Just so everyone knows,the Catholic Church,and the Zionists,along with the Criminally Insane Association garner equal disgust and contempt in my view of this screwed up rock,take care all...
by Ray Bullock
Fox News, Roman Catholic Judge Jeanine Pirro: ” … if the Devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I’d be on the first trolley to Hell to get it.” From her statement, I can safety infer that the DEVIL has her number as a DEVIL WORSHIPER, and an Apostle of HELL. I have no problem with Judge Pirro being a DEVIL WORSHIPER.
But, I do have a big problem with her complete lack of transparency and the wide ramifications of her deception. She was a public servant prosecutor and a public servant judge on the taxpayer payroll pursuant to an oath to honor and obey the law, and the U.S. Constitution, not the lawlessness and chaos of the DEVIL! Well, Judge Jeanine’s Trolley to Hell stops at the 9th Gate and Circle. And neither one of them, Judge Jeanine or Bernie Sanders, that sit on substantial public pensions will open their mouths about the crimes of the Vatican Ninth Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, Pedophile Catholic Priests, Satanism or PIZZAGATE.
Illustration (DEVIL) from Dantes’ Inferno (Antonio Zatta 1757-58)
According to a “Genius of Catholic Faith“- Dante (Durante degli Alighier), the DEVIL resides at the 9th Circle in Hell. On any given day on the Trolley to Hell, she will not be alone. You may find public servant U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and his veiled Opus Dei wife, Mary Jane O’Meara- Sanders on the same 9th Gate Hell Trolley.
First, the ego maniac President- select Donald J. Drumpf isn’t a proponent of the global PIZZAGATE, Pedophile Predator Priest, and child trafficking crackdown movement. He has replaced Catholic Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary, with another strange, but extremely weird New World Order elitist Roman Catholic called the good old boy puppy, “Mooch”, that knows nothing about the job.
The V-Sign is the Sign of the occult, Satanic Sabbatean/Frankists. Scaramucci channels energy into the Abyss to raise Typhon (Set, Seth, Lucifer) to use for his own purposes.
Anthony Sacramucci is a Wall Street member of the Masonic Cecil Rhodes Roundtable’s Council on Foreign Relations. For the record, PIZZAGATE and Pedophile Priests have not breached the tongues of President select Drumpf or Spicer, and will not breach his tongue, also.
Half Jewish and Italian, Sacramucci is a member of the Catholic Church St. Mary’s Manhasset, NY, Diocese of Rockville- a Haven for Satanic Pedophile Priests. In 2003, a grand jury panel found that the Diocese of Rockville Centre with protecting at least 58 sexually abusive priests through what it called a “sham” policy designed to protect the church’s reputation and minimize payouts to victims. The grand jury also heard testimony about the diocesan policy from imprisoned for child abuse, Fr. Michael Hands, who had agreed to cooperate with authorities in return for sentencing considerations (NCR, Jan. 17). The history of the Diocese of Rockville Center demonstrated that as an institution they are incapable of properly handling issues relating to the sexual abuse of children by priests, and unwilling to protect children from pedophile priests. The report documented “Satanic Pedophile Catholic Priests Gone Wild“, there were “allegations of the rape of cheerleaders and altar boys, of acts of molestation and seductions in churches, rectories, on camping trips, and in the homes of the minors who were abused. It tells of instances in which priests provided minors with pornography and alcohol, and of cases in which the diocese received allegations and didn’t report them to police, but instead transferred the accused priests to other parishes“.
The Emerald Green Bishop (discussed below), William F. Murphy
The Rockville Center diocese, led by Bishop William Murphy, is the nation’s sixth largest, with 1.3 million Catholics. Prior to becoming bishop of Rockville Center, Murphy had been chief assistant (Master Mason) to Cardinal Bernard Law, discussed further below, former archbishop of Boston and Grand Master of Lucifer’s Lodge in Burlington, VT. Like Judge Pirro, Anthony Scaramucci also seems willing to hop on that Trolley to Hell if called.
