The Tate Murders were a False Flag
and the Greatest Unknown
Success Story
of Project CHAOS
Sharon in a wig on the set of Fearless Vampire Killers
You will best benefit yourself by keeping an open mind
and forgetting most of
what you have learned in the past.
Jay Sebring*
Part 1: the Backstory
Of all the “conspiracy theories” I have run across over the years, amazingly this is not one of them. I searched
the internet for anything on this theory and got nothing, even at Above Top Secret and sites like that. But now
that we know many recent tragedies have been faked in Hollywood fashion, why not go back to previous
decades, to see how long this has been going on?
Before I start, let me say two things. One, we will have to study the crime scene photographs of Sharon Tate, but
I will make it as easy on you as possible. They aren't what you think anyway. I was apprehensive when I
clicked on them for the first time, but I was very surprised. They aren't at all what we have been led to believe.
Even so, I will lead you in slowly, making a strong case that they are fake before you even take a look [If you
want to skip ahead, go to p. 46]. By the time we get there, you will already be pretty sure they aren't what they
are supposed to be, and you won't be afraid to look at them. Two, I will also prepare your mind and eyes by
making it clear why the murders needed to be faked. It will be much easier for a reader to understand how they
were faked once he or she understands why they were faked.
It turns out that with this manufactured tragedy—as with all others—you have been getting disinformation from
all sides. Only after thoroughly investigating the Tate murders myself was I able to see that all the “dark
theories” were also wrong and probably planted. That is to say, the alternative theories for these major tragedies
also seem to be written by the spooks. They either sidetrack you into Satanism and Crowley and LaVey, for
instance; or they lead you in with a few pieces of true information and proper speculation before they divert you
to the desired belief nonetheless. Mae Brussell was a case of the latter, admitting that the government was up to
no good, but then preventing you from seeing what they were really up to. As alternative as Brussell seemed to
be, she never got to the truth. She always fingered the CIA, which turns out to be true enough, but beyond that
she was always in sea of molasses. This could be because she was a poor researcher or it could be because she
was CIA as well. I currently tend to the second conclusion. If she had been onto anything big, she wouldn't
have been allowed on the radio. The simple fact she was speaking out under her own name means she was
wrong. She was allowed to talk because she was muddying the waters (and still selling the main lines of the
standard story). The CIA loves to have the waters muddied, of course.
For instance, Brussell did an hour-long interview with KLRB in 1971, and she had time to talk about Greece and
the Ohta/Frazier trial and Tex Watson and James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald, but she doesn't say one word
about Sharon's father Paul Tate. She doesn't say one word about Lookout Mountain. She doesn't say one word
about the faked photos. She doesn't say one word about Operation Gladio or CHAOS. The link here is Italy, not
Greece, as you will see, so her interview looks like more misdirection. Much of what she says is true, and some
of its seems sort of semi-revolutionary, I admit; but most of it isn't to the point. In 1976 she was still saying the same thing: she hadn't added anything to it in five years.
Curiously, Brussell's 1971 interview starts out with a clue, either conscious or subconscious, I don't know. In her
opening comments, she says,
In order to do that [control people] you disguise certain persons and send them into roles of influence; they become actors
on a stage and they influence our minds in a way that is not real but that affects a reality that will touch us later. [emphasis
As I will soon show, that is precisely what happened: certain persons were disguised, others were actors, and all
staged an event that was not real but that would be used to control our view of the world for decades. But
despite recognizing that, and stating it out loud, Brussell then went on to ignore it, instead suggesting that what
we saw was the truth. In the very next paragraph she calls the Tate murders a political massacre.
In my opinion, it is shocking that belief in this whole manufactured tragedy has lasted this long. It was so poorly
constructed, so full of holes, and so absurd, that I can't believe anyone believed it to start with. As you will soon
see, the red flags were everywhere. Only the fact that the media was so completely controlled, and that the
public was so gullible, could begin to explain how this was passed off as true. I like to think Hollywood and the
government couldn't pull off such a hoax today, since—given special effects, the internet, and other advances—
people are generally a bit more savvy regarding visuals. We can tell when things look fake, and the new set
builders have to be a little more careful than the old set builders, if they want to fool us. Unfortunately, it would
appear no one has yet gone back to the files to pull this one apart. Although the Sandy Hook hoax fell apart
within a matter of weeks, this Tate hoax has stood for 43 years.
Before we look at the photographic evidence that still exists on the internet, easily available for any researcher
like me (or you), let us look at the history and politics that led up to it. The alleged Tate murders took place on
August 9, 1969. Those living through the events of 1969 didn't have any hindsight on the current politics, but
those of us looking back from the year 2012 do. We don't just see effects, we see causes. From this distance, we
can see patterns they couldn't see back then. To start with, the hippie movement was peaking at that time. The
Monterey Pop Festival had been in the summer of 1967, and Woodstock would happen just one week after the
alleged Tate murders. Note that. The alleged Tate murders were on August 9 and Woodstock would open
August 15. Coincidence? Right now you will say yes, but by the end of this paper you will probably say no.
It is also worth remembering that People's Park at the University of Berkeley, California, opened in April of
1969. Although the primary use of the park was as a makeshift public garden, it was also used for anti-war
speeches and gatherings. Due to the rising success of these speeches, Governor Ronald Reagan in May ordered
the park closed and sent in the National Guard. Over 800 police and guards—given permission by chief of staff
Ed Meese to use whatever force was necessary—attacked about 6,000 unarmed protesters, firing live rounds at
them. One person was killed, one permanently blinded by buckshot, and hundreds injured. Although the
University and the city of Berkeley were now on the side of the protesters, Reagan declared a state of emergency
and sent in 2,700 more National Guards. Many more anti-war protesters were arrested as the city was under a
state of siege by its own government.
Reagan showed no remorse in defending his actions, and he even passed off the killing of the student on that
Bloody Thursday as necessary. On the anniversary of the event in May, 1970, he said, “If it takes a bloodbath,
let's get it over with. No more appeasement.”1
He was also talking about events the week before, since Bloody
Thursday was just a precursor to the May 4, 1970, Massacre at Kent State University, where 4 unarmed students
were killed and 9 wounded by the Ohio National Guard. Four days later eleven people were bayoneted at the
University of New Mexico by the National Guard. And seven days after that 2 students were killed and 12
injured by police at Jackson State College in Mississippi. These deaths and injuries led to a nationwide strike of
over 4 million college students, with more than 900 colleges closing.
Reagan wasn't the only one crying “no appeasement.” In a televised speech that month, Nixon blamed the
deaths and wounding on the students. In private he said the students were pawns of foreign communists, and he
set into motion an accelerated infiltration of college campuses, via the Huston Plan. Wikipedia will tell you
Hoover vetoed the Huston Plan, but no one believes that. Now declassified documents prove the FBI and CIA
were busy countering all anti-war groups, on campus and off, and they still are. Wikipedia even admits that on
the Huston Plan page, where it says that although the Plan was “revoked,” many of its provisions were
implemented anyway. In hindsight, it looks like the only provision not implemented was the creation of
concentration camps for protesters.
As you study the alleged bloodbath that was the Tate murders, remember that quote of Reagan above. Also
remember that the alleged murders took place in Los Angeles, California, not only the home of Hollywood and
Reagan, but also one of the hippie capitals of the nation and a center for anti-war sentiment. Also remember
that Reagan was an actor.
The History
Richard Nixon was President in 1969, having won the election of 1968 over Hubert Humphrey by only a half
million votes out of 73 million cast. He won by .7%. But since Humphrey was part of the democratic party
platform in support of the Vietnam war, neither party was against it. This is why there were riots against both
parties' conventions in 1968. As now, the entire country was against the war, but both parties were nonetheless
for it. The press, being run by the CIA, was of course for the war, so what the people thought didn't really matter
(then as now). The press wasn't there to follow opinion, but to create it. Nixon and Humphrey had seen what
had happened to [Republican contender] George Romney—Mitt Romney's dad—when he came out against the
war. The press had crucified him. After that, all of the candidates kept quiet about the war, although it was topic
number one in 1968, or should have been.
Nixon took office in January of 1969. Hoover was head of the FBI then, as he had been since its founding in
1935. Both Nixon and Hoover hated the hippies with a passion and wished to destroy them. This is now part of
the public record, and we know it from many declassified documents. Mainly this was due to the anti-war stance
of the new generation. War was a big business and the hippies couldn't be allowed to get in the way of it. It is
known that the FBI created an entire mission around infiltrating and discrediting the anti-war movement. See COINTELPRO, which is not a conspiracy theory. It is declassified, is common knowledge, and you can even
read about it at Wikipedia by taking that last link. It ran in the 1960's, peaking in the late 60's and ending in 1971 (we are falsely assured). The FBI was not just spying under COINTELPRO. Its stated goal, according to
Hoover, was “to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” any anti-war group, including
hippies, socialists, the civil right movement, the NAACP, AIM, the National Lawyers Guild, and even Albert
Einstein (in the lead-up to COINTELPRO).
The CIA had its own version of COINTELPRO, called CHAOS. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is now
admitted by the CIA. It is known that CHAOS was started by Johnson in 1967 and then expanded by Nixon in
1969. It was directed by Richard Helms and run by the notorious James Jesus Angleton. Nixon also linked
COINTELPRO and CHAOS. It went into its tightest security mode in July of 1969, the month before the Tate
murders. The fake War on Drugs was used for the same purpose at the same time. 20 Seymour Hersh “blew the
whistle” on CHAOS in a 1974 New York Times article. Since the N.Y.T is controlled by the CIA, we must assume
this was mainly damage control: the admission of lesser crimes to cover larger ones. One of the larger ones
remaining hidden until now is the control of the Tate murders. If Hersh really knew anything about CHAOS, he
would have known of its premier operation, successful beyond all imagining. But Hersh's articles never once
mention the Tate murders. This is why I say his articles were misdirection. They hinted at many things, but
gave you nothing concrete. The hints all pushed you toward smaller things, which acted as further cover for the
big things like the Tate operation.
But let us back up. Note the quote from Hoover above: “Misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize.” Why have so few ever asked if the alleged Tate murders might have been just another instance of discrediting the hippies, and thereby the anti-war protesters? As we look back, we can see that no other event so discredited and neutralized the hippie movement as the Tate murders. Due to the awful press Charles Manson and his followers gave to the hippies, the movement was dead by early 1970. The entire anti-war movement was dealt a crushing blow by the Tate murders, since the press used it to marginalize not only the hippies, but all protesters and “malcontents.” This was a well-bought success for the government, since they were able to spin the Vietnam war out for five more years, spending countless billions more and enriching the already rich via Pentagon contracts. The Vietnam war didn't end until 8 months after Nixon's resignation in 1974. What day did Nixon resign? August 9, 1974, exactly five years to the day after the alleged Tate murders.7
Famous author Joan Didion wrote, “Many people I know in Los Angeles believe the 60's ended abruptly on August 9, 1969; ended at the exact moment when word of the murders traveled like brush fire through the community.”1 This would apply not only to Los Angeles, but to the entire United States. Given that the Tate murders did end the 60's and the hippie movement, we should ask if the Tate murders were intended to end the hippie movement. It seems very convenient for Nixon, Reagan, Hoover and the Pentagon that the perfect crime should happen at the perfect time. It seems very convenient that the first so-called “cult killings” known in Modern culture should occur as if on cue from the CIA, just in time to stop the rising peace movement. What a coincidence that the hippies would choose to go insane at just that moment, six days before Woodstock, murdering a beautiful blonde female (the perfect victim in any tragedy—see the fake Jessica Lynch rescue for a later example), still pregnant with a child (the other perfect victim). What a coincidence that they should write anti-government slogans on the wall, like “Death to Pigs”. What a coincidence that their leader should be the perfect patsy—a serial jailbird who had asked to be sent back to jail. That's right. Manson didn't want to be released from jail in 1967. Tom Snyder even admitted that on TV in 1981. How convenient that the government set up someone who wanted to be set up, sending a man back to jail for life who wanted to go back to jail. Let me put it this way: if the FBI were looking for someone to be a patsy, they could not have found someone better than Manson. He had a wild-eyed look, played the guitar and sang like the hippies, wore his hair long, was a lifetime criminal, and wanted to go back to jail. How convenient. What we will see is that Manson was actually working for the FBI and CIA all along. He wasn't set up. He was another actor, a willing patsy, playing the part he had been hired to play. He was actually the most brilliant actor of all of them, and still is.
In 1963, Polanski directed an episode for a Dutch movie entitled. . . The Best Swindles in the World. As you will see, the alleged Tate murders rank very high in that category.
Jay Sebring—one of the other alleged victims—was also an actor. He was better known for his hair salons for men, but in 1969 he was an actor. He had a part in a Batman episode that year. He had been in the underground film Mondo Hollywood. He was also a friend of producer Bill Dozier, and they together started the career of Bruce Lee, who was an actor. Sebring had been in the navy for four years, according to his bio. This fact may be important in what we are about to discover, since Sebring's military contacts were about to come in useful to him. It is also possible he was still working for naval intelligence O.N.I in 1969† though I don't believe anyone before me has suggested that. Also curious that Sebring's business did not fail with his alleged death, despite the fact that he had not sold it or made any plans for its continuation. There is absolutely no information about this on the internet, with the encyclopedia entries on Sebring International being nothing but stubs (see below for more on this). Among the famous salon clients of Sebring were Frank Sinatra and Jim Morrison. We will see more of Morrison below.
But let us back up. Note the quote from Hoover above: “Misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize.” Why have so few ever asked if the alleged Tate murders might have been just another instance of discrediting the hippies, and thereby the anti-war protesters? As we look back, we can see that no other event so discredited and neutralized the hippie movement as the Tate murders. Due to the awful press Charles Manson and his followers gave to the hippies, the movement was dead by early 1970. The entire anti-war movement was dealt a crushing blow by the Tate murders, since the press used it to marginalize not only the hippies, but all protesters and “malcontents.” This was a well-bought success for the government, since they were able to spin the Vietnam war out for five more years, spending countless billions more and enriching the already rich via Pentagon contracts. The Vietnam war didn't end until 8 months after Nixon's resignation in 1974. What day did Nixon resign? August 9, 1974, exactly five years to the day after the alleged Tate murders.7
Famous author Joan Didion wrote, “Many people I know in Los Angeles believe the 60's ended abruptly on August 9, 1969; ended at the exact moment when word of the murders traveled like brush fire through the community.”1 This would apply not only to Los Angeles, but to the entire United States. Given that the Tate murders did end the 60's and the hippie movement, we should ask if the Tate murders were intended to end the hippie movement. It seems very convenient for Nixon, Reagan, Hoover and the Pentagon that the perfect crime should happen at the perfect time. It seems very convenient that the first so-called “cult killings” known in Modern culture should occur as if on cue from the CIA, just in time to stop the rising peace movement. What a coincidence that the hippies would choose to go insane at just that moment, six days before Woodstock, murdering a beautiful blonde female (the perfect victim in any tragedy—see the fake Jessica Lynch rescue for a later example), still pregnant with a child (the other perfect victim). What a coincidence that they should write anti-government slogans on the wall, like “Death to Pigs”. What a coincidence that their leader should be the perfect patsy—a serial jailbird who had asked to be sent back to jail. That's right. Manson didn't want to be released from jail in 1967. Tom Snyder even admitted that on TV in 1981. How convenient that the government set up someone who wanted to be set up, sending a man back to jail for life who wanted to go back to jail. Let me put it this way: if the FBI were looking for someone to be a patsy, they could not have found someone better than Manson. He had a wild-eyed look, played the guitar and sang like the hippies, wore his hair long, was a lifetime criminal, and wanted to go back to jail. How convenient. What we will see is that Manson was actually working for the FBI and CIA all along. He wasn't set up. He was another actor, a willing patsy, playing the part he had been hired to play. He was actually the most brilliant actor of all of them, and still is.
The Actors
A few readers will say I am just following Mae Brussell's script so far, and Brussell did touch on some of these
points above. But this is where I jet past her. I say that Manson was just one more actor, because all the top
parts were played by actors. We already know that. Sharon Tate was an actor. Her career started in 1965 with
the movie Eye of the Devil, a movie about devil worship and sacrificial murders, where Sharon plays a witch.
More recently she had played a vampire in the Fearless Vampire Killers; then she played a slut in the Valley of
the Dolls, one who has an abortion, becomes a soft-core porn actress and then kills herself with downers; then
she had a bit part in Rosemary's Baby. Curious how all these films have to do with babies, blood, and death. In
the Manson murders, she was just continuing a trend. You might say she was typecast. The same can be said for
Roman Polanski.☼ He was the director of Fearless Vampire Killers and Rosemary's Baby, and he was one of the
leads in the former, becoming a vampire at the end. If the FBI had been looking for someone to direct a Satanic
slasher film, they could not have found a more perfect candidate. Does no one but me find that to be a big red
flag? The murder takes place in the home of a director of Satanic murder films 3
, and actors are murdered? No
one thought that was suspicious? In 1963, Polanski directed an episode for a Dutch movie entitled. . . The Best Swindles in the World. As you will see, the alleged Tate murders rank very high in that category.
Jay Sebring—one of the other alleged victims—was also an actor. He was better known for his hair salons for men, but in 1969 he was an actor. He had a part in a Batman episode that year. He had been in the underground film Mondo Hollywood. He was also a friend of producer Bill Dozier, and they together started the career of Bruce Lee, who was an actor. Sebring had been in the navy for four years, according to his bio. This fact may be important in what we are about to discover, since Sebring's military contacts were about to come in useful to him. It is also possible he was still working for naval intelligence O.N.I in 1969† though I don't believe anyone before me has suggested that. Also curious that Sebring's business did not fail with his alleged death, despite the fact that he had not sold it or made any plans for its continuation. There is absolutely no information about this on the internet, with the encyclopedia entries on Sebring International being nothing but stubs (see below for more on this). Among the famous salon clients of Sebring were Frank Sinatra and Jim Morrison. We will see more of Morrison below.
I met Jay's nephew one afternoon 18 years ago at the U.S.C special collection library. He did not even know the details of his uncle's murder. I had to turn him on to the Helter Skelter novel, because that was all I knew at the time. Now, he remains the ONLY next of kin on the Sebring side to EVER attend a parole hearing. And even then he only did DECADES after the murder.
Curious. More actors involved. They don't seem to be trying very hard to create a believable story. But they are continuing to scrub a lot of things, such as the Sebring documentary DiMaria did only a few years ago (2009). Although Dennis Hopper was in it, and DiMaria is listed as the director, it isn't on Hopper's I.M.D.B page or DiMaria's.

