Marx's Wife
and other things
by Miles Mathis
First published June 23, 2017
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on internet research anyone can do.
At first I wrote this as an addendum to my paper on Marx, but it spun out to such lengths, I had to clip
it and publish it like this. I was sent by a reader back to Jenny von Westphalen's Wiki page, where I
missed something important the first time:
Her paternal grandmother, Jeanie Wishart (1742–1811), was a Scottish noble: her father George Wishart
(1703–1785) was a direct descendent of the 9th Earl of Angus [Archibald Douglas] and Lady Agnes Keith,
the latter in turn a direct descendant of King James I, and the royal House of Stuart[1] while her mother's
family were the Dukes of Argyll, for centuries Scotland's most powerful aristocratic family. Her mother,
Amalia Julia Carolina von Westphalen (née Heubel), lived from 1780 to 1856. Jenny von Westphalen's
brother Edgar von Westphalen (1819–1890), was a schoolmate and friend of Karl Marx.
I hadn't done all my genealogy work when I first wrote about Marx, so I guess I just passed over that.
But now I have to say, WOW! We will hit the Scottish stuff in a moment, but the biggest clue here may
be the name Heubel. That's Jewish. Just search on “Heubel Jewish”. It is a variation of Hubal,
Huebel, Hebel, and Hübel. So this explains how the Jewish Marx was able to marry the “aristocratic”
von Westphalen: she was also Jewish through her mother. She may have been Jewish on both sides,
since Wishart is also probably Jewish. See British filmmaker Adam Wishart, for example. Also see When Scotland was Jewish p. 195. Which brings us to Scotland, and the title of that book—which is
also a big clue here. The authors make a strong case that the Stuarts/Stewarts were Jewish, so these
lines weren't later intercepted by the Jewish Wisharts—they were always Jewish. Stewart was a name
adopted by the FitzAlans (see p. 11), who we have seen recently were also the family of William the
Conqueror. So they go way back. They were Jewish at least back to the 10th century.
As for the Dukes of Argyll, they were Campbell's. When Cromwell defeated the Stuarts in England,
the Campbell's became the de facto rulers of Scotland. Upon the restoration of the Stuarts, the
Marquess of Argyll (Campbell) was allegedly charged with treason and executed, but that now looks like a fake to me. His lands and titles were forfeit for only two years, at which point everything was
restored to his son. What was the point of that? 22 years later they also faked the death of the son in
the same way. That makes even less sense, if possible, since the son was married to a Stuart of the
Royal family. His father-in-law was James Stuart, 4th Earl of Moray. Besides, this Earl Argyll was a
Royalist and always had been. We are told he was hounded for being a Presbyterian, but that is
complete misdirection. The Earl Argyll allegedly supported the Duke of Monmouth, illegitimate son of
Charles II, for King in the Monmouth Rebellion, but there is no chance that is true. It would have been
suicide to support Monmouth, so Campbell would have had to have been an idiot with a death wish.
Like many other plots and rebellions we have looked at [see the [ Perkin Warbeck and Buckingham
rebellions of about 200 years earlier], this one looks managed. The top peers of the time made up these
fake wars just as they do now, in order to spend money from the treasury and keep everyone's eyes off
their other crimes. As proof of that, we only have to look at the Earl's son, who became a Duke just a
few years later. So—like his father—not only did he get all his titles and lands back after the alleged
beheading of his father, he got a promotion. A duke is two steps up from an earl.
I will be told that is because a new King came in, William III. While James II hated the Campbell's,
William loved them, I guess. But that makes no sense either, because William's wife was Mary, as in
William and Mary, you know. Mary was a Stuart! She was the daughter of James II. Her uncle was
Charles II, and her grandfather was Charles I. So this yo-yoing of the Campbell's by Charles I Stuart,
Charles II Stuart, James II Stuart, and Mary II Stuart makes no sense at all. Why would the Stuarts do
this to the Campbell's over a period of about sixty years:
1) promote one from Earl to Marquess in 1641,
2) murder him and take his titles in 1661,
3) restore his son to Earl in 1663,
4) murder him and take his
titles in 1681,
5) restore his son to Earl in 1685,
6) promote this son to Duke in 1701?