In no uncertain terms, he has confessed his undivided LOVE of the DEVIL’s Son, Donald J. Drumpf, and not this country.
OJ Butchering the Truth or the Shadow Government Concealing the Truth?
Yesterday, there was an absolute circus on the idiot box surrounding O.J. Simpson’s parole hearing. It isn’t about OJ “Butchering the Truth.” It’s about “Concealing the Truth.” The public hysterical generated around a black killer getting away with the alleged murder of 2 (two) white people could be averted by the government, and corporate mass media just reporting the TRUTH. The O.J. Simpson case is still being used as a psychological warfare model for mass population diversion; and to divide and polarize the races/masses.
The Truth Concealed is that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were killed by at least 2 (two) professional assassins. Don’t get it twisted. I am not saying that. It came out during trial testimony of a forensics’ expert under oath in the infamous O.J. Simpson Murder Trial August 28-September 1, 1995 that there were in fact 2 (two) sets of bloody footprints at the crime scene.
“Henry C. Lee, perhaps the most prominent criminalist in the world, testified Tuesday that he detected a second set of footprints outside Nicole Brown Simpson’s condominium on Bundy Drive, where she and Ronald Goldman were slashed and stabbed to death, that could not have come from Bruno Magli shoes.”[1]
Physical evidence don’t lie. The Truth Concealed is that there wasn’t physical evidence that linked O.J. to the crime. If there were any physical evidence linking him to the crime scene at all, it was more than a very high probability that he would have been convicted of double murder. The Truth Concealed is that skin under Nicole’s fingernails didn’t belong to O.J., Brown-Simpson or Ron. Hair evidence taken from a black skull cap found on the scene didn’t match O.J.’s hair. Blood drops on Nicole’s back didn’t match those of O.J. Forensic tests indicated that 2 (two) knives had been used in the crime, one with a straight edge and one with a serrated edge.[2]
I said that to say this. One of the black assassins that I traced for years that I faced several times during the late 1960's was a former Vietnam U.S. Army Ranger. He was a professional assassin that crossed the U.S. killing people in the FBI’s Cointelpro and CIA’s CHAOS programs. It is unknown just how many people he killed, but I do know for certain of 2 (two) victims. The first time I faced him, I was on his Black Nationalists’ active kill list, but that evening I wasn’t his immediate intended victim that was slain a couple blocks away. I was very much afraid. I knew that he had been a military assassin in Nam. I had my hand on a small 9 mm all the time I faced him.
The second time. He called for me by name, and asked my associates of my whereabouts on campus. Rory Bernel Hithe and the certified “Lunatic” George Sams, Jr. were with him. There were about 25- 30 other brothers also looking for me on campus at that time. I was a dead man that most likely would have been dumped in the San Francisco Bay. Earlier in the morning, I had got into with Chairman Bobby Seale about two of heavily armed goons following and threatening me. I was on guard that afternoon. From a second floor window, I saw scaling fences surrounding the campus, and block any possible escape routes. I had enough time to secure myself in a virtually invisible room on the second floor campus building that was almost like a cease in a hall of illusions. The campus building was an old Gothic building that I had come to know well, and particularly every inch of. They couldn’t find me to add a body to their kill list. Just days after that, Williams and Hithe were arrested and charged with 1st degree murder of Alex Rackely, a 17 year old poor, harmless and powerless young brother in New Haven, CT. Black Assassins, Williams and Hithe, just walked away from prison sentences after being convicted of his death. That’s the work of the CIA and shadow government. Subsequently, Hithe was killed 11/8/73 by Jim Jones’ bodyguard, Christopher Wesley Lewis, in San Francisco. Hithe was one of the black brutal enforcers and strong arms of CIA Agent, Rev. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple. The last that I know, Williams was a CEO of a corporation in the South.