At IMDB that photo is tagged, “Anthony DiMaria and Dennis Hopper while filming 'Sebring'”. But there is no listing for that documentary at IMDB, and no listing on DiMaria's page. I assume the documentary was created as propaganda, but it must have been very unsuccessful propaganda, perhaps even divulging some real information. The spooks had to scrub it as soon as it hit the world.
Speaking of Hopper, he is the one who spoke out to the Los Angeles Times back in 1969, saying,
They [at the Tate house] had fallen into sadism and masochism and bestiality—and they recorded it all on videotape, too. The L.A. police told me this. I know that three days before they were killed twenty-five people were invited to that house for a mass-whipping of a dealer from Sunset Strip who’d given them bad dope.
That is clearly planted information, or disinformation. Notice that Hopper even admits the information was planted on him by the LA police. Was Hopper the mouthpiece of the LA police, and if so, why? Can't the police do their own press conferences? This is your red flag for Hopper in this paper. That and the fact that Hopper admits his father was in Intelligence. Like father like son.
But back to the claims of Satanic activity. This is a common ploy used by the CIA and FBI, to lead investigators into dark alleys. Long ago I learned that anytime I am being led into Satanism, Crowley, LaVey, and similar channels, I should know that the CIA is trying to divert me. It isn't Satanists that are running these events, it is most often military intelligence. But the black agencies use Satanism to cover their tracks. For most researchers, Satanism is a sexier road than the road to G-men, and they willingly take it. Rule number one in researching false flag events: ignore all links that lead to Satanism. Those are sucker links, put there on purpose by the CIA writers. As one example, let us dispense with the “Satanic” Process Church without further ado. The only thing you need to know about the Process Church is that in 1966 the leaders of the cult, the DeGrimstons, secured a large property on the Yucatan peninsula. Guess where? Mérida. In 1970, that wasn't the red flag it now is. It is now known that Mérida is the CIA's home away from home, sort of a Mexican Langley. Newer books on Manson or the Process Church now scrub that reference, telling you the hangout of the DeGrimstons was the scarier sounding town of Xtul. But Xtul wasn't and isn't a town. It is just a makeshift CIA ranch on the outskirts of Mérida.
As proof of that, I send you to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald, concerning psychology gambits used by secret government agencies to control and steer opinion on the internet. One of the documents they leaked was this one:

