Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Part 1 : The Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda ...Origins and Overview of the Extraterrestrial Problem ... Alien Abductions

 The Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda 
And the Human/Divine Solution
Channeled by Karl Morrison
oldmaninthedesert here, normally I would not feature channeled material here at my blog but this material here seems to have an air of honesty to it. It is unlike most of the channeled material I have read. Yes after rereading what I had already read, and then read the rest of what you are about to read, this is definitely different, and no doubt is going to upset some beings, some human, some not.

As improbable as it seems, the fleeting UFO sightings and other mysterious accounts of hidden extraterrestrial influences and presence on the earth all through history actually reflect reality. But what is not real is that ETs are shy or exceedingly respectful of our sovereignty and are reluctant to perturb us —exactly the opposite is true. They have us under their control and prefer to run the world from behind the scenes. This ebook summary outlines but a few examples of the many harmful problems they cause. Questions we asked Creator of All That Is, are shown in bold, followed by the transcribed answers we channeled. It is time for us to awaken to this truth and the dire implications before it’s too late.

Origins and Overview of the Extraterrestrial Problem 
What is the master plan of the malevolent extraterrestrials currently interacting with humanity? What do they want? Why are they doing all that they are doing? 

They are an expression of the dark end of the spectrum created by the duality of good and evil. This is the nature of things in the physical universe in the dimension you inhabit, that everything has an opposite. This is no less true in conduct of the individual. There are good and bad choices, good and bad behaviors, productive and unproductive activities. The competition created by physical existence for the needs of a living organism automatically create the potential for interaction, and to promote a conflict when there is a limitation. Someone will gain the energy, the natural resource, the best parking spot, and it will be usually the one with greatest power and can exert the greatest force. In a divine world there would be universal sharing and this would simply be seen as one’s natural choice to make, not a duty or obligation which implies sacrifice but a loving perspective wanting the other to have any benefit that is enjoyed by the self. That is the light being perspective of things. In the duality, the possibility of accruing great fortune at the expense of another, can be a lure. 

These beings are wanting your planet for themselves, and to enjoy the planet they will need to remove the pesky humans who get in their way and who also feel they have rights. This is the major aim of all the extraterrestrials in earth plane. They are working in various ways in collusion with one another, the various ET races, to maintain the supremacy they have in operating with impunity and to work against human with the goal to eventually eradicate them. This is being counterbalanced by a divine support for the human and will need human participation to become fully effective. The reason for the counterbalance is to make things a fair fight, so to speak, because the extraterrestrial races have such superior technology that they could easily overwhelm and eradicate humanity if they had the unchallenged, unchecked upper hand. This is not being allowed and has been thwarted again and again. 

But the humans must do their part, so that they can truly prevail and push out the interlopers. At the moment, they essentially are little more than slaves and playthings of the extraterrestrials and the dark spirits who exploit them, living off human energy and productivity in various ways, and entertaining themselves by acts of violence, and perturbations of all kinds to demonstrate  their remaining power and their prowess in manipulating human beings and causing all kinds of human follies including the deaths of many fellow humans. This is a demonstration of the depravity of the dark spirits and the extraterrestrials, who themselves have been corrupted by dark spirit influence to have the same dark view of things and to be disconnected from the divine. That is the basic dilemma. 

There is a physical energetic connection to the divine realm by all beings in physical form. This is invisible but quite real and it is a lifeline to divine love and energies of all kinds, to maintain the living status first and foremost, and then to act as a communication link for divine messages. If this is impaired, there is a lessening of the communication and a corruption and a diminishment. This has been accomplished by the dark spirits who know how to manipulate these links to close them down to a great extent, and this has created the dilemma among human of the character disorders, so-called, where individuals become quite self-centered and display the attributes of narcissism and then the worst dilemma of the total lack of love and compassion of the sociopath. These manifestations of negativity are caused by dark spirits, it is not a genetic anomaly. It is a plan by the dark ones to diminish humans and make them more like themselves. 

This reduction in ability to love has grave consequences and serves the darkness in causing all kinds of mayhem and mischief in small and large ways. This is the reason the negative ETs are such a malevolent influence and force because they have come under the control and manipulation of the dark spirits. Until that issue is resolved there will be an ongoing contest here. The answer is in turning to the light and reconnecting and strengthening that connection. This can be done through intention, to allow the link to grow and flourish, and will be rewarded by greater inner strength and resolve, a kind of clarity and calm in knowing that love will prevail and eventually will rule. 

Is the flood of false channelings and other disinformation about extraterrestrials coming forward designed to keep us passively waiting for deliverance by others rather than using our own powerful co-creative ability? 

This again is a metaphysically astute and advanced perception. The notion that you will be saved, on one level is true, but the savior will not be as advertised by many. There are many prophets, would-be experts in predicting a future of divine rescue with a Messiah of some kind, a world leader who will emerge from the pack with such divine presence and truth as will persuade all humans to follow, and will bring forth great truth and turn the tide. This is a false notion. It is a distraction, a misrepresentation of Creator’s plan. 

There are many who say that the Earth will go through an ascension process and we are along for the ride automatically, so there is nothing to do but wait for the great event and look forward to finally returning to a higher way of being. This also is a false misrepresentation of Creator’s plan. 

And then there are those who say the benevolent extraterrestrials will come in and begin to interact finally, and have only been waiting for the best opportunity to do so, with care, with a loving touch, without disrupting society too greatly, who have needed this time to prepare your minds for such a shocking revelation, and that a disclosure will be imminent. And at that point, all will become clear, the perpetrators will flee the scene, and sanity will once again prevail. 