They really
couldn't make up their minds, could they? You will say it wasn't the Stuarts who couldn't make up their
minds, it was the Campbell's, who kept plotting against the Stuarts and then joining them. But if that is
so, then why would Mary Stuart and her husband promote the 10th Earl to Duke in 1701? If his father
and grandfather had really fought against the Stuarts in the Civil War and plotted against them in the
Monmouth Rebellion, why would they promote him to Duke?
This is why I am able to see through all these fakes where others can't: I don't just look at each story in
isolation, I also study the broader picture for sense. In history class, they try to keep your eyes focused
on the details, and you are taught each event in isolation. But if you pull back a bit, you begin to see all
the contradictions.
But honestly, I knew all this was a fake as soon as I read that Charles II beheaded the Marquess of
Argyll. That was enough. The King of England doesn't behead the de facto ruler of Scotland by such a
trick, since that would be inviting a real war. These people don't like real wars, since they are cowards
to the last man. That is why they have to manage them and fake all the major deaths. That allows them
to rake all the funds out of the treasuries and create a grand fiction without any risk to themselves.
This connects us to other recent papers as well, since the Douglases [Earls of Angus] in Jenny Marx's
line were also Earls of Morton. We saw them in Paul McCartneys genealogy tying up more loose
ends here. This links the McCartney's to the Westphalens. I have told you all famous people are closely
related, and we see that again here. Through Jenny von Westphalen, Marx was related to the Stewart's,
Campbell's and Douglas's, and through them to almost everyone else I have researched and outed in the
past five years. Not only have I shown they are all related, they are all Jews or crypto-Jews.
But we still aren't finished. Jenny von Westphalen's brother Edgar moved to Sisterdale, Texas, in 1847.
Note the date. We are told he came with a group of German “freethinkers” fleeing the revolutions in
Europe in 1848. Right. Already I would bet you dimes to donuts this links us to the foundation of the
King Ranch, and ties us to my paper on Jeff Bezos.. The King Ranch was founded about the same time,
1850. Sisterdale was founded by Nicolaus Zink, who was under the direction of Prince Carl of SolmsBraunfels.
His mother was Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who soon became Queen of Hanover
with Augustus I. Augustus was the son of George III of England. What this means is that, about 65
years after we allegedly fought a war to free ourselves from George III and the Hanovers, George's
step-grandson was infiltrating South Texas with a group of crypto-Jews. While some try to sell these
people as liberals or refugees, the Wikipedia page on Adelsverein admits they were establishing a new
Germany in Texas. In 1842 they planned a mass emigration, so this could have nothing to do with the
1848 Revolutions six years later. Zink was not a preacher or intellectual, he was a Bavarian army
officer. Other founding members of the Adelsverein were the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the
Duke of Nassau, the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, and Prince Frederick of Prussia. Note the Saxe-Coburg
Gothas, who are the current Windsors, British Royals. Although the Sisterdale page tells us the settlers
came to Kendall County, the Adelsverein page admits they bought huge acreages in Fayette County,
Llano County, Gillespie County, Comal County, and Austin County. We are told the colonization
campaign was ended in 1853. Believe that if you must, but I don't.
The Commissioner-General of the Adelsverein was Hermann Spiess. That name is probably Jewish.
We are told that his brother Adolph had been involved with the Frankfurter-Wachensturm Rebellion in
1833. Note the date. But that makes no sense, seeing that he was also the tutor of Prince Carl. Why
would these Princes and Dukes hire a rebel or the brother of a rebel? The sign of another fake event.
Among the pioneers of Sisterdale along with Edgar von Westphalen were Holecamps, Kapps, Behrs,
Douais, Siemerings, Fröbels, and Theissens.
