The CIA Covenant
Nazis in Washington
by Gregory Douglas
Monday, 7 March 1949
To Mass early because I missed it yesterday and in the afternoon, discussions about a forthcoming
piece of legislation about communists. It is necessary to have this in place before arrests and prosecutions
can begin. Irmgard has managed to make friends with Maxl and sometimes can be persuaded to take him
for walks when I am very busy. I prefer to take him myself but time does not often permit this. I. seems to
be working out very well, especially when I enlightened her as to why the other one departed. My food bill
is less now and at present, all seems to be harmonious. Very nice drawings coming up for auction in New
York soon and as I have to go up there again for the hearings, I might look in on the bidding. It is not a
question of money at this point but actually one of space. This is a large house but there are just so many
square feet of wall space and the tapestries have taken up more than I would have wanted.
Tuesday, 8 March 1949
Nixon introduced the legislation I spoke about today. It will be a great setback for the communists
here and is sure to stir up an outcry. Nixon said that the Coplon case, especially as it involved a Soviet
government agent, is enough to keep the Roosevelt people quiet. Always strike while the iron is hot as
Arthur has said, time and time again. He should really find other interesting folk sayings. Once is enough. I
suggested the death penalty for those taken in espionage but am told that there is such a penalty but it is
seldom enforced. A few examples would do wonders for the rest.
The legislation Muller mentions consisted of two bills presented to Congress, using the case of
Judith Coplon, a Justice Department employee who gave secrets to one Valentin Gubitchev, a Soviet agent.
The bills were introduced by Republican Congressman Richard Nixon of California and Senator Karl
Mundt of South Dakota and another, nearly identical one introduced by Senator Homer Ferguson,
Republican from Michigan. These bills required all communists and their front organizations to register
with the U.S. government with severe penalties for failure to do so. There was a stipulated fine of $10,000
and 10 years in prison for violators. Also, all of their propaganda had to be clearly listed as communist in
nature. Other punishments were the denial of passports to communists and a prohibition against their
holding any U.S. civil service job. This sort of legislation could never have been contemplated during the
Roosevelt era, and only after the accession of Harry Truman could such legislation have been introduced
in either house.
Thursday, 10 March 1949
The trial of the communist leaders began in New York on Monday. It promises to be a long
circus. We should simply remove these individuals from society and reeducate them in a work camp. At
least they would do honest work for a change. Typical responses from those accused of communist
membership. Truman is now discriminating against Negroes and Jews because so many of them have been
communists. I doubt if this will make any difference and the American public has its own opinions on the
matter. After all, they had from 1933 to 1945 to see what was going on and the screeches of a few left wing
lawyers and sympathizers with Stalin won’t make much of a dent.
I am supposed to prepare an overview of the Soviet infiltration into the American government for
my religious friend who intends to give it to Senator McCarthy. He views him as much more valuable than
Nixon because the latter is not given to excesses. From what I have heard of the Senator, I have no real interest in meeting with him except for his support of Peiper. My son was in his unit and I suppose that it
would be a good idea to establish some kind of a connection with the Senator for the future. But not, I am
urgently advised, too close a connection. We could meet at Georgetown University in some place probably
over a weekend.
He is not to come here.
T. sent most of the known and active Soviet agents which Roosevelt allowed into the now disbanded
O.S.S over to the State Department so they could be fired from there. It could be something to
pursue since that department is filled with perverts and left-wing chickens. We can put a fox in with them
and see how he does.
Joseph McCarthy, who was to spearhead the anti-communist drive in America, had little regard
for diplomacy and would prove to be a terrible thorn in the side of the liberal movement in the United
States. Stunned by the death of their champion, Roosevelt, the active liberals and communists now found
themselves under a mounting attack from the American right. Their position was not helped by the
beginning of the Cold War in which the once-admired and supported Stalin was being cast as an enemy by
the American war party.
Investigations into Roosevelt’s left-wing activists both inside and out of the government was
causing a great deal of anxiety in the faculty clubs of most American universities as well as in the
headquarters of labor unions and in the Hollywood movie industry.
The strong and growing reaction to a decade of aggressive pro-Soviet liberalism was only just
manifesting its revenge.
The business about Peiper refers to SS Lt. Colonel Joachim Peiper of the 1st SS-Panzer-Division
“Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.” During the course of the Ardennes battle in late 1944, men of his
armored unit were advancing against the Americans when they encountered a mass of disarmed American
prisoners of war. Firing broke out and a considerable number of prisoners were killed, some when fleeing.
Their bodies were neatly stacked in a nearby field so as to clear the road.
Later, the Americans claimed the SS had murdered them and the Germans countered that the
incident was typical of mobile warfare and that their troops thought they had encountered an advancing
Many of the German officers involved in the episode had been tortured while prisoners of war to
extort confessions. When this information was later made public, those who had been later convicted at a
“War Crimes’’ trial were pardoned. Muller's son had served in the Peiper unit but after the Ardennes
battle when the unit was in Hungary. In any case, McCarthy took up the defense of the Germans to the fury
of liberal elements.
The Republican Senator from Wisconsin was known to drink and was also well known for his
intemperate behavior, hence Muller's reluctance to allow him into his home.
When McCarthy accused the State Department of sheltering over eighty known communists, he
was entirely correct but he erred in his implications that these individuals were in any way connected with
State Department diplomatic affairs.
After the end of the Second World War, there was an official movement in the U.S. government to
reduce the size of the bureaucracy in general and to weed out what were viewed as rabid communists by
many senior officials.
The primary nesting places of these individuals was the Office of Strategic Services or O.S.S and
the Office of War Information or O.W.I. Both agencies had knowingly recruited communists during the
course of the war. In the case of the former, the purpose was to primarily block anti-Soviet partisan
movements in an Eastern Europe that Stalin wished to completely control after the war. In the case of the
latter, this agency was designed to manufacture and broadcast official American propaganda to the public
during the war and most especially to put forward the goals of the Soviet dictator in an acceptable light.
The Senator had been shown lists of these O.S.S and O.W.I rejects but was not allowed to copy them
so his future conduct in refusing to present proof of what were completely accurate statements was not
based on his invention of the claim but because he was unable to lay his hands on the relevant
Left-wing attackers of McCarthy, who have assumed epic proportions in the hagiology of
American liberals, have made a great deal of his refusal to present actual proof of his sensationalistic
charges but as the original list had come from the White House, those who leaked it to the Senator deemed
it inadvisable to reveal their sources.
Tuesday, 15 March 1949
The Soviet agent, G.(ubitchev, ed.) refuses an attorney but will be tried probably within a month.
He has been refused diplomatic immunity because he is connected with the United Nations and not the
Soviet Embassy. The Coplon woman was sleeping with him and is supposed to have admitted everything.
The Russians are the world’s greatest exploiters of sex as a weapon to lure possible agents. People often
are very lonely in their empty lives and the genitals with which so many people think have no reasoning
As part of my program to become an authentic American, I have been reading a great deal on the
history of my new country.
Lincoln, the President who freed the slaves made a comment about the common people but I have
rewritten it from my own experience. God must love stupid people because He has made so many of them.
We opened two brothels in Berlin, Kitty and the other one, to trap diplomats and they worked
very well with both sexes. Some of my early superiors enjoyed listening to the recordings but I did not. I
was never one to enjoy watching dogs fuck in the streets but I can’t speak about the motives of others. All
of them, victims and victimizers, are gone now and I am enjoying my new status with absolutely no
Angleton went on about a coup attempt against Roosevelt in 1934. He had no part in it and I don’t
know whether or not to believe him. I shall have to bring this up to Hoover one of these days to see how
much he knows about it.