These are all semblances of the truth of Creator’s plan, but none captures the essence and all divert humans from the central need of Creator’s plan, which is for them to take part. All are involved, all are necessary, all have a role to play, and all must make choices to embrace Creator’s plan or to be on the sidelines. If you stay on the sidelines, you will not be aboard the train. 

So there is an action step needed for each and every living human to make a choice, to be part of a broad solution to bring the light back in more fully, for that is what is needed here, a reconnection with the divine and the higher awareness of not just divine origin, but the divine functioning in conveying and sharing of love. So there are many who are touting a love solution, that all you need is love, love is enough, love is what is needed, to be loving will turn the tide and that is the trick that is essential for achieving happiness and a successful growth and emergence of a new way of living, and a paradise for humanity. 

There is nothing wrong with any of these messages up to a point. It is true that love is the purpose of creation. It is true that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is true that love can conquer all and can accomplish miracles. But it is not true that love in a vacuum will touch others or even help the self. What is needed for love to have its ultimate aim, is the reconnection of humans in the physical with the divine level, so all are once again one. 

Until that happens, you will all be in a vacuum and you will be sharing that vacuum with interlopers, both dark spirits and dark extraterrestrial beings, who are among you in great numbers and influencing you on a continual basis, all day every day. If you choose to remain in that vacuum and practicing and exercising love, that will be helpful for you up to a point, but you will need more divine action to have the vacuum fully dealt with and put this chapter behind you to emerge stronger, more accomplished, with a rich heritage of accomplishing the seeming impossible, to prevail against all odds; and the consequences of the temptation of personal power, of ego gratification, and the dark forces arrayed against you to teach you by bad example what not to do. 

So the great awakening for love is to partner with the divine, for if you consider that all love is a divine extension and flows from us, the folly of doing this solely on your own can become clear to you. If the love comes from us, and yet you deny our existence, what you are doing is choking down the lifeline, the love line—both are good descriptions. So you can exist on life support for quite a long while, but there are better ways to live, and if you partner with the divine, the love will only grow and can become quite awesome in its extent and majesty. 

So these are the choices you have, to use love and to reach out to the divine, or wait for rescue. If all choose to wait for rescue, it will be a very long time in coming, and will eventually require a more enlightened populace to do what we are describing. If you are not ready and you opt out, you will be left in place marking time. 

This has gone on already for many, many, many, centuries, and you are quite lucky that in today’s world, the words we speak can reach many thousands of people eventually. This was not possible in ancient times but it can be so today. The ultimate irony would be that despite the ability to communicate, and to do this outreach in answer to your requesting, it falls on deaf ears. So the choices are clear and for you to make. We will not force anything on anyone. We are only answering your questions as best we can with divine truth. 

For use in our Get Wisdom project, can you give us a tutorial of the history of the fallen angels and their corruption of humans and the extraterrestrials, including a timeline for when the Anunnaki first arrived on earth, what caused the downfall of Atlantis, what extraterrestrials were involved, and what were other major consequences for humanity of the extraterrestrial presence? 

The Anunnaki have been on earth for millions of years, and in fact, they were responsible for the annihilation of an earlier go-round of human creation, so this is the second attempt in current Universe for the successful launch of the divine human. The Anunnaki had left the earth for an extended period and this was used as an opportunity to reintroduce a divine human in physical form and establish them. This was indeed followed by the re-appearance of Anunnaki who detected this event intuitively, and came to investigate and see what they could exploit for themselves. This started a long saga of human suppression as they resumed their old ways in subjugating humans, to enslave them and use them as a slave labor force. And this coincided with the need at that time for some raw materials that were obtainable from the earth and gave them a handy workforce for this purpose. This was the mining of gold, and this started approximately 150,000 years ago and continued for at least 100,000 years more. At that point, there was waning interest and they left the humans largely alone to fend for themselves, knowing they could return at any time and further exploit them. 

The Arcturians and their robotic Greys entered the picture during the time of Atlantis. This was a period of great awakening of humanity in which much progress was made to extend the size of human population and to further the ascension progress of enlightenment through the recovering of autonomy and making great strides with healing the trauma from all that had happened historically. During this entire period, the fallen angels were an influence as they had been involved in the culture of the Anunnaki long before they came to earth. So this was a thorn in the side of humans, so to speak, from the very beginning, and this was part of the early warning from Creator to humans again and again through all of the intuitive channels available. 

The earliest humans had a much greater intuitive reach and were able to receive guidance with much greater clarity than typical today. So the average human would be on the lookout for signs of spirit interference and had a working knowledge of taking care of this by requesting divine help. The great change was instituted by, again, a re-visiting by Anunnaki who degraded the human genome at that point and restricted access both to higher self and to the deep subconscious level of the mind. And this was to limit the human reach once and for all, so they would be readily manageable through manipulation and would be less likely to cause trouble. 

This was setting the stage for what happened in Atlantis, for the downgrade of human was creeping into their society and that of other societies, because this was done across the board and began to influence the quality of existence. And this caused much consternation and much blaming of one another, and particularly other outside groups among the world’s aggregate population. This was all fomented by spirit meddler interference and propaganda from within the mind to see enemies in anyone different, and to create high levels of discord within the human hierarchies and institutions. This set the scene to foment a major war among the two great peoples of the day, and this was aided and abetted by the Arcturians and the Arcturian Greys, as well as Reptilians who entered at that time. 