We will start with Julius Fröbel (above). Although we are told he was the son of a pastor, he married
an Armansperg and a Zeller. Armansperg's mother was a Weichs. Weichs is Jewish, like the rest. See this 2013 article on the book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers by Cambridge researcher Bryan Rigg,who traced
the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 Nazi soldiers, including top officers. Weichs was one of the
highest ranking. Apparently this is a reprint of an article that appeared in the London Telegraph in
around 2003. Rigg himself comes from German Jewish ancestry, and he just happens to be from. . .
Texas. [He later served as a volunteer in the Israeli Army.] Note especially this photograph from the
article and book:

‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs during a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, Germany, 12 Sep 1938.
Riggs identified at least two field marshals and fifteen generals as Jewish, including Weichs. That's a
lot of generals. They don't tell us what percentage of all generals and field marshals that is. In at least
20 cases, Jewish officers were awarded the highest Nazi honor, the Knight's Cross. Not only does that
confirm my findings in my paper on Hitler's genealogy it ties in here strongly, indicating the Texas
German settlements were also crypto-Jewish.
The other Sisterdale settlers also have Jewish names. Behr is a variation of Beer, Baer, and Bayer. As
an example, check out the Wikipedia page for Friedrich Bayer (above), the founder of the huge
chemical and pharmaceutical company in Germany. It is two sentences long! He is also scrubbed at
Geni, Findagrave and Ancestry, though we do find he was a Beyer and a Richter. They really don't
want to tell you anything about this guy, do they? Why not? Because he was Jewish, of course. See
many contemporary Bayers who they admit are Jewish, like SNL's Vanessa Bayer. For more indication
in this direction, see, where they admit Friedrich Bayer was the son of a silkworker for the
flourishing textile industry. He joined the chemicals dealer Wesenfeld at age 14. Silkworkers were
Jews, and Wesenfeld is a Jewish name (usually spelled Wiesenfeld).
Kapp is also Jewish. See Columbia Records executive Jack Kapp. Also see the Zionist archives in
Hungary. Also see here.
Also see Wolfgang Kapp, who led the fake Kapp Putsch in 1920, three years before Hitler's fake Beer Hall Putsch.. Notice the similarities between the two putschs. They are almost identical. While Hitler
had the help of W.W 1 General Ludendorff, Kapp had the help of W.W 1 Admiral Tirpitz and General
Luttwitz. Kapp's Putsch was successful. . . for two days. He ruled Berlin for that long, then fled to
Sweden (we are told). For some reason he returned to Germany in 1922 to stand trial, but he almost
immediately died of cancer. Convenient, right? I guess that saved them the trouble of sentencing him
to a fake term of eight months.
Finally, we come to Gustav Theissen, said by Wikipedia to have been a Wall Street wizard of some
sort. I could find nothing on that online. My guess is this is because the name has been purposely
misspelled. My guess is it should be Thyssen, which links us once again to the fake Nazis. Remember
billionaire Fritz Thyssen, of the mining and steel company Thyssen AG (later Vereinigte Stahlwerke
AG—the largest steel producer in Europe). He bankrolled Hitler's rise. Thyssen's grandfather was the
banker Johann Friedrich Thyssen of the Thyssen banking dynasty. The Thyssens were among the
wealthiest people in Europe. Curious, huh, the guy who would produce most of the steel and iron for
Germany in W.W.2, also being the guy who bankrolled Hitler. What a coincidence! We are told by the
lying historians that Thyssen supported the Nazis because he was afraid of Communism. It couldn't
have been because he wished to create a hugely increased market for his steel and iron, could it? In
1942, Thyssen accused Hitler himself of being Jewish, which is interesting for many reasons. One,
because it was true. Two, because Thyssen was allegedly arrested and sent to a concentration camp.
