New York City’s Zionist Insiders

In order to illuminate the full scope of this conspiracy and those who lie behind it, a cast of
criminal characters intimately connected to the 9/11 plot must be examined. Without the inside
help of several uniquely placed individuals in America to assist Israeli Intelligence in the
execution of these attacks, the operation could not have been successful. In the service of Israel
and Zionism, a closely-knit and hugely influential cabal of criminal Jews pooled their resources
together and combined their prodigious power to bring doom upon America.
The Mossad relies heavily on a vast network of Jewish spies in the diaspora known as the
“Sayanim” (Hebrew for “helpers, assistants”). This fact was first revealed by former Mossad
officer Victor Ostrovsky in his book By Way of Deception and was later confirmed by espionage
writer Gordon Thomas in his book entitled Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad. In
an interview on a BBC radio show,
Thomas divulged that there are up to
one million Jews around the globe
who volunteer to help the Mossad in
various ways. (“Million Jews aid Mossad says writer on Radio 4,” The Jewish Chronicle Online, Feb. 25, 2010.)In 1979, a former CIA
official told Newsweek that, “The
Mossad can go to any
distinguished American Jew and
ask for help.” This is precisely what
was done in the run-up to 9/11 —
several affluent American Jews were
called upon by the Mossad to help
orchestrate 9/11 for the benefit of the Jewish state and to fulfill the geopolitical aims of
International Zionism.
A cardinal component of the Israeli false-flag operation on 9/11 was the controlled demolition of
the WTC Twin Towers and WTC-7. The two planes that hit the towers merely served as
misdirection that was later used as the highly implausible excuse for their downfall. Blowing up
buildings is a very intricate art that requires professional demolition specialists and weeks of
preparation. To accomplish this task, explosive experts needed unrestricted access to the Twin
Towers and WTC-7 in order to set explosive charges in place to bring down the buildings. The
first step in the preparation for this operation was transferring ownership of the World Trade
Center complex from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) into private
hands. This was set in motion by a handful of well-connected Jewish billionaires, all of whom
have intimate connections to Israel and a long history of Zionist activism in the United States,
Israel and elsewhere.
The chairman of the Port Authority leading up to and on 9/11 was Lewis M. Eisenberg, a
Zionist Jew. Eisenberg is a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, he was previously
a partner of the Jewish bank Goldman, Sachs & Co., and he has also served on the board of
directors of two of the most powerful pro-Israel pressure groups in the U.S., the United Jewish
Appeal/Federation of New York and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). He
is an active fundraiser for Republican politicians who tow the Zionist line on American Middle
East policy as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and was a major
financial contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign in 2000. (Bob Feldman, “The Republican Jewish Coalition and the pro-Israel Lobby,” The Electronic Intifada, Feb. 21, 2005.) In his function as the Chairman of the Port Authority, Eisenberg oversaw the negotiations and
transfer of the World Trade Center to his fellow Zionist Jews Larry A. Silverstein and his
business partner Frank Lowy. Silverstein and Lowy were outbid by Vornado Reality Trust by
$30 million, but tribal networking with their Zionist collaborator Eisenberg ensured they got the
contract. (Andrew Rice, “Silverstein Recovers: Dark Horse May Win World Trade Center,” New York Observer, April 9, 2001.) On July 24, 2001, a mere six weeks before 9/11, Silverstein and
Lowy suspiciously obtained a 99-year lease on the entire WTC Complex, in addition to WTC-7
which was already owned by Larry’s company Silverstein Properties. Leasing the WTC was a
particularly bad investment. The Twin Towers were filled with asbestos, an illegal and toxic
substance which required a costly removal procedure that would have produced a bill that would
have rivaled the lease itself, yet oddly, Silverstein “felt a compelling urge to own them.” (“Asbestos in the WTC: Towers’ Destruction ‘Solved’ Asbestos Problem,” 911 Research WTC-7 Website)
The Jewish supremacist Larry Silverstein
is a dedicated Zionist whose rabid support
for Israel is not a secret. In his life, he has
been involved with numerous Jewish
supremacist organizations, Zionist
fundraising schemes and is a major
financial contributor to sham Jewish
causes. He served as chairman of the
board of the United Jewish Appeal and
remains on the Board of Directors, along
with his wife Klara. On its website, the
UJA boasts of having raised over $1 billion for the terrorist state of Israel over
the past sixty years. Larry has also donated more than $1 million to the anti-German
hate group known as the Museum of
Jewish Heritage, a “living memorial to the
holocaust,” and sits on its Board of Trustees. Silverstein has close ties with many of Israel’s
bloodthirsty leaders who sit at the head of the ruling Likud Party. He is personal friends with no
less than three former Israeli Prime Ministers: Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ariel
Sharon. He was so friendly with Netanyahu that he had regular telephone conversations with him
every Sunday afternoon. Sara Leibovich-Dar, writing for the Israeli paper Haaretz, made note of
these relationships in an editorial entitled “Up In Smoke” She wrote:
“Shortly after the events of September 11, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called
Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate magnate in New York, the owner of the
World Trade Center’s 110-story Twin Towers and a close friend, to ask how he was.
Since then they have spoken a few more times. Two former prime ministers –
Benjamin Netanyahu, who this week called Silverstein a “friend,” and Ehud Barak,
whom Silverstein in the past offered a job as his representative in Israel – also called
soon after the disaster. Yaakov Terner, the mayor of Be’er Sheva, sent a letter of
condolence. Many Israeli politicians are acquainted in one degree or another with
the 70-year-old Silverstein.”
Silverstein has even more conspicuous associations that solidify his guilt as 9/11′s “inside man”
for Israel. In 1992, he co-founded the Israel Export Development Company (IEDC) which
apparently sought to facilitate safer investment in Israel. (David Yerushalmi, “Resurrection,” The Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies) The IEDC is an offshoot of the Institute for
Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), a hawkish pro-Israel “think tank” with
branches in Israel and the U.S. which sought to promote wars against Israel’s regional enemies in
the Middle East. (R. Marshall, “Right-Wing Extremists Endanger Israel and the Jews,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Dec. 1999) This ties Silverstein to the Zionist
propaganda outfit that conceived the heinous policy document A Clean Break: A New Strategy
for Securing the Realm. This report was authored in 1996 as advice for Benjamin Netanyahu’s
incoming Likud administration by Jewish neocon “thinkers” Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David
Wurmser and Meyrav Wurmser. This group and the Jews associated with it would play a central
role in the instigation of the war in Iraq in 2003.
Silverstein’s active involvement in 9/11 is remarkably clear-cut and unambiguous. Although four
members of his staff were killed in the attacks, he himself was saved only because he cancelled a
routine business meeting at the last minute which was scheduled to take place first thing in the
morning at Windows On The World restaurant, located on the 106th floor of W.T.C 1. Lucky
Larry explained his absence from the W.T.C on 9/11 to the Wall Street Journal:
“His own life, he says, was spared “by a miracle, an absolute miracle.” On the
morning of 9/11 his wife insisted he make a dermatologist’s appointment and skip a
breakfast with tenants at the Windows on the World in the North Tower.” (“The Man Who Is Rebuilding Ground Zero,” Wall Street Journal, Sept. 11, 2010.)
