the significance of reporting in June 2001 concerning K.S.M’s active role in sending terrorists to the United States, or the facilitation of their activities upon arriving in the United States. Collection efforts were not targeted on information about K.S.M that might have helped better understand al-Qaida plans and intentions, and K.S.M’s role in the September 11 attack was a surprise to the Intelligence Community**. (According to information obtained by the Intelligence Community** from several sources after September 11, 2001, K.S.M – also known as “Muktar” (Arabic for “the Brain”) – masterminded the September 11 attacks. (Page 30 in bold print) 

RED FLAG – Muktar the brain? Are you kidding? Now read that last sentence again and check where this information (evidence) originates – who exactly are the sources? They say “several sources” without naming any. 

Now below, we see the Intelligence Community** tell a doozie of a story that has no source: 

The information indicates that K.S.M presented a plan to Osama bin Laden to mount an attack using small rental aircraft filled with explosives. Osama bin Laden reportedly suggested using even larger planes. Thus, the idea of hijacking commercial airliners took hold. Thereafter, K.S.M reportedly instructed and trained the hijackers for their mission, including directing them to undergo flight training. (page 31) 

RED FLAG – Apparently K.S.M, or Muktar the Brain, and bin Laden are tight. Is this a comedy script? They say K.S.M trained the hijackers? Where? How? This passing hearsay of an intention to simply use airliners is the equivalent to having it done. But this is it and the real evidence of K.S.M related to pilot training is missing. As this un-sourced hot-wire to bin Laden continues, we see on the next page a continuation of vague evidence: “linked” to the Bojinka Plot in the Philippines, “connected” to the first World Trade Center bombing; “might have” been involved in the East Africa embassy bombing. 

The Bojinka Plot sounds scary; an ambitious plan, according to intelligence officials**, to place bombs on twelve jumbo trans-Pacific airliners. But there was a typical problem: While these terrorists were making the bombs in Manilla, they burned down the apartment and this Bojinka Plot was thwarted. According to the Intelligence Community**, K.S.M was “connected” to the plot but, as usual, there is no evidence that he was anywhere near Manilla. Our super-terrorist, according to the Intelligence Community**, then made a miraculous leap from a failed airline bombing to actually flying four airliners as bombs. Really? The next terror event “linked” to al-Qaeda was back to lighting off a shoe bomb, which failed, followed by a hostage decapitation, followed by an underwear bomb, which failed, followed by a five gallon propane tank “bomb” that was left in a car near Times Square, which also failed. The media gave all these ominous titles: Christmas Day Bombing was the underwear job, the Times Square Bombing was the propane job and the bombs that never made it anywhere close to the airport was the Bonjika Plot. Between these failures, thanks to Muktar the Brain, they hijacked commercial passenger airliners and defeated our entire national security system. 

Outstanding! What’s next? Maybe they can hijack the Space Shuttle and start shooting at us from outer space. 

On page 31, we get a summary of K.S.M in a report disseminated by all Intelligence Community agencies**, military commanders, and components in the Treasury** and Justice Departments** emphasizing K.S.M’s ties to bin Laden as well as his continuing travel to the United States. 

The report explained that K.S.M appears to be one of Bin Laden’s most trusted lieutenants and was active in recruiting people to travel outside of Afghanistan, including to the United States, on behalf of bin Laden. According to the report** , he traveled frequently to the United States, including as recently as May 2001, and routinely told others that he could arrange their entry into the United States as well. 

Reportedly, these individuals were expected to establish contact with colleagues already there. The clear implication of his comments, according to the report** was that they would be engaged in planning terrorist-related activities. (Page 31) 

RED FLAG – It is possible and feasible that K.S.M may have actually been doing what this says: recruiting people for the attacks and having some role in getting them to the United States. But after all this relatively believable account, the Inquiry called the bluff at the bottom of page 31: 

Neither the CIA** or FBI** has been able to confirm whether K.S.M had in fact been traveling to the United States or sending recruits here prior to September 11. (Page 31) 

Just when we thought we had something of consequence, we learn that none of the assertions made by the Intelligence Community** can be verified. There were no photographs of K.S.M in the U.S., no plane tickets or customs or immigration records presented. There’s little wonder why the Administration** didn’t want to try him in a U.S. Federal Court; there is no evidence and he would not be convicted. Even worse, if they found K.S.M innocent, the president** and his vice president** could be tried for war crimes.