I said that to say this. I discovered a public document stored safety away in federal storage in San Bruno, CA that alleged that this very particular former Vietnam U.S. Army Ranger assassin was directly involved in the killing of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. The document was executed by his former wife. Of course, he wasn’t investigated. His wife was dismissed as “crazy“, then she disappeared from public.
I also know that during the time that Nicole and Ron were slain June 1994 that he was still active. In the 1990's, I saw Williams and the hair on my head stood up. That’s when I realized that he was also a silent killer. I spotted him silently trying to move in on a victim that was sitting alone just outside the Alameda County Recorder Office in Oakland, CA waiting for me. His potential victim had gotten a lot of direct and indirect threats against his life. Four (4) people had already lost their lives involving U.S. shadow government deep rabbit hole secrets that I still don’t and may never fully understand.
I swiftly moved toward the assassin to get between him and his intended victim. He spotted me. I knew him very well, and he knew me. He moved out and away from us. It had come too close for comfort. I was so afraid for the lives of both of us. I know that I was no match with a hand to hand combat trained assassin, but if it went down- I was fighting, man to man, for something far more valuable and genuine then he, Truth and Justice.

Likewise, pedophilia cases can be significantly impacted and reduced if the government, corporate mass media, and the VATICAN tell the people the TRUTH. April 8, 2016, a high profile flap developed in the Vatican over the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences‘ controversial decision to invite Bernie Sanders to address a conference in Rome while the pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate was in a crucial moment of his campaign against Hillary Clinton.
Jeffrey Sachs, Lebensborn SS
The Vatican also drew criticism for partnering with Jeffrey Sachs, arguably the world’s foremost proponent of mass population fertility control since Himmler and negative Lebensborn SS. Few knew of his public stand for abortion as a covert way to reduce fertility of people of color. He made a plea for legalizing abortion as a cost-effective way to eliminate so called third world “unwanted children” when contraception fails in his 2008 book “Commonwealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet.”[3]

Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
Amid conflicting reports about just how Bernie Sanders ended up at the Vatican conference, and actually meeting personally with Pope Francis, one claim is that he was all arranged by Bishop Sorondo of Argentina.[6] He explained that “because we have two presidents coming from Latin America, I thought it would be good to have an authoritative voice from North America.” He maintained that the invite “does not signify any support of the campaign.”[7] Sorondo’s connection to New World Order eugenic population control New World Order elites is crystal clear, not only from his bringing them to the Vatican but also their feting him and having him sit on the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an organization launched by then-U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. On the leadership council, alongside Sorondo, are Jeffrey Sachs and Ted Turner, two of the best-known promoters of coercive population control in the world. Turner held an event at the posh Harvard Club in New York City to celebrate Sorondo’s work on Sept. 25, 2015.[8]
Sorondo may be one of the world’s most dangerous and powerful secret society knights behind Pope Francis. He was decorated as Cavaliere di Gran Croce of the Italian Republic(1999), official of honor of the LĂ©gion d’Honneur of France (2000),
Sorondo & GrĂŁo Mestre da Ordem de Rio Branco of Brazil
GrĂŁo Mestre da Ordem de Rio Branco of Brazil (2004), official of Austria (2004) and, knight of Chile (2006)- Order of Merit (Spanish: Orden del MĂ©rito) is a Chilean military, Officer (Spanish: Official);
Sorondo & CHL Order of Merit of Chile – Knight.

Lucifer’s Lodge Grand Master Mason, Cardinal Bernard Law
When Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston and Grand Master of Lucifer’s Lodge, fled to the Vatican from the Burlington/Boston Diocese in 2002, he left behind at least 550 victims ritually sexually and mentally abused by Satanic pedophile parish priests, and court judgments that eventually topped $85 million.[10] Massachusetts Attorney General, Thomas F. Reilly, refused to close down Lucifer’s Lodge, charge and arrest Cardinal Law for anything.