There were other “miracles” in the Silverstein family that morning. Larry’s son Roger and
daughter Lisa, who were working for him in temporary offices on the 88th floor of the North
Tower, were also absent from the towers on 9/11, narrowly escaping certain death. Both of them
just happened to have been “running late” for work on that fateful day. (Tom McGeveran, “Mike Sees City Taking Control At Ground Zero,” The New York Observer, Mar. 17, 2003.) Either the
Silverstein family possess some supernatural talent to gaze into the future or they knew not to
show up to work on 9/11 for reasons of complicity. On a PBS program called “America
Rebuilds,” Larry Silverstein tacitly confessed to the demolition of WTC-7, the 47 story steel
skyscraper that was not hit by a plane, which collapsed into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds
(nearly free fall speed) at around 5:20 in the afternoon on 9/11. His exact statement in reference
to WTC-7 was:
“I remember getting a call from the…er…fire department commander, telling me
that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said,
‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And
they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.’” (“America Rebuilds,” PBS)
“Pull it” is demolition industry jargon for destroying a building. Larry’s lame excuse for his
Freudian slip was that he meant “pull the firefighters out of the building.” This is impossible
because there were no firefighters in W.T.C-7 to speak of. According to FDNY fire chief Frank
Fellini, all firefighters had been directed to steer clear of W.T.C-7 five or six hours before it came
down. (New York Times, 12/3/2001) On 9/11, the mysterious collapse of W.T.C-7 was
prematurely announced by the BBC on a live broadcast twenty minutes before it actually came
down, further revealing the thoroughly scripted nature of the day’s events! (“ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports W.T.C7 Fell Before It Happens!,” YouTube) Having taken out a
massive insurance policy on the W.T.C complex which covered “acts of terrorism” just six weeks
before 9/11, Larry Silverstein originally sought over $7 billion in an insurance payout as a result
of the destruction of his complex. He claimed that two planes crashing into two towers
constituted two separate terrorist events and therefore required a double pay out. (“Insurers Debate: One Accident or Two?” Bloomberg News) This greedy Jew’s attempt at subterfuge did
not exactly get the results he was looking for, but he did manage to squeeze $4.55 billion out of
his insurers with the help of Michael Mukasey, a Jewish-Zionist judge who presided over the
case and ruled in his favor. (Tom Topousis, “WTC Insure War Is Over,” New York Post, May 24, 2007 / Joseph Goldstein, “As Judge Leaves for Law Firm, His Legacy Is Remembered,” New York Sun, July 26, 2006.) Mukasey was later nominated as U.S. Attorney General by George W.
Silverstein’s business partner Frank Lowy is the co-founder of Westfield Group, which operates
over 100 shopping centers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and England. He leased
the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of
approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Lowy is a Hungarian Jew born in
Czechoslovakia. In 1946, he made his way to the British Mandate of Palestine wherein he joined
the Jewish terrorist group known as Haganah to slaughter Palestinians and steal their land. A
short time later he joined the Golani Brigade with whom he participated in the Nakba — the
forced expulsion of nearly a million Palestinian Arabs from their homes, dozens of murderous
massacres of Palestinians, and the decimation of hundreds of Palestinian villages, upon which
the state of Israel was illegally formed in 1948. After his stint in Palestine as a Jewish terrorist,
murderer and ethnic cleanser, Lowy moved to Sydney, Australia in 1952 whereupon he started
up his retail property company Westfield Group, which has made him a very rich man. (Herb Keinon, “Frank Lowy: From Hagana to $3.8 billion magnate,” The Jerusalem Post, May 29, 2006.)
In regard to 9/11, it is important to note some of Lowy’s extensive ties to Israel, his cozy
relations with Israeli politicians and his avid activism to further Zionism and Jewish domination
around the world. The blogger Crimes of Zion unearthed a plethora of revealing connections
between Frank Lowy and Israel’s ruling Zionist establishment in his article titled “Frank Lowy, Zionism and 9/11” For instance, in 2001 Lowy was the Associate International Chairman of the Israel Democracy Institute and in 2003 he set up an international policy think tank devoted to
foreign affairs called the Lowy Institute for International Policy. In 2006, he established the
Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy at Tel Aviv University where bigwig Israeli
politicians and businessmen gather to brainstorm sinister ways to undermine the gentiles. (“Frank Lowy launches Tel Aviv University institute,” Globes Israel’s Business Arena, 29 May 2006.)Described by the Sydney Morning Herald as “a self-made man with a strong interest in
the Holocaust and Israeli politics,” Lowy spends three months of the year at his home in the
Jewish crime enclave known as Israel. Lowy was very much involved in the dissemination of
Zionist propaganda through media venues such as a publication called the Australia/Israel
Review (AIR) where he served as vice president. This Jewish supremacist rag was the birth-child
of the Australia Israel Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), the Australian equivalent of its American
counterpart, AIPAC. A London Times article gave us this interesting piece of information,
further illustrating Lowy’s raving Zionist fanaticism:
“Lowy has donated about £200,000 to build a memorial museum in Israel for his
former brigade and has toured old battle sites with former comrades. His personal
wealth was recently estimated by Forbes magazine at £1.5 billion and he is well
known in Australia as a philanthropist supporting Jewish causes. Through the
Westfield Foundation he has given to the United Israel Appeal, an organization for
resettling Jewish immigrants in Israel. His family was last year preparing to invest
more than £30m in property and media interests in Israel.” (“Blair’s envoy in new row over pay,” The Sunday Times, April 14, 2002.)
Frank Lowy maintains close personal relationships with Israeli political kingpins Ehud Olmert,
Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak and Barak’s brother Avinoam Brog. Brog confirmed Lowy’s highly
influential standing in the Zionist state when he told the Sydney Morning Herald that Lowy’s
“influence is such that if he wanted to talk to any politician in Israel, then he could. And
they will listen.” (“The quiet benefactor: Lowy’s close ties with Israel,” The Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 29 2008.) In addition to being a former terrorist, Lowy is also a crook. In 2006, it
came to light that Lowy was implicated in a corruption scandal involving the then Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert. Israeli media reported that Olmert had a conflict of interest because he
advanced Frank Lowy’s interests in the privatization of a major Israeli bank, Bank Leumi. (“PM to face criminal investigation over Bank Leumi sale affair,” Haaretz, Jan. 16, 2007.) In the bid
for Bank Leumi, Lowy’s business partners were the Jewish plutocrats Mortimer Zuckerman,
who is the publisher and owner of New York Daily News, the chief editor of U.S. News &
World Report as well as the former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations; and Daniel Abraham, a prominent board member of AIPAC.
Another crooked character that played an imperative role in the planning and preparation for 9/11 was the Jewish billionaire Ronald Lauder. Having inherited his fortune as the heir to his parents’ cosmetics empire Estée Lauder Companies, Lauder is an active Jewish supremacist lobbyist and a rather chauvinistic Zionist-Israeli partisan. Lauder is actively involved in numerous Zionist pressure groups and Jewish spy agencies masquerading as “civic organizations,” including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Congress (of which he was elected president on 10 June, 2007), the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Brandeis University, and the Abraham Fund. He also established a school carrying his name called The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy for the Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya (Israel), a Mossad recruiting center and operative training ground. It is stated on the website of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya that the founding dean of Lauder’s Mossad school was none other than Ehud Sprinzak, the Israeli professor who told the UK’s Telegraph that 9/11 was the greatest PR stunt ever committed in favor of Israel and the Jews.
In regard to 9/11, it is important to mention two more organizations that Lauder headed: the New
York State Commission of Privatization and the New York State Research Council on
Privatization. Through these groups, Lauder introduced the concept of privatization to the Port
Authority. (“Green Acres,” New York Press, Feb. 8, 2005.) In this function, Lauder was the key
individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC, which fell right into the hands of his
Zionist brethren: Silverstein and Lowy. According to the journalist Michael Massing, on Israeli
issues Lauder “was a vocal Likudnik, with long-standing ties to Netanyahu,” and that during
Netanyahu’s 1989 run for top office in Israel “the Jewish press carried reports that he
[Lauder] had helped bankroll Netanyahu’s campaign for prime minister.” (“Deal Breakers,” The American Prospect Magazine, March 2002)
On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Ronald Lauder wrote an obscenely propagandistic “opinion” piece that was published on the website of the World Jewish Congress, in which he forcefully propagated the official fairy tale of 9/11, essentially arguing that it is the duty of all Westerners to defend Israel and fight the Muslims in the name of “freedom, democracy and human rights.” These three terms are Judeo-Masonic code words. Jewish supremacists and their paid lackeys constantly invoke this deceptive slogan as a pretext for Western military intervention anywhere in the world where the Jewish power elite are having trouble dealing with a certain group of rebellious non-Jews who are not acting like obedient, pacified slaves. What this slogan really means is that we must fight, not for “freedom, democracy and human rights,” but for “the divine right of the Jews to abuse, subjugate and enslave the non-Jews.”