We know from Operation Gladio that all the European secret services are linked to the US secret service, and they often work together. The Process Church came out of Mayfair, London, so we may assume it is MI6. The MI6 has been using the Crowley/Satanism cover since the 1890's. The fake DeGrimstons are just actors from the theatrical division of MI6. Whenever the secret services need to create cover, they send in people like this. They work all over the world, and one secret service is happy to borrow actors/agents from another secret service.
But back to Jay Sebring. There's some more very important information in that post. Jay Sebring, president of a
record company. The poster doesn't tell us what paper that is from, so we can't confirm it. He only says it is
from 1965. Looks like Terry Melcher wasn't the only one in the recording business. The web of contacts
Sebring actually had is beginning to get fleshed out, and we can only ask why this fact has been scrubbed from
the web and the rest of the world. A lot of people don't want you to know anything about Jay Sebring, except
that he cut hair. If Sebring were just a hairstylist, why would his bio need to be scrubbed?
Wojciech Frykowski—another alleged victim—was “educated exclusively at the film school in Poland.” He had
a part in Polanski's early film Mammals, which he also financed and produced. His younger brother Jerzy
"Jerry" Frykowski is a movie production manager well-known in Europe. Frykowski's son Bartlomiej also
became a cinematographer. Frykowski was hoping Polanski would get him a job in the movie industry in Los
Angeles, which we will see he did, in a way. You will learn much more about Frykowski below.
Abigail Folger—another alleged victim—wasn't an actress, as far as I know, but as an heiress in the Folger's
coffee family she was connected to top political people, including the Kennedys. She had worked on Robert
Kennedy's campaign in 1968, and, as you will remember, he was also killed in very mysterious circumstances.
His death was filmed, the wounds and gunshots never matched, the photos were faked, the “murderer” was a
patsy, and we saw no body. His father Joseph Kennedy owned RKO studios before the war, so he was also in the
business. Joseph wasn't just a director or producer, he was a studio owner and manager. These people were
always producing some event, and it wasn't always on a stage in Hollywood. Another “coincidence”: Bobby
Kennedy had dinner at a Malibu beach house on June 5, 1968, before being driven to the Ambassador Hotel,
where he was allegedly shot and killed. Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski were also present at that dinner party
in Malibu. Hopefully, you may understand by the end of this paper why and how that wasn't a coincidence.
When Manson lived in San Francisco, Abigail Folger loaned $10,000 to the Straight Theater at Haight and Cole
Streets. Note that: theater. Folger was involved with actors and giving them money. Manson then lived on
Cole Street, on the same block as the Process Church. Fast forward to LA, where Manson and Folger met at the
house of Cass Elliot.2 Some have said that Folger loaned money to Manson, and if these things are true, Folger
looks like one of the private funders of the entire operation. Folger is also said to have given money to Timothy
Leary, the underground film-maker Kenneth Anger, and the Himalayan Academy (which was located not far
from the Esalen Institute—see below for more on Esalen).
Paul Tate
All that is suggestive, but the biggest red flag in this whole charade is that Sharon's father Paul Tate was a
colonel in army intelligence.† That rank is just under general. They don't tell us exactly in what capacity he
served, of course, but they do admit he served for 23 years, (supposedly) ending in 1969. So he started in 1946.
Interestingly, that is when army intelligence was split into various departments, including the CIA. Yes, the CIA
started in 1947.
In 1959, the Tate's moved to Verona, Italy, where Paul Tate was stationed at Passalacqua, the headquarters for
SETAF (Southern European Task Force). This links him to Operation Gladio. General Maletti—commander of
Italian military intelligence at the time of the Tate murders—later testified in court that the CIA had been
involved in many false flag operations in Italy and Europe, including murders and bombings, “for the purpose of
creating an Italian nationalism that was capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left.” Sound familiar?
Maletti added, “Don't forget that Nixon was in charge and Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician
but a man of rather unorthodox initiatives.” Nixon was in charge in 1969, but Operation Gladio had been
instituted by Allen Dulles much earlier, and it was financed in large part by the US, through the CIA, which
Dulles led under Eisenhower and Kennedy (1953 to late 1961). The Operation kicked into high gear in the late
50's to counter growing “leftist” movements, especially in Italy. We must assume that is why Paul Tate was in
Verona in 1959 with his family. Paul Tate was not just military, he was a colonel in intelligence, which indicates he was probably involved in Gladio.
One of these Gladio false flags was the Piazza Fontana bombing of 1969, just a few months after the alleged Tate
murders. The bombing was initially attributed to anarchists (violent hippies, you know), but it later came out in
testimony like that of General Maletti that these bombings were really the work of the CIA, in league with other
European intelligence agencies. This indicates that Sharon Tate's own father was capable of organizing false
flag events, and knew others who could help with whatever needed to be done, including faking deaths and
pinning them on leftists. You may think of the Tate murders as just one more Gladio false flag operation against
the left. Yes, the Manson murders were an instance of Gladio moving to the US.
How did that happen, exactly? Well, it happened in 1962 when Paul Tate was transferred from Italy to Fort
MacArthur in San Pedro, just south of Torrance and about 20 miles south of Hollywood. It appears that military
intelligence may have seen some use for Paul Tate's pretty daughter, and they sent the family back to Los
Angeles to put the plan in motion. We assume he was transferred to MacArthur, since that was the base in San
Pedro, but although the Tate family may have lived in San Pedro, Paul Tate was more likely assigned to Lookout
Mountain base in Laurel Canyon about 25 miles away, which was still secret at the time (see below). Either that
or he transferred over there once the operation solidified a few years later. During an interview with Merv
Griffin in 1966, Sharon says that her father was stationed in Vietnam at the time. That is possible, but it is more
likely to be a cover story. At any rate, they would need him back in Los Angeles by 1967 or 1968, to work on
the great Tate event. As soon as Manson was released in 1967, they must have already begun setting the stage.
We have more indication of this from online sources, which admit that Paul Tate dressed up like a hippie after
his daughter's alleged murder, allegedly to try to discover who murdered her. But that fact is commonly passed
over or misread. It should be a huge red flag. We have an admission that military intelligence had a colonel
dressed up as a hippie right after the murders, attempting to infiltrate them. That fact is spun to make us think
that Paul Tate was there in his own capacity, as a private citizen. But if he was really retired at that point and
working as a private citizen, he was breaking the law. Private citizens are not allowed to work in law
enforcement, and after the alleged murders, any involvement in the investigation was considered law
enforcement. Any private investigators have to be licensed. Of course the truth is much worse than that, since
we should make some attempt to read this fact without the spin. Paul Tate wasn't just acting as some sort of
vigilante father. He was doing his job. He wasn't retired. He is said to have died in 2005 at age 82, which
would have made him just 46 in 1969. Colonels don't normally retire at 46, since they are only one promotion
away from brigadier general.† It is far more likely that he didn't start dressing up as a hippie after the murders.
He only got caught dressing up as a hippie after the murders. Someone recognized him, that is, and the CIA had
to come up with a cover story to explain it. But he had probably been undercover for months, as part of the
operation. It is likely he was the one running the whole thing from the hippie side, wearing a beard and tiedyes.
How has everyone managed to miss that for 43 years? Some of the things I discovered for this paper, Mae
Brussell could not have been expected to know in the 1970's, but any good researcher at the time should have
seen Paul Tate as the biggest red flag in all of California.
If you don't believe an Intelligence colonel would dress up as a hippie and try to infiltrate the movement, try
reading the book Acid Dreams, where we find this:
It was a typical sixties scene: a group of scruffy, long-haired students stood in a circle passing joints and hash
pipes. The setting could have been Berkeley, Ann Arbor or any other hip campus. But these students were
actually FBI agents, and the school they attended was known as “Hoover University.” Located at Quantico Marine
Base in Virginia, this elite academy specialized in training G-men to penetrate left-wing organizations. To cultivate
the proper counterculture image, they were told not to wash or bathe for several days before infiltrating a group of
radicals. Refresher courses were also held for FBI agents who had successfully immersed themselves in the drug
culture of their respective locales.19
And it wasn't just FBI, it was also CIA. It wasn't in Virginia for no reason. Langley was just up the road. Nor is
the book Acid Dreams some fringe publication. Look it up on Wikipedia, where you will see it is a respected book widely referenced by the mainstream. The government has long admitted it did these things.
Actually, we know Paul Tate wasn't retired on August 9. We are told he resigned two weeks before his scheduled
retirement, but both the resignation and scheduled retirement were after the murders. He resigned because of
the murder of his daughter, we are told. This by itself is a red flag, since the odds of Paul Tate's retirement being
scheduled two weeks after August 9 are extremely low. In fact, they are zero, since colonels are not scheduled to
retire at age 46. They may take early retirement, but it isn't “scheduled.” This wording is suspicious, and we
must assume it used only to make a reader think his retirement had already been planned. But if it had been
planned, why would he need to resign two weeks early? There is no need to “resign” in such a circumstance,
since, given the murder of his daughter, his superiors would no doubt give him leave for those two remaining
weeks. Again, we are being told he resigned two weeks early to give the impression he was not military
intelligence when he was dressed up as a hippie. They are trying to divert you from the realization that in any
case we have a military intelligence colonel dressed up as a hippie roaming the streets of LA. Whether he is on
leave or resigned or soon to retire is not to the point: he is the same person no matter what. He is a gigantic red
flag no matter what.
You may want to search Wikipedia for Paul Tate. He isn't there, although Sharon's mother Doris is there. On Doris' page, there is no mention of Paul in the text. Bios normally mention spouses. Sharon's page mentions
him, but of course there is no link to him, since he has no page.
For more strange links, take a look at this:
This young man Wayne Mall, who dated Sharon's sister Debra, had a motorcycle accident in November, 1970,
just one year after the murders. But what is interesting is what we learn about Paul Tate. In 1971, Tate was
opening Tate Gallery for Men's Hair Design in Rolling Hills. What? Rolling Hills is just west of San Pedro,
near Long Beach. It is also just north of the old military base Fort MacArthur. So we have a clear link between
Paul Tate and Jay Sebring. How long had Paul Tate been interested in hair design? Or, more to the point, how
long had the CIA been involved in hair design for men? Was Tate's new salon going to be a cover for
intelligence, and if so, had Sebring's salon been a cover for intelligence all along? This gives us more indication
that Sebring was involved in naval intelligence. In this paper, you will see that Sebring, Paul Tate, Susan Atkins,
and Charles Watson all had ties to hair salons.
Here's some more interesting photo evidence: pictures of Paul Tate.

Paul Tate, master of disguise. See how he shaved his head and beard for the funeral, in pic 6? Remember, he
had been disguised with long hair and a beard after the murders, looking for the killers. But at the funeral, all
that is gone. He wants to look as different as possible: not to fool the non-existent killers, but to fool you, any
real hippies he may be framing, and any future clients of his hair salon. I included pic 4 just for fun. What's
going on there, exactly? Is there anything these guys don't film?
Take note of the fifth picture, of Paul Tate in navy uniform. So he would originally have been navy intelligence,
not army intelligence. Why does that matter? Because Jay Sebring was also navy. This gives us another link
between Paul Tate and Jay Sebring. They may have both come into intelligence from navy.
There is another thing linking Paul Tate, Jay Sebring, Roman Polanski, and Charles Manson. They were all very
short men. While watching the NBC film of the funeral, I noticed that Paul Tate was only about 5'5”. Jay
Sebring was also around 5'5”. Roman Polanski is even shorter, being about 5'3”. Charles Manson is also about
5'3”. Why would this matter, and what could it indicate? Well, if Paul Tate was in control of this operation, he
may have recruited people that were also short. No one likes to give orders to someone towering over him. I
suspect one of the qualities they liked best about Manson when they were scouring the local jails in 1967 for a
patsy is that he was extremely short.
This made it slightly more difficult to build him up into a scary monster, but they easily got around it. I asked
some people recently how tall they thought Manson was, and they all said about six feet. It is amazing what you
can do with the press.
Paul Tate used the press to promote Sharon from early on as well. She appeared on the cover of Stars and
Stripes magazine in the early 60's, astride a US Army missile. Do you imagine her father didn't know anything
about it? Stars and Stripes is the military's own magazine, and it operates from inside the Pentagon. We are told
he disapproved, but this is unlikely.

The Set
For more proof this was all a movie, we can ask, Where did the “Manson family” live? The SPAHN'S MOVIE
RANCH! Wikipedia tells us it was “used for filming generally Western-themed movies and television
programs. With mountainous terrain, boulder-strewn scenery, and an 'old Western town' set, Spahn Ranch was a
versatile filming site for many scripts.” Hmmm. That's curious, wouldn't you say? The perpetrators were living
on a movie set. We are told that Mr. Spahn allowed the Manson family to move in rent-free in 1968. So nice of
him. Then as now, old ranchers just love young hippies to hang around, smoking dope, shagging each other, and
creating big piles of trash. Also convenient for the government is that all the buildings and sets were destroyed
by a fire in 1970, preventing anyone from doing any forensic work there. I would say the best guess is the CIA
was paying Spahn to set up their patsies there.
As evidence for that, we find that in April of 1969, one of the lesser and younger (age 15) Manson girls, Ruth Ann Morehouse, was arrested and placed in juvenile hall. She was released into the custody of George Spahn, who acted as a foster parent in the eyes of the court. What? RuthAnn's father Dean was not dead, and Spahn was no relation. Nor was he fit to be a foster parent, being in his 80's and legally blind. He was not fit to be a foster parent, but he was fit (we suppose) to be her handler. Someone simply arranged for her to be returned to the set, since she was one of the props. Ed Sanders implies that this was a measure of the power Manson had, but Manson had no power in juvenile courts. The only bodies that have any power over juvenile courts are federal agencies—either FBI or CIA or DIA. Everything to do with the Spahn Ranch stinks of a big federal operation.
By this time, the ranch had turned into a huge magnet for runaways and juvenile delinquents from all over the state, and the mainstream story admits that the LA police were well aware of it. And yet we are supposed to believe nothing was done? Reagan sends in the National Guard to bust up college students making speeches and planting trees, but he and the LA police and the state police leave a huge hippie commune in the LA suburbs alone, even while it is allegedly making porn films, acting as a nudist retreat, harboring underage girls, selling drugs, kidnapping schoolgirls, stealing cars, running motorcycle and dune buggy races, threatening neighbors, storing weapons, giving loud all-night parties, fraternizing with biker gangs and Satanists, and so on? We are expected to believe that all these local agencies are going to not only turn a blind eye to the Spahn Ranch, but return an arrested 15-year-old girl to the premises, in the care of Mr. Magoo, I mean George Spahn?
Another curious thing about the Spahn Ranch is that the Transcontinental Development Corporation was buying up property all around the Ranch and wanted the Spahn Ranch as well. But rather than sell the otherwise worthless property—which we are led to believe was subsisting on pony rides—Spahn preferred to keep the place as-is, a rent-free haven for ex-cons, junkies, and titty dancers. Spahn's refusal to sell can only be explained once we realize he was getting extremely well paid by the feds to keep the place as a movie set, actors and agents haunt, and center of operations for Project CHAOS.
At any rate, we have already seen that the Manson family is known to have lived on a movie set. The crime scene was the home of a movie director famous for Satanic slasher movies. The prime victim was an actress. At least two secondary victims were actors. The lead victim's father was a colonel in military intelligence. But no one ever thought to ask if this was a movie paid for by the government? How difficult is that question to ask? Why did Mae Brussell never get to it? Why is it not to be found in 43 years and millions of pages of research by tens of thousands of people?