No chance that happened. He was allegedly liberated in 1945, no worse for wear. His company was
allegedly nationalized, but I don't believe that, either. It was returned to the Thyssen family after the
war—again, no worse for wear. In fact, greatly fattened, as you can imagine. This whole story was
misdirection, beginning in 1940 when Thyssen allegedly sent a letter to Goering saying he was opposed
to the war. Right. A steel manufacturer was opposed to the war? You have to be kidding me! Who
believes this stuff? Obviously, Thyssen needed to appear to be thrown out of the Nazi Party at the
beginning of the War, to save him from later blame. Three, because of course Thyssen was also
Jewish. He was from a family of prominent German bankers, remember? Do I need to explain to you
how this works? A denazification tribunal later declared Thyssen a “lesser offender” and fined him
15% of his assets. Thyssen agreed to pay 500,000DM. What? Since when do those fined get to agree
to a fine? When the police fine you, do they ask you how much you wish to pay? And do you really
think that was 15% of his assets? That would mean he was worth only about 3 million DM. He was
probably worth 10,000 times that. In fact, in the paragraph below that at Wiki, they admit only a
decade later his widow started the Thyssen Foundation, with a starting capital of 100,000,000DM. So
the foundation alone was worth 200 times his fine. Or, his fine was .5% of the foundation. Since the
family would give only a small percentage of total assets to this foundation, we see how much they
were really worth.
Some will say most of the fortune went into the foundation, but we know that isn't true. See Hans Thyssen-Bornemisza, d. 2002, billionaire industrialist and art collector. Also nephew of Fritz Thyssen.
Since Fritz had no sons, Hans inherited Thyssen-Bournemisza Group, which included oil, steel, Bremer
Vulkan, Rotterdam harbor (the largest in Europe), and a massive art collection. So apparently the Nazis
didn't take much they didn't give back with interest. Curiously, Hans grew up in Budapest, Hungary,
where he was adopted by the royal family. Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria “extended his father-inlaw's
Baronial status in the Hungarian nobility to Hans and his sons in 1907.” Say what? Why would
the Emperor of Austria make this German banker's son a Hungarian Baron? Well, who was the
Emperor's father-in-law they are talking about? He was Duke Maximilian Joseph, known informally as
Max in Bayern. Hmmm. Bayern. Bayer. Anyway, Max wasn't a Baron, so how could anyone
extend his Baronial status to anyone, especially if that person was allegedly a German non-noble? This
indicates there is much more to the Thyssen family than we have been told. For one thing, it tells us
they are still Hungarian nobles, since the Baronage was inherited. For another, they probably always
were, since the father-in-law story doesn't wash. What it indicates to me is that the Thyssens were
related by marriage somehow to Duke Maximilian Joseph.
What we do know is that the Thyssens are related to John Kerry, who ran for President in 2004. See this page at Wargs, where we find Kerry is related to all the big families, including Forbes, Löwe,
Winthrop, Kohn, Staples, Clark, Mason, Eliot, Taylor, Roosevelt, Fischer, Cabot, Frankel, Bowdoin,
Peabody, Mainwaring, Paine, Lee, Russell, Jackson, Ayer, Coffin, Frost, Bartlett, Chase, Palmer,
Hawthorne, Auchincloss, Bundy, Lowell, Lodge, Wood, Murray, Bennett, Clements, Higginson,
Robinson, Morgan, Alsop, Sheppard, Spencer, Stewart and Phelps. I guess we now know how he got
to where he is. Lots of crypto-Jewish names, and a few admitted Jewish names. Kohn, Frankel, Löwe
and Fischer, for instance. Forward magazine (which is Jewish) admits that Kerry's Kohn is Jewish, and
what's more that he was a Kohen—a member of the priestly class. This Kohn was a great-grandparent,
but his son changed the name to Kerry. This means the name Kerry is itself Jewish! For this reason,
we may assume Frederick Kerry's wife Ida Löwe of Budapest is also Jewish. This means that not only
were John Kerry's paternal grandparents Jewish, his father was as well. It also means that other Lowes,
such as Rob Lowe, may be Jewish.* You will tell me the deciding line on this question is Kerry's
maternal grandmother, a Winthrop. Her mother was a Mason. Her mother was a Francis and her
mother was a Thorndike and her mother was a Trask and her mother was a Symonds from Salem! Symonds is derived from the Hebrew Shim. The info evaporates after that, although we do find
Shattucks. I consider that confirmation. A deeper dig on that page finds Kerry is related to Franklin
Pierce, James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, William Taft, Ronald Reagan, Grover
Cleveland, Ulysses Grant, Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Richard Nixon. Also closely related to the
Lalondes of France, who are currently top governors there. Also closely related to the Tugendhats, the
Jewish billionaire industrialists of Brno, Czech. Fritz Tugendhat was a partner in the company Max
Kohn, a large textiles manufacturer, as well other major companies—including Feldhendler &Co. His
wife was Greta Löw-Beer. Kerry is also closely related to Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.