The circumstances surrounding the private acquisition of the World Trade Center in July of 2001 bears the distinct mark of Zion. Is it just a coincidence that every single person involved in the privatization, transfer and subsequent private ownership of the W.T.C were corporate billionaire Jews with a laundry list of connections to powerful Jewish lobby groups, Zionist think tanks and the biggest shot-callers in the Israeli government, particularly the Likud Party? Is it just mere happenstance that two Jewish-Zionist bigwigs gained total control over the entire WTC complex just over a month before 9/11, and by doing so facilitated an event that proved to be a godsend for their elitist friends in Tel Aviv? In politics, there are no coincidences.
“was obviously crucial to the 9/11 operation. The explosive charges and Thermite that evidently demolished the three towers could not have been placed in the buildings without the perpetrators having complete control of security. Getting control of security at the WTC was something senior officers of Israeli military intelligence had actively sought since at least 1987. This was clearly part of the Israeli master plan for 9/11, a plan first openly articulated in 1979 by Isser Harel, the former head of Israeli intelligence…” (Solving 9/11, Ch. 7, “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11″)
Bollyn, in chapter 7 of his book titled “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11,” cogently outlined how the Jewish crime network accomplished this fundamental task. According to the stellar research of Bollyn, in 1987 Atwell Security of Tel Aviv, an Israeli security company staffed with high-ranking Shin Bet and Mossad agents, gained control of security at the World Trade Center through a contract with the Port Authority. The head of this company was an elite Israeli Intelligence veteran named Avraham Shalom Ben-Dor, the former chief of Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet. Another infamous Mossad agent, Peter Zvi Malkin, brokered the deal with the Jewish-run Port Authority, which placed New York City’s tunnels, bridges, ports, airports and the WTC under the control of Israeli Intelligence through Atwell Security. Both of these men were long-time associates of Mossad’s founder Isser Harel, the man who “predicted” 9/11 in 1979. Interestingly, Atwell Security was a subsidiary of the Eisenberg Group which was owned by the Israeli businessman and Mossad arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg.
This agreement was, however, strangely terminated shortly thereafter by Edward J. O’Sullivan, the Port Authority’s Director of Special Plans, due to the company’s obvious affiliation with the Israeli secret services. This is when the Jewish crime network decided to use more discreet means to establish control of the WTC’s security, namely through an American partner so as to disguise the overt “Mossad” character of the company and its machinations. Kroll Inc., also known as Kroll Associates, is a private security and investigative company that is known as the “CIA of Wall Street.” The company’s name is derived from its founder Jules Kroll a well connected Jew from New York. In 1993, after the first W.T.C false-flag bombing, Kroll Inc. was given the task of “revamping security at the World Trade Center.” (Douglas Frantz, “A Midlife Crisis at Kroll Associates,” New York Times, Sept 01, 1993.) Kroll Inc. continued to run security at the WTC until September 11, 2001. It is this company, as the overseers of security at the towers on 9/11, that is responsible for making an announcement telling W.T.C-2 employees to go back to their desks after the first plane struck W.T.C-1, assuring them everything was secure and that they were safe to continue working. (“Life And Death Decisions – Some Survivors Fled WTC Tower Despite Announcement To Stay Put,” Newsday Magazine, Sept. 13, 2001.) If this malicious announcement had not been broadcast, hundreds if not thousands of lives might have been saved.
Jules Kroll and his wife Lynn are fanatically passionate and committed Zionists. They perfectly fit the description of sayanim. Together they run the “Foundation for Jewish Culture,” a fund for Jewish documentary films which “explore the Jewish experience in all its complexity.” Lynn Kroll has quite the résumé of Zionist activism and Jewish advancement. She is the Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York, which connects the Kroll’s to fellow 9/11 conspirator Larry Silverstein who is likewise a national chairman of the UJA, the biggest American fund-raising group for Israel. Lynn is a prominent member of a litany of other Jewish-Zionist outfits like the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Jewish Communal Fund, the United Jewish Communities Inc. and the American Jewish Committee. In addition she was appointed by her co-religionist, the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg, as Chair of the Sister Cities Relationship between New York and Jerusalem. Jules Kroll is also directly tied to Silverstein as they are both board members of the New York Citizen’s Budget Commission (CBC), according to Christopher Bollyn.
It is exceedingly important to note that Jules Kroll became business partners with former A.I.G. CEO and mega financial criminal Maurice Greenberg — a Zionist Jew — in 1993, the same year Kroll Inc. took over “security” at the World Trade Center. That was the year that Greenberg’s A.I.G. bought 23 percent of Kroll Inc. and later fashioned it into a wholly owned subsidiary of A.I.G. and Marsh & McLennan Companies (M.M.C), which was headed by his son Jeffrey Greenberg. According to the 9/11 Encyclopedia, Maurice Greenberg “was deeply involved in Chinese trade in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives. In the China trade, Greenberg became very close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military.” It also says he was once the deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a predominately Jewish, globalist “think tank” that has wreaked incredible havoc in the world. Maurice’s son Jeffrey became the CEO of the insurance brokerage firm Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. Chris Bollyn has astutely noted that the first plane of 9/11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh/Kroll in the WTC North Tower, or perhaps was “precision guided” into the building.
The importance of Kroll Inc. to the 9/11 plot is substantial. This company was 100 percent kosher certified. The CEO of Kroll Inc. at the time of 9/11 was another Jewish criminal personality named Michael Cherkasky, who would later go on to become the CEO of Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC). Cherkasky’s father Martin headed the Medical Advisory Committee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. (“Paid Notice: Deaths CHERKASKY, MARTIN, MD.,” New York Times, Sept. 09, 1997.) The managing director of the company at the time of 9/11 was none other than Jerome M. Hauer, whom we first met earlier in this book. Hauer is one of the key plotters behind 9/11 and he is the unmistakable product of Jewish Zionism. He was born in New York to a family of Yiddish-speaking Zionist Jews. His late mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, once served as the Dean of the Beth Israel School 62 of Nursing and was also the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the “Daughters of Zion,” a women’s Zionist group with close ties to Israel. In 1996 NYC mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a dedicated Jewish lackey, appointed Hauer as the first director of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) which was created to coordinate the city’s response, or lack thereof, to crises. Hauer strangely insisted that the OEM command bunker be built into Larry Silverstein’s WTC-7. (Chris Bollyn, “The Key Players Of 911 – Who Is Jerome Hauer?,” Rense, Jan. 26, 2008.) Hauer is a government insider and is touted by the mass media as an expert on “terrorism” and biological disasters. As noted earlier, the Jewish media used him to float out the official myth of 9/11 to the public before there was any investigating done.
Hauer was also a close collaborator with Larry Silverstein. He managed to persuade former FBI terrorism investigator John O’Neill to take a job as head of security at the WTC. Tragically, O’Neill was killed on his first day of work — September 11, 2001. At the height of his successful and distinguished career at the FBI, O’Neill abruptly quit the organization after being severely hindered by higher-ups in the agency who were constantly thwarting his investigations into Osama bin Laden and “Al-Qaeda”. They did not want him to figure out that he had been sent on a wild goose chase searching for phantom enemies that don’t even exist. Had O’Neill ascertained the truth that “Al-Qaeda” is nothing more than a boogeyman that has been used as a scapegoat to take the fall for Israeli black operations, he would have been outraged and most certainly would have revealed this farce to the public.