Electronic Hide And Seek 
Before any commercial airliner is dispatched for flight, primary and back-up electronic transponders must be operational. The transponders are a major part of the air traffic control system, relaying an electronic signal through an antenna on the aircraft that is recognized by A.T.C radar. Each flight is assigned a four digit code that pilots dial in prior to departure which transmits all the pertinent flight information to A.T.C controllers – flight number, type of aircraft, ground speed, altitude, cleared route, departure airport and destination – in one easy-to-read block on the controller’s screen. The four pilot/hijackers had been specifically trained to turn off the transponders immediately after commandeering the craft, a move that was designed to create initial confusion in a deadly game of hide and seek against the A.T.C and military defense systems. 

Based on expected routine radio calls to A.T.C that never came because the two pilots had been murdered, we know that A.A.11 was hijacked at 8:14 a.m. As in all four attacks, evidence indicates that the cockpit was stormed, the pilots were killed with box cutters and the passengers were herded to the back of the plane under direct force, mace, bomb threats, bloodshed and panic. [1] 

The hijackers knew that the autopilot would be engaged, so they could pull the pilots out of their seats without losing control of the craft. There was one pilot on each hijacker team of five (or four, in the case of United 93); the remaining four (or three) were muscle guys. Evidence indicates that each plane was under the hijackers’ control within five minutes after the cockpit was stormed. [2] 

In the case of A.A.11, by 8:21 a.m. Mohamed Atta was in the captain seat just 22 minutes after takeoff from Boston and in control of the aircraft. We know this because just before the Boeing 767 turned south on a course for New York, the transponder was switched off and A.T.C instantly lost A.A 11’s data on their radar screens. There was still a basic or “primary” radar return reflecting off the airplane; the controllers would simply tag the target aircraft and manually enter the aircraft’s identification. No one was expecting the airplane to deviate from its cleared route over the vicinity of Albany and make a screaming beeline for the World Trade Center. [3]

The Media Bamboozle 
Image result for images of rita katz
The bamboozle began within hours of the attacks, before anyone could think straight. Without presenting a shred of evidence, the American news media, led by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, began injecting the 9/11 virus: corrupted information that this was the work of Osama bin Laden and a frightening “network” of terror. 

The quick spread of this virus was understandable; the terrorists were quickly labeled by nearly every senior member of the Bush Administration** and every major news media outlet. However, no media analysts bothered to address the miraculous leap from previous al-Qaeda attacks. The widespread assumption of al-Qaeda responsibility dovetailed perfectly with new injections of fear; as the administration spread the mysterious Anthrax scare and disinformation about weapons of mass destruction that were supposedly intended for America, the Bush Administration** warned us to brace for further “spectacular” attacks. 

Of course America was afraid. If a terrorist organization could truly select the perfect airplanes for their mission, slip 19 Arabic-speaking suicidal maniacs and two dozen weapons through airport security, murder four flight crews, take and hold hostages at bay while piloting four immensely complicated Boeing jetliners from high altitude to a low-altitude precision air strike after navigating for hundreds of miles straight to the nation’s capital and U.S. military headquarters without being shot down by a blanket of military fighters, what could they not do? Instead, after we take a collective breath and realize that not before or since 9/11 has al-Qaeda ever executed anything more sophisticated than their signature crude bombings. 

This new administration had broken the code. 

The code was that money bought the greatest dictator of all, commercial television time. Through a one-way flow of persuasion, strategically scripted and delivered with moving pictures and dubbed with base drums, to millions of working (taxed) Americans, a message, any message can be sold. 

The endless barrage of television time during the 2004 election made John Kerry, a Vietnam veteran with three Purple Hearts look like a headline grabbing coward while a guy that went AWOL from his Texas Air National Guard unit, a swashbuckling hero, capable of leading the world. [1] 

In the entire case of Osama bin Laden, from his formal introduction on September 11, 2001 until his media death on May 2, 2011, not one American has heard a single word attributed to this person. Not one solid piece of evidence has ever been presented in a court of law, not one plausible explanation as to how bin Laden was able to defeat all elements of U.S. national security. Yet, a vast majority of Americans are somehow convinced that Osama bin Laden was the evil force behind the 9/11 attacks. 