As it was told to me, the American businessmen and especially the banks were absolutely terrified
of Roosevelt’s total financial ineptness in his attempts to solve the problems of the economic collapse here
in the early 1930's. He was not an especially intelligent man but liked to pose as one. He hired a train full of
very left-wing people from the universities to give him ideas but these ideas were basically either purely
communist or dealt with the planned economy, neither of which worked then nor work now.
The financial situation was precarious and because Roosevelt was such an utter imbecile about
this, many people in power determined to remove him.
I was told that the prime movers behind this coup were the Morgan Bank, the chemical company
of DuPont, Bernard Baruch and the American Army which was represented by MacArthur. This general, of
whom Roosevelt was genuinely terrified, now is the de facto Emperor of Japan but R. managed to get him
out of the country and make him head of the so-called Army of the Philippines. He was given a large salary
and the title of Field Marshal but he had to stay out of this country.
The plot, as Angleton told it to me, was to have the Army arrest Roosevelt, put him in custody and
appoint a ruling council with MacArthur running it and the big bankers supporting him, but in private. I
think the General would have loved this but instead they picked another General to be the figurehead.
MacArthur was the Chief of Staff and a serving officer so they chose an old officer with a splendid military
record and not a great deal of sense.
This was not a well-kept secret in Washington, if one even breaks wind; news of this immediately
spreads all over the capital within minutes. There are no secrets here, believe me.
This was discovered by Hoover, I am told, and he rushed to Roosevelt with it and scared
yesterday’s dinner out of him. This was very clever because this coup probably would not have succeeded
anyway but it was a real plan and Hoover could prove it. The old general admitted that he had been
approached but actually wished no part of it. He said he had not reported it because he really didn’t believe
it but also wanted to gather more information.(And the gullible sheep eat up the liberal media line propaganda on this incident along with Smedly just as expected DC)
This sort of deception I ran into in Germany after July 20. Fromm, for instance, had no real part in
the plot but knew about it and hoped it would succeed. Hitler had him shot but only after Fromm had shot
Stauffenberg. That I objected to because I would much rather have had S. alive and singing loudly in my
The result of this plot was nothing. MacArthur was bribed to leave the country and R. later had
him paid a huge sum of money through the Philippine government not to defend that country when the
Japanese invaded. A. said that MacArthur refused to order his heavy bombers to attack the Japanese after
their attack on America in 1941 and kept these planes on the ground where the Japanese promptly
obliterated them. I think MacArthur got his million dollars after this and Roosevelt specifically had him
and his staff evacuated by boat. No one else.
A. says R. was terrified of the general. I said that we shot such persons with very little difficulty.
R. was quite a coward. A man who lied to everyone, pretended to be everyone’s dear friend and
then betrayed all like a Borgia. R. would have made a superb Byzantine Emperor.
The plotters were never punished but this attempt had the disastrous effect of driving Roosevelt
straight into the protective arms of the communists whom he saw as men who could protect him against
any further such plots.
The plot Muller speaks of actually existed but accurate descriptions of it do not. Several writers,
among them Charles Higham 1 have been terribly outraged that American business actually had financial
dealings with the Germans. Higham says that the figurehead General, Smedly Butler, a winner of the
Medal of Honor and former Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, had indeed been approached but was
horrified and told Roosevelt at once. Higham also claims that the U.S. banking and major industrial
interests financed a huge neo-Nazi movement in the United States, which was designed to nullify the truly
wondrous programs of Mr. Roosevelt.[well Higham reads as a Communist to me,anyone who tries to absolve FDR of his crimes against this country, convicts himself by association DC]
The President indeed had absolutely no idea of even basic economics and his cure for the
Depression was to acquire enormous sums of money from a frightened Congress and buy legions of
unemployed voters with it. Roosevelt detested businessmen and spent much of his reign attacking them with
a series of restrictive decrees coupled with occasional threats of total governmental regulatory control.
The Fromm mentioned was Colonel General Friedrich Fromm, head of the German Reserve
Army. Stauffenberg worked under him and while Fromm had no active part in the plot to murder Hitler, he
was doubtlessly aware of it and was reported to be in sympathy with its aims.
1 Higham, Charles, “Trading with the Enemy,” New York, 1983, pp. 162-165.
Friday, 18 March 1949
Early this morning two large brown trucks from the American Army came up to my house and a
number of soldiers in full uniform began to unload the contents. It had to be explained to them that all of
the cargo had to go into the back. We cannot have people tracking into the main hall after all.
What arrived was the second shipment of art from Antwerp that had come down here from New
York. It came as special cargo and passed through customs without being opened, which was most
convenient. I had everything taken up to the second floor and put into one of the big bedrooms there. The
cellar is too damp and in the summer, I believe the attic is too hot.
I put on my Lederhosen and an old shirt and spent a very happy day opening the crates and either
stacking the contents onto various tables I had the foresight to put into the room, or in a number of cases,
leaving the art where it was because it was going out again to be sold.
I ate my lunch right in the room and told the servants I was not to be disturbed unless the
President called personally! Not even a call from his lovely daughter could get through. (I have not yet met
her...a pity.)
Almost all of the pictures will be for resale but I have kept a few. The Botticelli study of a young
man from the Guttman collection is very obviously a worthless fake. At least it is obvious to me and was so
to Bode quite a time ago. These pretenders to culture are so easy to swindle. “Oh, I must have a Botticelli
to impress my friends,” and the dealers smile like sharks.
Old Duveen (British art dealer of questionable reputation, ed.) was the very worst of the lot. I
wouldn’t even touch a piece that had passed through his hands. He did so much “retouching” that the piece
is virtually ruined. He had no taste whatsoever but his clients had less.
Rich businessmen like Guttman liked to impress their equally ignorant friends with their good
taste. D. had Berenson working for him, which showed good sense. B. knows what he is about but is not
averse to “authenticating” a complete fake for the fee. I met him once during the war and was impressed
with his feel for the real pieces. I think B. was afraid I would shove him into a camp but things do not work
that way with me.
So what we have here are many pictures of the period before the beginning of the 1914 war and
continuing up until the 1930's.
There is a really awful Matisse of a woman wearing red trousers and lying bare breasted on a
couch. Face like a Lenten mask. That one was in the Bernheim collection and next week it will be hanging
in the home of an Assistant Secretary of State who has been dribbling spit all over my carpets. He has no
idea who I really am and I entertained him with a story about how I escaped into Switzerland with the
nasty Gestapo chasing me!
I should buy one of those skullcaps to make these customers feel more at home!
Another atrocity, by Manet and from the same source as the mess above, showing a deformed
woman with a silly smirk on her proletarian face. Also bare to the waist.
Frankly, lumpy dugs do not excite me. She looks like a bitch dog with pups and stretched teats.
Maybe Maxl will wet the carpet looking at her but I certainly won’t.
A Vuillard that is worse than both of the above but ought to fetch a few dollars up at the New
York outlet.
I should trade the Fragonard drawings, in the series, and the Vuillard for the parcel gilt cup I took
a liking to. There are five different cartoons of the same scene in ink and I will keep the largest one for my
library. These came from Weill who has much better taste than Guttman although Göring told me that
some of the junk in this collection was so bad it had to be burned. Hitler did have the right idea after all
when it came to the absolutely rotten produce of the degenerative years.