Cardinal Law, “Child, Be My Victim”
AG Reilly read the ritual sex crimes/sorceries of the Burlington/Boston Diocese like a spreadsheet instead of an indictment of crimes against humanity- CHILDREN.
The ILLUMINATI and Corporate Mass Media has demonized O.J. Simpson’s face, the face of global human outrage, while the the face of Cardinal Law and his cohorts goes UNKNOWN! What about busting Cardinal Law for running a criminal enterprise lodge of “Satanic Pedophile Priests“- racketeering? A state prosecutor can indict a “Ham Sandwich.”
Bernie, Happy Bishop Coyne, and Cardinal Law
AG Reilly also refused to charge and arrest Cardinal Law’s primary cohort Satanic Brotherhood lieutenant and mouthpiece of Lucifer’s Lodge. Happy, Bishop Christopher J. Coyne of the Burlington Diocese, was U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ business partner in the corrupt land deal, Cambrian Rise, Burlington, VT, that will end up costing the American taxpayers almost $7 million.
Irish Roman Catholic AG Reilly
It’s important to note that AG Reilly is a subordinate Irish Catholic out of the strange neo-pagan town, Dingle, Ireland.[11] Dingle is connected to the Ogham Stones that some believe go back to the Scythians and the biblical Nimrod.[12]
Semiramis/CYBELE, is the wife of Nimrod and Queen of Babylon. CYBELE is the wife of SATURN, and accounted mother (Magna Mater) of the gods. SATURN ritually eats CHILDREN. All public servants on the taxpayer’s payroll should be required to report the secret societies that they are part of just as citizens are required to report felonies that they have been convicted of. AG Reilly attended Cathedral High School in Springfield, MA. After high school, he attended St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. After St. Francis, he went to the American International College in Springfield.[13] American International was originally established on July 18, 1885, as the French Protestant College by Rev. Calvin E. Amaron, who sought to create an institution of higher learning that would provide the local French Protestant minority with access to higher education.[14] The AG office had enough cause and grounds to shut down Lucifer’s Lodge of the Boston- Burlington Catholic Diocese, forever. The Massachusetts AG’s office was/is a covert Vatican Puppet House of Smoked Mirrors.
Masonic Keystone Corner, Cancelleria Building
In August 2015, Cardinal Law was alive, free and well in St. Peters. “He lives in a very nice building,” Sorondo said of Law. “This is a famous building made by one of the more important architects of the Renaissance time. The name is the [Palazzo della] Cancelleria. The Cancelleria is near here, it’s in the [Corso] Vittorio Emmanuele [II] and he lives in this new apartment in the Cancelleria. It’s not in the center of the Vatican, but this part also belongs to the Vatican.”[15] Bishop Sorondo is a longtime extremely powerful and influential friend of Law.[16]
“I invited Cardinal Law to an event that I organized through the Academy of Thomas Aquinas,” Sorondo said. “And he explained very well the mission and the role of Thomas Aquinas and the Church.”[17]
It certainly appears that Cardinal Law is part of one of Pope Francis, and Sorondo’s ultra secret powerful Vatican Satanic circles. That the “Genius of the Catholic Faith“, Dante (1265- 1321) and his HELL, was influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas is incontrovertible. St. Thomas (1225–1274) is extremely interesting.
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas was a members of the mystical Brotherhood of the Rosicrucian fraternity. Alchemist and their writings begin in the 13th century with the writings of Albertus Magnus and Aquinas. Aquinas had been Magnus’ favorite pupil.[18]
Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, and LUCIFER
Albertus Magnus & Roger Bacon (1214-1294)
” … they supposedly communicated with the DEVIL, receiving the inspiration for inventions like artificial intelligence; they performed incredible feats of transfiguration on themselves, the bodies of others, and all sorts of physical material; and generations of alchemists tinkered away, either hopelessly attempting to turn lesser metals into gold, struggling to create the elixir of life, or cleverly devising ways to fool royals into giving them more money.”[19]
Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) was also known as Saint Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, was a Dominican friar who became famous as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. He was the first medieval scholar to apply Aristotle’s philosophy to Christian thought at the time. Catholicism honors him as a Doctor of the Church Universalis, one of only 33 (Masonic Angelic Number) men and women with that honor.
