This is Chapters 3 and 4,chapter 4 is going to make your blood boil,because you are going to become aware of 2 events other then the dancing jews, that went down that day and our treasonous media buried and covered up the two incidents from the American people.When is the world going to say enough is enough when it comes to this vile rogue nation referred to as Israel.For almost 70 years now that nation has been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet, committing wanton genocide against the native Palestinians,blackmailing the western nations with nuclear threats, and subverting governments around the world. It ought not to be this way people, and this is not going to end well if the nations of the planet continue to let this little rogue nation dictate the narrative to the east and the west!
Media Manipulation: Zionist Jews
Pointing Fingers On 9/11

Andreas von Bülow, a former German politician and author, pointed out that the primary
motivation of the perpetrators of false-flag attacks is to bomb or assassinate for the express
purpose of molding public opinion against their enemy. This is one method for terrorists to elicit
public support for their political objectives. Thus a large part of the operation, besides the actual
attack, is focused on shaping the media broadcasts to immediately disseminate the prescripted
narrative that has been designed to turn the public against the enemies of those actually
committing the atrocity. Recall Netanyahu’s serpentine pronouncement that 9/11 “swung
American public opinion in [Israel's]
favor,” as well as the callous remarks of
Ehud Sprinzak that 9/11 from the
perspective of Israeli Jews “was the most
important public relations act ever
committed in our favor.”
Accomplishing this task undoubtedly
required an absolute death-grip on
America’s media, both television and
print. Only one group on earth wields the
kind of influence over the American mass
media that was essential to achieve this
propaganda feat: the Jews. To illustrate
the reality of Jewish media control in
America, all one has to do is quote what Jews themselves have said about it. For example, a
Jewish journalist named Joel Stein wrote an article entitled “How Jewish is Hollywood?” (Los
Angeles Times, Dec. 19, 2008) in which he arrogantly boasts about Jewish domination of
Hollywood and the news media, stating:
“I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe
“the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from
nearly 50% in 1964. … It just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally
run Hollywood.
… How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad
in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild
settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter
Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney
Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton
(surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp.
Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime
minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief
Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to
form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.
The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in
high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their
incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of
insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.
As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we
control Hollywood. … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news
media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the
government. I just care that we get to
keep running them.”
Ben Stein, a famous television
personality of Jewish background, is
rather proud that Hollywood is run lock,
stock and barrel by his tribe. legendary actor Marlon Brando appeared on Larry King Live and said that
“Hollywood is run by Jews, it's owned
by Jews,” Stein penned an article in
response with the condescending title of “Do Jews Run Hollywood? You Bet They Do -- And What of It?,” confirming
Brando's assertion that Jews reign
supreme in the entertainment business.
The famed Hollywood movie director of
Jewish extraction, Oliver Stone, himself
said that Jews dominate the mass media
in the U.S. (“Oliver Stone: Jewish control of the media is preventing free Holocaust debate,” Haaretz, July 27, 2010.) Stone
was certainly in a position to know this to
be true as one of Hollywood’s biggest
directors, which makes his comments rather uncontestable. He was consequently pressured to
apologize and retract his truthful remarks fearing that the Jews who run the media and
Hollywood would destroy his career. A chauvinistic Jewish writer named Elad Nehorai recently
authored a remarkably frank article for the Times of Israel (July 1, 2012) with the rather blunt
title of “Jews DO Control The Media” In a display of overcharged braggadocio, Nehorai gloats
about Jewish control of the media, Hollywood, and the American government in a program akin
to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and openly expressed his supremacist attitude that
the Jews are a superior people who have a divine right to lead the world in a direction of their
Now, you might be thinking that Hollywood and the news media are two distinctly different
things. The sad reality is that there is not much of a difference between the two industries seeing
as our ‘news’ is shaped by cunning propagandists who value political expediency far above
historical truth. Much of what is presented as ‘factual news’ is actually purely contrived fiction
and fantasy fashioned around a political or economic agenda. John Swinton, an American
journalist who lived during the 1800's, harshly criticized the thoroughly corrupted nature of his
profession, stating:
“There is no such thing as an independent press. I am paid weekly for keeping my
honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. … The business of the
journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the
feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. We are the tools and
vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the
strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property
of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” (Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais. Labor’s Untold Story. United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)
Regardless of the slight difference between Hollywood and news industry, Jews most certainly
own and control the news media too! Brother Nathanael Kapner a former Jew who became an
outspoken activist against Organized Jewry, aptly documented that Jews run much of the
American mass media on his website Real Jew News. In his April 11, 2010, article “Who Owns The Media?”, Brother Nathanael made note of the small army of Zionist Jews sitting atop
America’s major media companies. Some of these Jewish media barons include:
“… Jeff Zucker, a Jew, was appointed the CEO of NBC Universal, of which,
Comcast is now in charge. The owner of Comcast is the Jew, Brian Roberts, whose
supporting staff includes a host of Jewish media functionaries. The Executives of
NBC Universal, now a division of Comcast, is also, like its parent company,
predominated by a cadre of Jews.
… Sumner Redstone — a Jew, born Murray Rothstein — took controlling interest
in Westinghouse Broadcasting’s CBC television. The merger between Redstone’s
Viacom and Westinghouse Broadcasting’s CBS network installed a new Board of
Directors at CBS, mostly Jews, with Redstone as Chairman. Redstone, probably the
richest man in America, is currently the Chairman of both CBS Corporation and Viacom.
Rounding out the list of Jewish media moguls, we find Jews in HIGH propaganda places,
such as: ABC, CNN, Newsweek, Time, Washington Post, NY Times, Wall Street
Journal, and US News & World Report.
ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Company, with the Jew, Robert Iger, installed as
President. Sidney Bass, a Jew, along with his brothers, are the largest shareholders of
The Walt Disney Company. CNN is a holding of Time-Warner, of which, the Jewish
Bronfman family has controlling interest. Time Magazine is also owned by Bronfmans’
Time Warner Corporation. Newsweek and the Washington Post are owned by the Eugene Isaac Meyer “Graham” family. … Rupert Murdoch, a full-fledged Zionist,
whose origins are Jewish, is the owner of News Corporation, whose holdings include
the Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal.
The New York Times is owned by the powerful Jewish Sulzberger family, the major
influence behind Columbia University. Arthur Sulzberger Jr is the current Chairman of
the newspaper. US News & World Report is owned by the real estate mogul, Mortimer
In another article detailing the Jewish ownership of the news media, Brother Nathanael informs
us that in addition to national news outlets, Jews have completely taken over most of the ‘local’
newspapers of America! Writing in “Newhouse Family: A Zionist Media Empire” (Real Jew
News, June 19, 2008), Kapner observed that,
“Jews have taken over the “local newspaper” in America. One might think that
because of the large number of local newspapers across America a safeguard against
Jewish control would be in place. However most “local newspapers” are owned by
companies controlled by Jews whose offices are hundreds of miles away. The
Newhouse Empire of the Jewish brothers Samuel, Donald, & Theodore Neuhaus
(surname changed to Newhouse) illustrates the insatiable appetite that Zionists have
for opinion control. Today the Newhouse Empire, under the parent corporation of
Advance Publications, (owned by descendents of Samuel & Donald Newhouse),
owns 40 “local newspapers” across the USA. These include the Newark Star Ledger,
the Cleveland Plain Dealer, & the Portland Oregonian.”
Author Texe Marrs writing in his exposé of Jewish media influence entitled “Do the Jews Own Hollywood and the Media?” noted:
“And who, pray tell, is the current owner of the Tribune Company [which owns 23
television stations, a baseball team, and many major newspapers, including the
Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times]? Why, that would be Jewish
billionaire Sam Zell. Zell is a major donor to Israeli, Zionist and Jewish causes. His
own rabbi proudly reports that Zell is ‘a committed Zionist, a generous supporter of
Israel, and a member in good standing of the synagogue.’”