A very nice small crate with some beautiful Greek gold ornaments, cups, plates and so on. From
Russia. I much delight in getting my hands on as much “acquired art” from Stalin’s sewer rats as I can. The
items are packed between manuscripts of Tchaikovski that are in good condition. I have put them into the
press and when they look a little better, I will have them sold to one of the directors of the National Gallery
here who delights in such things. A bit of deaccessioning on his part might actually take place.
A manuscript of Chekov, quite intact in the bottom of a smaller, second crate. Thank God the U.S.
Army people don’t bother to look in these crates because there was a M-32 (Mauser 7.63mm Model 1932
selective fire pistol, ed.) machine pistol and stock and six boxes of ammunition wrapped up in a tapestry in
another crate. I still have my Walther that Himmler gave me but the bigger Mauser will be nice to keep
around the bedroom in case of burglars. If they get past the Army guards and the alarms, I will put three or
four into their bellies and chuck them down into the garden so they won’t bleed to death on my nice
parquet floors. These took three weeks to refinish and I don’t want to use the back stairs again.
Some of the old frames, while spectacular in execution, have suffered some minor damage. David
tells me he knows of a restorer who works for the Metropolitan in New York who can make them “as good
as new.”
I prefer the old frames after all.
One of the gold Greek necklaces is quite an understated beauty and I will give it to Irmgard for
her favors. She has no idea what I have up here but we can’t have her going to the films wearing a diamond
Also, most delighted to get some lovely enamels that once came from the Rothschild's. So many of
the really nice pieces in my collection, including my chess set, came from both branches. I would have to
say that the Rothschilds had excellent taste in wine. I have three crates of their wine in the cellar and I have
nothing but good thoughts about them when I drink it.
I didn’t finish up until it began to get dark and I stopped work as soon as the light really faded. I
like to appraise pieces in natural light and the rest can wait until morning. Besides, my back is stiff, my
knee sore and my fingers full of splinters. I will give Irmgard the privilege of pulling out all the splinters
before giving her the necklace.
Saturday, 19 March 1949
Up with the sun, quick breakfast, looking through the various papers that have come in and then
back to work upstairs. Forrestal went out as Secretary of Defense and one Louis Johnson will take his
place. Forrestal reminds me of Hess. He has that harried, distracted look about him and Truman was
becoming very displeased with F’s inability to deal with serious matters. Johnson will be no problem to me
and I will have to pay my compliments soon.
I have put all the pieces I want to keep in the second bedroom at the back and readied the others
for shipment to various outlets. We can let them out a few at a time.
I have had a call made to get some of the frames touched up and there will be someone calling for
these, one at a time of course so as not to excite the restorer in New York.
He is told that these are new acquisitions for the National Gallery instead of my property. I have
to pay him but there is no objection on my part considering the value of my new acquisitions.
There is an excellent set of dinnerware from Sèvres made for Napoleon. Certainly enough for a
full coffee and tea service but only to be used for a very few people or most probably put into one of the
cases in the dining room.
I have taken out three pictures, small ones so as not to be ostentatious, which I wish to present to
the President, my immediate superior, and my religious friend at Georgetown.
I have no use for the Bellini after all so he can have that as a token of my esteem. I will replace it
with two Tiepolo cartoons and a study for a ceiling, all of a religious nature.
That way I can cement my relationships and still show a religious facade for the right visitors
It has been suggested by people at the museum that I wax my suits of armor because Washington
becomes very damp in the summer.
Money to the family via the Swiss bank. All well there as I am told.
Although Muller had never had any academic instruction in fine art, he developed a strong
personal interest in it, and as he did in so many other fields, began to study the area with great diligence.
He was aided in this by the fact that he worked very closely with various U.S. and Swiss sources in selling
and exchanging works of art that had been looted by the Germans during the course of the war. While the
majority of the well known works of stolen art had been located and eventually returned after the war, the
lesser known pieces or works which had not been stored in extensive facilities overrun by Allied troops
were easily accessible to the right individuals after the war.
Muller's career in this area shows that fortunes could and would be made dealing in looted art.
His catalogs show thousands of examples of paintings, tapestries, bronzes, enamels, silver and gold work,
historical artifacts, rare coins, jewelry, manuscripts, carpets, furniture and a host of other objects which
passed through his hands during his lifetime. If Heinrich Muller had kept everything he dealt in since the
end of the war, his art collection would dwarf in quantity any other private art collection in existence and
would rival that of many smaller museums. The Bode mentioned in the March 18th entry was Dr. Wilhelm
von Bode, who had been director of the prestigious Kaiser Friedrich Museum of Berlin and an expert on
Muller kept in touch with his family as his own files and recently uncovered German law
enforcement records show. His survival and his contact with his family was certainly well-enough known
to prompt the Israeli Mossad to break into Muller's wife’s Munich home in 1968 for the purpose of
searching for incriminating correspondence and to plant telephone taps in order to locate the former Chief
of the Gestapo. They were unsuccessful and those whose collections were looted have been equally
unsuccessful in determining the fate of most of their former holdings.
In both cases, the major barrier has, and is, institutional protectiveness and that is a process that
is nearly impossible to undo or circumvent. Müller and his associates were a tremendous intelligence asset
to the United States, who, once they had engaged their services, must of necessity protect their sources. Art
dealers, collectors and museums who have acquired very expensive art objects with muddied pasts have a
tremendous financial interest in thwarting any attempt at recovery, no matter how tenuous, or legitimate
these attempts might be.
The word “cartoon” as used in this account means a preliminary sketch by an artist for a larger,
finished painting.
Tuesday, 22 March 1949
The President would like to make major structural repairs to the White House, which, as I have
seen, is not in good condition. When Truman said that the former occupants had left it in a mess and lived
like “trash,” he was quite correct. It has been put discreetly to me that perhaps I might wish to contribute to
this project. I have no objections.
I gave an excellent original painting to Truman last week through the usual channels and have a
very nice note from him. I am told he had it appraised and knows just what it is worth. I have a connection
now in Philadelphia with access to what is called the Federal School of American Art and in return for a
Giorgone and some ink drawings of various Italians, will agree to give me a quantity of mirrors, carpets,
silver and the like.
These I can donate to Truman’s project with a clean conscience because the Giorgone is a fake,
but a very good one, and the people at the National Gallery will back me on its authenticity, especially after
one of them got the Russian musical scores. This is the way things are accomplished, after all.
I have looked at statements by a man named Philbrick who was underground with the communists
for over ten years. He will be testifying at the beginning of next month.
I must say that Lenin and Stalin had one major goal in mind and that was to get control of
developed, industrialized nations. Russians are absolutely not an industrialized country. Having been
servitors for so many generations, they have no initiative and very little actual skill. Hence the desire, in the
1920's, to grab up Germany with her very highly developed technical skills. Of course communism was
very active here long before that.
The flight of Jewish radicals from the Czar’s police starting in the late 80's of the last century filled
this country, and Germany, with violent dissidents. Once communism came to power, these dissidents
immediately got connected with Moscow and then their work was aimed at control both here and in
It was only through my efforts after 1935 that we broke the back of the Soviet rings in Germany,
smashed their apparatus and identified their sympathizers. I would say it was only by 1938 that we really
had these mongrels stuffed into cages and the good work still went on throughout the war.
In America, the communists had two factors that permitted their very rapid growth. One was the
great economic collapse of the early 30's and the other was the election of Roosevelt to power in 1932.