What really made O’Neill into a full-fledged target of the Jewish crime network was his investigation into the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. The U.S. ambassador to Yemen, a raving Zionist Jewess named Barbara Bodine, and the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, another raging Zionist Jewess named Madeline Albright, completely derailed O’Neill’s inquiry into the USS Cole bombing by having him and his investigative team thrown out of Yemen and permanently barred from the country — a sure sign that Israel bombed the Cole and was desperate to prevent a real investigation that would have revealed Israel’s guilt. (Lloyd T. Vance, “The Truth About the USS Cole Bombing,” SouthEast Asia News, April 30, 2011.) In an article titled “Clearing the Baffles for 9/11,” journalist Wayne Madsen quotes a former CIA agent who theorizes that Israel, not “Al-Qaeda,” attacked the USS Cole:
“The former CIA agent who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador Bodine threw John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen lest their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. The former CIA agent said the reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against both Al Qaeda and the Democrats in the weeks prior to the 2000 presidential elections. The Bush-Cheney team could blame the Democrats for not taking the Al Qaeda threat seriously.”
Another Israeli motive for attacking the USS Cole was to divert world attention and sympathy from the second Palestinian intifada — the uprising which was triggered by the provocation at 63 the Temple Mount by the Likud leader Ariel Sharon, wherein thousands of Palestinians were killed and wounded in a brutal Israeli military siege against the occupied territories. Whenever Israel initiates a merciless slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, a “terrorist” attack occurs to conveniently draw public attention away from Israel’s crimes. False-flag terrorism comes in handy for the Israeli public relations effort to win the hearts and minds of Westerners to the Zionist cause.
Another key character whose hands are covered in blood is Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules Kroll. Jeremy Kroll was the Managing Director at Marsh/Kroll and has served as General Manager at Kroll’s Information Security Group (computer security). Chris Bollyn outlined Jeremy’s intimate connections to a plethora of Israeli military intelligence figures through a front company that the Mossad created to accomplish missions in America. Bollyn, again in his chapter “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11,” had this to say about Jeremy Kroll:
“It is interesting to note that Jeremy M. Kroll, the Managing Director of Marsh Kroll, is also on the “advisory board” of Elad Yoran’s Security Growth Partners. This is a crucial connection in the Zionist network behind 9/11; this is where we hit the mainline. Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules B. Kroll, has been an executive at Marsh Kroll, a division of Marsh & McLennan Co. (MMC), since 1996. Jeremy Kroll’s connection with Elad and Amit Yoran through SGP reveals a key link between the American Zionist network and Israeli military intelligence.
… Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Adviser and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.
… The Challenge Fund is an Israeli intelligence funding operation, based in Israel and also known as Etgar, which means “challenge” in Hebrew. This limited partnership involves the biggest players in the Zionist funding network in North America with the most senior officers in Israeli military intelligence. This is one of the key funding entities for Israeli intelligence operations in the United States.
… These are the kind of high-level Israeli intelligence agents that work with Jeremy Kroll on the “advisory board” of the Challenge Fund. Kroll brings a degree in fine arts (French and Italian) from Georgetown and his executive position with Kroll to the table. Who do you think makes the strategic decisions in this group? It was, I submit, through these connections with Kroll and Greenberg that agents of Israeli military intelligence gained control of security of the World Trade Center and were able to carry out 9/11.”
A key suspect in the preparation for Israel’s 9/11 spectacle was Michael Goff. This JewishZionist lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts, abruptly left his promising career as a lawyer to join a shady start-up software company called Ptech, a disguised Israeli Intelligence operation with Arab front men. As the original marketing manager of Ptech, Goff was responsible for procuring the company’s software. Most national security computerized systems that would have responded to the 9/11 hijackings by scrambling jets were running on Ptech software, which explains the complete lack of air defenses on 9/11. A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House. (Chris Bollyn, “How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11,” Rumor Mill News, Apr. 2, 2005.) Interestingly, Michael Goff’s father and grandfather were both members of the secret Zionist society of the B’nai B’rith (“Sons of the Covenant”), an exclusively Jewish order of Freemasons founded in New York City in 1843. (Ibid.)
Goff also worked for the Israeli database company Guardium. This company was funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits. The founder and director of Guardium was Amit Yoran, the Israeli who went to West Point and became the manager of computer network security for the Pentagon. He was appointed by George W. Bush as the administration’s Cyber Chief, responsible for coordinating the nation’s activities in cyber security. In his book Solving 9/11 Chris Bollyn revealed that as Goff was working for Ptech, Amit Yoran was the “Network Security Manager at the Department of Defense designing computer security for the Pentagon.” Bollyn opined that Yoran was “ideally situated to arrange the installment of Ptech software onto the critical computer systems of the U.S. military.” Bollyn also observed that, “The Israeli nexus between Michael Goff, Ptech, Guardium, and Amit Yoran provides a logical explanation for how Israeli Ptech enterprise “spy” software wound up on the critical computer networks of the U.S. government and military.” This means that Israel not only had complete control of America’s telephonic infrastructure through Amdocs and Comverse Infosys, they also had unprecedented inside access to all of America’s sensitive government and military computer systems through Goff’s Ptech and the strategically placed Israeli asset Amit Yoran.
Another interesting piece of information is the fact that an Israeli shipping company called ZimAmerican Israeli Shipping Co., which is nearly half-owned by the Israeli government itself, broke its lease and vacated its rental space on the 16th floor of the W.T.C one week before 9/11, forfeiting a $50,000 security deposit for doing so. (“September 4, 2001: Israeli Company Moves Out of WTC,” History Commons) Wayne Madsen reported that Michael Dick, an FBI colleague of John O’Neill, had been investigating the Israeli spy ring in New Jersey and that he was “very suspicious when Israeli movers quickly moved Zim American Israeli Shipping Company out of its 10,000 square feet of office space on the 17th Floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.” (“Clearing the Baffles For 9/11,” Wayne Madsen Report) Before Agent Dick could determine exactly what the Israeli spies were up to he was, according to Madsen, “removed from his duties on the orders of the then-head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division Michael Chertoff.” (Ibid.) Madsen further reported:
“According to a non official cover (NOC) CIA source who worked with Dick, Israeli movers moved explosives into the 17th Floor office space after Zim moved out. After 911, Dick as well as the CIA NOC were harassed by their superiors on orders “from above.” Those orders came from Chertoff.” (Ibid.) [If you do not know what a 'NOC' is, I suggest the movie "The Recruit" with Pacino and Farrell DC]
This explosive information dovetails nicely with the revelations of Susan Lindauer, an ex-CIA asset who became an outspoken whistle-blower on government corruption and the 9/11 cover-up. Lindauer, in an interview with Kevin Barrett, revealed that,
“From April and May of 2001 onward, [CIA agent] Richard Fuisz instructed me to threaten the Iraqis with war. Now everybody presumes that the war stuff came after 9/11, but it didn’t. They had decided months before 9/11 ever happened, that as soon as this attack occurred this would be the motivation for the war. So they absolutely knew that this attack was going to be in late August or September and that opens up a whole new dynamic proving what you [Kevin Barrett] have just said — that it was a Mossad conspiracy.” (“911 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Ex-CIA DIA – Kevin Barrett Show,” YouTube)
In the same interview she further goes on to make this startling revelation:
“While I was writing my book I met a high-ranking State Department official who has a very very very high, top top top security classification, and I cannot name him for you because I don’t want to hurt his reputation… he’s close to retirement, he’s gonna have a pension, you know they would crush him if he was ever exposed, I suspect he thinks it too… But he says that a couple of weeks before 9/11, at the end of August, for about two weeks, strange vans were arriving at the World Trade Center at three o’clock in the morning. He swore to me that they were staying from 3AM to about 4:30-5AM. They were coming in for a brief period and he swore to me that he personally had investigated the janitorial services and he said I know first-hand how many employees the janitorial service had, what their trucks looked like, what their revenues are like, where they live, he said I could tell you their addresses, we are confident that none of these people in the janitorial services were tied to these trucks. He said it had never happened before, it was a unique thing… this was a strange anomaly right before the World Trade Center attack. And he was convinced that this was government-level Thermite, this was government level weapons that had been put into either the stairwells or the elevator shafts [of the WTC]. And he was convinced that this was when it happened.” (Ibid.)