It is vital to highlight who owns the media because the media played an important role in the
function of propagating the official 9/11 script to an extremely dumbed-down and credulous
American public. Undeniably, Jews own and control America’s media — both television and
print — essentially forming a pervasive media monopoly in the most powerful nation on earth.
This explains why the media is so slanted in favor of the Jews and Israel, and so brutally biased
against the historical and present-day adversaries of the Jews. Through this death-grip on the
press and television news industry, Zionist Jews promulgated a series of lies, distortions and
falsehoods that were intended to mislead the American people — and the people of the world for
that matter — about the true nature of the events of 9/11 and the actual culprits behind them.
Within the mainstream media broadcasts on the very day and evening of the September 11
attacks, we find plenty of substantial clues that are strongly suggestive as to who the true authors
of this conspiracy really were. The former Pakistani spy chief Hamid Gul eloquently explained
“Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center
CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation
by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a
trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.” (United Press International, Sept. 26, 2001.)
On 9/11, in what was assuredly a pre-scripted propaganda campaign designed to hypnotize and
mesmerize the American people, mainstream media talking heads across all the major networks
were — in unison — chanting the name “Osama bin Laden” over and over again. The timetested
technique of repetition was utilized expertly by the Jewish media to reduce the masses of
America into a trance-like state of abject gullibility. Soon enough, the sleeping masses of
America would be repeating — like parrots — the name of “Osama bin Laden” and “Al-Qaeda”.
Within a few days of 9/11 the media whipped up such a lunatic frenzy with their relentless
propaganda onslaught against bin Laden that a majority of Americans were already hungrily
demanding that revenge be exacted upon the entire Muslim world.
When individuals frivolously point their finger at others, loudly and aggressively making
accusations and casting blame in every direction other than on to themselves, it is usually
because they are guilty of something and are trying to project their own guilt onto someone else.
This is precisely what Jewish supremacists did on 9/11 and what they have always done in the
past. Thus, it should come as no surprise to the reader that the first individual to point the finger
at Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda as the parties responsible for what happened on 9/11 was
none other than Ehud Barak, a prominent member of Israel’s government and military
establishment since the very early days of the Zionist state.
On the morning of the September 11 attacks, very shortly after the Twin Towers had collapsed,
Barak appeared in person at the BBC’s London studio where he proceeded to present a narrative
to the public. The core message of this Israeli war criminal was that Osama bin Laden is
responsible for the attacks and that a “global war on terror,” led by the United States, must be
launched in response to it.
Specifically, Barak said:
“The world will not be the
same from today on, it’s an
attack against our whole
civilization…. if it is the kind
of Bin Laden organization,
even if it’s something else, I
believe that this is the time to
deploy a globally concerted
effort led by the United States,
UK, Europe and Russia,
against all sources of terror.
It’s going to be a tough struggle. There will be many tough and painful moments along
the way, but I believe that if we will coordinate diplomatic, operational, intelligence and
economic activities that will not let them land at any airport and will isolate automatically
any nation that is ready to host terror or support them. And by doing this consistently
along six or ten years we will reduce automatically this challenge to our whole way of
life… We have no way but to stand firm facing terror otherwise all our way of life will
be threatened.
And to stand firm means to isolate from the world every nation that is hosting them and
calling every terror thug with the accurate name and be ready with all the pain that comes
with it, to act upon our observations. … It’s time for action, facing such as attack we
cannot but act and these terror thugs and rogue leaders are highly skillful in identifying
the slightest cracks in the power of will in the leaders of the free world. … It’s a time to
launch an operational, complete war against terror even if it takes certain pains from
the routine activities of our normal society. … I believe that the world intelligence
community in a concerted effort can identify within few months the sources of this terror.
It can identify the places where they are deployed on earth. Every such a place within
certain country. The, ehh, Bin Laden sits in Afghanistan… [We should act preemptively
against] five states, they are Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea… these kind of
states should be treated as rogue states.” (“A chief architect of 9-11, Ehud Barak, interviewed on BBC an hour after attacks,” YouTube)
Immediately assigning blame to your enemy
is a tell-tale sign of a false-flag in action. Lo
and behold, later in the day another Israeli
war criminal would duplicate Barak’s finger
pointing initiative. Israel’s Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon, who described 9/11 as a
“Hanukkah miracle” for his rogue nation,
held a press conference on 9/11 in which he
too blamed Islamists for the assault and
called for an “international war on
terror,” stating:
“The war against terror is an
international war. A war of a
coalition of the free world against all of the terror groups…This is a war between
the good and the bad, between humanity and those who are bloodthirsty. The
criminal attack today on innocent civilians in the United States, is a turning point in
war against international terror. Even if the war against terror is long and even if
the terror will try to raise its head again there won’t be any room in the world in
which terrorists, their assistants and those who send them to be able to find a shelter
or a refuge… The fight against terror is an international struggle of the free world
against the forces of darkness who seek to destroy our liberty and our way of life. I
believe that together we can defeat these forces of evil…” ” (“9/11 Ariel Sharon “Turning Point on Terror” Press Conference 5:00 pm,” YouTube)
On 9/11, the BBC aired an evening program called Newsnight which featured as commentators
Ehud Barak in the studio and Jewish neocon kingpin Richard Perle on the phone. During the
broadcast Barak and Perle unleashed a carefully choreographed Zionist propaganda blitz,
brazenly outlining their Jewish war agenda by forcefully advocating American military strikes
against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Hezbollah and Hamas — coincidentally all of
whom are enemies of Israel and World Zionism! These Zionist ideologues made it a point to
stress that the “states that sponsor terrorism” must be dealt with by brute force. (See: “BBC – Zionists pointing fingers on 911,” YouTube) The two greatest state-sponsors of terror, Israel and
the United States, were strangely absent from their bogus list of nations that supposedly “sponsor
terrorism.” On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post quoted Israeli Likud zealot Benjamin
Netanyahu as stating that the Palestinian Authority should be considered an “enemy” — not only
of Israel but the entire world! Netanyahu also added that the so-called ‘international community’
(i.e., nations who serve Jewish interests) should join forces with Israel to wipe out all groups and
nations in the Middle East that Netanyahu has deemed an “enemy.” (“Netanyahu: Designate PA ‘enemy’,” The Jerusalem Post, Sept. 12, 2001.) Netanyahu firmly believes that the Jews are
destined to rule the world, and thus an enemy of the Jews is an enemy of the world in his twisted
Talmudic mind. A video from 1990 features Netanyahu meeting and speaking with Menachem
Mendel Schneerson, the revered Jewish supremacist “Lubavitcher Rebbe,” who pleads with
Netanyahu to hasten the coming of the Jewish “King Messiah.” (“Benjamin Netanyahu Ordered to Hasten Jewish Messiah’s Coming,” YouTube) Netanyahu agreed to Schneerson’s delusional
demands, and plans to do this by creating cataclysmic events like 9/11 and blaming them on the
enemies of Jewry.
In another media broadcast on the morning of 9/11, a truly mind-boggling exchange took place
between a Zionist Jew named Jerome Hauer and CBS’s Dan Rather. The Orwellian implications
of Hauer’s statements are difficult to describe in words, but for the sake of brevity let’s just call
this interview “self-incriminating” to say the least. The conversation went as follows:
Dan Rather: Based on what you know, and I recognize we’re dealing with so few facts,
is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings, or would it have
required the, sort of, prior positioning of other explosives in the, uh, in the buildings? I
mean, what do you think?
Jerome Hauer: No, I, uh, my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you
have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, uh, that burned, uh, the velocity of
that plane, uh, certainly, uh, uh, had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact
that it burned and you had that intense heat, uh, probably weakened the structure as
well, uh, and I think it, uh, was, uh, simply the, uh, the planes hitting the
buildings…causing the collapse.