Also related to the publisher Nelson Doubleday, Humphrey Bogart, abolitionist John Brown, Jack
London, John Steinbeck, Daniel Webster, Marilyn Monroe, Lizzie Borden, Bette Davis, Charles
Scribner, Hart Crane, Thomas Dewey, Clint Eastwood, Donny Osmond, Douglas MacArthur, Benedict
Arnold, Anthony Perkins, L. Ron Hubbard, William Pitt, Brad Pitt, Lilian Gish, Howard Hawks, Brian
Wilson, Bill Gates, J. P. Morgan, William Holden, Hugh Hefner, Norman Rockwell, Tom Hayden, Jane
Fonda, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Lyndon Larouche, Richard Gere, Kate Hepburn, Ben Bradlee, Patrick
Swayze, John Hinckley, Queen Elizabeth and Buckminster Fuller. Basically, like all famous people,
Kerry is related to everyone else famous, and usually a lot more closely than you would think. I really
recommend you study that page at Wargs, since it is one of the most informative pages I have ever run
across. You can get a feel for the sweep of recent history just from that one long page.
Anyway, so back to the Jewish/German aristocrats. These were the people that were invading Texas in
the mid-1800's. But were they tied somehow to the King Ranch? Of course, and they give you the clue
right on the page for Sisterdale:
Irene Marschall King, granddaughter of John O. Meusebach remembered how her grandfather
enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of visits to Sisterdale[22] where a man of his aristocratic
background could relate to such cultured free thought discourse, and where the air filled with concert
music, singing, dancing and an ambiance of general Gemutlichkeit.
I suppose you caught the name King. Meusebach was one of the founders of New Braunfels, and was
one of the first Adelsverein settlers. This is a direct link between them and the Kings. Also note the
word “aristocratic”. These weren't average Germans coming to Texas because of religious persecution
or something. They were nobles.
As proof of that, we just research John O. Meusebach, finding his wife was Countess Agnes of Coreth.
Which means they changed his name. If we research on his wife, we find she was married to Baron
Otfried Hans von Meusebach. So John O. Meusebach was really a Baron, and they are hiding that.
The O. stood for Otfried.Geni admits it,, but most other places don't mention it. Since his
granddaughter was a King, it means the Kings were also from the German peerage.
Von Meusebach's mother was a von Witzleben, which is also interesting. See Erwin von Witzleben (above), Nazi Field Marshal (5-star) who allegedly led the July 20 Plot [1944] to assassinate Hitler.
This was another big fake of course. Take a close look at his nose. I wonder if Witzleben was on
Rigg's list of Jewish Nazi Field Marshals? I encourage you to read the Wiki page on the plot for sense.
There is none, as usual. Notice this, for example: von Moltke was high up in the plot, but
recommended against killing Hitler. He said, “We are all amateurs and would only bungle it.” What?