Economic disasters always breed dictatorships as witness Italy, Germany, Russia and now, the United
Roosevelt was a very vain, shallow and weak man. He was a mother’s darling who demanded
much and got much. His crippling disease made him very dependent on others so he began to expand on a
duplicitous nature he had learned early in order to curry favor with and obtain benefits from his imperious
When in power, he had no idea of how to get out of the problems and sought the aid of
communists with their usual lunatic economic and social theories. Was Roosevelt a communist? No, he
was far too stupid, but he loved power and adulation so much that he saw in them a vehicle for
continuation of his power and adulation.
He openly encouraged and aided them in their attempts to secure a firm foothold in this country.
He appointed them to every office, high and low, and supported any aim they wanted. Roosevelt
immediately (diplomatically, ed.) recognized Soviet Russia and did all he could to aid them.[So in other words he was a useful idiot DC]
When he was told, as Hoover told me he often was, that this or that U.S. official reported to
Moscow, he not only refused to take any action whatsoever to at least remove that official, but also found
ways to warn them. Harry White was an excellent example of this.
This Lattimore asshole is typical. He was in sympathy with the Soviets, was an expert on China
which had a dangerous communist movement and was close to Roosevelt and his people like Service and
Currie. We know the last two (and, of course, Hopkins as well) were paid Soviet agents but Lattimore falls
into a different category. White was a paid spy but Lattimore was a man who guided, advised and assisted
without making any direct contact with real spies.
The Soviets have many people like that and we are now going over all of my intercepts from
Canada to see how many of these vermin we can locate. It is the President’s desire to remove them from
sensitive positions so that they can no longer aid Moscow. However, many of them are old-line New Deal
(or communist front movement) people and very popular or well known, and since the Roosevelt legend is
still in force, they cannot be directly attacked.
I have my doubt about McCarthy because he is quite undependable, emotional, boastful and
inclined to drink to excess. He is also bold, assertive and could well be very effective if directed properly.
I have said before that if the American people ever realize that their country came within a
heartbeat of falling into the communist camp, there would be very violent reactions.
I refer here, naturally, to Wallace. R. knew he was a dying man...absolutely knew that his days
were strictly limited. His doctors told him that almost daily. R. wanted Wallace to succeed him, knowing
very well that Wallace was, and is, a willing and even eager tool of Stalin and his party. Hoover told him,
as did many others.
It took an internal revolt in 1944 from inside his own party to force him to accept Truman. T.
knows this and is very bitter about it but puts on a good face because he is now the President and I must
say, the best antidote to the Roosevelt sickness one could find. T. has many excellent characteristics
including stubbornness, courage and a surprising amount of integrity for a professional politician. I must
confess I actually like and respect him. One can talk very directly with him as I have found out.
R. was treacherous, duplicitous and without any kind of a rational or firm policy but T. knows just
what he wants and tries to get it. He does not trust any of the people I know...the CIA or the Army...and
detests Hoover as a sneak and timeserver all of which shows T’s character. R. loved such people and used
them for his own ends while T. will not. T. said “He who touches pitch shall be defiled,” and of course he
is right.
Unfortunately, I have pitch up to my elbows.
Sunday, 3 April 1949
A scandal about Forrestal. It has been decided “at the highest level” that F. has become
dangerously mad and must be removed from Washington. He goes to Florida with guards and doctors. He
believes that the Russians are after him. Why? No answer yet. But out of sight. A keeper of secrets but
which ones? T. is supposed to be “highly concerned” about Forrestal’s breakdown. The rumor is that F.
might say something he should not.
Received a bank draft for $6,500 for one of the paintings in the last shipment and we can cash that
and put the money in the safe along with other things.
A response from Pasing. Everything is as expected.
Müller’s family lived in Pasing, a suburb of Munich. The breakdown of Forrestal was to have a
bizarre and very tragic ending in the next month.
Wednesday, 6 April 1949
The Philbrick evidence is being introduced today. He will testify that the communists here were
ordered to prepare for violent actions after it was obvious that the U.S. was planning to confront Stalin in
Europe. The diversification of the party membership is also to be highlighted. Just as it was in Germany.
Important men were never allowed to express sympathy for communist causes and could never be
members of the party.
That dubious privilege was reserved for the idiots alone. The aircraft industry was a target then
(about a year ago) and indicates Stalin’s interest in gaining technical information the Russians could never
develop and then prepare for sabotage in case a war breaks out.
Bundez, once a very active party member, is scheduled to reveal more negative information from
a prominent insider. Understand he has things to say about Lattimore, Service and several others.
Naturally, he will be discredited and verbally abused by the left wing here. Their usual tactics are to vilify
anyone who could make trouble for them.
They like to strike first and start rumors, lies and general slanders about their victims. They
generally don’t kill them like Krivitski but then one never knows.
In the event that assassinations occur, I have strongly suggested that two can play at that game and
a great death dance can proceed behind the curtains that keep the public from knowing anything more than
it needs to. They don’t have the complete press control we did but there are severe restraints anyway. A
docile, obedient and cooperative press is useful but only to the party in power.[Interesting given the direction of the media since November of 2016 DC]
Hearst has been mentioned as a valuable resource for getting public acceptance for our attacks on
the communists here as well as McCormick who publishes the paper in Chicago which revealed
Roosevelt’s secret war plans in 1941.
Herbert Philbrick, born in 1916, resided in Massachusetts and had been a member of the
American Communist Party since 1944 and involved with various left wing causes since he was 24.
Philbrick had volunteered his services to the FBI and supplied them with valuable information. A number
of those whom he accused immediately denied everything. Louis Budenz later gave information about
Owen Lattimore who also immediately denied any communist connections. Walter Krivitsky was a Soviet
GRU operator who defected in 1937. Soviet agents murdered him in a hotel room on February 10, 1941 as
a punishment for his defection. The murder was never solved because there was official reluctance to press
the matter.
Friday, 8 April 1949
Today I weeded out all my pieces that I plan to sell off. I have nearly forty items acquired by
various people after the Degenerate Art business. What did not go to Lucerne in 1939 stayed safely in
Germany. Göring kept more than his share but what with Hitler’s views, no one dared to display any of the
artists involved so they were relatively easy to pick up. Three Braques, eight Noldes, a Barlach, two very
early Picassos, a Gauguin, eight Chagalls, three Dixs, eighteen Klees, a Van Gough and a collection of
over a hundred Klees which he had prepared as a statement against the NS people and had hidden with a
friend before fleeing to Switzerland and so on.
I personally dislike all of these pieces and the Van Gough is obviously the product of a very
disordered mind. Still, this sort of crude daubing is very popular here in the United States and my
connection in New York is absolutely delighted to get his hands on the collection.
I shall get perhaps $10,000 from him plus several very nice watercolors by Turner and an
excellent Richter work that has sentimental value for me. It is a view of the Watzmann which I have
climbed several times and which could be seen from the terrace of the Berghof. Looted by a GI I believe.
The cash is always helpful here and I will have now retired my debt of $25,000 with his firm.
Everyone worries and complains about their income taxes but this is a worry I do not have. All of
my payments now are in cash and I keep everything in my safe in the bedroom. No bank accounts or
cancelled checks for me.
I told a joke yesterday to someone that I ought to write down. What does one call an abortion in
Prag? A cancelled Czech of course! Americans have no sense of humor and their military have less. While
Americans are worrying about how much to pay the government, I sleep well at night secure in the fact that
the government here gets not one pfennig from me.
Tuesday, 12 April 1949
Objections in the Congress about the DP (Displaced Persons, ed.) laws here. More immigration is
wanted. I have warned that many Soviet agents can creep into the country unless a very careful series of
controls are put in place and implemented. Americans are very softhearted and have no idea at all what
dangers they face from infiltrating agents.