Dan Rather: What perspective can you give us? I mean, there have been these repeated
reports that, well, yes, Osama Bin Laden, but some think he’s been over-emphasized as,
as responsible for these kinds of events. I know many intelligence, uh, people at very high levels who say, listen, you can’t have these kinds of attacks without having some
state, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, somebody involved. Put that into perspective for us.
Jerome Hauer: Yeah, well I’m not sure I agree that, umm, this is necessarily state sponsored.
Umm, it, as I mentioned earlier, certainly has, umm, the, uh, fingerprints of
somebody like Bin Laden.
As the reader has just witnessed, Jerome Hauer went on national television trying to convince
Dan Rather, and the rest of us, that the intense heat from the jet-fuel fires and the impact of the
planes had magically caused the free-fall collapses of the towers — forcefully ruling out the
possibility of explosives. Moreover, he asserted without any evidence whatsoever that the attack
had the “fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.” Hauer promulgated what would become
the entire official cover story of 9/11 on the day that it happened! Perhaps he knew all of this
because he penned the official script himself with his Zionist colleagues Barak, Sharon and
Perle? After observing these Orwellian pronouncements one after the other, their significance
cannot escape an intelligent person. These four Jewish criminal personalities laid bare on
national television the entire Zionist agenda for war and destruction in the Middle East.
Callously calling for a “war on terror” and the decimation of the Islamic world, this team of
Israeli imperialists got ahead of themselves, giving away their malignant intent to manipulate and
deceive. As these revealing quotations illustrate with such overt clarity, the sordid Zionist snakes
who uttered these heinous words and phrases are the originators and progenitors of the colossal
scam known to the world as the “war on terror,” not George W. Bush or Dick Cheney, who
merely served as window dressing for the Jewish crime network running the show from behind
the curtain.
However, neither Ehud Barak nor Ariel Sharon was the first to employ the term ‘war on terror.’
That Orwellian phrase was originally coined in the 1980s by their partner in crime Benjamin
Netanyahu — the leader of Israel’s ruling Likud Party, which is literally the birth child of the
infamous 1940s Jewish terror gang known as the Irgun. In 1987, Netanyahu published a book
titled “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”containing a number of essays and transcribed
speeches from like-minded Jewish-Zionist gangsters which outlined a political blueprint for a
global campaign — led by the “Western democracies” — of relentless pre-emptive warfare
against anyone that the Jewish supremacists label as “terrorists.” A “terrorist” is Zionist codespeak
for non-Jews who resist Jewish terrorism, Zionist supremacy and the “Greater Israel”
project. If you resist the Jewish theft of your land, you’re a “terrorist.” If you resist the Jewish
takeover of your country, you’re a “terrorist.” If you resist the Jewish slaughter of your people,
you’re a “terrorist.” If you resist the Jewish control of your media, government and banking
system, you’re a “terrorist.” If you resist total Jewish supremacy, you’re a “terrorist.” This is
what occurs when we let Jewish supremacists define terms for us. The sadistic Jewish policy of
physically exterminating their enemies in the Middle East, under the flaccid veneer of “fighting
terrorism,” became the USA’s official foreign policy after 9/11, as the attack was intended to
This coalition of Jewish-Zionist psychopaths, conspicuously eager to place blame on Osama bin
Laden and Al-Qaeda, were exposed for the loathsome liars and dreadful deceivers that they are
by bin Laden himself! In an interview with the Pakistani daily Ummat, published in Karachi on
September 28, 2001, bin Laden categorically denied having anything to do with the 9/11 attacks.
He went on to allege that a Jewish-Zionist terror network operating at the highest levels of the
governments of Israel and the U.S. were the true culprits, and intimated that the Jews rule
America using it as a proxy force to make slaves out of countries that are not subservient to
Zionism and the Jewish financial elite. Here are a few excerpts from the interview:
Ummat: You have been accused of involvement in the attacks in New York and
Washington. What do you want to say about this? If you are not involved, who might be?
Osama bin Laden: … I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September
attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no
knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children,
and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent
women, children, and other people.
… Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. It is the United States,
which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children, and common people of
other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the
last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel.
The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the
people who are a part of the US system, but are dissenting against it. Or those who are
working for some other system; persons who want to make the present century as a
century of conflict between Islam and Christianity so that their own civilization, nation,
country, or ideology could survive. …Then you cannot forget the American Jews, who
are annoyed with President Bush ever since the elections in Florida and want to avenge
Then there are intelligence agencies in the US, which require billions of dollars worth of
funds from the Congress and the government every year. This funding issue was not a big
problem till the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these
agencies has been in danger.
They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usamah and Taleban
and then this incident happened. You see, the Bush administration approved a budget of
40bn dollars. Where will this huge amount go? It will be provided to the same agencies,
which need huge funds and want to exert their importance. Now they will spend the
money for their expansion and for increasing their importance.
I will give you an example. Drug smugglers from all over the world are in contact with
the US secret agencies. These agencies do not want to eradicate narcotics cultivation and
trafficking because their importance will be diminished. The people in the US Drug
Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show
performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. General Noriega was made a
drug baron by the CIA and, in need, he was made a scapegoat. In the same way, whether
it is President Bush or any other US president, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its
human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes. What is this? Is it not that
there exists a government within the government in the United States? That secret
government must be asked as to who made the attacks.
Ummat: The losses caused in the attacks in New York and Washington have proved that
giving an economic blow to the US is not too difficult. US experts admit that a few more
such attacks can bring down the American economy. Why is al-Qa’idah not targeting
their economic pillars?
OBL: I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the
system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to
mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in control of the
American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the
American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to
the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is
Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the US is not uttering a
single word. (“Interview with Osama bin Laden. Denies his Involvement in 9/11,” Global Research, May 9, 2011.)
Amazingly, the true executors of 9/11 revealed themselves in the media broadcasts where one
sees Zionist Jews standing in the foreground as instigators, rabble-rousers and slave-drivers!
These pathologically insane calls for global conflict and upheaval trumpeted by the Jewish
masters of deception Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak and Richard Perle, on 9/11, is reminiscent of the
psychotic Jewish campaign to plunge Western nations into war against their nemesis Adolf
Hitler and National Socialist Germany beginning in 1933, when Organized Jewry initiated their
“Holy War” against the Third Reich. . (See: “THE JEWS DECLARE WAR ON GERMANY (1933),” Guardian 150m Website) Unconcerned with the incalculable loss of human life, World
Jewry has consistently instigated wars and conflicts around the world when it has suited their
The Hidden Hand of Zion Surfaces
In a miraculous display of Jewish “clairvoyance,” Israel’s preeminent spymaster Isser Harel —
the founder of the Mossad and Shin Bet — predicted 9/11 with incredible accuracy. In 1979,
Michael Evans, a Christian Zionist from the U.S., visited Isser Harel at his home in Israel
wherein Harel proceeded to tell him over dinner that a terrorist attack upon New York City’s
“tallest building” was imminent. Evans recounted this strange affair in this way:
“On Sept. 23, 1979, the founder of Israeli intelligence over dinner told me that America
was developing a tolerance for terror. The gentleman’s name was Isser Harel, the founder
of Mossad Israeli intelligence — he ran it from 1947 to 1963. He told me that America
had developed an alliance between two countries, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and that the
alliance with Saudi Arabia was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror
among Americans. He said if the tolerance continued that Islamic fundamentalists
would ultimately strike America. I said “Where?” He said, “In Islamic theology, the
phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and
your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.” Isser Harel prophesied
that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic
fundamentalists 21 years ago.” (“Is America In Bible Prophecy?,” Belief Net, August 2004.)