It was for the purpose of carrying out an extermination that the Alliance was first formed. This was nearly successful, but was again constrained by divine intervention. And at this point, the Extraterrestrial Alliance lost their interest in finalizing things, and the reason was the curiosity of the Arcturians and especially the Arcturian Greys in further understanding the novel aspects of the divine human, in seeing their immortal nature close at hand, and by following generations of humans coming and going, and were intrigued with possibilities of discovering the secrets of this and incorporating this within their own lineage. And so this was the way the divine realm kept open a lifeline, although the trade-off was allowing humans to become the guinea pigs for research and exploitation by the Arcturians and the Arcturian Greys in studying the human genome. 

This experiment was nearly eradicated by the war at that point, but has continued to this day and has become, in some ways, a liability for the Extraterrestrial Alliance, as the scope is so huge it commands much time and effort. The Greys are tireless, but the other entities have differing interests and are no longer wishing to support this enterprise. The power and reach of the alien Greys is such that it is not a simple matter to just shut this program down. So this will be a major challenge and is part of the shift going on in focus of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and will be a factor in determining the overall plans for humanity, as to the timetable needed to wean the alien Greys away from their obsession with human experimentation. 

All four of these extraterrestrial groups (Anunnaki, Arcturians, Arcturian Greys, and Reptilians) maintain a foothold here, some in quite large numbers, and their reach is vast and near total. It is only the extent to which they want to cause interference and pain directly, that any human freedoms still exist, as it is a kind of sport for them to interfere. So things are at a precarious point with the balance of power resting on three pillars: one being the shifting resolve of the Extraterrestrial Alliance members and how they view the future utility of maintaining humanity versus its termination; the second being the somewhat weakened resolve of humans to focus on their further enlightenment, which makes them more in alignment with annihilation than rescue; and then the third pillar being the divine realm who remain steadfast in pursuing a full enlightenment of the divine human, but awaiting the outcome of what is chosen by all the stakeholders involved, as it remains an experiment and a contest among the physical stakeholders to determine the future of each party and how they might interact with one another. 

This is why humans themselves have a critical role in their future beyond the mundane attendance to their creature comforts, and economic stability, and governmental efficiency, and the diplomatic interaction with other nation-states, and so on. The wildcard in the future of humanity lies with the Extraterrestrial Alliance and whether they can be the final determinant for a positive versus a negative outcome. The spirit meddlers cannot help themselves in promoting depravity, for it is who they are, even though this is perilous in the end for them because if they lose their physical hosts they will perish as well. But they are not capable of seeing things in this way and recognizing alternatives to save themselves. This is why human alone can apply reason and wisdom, if knowledgeable about the true meaning of what is at stake and the facts at hand and the options available. 

We have been proposing again and again, that all reach out to the divine light for support and continued help for all levels of human endeavor. This is the answer needed—to strengthen the second of the three pillars and overwhelm the first pillar that is controlling things with respect to helping humanity or hurting. The humans can change that if they desire it to happen, and the divine realm can make it so. It is simply a choice, but humans need to weigh in with their vote  and do so consciously, not necessarily with full understanding of the history and the details as we have outlined things with at least a broad brush, but truly wanting in their hearts to be partners with Creator in bringing in love for all, to raise up humanity to ever-greater heights. If enough humans do so, this will happen, and for all involved. 

A viewer asks: “How much (percentage-wise) of the New World Order planned agenda is Anunnaki, and how much is human? Are the Anunnaki micromanaging?” 

The term “micromanaging” is quite ill-defined and in particular is difficult to apply to workings of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. They endeavor to control things with an iron grip and are more intrusive and manipulative and a determining factor in things than humans appreciate currently. Even those who understand the paradigm will undervalue their grasp and forcefulness in bringing about desired events done by humans themselves. So we would say more than 90% of the overall broad agenda is inspired and orchestrated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. It is only items of petty concern that may have a humanitarian goal or benefit in mind for a select group or groups of individuals needing assistance, and so on, which are outside their sphere of concern. But all of the big decisions will be following a deliberate plan that is worked out years in advance to incorporate all major undertakings. 

There are always spontaneous targets of opportunity that come along and then a plan might be concocted on the fly, so to speak, to take advantage of a window of opportunity and start a new enterprise or a side project to cause harm to someone. But by and large, the humans are doing exactly what the extraterrestrials want. It is because their plan is to have a high degree of infighting, disagreement, friction, and many confusing circumstances when people end up working at cross-purposes that makes it hard to see the truth. That is the cleverness of their approach because it creates both the illusion that free will is in effect and that there is nothing particularly profound or insightful about the planning itself, as so many times things fail or are less productive and efficient as hoped because people are not assuming that any higher-level planning is for the detriment of humanity, but that is always the case—they are never helping humans but only hurting. If they do something that ends up as a benefit, it will be by mistake and lack of vision in anticipating the unexpected consequences. 

A viewer asks: “Are the Anunnaki communicating their orders directly to the top individuals of the global elite as opposed to mind control manipulation?” 

They do both, but often not with direct awareness on the part of the recipient of the information as to where it originates and truly from whom. They use a combination of psychic messages given directly to the deep subconscious along with manipulation and control of human beings who are commandeered for a time to attend a face-to-face meeting and give marching orders, in effect, as their own persona, but it will not be them who is controlling the body at that point in time. Their awareness will be, in effect, switched off and then a memory suppressed of the entire episode and usually those involved in such communications will be none the wiser that anything is amiss. 