Albertus was an occult alchemist. He was alleged to be a magician, since he was repeatedly charged by some of his unfriendly contemporaries with communing with the DEVIL, practicing the craft of magic, and with the making of a demonic automata able to speak. He was also one of the alchemists reputed to have succeeded in discovering the Philosopher’s Stone.[20]
Albertus Magnus was an ardent disciple of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes is the purported author of the Hermetic Corpus, a series of sacred texts that are the basis of Hermeticism. The mythical Hermes goes back long before the time of Moses.
“A mysterious plate made of some green material, which legend says is a half of a fragment of an emerald lost by Lucifer when he/she was cast out and fell to Earth (the remaining half is said to have been used to forge the Holy Grail). The Tablet was found, according to the legend, by one of the soldiers of Alexander the Great in a tomb at Ebron, in the hands of the mummy of Hermes Trismegistus, defined as “all alchemists’ father”. The Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is a text said to reveal the secret of primordial substances and transmutations. It claims to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus (“Hermes the Thrice-Great”), a legendary Egyptian sage or god, variously identified with the Egyptian god Thoth and/or the Greek god Hermes.”[21]
Marble. 2nd century Roman version of a Greek original of the 5th century BCE Hermes. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of statues, 5 (Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio-Clementino, Galleria delle statue)
Emerald Tablet- Perennial Philosophy of Lucifer/Hermes
The Secret of Hermes– The Emerald Tablet, Aldous Huxley dubbed the “ ‘Perennial Philosophy,‘ a timeless science of soul that keeps popping up despite centuries of effort to suppress it. The basic idea is that there exists a divine or archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that realm through direct knowledge of God.”[22]
The “Emerald Tablet” is linked with Hermes, God Set, Seth, Apophis (Dragon), Lucifer and the DEVIL. The history of the tablet is complicated and confused with the Corpus Hermeticum of the Middle Ages. The seventeen treatises of the Corpus expand on the principles of the Emerald Tablet and appear to be records of intimate conversations between Hermes and his disciples. For over three centuries, they were thought by the Catholic Church to be very ancient and held in the highest esteem. The church fathers believed the Corpus Hermeticum lent support to Christian doctrines, and the documents were required reading for European scholars. Images of Hermes adorned cathedrals all over Europe, and to this day, a giant fresco dominates the Borgia Apartments of the Vatican that shows Hermes, adorned with Hermetic symbols, walking in the company of Moses.[23]
Goddess Isis (Aset), the Wise, teaching Moses and Hermes Trismegistus; this painting by the Renaissance painter Pinturicchio (1454- 1513) is from the Borgia family apartments. In a treatise attributed to Albertus Magnus, we are told that the tomb of Hermes was near Hebron, Palestine that suggests that he was a high priest and sorcerer of the Emerald Tablet. Officially part of the Emerald Tablet, and Corpus Hermeticum suffered the fate of all writings attributed to Hermes at the Vatican, it went underground in a variety of secret organizations such as the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Freemasonry whose God is LUCIFER.[24]
666 Pope Francis -Ninth Satanic Child Sacrifice Circle
Pope Francis told both the BBC in England and Der Spiegel in Germany that he intended to meet a group of sex abuse victims in a month after comparing the “ugly crime” to performing “a Satanic Mass”.[25] The International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, Belgium named Pope Francis as one accused in the use and murder via Satanic ritual (Ninth Satanic Circle) of countless children states that his statement or reference to “Satanic Mass” in relation to catholic child rape constitutes “his tacit knowledge” of such a crime.[26] Pope Francis has more than tacit knowledge of the Vatican’s secret ritual “magical non procreative sexual abuse and sacrifice of children“.