As an Israeli spy master learned in the art of deception, Harel did his best to pull the wool over
Evans’ eyes. Anyone knowledgeable in the topic of symbolism will tell you that the phallus is an
important symbol in Masonic ideology, not “Islamic theology.” Freemasonry is fundamentally
based on the rites and rituals of Judaism and the occult Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). (Texe Marrs, “Masonic Jews Plot To Control World,” Power of Prophecy) Therefore, in truth —
Harel’s attempt at deceit notwithstanding — it is Masonic Jews, not Islamic Arabs, who have an
affinity for phallic symbols.
Zionist Jews have quite a knack for
predicting future events. This is not
because they have any kind of
supernatural gift of foresight but
because they are fond of subtly
stating their evil plans before putting
them into action. Call it arrogance,
this twisted supremacist mentality
affecting these Jewish schemers
manifests in many unorthodox ways.
What Isser Harel’s “prediction”
represents is a subtle confession that
the 9/11 plot was hatched in Israel.
In his career as a Jewish terrorist,
Harel spearheaded the Israeli
strategy of terrorizing the West into submission by conducting false-flag operations as a method
of coercion. He was involved in the Lavon Affair; he initiated “The Damocles Operation” of the
early 1960's, which was a terror bombing and assassination campaign targeting scores of German
scientists to prevent them from helping Egypt develop its defense systems; he was also
intimately involved in the JFK assassination.
In a shocking coincidence, The Washington Times published an article one day before 9/11
shedding light on a study that was conducted by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies
(SAMS) which devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would
require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created
Palestinian state. The study calls Israel’s armed forces a “500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well
armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard
international law to accomplish mission.” Of the Mossad, the Israeli secret service, the SAMS
officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and
make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” (“U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study,” The Washington Times, Sept. 10, 2001.) This stunning revelation was indicative of what
was to come a day later — Israel would strike America and disguise it as an Arab act. To cover
for themselves, the Mossad passed along an unspecific “general warning” to the CIA a month
before 9/11 alleging that as many as 200 terrorists were present on American soil and were
preparing a major operation. The Mossad linked the plot to Osama bin Laden and told their
CIA counterparts that there were “strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement.” ” (“Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks,” The Telegraph, Sept. 16, 2001.) This was by no means a legitimate “warning.” It was planted propaganda — a clever way
for the Israelis to deflect suspicion away from themselves as perpetrators and onto their Arab
enemies whom they have always ventured to set up as targets for U.S. military aggression. Victor
Ostrovsky, in his two books “By Way of Deception” and “The Other Side of Deception,”
demonstrates that the Mossad often gives out useless warnings as a way of making themselves
look innocent when in fact the opposite is true.
Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Zionist propagandists went straight to work. Aman, Israel’s central
military intelligence service, immediately claimed that Iraq had been involved in the attacks. (Bamford, James. A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies. New York: Doubleday, 2004, p. 311.) Rafi Eitan, a delusional former head of Mossad,
also laughably held that “the Iraqi dictator,” Saddam Hussein, was the “mastermind” of the
attacks. (Dennis Eisenberg, “Ex-Mossad Chief, Iraq was Behind the Attacks,” Herald Sun
(Australia), Sept. 23, 2001.) These baseless lies maligning Iraq emerged from the mouths of
accusatory Zionist terrorist kingpins – the masters of deception – but these false accusations
didn’t get very far. Instead, Israel’s dirty fingerprints which are all over this crime have made
their way to the surface, despite intense Jewish efforts to suppress the truth.
In November of 2001, Fox News aired an explosive four part series detailing a secretive investigation that was being conducted by U.S. authorities into Israeli espionage in the United
States. (See: “911, The Israeli Connection – AmDocs Spy Scandal – 4 Part Series (Fox News 2001),” Google Video) The report revealed that around 200 Israeli spies had been arrested by
American authorities — the largest spy ring to be uncovered in U.S. history. 140 of the Israelis
had been taken into custody just prior to 9/11 and the remaining 60 had been apprehended
shortly thereafter in connection with the ongoing investigation into the attacks. In the first part of
the series, Fox News Correspondent Carl Cameron reported:
“Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under
the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of
active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who
say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged
surveillance activities against and in the United States.
. . . investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the
[9/11] attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there
are “tie-ins.” But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying,
“evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence
that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”
Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is
suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the
United States is also investigating for links to terrorism. Numerous classified documents
obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis
had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected
espionage by Israelis in the United States.
Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working group that’s
been compiling evidence since the mid ’90's. These documents detail hundreds of
incidents in cities and towns across the country that investigators say, “may well be an
organized intelligence gathering activity.”
The first part of the investigation focuses on Israelis who say they are art students from
the University of Jerusalem and Bazala Academy. They repeatedly made contact with
U.S. government personnel, the report says, by saying they wanted to sell cheap art or
Documents say they, “targeted and penetrated military bases.” The DEA, FBI and
dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes
of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned,
‘stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or
explosive ordinance units.’”
In the closing segment of the first broadcast, Fox News anchor Brit Hume and Carl Cameron
talked about Israeli prior knowledge of 9/11. Cameron was careful not to directly implicate the
Israelis, but quoted investigators who posed the question, “How could they [the Israelis] not
have known [that 9/11 was going to happen]?” Carl Cameron then cited a defense intelligence
report which spoke of Israel’s “voracious appetite for information.” The report further stated
that the Israelis “are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every possible
facet of their political and economical policies. It aggressively collects military and
industrial technology and the U.S. is a high priority target.” Also highlighted in this series
were the intrigues of two Israeli
telecommunications companies,
Amdocs Ltd. and Comverse
Infosys, who, investigators say,
were engaged in spying and
illegal wiretapping of American
phones, including those of U.S.
government employees.
Amdocs Ltd. handled all of the
call records and billing for the
25 largest American phone companies, meaning virtually every telecom record in the USA was
routed through Amdocs. Information obtained through these companies was being used by the
Israelis to undermine the efforts of U.S. investigators looking into Israeli organized crime and
drug trafficking operations. In regard to 9/11, these companies were being used to undermine the
work of honest officials in the FBI and other U.S. agencies who had been tracking the
movements of several of the Arab patsies whom the Israelis were preparing to frame for their
false-flag attack on 9/11.
Fox News and ABC News, the two mainstream media outlets that actually covered the Israeli
9/11 spy ring scandal, were pressured to drop any further coverage and to remove all previous
references to the case from their archives. Journalist Christopher Ketcham made note of this
Zionist censorship campaign:
“Media outlets that run stories even mildly critical of Israel often find themselves
targeted by organized campaigns, including form-letter e-mails, the cancellation of
subscriptions, and denunciations of the organization and its reporters and editors as
anti-Semites. Cameron, for example, was excoriated by various pro-Israel lobbying
groups for his exposé [of Israel's 9/11-connected spy ring]. … In a December
interview with Salon, CAMERA’s associate director, Alex Safian, said that several
“Jewish/Israeli groups” were having “conversations” with representatives of Fox
News regarding Cameron’s piece. … Oddly, four days after the Cameron
investigation ran, all traces of his report — transcripts, Web links, headlines —
disappeared from the archives. … (when you entered the old URL, a
Fox screen appeared with the message “This story no longer exists”).” (“The Israeli “art student” mystery,” Salon, May 7, 2002.)
Coincidentally, in the third part of the series on Israeli espionage Carl Cameron reported that
“investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even
suggest Israeli spying . . . is considered career suicide.” In light of this evidence about a
massive Israeli espionage ring amounting to 200 or so Israeli operatives conducting spying,
surveillance, and possibly even more sinister activities in the U.S. before 9/11, it appears that the
Mossad’s phony “warning” to the CIA that 200 Arab terrorists were moving throughout the
country and preparing a major attack is just a projection of what the Israelis were actually doing.