Mysterious white vans. Explosives.
Thermite. World Trade Center. Mossad
conspiracy. Bingo! The pieces of this
Zionist puzzle fall right into place.
Although it cannot be absolutely proven,
it is very probable that the white vans
doing suspicious work in and around the
WTC just prior to the attacks were based
out of the Mossad’s Urban Moving
Systems headquarters in New Jersey.
Many kosher researchers have
desperately tried to deflect attention
away from Israel by suggesting that some American demolition company and/or CIA operatives rigged the towers with explosives.
There is simply no evidence to suggest that Americans had anything to do with this crucial
aspect of the plot. It would be extremely difficult for the masterminds of 9/11 to somehow coerce
American employees of the CIA or a demolition company run by Americans to plant bombs in
the WTC and knowingly murder thousands of their fellow citizens. Israelis, on the other hand,
have no such reservations, and have proven time and again that they are willing and able to kill
Americans — both civilians and military personnel — if it benefits them and their political
objectives. As I mentioned earlier, hundreds of Israelis, some of whom belonged to explosive
ordinance units in the Israeli military, were operating all over the country in the year leading up
to the attacks. These Mossad terrorists established a stronghold in New Jersey, in the immediate
vicinity of the W.T.C, fronting as “movers.” Based on these amazing facts, it can be said with a
great degree of certitude that Israeli military demolition experts are the ones responsible for
rigging and detonating the W.T.C Twin Towers as well as W.T.C-7 on 9/11. Who, other than the
Israelis, had the capability and the motive to do this?
To build on this point, I would like to draw the readers’ attention to Ehud Barak once again. This Zionist terror kingpin is directly linked to the explosive nano-thermite compound that was discovered in the dust of the WTC by Danish engineer Neils Harrit and Professor Steven Jones of Brigham Young University. (“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Volume 2) Barak was the Prime Minister of Israel from July 1999 until March 7, 2001, when he was replaced by Ariel Sharon. When he relinquished his position as Prime Minister, Barak promptly went to America where he became a special adviser for SCP Partners, a Mossad-run venture capital firm. In this capacity, Barak was in a position to personally oversee the 9/11 attacks, ensuring everything went as planned. Barak’s SCP partners had two companies in their portfolio capable of producing the accelerant used in the demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC-7 — Metallurg Holdings and Advanced Metaurgical Group, N.V. (AMG). AMG owned a number of subsidiaries which manufactured coatings of nano-composites and one that specialized in atomized aluminum which is a core component of nano-thermite. Metallurg Holdings and AMG operate under the umbrella of a management subsidiary of SCP Partners Private Equity LLC called Safeguard International. All of these shadowy entities operated out of the exact same address at 435 Devon Park Drive, Wayne, Pennsylvania. (Chris Bollyn, “How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11,” Bollyn Website, May 5, 2010.) This super-thermite was most likely applied to the towers as a spray. Who applied this explosive substance to the WTC towers? That would be LVI Services, Inc., a demolition company owned and operated by a Zionist Jew named Burton Fried. Chris Bollyn hypothesizes that under the cover of “asbestos abatement,” LVI Services, Inc., lined the WTC towers with super-thermite, the highly-powerful accelerant that helped bring the buildings down in addition to explosive charges. (Bollyn, Solving 9/11, Ch. 14, “Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble”)
This analysis of the Jewish-Israeli-Mossad security nexus which orchestrated and coordinated 9/11 would not be complete without mentioning International Consultants on Targeted Security, otherwise known as I.C.T.S International N.V. This company claims to provide “advanced, comprehensive security solutions for the aviation and homeland security sectors.” The company was founded in 1987 by former security officials of Israel’s El Al airlines and bought in 1994 by Leedan, a Dutch investment holding company owned by two Jewish-Israeli brothers, Ezra Harel and Boaz Harel. The former commander in chief of the Israeli air force, Amos Lapidot, is still a member of the board. Although it is based out of the Netherlands, a 65 percent controlling stake in ICTS is held by the Israeli Ezra Harel. (“Ezra Harel dies of heart attack,” Haaretz, Nov. 26, 2003) The Israeli businessman Menachem J. Atzmon is also a controlling shareholder in ICTS and was appointed as its Chairman of the Board in 2004, after having served as a Member of the Board for several years. Interestingly, Atzmon is connected to the highest levels of the Likud Party in Israel, having served as the co-treasurer of the party in the 1980s. Atzmon and the criminal Zionist politician Ehud Olmert got themselves into hot water for procuring illegal foreign contributions for the Likud Party in 1988. (Chris Bollyn, “The Bloody Reign of Ehud Olmert and His Ties to 9/11,” Rumor Mill News, June 18, 2006.) Anton Chaitkin, in a lengthy article exposing how wealthy Zionist Jews launder money to Israel to help fund the Likud Party, unveiled this valuable nugget of information about Mr. Atzmon:
“Israeli plutocrat Menachem Atzmon was co-treasurer of the Likud, along with Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, during and after the 1988 Israeli elections. In August 1988, Atzmon worked with Olmert and two other men to collect illegal contributions for the Likud from corporations, against Israel’s party funding law, by providing fictitious advertising services to the contributors. Atzmon was later convicted in that campaign finance fraud, while Olmert was acquitted. Up until his 1996 conviction, Atzmon was president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud. IDF is one entity in a cluster of such false-front Likud money spigots, all run by Philadelphia attorney Steven L. Friedman, a partner in the Dilworth, Paxson firm.” (“A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon’s Likud,” Executive Intelligence Review, Jan. 24, 2003.)
I.C.T.S, through its wholly owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA, had contracts to provide security and passenger screening at both Boston’s Logan airport, where Flight 175 and Flight 11 (the two planes which allegedly struck the Twin Towers on 9/11) departed from, as well as Newark airport where Flight 93 (which supposedly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania on 9/11) is claimed to have originated from. Thus Atzmon, a convicted Likud criminal, was directly responsible for passenger screening and airline security at two of the three airports where “hijackings” are said to have occurred on 9/11. (“All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company,” What Really Happened) I.C.T.S is, for all intents and purposes, a Mossad front operation staffed with Israeli Intelligence agents. Perhaps this explains why they have yet to produce any legitimate CCTV footage of the alleged Muslim 9/11 attackers boarding any of the planes that they are claimed to have hijacked? (Stephen St. John, “911 Dutch Treat?,” Rense, Nov. 15, 2005.) I.C.T.S is another chief cog in the overarching Jewish wheel that performed 9/11 from top to bottom; head to toe; A to Z.
Taken together, these salient facts paint a convincingly clear picture that Israel and a broader Jewish criminal network actively planned, orchestrated, coordinated, and executed this demonic plot from beginning to end like a Jewish theater production. The Mossad had an immense network of well-placed sayanim in the United States that were able to arrange and facilitate this false-flag attack every step of the way. Some have argued that Israel merely had foreknowledge of 9/11 and failed to warn the U.S. government. The facts and information outlined here tell a 68 different story — Israel not only knew of the impending disaster, they made it happen. The criminal intrigues of Zionism are more nefarious than most people are capable of understanding.
