A Multi-Decade Strategy to Transform America
By JC Collins
Post 2016 Election Update
Donald Trump has been calling the United Nations weak and incompetent while stating that NATO is obsolete. Both are suggestive of a changing world in which the role of the United States will be consolidated within a larger global governance framework. This framework will be structured around the multilateral mandates of a new monetary system and the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.
In 2005 Trump said “I have to start by saying that I’m a big fan, a very big fan, of the United Nations and all it stands for.” This statement would appear to stand in contrast to the recent campaign announcements in front of an AIPAC crowd in which Trump spoke more truthful. “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom. It’s not even a friend to the United States of America, where we all know, it has its home. And it surely isn’t a friend to Israel.”
This apparent flip-flop on the United Nations serves as a method of cognitive dissonance, and was promoted by USA Today back in March, ensuring that attention was given to Trumps 2005 statement. The other often reported flip-flops of Donald Trump serve the exact same purpose of cognitive dissonance, and are a constant focus of attention in the mainstream media.
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological methodology where a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, are manufactured. The internal diametric which develops causes extreme mental and emotional discomfort, which further leads to one of the opposing positions being adjusted for the purpose of restoring cognitive balance.
Cognitive dissonance can exist as a natural process of mental and emotional evolution but is widely used in our culture as a means of socioeconomic engineering and transforming of mass populations. Every time you hear the mainstream media suggest Trump is “flip-flopping” on policies or issues, the concept of intentional cognitive dissonance should come to mind.
In a 1988 interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show Donald Trump was asked about running for president and his words and demeanor on the subject of America are verbatim of how he talks in 2016. The talking points and script were decided almost thirty years ago and draw additional dissonance to the contradictory nature of his past and present comments on the United Nations and other politically charged topics.
The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump will establish a modern-nationalism within America which will facilitate the transformation of a culture which has become self-entitled on a false sense of exceptionalism. This exceptionalism has been based on the dominance of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.
The false exceptionalism stands in contrast and non-cognitive opposition to the natural exceptionalism of Americans which is expressed through hard work, ingenuity and fearless dedication. The modern-nationalism will evolve from these past virtues and harness the will of the people as decades of US unipolar dominance is reversed and replaced with a multilateral approach on global governance.
The question has often been asked about American willingness to support and acquiescence to an international powerbroker and the United Nations. Never has it been considered that American nationalism would be used against it as a form of methodical mass transformation. The media attention which is being provided to Trump, though unfavorable for the most part, serves as a strong platform for the Trump message to be promoted and spread.
The cognitive dissonance which is further manufactured between the opposing positions of Trump and Clinton ensures that the positions of either can be fostered upon the people with a quick tweak here and an unseen nudge there. The place of balance between both can be reconciled in a vast number of creative and effective ways. This balance can also be engineered if a third opposing or replacement candidate were to enter the race on either side.
Considering the time and labor which has gone into building the Donald Trump character it is difficult to imagine that he will not become the next president. The case can be made that an equal amount of effort has gone into the Hillary Clinton public image, and the feminist trend towards symbolic androgyny would surely support the rise of a female leader.
But there is something about the Trump brand which is suggestive of a longer and more strategized approach. This multi-decade tailoring started in the 1980’s with the initial cultural injection of Donald Trump. There has been much written about this time period but little attention is provided to the obvious manufactured aspects of the Trump image.
In the early 1980’s Donald Trump was an up and coming real estate developer in New York. There was no connection between the Trump name and casinos or gambling. The obvious nature of the name Trump and its definition related to gambling and card games foretold of the massive empire which would develop in the coming years.
In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International. Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities.
The socioeconomic engineering benefits of mass population manipulation through means of drug addiction, gambling, and other vices, far outweigh those provided by money laundering alone. It can be assumed that money laundering acted as a secondary advantage in much the same way that the subjugation of the Chinese population through the spread of opium financially benefited the East India Trading Company centuries before.
On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.
Michael Collins Piper, in his book The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America has done an excellent job of describing the relationship between Donald Trump and Resorts International. The following excerpt sums up the relationship:
“In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.”
“Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International remained hidden from public view.”
The support of the Rothschild’s would become even more apparent.
After quickly expanding the reach of Resorts International to Atlantic City in the final years of the 1980’s, Donald Trump found himself in financial trouble as the real estate market in New York tanked. The three casinos in Atlantic City, like other Trump assets, were under threat from lenders. It was only with the assistance and assurance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. that Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his threatened empire.
This was detailed in a Bloomberg article from March 22, 1992.
The connection between Baron Edmond de Rothschild, being one of the original principle investors of Resorts International, and Rothschild Inc. allowing Donald Trump to retain “ownership” over the Atlantic City casinos, which saved him from bankruptcy, should not be considered a coincidence.
Great wealth can both create and destroy men of perceived consequence.
Donald Trump landed on his feet when ironically the real estate market in New York turned and his wealth increased dramatically once more. From there the Trump Empire continued to roll forward and eventually expanded its brand into the realm of reality television, the newest method of socioeconomic and cultural engineering.
For those wondering, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. spent 24 years at the New York office of Rothschild Inc. In the late 1990’s he started a $200 million fund at Rothschild Inc. to invest in distressed assets. In 2000, on April Fool’s day, Ross raised an additional $450 million to invest in troubled companies. The timing of this strategy could not have been better, as this report from New York Magazine stated:
“The 2000–1 rolling stock-market crash, 9/11, and a globally synchronous recession pushed scores of companies into bankruptcy. New Economy highfliers like Enron, WorldCom, and Global Crossing went bust. But so did Old Economy stalwarts in industries like steel and textiles—victims of excess capacity, global competition, and generous union contracts.”
So it’s of course no surprise that billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr. would support the nomination of Donald Trump for president in this Bloomberg article dated March 9, 2016.
It would appear that Rothschild supported front men like Ross and Trump do extremely well in the worlds of finance and politics. Trump’s proclamations to bring jobs back to America will help “….industries like steel and textiles-…” and will support both domestic growth and an increase in wealth for those like Ross who have invested in distressed American assets.
Donald Trump, “…a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage…” is in fact the establishment candidate for president. The difference is that the establishment is one based on the international banking interests, and not one based on the interests of domestic American elites, which are more represented by the Jeb’s, the Mitt’s, the Ted’s, and even the Hillary’s.
At no time in the history of the modern world and politics has an anti-establishment candidate been given so much media attention and free airtime. The negative reporting of Donald Trump by most media is scripted as such. The cognitive dissonance which is developing surrounding the Trump mandate and transformation of America is a strategy which began decades ago in the 1980’s when Donald Trump first began to canvas our television screens.
One merely need watch the Donald Trump of the past talk about running for president to witness the script in its pure form. All of the talking points about trade deals and bringing jobs back, as well as the United Nations, NATO, and the national debt, all fit within the methodology of the multilateral monetary transition.
It is likely that the plan is just as workable whether the next president is Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or a wild card like Joe Biden, though I’m leaning towards the Donald strategy as the Trump card which will lead the charge of American nationalism towards a global governance framework. – JC
JC Collins can be contacted at jcollins@philosophyofmetrics.com
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