Veteran Anti War staff writer, Justin Raimondo, commented on the significance of what Carl
Cameron and Fox News had reported about the Israeli spy ring, stating:
“What is striking about Fox News Reporter Carl Cameron’s portrait of Israel’s spy
network in the U.S. is the sheer vastness of his subject. The broad scope of the
Israeli spy operation, with its many fronts and activities conducted coast to coast…
In the months leading up to 9/11, Cameron claimed, Israel was waging a covert war
against its principal ally and benefactor, the United States.” (“The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection,” Chronicles Intelligence Assessment, August 2003)
It took no time at all for the Jewish hand to emerge from the smoking ruins of the World Trade
Center on September 11th, 2001. The first suspects arrested on 9/11 in connection to the
attacks were not Muslims with links to Al-Qaeda, but Israelis with ties to the Mossad. The
New York Times reported that a group of five men had set up video cameras “aimed at the Twin
Towers prior to the attack… and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.” (“One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports,” Fox News, Sept. 14, 2001.) Police received several
calls from upset New Jersey residents claiming “Middle Eastern men” with a white van were
videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. The suspicious men had also gone to
extreme lengths to photograph themselves with the Twin Towers burning in the backdrop. A
New Jersey homemaker named Maria witnessed three of the men standing on top of a white van
in the parking lot of her apartment building shortly after the first plane struck the North Tower.
She told reporters: “They seemed to be taking a movie… They were like happy, you know
… They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange.” (“The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,” ABC News 20/20, June 21, 2002.) On September 12,
2001, journalist Paulo Lima of The Record N.J. News reported on the arrest of the jubilant ‘high fivers’
who turned out to be Israelis. Here is an excerpt of his report:
“About eight hours after terrorists struck Manhattan’s tallest skyscrapers, police in
Bergen County detained five men who they said were found carrying maps linking
them to the blasts.
The five men, who were in a van stopped on Route 3 in East Rutherford around 4:30
p.m., were being questioned by police but had not been charged with any crime late
Tuesday. The Bergen County Police bomb squad X-rayed packages but did not find any
explosives, authorities said. However, sources close to the investigation said they
found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot. “There are maps of the
city in the car with certain places highlighted,” the source said. “It looked like
they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen
when they were at Liberty State Park.”
Sources also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives,
although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing,
authorities said. Sources said the van was stopped as it headed east on Route 3, between
the Hackensack River bridge and the Sheraton hotel.
Sources close to the investigation said the men said they were Israeli tourists, but
police had not been able to confirm their identities. Authorities would not release their
names. East Rutherford officers stopped the van after the FBI’s Newark Field Office
broadcast an alert asking surrounding police departments to look for a white Chevrolet
van, police said.
“We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey
registration and writing on the side,” said Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig.
“Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact.
They said three people were jumping up and down.”
The East Rutherford officers summoned the county police bomb squad, New Jersey state
troopers, and FBI agents, who waited alongside the van as prosecutors from the U.S.
Attorney’s Office tried to obtain a warrant to search the van late Tuesday, Schmidig said.
By 10 p.m., members of the bomb squad were picking through the van and X-raying
packages found inside, Schmidig said. Sources said the FBI alert, known as a BOLO or
“Be On Lookout,” was sent out at 3:31 p.m. It read: “Vehicle possibly related to New
York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign
on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of
jetliner into World Trade Center. “Three individuals with van were seen celebrating
after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests
that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.”
Business records show an Urban Moving Systems with offices on West 50th Street in
Manhattan and on West 18th Street in Weehawken. Telephone messages left at the
businesses Tuesday evening were not immediately returned. Business records show
the owner as Dominik Suter of Fair Lawn.…” (“Five men detained as suspected conspirators,” The Record N.J. News, Sept. 12, 2001.)
After being pulled over by the N.Y.P.D, the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers,
“We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The
Palestinians are the problem.” (“The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,” ABC News 20/20, June 21, 2002.) The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron
Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The police and FBI field agents became very
suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, $4700 cash
stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. (Ibid.) The FBI seized and developed their photos,
one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins of the W.T.C in an apparently celebratory gesture. (Doug Saunders, “U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery,” The Globe and Mail, Dec. 17, 2001.) After their arrest, the five dancing
Israelis were not cooperative with U.S. authorities, refusing to answer questions about their
suspicious activities. They were asked to take polygraph tests but refused to take them. After
weeks of silence, the five Israelis finally agreed to take polygraph examinations, and failed them
miserably. Pretending to be tourists on a working holiday, the Israelis’ cover was blown when
the FBI confirmed that at least two of the five dancing Jews were registered agents of the
Mossad and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front
operation for Israeli Intelligence. (Christopher Ketcham, “High-Fivers and Art Student Spies: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?,” Counter Punch, March 07, 2007.) The
Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released. A former CIA
counter terrorism officer told journalist Christopher Ketcham:
“There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation of the
dancing Israelis] came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA
headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would
not be implicated in any way in 9/11.” (Ibid.)
After returning home to Israel, three of the
five dancing Israelis appeared on a popular
Israeli talk show to discuss their ordeal in
America. One of the Israelis, presumably
Oded Ellner, stated: “The fact of the
matter is we are coming from a country
that experiences terror daily. Our
purpose was to document the event.” (“Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11,” YouTube) A private American citizen
recently obtained FBI and NYPD reports relating to the five dancing Israelis incident by filing a
Freedom of Information Act request, and published the documents on the internet. These reports
confirm many of the reputed occurrences surrounding the five dancing Israelis and their prior
knowledge of what was to come on 9/11. (See: “The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident,” My Big Fat Anti-Zionist Life Blogspot, Aug. 17, 2011 / “The “Dancing Israelis” FBI Report – Debunked,” Take Our World Back Website) To cover for the Israelis the documents have been heavily redacted, but they confirm,
for example, that the five dancing Israelis were already observing the World Trade Center disaster from the Doric Apartment complex’s parking lot less than five minutes after the first plane struck the North Tower and that they were filming, cheering and celebrating before the second plane hit the South Tower.
It must be pointed out that when the first plane struck the North Tower nobody quite understood
exactly what had happened. Most innocent bystanders who witnessed the event initially assumed
that it was just a tragic accidental plane crash, not a terror attack. It wasn’t until the second plane
hit the South Tower when everybody realized that this was a premeditated and coordinated
terrorist attack. Why would these Israelis go to such extreme lengths to “document” what was
initially thought to be an ordinary plane crash when they could have just learned from the media
what had happened later in the day? More importantly, why were they so happy, joyful and
celebratory over what was thought to be an accidental plane crash? What kind of sick-minded
people would celebrate, laugh and joke about a plane crash? The only logical conclusions that
can be drawn from the bizarre behavior of the Israelis are:
1) Upon the impact of the first plane they were immediately cognizant that this was
indeed a terrorist attack, not an accidental plane crash, before anyone could have known
for sure that that was the case. This reveals that they most certainly had advanced prior
knowledge of the date, time, place and nature of attacks.
2) They were celebrating because they were pleased with the outcome of the greatest
Israeli spy operation in history, where Arabs would be blamed for an unprecedented
terror attack on American soil resulting in a full-scale U.S. invasion and occupation of
several Arab/Islamic States in the Middle East, whom Israel has long sought to weaken
and destroy. More broadly, this event would ignite a “clash of civilizations” between the
West and the Islamic World for the benefit of Israel and International Jewry.