The Myth of Osama bin Laden & the Nineteen Arab Oswalds
Another crooked character that played an imperative role in the planning and preparation for 9/11 was the Jewish billionaire Ronald Lauder. Having inherited his fortune as the heir to his parents’ cosmetics empire Estée Lauder Companies, Lauder is an active Jewish supremacist lobbyist and a rather chauvinistic Zionist-Israeli partisan. Lauder is actively involved in numerous Zionist pressure groups and Jewish spy agencies masquerading as “civic organizations,” including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Congress (of which he was elected president on 10 June, 2007), the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Brandeis University, and the Abraham Fund. He also established a school carrying his name called The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy for the Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya (Israel), a Mossad recruiting center and operative training ground. It is stated on the website of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya that the founding dean of Lauder’s Mossad school was none other than Ehud Sprinzak, the Israeli professor who told the UK’s Telegraph that 9/11 was the greatest PR stunt ever committed in favor of Israel and the Jews.
On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Ronald Lauder wrote an obscenely propagandistic “opinion” piece that was published on the website of the World Jewish Congress, in which he forcefully propagated the official fairy tale of 9/11, essentially arguing that it is the duty of all Westerners to defend Israel and fight the Muslims in the name of “freedom, democracy and human rights.” These three terms are Judeo-Masonic code words. Jewish supremacists and their paid lackeys constantly invoke this deceptive slogan as a pretext for Western military intervention anywhere in the world where the Jewish power elite are having trouble dealing with a certain group of rebellious non-Jews who are not acting like obedient, pacified slaves. What this slogan really means is that we must fight, not for “freedom, democracy and human rights,” but for “the divine right of the Jews to abuse, subjugate and enslave the non-Jews.”
The circumstances surrounding the private acquisition of the World Trade Center in July of 2001 bears the distinct mark of Zion. Is it just a coincidence that every single person involved in the privatization, transfer and subsequent private ownership of the W.T.C were corporate billionaire Jews with a laundry list of connections to powerful Jewish lobby groups, Zionist think tanks and the biggest shot-callers in the Israeli government, particularly the Likud Party? Is it just mere happenstance that two Jewish-Zionist bigwigs gained total control over the entire WTC complex just over a month before 9/11, and by doing so facilitated an event that proved to be a godsend for their elitist friends in Tel Aviv? In politics, there are no coincidences.
Zion Incorporated:
The Jewish “Security” Apparatus
In his outstanding book, Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World, the brave
researcher Christopher Bollyn explained why it was so crucial for the 9/11 plotters to gain
control over security at the World Trade Center to ensure the success of this heinous false-flag
operation. Being in charge of security at the Twin Towers, writes Bollyn, “was obviously crucial to the 9/11 operation. The explosive charges and Thermite that evidently demolished the three towers could not have been placed in the buildings without the perpetrators having complete control of security. Getting control of security at the WTC was something senior officers of Israeli military intelligence had actively sought since at least 1987. This was clearly part of the Israeli master plan for 9/11, a plan first openly articulated in 1979 by Isser Harel, the former head of Israeli intelligence…” (Solving 9/11, Ch. 7, “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11″)
Bollyn, in chapter 7 of his book titled “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11,” cogently outlined how the Jewish crime network accomplished this fundamental task. According to the stellar research of Bollyn, in 1987 Atwell Security of Tel Aviv, an Israeli security company staffed with high-ranking Shin Bet and Mossad agents, gained control of security at the World Trade Center through a contract with the Port Authority. The head of this company was an elite Israeli Intelligence veteran named Avraham Shalom Ben-Dor, the former chief of Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet. Another infamous Mossad agent, Peter Zvi Malkin, brokered the deal with the Jewish-run Port Authority, which placed New York City’s tunnels, bridges, ports, airports and the WTC under the control of Israeli Intelligence through Atwell Security. Both of these men were long-time associates of Mossad’s founder Isser Harel, the man who “predicted” 9/11 in 1979. Interestingly, Atwell Security was a subsidiary of the Eisenberg Group which was owned by the Israeli businessman and Mossad arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg.
This agreement was, however, strangely terminated shortly thereafter by Edward J. O’Sullivan, the Port Authority’s Director of Special Plans, due to the company’s obvious affiliation with the Israeli secret services. This is when the Jewish crime network decided to use more discreet means to establish control of the WTC’s security, namely through an American partner so as to disguise the overt “Mossad” character of the company and its machinations. Kroll Inc., also known as Kroll Associates, is a private security and investigative company that is known as the “CIA of Wall Street.” The company’s name is derived from its founder Jules Kroll a well connected Jew from New York. In 1993, after the first W.T.C false-flag bombing, Kroll Inc. was given the task of “revamping security at the World Trade Center.” (Douglas Frantz, “A Midlife Crisis at Kroll Associates,” New York Times, Sept 01, 1993.) Kroll Inc. continued to run security at the WTC until September 11, 2001. It is this company, as the overseers of security at the towers on 9/11, that is responsible for making an announcement telling W.T.C-2 employees to go back to their desks after the first plane struck W.T.C-1, assuring them everything was secure and that they were safe to continue working. (“Life And Death Decisions – Some Survivors Fled WTC Tower Despite Announcement To Stay Put,” Newsday Magazine, Sept. 13, 2001.) If this malicious announcement had not been broadcast, hundreds if not thousands of lives might have been saved.
Jules Kroll and his wife Lynn are fanatically passionate and committed Zionists. They perfectly fit the description of sayanim. Together they run the “Foundation for Jewish Culture,” a fund for Jewish documentary films which “explore the Jewish experience in all its complexity.” Lynn Kroll has quite the résumé of Zionist activism and Jewish advancement. She is the Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York, which connects the Kroll’s to fellow 9/11 conspirator Larry Silverstein who is likewise a national chairman of the UJA, the biggest American fund-raising group for Israel. Lynn is a prominent member of a litany of other Jewish-Zionist outfits like the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Jewish Communal Fund, the United Jewish Communities Inc. and the American Jewish Committee. In addition she was appointed by her co-religionist, the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg, as Chair of the Sister Cities Relationship between New York and Jerusalem. Jules Kroll is also directly tied to Silverstein as they are both board members of the New York Citizen’s Budget Commission (CBC), according to Christopher Bollyn.
It is exceedingly important to note that Jules Kroll became business partners with former A.I.G. CEO and mega financial criminal Maurice Greenberg — a Zionist Jew — in 1993, the same year Kroll Inc. took over “security” at the World Trade Center. That was the year that Greenberg’s A.I.G. bought 23 percent of Kroll Inc. and later fashioned it into a wholly owned subsidiary of A.I.G. and Marsh & McLennan Companies (M.M.C), which was headed by his son Jeffrey Greenberg. According to the 9/11 Encyclopedia, Maurice Greenberg “was deeply involved in Chinese trade in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives. In the China trade, Greenberg became very close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military.” It also says he was once the deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a predominately Jewish, globalist “think tank” that has wreaked incredible havoc in the world. Maurice’s son Jeffrey became the CEO of the insurance brokerage firm Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. Chris Bollyn has astutely noted that the first plane of 9/11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh/Kroll in the WTC North Tower, or perhaps was “precision guided” into the building.