There can also be Reptilian shapeshifters who imitate someone in authority and will present themselves at an arranged meeting as an imposter and this will never come to light. Many times the person in an official role has only a tangential interaction and with no prior history or even awareness what the individual looks like, it is easy to send in an imposter with a specific agenda in mind and get things in motion through an orchestration. And those who are supposed to be in charge may never even know something is being done under their watch, that they may have had no part in directly, but is being done by underlings influenced through outside means of this kind. So there are many scenarios here that can be utilized to bring things about to favor the aims of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and cause problems for humans and their institutions. 

What activities do Reptilian psychics engage in to influence the earthplane and how do their activities differ from those of the Anunnaki psychics? 

The Reptilians, as you know, engage with the dark spirits in the same way as Anunnaki. They have their own particular agenda within the activities of the broad plans of Extraterrestrial Alliance. There is a division of responsibilities and so the tasks requested of the dark spirits by Reptilians may differ somewhat from those of the Anunnaki but the overall aim, to commandeer them to create a target, and a targeted agenda to be applied, is done by both species of extraterrestrials but for somewhat varied objectives. So the main difference between the Reptilians and the Anunnaki in terms of the psychic involvement is that the Anunnaki are very heavily involved in cultivating spiritual leaders among human culture and all the channelers. They wish to insert themselves, and do, and are almost uniformly successful at this which we have told you many times before. 

The Reptilians do much less of this because they have less patience and are not as willing to subsume themselves into the cultural trappings of mere humans with their silly ideas, and primitive, childish, wishful thinking. So they are less inclined to take that role, and leave that to the Anunnaki to mind the human spiritual community. They are more likely to be involved in doing psychic work with people in the Mercenary Army Program who are back in civilian status, but need incentives and a checkup or a reeling-back-in if they have begun to stray from the orders given to remain separate and to not have curiosity about their prior doings, or the topic itself of extraterrestrials and their significance. Human curiosity being what it is, to have such an intense personal involvement and then keep it suppressed totally from awareness while off duty, is a tall order and not always successful. That curiosity can, in turn, get out of hand and begin to open memory traces that will surface and be concerning because of their strange and often violent nature. It is simply the deep subconscious wanting safety and to be rescued from future torment it fears may come again because it sees the tortures it has been subjected to with the harsh training involved. 

So the minding of the military, the Mercenary Army Program survivors, is largely done by Reptilians, and this keeps them fairly busy. They are also involved with influencing living humans who may be involved in some way in the actions of the Mercenary Army Program in carrying out missions and may need a softening up of people in a certain area, or for targeted subjects to be manipulated and maneuvered into position to be abducted, or to be killed, or subjected to some other direct or indirect influence. So they are, in a sense, scouts who are participating in the training and deployment of the Mercenary Army minions. They also assist the alien Greys in their efforts when there are higher-level needs to carry out particular functions. So they will carry out various types of inner programming. They will deal with unruly humans, programming them to maintain secrecy, or to frighten the people, and so on. They are more skillful than the alien Greys themselves. 

The alien Greys can manipulate a person readily, but there is a limit to what they can convince them to believe because they are so different from human, being a soulless being. The Reptilian can much better understand the inner motivations and the nuances of human behavior, and so they are more sophisticated and more powerful and effective in overseeing abductions for purposes of education, or programming to carry out more complex intentions for the abducted victims. These are the major distinctions. 

The Arcturians are psychic as well, and they are also involved with the abductions on many occasions and serve as overseers and do support the agenda of the Extraterrestrial Alliance in directing the alien Greys, and this keeps them quite busy because of the very large number involved. There are thousands of missions going on at any one moment, and so this is a huge enterprise and requires oversight, so this is the primary preoccupation of the physical Arcturians. 

Is it true that a Reptilian imposter does not reincarnate into a copy of a human, but that a physical Reptilian shape-shifts into the human configuration, based on the person’s DNA, and becomes a copy of the human, and then, the human’s memory is downloaded to them? 

Yes, this is a correct description of the process and the sequence of events. This is a complex melding of the prior information coming from the living human but commandeered and replicated to serve as the inner repository of knowledge and inherent characteristics, so that the mimicry will be realistic and virtually undetectable, except by the closest scrutiny with foreknowledge and awareness of possible subterfuge going on. 

How are family members and close associates controlled to allow a Reptilian imposter to be completely undetectable? 

In most cases, this is done through mind control manipulation to create complacency and to redirect thoughts if any questions or doubts arise about how the person might be behaving. Certainly, in a situation with a world leader gaining power there would be many reasons to dismiss any change in the person, by friends and family, as being attributable to the greater stress and the need to focus more broadly, and in some new ways, to serve the nation or other institution being under their charge, and to grow beyond what they were as a prior independent individual without such responsibilities. 

If needed, the family members can be replaced as well. This will particularly be true if there is a close working association and the need is present to have them agree with more negative choices that will affect a broad array of ongoing operations or numbers of people. This will be done to avoid inner circle discord but will depend on how they can be managed without having to go to this length. 

Why are Reptilians willing to become an imposter for a human, knowing they will have to live out that person’s relatively short remaining life lifespan? Do they literally die, sacrificing the opportunity they could have otherwise lived, perhaps hundreds more years in Reptilian form, or do they somehow escape that fate? 