Thursday, 14 April 1949
More witnesses to appear in the New York trials. Three, perhaps four former communists will tell
their tales to the Grand Jury there.
Considerable very high-level concern about Forrestal who is now in the lunatic ward of the Naval
hospital in Maryland. He apparently has gone quite mad and is raving about all kinds of matters that those
in charge here wish he would not talk about. Even assuming that most of what he says is delusional, if any
of it were actually true, and F. was in a position to know certain matters, it would not do for it to become
Washington is not a city to keep its secrets after all.
Tuesday, 19 April 1949
Tomorrow will be the Chief’s (Hitler’s, ed.) birthday. He would have been sixty. Well, that was a
time for all of us and if it were not for him, I would still be a policeman in Munich living at home with
little privacy and less money. We will celebrate the day here, of course.
My entire staff will participate and one of my new friends from the Pentagon, who knows who I
am, wants to come as well because he says he is a “true supporter” of the Chief and also says, often and
very heatedly, that, “Hitler was right after all.”
Americans have no idea at all about German history; most of them don’t even know about their
own history. I am constantly amazed by the staff officers who praise Hitler to me. Amazing indeed! Of
course only a few at the very top know who I am but I do have an accent, although they are all told it is
Swiss, and they assume an accent means I am a secret Nazi.
I never was a practicing Nazi but we cannot discuss that either because a number of my superiors
are secret sympathizers and that would not impress them at all. I am now a true Party member and fighter
against communism!
It seems that the best way to get hired by the Americans these days is to have a terrible, black
record. Gehlen is filled with the very worst people. I must confess in good humor I was responsible for his
hiring most of them. G. is such a pompous ass and Willi (Krichbaum, ed.) does like to pull their legs. He
tells me the CIA people there are stupid as posts and God alone knows how many former RSHA people
they have given employment to. Well, we must all take care of our friends after all.
And the uproarious thing is that the Army is still looking for Hitler!
Wednesday, 20 April 1949
I am actually writing this about noon on 21 April because I was in no condition to write anything
last night. There was quite a party here, I can say in all truth. The dustbin out in the kitchen is full of bottles
and the whole house smells of alcohol and tobacco fumes. It is being aired out now.
Naturally, my American friend got really drunk and went around the table giving everyone the
Hitler salute before going to sleep on a couch in the hall. Thank God he didn’t spew on the carpet.
It went very well with three wines, two boxes of Cuban cigars, countless packets of good
American cigarettes, eight courses of excellent food and I later ended up playing all kinds of our old
patriotic songs on the piano in the music room while everyone sang at the top of their lungs.
It must have sounded like an early Party rally in the Hofbräuhaus!
In Germany today one would be arrested by the Americans for such a display, but here their
senior officers join in the singing.
Friday, 22 April 1949
I am running out of time to work on this but I need to keep it up because there is far too much
coming in to remember all of it, even though my memory is certainly adequate.
Encountered (Louis A., ed.) Johnson (Secretary of Defense, ed.) while I was at the Pentagon and
we had a very long talk about the problem with Israel and the Arabs.
J. started out by telling me that the President wanted to have a “little talk” with me about this new
situation and he then gave me a file on the matter that I took a short time to look over. I find my English is
improving day by day.
The business here is that the Israeli authorities have a plan to invade both Syria and Saudi Arabia
as soon as they can build up enough strength. Their idea is to neutralize their northern neighbor whom they
see as a staging ground for Arab commandos or as a base for Arabs whom they chased out of Jerusalem
and the rest of the country before, and after, they became a state.
It is really shocking, even to me, to see how they behaved towards the Arabs who were mostly
stupid peasants with no military significance at all.
If they gain control of an oil-producing area, they can then begin to dictate towards both the
United States, whom they view as a source of money and support, and England, whom they hate because
of the Mandate business.
J. told me that the President will not permit any such adventures on their part and has asked for
contingency plans for military action to be drawn up in the Pentagon. These plans foresee an immediate
U.S. military intervention to prevent either invasion, or incursion.
Truman had been one of the early supporters of the new Jewish state, partly because his former
business partner, a Jacobson, was Jewish and was acting as an agent for the Zionists with the President.
T. later told J. that he had no idea about the strictly terroristic nature of the nationalists and had
later done everything he could to prevent the sale of arms to them from this country. J. said that if he had it
to do over once more, knowing what he does now, Truman would not have been actively supportive.
Positive statements, as opposed to active support, sound good to the masses but are not substantive.
I suggested that if these plans were drawn up (which they are now doing), this should not come to
the attention of the public. I pointed out that Bernadotte was murdered precisely because he attempted to
prevent the savage Zionist pogroms against the Arabs in Jerusalem and that if T. sent American military
units against Israel, he would risk the very probable threat of assassination.
The conversation, which lasted for over three hours with a nice lunch in the middle, then turned to
my work on the communist trials. I had sent a comprehensive list of all the known spies and traitors to the
White House (note: I am to keep strictly away from (Clark, ed.) Clifford, advisor to Truman, who is
suspected of being in the pay of Tel Aviv just as Hopkins was in the pay of Stalin) and Truman, according
to J. “was stunned” when he noticed that about 90% of these agents were Jewish.
I strongly suggested that this matter not be addressed in public because it would cause far more
trouble than it was worth.
I am certain that Wisner would make a good deal of this because of his rampant anti-Semitism but
the overall effect would have serious repercussions. I reminded J. of the troubles Germany had because of
their own Jewish persecutions and suggested that identified traitors and spies not be identified by their
religious affiliations.
Of course one can say that they are trade union leaders, film producers or university professors
(which most of the leading ones are) but the government must strictly stay away from public anti-Semitism.
That game is certainly not worth the candle.
A nice phrase I read in a book recently.
I hope not to be involved in such businesses again but if an invasion of Arabia does happen, then
T. will have little choice.
No one takes numbers into account. The Arabs outnumber the Jews by at least 20 to 1 and the
only ones to benefit from wars in that area would be Stalin and his vultures.
As Napoleon said, one must wash one’s dirty linen in strict privacy.
J. also told me that his predecessor (Forrestal, ed.) was becoming a “terrible burden” to the
President with his loud statements. Fortunately, F. is kept away from the public but then the asylum
attendants also have to be watched. I carefully mentioned the benefits of the politically convenient heart
attack but J. appeared to be genuinely shocked so I merely made a jest out of it and went on to other things.
I believe I can say that the Americans I have met in high military and intelligence positions are far
worse anti-Semites than anyone I ever encountered in the comparable German agencies.
Sunday, 24 April 1949
An interesting report from New York about the Soviets trying to instigate rebellion among the
Negroes. One (William O., ed.) Nowell gave some testimony about this. He claimed that Russia was
planning to make a Negro Republic from Virginia to New Orleans after they had made their revolution
here. This was from the 1930's but additional information, not included in the trial because of its sensitivity,
backs this up entirely and goes further in proving the communists were playing on the frustrations and
second-class status of Negroes up to the edge.
Most of these black people are not very intelligent and willing to listen to any such opium dreams
but the real truth is that this group could represent a very great danger for this country at some future point
if their numbers increase and they demand more than the whites are prepared to give.
One of the main thrusts of the testimony is Soviet determination to foment a revolution here
before the war...and of course now they have had their wings cut so they cannot.
I know from being involved that some of this provocative information has been “developed” by
the government lawyers but much of it is based entirely on true matters.
The (Judith, ed.) Coplon trial is to begin tomorrow right here in Washington. I might stop by the
courthouse at some point and have a look at the people involved. (Valentin, ed.) Gubitchev was allowed to
go free on cash security posted by their embassy.