The importance of Kroll Inc. to the 9/11 plot is substantial. This company was 100 percent kosher certified. The CEO of Kroll Inc. at the time of 9/11 was another Jewish criminal personality named Michael Cherkasky, who would later go on to become the CEO of Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC). Cherkasky’s father Martin headed the Medical Advisory Committee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. (“Paid Notice: Deaths CHERKASKY, MARTIN, MD.,” New York Times, Sept. 09, 1997.) The managing director of the company at the time of 9/11 was none other than Jerome M. Hauer, whom we first met earlier in this book. Hauer is one of the key plotters behind 9/11 and he is the unmistakable product of Jewish Zionism. He was born in New York to a family of Yiddish-speaking Zionist Jews. His late mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, once served as the Dean of the Beth Israel School 62 of Nursing and was also the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the “Daughters of Zion,” a women’s Zionist group with close ties to Israel. In 1996 NYC mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a dedicated Jewish lackey, appointed Hauer as the first director of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) which was created to coordinate the city’s response, or lack thereof, to crises. Hauer strangely insisted that the OEM command bunker be built into Larry Silverstein’s WTC-7. (Chris Bollyn, “The Key Players Of 911 – Who Is Jerome Hauer?,” Rense, Jan. 26, 2008.) Hauer is a government insider and is touted by the mass media as an expert on “terrorism” and biological disasters. As noted earlier, the Jewish media used him to float out the official myth of 9/11 to the public before there was any investigating done.
Hauer was also a close collaborator with Larry Silverstein. He managed to persuade former FBI terrorism investigator John O’Neill to take a job as head of security at the WTC. Tragically, O’Neill was killed on his first day of work — September 11, 2001. At the height of his successful and distinguished career at the FBI, O’Neill abruptly quit the organization after being severely hindered by higher-ups in the agency who were constantly thwarting his investigations into Osama bin Laden and “Al-Qaeda”. They did not want him to figure out that he had been sent on a wild goose chase searching for phantom enemies that don’t even exist. Had O’Neill ascertained the truth that “Al-Qaeda” is nothing more than a boogeyman that has been used as a scapegoat to take the fall for Israeli black operations, he would have been outraged and most certainly would have revealed this farce to the public.
What really made O’Neill into a full-fledged target of the Jewish crime network was his investigation into the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. The U.S. ambassador to Yemen, a raving Zionist Jewess named Barbara Bodine, and the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, another raging Zionist Jewess named Madeline Albright, completely derailed O’Neill’s inquiry into the USS Cole bombing by having him and his investigative team thrown out of Yemen and permanently barred from the country — a sure sign that Israel bombed the Cole and was desperate to prevent a real investigation that would have revealed Israel’s guilt. (Lloyd T. Vance, “The Truth About the USS Cole Bombing,” SouthEast Asia News, April 30, 2011.) In an article titled “Clearing the Baffles for 9/11,” journalist Wayne Madsen quotes a former CIA agent who theorizes that Israel, not “Al-Qaeda,” attacked the USS Cole:
“The former CIA agent who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador Bodine threw John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen lest their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. The former CIA agent said the reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against both Al Qaeda and the Democrats in the weeks prior to the 2000 presidential elections. The Bush-Cheney team could blame the Democrats for not taking the Al Qaeda threat seriously.”
Another Israeli motive for attacking the USS Cole was to divert world attention and sympathy from the second Palestinian intifada — the uprising which was triggered by the provocation at 63 the Temple Mount by the Likud leader Ariel Sharon, wherein thousands of Palestinians were killed and wounded in a brutal Israeli military siege against the occupied territories. Whenever Israel initiates a merciless slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, a “terrorist” attack occurs to conveniently draw public attention away from Israel’s crimes. False-flag terrorism comes in handy for the Israeli public relations effort to win the hearts and minds of Westerners to the Zionist cause.
Another key character whose hands are covered in blood is Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules Kroll. Jeremy Kroll was the Managing Director at Marsh/Kroll and has served as General Manager at Kroll’s Information Security Group (computer security). Chris Bollyn outlined Jeremy’s intimate connections to a plethora of Israeli military intelligence figures through a front company that the Mossad created to accomplish missions in America. Bollyn, again in his chapter “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11,” had this to say about Jeremy Kroll:
“It is interesting to note that Jeremy M. Kroll, the Managing Director of Marsh Kroll, is also on the “advisory board” of Elad Yoran’s Security Growth Partners. This is a crucial connection in the Zionist network behind 9/11; this is where we hit the mainline. Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules B. Kroll, has been an executive at Marsh Kroll, a division of Marsh & McLennan Co. (MMC), since 1996. Jeremy Kroll’s connection with Elad and Amit Yoran through SGP reveals a key link between the American Zionist network and Israeli military intelligence.
… Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Adviser and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.
… The Challenge Fund is an Israeli intelligence funding operation, based in Israel and also known as Etgar, which means “challenge” in Hebrew. This limited partnership involves the biggest players in the Zionist funding network in North America with the most senior officers in Israeli military intelligence. This is one of the key funding entities for Israeli intelligence operations in the United States.
… These are the kind of high-level Israeli intelligence agents that work with Jeremy Kroll on the “advisory board” of the Challenge Fund. Kroll brings a degree in fine arts (French and Italian) from Georgetown and his executive position with Kroll to the table. Who do you think makes the strategic decisions in this group? It was, I submit, through these connections with Kroll and Greenberg that agents of Israeli military intelligence gained control of security of the World Trade Center and were able to carry out 9/11.”
A key suspect in the preparation for Israel’s 9/11 spectacle was Michael Goff. This JewishZionist lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts, abruptly left his promising career as a lawyer to join a shady start-up software company called Ptech, a disguised Israeli Intelligence operation with Arab front men. As the original marketing manager of Ptech, Goff was responsible for procuring the company’s software. Most national security computerized systems that would have responded to the 9/11 hijackings by scrambling jets were running on Ptech software, which explains the complete lack of air defenses on 9/11. A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House. (Chris Bollyn, “How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11,” Rumor Mill News, Apr. 2, 2005.) Interestingly, Michael Goff’s father and grandfather were both members of the secret Zionist society of the B’nai B’rith (“Sons of the Covenant”), an exclusively Jewish order of Freemasons founded in New York City in 1843. (Ibid.)
Goff also worked for the Israeli database company Guardium. This company was funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits. The founder and director of Guardium was Amit Yoran, the Israeli who went to West Point and became the manager of computer network security for the Pentagon. He was appointed by George W. Bush as the administration’s Cyber Chief, responsible for coordinating the nation’s activities in cyber security. In his book Solving 9/11 Chris Bollyn revealed that as Goff was working for Ptech, Amit Yoran was the “Network Security Manager at the Department of Defense designing computer security for the Pentagon.” Bollyn opined that Yoran was “ideally situated to arrange the installment of Ptech software onto the critical computer systems of the U.S. military.” Bollyn also observed that, “The Israeli nexus between Michael Goff, Ptech, Guardium, and Amit Yoran provides a logical explanation for how Israeli Ptech enterprise “spy” software wound up on the critical computer networks of the U.S. government and military.” This means that Israel not only had complete control of America’s telephonic infrastructure through Amdocs and Comverse Infosys, they also had unprecedented inside access to all of America’s sensitive government and military computer systems through Goff’s Ptech and the strategically placed Israeli asset Amit Yoran.