Some will say, “Well, Kasabian and Van Houten, maybe. But Susan Atkins beautiful? She was a crazy dog!” Oh

As evidence for that, we find that in April of 1969, one of the lesser and younger (age 15) Manson girls, Ruth Ann Morehouse, was arrested and placed in juvenile hall. She was released into the custody of George Spahn, who acted as a foster parent in the eyes of the court. What? RuthAnn's father Dean was not dead, and Spahn was no relation. Nor was he fit to be a foster parent, being in his 80's and legally blind. He was not fit to be a foster parent, but he was fit (we suppose) to be her handler. Someone simply arranged for her to be returned to the set, since she was one of the props. Ed Sanders implies that this was a measure of the power Manson had, but Manson had no power in juvenile courts. The only bodies that have any power over juvenile courts are federal agencies—either FBI or CIA or DIA. Everything to do with the Spahn Ranch stinks of a big federal operation.
By this time, the ranch had turned into a huge magnet for runaways and juvenile delinquents from all over the state, and the mainstream story admits that the LA police were well aware of it. And yet we are supposed to believe nothing was done? Reagan sends in the National Guard to bust up college students making speeches and planting trees, but he and the LA police and the state police leave a huge hippie commune in the LA suburbs alone, even while it is allegedly making porn films, acting as a nudist retreat, harboring underage girls, selling drugs, kidnapping schoolgirls, stealing cars, running motorcycle and dune buggy races, threatening neighbors, storing weapons, giving loud all-night parties, fraternizing with biker gangs and Satanists, and so on? We are expected to believe that all these local agencies are going to not only turn a blind eye to the Spahn Ranch, but return an arrested 15-year-old girl to the premises, in the care of Mr. Magoo, I mean George Spahn?
Another curious thing about the Spahn Ranch is that the Transcontinental Development Corporation was buying up property all around the Ranch and wanted the Spahn Ranch as well. But rather than sell the otherwise worthless property—which we are led to believe was subsisting on pony rides—Spahn preferred to keep the place as-is, a rent-free haven for ex-cons, junkies, and titty dancers. Spahn's refusal to sell can only be explained once we realize he was getting extremely well paid by the feds to keep the place as a movie set, actors and agents haunt, and center of operations for Project CHAOS.
At any rate, we have already seen that the Manson family is known to have lived on a movie set. The crime scene was the home of a movie director famous for Satanic slasher movies. The prime victim was an actress. At least two secondary victims were actors. The lead victim's father was a colonel in military intelligence. But no one ever thought to ask if this was a movie paid for by the government? How difficult is that question to ask? Why did Mae Brussell never get to it? Why is it not to be found in 43 years and millions of pages of research by tens of thousands of people?
Part 2: the Trial
Before we get to other explosive evidence, let's take a quick look at the trial of Manson. I can't get into in detail
here—that would take a book. But everyone who has studied the trial knows it was a sham. In the UCLA video
archives, you can find footage where Vincent Bugliosi bragged that it was the longest and most expensive trial in
history, and that record probably still stands. He also tells us it received more publicity than any other trial in
American history, and even when competing with trials like the Scopes Monkey trial and the O.J. Simpson trial,
we assume he is correct. As for the publicity, you should ask yourself why the trial was such a media circus.
No other trial even comes close as a matter of theatrics. All the major parts seemed to have been filled by a
casting director seeking the most beautiful, expressive, or otherwise memorable faces and personalities. You
should ask yourself what the odds are that all these people in the same trial would be so photogenic. Don't ugly
girls in California get arrested for “cult” murders? No? Only the beautiful ones? 

That was Atkins at 27. They made her look bad in some old photos, but you can make anyone look bad. You
could make Nicole Kidman look bad. You can't make just anyone look that good. I would say she cleaned up
pretty well. So again, I ask you what are the odds of bringing together a random group of runaway kids, and a
majority of them look like movie stars? Some will say, “Well, this was Hollywood. Hollywood draws gorgeous
people.” Yes, but these kids weren't auditioning for a movie—at least not in the standard story. And a lot of
them were supposedly picked up in San Francisco. They should be just an average bunch of kids, on the basis
of looks. I shouldn't have to remind you, but your average person just isn't that good looking. In an average
group of twenty people, you are lucky to find one person this attractive, male or female. That is just the way it
is. And we have more:
That's Nancy Pitman, Rachel Morse, and Sandra Good, three more beauties arrested or profiled as Manson's
girls. Nancy Pitman looks like Helen Slater (Supergirl, 1984). And Morse looks like Mariel Hemingway. These
girls look less like Charlie's girls and more like Charlie's Angels.
The same could be said on the male side. Bobby Beausoleil looked a lot like Robert Downey, Jr.
Charles Watson was tall, dark and handsome:
How about Paul Watkins?
A very pretty boy, in the mold of a Johnny Depp or Davy Jones. Even Barbara Hoyt was attractive in 1969:
Take away the granny glasses and she is nearly as pretty as her very pretty friends. That is supposed to be her
mugshot. But we have a lot of problems. Why did they scratch out the bottom inch of the photo? Because she
is wearing a different blouse in the side photo than in the first photo. Look how the collar comes further up her
neck in the second photo, and how the blouse is dark beneath the collar. Even without the difference in the
blouse and collar, we can tell the photos weren't taken at the same time. The hair doesn't match. Look at the
loose hair on the sides. In the first photo, her hair is quite loose around the ears, with many large strands
hanging down. In the second photo, her hair is tighter, with only two small strands on her visible side. But the
biggest difference is in the overall size of her head. Does turning to the side make your head 10% larger? Get
out your ruler and your calculator.
But it gets stranger. Check out this suppressed photo of the famous three:

Tell me that doesn't look like a scene from a play. What actors' trunk did they pull those dresses from? They
don't look like witches, hippies, or anything else. They look like a CIA director's idea of “mod young girls.”
Van Houten looks like she was dressed from the wardrobe of Star Trek. Even the police woman's wig looks like
it came from an actors' trunk. Does that look like a real police woman's uniform? Look at the waist! Do you
think police women had coats with cinched waists in the 1960's? Her waist not only looks like it is about 24”,
the coat is cut to match it. Show me one real police woman who was ever dressed in a coat like that and I will
give you a commendation. That isn't city issue. That is Hollywood issue.
But can you tell me why that photo above has been suppressed? More continuity problems:[Miles is correct it took quite a bit of searching before I could locate it D.C]

Same day, same dresses, same hallway. That's where they're singing, remember? But before I show you the
continuity problem, look at that police woman. Wow. She's even better looking than Van Houten (who is in
blue-green). Actually, they look almost like sisters, with those long, gorgeous necks. Do you really think they
were hiring police women right off the set of Bewitched? Is that Serena? C'mon. Who would believe this? But
the continuity problem is with the badge. This police woman is wearing her badge on the right breast. The
police woman above, with the blonde wig, is wearing her badge on the left breast. If you think one of the
photos is reversed, you are wrong. We can see the second police woman in the first picture as well, and we can
see the badge on her right breast. This is a major problem, because the position of the badge is set by policy.
They don't let you just slap the badge on anywhere you like. Police badges are worn above the left chest pocket.
The Script
Bugliosi admitted that “the six killers turned out to be so incredibly far-out and unusual in their lifestyles and
philosophies, that when their identities became known they actually upstaged the victims.” Considering that the
victims in the Tate house were jet-setting actresses and stylists, this must be seen as fairly incredible. Looking
back, we can say with little fear of contradiction that the Manson family actors overplayed their parts by a wide
margin, and that the stage direction became more and more fantastical as the play progressed. By the end, all
semblance of reality had been left far behind, and only the fact that the television audience in the 1960's was still
in its infancy, and thereby utterly credulous and naive, can explain the success of the script.
Now go to minute 23:00 (TCR 1:00:00) of the linked video. Bugliosi is telling the reporter that the Tate murders
are the “most bizarre, savage, nightmarish murders in the recorded annals of time,” and that Linda Kasabian,
while testifying, “was filled with emotion describing the first night of horror.” Unfortunately, we see film of
Kasabian walking the hall afterwards in her Little House on the Prairie dress, and she is smiling and grinning.
The cameraman is grinning back at her. Is that the emotion Bugliosi is talking about? Watch Bugliosi, too: he
is obviously reading from a script. This was before Teleprompters, you know. Bugliosi is looking down at a
script posted low and in front of him, out of shot. Not only do we get the “bizarre, savage, nightmarish
murders,” we get the “horrible, horrendous screams.” So poetic. The questions are also planted as well, since
Bugliosi doesn't even have to scan down the script to find an answer. The question is also on the script, and the
journalists hit their cues like the pros they are.
I also send you to minute 1:21 of the linked video, where Barbara Hoyt is giving testimony to reporters in the
hallway outside of the courtroom. Hoyt is not the smartest person in the world, but even she knows better than
that. She says, “I don't know if I should,” and looks around. Apparently her handlers assure her, and she tells
her story about overhearing Atkins. The tape is cut, so some will say she didn't tell anything, but after the cut, the reporter admits that she just told one minute's worth of story. We know because he tells Hoyt that there are
known to be five minutes' worth of conversation in Atkins' dialogue, but Hoyt has only told the reporters one
minute's worth. The reporter wants the full five minutes. In the real world, Hoyt's blabbing for a full minute
would cause a mistrial, but not here. I'm just surprised they didn't bring the girls into the newsroom and have
them give their testimony direct to the public on air. That would have simplified the process considerably. The
reporter here is really funny. He says, “We just want you to tell us what happened for the record.” For what
record? Last time I checked, the “record” was kept in the courtroom, not out in the hall.
We have looked at the fake publicity, now let's look at the cost. This was the most expensive trial in history, but
it was only half a trial. There was a prosecution but no defense, so all the cost was on the side of the
prosecution. The defense rested without calling a single witness. Manson's lawyers declined to cross examine
most witnesses for the prosecution, and Manson was prevented by the judge from cross examining them himself
—although he had asked to represent himself. Compare that to the O.J. Simpson trial, where most of the cost
was on the side of the defense. Simpson hired several of the most expensive defense attorneys in the country,
including Alan Dershowitz, F. Lee Bailey, and Robert Shapiro. Simpson spent something like 6 million on his
team of eight lawyers. But Manson wasn't allowed to make any defense, either through his inept lawyers or by
his own testimony. Manson's first attorney was Ronald Hughes, and the Manson trial was Hughes' very first
time in a courtroom. He had been an attorney for less than a year. Hughes disappeared during the trial and was
later “found dead,” and we can assume that is because he wanted to actually do his job, or because he stumbled
upon the evidence I will give you below. Either that or it was just one more fake death in the script, put there to
further demonize the hippies. The mainstream floated the idea that the Manson family got him, but why would
the Manson family get Hughes, one of the only people on their side? We know Hughes complained loudly to the
judge when Van Houten wasn't allowed to give testimony that Manson had nothing to do with the murders. If
Hughes was really killed, the prosecution had much more motive.
Although this was the most publicized event in the history of the US legal system, no change of venue outside of
Los Angeles was granted. No continuance was granted. Despite that, the prosecuting attorney was allowed to
enter exhibits into evidence consisting of magazine and newspaper articles, including LIFE magazine. These
articles had titles such as “The Manson Family Murders.” Notice that is not the alleged Manson family
murders. The judge was allowing exhibits that had already decided the guilt of the accused!
There was no real evidence against Manson, and the prosecution even admitted he wasn't at the murder scene
and didn't take part in it. He was convicted of masterminding it, not committing it. He was convicted solely on
the basis of testimony of his fellow alleged perpetrators, who turned on him under duress from the State. This
testimony came from a group of young girls who had done so many drugs they could barely speak. It was
admitted that the main witnesses for the prosecution had taken as many as 300 acid trips in their short lives, so
their brains were basically fried. The lead witness was Linda Kasabian, who also didn't take part in the actual
murders, but was nonetheless charged with seven counts of murder in order to scare her. She was given
immunity for her testimony. Another main witness was Susan Atkins, who was given immunity from the death
penalty for testimony against Manson, which she initially gave. However, Atkins sobered up for a moment later
on and repudiated all that testimony. Kasabian revealed clear signs of coaching during the trial, and was
obviously just repeating a story given to her by the State.
Then there is the matter of the 25 unidentified fingerprints at the Tate house. In any real investigation, that
would be impossible. Given the length of the investigation and all the people that were questioned (all those
who had been at parties at the house in the past couple of years, for instance), it is inconceivable that that many
fingerprints would go unassigned. It is unfortunate for the controllers of this story that they let the police admit
to all those fingerprints, since they are a clear sign that the scene was not closed to the people we are told were in
it. It is a clear sign of the presence of the invisible CIA or FBI crew that was there setting up and filming these
fake murders. Some of the Manson family attorneys touch on this point, but of course they don't go where I go.
They point out the very high number of fingerprints and the fact that this must leave the matter of perpetrators
wide open (especially in the trial of Krenwinkel), but they appear to have never stumbled on the correct reading
of the scene—which would have allowed them to point to the likely owners of those fingerprints.
To top it all off, President Nixon declared Manson guilty while the trial was still in session.