The previously cited FBI report confirms that the dancing Israelis took 76 photographs of themselves, all of which show them to be “visibly happy.” The report also recounted some of the
self-incriminating statements attributed to several of the dancing Israelis after being taken into
custody. Oded Ellner confessed to being happy because he believed “that the United States will
[now] take steps to stop terrorism in the world.” Omer Marmari is quoted in the report as having said that “Israel now has hope that the world will now understand us.” Why would
they think that? And how did they know that these attacks would benefit Israel before anybody
had the faintest clue as to who perpetrated them? These brazen statements by Oded Ellner and
Omer Marmari — taken in conjunction with the proclamations of Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon
on 9/11 that the USA should initiate and lead a new “global war on terror” — are dead
giveaways as to Israel’s motive for committing 9/11: leading America by the nose on an endless
path of war against their enemies in the Middle East!
An American employee of Urban Moving Systems, the Israeli Intelligence front company where
the five dancing Israelis also worked, said that the majority of his co-workers were Israelis and
were joking on the day of the attacks. He told The Record of New Jersey: “I was in tears. These
guys were joking and that bothered me. These guys were like, ‘Now America knows what
we go through.’” (Scott DaVault, “Urban Moving Systems and Detained Israelis,” What Really Happened) Other strange happenings at Urban Moving Systems headquarters in Weehawken,
New Jersey, were unveiled in the FBI’s report. For instance, a former Urban Moving Systems
employee later contacted the Newark Division of the FBI with information indicating that he had
quit his job at the company due to a high amount of anti-American sentiment present among
Urban’s employees. The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked: “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your
country.” He also told the FBI that Dominik Suter, the Israeli owner of the dubious front company Urban Moving Systems, was a sleazy crook who would constantly cheat his customers
out of money and that Suter constantly spoke badly of the United States. Also mentioned by the former employee was that the Jewish/Israeli workers always spoke Hebrew in his presence and
that they had frequent meetings in the company’s office which he and the other non-Jewish
employees were never invited to attend.
Urban Moving Systems is more than likely the hub wherein Israel’s Mossad coordinated their
false-flag operation against America on 9/11. The Israeli owner of this Mossad front company,
Dominik Otto Suter, set up his phony business with a small loan of nearly $500,000 from the
U.S. government itself. (“Urban Moving Systems: the US-Israeli 9/11 Financial Nexus,” Under The Radar Media Blogspot, June 19, 2008.) Soon after the attacks, Suter was questioned by the
FBI but was evasive. When the FBI returned to question him again he was gone, having abruptly
fled the country back to Israel. ABC News reported:
“… sources told ABCNEWS . . . that the FBI believed Urban Moving may have
been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation. After the five men [the
dancing Israelis] were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban
Moving’s Weehawken, N.J., offices. The FBI searched Urban Moving’s offices for
several hours, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The
FBI also questioned Urban Moving’s owner [Dominik Otto Suter]. His attorney
insists that his client answered all of the FBI’s questions. But when FBI agents tried
to interview him again a few days later, he was gone. Three months later 2020′s
cameras photographed the inside of Urban Moving, and it looked as if the business
had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones
were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the
warehouse. The owner had also cleared out of his New Jersey home, put it up for
sale and returned with his family to Israel.” (“Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,” ABC News 20/20, June 21, 2002.)
The blatantly guilty demeanor of Suter and the five dancing Israelis makes it quite obvious that
they were heavily involved in the attacks. Recall the suggestive remarks of dancing Mossad
agent Sivan Kurzberg that, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are
our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” This statement clearly illustrates the
intention of the Israelis to frame Palestinians and other Arabs for terrorism against America in an
effort to demonize their Middle Eastern adversaries and draw the U.S. into a conflict with the
opponents of Israeli imperialism. In doing so, the treacherous Israelis endeavored to bring
American public opinion in line with expansionist Israeli foreign policy objectives. This reality
manifested on the evening of September 11, 2001, when Israeli operatives attempted to detonate
a truck bomb on the George Washington Bridge, which they intended to have blamed on
Palestinians, in what amounts to a classic false-flag operation. The Jerusalem Post reported that a
white van packed with explosives was stopped by police as it approached the George
Washington Bridge:
“American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George
Washington Bridge connecting New York and New Jersey. The van, packed with
explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the
terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New
York, Army Radio reported.” (“Car bomb found on George Washington Bridge,” The Jerusalem Post, Sept. 12, 2001.)
FOX News reported:
“…two suspects are in FBI custody after a
truckload of explosives was discovered
around the George Washington Bridge …
The FBI … says enough explosives were
in the truck to do great damage to the
George Washington Bridge.”
WCBS News reported:
“… Most of New York City’s rescue
operations and their police and fire
departments have been concentrating their
actions down in lower Manhattan where
two planes hit the two towers of the World
Trade Center. But some very … intelligent
and aggressive cops also stopped another
terrorist attack from happening on the
George Washington Bridge. CBS2 has
learned exclusively that two men are in
custody after being arrested at the George
Washington Bridge with an entire truckload of explosives. Now I’m told that those
explosives could have been enough to blow up the entire span [of the bridge] and all
the cars and the people that were on it.” (“9/11 George Washington Bridge – Truck Full Of Explosives And Two Suspects In Custody (Rare WCBS),” YouTube)
The existence of this truck bomb was independently reported by CNN, Fox News, ABC News,
CBS News, and other major media outlets. (See: “9/11 George Washington Bridge Van Full Of Explosives Incident (News Compilation),” YouTube / “Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11,” YouTube) The ethnicity and nationality of the two terror suspects was conveniently withheld
from all of the media reports, for the obvious reason that the would-be bombers were Jewish
Israelis and not Islamic Arabs. If they were Arabs or Muslims, the Jewish-owned press would
have made a huge deal out of it. Pretty soon after the arrest of the two Israeli terrorists, media
reporting on the attempted bombing of the George Washington Bridge abruptly stopped and
previous reports on this incredible incident began vanishing. A desperate and conspicuous
attempt was being made by the Jewish media bosses to sweep this blatant episode of Jewish
terrorism under the rug. In a sloppy attempt to pre-frame Palestinians for this would-be truck
bomb explosion on the G. W. Bridge, two Jewish sayans placed anonymous calls to the NYPD
claiming to have spotted a group of “Palestinians” constructing a bomb in a van, and that they
were headed towards the Holland tunnel. Here’s the transcript from NBC News:
Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller 1: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and
going around a building.
Caller 2: There’s a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy by Newark
Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.
Dispatcher: He has what?
Caller: He’s dressed like an Arab.
The callers gave themselves away as Zionist Jews when they said that these alleged bomb makers
“look like Palestinians” and were dressed in “sheik uniform.” First of all, how would the
caller have known that these “Arabs” were Palestinian as opposed to some other kind of Arab
like Iraqi, Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, and so on? Secondly, Palestinians usually dress in westernstyle
clothes, not “sheik uniform.” Who other than Zionists have an axe to grind with
Palestinians specifically to make a false 9-1-1 frame-up call of this nature? The mystery caller
led the police to believe that the truck bomb was headed towards the Holland tunnel when in
actuality it was stopped approaching the George Washington Bridge — a classic misdirection
ploy. Fortunately for New Yorkers it was unsuccessful — the Israelis were caught red-handed
trying to blow up a New York City bridge and have it blamed on their Palestinian enemies. The
Jewish terrorists were fortunate in that their Zionist allies who control the American government
and news media covered up their misdeeds and have made grand efforts to erase this incident
from the historical record. Certainly, very few Americans even know that it took place. This goes
to show the hypnotic power of the mass media, which is under the control of criminal Zionist
Jews who were complicit with Israel in the attacks.