The bamboozle is a concoction of media reported events. We have been told a thousand times that he was “behind” the attacks. We were shown videos of him shooting a rifle. We have seen him in a gold robe. We have heard through an Intelligence Community** interpretation that he admitted to the attack. We have seen the photos of him walking in the mountains. We have been told that al Qaeda has a press secretary who sends out news releases. Most American taxpayers know this as common knowledge, as fact. 

But when we take a closer look, we see an entirely different picture. The Washington Post reported on May 25, 2010 that a psych-ops group** within the Special Activities Division** was caught producing fake bin Laden videos. [1] They also traced the al-Qaeda “press releases” to a U.S. intelligence contractor** called SITE**, an interesting liaison between the White House** and Fox News**. [2] 

SITE, an acronym of Search for International Terrorist Entities, is actually a Pentagon subcontractor that seems to be al Qaeda’s press department. When we hear that al Qaeda has released a statement, it’s actually coming through SITE. Who knows where they get information? [3] 

SITE has released 29 audio messages and three videos, supposedly of Osama bin Laden. The last video in 2007 was so ridiculously obvious, that they just stuck with audios until they could fake his death. The Post article reported that our friends at special activities were making propaganda films, “using one of our ‘darker’ members to play [super-terrorist] Osama bin Laden.”[3] 

The last tape released to the national media was of a man that SITE** claimed was Osama bin Laden. The tape was “frozen” for all but three minutes while an unknown interpreter** told us what he supposedly said. Later, we learned that this SITE** group, led by Rita Katz, had sent this tape to several officials in the Executive Branch** before the tape was released by “al-Qaeda. “ Oops. [4] 

After a small amount of media speculation directed toward bin Laden’s physical bearing, which included a dyed black beard, a differently shaped face and smaller hands, all major American networks reported to millions of taxpayers that U.S. Intelligence officials** had confirmed that the tape was really Osama bin Laden. [6] 

Consider the raid that supposedly killed bin Laden. Americans have not been afforded one piece of evidence that confirmed that he was ever in the raided house or one piece of evidence that he was killed. There was no trial, no jury, no judge, just a claim that originated deep within the Intelligence Community** and reported in a month-long media blitz as fact. 

The following day, the national news reported that al Qaeda released a statement vowing revenge for “bin Laden’s” death. The bamboozle is that al Qaeda doesn’t really have a press department. 

The residents of the town where the raid transpired never saw bin Laden. The head of the Taliban disputed the raid and said that bin Laden had died long ago and was buried in an unmarked grave in the Afghan mountains. [4] An obituary of bin Laden was published in a Pakistani newspaper in December of 2001. [5] But still the Intelligence Community** has convinced nearly everyone that they actually killed him in 2011. 

Although the Intelligence Community** claimed they had watched the raided house for months, they could not produce one iota of proof; not one surveillance photo, not one voice recording, not a body, nothing. Yet, as in all media reports concerning bin Laden, the claim was reported as fact in all major media stories. It was a coordinated message trumpeted on headlines of every major American newspaper. Fox News was in a state of euphoria. 

President Obama said that he was 50/50 that the intelligence he had received from the Intelligence Community** was accurate. What if the 50/50 evidence, the same chance as a coin toss, was actually tails instead of heads. How would we ever know? My calculation, after ten years of research is that the actual chances of the 9/11 “architect” (bin Laden’s final media title) being in that house was a solid 0/100. I don’t know who they killed, if anyone, but it wasn’t the architect of 9/11.

BCCI - The Special Bank

Chapter 14 
9/11 Commission report crosschecked with black boxes times and home video taken of President Bush’s visit to second grade classroom. The logs disputing Cheney’s account was covered extensively in The Commission. 

Chapter 15 
Notes 1,2: Straight from the CJI report. resources 
Note 3:,2933,200499,00.html 

Chapter 16 
Directly from CJI report Further reading: 

Chapter 17 
ATC transcripts and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) crosschecked with FAA radar recordings. 

Chapter 18 
Note 1: campaign ads of the 2000 US Presidential election. 
Notes 2-4: Washington Post article May 25, 2010. 
Note 5: there are several reports of bin Laden’s death in December of 2001 including links from this site.

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