He will probably escape, something the Americans hope for.
Everyone is accusing his neighbor or co-worker of being a communist during the reign of the
Divine Franklin. Unfortunately, these malicious attacks do much to conceal the real depth of the infiltration
but we all do so much behind the curtains. Several accidental deaths recently, all assisted. Better to do
things that way than to have long, involved trials. The public cannot follow all of this and a dead spy is
soon forgotten.
I have managed to convince my overlords that I am entirely caught up on my paperwork and
would like to take a small vacation for a week or so. Complaints that someone might recognize me on my
trip. Guards would have to be assigned, and so on. I point out that I have my own guards whom I trust and
whom I pay (of course with their money).
I do not need permission to travel, naturally, and I do not see that a brief absence from
Washington will cost me anything. My position is most secure now, especially since I have established a
very good connection with the President.
Truman does not trust either the generals or the CIA and I have been feeding this by seeing to it
that he gets a report or two from me every so often.
One must be both very discreet and very accurate. T. keeps his mouth shut because at his level, he
is almost as much a stranger as I am. He was, after all, never an insider with the Roosevelt gang and was
treated with contempt by them. I, on the other hand, know exactly how to treat the President and he
responds as if on a cue. He would be entirely predictable in a chess game, believe me.
Sunday, 1 May 1949
Now this will have to go into the safe for two weeks as I am taking a vacation from this town for
that long. By sleeper train to Chicago and a change of trains for Colorado where I at least hope to get some
time in the mountains.
It is a little late in the year but perhaps I can find some skiing area I can use. I wish myself a
pleasant vacation. In the earlier days, when I was poor, I had to sit up at night in the train and it is hard to
sleep sitting up. Now, I have a private room and bath and intend to enjoy myself doing nothing.
Two boxes of Upmanns and two bottles of Cognac plus a dozen books should keep the journey
light. Besides, I have never seen this country except for a few trips to New York and I look forward to that.
I will perhaps get to see a cowboy or two along the way.
Tuesday, 17 May 1948
Back at work again after a really wonderful rest. No newspapers, no radio and nothing to do but to
observe this enormous country. And of course the mountains.
The service on the trains is excellent, as good as Mitropa, and the rooms were good. I took two
staff members along but they were of no problem and enjoyed the trip as much as I did.
The country is immense and sparsely populated in many places with a number of small towns
interspersed between large cities. A wait in Chicago that is neither as large nor impressive as New York.
My train west stopped in Denver and then I got off and there was time to stay at the Brown Hotel there
before taking a car up over the mountains which rise up like a great wall to the west of town. I could have
gotten off along the way but I was interested in seeing Denver and to stretch my legs a bit.
Colorado is beautiful but compared with Germany and Switzerland, almost raw and unfinished in
places. We can expect that from a new country.
Maxl was overjoyed to see me again. Horst tells me he whined and made a terrible fuss when I
was gone. I find this very flattering. On the other hand, Irmgard wondered what sort of a gift I brought her
(none) and made noises about a new spring wardrobe. She takes good dictation so I am not eager to lose
her services just yet.
Much paperwork has piled up in my absence and a number of calls which I will take care of
While I was gone, the blockade of Berlin ended...finally. The Germans can thank God that
Truman was President and not Roosevelt. He would have given the city to his dear friend Josef just like he
and that fat pervert Churchill gave away Poland.
It was costly and there was a loss of life, especially among the pilots, but Stalin lost and now the
de facto war is on in earnest.
Now we will have to tolerate that stupid Adenauer who is nothing but an American puppet and
watch his trained rats pretend to be a sovereign state. Better that, I suppose, than a Germany occupied by
Now it will be back into the fight again and I am told that summer here is intolerable. Well,
perhaps I can go back to Colorado again sometime soon.
A vacation is good once in a while.
Sunday, 22 May 1949
Went to Mass early before breakfast and when I got back, much of great interest greeted me.
It seems that Forrestal got involved in some kind of a gravity experiment and like the high-flying
Duggan, went out of the window on the 16th floor of the Navy hospital (Bethesda, ed.) early this morning.
Landed on the roof below with a rope around his neck! Such a lack of finesse after all!
Well, I have had two visitors today who tell different stories about the descent but it is generally
agreed that like Duggan and (Jan, ed.) Masaryk (Czech politician, ed.) who suffered the second
Defenstration of Prague only last year (the Russians threw him out his window and a source told me he shit
all over them before he went), Forrestal was undoubtedly assisted in his downward journey.

One wonders who did this? Possibly Pash or some asshole like him. I know that Truman was very
upset about F. and his threats to expose certain matters but from what I have come to know about T., I
doubt strongly that he had anything to do with it. Unless someone confesses, I doubt if we will ever know.
Of course Truman might have done what Henry II did and ask who would rid him of this cursed
priest but I have heard nothing like that. Only that the President was deeply concerned about the business.
I have no idea at all why they don’t adopt the heart attack method that I perfected years ago. No
trace and no brains or inner organs splattered all over the street. There ought to be some delicacy about
murdering prominent people.
If another one, Wallace for example, does the same thing, people will begin to ask ugly questions.
I suppose they will put F. back together again and have a grand state funeral for him. We did that
so well that perhaps I can make a suggestion or two.
It is not that people want to talk about this ugly business. On the contrary, they most especially do
not want to talk about it. A man from the CIA who came by, made the most contorted efforts to avoid the
issue. I finally brought it up and he at once began to try to change the subject.
Those people on E Street (the early CIA headquarters, ed.) are capable of any kind of filthy
business and someone from there might well have done the deed. Hoover is too proper to get into such
business. He would listen to telephone conversations and arrest someone for having a red kerchief in their
clothes press but murder is not his forte.
It would be marvelous if (Clark, ed.) Clifford were the guilty party. That man is such a boring,
self-inflated ass as to make me want to throw up on his lap. Truman likes him but no one else does. I do
not trust people like that and it wouldn’t surprise me if he kept a bitch dog in his cellar for sexual reasons
or stole money out of the offering plate at church on Sunday.
A row with Irmgard about her clothes allowance. She gets more money from me than I lived on
for a whole year when I was her age. One has to be sharp once in a while or they will wear your testicles
for ear decorations. I met this Colonel last month who is so controlled by his wife that he won’t defecate
unless she tells him where and when.
To me, allowing any kind of a woman to dominate you is without redemption. Sophie (Müller’s
wife, ed.) was not easy to live with but I made do. My God, I recall when I brought her to Berlin. I had
been living there by myself quite comfortably when Himmler started gobbling that the Fuhrer liked to see
family men around him. Think of Goebbels and his endless array of opportunistic tarts. So I had to bring
the lot up from Munich. S. of course, had no idea about how to conduct herself in the rarefied atmosphere
of the upper circles of the SS and I had to keep her at home.
Reinhard (Muller's son, ed.) became a pleasure to me after a time but the rest of them were a
nuisance. S. made such a fuss about leaving Berlin at the last. I got special seats on the train for her and
Elizabeth (Muller's daughter, ed.) and she kept coming back. We finally got her out but what a problem for
Poor Anni S. (Anni Schmidt was Müller’s favorite mistress, ed.) was far more upset about my
disappearing act than Sophie but then I cared far more about A. than Sophie. Women cannot be dispensed
with and it is almost impossible to live with most of them.
If I find another one, better than Irmgard, I will have to see what can be done. I., after all, is a
good secretary (if too demanding) and she knows a great deal. Well, there are always solutions. I. wanted
to type up these notes but I think not.