Pope Honorious III & The Great BEAST 666
Pope Honorious III (1216-1227) was considered to be the greatest black arts magician of the 13th Century. He didn’t invent ancient Luciferian magic, but was initiated into one of Lucifer’s ancient secret orders, he published the first “Grimoire” (magic textbook) in history-the infamous “Grimoire of Honorious the Great“- the mother of all Luciferian Satanic magic textbooks.
Baal- Moloch- Child Sacrifice
Unlike modern Satanist groups that worship names like Satan/Devil – Pope Honorious wrote of Moloch the most ancient dark god of the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Sadducces, and Satanists. Moloch- god of eternal fire and damnation, from where we get the word “Immolate” – to literally sacrifice people to fire.[27]
“The Holy Apostolic Chair, unto which the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven were given by those words that Christ Jesus addressed to St. Peter: I give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and unto thee alone the Power of commanding the Prince of Darkness and his angels, who, as slaves of their Master, do owe him honour, glory and obedience, by those other words of Christ Jesus: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve–hence by the Power of these Keys the Head of the Church has been made the Lord of Hell. But seeing that until this present the Sovereign Pontiffs have alone possessed the Power of using invocations and commanding Spirits, His Holiness Honorius the Third, being moved by his Pastoral care, has benignly desired to communicate the methods and faculty of invoking and controlling Spirits to his venerable Brethren in Jesus Christ, adding the Conjurations which must be used in such case, the whole being contained in the Bull which here follows.
Servant of the Servants of God, unto all and each of our venerable Brethren of the Holy Roman Church, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots; unto all and each of our sons in Jesus Christ, Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Cantors, Pastors, Clerks both Secular and Regular, Health and Apostolic Benediction. In those days when the Son of God, Saviour of the World, generated in the fullness of time, and born, according to the flesh, of the Race of David, did live on this earth, Whose Most Holy Name is Jesus, before which the heavens., earth and hell do bend the knee; we have seen with what Power He commanded demons, which Power was also transmitted to St. Peter by that utterance: Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it.These words were addressed to St. Peter as the Head and Foundation of the Church. We then, who, by the mercy of God, and despite the Poverty of our merit, have succeeded to the Sovereign Apostolate, and, as lawful successor of St. Peter, have the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven committed to our hands, desiring to communicate the Power of invoking and commanding Spirits, which hath been reserved unto us alone, and our Possessors did alone enjoy; wishing, I repeat, by Divine inspiration, to share it with our venerable Brethren and dear sons in Jesus Christ, and fearing lest in the exorcism of the Possessed, they might otherwise be appalled at the frightful figures of those rebellious angels who in sin were cast into the abyss, lest also they should be insufficiently learned in those things which must be Performed and observed, and that those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ may not be tormented by any witchcraft or possessed by the demon, we have included in this Bull the manner of their invocation, which same must be observed inviolably. And because it is meet that the ministers of the Altar should have authority over the rebellious Spirits, we hereby depute unto them all powers which we possess, in virtue of the Holy Apostolic Chair, and we require them, by our Apostolic authority, to observe what follows inviolably, lest by some negligence unworthy of their character they should draw down on themselves the wrath of the Most High.[28]
Pope Honorious’ “Grimoire” is an very early secret CATHOLIC papal reference and admission to “child sacrifices.” The book was published between 1629 and 1670. The book is based on aspects of Christian and Cabalist lore.
Baphomet and Knights Templar, Innocent III and Honorius III
Its important to note that Honorius III along with Pope Innocent III initiated the Fourth and Fifth Crusade to retake the Holy Land 1213- 1221. That would have place them directly as the spiritual leaders, high priests and sorcerers of Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, and the Knights Hospitaller– the BAPHOMET. Like the Baphomet, the “Grimoire” wasn’t invented by either Innocent or Honorius. They had been initiated into the far ancient dark circle of Hermes. The Baphomet, Moloch and the Grimoire had been passed down to them, and both were Satanic and “EVIL AS HELL”!