You have seen the correct interpretation here intuitively, that they are not throwing themselves on a funeral pyre for a short time in service to their cause at the expense of their own life. Knowing their nature, you could reason this out simply because they are too selfish and savage Origins and Overview of the Extraterrestrial Problem 10 to be wanting to serve a cause at their own expense. So what indeed happens, is that at the time of death of the physical human, their energy escapes in an interdimensional form, and then they revert to their Reptilian physical form in another location to maintain secrecy. If you think about the fact they move between dimensions routinely in carrying out objectives, this is no great feat for them although it is beyond your understanding of physics at the present time as a human. This completes the subterfuge, and so their only sacrifice is those relatively few years living out the life of a government official, for example, which may be only a few remaining decades at most. In most cases, those in power have achieved it after a long period of career advancement and it is only at the later stage of life they are given the reins of power. And so this can vary, but in most instances is not that huge a time of service. 

To what activities do the Reptilians contribute, to serve the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and what, if any, of these are solely their role, in addition to providing shape-shifting imposters? 

As you know, the Reptilians are heavily engaged in supporting the abduction efforts. They are there for tactical reasons. There may be subjects from whom they wish to extract information. They may want transport, and so there is a two-for-one benefit in carrying out an abduction in an area also the subject of a Reptilian target—to do surveillance, espionage activities, sabotage, or some other purpose, and they can be dropped off or picked up to return to a base of operations at the same time. They are also interested in certain individuals in the abduction program, and gaining knowledge about humanity through parallel study of the human lineage. So they, like the Anunnaki, are harvesting useful data in parallel to the alien Grey agenda to learn the human secret of reincarnation and transfer of emotional capabilities to their own kind. 

The Reptilians are serving as a brain trust in providing an additional surveillance network, through the monitoring of individuals by implanting sensors that will transmit a person’s thoughts and emotions, as well as allowing the receipt of programmed instructions and propaganda. There are many people they monitor in this fashion as part of having a greater degree of control. It is more efficient, in some respects, than entraining psychics to do this intuitively, without the implant to facilitate things. The implant guarantees specificity of the target and therefore has some built-in security involved as well. They have their own microchip program that serves their particular desires and their intentions for manipulation. 

The Extraterrestrial Alliance is not in 100% agreement in all respects as to what should be done, and in what order, and to what degree. Each extraterrestrial civilization has its own agenda, and its own way of thinking, and strategy and tactics they prefer. They are in general agreement across the board on the need for human subjugation, as well as the need for human annihilation. At this point, they have all weighed in and have a pact in place to see this carried out, with the exception of sequestering a cohort of humans who are in the abduction program currently, and will be maintained to continue following the genetic progress and the lineage of these subjects. This will be done as a reward to the alien Greys for their steadfast support of the Extraterrestrial Alliance for thousands of years now. 

The Reptilians have certain telepathic abilities that enable them to attune to multiple subjects. It is sort of akin to their shape-shifting capability that they can segregate their nonlocal consciousness among a number of subjects to be targeted simultaneously. And so this makes them of special value for particular missions when there is a need to monitor members of a  gathering, and coordinate the information, and do a manipulation as well, to help them come to some consensus of opinion and decisions that favor an outcome desired by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This will be greatly aided by having a physical presence as well, and the ability to shape-shift makes them the ideal agent to infiltrate and be an informant and provocateur for whatever might be needed by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to shape human events for the worse. 

These are the main benefits. Their technology, in terms of spacecraft and weaponry, is somewhat personal to them, and like the others, have their own way of doing things. So it is also coveted and not fully and readily shared. This is true across the board, as none of these civilizations truly trust one another. It is simply their nature to be selfish and to be distrustful of anyone’s intentions, especially beings not of their kind. So all jealously guard many deep secrets, and do not want to have their technology in the hands of the others. These civilizations, by virtue of being advanced, already come with full capabilities to participate in the secret collaboration, and are each adding something special to the mix that is appreciated by their fellows. So for the present time, things are running fairly smoothly and they are getting along. This may not always be the case, but is true for now. 

Are the Arcturians on their home planet benevolent and perhaps unaware of the predatory behavior of their brethren here on Earth?

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Like the Anunnaki, the Arcturians and their civilization have become heavily corrupted by spirit meddlers, and they have pulled away from their divine roots, and have suffered accordingly a degradation of their reach to the divine. The awareness and, in fact, the support from divine realm is increasingly limited, and they are moving towards the same plight as the spirit meddlers, in facing an eventual complete disconnection of life force energy from the divine, and then will perish as physical races. There may be spirit remnants who can make a parasitic existence happen for a time, but eventually all will perish, with the present trajectory that is well advanced now. 

Are there any positive Arcturian extraterrestrials (also known as Nordics) that are being channeled by humans? 

Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is a body of such literature, but like most channelings they are a misdirection, and they are propaganda only. While containing some truth and accurate information, they are a distortion to put a positive face on these beings when this is not warranted. 

A viewer asks: “How closely does Arcturian society and culture resemble Anunnaki society and culture, and how does it differ significantly—if at all?” 