A check for $9,683 for the sale of some of the paintings. Always welcome, money is.
Tuesday, 24 May 1949
Germany is now a new state with old (Konrad, ed.) Adenauer in charge of the shop. Not much left
of the country now and last year was a disaster as far as partial famine was concerned. Thank God Truman
did something about that. He does not hate Germans the way Eisenhower does but then Truman is not
Jewish. If it weren’t for Truman, Eisenhower would have let all our prisoners of war starve to death and as
it is, nearly a hundred thousand were either murdered in cold blood or allowed to starve.
Eisenhower did exactly what he accused us of. Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
The bringing of democratic culture to the benighted Germans certainly cost America a great deal.
There were over three hundred American Negro soldiers hung for murder and rape, a figure no one wants
to talk about. At least the Americans took time out from their looting to revert to type. I wonder if the
execution party wore white sheets?
By the way, Truman dislikes Eisenhower very much and as Truman has this attitude, I gave him a
photocopy of my file on E., suitably embellished and translated for his reading. I am told he was very
I have nothing at all on Truman which would cover more than three pages and none of that bad. I
heard a very decent story about T. In 1945, when he was Vice President, his old patron, Mr. Pendergast,
died. P. was a typical American political “boss” who had offended the wrong people and was put in prison.
The man died alone and in poverty and the only one who went to his funeral was T. Much criticism at the
time but that does show the man’s character. I doubt if I will mention it to him the next time I see him.
Character is the most important thing, after all.
Forrestal will be buried at the Arlington cemetery tomorrow and I have been asked to attend as a
mourner. I detest public shows but my general friends would like me along to meet others. The Swiss clock
maker triumphant at last!
Up early in the morning, take Maxl for his walk and then into fancy clothes for the services. Car
will be by for me no later than nine.
Wednesday, 25 May 1949
A great and solemn ceremony at Arlington, the Invaliden Cemetery of the Americans. (The
Invaliden Cemetery in Berlin was where all the notable German military figures were buried. ed.)
There were two loges, a green marquee, all manner of important people including former
President Hoover, Truman, his Vice President (Alben Barkley, ed.) and a number of Generals including
Bradley, the Army Chief of Staff and Vandenberg, the Air Force Chief of Staff.
I sat in the box with the military because of my honorary rank and had the interesting experience
of watching the President and his cabinet during the entire service.
A full artillery salute about an hour later and at about fifteen minutes to noon it was all over.
Forrestal’s grave had a simple temporary marker identifying him not as the Secretary of Defense but only
as a naval lieutenant.
The cemetery is quite beautiful in the spring and I ought to take the time to come back and look at
the mansion which once belonged to General Lee, the Southern leader and, from my readings at least, one
of the very best men the history of this country has yet produced. Given the American lust for vengeance, I
am surprised that he wasn’t hanged after their Civil War.
Truman, it is said, is very upset about F’s death and has been telling everyone that he had no
choice but to dismiss him because he was becoming dangerously insane. No one blames T. but the rumors
about F’s purported suicide being murder are very strong and can be heard everywhere.
Thursday, 2 June 1949
(Whittaker, ed.) Chambers will be testifying today. The left wing hates him because they view
him as an apostate and a man who has exposed one of Stalin’s top agents in this country. I have personally
read over the evidence against Hiss and I have no doubt at all that the man was a spy. I have much material
in my own files concerning Soviet spies in America and both Hiss and his brother are mentioned...and all
this from strictly Soviet sources.
C. made a direct contact between H. and Bykov, one of their top controllers in this country. This
in 1937. Hiss reported directly to B. and was, as I understand it, given a top Soviet award by Stalin but of
course, in secret. We cannot prove this but I believe it to be quite true. (See Charles Higham, Trading with
the Enemy, New York, 1983, pps 162-165.)
Monday, 6 June 1949
The judge in the New York trial (Harold Medina, ed.) has had to put several of the communists on
trial in prison because they refused to cooperate with the court. They are to go to prison for thirty days.
They go to court in the day and at night, back to the jail. Of course we now have to hear from Wallace who
is outraged at such bad treatment of his fellow communists.
Some discussion in circles here about Ickes, former Interior Minister (Secretary, ed.) under
Roosevelt. Information has come out in the Coplon trial that one Gruber, Ickes’ secretary, was in direct
contact with someone named Gerenin at the Soviet Embassy here. Probably Gerchekov who was with the
GRU. Loud denials from Ickes as well as Gruber. Why send your secretary to the Embassy when you can
go yourself? Everyone knows how close Ickes was with their Ambassador.
A very strange man, Ickes. A mean-spirited and thoroughly vicious man with a very odd family
background. His son died under what they call “peculiar circumstances” and his first wife was killed in a
car crash. He married a woman much younger. While he was vindictive to everyone else, he had his head
stuck well up Roosevelt’s ass throughout the reign. When he wasn’t licking around Roosevelt, he was
doing the same to the Soviet Ambassador.
What is it, I wonder, that makes Americans with a good social background and in possession of
some money, so eager to sell their flabby bodies to Stalin? Money? Dissatisfaction with their government?
A lunatic urge to be important? Younger women? Was Ickes acting on Roosevelt’s orders or is he just
another Wallace? Hoover thinks the former.
Material taken from Coplon when she was arrested, lists of very secret FBI files into their
investigations concerning top communists. The prosecution is of two minds about this. They, of course, do
not want secrets revealed but they also want as much as possible to emerge about the extent of communist
Many prominent names. Of course, most of these assholes were not members of the communist
party and can claim with great indignation that they were not communists. They are only liberal activists or
supporters of the New Deal, or lovers of Negroes or worshipers of the Roosevelt's, husband and....what
can I call her? A wife? Not a husband but certainly not a practicing woman.
You can say what you like about Hitler, and many do, but at least his lady friend wasn’t an old
dyke (the word Müller actually used was “Tunte” which translates into “fairy,” ed.). Imagine, R. let his
wife’s lover live in the White House and even sleep in her bed and not a sound from him. She, on the other
hand, threatened to leave him if he kept up an affair with her own secretary (whom she fired when she
found out). Such scandals and so unimportant but it is just such disgusting behavior that often can seriously
affect world history.
Also, some testimony about former Secretary of State (James, ed.) Byrnes who allegedly blocked
any FBI investigation into a Soviet spy. Standard denials from Byrnes.
The spy was Schevencko who is in my lists.
Saturday, 11 June 1949
Much coming into public view about communists. Ugly scene in Congress yesterday when
(Senator James O., Dem. Mississippi, ed.) East-land, whom I have met and who is a man of some strong
character, went after Wallace’s party secretary (Progressive Party, ed.) and they cursed at each other in a
public hearing.
Such mixed feelings here about all of this communist business which is accelerating in a most
satisfactory manner. Loyal Democrats wish not to smear the sainted image of Franklin R.; loyal
Republicans wish to do exactly that. Now we have some Democrats attacking the communists in public
and this is causing anguish in Hollywood, New York and, yes, right here in Washington.