The jury saw that headline when Manson held up that paper in court. Still, no mistrial. The judge only asked the
jurors if they had been influenced by the headline. They said they hadn't been influenced. I guess Jesus Christ
could have appeared in court in a burning bush, saying Manson was guilty, and still no mistrial. Each and every
juror could have appeared on the Merv Griffin show and recited testimony, telling Merv how they felt about it.
But as long as they swore to the judge that they felt pure afterwards, no mistrial.
With that headline in mind, remember what I told you before: the judge allowed magazine articles from LIFE
and other places to be entered as evidence, even though those articles had pre-judged Manson and the other
defendants based on hearsay. So why was this Nixon headline such a big deal? To be consistent, the judge
should have just taken the newspaper out of Manson's hand and entered it as “evidence.”
To see other ways the trials of Atkins and Manson were a joke, you may read an article from September 7. 1970 which admits that two attorneys for the defense had spent many nights in jail for contempt during the trials, and
that a third (Hughes) was so poor he couldn't afford a suit for the trial. He had to borrow a coat from a reporter.
The article admits that the trials, which should have been somber at best, were actually filled with laughter.
Those in the audience could see what a farce the whole thing was.
We see part of this joke when Bugliosi is interviewed at minute 39 of the above video. Bugliosi tells us that
Manson has been denied his writ of habeas corpus because he was not pro per (or pro se) at the time. What that
means is that Manson wasn't allowed to petition the court because he was not representing himself. Bugliosi
tells us that Manson's attorney needed to petition the court, since Manson had no standing. But that is all false,
since anyone can petition a judge for habeas corpus. Every prisoner automatically has standing to file habeas
corpus, and it has nothing to do with whether you are representing yourself or whether you have an attorney. In
English common law, habeas corpus is known as the “great writ,” and it has the force of a court order. It cannot
be overridden or ignored by a judge based on a technicality like pro per. To see Bugliosi standing there telling
us a judge ruled against habeas corpus based on pro per is beyond corrupt. In any other trial, it would be the
most extraordinary sign of corruption one could imagine, but in the Manson trial, it was just one of many.
Remember, a person accused of murder is assigned a public defender if he cannot afford his own attorney. So if
a judge could refuse habeas corpus to everyone who already had an attorney, no one could ever file habeas
corpus. The state could just say, “Hey, we already assigned you an attorney, so you aren't pro se and can't file
habeas corpus. You will say, “Well, in that case you could just get your attorney to file, couldn't you?” Didn't
work for Manson, did it? When his personal writ failed, did they then allow his attorney to file for him?
Apparently not. You get only once chance, according to the great Bugliosi. Once they get you on a technicality,
your attorney is permanently muzzled.
At the end of the trial, Manson was allowed to make a statement, but the jury was removed from the courtroom.
The reason given was to prevent Manson from implicating his co-defendants, and they cited People v. Aranda to
justify this. But this was nonsense of the first order, since Manson's co-defendants had been implicating him for
weeks. His entire conviction was based on testimony by his co-defendants. The trial was a mockery of justice from the first day. Bugliosi was allowed not only to railroad Manson and the other defendants, but also to
concoct the story for the press. His book Helter Skelter10 has defined the story ever since, although it is nothing
but fiction. We may assume he was fed the entire story by the CIA.
Amazingly, Bugliosi—in an interview right after the verdict—himself outlines some of the problems in the trial
that could lead to appeals. He mentions the incredible pre-trial publicity—which anyone can see must have
prejudiced all jurors (as it was meant to). He mentions the disappearance of Manson's attorney Hughes. He
mentions Nixon's statement on the front pages. And those are just the tip of the iceberg. But the interesting
question in this context is why a chief prosecuting attorney would publicly give tips to the defense in what to
appeal. Clearly, those in control of these events wished for them to remain in the papers as long as possible.
The prosecution wanted to see appeals, as many as possible. This is unprecedented, but it helps explain Nixon's
remarks. Remember, the remarks of Nixon were not off-the-cuff. Nixon was reading from cue cards at the time.
It was a prepared statement. No one has ever been able to make sense of that. Why would the President wish to
undermine Manson's prosecution, and do so in such an extraordinary manner? Nixon was a lawyer himself. He
knew exactly what he was doing. He knew such a statement showed extraordinary prejudice, that it would be
reported in bold headlines, and that it would impact the trial. Why would he do that? Because he knew the
outcome was predetermined. There was no chance Manson would ultimately win. But Nixon, like Bugliosi,
wished to see as many appeals as possible, in order that the story be kept in the papers and on TV as long as
possible. As it turns out, the case is still on TV and in the papers 43 years later.
The appeals were equally absurd. No trial in history was so monumentally compromised from the first day as
were the original Manson trials. Literally thousands of points of appeal were available to the defense, and
everyone who followed the trials expected the appellate court to either overturn the convictions or return them to
the lower court for a retrial. To confirm the proceedings of the lower court would be to admit on paper that the
US legal system was finished. I think even Bugliosi expected that from the appellate court, and he no doubt
looked forward to grandstanding for another year. But that isn't what happened. I suppose the government
decided it had gotten all the mileage it was going to get out of the story. By that time (1975-76) Nixon was
gone, Hoover was gone, and the Vietnam War was over. The entire appellate decision is at,, and I
recommend you study it if you have any interest in the law. That decision may be even more corrupt than the
original decision, since it is a decision not by a jury, but by judges who are supposed to know the law. We expect
lawyers to flout logic and we expect jurors to be ignorant, but seeing such blatant and overt corruption from
appellate judges is more disconcerting than either. As long as judges are honest, lawyers and juries can be kept
in line. But if judges are corrupt, the whole system is finished. And it is, in fact, finished. This appellate
decision reads like the death knell of English jurisprudence. From then on, the courts—like everything else—
would be controlled by military intelligence.
I will mention only the gravest instance of this corruption. The appellate court admits that chief prosecutor
Bugliosi met in private with Manson several times, without the consent of Manson's counsel Kanarek. The
appellate court admits this is a “grave” violation of Manson's Miranda rights. It admits that it is a violation by
Bugliosi of the Rules of Professional Conduct, even citing the relevant clause: Bus. & Prof. Code, § 6076. But
the appellate court chooses—completely mysteriously and without explanation—to do nothing about either. It
neither overturns the conviction, nor sends it back to the lower court, nor brings Bugliosi up for disciplinary
I mention this instance of corruption in the appellate decision over hundreds of others since it is pertinent in
another way. As you see, it proves my thesis as well, since it gives Bugliosi the opportunity to discuss the script
with Manson. If the entire trial is scripted and controlled, then we would need a way for the two sides to
compare notes and make plans. No play is completely self-propelled: the actors need guidance all along the way,
to prevent mistakes and miscommunication. But during the trial, an actor like Manson might get so isolated by
circumstance that he could not keep up with the important script updates. This is why he needed private
meetings with Bugliosi.
Part 3: the Family
Now, let us study Bugliosi's script a bit more closely. Ask yourself this: do 5 foot 3 ex-con bums like Manson
“have a gift for attracting wayward teen girls”? Do they now? Did they in 1969? No. What attracts young girls
is money and fame, and Manson had (or should have had) neither. What we discover if we study recent history
is that wayward teen girls tend to be attracted to various brainwashing programs run—one way or another—by
the government. And it is not so much that the girls are attracted to such programs as it is that they cannot
escape them. These programs are like a vortex the young and impressionable cannot swim out of.
According to AP reporter Linda Deutsch, who helped to narrate an A&E special called The Manson Girls,
Manson's trick “was that he recruited very young and very impressionable girls at a time in their lives when they
had identity problems and they didn't know where they were going in society.” But that is classic misdirection.
That is a good trick, but it wasn't Manson's trick. It was the trick of the military and the intelligence community,
which, in the Tate event, was recruiting its own children to act in these manufactured tragedies. Since these kids
were their own kids, they were doubly impressionable. They wanted to please their parents. These actors like
Sharon Tate and Lynette Fromme and Susan Atkins weren't the most rebellious of their generation, they were
actually the least rebellious. These were Daddy's little girls, doing their part to keep America safe from commies
and anti-war protesters.
That's the real Manson family. They look really dangerous, don't they? About as dangerous as the Brady Bunch.
While we are looking at Manson, we should remember that Manson was tied to the victims before the murders.
This evidence is usually suppressed, and the standard story is that Manson thought Terry Melcher lived at 10050
Cielo Drive. The murders are therefore sold to us as random. However, there was testimony from Layne
Wooten to seeing Manson in a red Ferrari with a woman in a scarf in Topanga Canyon in July 1969. 2
was a bum without a job: how could he be driving a Ferrari? Turns out Sharon Tate owned a red Ferrari at that
time. The story has been planted that the red Ferrari was Beach Boy Dennis Wilson's, but that has never been
confirmed. What has been confirmed is that Sharon Tate owned one. It was found in a body shop shortly after
the murders. And it was probably Abigail Folger in the car with Manson. Manson and Folger were linked
through Esalen as well, since both had been there in the past few months. They were also linked via the
Himalayan Foundation (another CIA front), which she gave money to and which he hung around. Folger was
also known to have attended fundraisers set up by her mother to aid the Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic in San
Francisco. This was around the same time many of the Manson family women were being “treated” there. So
she was linked not only to Manson but to the girls. This is most likely where the girls were auditioned and
coached for the upcoming Tate movie.
This Haight-Ashbury Clinic turns out to be a giant red flag, since we find both David Smith and Roger Smith
running the place in 1968. David Smith is a high-profile but dark character with CIA pointers all over him. I
don't have time to do an exposé of him here, but he has links to all sorts of fishy goings-on. You may want to
note that he has no date of birth at Wikipedia, and no life before 1967, when he founded the clinic. We are led to
believe he founded the clinic right out of med school, at age 28. But a now-scrubbed bio had him at age 32
when he founded the clinic.6
It is enough to know that Manson was released from jail on March 21, 1967, and
the clinic was founded on June 7, 1967. Manson left Terminal Island Prison in San Pedro (yes, the same San
Pedro where the Tate family had been living since 1962) and immediately asked permission to move to San
Francisco. He was living in Haight-Ashbury by late April. The summer of 1967 saw both the meteoric rise in
LSD availability on the streets, as well as the introduction of the never-seen-before STP and PCP. Haight Ashbury
just happened to be the epicenter of both. Why was the formula for STP released by DOW into the
scientific community at large, why was this lab drug on the streets for cheap, and why was it released in Haight Ashbury
in 1967? The same can be asked of PCP. Why was this animal tranquilizer marketed until then by
Parke-Davis suddenly put on the street for cheap, and why was Haight-Ashbury the first place this was done? If
you think the hippies suddenly became lab experts and were brewing these things themselves, you have never
hung out with real hippies. Now declassified documents show that there were government drug programs at the
time using the youth of Berkeley as human guinea pigs, and that the supply was coming from government and
university labs. See the resume of Dr. Wayne O. Evans, for instance. For more recent examples, you can see
how crack cocaine was introduced in California in the early 1980's by the CIA, this time targeting blacks and
Hispanics. Just search on Gary Webb, Dark Alliance.
Roger Smith is easier to gloss here, since all you have to know is that he was Manson's parole officer in 1967
before “establishing a drug counseling treatment program associated with Haight-Ashbury Clinic in 1968.”4
Coincidence, right? No, not really. In his book, Ed Sanders calls him Roger Smith on one page, then calls him
Dr. Roger Smith on the very next page. Parole officers aren't normally doctors of medicine. What did Roger
Smith do, attend eight years of medical school and do a residency between 1967 and 1968? No. Roger Smith
was Manson's handler, not his parole officer. Once Manson was set up in his new role, Roger Smith moved to
the Haight-Ashbury operation, which was nothing more than a CIA front. Curiously, Roger Smith also took in
Manson's baby Pooh Bear as a foster child when the baby's mother Mary Brunner was arrested in Mendocino in
June, 1968. Handlers do that sort of thing. Parole officers and doctors don't.
Notice that I am not implying that Manson or anyone else was mind-controlled. The drugs in Haight-Ashbury
were used mainly as a direct weapon against the minds of the hippies, but not as mind-control. All these drugs
are tranquilizers and inhibitors and confusers. The Manchurian Candidate theory is more misdirection, at least in
this case. I am not denying that MKUltra existed, or that it worked on mind-control, but in the case of the
alleged Tate murders and Kennedy murders, the mind-control theories are all on a par with the Satanism theories.
They are sucker links, planted to misdirect you. If these murders are fake, and if most of the main characters are
paid agents, then we don't need anyone to be mind-controlled. This is why the government doesn't mind seeing
conspiracy theories that include mind-control or Satanism: those theories still include real murders and real
corpses, so the desired story is kept intact. You are allowed and encouraged to theorize along those lines all you
want, with Mae Brussell and others. The only theory you are not allowed to pursue is the correct one: the
murders were faked.
Obviously, I am not pursuing this theory because I believe the CIA is above murder. I assume that these
government agencies are prepared to do whatever they need to do to maintain their hegemony, both foreign and
domestic. And, although I didn't fully research every murder connected to the Manson events, it is possible
some people did die in the making of this movie. I am simply following the evidence I found, which indicates