There are many similarities and many differences. In many respects, human culture is modeled after the extraterrestrials and not after human innate characteristics and inclinations. Those are essentially vestigial at this point because of the overlay culturally of so many extraterrestrial values, ideals, and corruptions. So human culture is a distortion of great magnitude imparting many negative characteristics from top to bottom. Every level of human society and all its institutions are heavily corrupted by extraterrestrial values and thinking. Some are deliberate manipulations to worsen things in particular ways that the extraterrestrials know will be incompatible with human happiness and ability to thrive. Others are simply logical to them, and their desire for order and discipline, and willingness to enforce it quite harshly, matches their own perspectives and, while destructive, is not chosen for that reason particularly, more that it is their habit and the way they control things. 

So naturally, when they control humans, they put in the establishment of hierarchies and ways to reinforce power and control and create harsh regimes and organizational hierarchies where power is concentrated at the top and those at the bottom merely supplicants. But this is how they themselves live, and this is true of all three extraterrestrial societies. There are different cultural trappings among them. There are differing views about power and control, to some extent, and differing pursuits in terms of personal interests and characteristics, but these are complex to describe because there are no words in your language for these characteristics and the way they are manifested. 

There are general differences, with the Reptilians being the most immediately savage; followed by the Anunnaki with a more measured kind of response, slower to heat up and less likely to reach the level of rage, but rather a more determined and intense negativity that is purposeful but highly controlled. With the Arcturians being the more evenhanded and mild-mannered in comparison to the other two species of beings, they are more cold and calculating; and more intellectual but, like the Anunnaki, are quite self-indulgent and more interested in personal pleasure than hard work and sacrifice. But they are not to be underestimated either. When threatened, they can be formidable adversaries. Their shrewdness and cunning have kept them going and kept them in this alliance despite prior fallings out, so they are a force to be reckoned with and are highly capable technologically like the others. 

How could advanced civilizations not know about God and be actively working against you? 

It is really no different than your own civilization and the current state of affairs with respect to level of belief. While the majority of people will identify themselves as religious, relatively few are applying themselves diligently to regular interaction with the divine realm in a meaningful way. And this is because of the corruption of religion to disempower people, and while holding up the image of the divine realm, keep the people somewhat disconnected. And so the yearnings are there, but not the encouragement to embrace the divine realm in the highest and best way. You can see that given more time, humanity will likely move in the direction of increasing disbelief and secularization, and the eventual abandonment of formal religion altogether, and moving towards a further embracing of technology as the answer to human betterment. This is the precise sequence that befell the extraterrestrial civilizations now preying upon humanity. They were corrupted by fallen angelics who then began to cause a rejection of the very idea of God, and over a great span of time this became quite well entrenched to the point where any idea of a divine agent or source is unthinkable. 

Extraterrestrial propaganda talks in depth about God and true spiritual principles. Do they see us as children believing in a Santa Claus and think they are simply encouraging a fairytale? 

This is a quite useful analogy, for this is indeed the case. They understand the spiritual teachings that have been embraced through the ages in various cultures, but they regard this as simplistic wishful thinking, and can repeat the ideas and the words but do not believe them personally, and do, in fact, see humans as simpletons engaged in a kind of magical thinking and see this as a weakness they can manipulate and do quite extensively to their own advantage. 

Would it be accurate to say that no good alien has an agenda to physically appear to humans? 

Yes, this is quite accurate and will be shocking and a great disappointment to many. For others, it will be a reason to dismiss all we have said as being the very thing we purport to expose— namely, that we ourselves are an imposter in this exchange, because they have come to believe in their alien friends as being allies and working to help humanity and promising great events to come. This, unfortunately, is another ruse and it is another way they operate, appearing in the physical to human beings as friendly and as wishing to help, and with a good story about how they are going about that, and generating a feeling of trustworthiness and acceptance and often awe and loving feelings in the bargain. This is a form of mind control. 

Whenever a physical alien appears, it begins to instill feelings and perceptions within the human subject—to engage their trust, to disarm them and make them highly interested and accepting of their presence as a great honor and a promising source for future gains. And so, this is a subterfuge and a manipulation, from first to last. We can tell you that, at present, there in fact is a divine admonition for noninterference by extraterrestrials who are of the benevolent sort. And the reason is to allow the humans to carry the load, as was the intention of this undertaking from the very beginning. This serves humanity in the end, because it is no different than engaging in a race to see who can run the fastest, but then at the final stretch coming in and giving someone a motor scooter to ride and they become the winner. And so, that would subvert the gain, would subvert the true meaning and accomplishment of going the distance and creating the heaven on earth that is the future intention here. 

So, the benevolent extraterrestrials are doing some things behind-the-scenes, in a higher-level operation, to begin to affect the electromagnetic grid of earth, for example, to remove some of the suppression, but not to partner directly with humans as allies in a physical sense. And so, at the moment, this is a very, very clear dividing line between who is trustworthy and who is not. Any physical alien you encounter will be an imposter pretending to be a being of light or assistance for the benefit of humanity, but engaging in a falsehood. 

So, this is something that deserves to be spread and will ruffle many, many feathers and will incur the wrath of many individuals who have come to believe in their extraterrestrial friends. But this is unavoidable and, as you are asking direct questions about these matters, we cannot hide this truth from you. So, the consequences of spreading this information will fall to you and to us, as well, but we are in a safe place and you are not. So, we appreciate the seriousness with which the information may have implications for your safety even, and your future acceptance among others, but this is something that will need to be sorted out in order for things to move forward more aggressively, once again. The people who are engaged with the physical extraterrestrials also mean well, but all are being influenced without their awareness quite heavily with an inner programming to make them complacent, and to enhance and cement this alliance on a deep, energetic and belief level, and this does not serve them. 