More conversations with McCarthy and a friend about various matters. It is necessary to brief him
without appearing to do so. He can get anonymous reports, as he does, and I certainly can deny being the
source. Entertaining talking with M. He boasts constantly about his war record, which wasn’t much and
when he found out I had been a pilot in the (First World, ed.) war; he went on about his exploits in the
Pacific. His confidential file, which is locked up in the top drawer of my writing desk, indicates that M. is
not well acquainted with the truth and will say, or do, almost anything to get attention. Other Congressmen
are more stable, (Millard, Dem. Maryland, ed.) Tydings for example, but M. can be counted on to shout out
all kinds of ugly truths at the top of his voice. Such people are often very useful, but to others, not
I have seen the Hiss material many times and there is no doubt that he will be convicted. Usually
these agents are more careful. H. should have killed Chambers when he could. C. has told me that he was
terrified that Hiss or one of his sub-agents would have him murdered and I believe that C. had legitimate
fears. Now, H. lawyers are trying to make C. out to be a lunatic. They will not expose him as a
homosexual. Too many other prominent people in that room, such as (William C., ed.) Bullitt (close
Roosevelt friend and former Ambassador to Russia, ed.) and his terrible “friend” (Carmel, ed.) Offie,
(Sumner, ed.) Welles and about half the staff at the Department of State.
Carmel Offie, a civil servant, was born of Italian immigrants and was well known as a
homosexual in some State Department circles. He became acquainted with William Bullitt when the latter
was Ambassador to the Soviet Union and they developed what can discreetly be termed a very close
When Bullitt left the government, Offie stayed in the Department of State and joined the new CIA
in 1947, and in 1948, became deputy head of the Office of Policy Coordination and a confidant of Frank
Wisner, Sr.
Offie was involved with Operation Bloodstone, the transfer to the United States and the use by the
CIA of various former Nazi officials.
In 1953, Offie was arrested by D.C. police for “gross acts of immorality” in a public lavatory and
left the CIA.
Tuesday, 14 June 1949
A visit to the CIA offices on “E” Street. I walked a distance and took one of the streetcars and
then more walking. The streetcars do not have wires overhead which is visually acceptable. They have
some care about such things here. I am bothered with the hot weather because it is so damp and one’s
clothes tend to stick to the seats but that is the least of my worries.
I must say that Truman is entirely right about the CIA. He is afraid he created a monster one day
and the next, after they have stroked him with some pet project they know he likes, not so sure once more.
As a professional, I am not influenced by stroking but by actions and deeds.
Here we have a congregation of pseudo-intellectual elitists, mostly Protestant and almost all
graduates of either Harvard or Yale, all lawyers from the same firms and all as ignorant of the actualities of
global realpolitik as a Pasing schoolgirl. Dulles from Switzerland is hovering around with his pipe and
there is, of course, Wisner who runs around being very important
If these idiots do not like someone, they decide how to kill them, with what kind of poison or rifle
bullet or how to overthrow the government in some small, harmless country, which might be flirting with
the Russians. And Truman has absolutely no control over them whatsoever!
Hillenkoether is only a sham leader. He is a decent Navy man with combat experience who is
tricked and lied to by the club members on a daily basis. They lie to everyone including the Admiral and
the President and are embarked on a career of empire building that has no real goal other than to indulge
their spy fantasies and their monumental egos. I predict nothing but trouble from these people and I warned
Hoover that they would be moving into his house next if he wasn’t careful. I suggested that he spy on them
just as they are spying on him.
I don’t think one needs to tell Hoover how to protect his back but I made my point just the same.
We seem to get on after a fashion and we will see where it goes.
The CIA people are not happy with all the publicity we are giving to communist infiltrators. They
would rather turn them than expose them. They do not realize that our aim is to inform the American
people just how dangerous the infiltration had been and at what high levels.
If Wallace had been Vice President, there is no doubt that the red flag would be flying over the
“People’s Republic of North America” at this moment. A very close thing and in order to crush communist
activity, we must get the approval of the public. We can only get that if the people are actually aware of the
seriousness of the menace. And it still exists today.
The CIA is not so much counterintelligence more than policy-setting intelligence. They do not
seek to identify and destroy internal enemies, but in my view, are well on their way of becoming the same
I must spend more time at the Library of Congress as they have a truly incredible fund of books
and it helps to improve my English and my mind.
There is a small chess club in town and I will be taken there later this week as the guest of a
member. Everything is a club here, one has to know this or that prominent person to go anywhere or meet
anyone of importance. Still, while I loathe that kind of crap, I will put up with it.
Friday, 17 June 1949
The Coplon woman has all kinds of amusing tales to tell about her relationship with G.(ubitchev,
ed.). She claims that the FBI papers she had in her possession when she was arrested were “for a book” she
was writing and that she had only given her Soviet spy lover a box of cakes and a necktie!
I certainly know what he gave her and it wasn’t a box of cakes. More like a Minsk sausage. These
plain, desperate women (and I suppose men as well) are such tempting targets and the Soviets are so good
at their sexual games. Of course in some cases, it must be a terrible chore to make love to an ugly woman.
A few glasses of schnapps helps out a lot, I am told. It would take a barrel of schnapps to get me in the
mood for the Roosevelt woman, let me say right here.
The Ickes creature was also a witness, stating that the FBI were wrong and that the (Ruth, ed.)
Gruber woman “was never” his secretary. Of course she was not. She was a lover who posed as a
secretary. No one wants to talk about that. I am curious to know what a withered and vicious old man like
that can do with a younger woman? Perhaps she whips him while he is wearing women’s clothes. A British
diplomat here does that sort of thing, according to Hoover. Maybe Ickes should get together with him and
the smacks can be heard the next street over.
The government case against Hiss has finished. The judge will not dismiss the case and it is
wagered here that Hiss will end very badly. His usefulness has long gone but the Secretary of State (Dean
Acheson, ed.) simply worships H. and is furious that he is even suspected of being a spy. If I had anything
to do with it, A. would go down the laundry chute into the cellar of political oblivion.
Such a pompous ass! He wears English clothes, speaks with a very fake British accent and ought
to go and live in London and eat their vile food. One of my Pentagon friends just returned from London
and says the food there, even in the best restaurants, is filthy and not fit for human consumption. Are they
still rationing in England?
I will arrange for another shipment of good food, including hams, cheeses and so on, to Pasing.
(Muller's family lived in Pasing after the war and documents released by the U.S. government in 1998
show that it was strongly believed by both American and German intelligence agencies that Muller had
been in contact with and had also been of financial assistance to his family. ed.) They can eat well while
the British starve. And just think, the C.I.C (Counterintelligence Corps) will make the delivery right to the
A note from Willi (Krichbaum, Muller's former chief deputy in the Gestapo and later Gehlen’s
chief recruiter, ed.) about problems with Gehlen. Gehlen is a lightweight but certainly far better than the
idiot who controls him. A packet of reports from W. shows me that G. has no idea at all what he is up to.
Gehlen’s American overlord has gotten wind of the fact that I am living in Switzerland and ran shrieking to
his superiors. The evil Heini Muller is eating Swiss chocolate!
They’ll put a rocket up his ass and now we can find out who told him and we can send that one
off to visit Baby Jesus with a big piece missing from the top of his head. I suggested they send the overlord
off as well but am told he is “useful,” whatever that means. Pliant is more likely.
The British are landing agents in the Baltic areas and no doubt all of their block headed agents are
rounded up by the N.K.V.D before the sand has dried on their boots.
Perhaps someone should go to a local lunatic asylum and get out a few inmates. I am certain they
could do a far better job than the ones now in place.
More paintings, these from the Weill collection in Paris, have sold and a packet of money will be
delivered here on the weekend. Two of the pictures with damaged frames have been returned by my new
friend at the National Gallery. A really magnificent restoration job I must say. One cannot detect where the
original gesso left off and the new repairs began. I gave my friend a little scribble by Picasso that had him
moist with joy. Some people are so easily pleased after all!
to be
Saturday, 25 June 1949(S51)
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