the central Tate murders were faked. I started by realizing that Sharon Tate was never killed, and you will see
that evidence very soon. That led me to the realization that the deaths of Sebring, Frykowski, and Folger were
also faked. This means that the operation was intended to be a simple con, with no dead bodies. But as usual, it
appears to have spun out of control. To maintain the fiction, several other people either had to be killed or—
more likely—relocated. This paper will not follow those other people. I will leave them to others to research.
But back to Haight-Ashbury. It is unlikely that the Folger family was unaware of the status of the Haight-Ashbury
clinic. Abigail's super wealthy mother, Inez Folger, was a volunteer under Roger Smith. It was she who
helped the clinic receive grants from the Bothin Foundation and the Merrill Trust, the latter of which is found on current lists of CIA fronts. Which means that she was also CIA, or at least a supporter of their anti-hippie
events. I found it interesting that Ed Sanders book The Family is often quoted by conspiracy theorists, but even
their quotes have been partially scrubbed off the internet. The same two-line quote about Abigail Folger
attending a fundraiser for the clinic (that I used above) can be found in many places, but it is a truncated quote. I
read the first edition of The Family and guess who else was there? Paul and Doris Tate. And who else? The
Manson family.4
We have more indication that Manson was being handled from the start, since George Shibley is the one who
visited him right before his release in 1967. Shibley was one of the most high-profile attorneys in California at
the time. It would be like Alan Dershowitz visiting some pimp and car thief in a New Jersey State prison and
arranging his parole. Why would Shibley meet with Manson pro bono? Manson then missed parole
appointments throughout 1967 and 1968, was arrested for marijuana possession in May, 1968, and for
counterfeited driver's licenses in April, 1968 (the famous Oxnard bust). He was arrested again on June 4, 1969,
for rape. Although any of those things should have landed him back in jail, he always managed to skate. I guess
we are supposed to believe that California state police were impressed by his beard and Jesus bit.
In April of 1969, we are told several arrests were made of Family members.12 Van Houten, Rowe, and Watson
were all arrested that month, but they, too, managed to skate. The girls were arrested for grand-theft auto and
Watson for drugs, but all were returned the ranch. They were needed for the upcoming highlights reels.
But back to the red Ferrari: even if the car had belonged to Dennis Wilson and not Sharon Tate, we see Manson
hanging out with people he had no business hanging out with. If Manson was not a patsy of the CIA or DIA,
how was he managing these contacts? He was supposed to be a loser ex-con with no job and no real prospects.
Esalen isn't free, and the rich and famous people of LA weren't driving around picking up bums to hang out with.
They don't do it now and they weren't doing it then. It is implied that Manson's entrée was drugs or porn, and
either of these possibilities does exist. But given what we now know, a third option is far more likely: Manson's
entrée was via the black agencies that were using him. Sharon Tate's own father was one of these black ops, so
we already have a connection right there. Folger was another connection, and she appears to have been used as a
liaison with cash. As we will see, it is no surprise that Tate and Folger and Manson and Atkins and Watson
already knew one another: they were all working on the same set!
According to Paul Watkins and many other sources, Manson was never short of cash, despite all the girls and
babies and cars he had to take care of. He was said to be swimming in money. Where did it come from? Most
imply it came from selling drugs or from pimping, but it now appears Manson was bankrolled in a more direct
and less compromising way: he was fed money by his handlers. Remember, selling drugs and pimping should
have been very dangerous for Manson. He was on parole. He was watched. And he was highly visible. Driving
around in a school bus filled with under-aged girls is not a good way to stay beneath the police radar, especially
when many of those girls are from rich families. Angela Lansbury's 13-year-old daughter was one of Manson's
girls, we are told, and she traveled with a note saying it was OK. Several other girls were also not runaways,
they were simply on loan from Republican or CIA families. Do you think this would have been allowed if
Manson were pimping these girls out? No, the only way it would be allowed is if everyone on the inside knew it
was a set-up. The Family was made up of various government agents, so these girls couldn't have been safer if
they had been in a nunnery.
Although the mainstream story is that Manson was bedding all these young women daily, that he was a super virulent
woman pleaser with a constant erection, and that he impregnated hundreds, the truth is that there were
very few pregnancies among the Family and that only one pregnancy can definitely be traced to Manson.5
despite the fact we are told that no birth control was allowed. Obviously, these two stories don't add up. The
Manson “Magical Mystery Tour Bus” wasn't a rolling orgy, it was a mobile CIA unit, complete with male and
female disguised agents. If you doubt that, remember what color all these hippies decided to paint this yellow school bus: BLACK, even the windows. Do you honestly think real hippies—who are lovers of sunshine and
trees and scenery and fresh air—are going to paint the windows black? No, that is a trick of the spooks. They
always have to travel in black cars with tinted windows. But, as I said, these young girls were as safe in there as
they would be at George Clooney's house.
Now, back to Manson and Folger. Manson has been placed at the Polanski house well before the alleged
murders even in the standard story. We are told he was there looking for Terry Melcher in March of 1969, during
a dinner party. We are told Manson was confronted by photographer Hatami. But since Sebring and Frykowski
were both there, why didn't one of them talk to Manson? Frykowski was already as good as moved in, and
Sebring was there all the time. Why would Hatami take it upon himself to talk to a visitor? This looks like a
story that has been spun. No doubt Hatami saw Manson there, but the rest has been rewritten to cover the truth.
The standard story also conflicts with itself here. If Manson was told in March that Melcher didn't live there
anymore, then he should have known it in August. And yet we are told he didn't know it. It can't be both ways.
I would suggest it is neither way. Manson didn't think Melcher lived there in August, and he didn't think
Melcher lived there in March. He arrived in March to talk shop about the upcoming movie, and wasn't told
about the dinner party. So the scriptwriters had to quickly come up with a creative cover story, for the benefit of
Hatami if no one else.
A red flag no one else appears to have noticed is El Camino College in Torrance. Many of our players spent time
there, including Squeaky Fromme, Brian Wilson, Al Jardine, and Frank Zappa. El Camino is known both for its
film program and its forensics program. But the biggest clue to the real nature of El Camino is its founding date,
1947. Ring a bell? The first year of the CIA, again. We see that year coming up over and over. It now looks
like all of San Pedro and most of Torrance and Laurel Canyon were intelligence communities. Many of the
houses were CIA houses, and were rented to a series of spooks or other people on assignment. Both Terry
Melcher and Sharon Tate had intelligence connections 8
, which means the house at 10050 Cielo had been a CIA
house from the beginning. It probably had ties to Lookout Mountain for decades. As more indication of that, I
remind you that 10050 Cielo was the first house Tate and Polanski looked at. How many young couples with
loads of money take the first house they look at?
Another person to look at is Charlene Cafritz, a wealthy bankroller of Manson and his Family. Cafritz was a
friend of both Sharon Tate and Terry Melcher 9
, so she is an obvious link between Manson and Tate. And if we
didn't already suspect Melcher as a CIA asset, his link to Cafritz would give us that suspicion immediately.
Since Tate's military intelligence connections are known, we may assume Cafritz also had connections. Actually,
any small amount of research shows that Cafritz' connections to military intelligence are vast. The Cafritz
Foundation is the largest foundation in the DC area. The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) resides in part in
the Cafritz building.
That picture is from the DIA's own website, where we find the caption, “Two clerks at work on aerial film
control files in the DIA Cafritz Building, 1960s.” That caption intersects this paper in two ways, by giving us a
link to Cafritz and by giving us yet another link to films. That second intersection will become apparent below,
so keep it in mind as you read on.
Charlene Cafritz's maiden name was Lawley, and her mother was Lucille Lawley, who worked for the State
Department for 30 years from Roosevelt to Nixon. Among other things, she was executive assistant to Secretary
of State Dean Rusk, who was a frequent target of Vietnam anti-war protests. Given that, it is quite easy to see
that the common story of Charlene Lawley Cafritz is more misdirection. Cafritz was planted in the Tate movie
by both the DIA and State Department, and she was simply channeling money to Manson from them. As with
the other players in this story, she had to be removed from sight in a rather drastic way, by faking her death, too.
She was “found dead” in 1970, only one year after the Tate murders. Problem is, there is no SS death certificate
for her and no proof she died. Not only has she been scrubbed from all Cafritz bios, the Cafritz bios are
scrubbed of their own information. See the Wikipedia bios of Morris and Gwen Cafritz, who were big-time rich
people and socialites in DC in the 1960's and 70's. No useful information there. I am not the first researcher who has proposed that Cafritz' death was faked.
Before we move on to the next section, it is worth returning for a moment to my mention of Esalen. To follow
this important link, I recommend you read Jeffrey Kripal's recent book, some of which is available for free
online. It is important that Manson was placed at Esalen in the summer of 1969, since this explains two things.
One, it gives us a further connection between Manson and Folger, which I already mentioned. Two, it may give
us another source for where the hippies and perhaps the minor Manson girls were getting LSD. Esalen was
known as a center of LSD “research” in the 1960's. In this way Esalen is also linked to the CIA, which had been
interested in LSD for its own purposes since the early 1950's. This is strong indication that the Manson girls
were not just taking LSD for recreational reasons. They had been given it as a part of their brainwashing.
Notice I say brainwashing, not mind-control. Even though I will show that some of the major players here—
such as Susan Atkins and Lynette Fromme—were probably actor/agents, and therefore didn't need to be
controlled or brainwashed, I assume that many of those in the lesser roles were unaware of the larger plan. It
was best these people be kept in a state of idiocy. In the context of this section of my paper, it becomes clear that
LSD was used as another weapon against the hippies. Many young people of the time saw it as a mind expanding
drug; those supplying the drug to them saw it only as a mind-inhibiting drug. Those who weren't sure
of their role in the movie could be convinced to play just about any part, with enough hits. And afterwards they
would be so confused they wouldn't know what had happened one way or another. This is probably how to
explain someone like Barbara Hoyt.
Even so, the major players here weren't real hippies or druggies, they were actors. They weren't brainwashed
and they weren't taking LSD. Lynette Fromme won awards in high school for DRAMA, poetry, and dancing.
She was popular and well-liked, not at all a problem child. She was known as the Manson family's den mother.
Barbara Hoyt described her as “maternal” and as “a very nice loving person.” She grew up in Hollywood (Santa
Monica, Redondo Union HS) and as a teen she dated Bill Siddons, who went on to manage The Doors. Her
father was an aeronautical engineer, which means he probably worked for the military. It is likely he knew Paul Tate, since they both started their careers at the same time in the same place. Lynette was born in 1948, so her
father probably started his career around 1947, year one of the CIA. Lynette's link to Bill Siddons is also a big
red flag, since Siddons arranged for the funeral of Jim Morrison, despite never seeing a body. Remember, Jim
Morrison's father was the rear admiral in the navy who was the commander of the US forces at the notorious
Gulf of Tonkin false flag, in which the warship USS Maddox radioed that it was under attack when it wasn't.
Even the mainstream—including Wikipedia—now admits the incident was faked. It isn't a “conspiracy theory.”
This fake attack was used as justification for Congress passing a resolution giving Johnson the power to wage
war upon North Vietnam in 1964 without a full declaration by Congress. The Morrisons weren't above staging
an event, that is, and they staged several large ones, including Jim's death. From all this, we can see that Lynette
Fromme was an insider, both in the military and in Hollywood. Like Sharon Tate, she grew up as a military asset
from the crib. Her later incident with President Ford was another big act, since, if you will remember, her gun
had no bullets in the chamber sand she didn't cooperate with her own defense. As we will see below with
Manson, Atkins, Watson, Van Houten and the others, her incarceration has been faked from the beginning. Her
entire life has been a false flag.
If you don't believe that, I encourage you to watch video of her well before any arrests were made. Go to minute
36:00. She and two friends (see below) are in various ridiculous costumes, holding guns and reading from cards,
practicing their lines. It looks like outtakes from Peter Pan or Bonanza, except that the girls are all showing a
lot of leg. Look at that cup. We are on set here, obviously. I also encourage you to notice how clean and
scrubbed the girls are. Do these look like hippies or slippies to you? Do these look like girls living in caves and
dumpster-diving for food? That is how they have been sold to us. I have been around hippies. Their fingernails
aren't this clean. Their knees aren't this perfect. They should have scrapes and bruises, especially if they are
having sex outside and on the floors and so on. No one who watches this video closely will think it is bad girls
getting ready for race wars. These girls aren't even rough enough to play the Ally Sheedy role in The Breakfast
Club. All three would have to audition for the Molly Ringwald role.
Later parts of the Tate event script would use Lynnette Fromme, Sandra Good, and Charles Manson to demonize
the environmental movement, just as Manson and his family had demonized the anti-war movement. That is
what is really happening whenever you hear any of those people start talking about the trees or the Earth, or
when they start threatening CEO's. They are good actors to this day, because they really do sound like earnest
environmentalists. They aren't. They are just acting like environmentalists so that you will think all
environmentalists have the same mentality as Sandra Good or Squeaky Fromme or Charles Manson. They were
doing the job in the 1970's and 80's that Ted Kaczynski would do in the 1990's. You see how one or two high profile
actors can smear an entire movement. This trick is now used over and over, in many fields.18
Part 4: the Tate House