So, this is yet another distinction that needs to be made. The benevolent extraterrestrials do serve as sources of knowledge and wisdom for certain channelers and there are some who  can be trusted with these messages; many who cannot. They are the source, for the most part, of messages coming through and relating to extraterrestrial origins and matters, so they are allowed to impart certain energies to assist the divine agents who are impulsing humans with encouragement and support, as they have uplifting thoughts and intentions. And so, some technical things are being supported by the benevolent extraterrestrials, as assistance. The crop circles are another example of high-level messages and these are genuine, for the most part, coming from benevolent, extraterrestrial sources. And the reason for this is that the high-level beings are in another dimension altogether and they are not compatible with the earth plane and do not wish to come into this realm. So, this is the way they can interact; through energy, through their consciousness, not as physical beings. And this is another reason for the actual distinction. 

And so, the link-up with the advanced extraterrestrials will be done in a nonphysical meeting. It will be done energetically and through the imposition of imagery done via technology, to allow a communication in a familiar way to you; through images of their appearance and so forth, but will not be done by beings coming down a stairway from a UFO and shaking hands. So, this gives you some idea of the difference between the lofty ones and the ones who are part of the dark corruption that is abroad in the land and having a huge influence on all Earth doings. 

A viewer asks: “Creator, at this time how many physical benevolent beings and/or races are living on or in close proximity to the Earth and the moon?” 

The answer here numerically is very easy to convey. It is zero. There are no physical extraterrestrial beings within your proximity who are benevolent aside from some slaves of other cultures who happen to be here but are sequestered as prisoners, essentially. So our view is these truly do not count because the intent of the question is to see “Are there benevolent extraterrestrials who have our interests at heart and who may be of help to humanity in some way, through growth, providing knowledge, insight, various technologies for our advancement and the improvement of humanity and institutions—things like free energy and better health care and so on?” These are propaganda tools of the darkness to dangle that possibility in front of you as a would-be answer to all of humanity’s ills. It is a lure and a trap in fact, because they are wanting people to essentially surrender without a fight. But we would tell you that the barbarian is at the gates. They are promising you a feast and may well show it to you on a platter to entice you to lower the drawbridge and allow them to come in and join in a feast with you. If you do so, you will in effect be surrendering to your demise. 

Again we do not filter our message, nor make it indirect and mild for the tender palate. We want to stir you up, we want you to take this seriously and to be alarmed about what we say to you. All about you are messages of great encouragement about all the divine realm is doing and all the benevolent extraterrestrials are doing to repair the energies, to have things change within Gaia, the blessings of the Sun beginning to start an ascension process that raises everything up, cleanses and brings everyone into a glorious new existence, free of worry, a place of limitless powers, leaving behind all of the negativities of karma and on, and on, and on. Would that it were true. At the current point in time you are experiencing, this is a goal but not yet a reality. This you can see for yourselves. So we are saying, be cautious before accepting a handout. This is what the con artist does. They give you something in return for something and then you find out what they gave you is hollow and empty and what you gave them may be your last dollar. So be cautious here and heed our warning that all such promises are false. There will not be a rescue from benevolent extraterrestrials. There needs to be a rescue from the divine level, that is the only thing that can help humanity at this point. 

You have four types of extraterrestrial physical beings and their civilizations behind them who have already infiltrated the planet and have Earth within its control. This has gone on for thousands of years already. It is too late to fend off the interlopers, they are already here, they walk among you, they control your media, they manipulate your own thoughts to varying degrees. The manipulations and their grave effects go on, and on, and on, but we know this is not what you are asking. We are only providing that information as a counterpoint to the desire in your question for assistance from a high level that can stand in opposition to such an influence. So if this does not happen, where will you turn? Your technology, your level of understanding and intelligence is not great enough to counteract the power of four extraterrestrial civilizations with millions of years of knowledge and sophisticated development of their technologies, and their understanding of you from A to Z, already in place. You are far behind them in your knowledge and experience. You cannot do this on your own. You need a divine agent who can change this in a way that will not be destructive and painful to go through. The only thing physical extraterrestrials could do, would be go to war because they will be repulsed physically by acts of war if they were to show up here. This you do not want, we can assure you. That is why it will not happen. It is too late for that. 

When the world is already occupied, you, in effect, have a prison and the prison is heavily fortified and heavily defended and jealously guarded. And if you think this through, an invasion force of extraterrestrial beings, even with superior firepower or capability would not want to proceed if the interlopers were to start slaughtering humans as a disincentive. This they would do readily to help themselves survive. The higher-level extraterrestrials would never embark on such an enterprise because this is completely non-divine, so that is also in keeping with the very definition of high-level extraterrestrial beings. They do not war. And so this is why humans are the key. Humans have to decide to embrace the only answer left to them, and that is us. We cannot assist you unless you invite us to come in. So all the people championing the physical extraterrestrial friends, the outer star systems interested in your welfare, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and so on, are disempowering you from taking the only step that will truly help you. The other beings are out there and are sympathetic but they are not Creator, they cannot solve this problem. It is up to you to solve it. We have given you the answer and the tool. Will you use it? That is the question. So the choice is yours.

Alien Abductions 
Are many types of extraterrestrials working together in the human abduction phenomenon? 