To draw attention away from the fact that
two Israeli agents tried to bomb the George
Washington Bridge, and to further bury the
explosive story of the five celebrating Israeli
Mossad operatives who were arrested in New
Jersey, the Jewish-owned news media — in a
premeditated incitement to genocide —
repeatedly aired a dubious video clip of
Palestinians supposedly celebrating the 9/11
attacks in the West Bank. (See: “Muslims “Palestinians” Celebrating 9/11 (CNN – Fox),” YouTube) The video, which was later
exposed as a fraud, served the agenda of the
Zionist masterminds behind 9/11 expertly, as
it portrayed the Palestinians as supporters of terrorism. Israel immediately capitalized on the
dehumanizing effect of this duplicitous anti-Palestinian propaganda video. Within ten minutes of
the first plane striking the North Tower on 9/11 Israel launched ethnic cleansing operations into
the occupied Palestinian territories. This incredible fact was divulged by Noam Chayut, a former
Israeli soldier, in an interview with Alternate Focus. (“Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out,” YouTube) The New York Times also reported on the murderous Israeli incursions
into the West Bank village of Jenin that was initiated on the heels of 9/11:
“A surge of violence punctuated by an Israeli tank thrust into a West Bank town left
eight Palestinians dead today, including a 9-year-old girl, as well as an Israeli settler
shot dead by Palestinian gunmen. After a day of intense violence, Palestinian
officials accused the Israelis of stepping up military actions while international
attention was focused on the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. “The
Israelis are exploiting the world’s preoccupation with events in the U.S. to carry on
with their crimes against the Palestinian people,” said Yasir Abed Rabbo, a senior
aide to Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader…” (Joel Greenberg, “8 Palestinians and an Israeli Settler Killed in a Surge of Violence,” New York Times, Sept. 13, 2001.)
Moreover, at 9:34 am on 9/11 Abu Dhabi television reported that it received a call from the
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a left-wing faction of the PLO, claiming
responsibility for crashing two planes into the W.T.C. (“America’s day of terror: Timeline,” BBC News, Sept. 12, 2001.) This claim was immediately denied by the DFLP leader Qais abu Leila
who said it had always opposed “terror attacks on civilian targets, especially outside the
occupied territories.” (“World shock over U.S. attacks,” CNN, Sept. 11, 2001.) Common sense
dictates that this “claim of responsibility” was simply another lame hoax by Israel to frame
Palestinians for the 9/11 attacks. A short time after 9/11, Israel’s Mossad was caught red-handed
by Palestinian authorities trying to create a phony ‘Al-Qaeda terrorist cell’ in Gaza in order to
justify new Israeli attacks and aggression against the Palestinians. (“Israel ‘faked al-Qaeda presence’,” BBC News, Dec. 8, 2002.)
On 9/11, the Jewish terrorist network behind the attacks put their sick and twisted mentality on
full display. Probably the most shocking and unusual event of the day came in the form of
another white van that was stopped by NYPD officers in between 6th and 7th Avenue on King
Street. Police recordings that have been released to the public indicate that this van had a
mural/painting on its side that literally depicted a remote controlled plane crashing into the
World Trade Center and exploding! Here is a portion of the police transmission detailing this
bizarre incident:
officer: [inaudible] … on air?
officer: The plane… [inaudible] … explosives on King and 6th Avenue.
officer: King and 6th Avenue you said?
officer: One of those remote-controlled planes filled with explosives.
officer: 10-5 … that plane message.
officer: 5 the message about the remote-controlled plane.
officer: Central, clear the air for the message about the plane.
officer: Central, we need the bomb squad and ESU over at King and…
officer: Central I got a message on that, uh, plane. It’s, it’s a, it’s a big truck with a
mural painted of a, of an airplane diving into New York City and exploding. We don’t
know what’s in the truck… the truck is in between 6th and 7th on King Street.
officer: All right. 10-4. I’ll send ESU and the bomb squad there, forthwith Kay.
officer: 10-5 that last message.
officer: with a mural painted… uh… airplane diving into New York blowin up. Two men
got out of the truck — ran away from it — we got those two under.
officer: We have both suspects under, Kay… We have the suspects who driv… drove in
the van, THE VAN EXPLODED, we have both of them under, Kay, let’s get some help
over here.
officer: What location?
officer: King Street between 6th and 7th.
The existence of the mural van was corroborated by a report put out by the Norman Y. Mineta
International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) entitled “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks” On page 28 of the report it states:
“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane
flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post.
It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak
English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated
the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough
search was made. The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.”
The MTI report — while confirming that there was indeed a van with a painting on its side
astonishingly depicting the events that were unfolding just blocks away — attempts to hide the
fact that the mural van subsequently exploded, which was stated multiple times by NYPD
officers in the aforementioned police radio recording. The MTI report affirms that the mural van
was rented to “ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English.” Say, if these
Middle Easterners were Arabs don’t you suppose that the mainstream media would have been
having a field day over this incident and wouldn’t it have been highlighted in the official 9/11
Commission Report? Strangely, it was completely ignored and forgotten by both the media and
the U.S. government. Common sense dictates that if these two Middle Eastern suspects were
Muslim Arabs — who had rented a delivery truck and painted the 9/11 attack scenario on the
side of it and then parked it near the WTC on 9/11 — than it would have been plastered all over
the television and printing press as proof of an “Arab/Al-Qaeda conspiracy,” which the Jewish
media was keen on promoting from the outset. It would have coincided perfectly with the ‘AlQaeda’
narrative being trumpeted by Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak and America’s Jewish-run mass
media. Since the mural van incident was deliberately hidden from the public, the only logical
conclusion that can be extracted from this information is that these “ethnic Middle
Easterners” were Jewish Israelis, not Islamic Arabs. The preposterous conclusion of the MTI report that the 9/11 mural van turned out to be nothing more than an “innocent delivery truck” is
so absurd that further comment would be superfluous.
More proof of Israeli and Jewish foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks was revealed by a Jewish
resident of New Jersey who was a former Israeli soldier and veteran of the Yom Kippur War of
1973. In October 2000, approximately 11 months prior to September 11, 2001, the Jewish man
was collecting English Ivy cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Jewish Cemetery located at Mccellan
and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, New Jersey, when he overheard a conversation spoken in Hebrew
in which two persons were talking about an imminent terrorist attack upon New York City’s
World Trade Center Towers that would involve airplanes. The witness reported seeing two men
leaning against a wall and a third person arrive in a Lincoln Town Car. He overheard one of the
men say: “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the
twins in September.” Later, one of the men expressed a certain amount of concern regarding the
upcoming presidential election between Bush/Cheney and Gore/Lieberman, which he believed
might interfere with their terrorist plans. The person who arrived in the town car quelled the
doubts by stating: “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets
elected, they will take care of everything.” The witness informed U.S. Attorney General John
Ashcroft and the FBI of what he had overheard, but absolutely nothing was done with the
information. John Ashcroft and the FBI completely ignored it for the obvious reason that Jews
were implicated and not Arabs. As dedicated servants of Zionism, Ashcroft and the FBI take
their orders from the Jewish Lobby, not the American people. (See: Ed Haas, “Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew,” Muckraker Report, Dec. 1, 2006 / “Chasing down Gomel Chesed Cemetery,” Muckraker Report, Jan. 4, 2007.)
Evidence that Israelis had been forewarned of the 9/11 attacks several hours before it happened
surfaced at an Israeli instant messaging service called Odigo. The company’s headquarters were
located just two blocks from the WTC in New York City, with additional offices in Herzliya,
Israel, coincidentally where Mossad’s headquarters are also located. It was reported that two of
Odigo’s Israel-based employees received a warning in the form of an instant message predicting
the attacks would happen, but the two recipients of the warning claim not to have known the
sender. (Yuval Dror, “Odigo says workers were warned of attack,” Haaretz, Sept. 26, 2001.) Odigo’s service includes a feature called ‘People Finder’ that allows users to find and contact
others based on certain interests or demographics, such as Israeli nationality. The vice president
of sales and marketing at Odigo, Alex Diamandis, said it was possible that the attack warning
was broadcast to other Odigo members, but that the company had not received reports of other
recipients of the message. (“Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack,” Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2001) According to Odigo, the warning did not specifically mention the WTC, but
the company refused to divulge what was specified, claiming, “Providing more details would
only lead to more conjecture.” (Brian McWilliams, “Odigo Clarifies Attack Messages,” Newsbytes, Sept. 28, 2001.) Is it not peculiar that Odigo refused to reveal what was said in the
message fearing that the content being disclosed would lead to “conjecture”? Conjecture about
what, exactly? Logically speaking, keeping something secret would elicit more “conjecture” than
something that is fully disclosed to the public. If the message was non-specific, as Odigo claims,
then what would they have to worry about by releasing the contents of the message to the public?