Another interesting piece of information is the fact that an Israeli shipping company called ZimAmerican Israeli Shipping Co., which is nearly half-owned by the Israeli government itself, broke its lease and vacated its rental space on the 16th floor of the W.T.C one week before 9/11, forfeiting a $50,000 security deposit for doing so. (“September 4, 2001: Israeli Company Moves Out of WTC,” History Commons) Wayne Madsen reported that Michael Dick, an FBI colleague of John O’Neill, had been investigating the Israeli spy ring in New Jersey and that he was “very suspicious when Israeli movers quickly moved Zim American Israeli Shipping Company out of its 10,000 square feet of office space on the 17th Floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.” (“Clearing the Baffles For 9/11,” Wayne Madsen Report) Before Agent Dick could determine exactly what the Israeli spies were up to he was, according to Madsen, “removed from his duties on the orders of the then-head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division Michael Chertoff.” (Ibid.) Madsen further reported:
“According to a non official cover (NOC) CIA source who worked with Dick, Israeli movers moved explosives into the 17th Floor office space after Zim moved out. After 911, Dick as well as the CIA NOC were harassed by their superiors on orders “from above.” Those orders came from Chertoff.” (Ibid.) [If you do not know what a 'NOC' is, I suggest the movie "The Recruit" with Pacino and Farrell DC]
This explosive information dovetails nicely with the revelations of Susan Lindauer, an ex-CIA asset who became an outspoken whistle-blower on government corruption and the 9/11 cover-up. Lindauer, in an interview with Kevin Barrett, revealed that,
“From April and May of 2001 onward, [CIA agent] Richard Fuisz instructed me to threaten the Iraqis with war. Now everybody presumes that the war stuff came after 9/11, but it didn’t. They had decided months before 9/11 ever happened, that as soon as this attack occurred this would be the motivation for the war. So they absolutely knew that this attack was going to be in late August or September and that opens up a whole new dynamic proving what you [Kevin Barrett] have just said — that it was a Mossad conspiracy.” (“911 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Ex-CIA DIA – Kevin Barrett Show,” YouTube)
In the same interview she further goes on to make this startling revelation:
“While I was writing my book I met a high-ranking State Department official who has a very very very high, top top top security classification, and I cannot name him for you because I don’t want to hurt his reputation… he’s close to retirement, he’s gonna have a pension, you know they would crush him if he was ever exposed, I suspect he thinks it too… But he says that a couple of weeks before 9/11, at the end of August, for about two weeks, strange vans were arriving at the World Trade Center at three o’clock in the morning. He swore to me that they were staying from 3AM to about 4:30-5AM. They were coming in for a brief period and he swore to me that he personally had investigated the janitorial services and he said I know first-hand how many employees the janitorial service had, what their trucks looked like, what their revenues are like, where they live, he said I could tell you their addresses, we are confident that none of these people in the janitorial services were tied to these trucks. He said it had never happened before, it was a unique thing… this was a strange anomaly right before the World Trade Center attack. And he was convinced that this was government-level Thermite, this was government level weapons that had been put into either the stairwells or the elevator shafts [of the WTC]. And he was convinced that this was when it happened.” (Ibid.)
To build on this point, I would like to draw the readers’ attention to Ehud Barak once again. This Zionist terror kingpin is directly linked to the explosive nano-thermite compound that was discovered in the dust of the WTC by Danish engineer Neils Harrit and Professor Steven Jones of Brigham Young University. (“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Volume 2) Barak was the Prime Minister of Israel from July 1999 until March 7, 2001, when he was replaced by Ariel Sharon. When he relinquished his position as Prime Minister, Barak promptly went to America where he became a special adviser for SCP Partners, a Mossad-run venture capital firm. In this capacity, Barak was in a position to personally oversee the 9/11 attacks, ensuring everything went as planned. Barak’s SCP partners had two companies in their portfolio capable of producing the accelerant used in the demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC-7 — Metallurg Holdings and Advanced Metaurgical Group, N.V. (AMG). AMG owned a number of subsidiaries which manufactured coatings of nano-composites and one that specialized in atomized aluminum which is a core component of nano-thermite. Metallurg Holdings and AMG operate under the umbrella of a management subsidiary of SCP Partners Private Equity LLC called Safeguard International. All of these shadowy entities operated out of the exact same address at 435 Devon Park Drive, Wayne, Pennsylvania. (Chris Bollyn, “How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11,” Bollyn Website, May 5, 2010.) This super-thermite was most likely applied to the towers as a spray. Who applied this explosive substance to the WTC towers? That would be LVI Services, Inc., a demolition company owned and operated by a Zionist Jew named Burton Fried. Chris Bollyn hypothesizes that under the cover of “asbestos abatement,” LVI Services, Inc., lined the WTC towers with super-thermite, the highly-powerful accelerant that helped bring the buildings down in addition to explosive charges. (Bollyn, Solving 9/11, Ch. 14, “Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble”)
This analysis of the Jewish-Israeli-Mossad security nexus which orchestrated and coordinated 9/11 would not be complete without mentioning International Consultants on Targeted Security, otherwise known as I.C.T.S International N.V. This company claims to provide “advanced, comprehensive security solutions for the aviation and homeland security sectors.” The company was founded in 1987 by former security officials of Israel’s El Al airlines and bought in 1994 by Leedan, a Dutch investment holding company owned by two Jewish-Israeli brothers, Ezra Harel and Boaz Harel. The former commander in chief of the Israeli air force, Amos Lapidot, is still a member of the board. Although it is based out of the Netherlands, a 65 percent controlling stake in ICTS is held by the Israeli Ezra Harel. (“Ezra Harel dies of heart attack,” Haaretz, Nov. 26, 2003) The Israeli businessman Menachem J. Atzmon is also a controlling shareholder in ICTS and was appointed as its Chairman of the Board in 2004, after having served as a Member of the Board for several years. Interestingly, Atzmon is connected to the highest levels of the Likud Party in Israel, having served as the co-treasurer of the party in the 1980s. Atzmon and the criminal Zionist politician Ehud Olmert got themselves into hot water for procuring illegal foreign contributions for the Likud Party in 1988. (Chris Bollyn, “The Bloody Reign of Ehud Olmert and His Ties to 9/11,” Rumor Mill News, June 18, 2006.) Anton Chaitkin, in a lengthy article exposing how wealthy Zionist Jews launder money to Israel to help fund the Likud Party, unveiled this valuable nugget of information about Mr. Atzmon:
“Israeli plutocrat Menachem Atzmon was co-treasurer of the Likud, along with Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, during and after the 1988 Israeli elections. In August 1988, Atzmon worked with Olmert and two other men to collect illegal contributions for the Likud from corporations, against Israel’s party funding law, by providing fictitious advertising services to the contributors. Atzmon was later convicted in that campaign finance fraud, while Olmert was acquitted. Up until his 1996 conviction, Atzmon was president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud. IDF is one entity in a cluster of such false-front Likud money spigots, all run by Philadelphia attorney Steven L. Friedman, a partner in the Dilworth, Paxson firm.” (“A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon’s Likud,” Executive Intelligence Review, Jan. 24, 2003.)
I.C.T.S, through its wholly owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA, had contracts to provide security and passenger screening at both Boston’s Logan airport, where Flight 175 and Flight 11 (the two planes which allegedly struck the Twin Towers on 9/11) departed from, as well as Newark airport where Flight 93 (which supposedly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania on 9/11) is claimed to have originated from. Thus Atzmon, a convicted Likud criminal, was directly responsible for passenger screening and airline security at two of the three airports where “hijackings” are said to have occurred on 9/11. (“All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company,” What Really Happened) I.C.T.S is, for all intents and purposes, a Mossad front operation staffed with Israeli Intelligence agents. Perhaps this explains why they have yet to produce any legitimate CCTV footage of the alleged Muslim 9/11 attackers boarding any of the planes that they are claimed to have hijacked? (Stephen St. John, “911 Dutch Treat?,” Rense, Nov. 15, 2005.) I.C.T.S is another chief cog in the overarching Jewish wheel that performed 9/11 from top to bottom; head to toe; A to Z.
Taken together, these salient facts paint a convincingly clear picture that Israel and a broader Jewish criminal network actively planned, orchestrated, coordinated, and executed this demonic plot from beginning to end like a Jewish theater production. The Mossad had an immense network of well-placed sayanim in the United States that were able to arrange and facilitate this false-flag attack every step of the way. Some have argued that Israel merely had foreknowledge of 9/11 and failed to warn the U.S. government. The facts and information outlined here tell a 68 different story — Israel not only knew of the impending disaster, they made it happen. The criminal intrigues of Zionism are more nefarious than most people are capable of understanding.
The Myth of Osama bin Laden & the Nineteen Arab Oswalds
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