Popes Innocent III and Honorius III were the spiritual leaders of the Knights Templar that led the 20 year Albigensian Crusade or Cathar (heresy) Crusade and military campaign aggression (1209–1229) in the south of France. It resulted in the wholesale slaughter- genocide (mass murder) of about 200,000 to 1,000,000 people.
CHILD SACRIFICE: Honorious’s Grimoire, Great BEAST & the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Baphomet & A.L. Constant AKA Eliphas Levi
Eliphas Levi construed the “Grimoire” in the Key of the Great Mysteries (1861). He summed the book up as “a veritable monument of human perversity.”[29] According to Eliphas Levi (1810- 1875), Neo-Catholic Occultist, High Priest and Sorcerer of Hermes’Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn revealed that Pope Honorious’ “Grimoire” contains instruction to ritually “sacrifice a live kid“- a “human kid” as opposed to a male goat. The “Grimoire” proves the Vatican’s secret Gothic sorceries involving the non- procreative sex magick– masturbatory, homosexuality, and menstrual cycle blood of the sorceress.All of these ritual sexual sorceries are used to converse with, seek control and dominion over the DEVIL, powerful demons, the forces of evil and darkness. (see Witcha, A Book of Cunning, Nathaniel J. Harris, Mandrake of Oxford, Oxford, England (2004), pg. 240)
The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley was an infamous member of Hermes’ Golden Dawn. He was ran out of Italy by Mussolini surrounding allegations that he had been involved in the secret abduction, and ritually sacrifice of children. Crowley: “ … the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best … by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to a Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin — the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.”
Finally, Bernie Sanders and Mary Jane O’Meara are under a current federal investigation for fraud and public corruption in the Burlington College- Burlington/Boston Diocese land deal that gave the Catholic diocese and the 9th Circle Lucifer’s Lodge $10 million in almost all tax-free taxpayer money- $303, 303, 303 per acre for patent Masonic 33 acres for a money laden filled TROLLEY TO HELL. In 2008, O.J. Simpson was convicted and sentenced up to a patent Masonic 33 years in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping in a failed attempt to recover his stolen sports memorabilia from two collectibles dealers.
“The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, a child sacrifice group composed of global elites, appears to be routinely raping, torturing and murdering children.” Testimony of a former Argentine civil servant during the 1970's Dirty War who took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials. Pope Francis’ fast ascension to head the Argentine Catholic Church was a suspected result of his agreement to traffic missing political prisoner children from Catholic orphanages.”[30]
Dante’s Inferno, the 9th Circle is considered the most evil because it opposes God’sgreatest gift to mankind, LOVE. Circle 9 is known as the circle of treachery. SATAN, Lucifer, the DEVIL himself resides in this region of the NINTH CIRCLE.[31]
[2] http://heavy.com/news/2016/03/o-j-simpson-buck-knife-nicole-brown-ronald-goldman-murder-weapon-found-video/
[4] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/meddling-in-us-politics-vatican-defends-invite-of-abortion-extremist-bernie
[5] Id.
[7] http://www.tldm.org/news29/argentine-bishop-sanchez-sorondo-confirms-i-invited-bernie-sanders-to-vatican.htm
[11] https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/special-reports/2002/05/12/scandal-erodes-traditional-deference-church/mPLNp1BFouhbpWJu9zjYxL/story.html
[17] Id.
[19] https://www.libertarianism.org/publications/essays/last-great-magicians-albertus-magnus-roger-bacon-alchemy-cult
[24] Id.
[29] Waite, Arthur Edward, the book of black magic and of pacts, The de Laurence Co., Chicago, IL (1910), pg. 79
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