His fellow conspirators were Field Marshals and Generals, including the deputy head of Military
Intelligence (Oster). They didn't know how to kill someone? After the plot allegedly failed, Von
Witzleben was tried, sentenced, and hanged in one day, and his trial was filmed for a German
newsreel! Just like the other fake trials we have seen. He was hanged with a thin hemp rope hung
from a meat hook, and the execution was also filmed. The film has since been lost. Convenient. We
are not told where he was buried. Anyway, I am not going to pull this all apart, since my papers on the
Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler's Genealogy should have already convinced you everything to do with the
Nazis and Hitler was a fraud. If they didn't, nothing I could tell you about the July 20 Plot would
change your mind. Just notice that for the third time we have linked these Germans in Texas to the
later Nazis. It was the same families. This indicates that the King Ranch people were not only German
Jews, they were from the families that spawned the Nazis. Erwin von Witzleben was married to a
Kleeberg (Kleberg), so that may help you place other people in Hollywood and elsewhere. Think Jill
Clayburgh, for a start, admitted to be Jewish.
It also helps us here, because Robert Justus Kleberg, Jr. . took over management of the King Ranch in
1885. His father of the same name was one of the first Adelsverein arrivals, and now looks like a scout
for that project. He arrived in 1836, 12 years before the revolutions in Europe. This gives the definitive
link between these Jewish/German aristocrats of the Adelsverein and the King Ranch. They were one
and the same. Kleberg, Jr., married the daughter of Richard King of King Ranch. Kleberg was also an
aristocrat, and we get some interesting links through his wife. She was Phillipine von Roeder, of the
wealthy Roeder and Sack families. That is the way they spell it at Wikipedia, but it should be Sachs,
of course. I have previously shown you that Roeder is probably a variation of the later Rhodes (and
possibly Reed as well). Cecil Rhodes' genealogy is suspiciously scrubbed on all the women, indicating
he is also a crypto-Jew. He is supposed to be English, but his genealogy isn't at all convincing. The
Rhodes in the peerage don't go back very far, the 1st Baronet appearing in 1919. He married a Phillips,
daughter of a John Phillips of Liverpool. No information is forthcoming on him or them, but they
could be the Dutch Philips. That is the logical guess here. Cecil Rhodes is not tied to the peerage in
the literature, but there is a Cecil Rhodes in the peerage. His family is from Broughton (North
Manchester), and they are related to Reeds and Greens. Both names tie us to John Reed of Oregon, famous Communist who I have exposed as an agent. His grandfather was the billionaire Henry Green.
As for the Sacks, they have no presence at English Wikipedia. We are told on Kleberg's page they were
German aristocrats, but the encyclopedias have never heard of them. At German Wiki, we find they
were related to Bambergers, Voigts, and Garrigues. This helps us immensely, since we have seen the
Bambergers and Voigts before. As for the Garrigues, they were jewelers and goldsmiths. Wiki tries to
pass them off as Huguenots, but that is just the standard dodge. The Garrigue who married a Sack here
was Jacques, but his brother and father were named Moyse. That's Jewish, of course. Jacques'
daughter married Isaac Abraham Schwartz.
For more, let us return to Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben. His father was named Job Erdmann
von Witzleben, and Job's mother was Marianne von Tarrach. That's takes us full circle, because the the von Tarrachs were closely related to the von Westphalens. In 1863, Clemens August von Westphalen
married Cacilie Lucchesini, and her mother was Charlotte von Tarrach. This means the von
Meusebachs and von Westphalens were closely related as well. So Jenny Marx's brother didn't travel to
Texas with a bunch of strangers. He traveled with close relatives, all of them top aristocrats.
That takes us to this page at Geneanet, which begins to tell us a lot about who the Westphalens really
were. They were related to the von Furstenbergs, the Orsini-Rosenbergs, and the Princes of Croÿ In
1913, the 13th Duke of Croÿ married Nancy Leishman, daughter of the president of Carnegie Steel.
She was of course Jewish, although the mainstream histories deny it. See here, for example. As for the
Lucchesinis, they were related to the Medicis, of course. See Laura Lucchesini. And we have seen the
Orsini-Rosenbergs before, since the Orsinis were also related to the Medicis.