Later, Alex Diamandis hinted at the contents of the message, stating, “The messages said
something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did—almost to the minute.” The IP address of the sender was given to the FBI, but as usual nothing was done, and
the matter was quickly forgotten. (“September 11, 2001: Two Hours Before Attacks, Israeli Company Employees Receive Warnings,” History Commons) Evidently the FBI does not
investigate terrorism when Israelis or Jews are implicated. The FBI is only concerned about
“terrorism” when Muslim and Arab patsies can be set up and framed so that the Zionist media
can portray them as psychotic plotting villains.
Keeping this information in mind, it would be wise to broach the issue of how many Israeli
citizens actually died in the 9/11 attacks and how it relates to the Odigo story as well as to other
evidence that has already been detailed herein of Israeli/Jewish prior knowledge of what was to
come on 9/11. One day after 9/11, The Jerusalem Post reported that 4000 Israelis were missing
in the attack on the WTC and Pentagon: “The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far
received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.” (“Hundreds of Israelis missing in WTC attack,” The Jerusalem Post, Sept. 12, 2001.) Jerusalem’s Foreign Ministry compiled the number
from Israeli relatives and families who, in the first few hours after the attack, contacted the
Israeli Foreign Ministry and gave the names of Israeli friends and/or relatives who worked in the
WTC or who had business scheduled in it or in its adjacent buildings at the time of the attack.
Considering that New York City is the capital of world Jewish financial power, with the World
Trade Center as its epicenter, one would expect to find many thousands of Israeli citizens
working in the W.T.C. So how many Israelis actually died in the Towers on 9/11? Well, if you are
the gullible type you might believe the figure spouted by President George W. Bush in a speech
he delivered before Congress a short time after the attacks. Bush, in his infinite wisdom, made
the claim that 130 Israelis perished in the attacks. (“Transcript of President Bush’s address,” CNN, Sept. 21, 2001.) This absurd figure was later revealed to be as a gross, and most certainly
deliberate, exaggeration. In reality, only five Israelis died on 9/11, two of whom were supposedly
aboard two of the allegedly hijacked planes. (“Five Israeli victims remembered in capital,” The Jerusalem Post, Sept. 11, 2002.) So, in truth, only three Israelis died in the W.T.C Towers on 9/11,
where thousands were known to have worked! This is nothing short of a statistical impossibility.
One of the Israelis who is said to have been killed on 9/11 was Daniel Lewin. The official story
attests that Lewin was aboard United Airlines Flight 11 and became embroiled in a struggle with
one of the ‘Muslim hijackers’ resulting in his murder. Originally the story was that Lewin was
shot and killed by Satam al-Suqami with a gun, but this was later changed to being stabbed to
death with a knife. This slip-up is surely not the result of confusion because it is nearly
impossible to mistake a knife for a gun. Rather, it shows that the 9/11 story was being crafted
around the fabricated ‘Muslim hijackers’ narrative and that the Jewish-owned press was revising
the story as they saw fit. It would not be very believable to assert that the hijackers managed to
smuggle a gun and ammunition on a flight, so they changed it to a knife which would have been
easier to slip past security. What is most intriguing about this story is that Lewin was not your
average Israeli — he was once a captain in the Israeli Occupation Army and an officer of Israel’s
elite commando unit known as ‘Sayerat Matkal,’ the “world’s most elite anti-hijacking team”
that specializes in aircraft takeovers and assassinations. (“Friends think Flight 11 Israeli was ‘executed,’” World Net Daily, Mar. 1, 2002.) Yehuda Schwartzberg, a childhood friend of
Lewin, told WorldNetDaily that “Danny was an officer in a secret unit of the Israeli army
called ‘sayeret matkal’… My guess is that he did something in some way to stand up
against the hijackers, and was executed because of it… Anyone who knows Danny knows
that it was not his nature to go down without a fight… Maybe this [FAA] (memo) shows
that he died a hero.” (Ibid.) The Zionist authors behind this fictional script revealed their hand
by attempting to weave a hero’s tale around this Israeli commando, presenting him as the “very
first victim of 9/11.” What actually happened on Flight 11 and the three other doomed flights
remains a mystery, but the unmistakable fingerprint of Zion was unveiled with the presence of
Daniel Lewin, a probable Mossad agent, aboard one of the 9/11 flights.
Some of the other foreign nationals who suffered casualties on 9/11, according to Wikipedia, included 68 Brits, 47 Dominicans, 41 Indians, 28 South Koreans, 24 Japanese, 24 Canadians, 17
Colombians, 16 Mexicans, and even 14 citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. All of these foreign
nations had a much higher death toll than Israel even though the WTC was primarily comprised
of international finance, trade, banking and brokerage firms — the kinds of businesses where
Israeli Jews are traditionally over-represented. With this in mind, it is highly probable that many
Israelis, other than the two employees of Odigo, were forewarned of the attacks, which accounts
for such a minuscule Israeli death toll on 9/11.
President Bush is known for his rather dull intellect and his poor grasp of the English language.
With his inability to express his own thoughts coherently, it is obvious that he did not write his
own speeches – he just recited them like a trained parrot. As Bush’s principal speechwriter, the
man actually responsible for the gargantuan exaggeration of 130 Israeli deaths on 9/11, when it
was only five, was David Frum. Frum’s obvious goal in inflating the number of Israeli
casualties in the attacks was to elicit public sympathy for Israel. Frum was looking to manipulate
the American people by promoting Israel as America’s new “partner” who are now united in this
bogus “war on terror.” Frum injected egregious propaganda into Bush’s speech, asserting that
America was attacked on 9/11 by people who merely “hate us for our freedoms.” Frum coined
the Orwellian phrase “Axis of Evil” to denote a number of countries that the Zionists do not like.
He co-authored a venomous book of Zionist deceit entitled, “An End To Evil: How To Win The
War On Terror”, with another warmonger of the highest caliber, Richard Perle. Journalist Robert
Novak exposed Frum as a raving Zionist extremist and fanatical Jewish supremacist who was
transfixed by his own Jewishness, making constant reference to it. Novak noted:
“While Frum calls himself “a not especially observant Jew,” he repeatedly refers to
his Jewishness. It is hard to recall any previous presidential aide so engrossed with
his own ethnic roots. Frum is more uncompromising in support of Israel than any
other issue, raising the inescapable question of whether this was the real reason he
entered the White House.” (“Axis of Ego,” The American Conservative, March 24, 2003.)
Noam Chayut, the former Israeli soldier who was interviewed by Alternate Focus, stated that an
official of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs told him that “the public opinion of the U.S. is
the most powerful weapon that Israel has.”” (“Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out,” YouTube) Because of the 9/11 attacks world public opinion abruptly shifted from
Palestinian sympathies to Israeli sympathies. As a result of 9/11, and the subsequent global
Jewish media propaganda blitz to demonize and dehumanize Arabs and Muslims, World
Zionism triumphed. For the past decade the Zionist regime has had a free hand to commit
countless atrocities against the Palestinians, the people of Lebanon, and other Arab and Islamic
peoples and nations. Jewish supremacists have utilized the momentum of 9/11 to successfully
drive the USA, and other Western powers, into a litany of aggressive, illegal wars against their
enemies with no end in sight.
New York City’s Zionist Insiders
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