Before we get to the most important photos, let us look at some photos of the house. We are told this is the home
of Polanski and Tate. He was a rich and famous director who had a huge hit the year before with Rosemary's
Baby, and she was a successful actress, driving a new Ferrari. Polanski had a Ferrari as well, and a Rolls Royce
Silver Shadow was being shipped over from England that week. We would expect their home to be pretty posh,
That is supposed to be the bedroom. Beautiful bed, right? No headboard, no footboard, cheap metal runners,
and no boxspring. See how low the bed is? The mattress is just sitting on some thin foam foundation. No real
boxspring. Then we have pillowcases that don't fit the pillows and one of those cheap staticky blankets made of
nylon that costs about 2 dollars. Look at the lamp. That's worth at least $5. The picture frames look like they
came from K-mart. And the carpeting is cheap. Does that really look like the bedroom of a famous young
actress? No, it looks like the room of a poor college student with no taste.

That is supposed to be the living room. We will see it again later. Even without being wrecked and bloody, it is
a dump. You can see better pictures of the couch below, and it looks like it was pulled off someone's front lawn
in rural Alabama. Look at the posters on the wall, framed with thin metal frames. Again, does this look like a
rich and famous movie director's home? Also note the US flag blanket on the couch below, as taken the day of
the alleged murders. One, it is upside down, which is a distress signal. But it would be strange even if it weren't
upside down. Do rich and famous directors and actresses buy cheap flag throws for the couch? Is this
considered a sign of good taste? No, again, it is a sign of hillbillies. Roman Polanski was not a hillbilly. He was
also not American.
Just look at that couch. Not only cheap but filthy. Ask yourself once again, “Is that the sort of couch we expect
to see in the house of a rich and famous movie director?” No, that is the sort of couch you put in a room you
know is about to be splattered with pig's blood.[This couch also does not appear to be the the same color to me as the color of the couch we are seeing in these other pics,not even close in fact DC]
Here is the outside of the house.
Would you say that matched the inside photos we just saw? Here is how the interior looked in the 1940's:

That looks like a rich person's home, with rock walls and high ceilings and fancy furniture. This is what it
looked like in 1969:

A cheap, garish dump. Again, here is the outside:

Look how wide that door is. That is a fancy girl in a fancy house. Now look at the interior on the day of the

What is my point? My point is they cleared the real furniture out and replaced it with cheap junk, to keep the
real stuff from getting splattered with pig's blood during the fake murders. To refute that we are given this
picture, said to be from several months before the murders.
But that photo isn't time-stamped. It could have been taken the day before the murders. It could be manipulated,
we don't know. We will see below that many of these photos have been manipulated, and I will show that one of
the ones above certainly was. Let's go back to this one:

That is supposed to be the day after the murders, I guess, since we still have blood all over the place. But
Polanski has aged about twenty years. He looks about 50 there. Compare his head to his head in the previous
photo. Look at his hairline. Did his hair recede overnight? That photo is a paste-up. The light on him doesn't
even match the rest of the photo. Look at his shirt. Why isn't the top of the couch blocking any light coming
from the windows?
Here's another room in the house, to make a comparison.

That first picture looks more convincing, doesn't it? The carpet looks newish and expensive and clean, the
furniture looks stylish, and the pictures on the wall look like real paintings, instead of cheap framed prints from a
junk shop. The tables are heavy wood, and the accouterments's look authentic. So why does the main room in
the same house in pic 2 look like it was furnished by trolls?
Here's something interesting:
They want you to stay focused on the blood stains, but I point your attention to the gap in the carpet. Notice this
isn't wall-to-wall carpet. Looks like carpet just laid down over hardwood. Why is that important? Because it is
temporary. It can be rolled up at a moment's notice and removed. That is convenient I would say. If you were
wondering why this carpet looked so blah and dingy and cheap, that is why: it was rolled down specifically for
the action of these scenes and then removed afterwards and burned.

That's in the entryway to the living room. You can see the temporary carpeting there again and the 6” gap at the
edges. That carpeting is even cheaper and dirtier than the bedroom carpeting we looked at above. Those are the
trunks that arrived the day before from London. We are told they contained Tate's clothes. This is curious, both
for the contents and the timing. Due to the timing, the arrival of the trunks now appears to be a signal to
proceed. “All is set, let's go real time tomorrow!” What do I mean? Well, now that the rest of Sharon's clothes
have arrived, nothing is holding them back. They needed Sharon's clothes, because she is going into hiding in a
couple of days. Once she is released from the movie set, she has to fly out to Jamaica or Brazil. Some of her
favorite clothes were still in London, and she can't be expected to go into hiding without her favorite winter
clothes. She may have to be gone for a couple of years or more.
In support of this theory, we know Tate and Polanski were in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in April, 1969, for a film
festival. They visited Jamaica on the way back, where Polanski is said to have lost his passport. It would have
been quite easy for them to have scouted out locations while they were down there.
You will say, “If that theory were true, then why not just send the trunks to Brazil?” One, because the final
destination hasn't yet been decided. They know she will have to spend some time in South America, but it
doesn't have to be Rio or Sao Paolo, or Jamaica either. Could be anywhere. Could be Recife or Belem, hell it
could be the Iles du Salut. Polanski was always fluent in French, having been born in Paris. Two, a girl likes to
have everything in front of her when she is packing. No need to send everything on. Send the trunks to LA and
she will choose what she needs.
However, it looks like Jamaica may have been the first stop for Sharon after leaving LA. Why? Well, we know
that Polanski and John Phillips went to Jamaica less than two weeks after the murders, ostensibly to “continue
their investigation into drugs and voodoo.” But since Sharon and Roman had stopped over in Jamaica in April,
we may assume that Polanski was not there to investigate voodoo. He was most likely there to check on Sharon.
If the LA police had been serious about unlocking the “murders,” they would have followed Polanski to Jamaica.
Since they didn't, we can assume they were just following orders from the FBI or CIA.
This information allows us to finally crack the lyrics in American Pie, where Don McLean says, “Helter Skelter
in a summer swelter, the birds flew off to a fallout shelter, eight miles high and falling fast.” Some have
connected this to the Byrds and their famous song Eight Miles High, but that isn't the right interpretation.
McLean is referencing that, but that isn't what he is telling you. “The birds” are those involved in the operation,
the perpetrators or the actors. He is telling you they flew off. In other words, they didn't die, they escaped.
They flew off to a fallout shelter, which means they “went underground”—not literally but figuratively. They
went into hiding. How did they do it? He tells you that also: they flew off 8 miles high, which means they were
in a commercial jet, which flies at just under that altitude. Of course international flights fly the highest, so you
are being told they fled the country. I have shown they probably went to Jamaica first, or at least Tate did.
But back to the trunks and the go-ahead for the operation. You should also remember that they were trying to
undercut or preempt Woodstock, which they knew was scheduled for the next week. In addition, they wanted to
plug into the terror already created the week before (August 2) by the grisly knife murders of two young girls in
San Jose. So the window of opportunity was small. As soon as the trunks arrived, the green light was on. You
will say, “But the trunks weren't empty!” So? Sharon takes out the clothes she wants and throws some clothes
she doesn't want in there. That is all it would take to cover those tracks.
Here's another clue from someone not completely comfortable with the game. We have been told this is a
reference to the police, whom the hippies called pigs. But knowing what we now know, we see it isn't that at all.
Since this is all fake blood, and since they commonly use pig's blood when they need blood that looks very real
—since it is real—we can now see that this writing is telling us what kind of blood the writer has on his or her
hands. Pig's blood. Pig.
Of course the word Pig did double duty, since it also tied the Tate house to the Hinman house, which was a sort
of prequel to the main movie. But in both cases the word piggy was used because the young girls were
uncomfortable with the thought that they had real pig's blood on their hands. Only later did the scriptwriters
think to tie it to the whole “police as pigs” storyline. This didn't happen until the Helter Skelter/Piggies/White
Album connection was made by the mop-up scriptwriters.
You will say, “Maybe, but that doesn't explain the 'Death to Pigs' found at the Labianca house.” Well, I can't get
into that whole thing in this paper, but it appears the Labianca murders were real and were a copycat murder.
Remember, they took place a day later, after reports of the Tate murders had already been in the papers,
including the writing in blood. In other words, whoever killed the Labiancas knew about the blood and the word
PIG on the door at the Polanski house. To cover their tracks and to confuse the police, they wrote on their walls
with blood, too. The Labianca murders were a mob hit, and both the FBI and the mob were happy to pin it on
the Manson family. You may be interested to know that the Los Angeles police came to that same conclusion
early on. They dismissed the Labianca murders as a copycat. They were right the first time. But we may
assume the investigation was taken over by the FBI, who pushed it to the planned conclusion.
Again, I am just warming you up. Before we get to the most important photos, let us look at some further
evidence. Some will say, “But we have no indication Tate was still alive after the murders. Someone would
have seen her, right?”
That paper is dated June, 1970. The close friend didn't just see someone who looked like Tate, notice. She saw
Tate with Polanski. Do you imagine there are a lot of couples who look like Tate and Polanski in Brazil? Of
course the Bulletin was a sensationalist rag, somewhat like the National Enquirer now. You will say they made
it up. Maybe, maybe not. Not all Enquirer stories are false, and neither were all Bulletin stories. Like Hustler
now, the Bulletin could publish things no one else would touch. Maybe this story is false, maybe it isn't. If the
story is false, we now know it was based on the truth.
That is Christopher Jones. He was a rising actor in 1969 and was working on David Lean's Ryan's Daughter at
the time, in which he played the romantic lead. In 2007, Jones, then 66, gave an explosive interview to the DailyMail (London), claiming to have been in an ongoing affair with Sharon Tate in 1969, while she was
pregnant. Not only that, but he claimed they were in love. It wasn't just an affair, he says. That is all strange
enough, but it gets stranger. After Jones wrapped Ryan's Daughter in 1970, he quit acting for good and moved
to. . . wait for it. . . 10050 Cielo Drive. Sharon Tate's house. That doesn't come from the Bulletin, it comes from
mainstream sources, including Wikipedia, which admit it. We are told he stayed in the caretaker's house behind
the main house, but that may be even weirder. In any case, he was on the property.
Skeptics will say that he is lying about the affair and that his stay at 10050 Cielo was just a coincidence. But we
know from witnesses that he and Tate were in Rome in 1969 and that they were seen together. Whether they had
sex or not or were really in love is another question, but it is enough to go on. Same for his time at 10050 Cielo.
It can't be a coincidence, since the odds of him just happening to rent the caretaker's house are beyond
astronomical. He was obviously there for a reason, and we must assume the reason had to do with Tate. Yes,
maybe he had been in love with her and was there pining over her death. Or maybe he was there to continue the
affair. Which would mean that by 1970, Sharon was already back, living in her old house. Some think it is
difficult to fake deaths and hide people, but it is actually fabulously easy, and this just proves it. You don't need
to relocate Sharon to Tierra del Fuego. You just need a black wig and a new car. No one recognized Sharon
when she appeared on the Beverly Hillbillies in a black wig: so why would they recognize her in everyday life in
that wig? People on the set of Bewitched didn't recognize Elizabeth Montgomery when she was in a black wig
playing Serena. That's right: people who worked with her everyday were fooled by a black wig, and one
assistant director actually hit on her, not realizing who she was. That is how good most people are at face
In the interview, Jones is asked why he is speaking up now. He says, “Partly to see if God strikes me dead for
talking about it.” God, or the CIA?
Another rising actor of the time, Iain Quarrier, also quit the business after the Tate murders. Interestingly, he had
been in Fearless Vampire Killers with her and Polanski, so he was a real insider. He had also been in Polanski's
Cul-de-Sac. We are told he did this because he was shook up, but other reasons now come to mind. He may
have gone into hiding with them as part of their entourage. Or he may have had a big mouth: they drummed him
out of the business to keep him quiet. As with others, he has been pretty much scrubbed from history. He has no
bio online and few pictures. Here he is with Tate, Mia Farrow, Peter Sellers, and Donyale Luna.
In this vein, I should mention a third man, Hollywood columnist Steven Brandt. He is said to have taken an
overdose of pills after the murders. But did he? He was also a friend of Tate, and as such he may have needed to
be silenced. Or, he may have been just another faked death, going off to Brazil to live with his rich friends.
Part 5: Lookout Mountain
Let's start this section with some faked photos of Sharon Tate:

Why does she have the exact same left leg in both photos? Study the lighting on the knee. Exactly the same.
One of these photos is fake and is taken from the other. The one with the dog is fake. Why would a blonde girl
in full sun have hair that appeared black? The second photo looks real, since the light is consistent. But the first
photo is supposed to be on the same day at the same time in the same place. She is wearing the same clothes in
front of the same fence. Why is the light so completely different? I will be told the sun came out. But will the
sun coming out make the top of your head turn black? Not where I come from. I didn't initially understand why
they would want to fake this picture of her with the dog, but I could see that they had. Even the dog is faked.
There is a video on youtube of her washing a big dog and this little dog is there, too. But he has a light brown head not a black head.
I discovered the reason for the faking later. It was the background that needed to be changed. As you see, the
background in photo 1 looks a bit peculiar, especially when you compare it to the background of photo 2. Why
would they need to change it? Well, not many people know this, but just across that little valley behind Sharon
in both pictures is a large hill called Lookout Mountain. First there is Franklin Canyon, then a little
neighborhood, then Lookout Mountain, and behind the mountain is Laurel Canyon Boulevard. Well, until 1969
there was a secret Air Force facility on the mountain, called Lookout Mountain Air Force Station Again, not a
conspiracy theory, you can see it on Wikipedia. The station is now a private residence on Wonderland Avenue,
according to the page there. Curious that the station is said to have closed in 1969, don't you think? Guess what
this facility specialized in? Take the Wiki link and you will see that they specialized in making movies.
The studio consisted of a complete stage, 2 screening rooms, a helicopter landing pad, a bomb
shelter and 17 climate controlled film vaults as well as two underground parking garages. With the
latest equipment the studio could process both 35 mm and 16 mm motion pictures as well as optical
prints and still photographs. The studio contained staff from many prominent studios alongside its
military staff. Civilian personnel from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO Pictures
worked at the studio in functions such as producers, cameramen and directors. Peter G. Kuran
worked at Lookout Mountain before going on to an award-winning career involving both directing and
visual effects work. In some cases, Kuran has brought footage of atomic tests developed at Lookout
Mountain directly to his later work.
“Visual effects work.” Interesting. Also take special note of that last studio. Remember, I reminded you above
that Joseph Kennedy owned R.K.O. That fact may or may not be a central clue in this paper, but it will be in an
upcoming paper.
Lookout Mountain produced over 19,000 films, more than all Hollywood studios combined. Stars like John
Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe were
given clearance to work at the facility on undisclosed projects. The facility wasn't admitted to exist until the
1990's, which tends to disprove the old saw that you can't keep anything that big secret. Almost no one knows of
it even now.
I want to be sure you noticed that bolded name above: Ronald Reagan. The man who had been an actor at
Lookout Mountain was Governor of California in 1969. That isn't a coincidence.
In this sense, Lookout Mountain can be seen as the importation of Goebbels Propaganda Machine into the US.
Except that Lookout Mountain was much more successful at remaining a secret. This is not just a tenuous
analogy, either, since at the same time Lookout Mountain was being built, the US was importing thousands of
actual Nazis in what was called Operation Bloodstone. Just as Operation Gladio had made use of former Nazis
in the newer fight against Russian communism, the US was using “former” Nazis in the fight against
communism domestically. This was admitted by John Loftus in a 60 Minutes interview in 1982, and by the
GAO (Government Accounting Office), which released a report to Congress in 1985 confirming it. This despite
the fact that the CIA had stalled and misdirected the GAO from the beginning. Two of the top Nazis brought to
the US were Walter Becher and Baron von Bolschwing, which you can research if you want to continue on that
Strange that we can't see a hill behind Sharon in pic 1. We are looking back toward Burbank and Universal City,
so Lookout Mountain should be in the background. I suggest that Lookout Mountain was used as a center of
operation for the Tate events, and that there was a direct line of sight from the station to the house, using a
telescope. To keep anyone from studying that possibility, someone decided to reformat pic 1, using a retouched
background. One of the side-effects of that retouching was that both Sharon's and the dog's hair turned black:
probably a contrast error.
It may interest you to know that telescopes were a part of the mainstream story. Manson is said to have stolen a
green telescope from Terry Melcher's Malibu house. Ed Sanders says, “It was Doris Day's telescope that the
family used in scanning for Black Panther raids from the Santa Susanna hilltops.” Right, Ed. Although that
story scans poorly, it is useful as a reminder to us that telescopes could be used to coordinate and check on
events in these hilly neighborhoods, in a time before cell phones.
That's the house on Cielo as seen from the front, looking at it from the east. The Tate house isn't quite on top of
the hill, but almost. We are seeing the front yard. Sharon with her dog was in the front yard. That is where the
view is. The back yard is very narrow and you see only the hill. Then there is a long side yard where the pool is,
to the left in this photo. So from Lookout Mountain, this is basically what you would see. Notice there are no
fences or hedges blocking the view, even from where this picture was taken. You can see the front door and the
front windows.

Here is the hill as seen from the low road. You can see it is a quite conspicuous hill, visible from all the other
hills around it. It is the perfect place to put someone you want to keep tabs on. You can see the cars coming and
going without ever leaving your desk.
Did Lookout Mountain really close in 1969? Did the propaganda films stop? If they aren't in Laurel Canyon
anymore, where did they go? After 1969 they didn't need Lookout Mountain anymore, but not because the
propaganda was finished. No, they didn't need that secret studio because they had completed the take-over over
the mainstream studios by then. After 1970, there was no longer a split between “secret” propaganda films and
the mainstream. They were one and the same. What was initially limited to Laurel Canyon has since spread
across all of LA. Military intelligence has engulfed the whole city, and the fake Tate event was the big final bite.
A large portion of mainstream movies since 1970 have been propaganda films of one sort or another, and even
the ones that are made mostly for money are filled with propaganda as well. There is no longer any split
between CIA and Hollywood. Hollywood is basically a subdivision of the CIA and military intelligence. The
entire entertainment industry is a vast subdivision of military intelligence, including music, TV, art, film, and a
majority of the internet. This is what the Matrix really is: not a dream induced by robot bugs, but a waking false
reality created by uber-directors.
Which brings us to another red flag in the Matrix. Ed Sanders admits that the police gave so much information
to the press in the first hours after the alleged murders that
they were depleting the possible supply of “poly keys”—polygraph interrogation keys—which are key bits of information
about the murders that only the killers could know, so that on a lie detector test the possible killer could be asked questions
about the facts. If the facts were printed or broadcast, they would be spoiled for such a purpose. 14
This was completely against police department policy or criminal investigation policy, as Sanders makes clear.
Real murders aren't broadcast to the press like this, for many very good reasons, only one of which Sanders
mentions. Another reason is to prevent the sort of copycat murder we saw the next day at the Labianca house,
with the murderers borrowing key bits of information to cover their tracks. So why did the police broadcast the
information to the press here? Because the “police” were either in the pay of the FBI or were actual agents in
disguise. It was the controllers broadcasting the information, not the Los Angeles police. They needed to
broadcast all the information as soon as possible, since that was the whole point of the event. They faked the
murders to create fear and confusion, and they needed to get the key points of the event into the press as soon as
they could. This operation was all about storytelling, so the story needed to be outlined in the first hours. The
faked crime scene was just the physical excuse to put the false flag story in the papers, so telling the story was
job one. They weren't worried about blowing an investigation, since there would be no real investigation. There
was no real crime and no real perpetrators and no real victims, so the storytelling became job one on August 9.
Covering their tracks became job two. Continuity and consistency was apparently way down on the list, since
they had very little respect for their audience. Past experience had shown them that neatness mattered very little:
as long as they maintained control of the press, they could sell any story they liked, no matter how inconsistent
or absurd. They had learned this from the Warren Commission.
We also know that the investigation was already re-assigned by noon of the first day, from the West LA division
to the homicide division. This basically nullified all the first three hours of stomping around by police. A
completely new team of officers came in in the afternoon.
Another red flag is the famous box 65, a box of evidence supposedly found at the Folger/Frykowski house by
investigators. The rumor was spread that it contained erotic photographs of many of Hollywood's elite. No one
asks why or how Folger or Frykowski would have such photographs, but the rumor was enough to keep a lot of
people quiet, apparently. Although the photos never existed, this story was a great sidebar to the main story, and
brilliantly shortened the leash of a great number of people who were already controlled.
And yet another red flag:
Later the police backed up a van to the Polanski house and carted a truckload of stuff down to SID headquarters for
examination. A few days later they evidently brought most of it back and placed it in the same order to try to recreate the
original undisturbed crime scene.15
Again, illogical, unprecedented, and totally against policy. The only reason they would do this is if they were
scrubbing the scene of unwanted evidence, and planting other evidence. In the chaos of the move and return
move, absolutely anything could be achieved.
And yet another red flag, on the same page as the ones above: the eyeglasses that were found by the blue trunks
were given to Paul Tate, “who held them for two weeks trying to locate the owner, who would have been a prime
suspect.”16 You have to be kidding me. No one thought this was odd? Is it common practice in a police
investigation to give or loan evidence to a family member of one of the victims? Of course not. It is just more
proof that military intelligence had access to not only the crime scene but also the artifacts in it. If any
discrepancy arose, Paul Tate was there to fix it.
And another red flag: although the managers of the story were leaking it to the press chapters at a time, when it
came time to report to the State Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, the L.A.P.D sent only a three line
homicide report, barely complying with the law requiring a filing. This is just an indication of who the
managers of the story really were: only the Feds would have such undisguised contempt for a State Bureau.
And another red flag: when the police raided the Spahn's Ranch on August 16 (one week after the Tate murders),
they took a film crew along. Do the police normally take a film crew along on raids? No. Do they use search
warrants with dates that are wrong by three days? No. The search warrant used on August 16 was dated August
13, but since those being filmed were in on it, it didn't matter. Who was going to sue? Although we are told by
Bugliosi and Sanders and others that Manson was frantically preparing for the move out to the desert on August
17, he was conveniently on-hand for the round-up on the 16th, making most of the still pictures, dead-center, with
the sign “Spahn's Movie Ranch” conveniently behind him in-shot.
I won't take the time to analyze this raid in detail, but Ed Sanders gives us the primary clue:
Some of the officers appear to be definitely out of uniform in the photos of the raid, wearing an admixture of Marine Corps
fatigues and regulation sheriff's-office clothing.17
We can see that just from the photos above, where the police are wearing the same helmets, but different shirts,
pants, and shoes.
In that one, we have at least four different uniforms, including the guy in white pants who is in no uniform. And
here we have a guy in combat boots and paratrooper pants:
Ed Sanders also pointed out this peculiarity:
See how that guy has “Sheriff” sewn on the back of his shirt? The standard sheriff's office uniform didn't have
that, as we see from other pictures. Looks like CHiPs are there, too:
No one wanted to be left out of the movie! Despite finding stolen guns, stolen cars, stolen credit cards, piles of
drugs, under-aged girls, and a hundred other things, everyone once again skated, supposedly for “lack of
evidence.” Manson was arrested at the same place again six days later for dope, fornication, and public nudity.
Again he skated. It was too soon. The authorities wanted to let the story build a bit longer, let Los Angeles stew
in fake fear a few more weeks. The FBI apparently let the local police look useful, but they weren't willing to
move the story into the next phase just yet. Besides, the date of final capture was already set in the script:
October 12, Aleister Crowley's birthday. That link would serve double duty in the story. One, it would lend the
story a further element of the macabre. Two, it would cover the tracks of the spooks, as usual. The secret
services have been hiding behind Satanism since the late 19th century, and Crowley's career was created
specifically for that purpose. Crowley himself was secret service, and he showed those who came after how to
use Satanism and the occult as successful misdirection.
Part 6: the “Crime Scene”
1 comment:
This includes some excellent research (not just cut and paste). I have quite a bit of research to add if you would like to have a discussion. One thing I have to point out is that the pic of an aging Polanski is peter hurkos, esp specialist. So Miles made an error here. Also of note, I believe Jay Sebring (thomas Kummer) is the son of bernhard kummner...nazi mythologist
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