The Westphalens were also related to the von Chudenitzes and von Heyden-Lindens. We saw many
variations of the name Heyden in my paper on Hitler, including Hayden, Haydn, Heiden, Haiden and
Haden. They were also related to the Friedbergs and Seemanns. Also to the Hohensteins, and through
them to the Kolowrat-Liebsteinskys and the Pressburgs. This of course links us back to Marx, since
Marx's mother was a Pressburg. So Marx and his wife were cousins, as usual. The von Chudenitz
family is currently known as the Czernins, who are Czech nobles. They tie into current research, since
Count Manfred Czernin was a British agent in WW2, working for the SOE. His mother was a Beckett,
of the Barons Grimthorpe. They were bankers (Beckett and Co, Leeds).
The Westphalens were also related to the Schönborns and Franckensteins. Also to the WolffMetternichs,
Reuschenbergs (Rauschenbergs), Loewensteins, and Hinnenburgs (Hindenburgs).
In conclusion, what we have found is that like her husband Karl, Jenny Marx was also Jewish on both
sides. Not only that, she was linked to all the ruling families of Europe, just like everyone else we have
researched. Most surprisingly, perhaps, she was closely tied to the ruling families of Scotland, which
means we need to look more closely at the book When Scotland was Jewish. I have ordered a copy and
it is on its way. It also looks like you can read it at Google books, if you so desire. As a bonus, we
discovered Texas was infiltrated by these same people in the 1840's, first through the German
settlements in Central Texas and then through the King Ranch. We knew some of them were crypto Jewish
from my paper on Jeff Bezos, but we didn't find there that they were aristocrats. Or that they
were tied the families that would later pull the great Nazi hoax almost a hundred years later. It required
this Marx research to discover that. This is important to me, since I am from Texas. I spent twenty
years in Austin, and knew several people in San Antonio. But I had no idea of the history of my own
State. They don't teach this in school, as you can imagine.
On the way out, I will point out that these Jewish/German aristocrats didn't just hang out for a decade
and then give up on Texas and go back to Germany. No, they stayed and became governors here, too.
One started the San Antonio Express-News, still the largest newspaper in South Texas. It is now owned
by the Hearst's. Others became Governors of the State, Attorney Generals, and of course top business
leaders, deciding how the State would be run. They still are. For example, we can go to the Wikipedia
page for Texas Governor.. The current Governor is Greg Abbott. That is one of the families we have
uncovered, isn't it? They are way up in the British peerage to this day, related to everyone we have
been studying. What about Rick Perry? Same thing. He is from the prominent Perry family and is
related to all the famous Perrys. They always deny these famous people are related, but by going to the
genealogies, I have always been able to show they are. George Bush you know about. Bill Clements
also has one of the names we hit above, and he may be related to Mark Twain, among many others.
Price Daniel also has a name we have seen recently. Martin Luther King was a Daniel, and the Daniels
are closely related to the Arundels, Tennants, Jacksons, Trumans, Moncktons, Stuarts, and Stanleys.
Texas Governor Thomas Campbell has another name we saw above, related to Jenny Marx. Other
governors were Hubbard, Hamilton, Clark, and Wood. Hubbard was also a Bennett. But perhaps the
most obvious is Sam Houston. Was he related to the Houstons of the peerage, that we linked later to
Hitler? You bet. He was a Blair and a Campbell on his mother's side, linking him to Tony Blair,
among others. He was also a Virginia Dunlop, a Shaw, and a Kennedy. Yes, he descends from Gilbert
Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis. He also descends from Alexander Stewart, 3rd of Garlies; the Earls of
Douglas; the Lords Hamilton; and the Grahams, Earls of Strathearn. If you go back to around 1400, he
is related in direct line to Robert II Stewart, King of Scotland. You know what that means.
*See the Czech magazine Reflex, March 2004, where a Czech historian specializing in Jewish populations tells
us the Löws in Kerry's line were also rabbis, descended in this case from the famous Marahal of Prague—
Kabbalist, Talmudist, and philosopher of around 1600.
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