This is very, very true. There is an alliance of the Anunnaki, who were here first, to manipulate human with the Reptilians, and with the Arcturians who in turn created the alien Grey beings. The Greys are a robotic creation, they are soulless beings, they are a type of artificial intelligence. But the Arcturians who are called Nordics by many, or assumed to be from other stars, such as Aldebaran or Orion, and so on, are in this to the hilt. The abductions are carried out by Arcturians, the Greys, and Reptilians, sometimes all three together, sometimes one participant singly, or where two might be visible to the abductees but not a third, and that is because of the sheer volume of the enterprise. Whoever is available to fill a need may be pressed into service but they are all working in concert. They work on this for varying agendas. The Greys want to understand the soul and want to be able to reincarnate and persist as a lineage and to have a consciousness that continues beyond their normal working life. That is a pure folly as it will not happen, but they have been manipulating human with that intention in mind. They are being indulged by the Arcturians by giving people to them as a kind of reward, to let them do this tinkering. They assist as well and there are advantages to them personally and they see a role for them in exploiting Earth down the line. 

The extraterrestrials do direct manipulation of the mind. This is largely done through the Anunnaki, but it is engaged in also by the Reptilian psychics as well as the Arcturians with their attempts to manipulate humans. They are the creators of the robotic Greys that are commonly seen in movie scripts representing extraterrestrial life—the big black eyes, the short stature, and the humanoid, almost childlike, diminutive beings. These are artificial intelligences at work. They are sinister because they desire to be autonomous, they desire to have a soul, and they are trying to gain that from studying human beings and dissecting them—literally, on a genomic and physical level both. They use humans as lab rats in effect, to study their inner workings in an attempt to replicate what we do with reincarnation. This is what they seek. They do not seek a divine existence. They do not understand that. They also want an emotional life which they do not understand either. They know how to make humans feel love. They know how to stimulate sexual desire within human beings. They engage in many reproductive experiences by impulsing humans with sexual desire in order to breed with an alien hybrid being, or another human with whom they want to make a genetic cross take place. Then there is no ability to  resist. They can send feelings of love into a person to make the person think that alien loves them. But it is phony entirely—it is a manipulation. 

The extraterrestrials produce various types of implants to facilitate the manipulations. This is carried out through abductions by the Arcturians—the Greys as their workers—and Reptilians who engage as well. They are all in partnership in a Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance. 

What percentage of people with alien implants from abductions have an alien portal in their home or workplace? 

At least one third of alien abductees also have a permanent portal installed on the premises, the point from which it is mutually most convenient to gain access to the human’s environment and extract them for study or other purposes. This creates a greater level of security for the clandestine manipulation that is less demanding with regard to overriding the observations of a large group of potential witnesses in many settings, as the intrusion can be carried out via interdimensional transport without the need for a nearby craft that must hover and allow potential observation of the comings and goings directly by unexpected witnesses. So this is part of the broad-scale effort and a routine element. 

Is the instillation of mercury into the midline cerebral canal of infants, rather than a DNA alteration through more elegant means, the way the extraterrestrials produce a diminishment of intuitive capability, but often with side effects of ADHD and autism? 

Once again, your intuition is serving you brilliantly. This is an inspired analysis because you are hitting on the precise way in which the extraterrestrial manipulation of the young in particular can cause such devastating effects that appear rather quickly following their manipulation. And this is the reason they also couple their intervention with human young around the time of receiving vaccination so it can serve as a possible culprit. This also provides a cover story to prevent a hue and cry, and a kind of witch hunt to find the cause when there is little else going on, because most very young children are sequestered largely from outside influences due to their fragile nature. This provides a very simple process and intervention that is highly effective in causing neurologic degradation as well as impairment of non-local consciousness to limit the intuitive reach. That is the major goal because they want to prevent the new generation of humans from seeing psychically, their secret doings. In addition, anything that dims humans and dumbs them down intellectually they see as a benefit because it makes them more manageable through mind control manipulation in most cases. They simply do not care about collateral damage to the functioning and welfare of the humans they manipulate. 

Is the procedure reported by alien abductees of seeing or having a probe inserted far into the nasal cavity actually puncturing through into the braincase to deliver mercury and/or other toxic substances to impair functioning of the mind? 

Once again your delightful creativity in drawing on your extensive experience with scientific procedures is providing a springboard to put two and two together in understanding anatomy and the easy access through the thin bone layer behind the sinuses that allows easy insertion of a probe that could be used to deliver such a toxic substance readily and then return the victim to the family with no one the wiser that a devastating influence, that may well be life-changing, has been inflicted on the vulnerable young person. This process is simple, quick, and can be done  readily with minimal training and experience by many alien Greys as the need to abduct many thousands of young people each year has become a high priority to stay on top of the new wave of divine human being born. 

Are alien abductions timed around when babies receive vaccinations so that the latter can be blamed for development of abnormal behavior? 

This is a deliberate and willful conjunction whenever possible, to carry them out in tandem. So this happens. They recognize that humans are still in the dark, unaware of their manipulations, and wish to keep it this way. So the vaccination becomes a handy culprit that is blamed by association in terms of the chronology of events and has been a convenient cover for their deliberate manipulation to downgrade human performance and the creation of autism as a consequence. The association of autism with mind control manipulation as being a failed attempt to manipulate the mind and trigger dissociation to create slave states, and so on, by the authors you read recently, is a misinterpretation. The primary cause of autism is extraterrestrial manipulation of children, and this is the reason for the upsurge in the population, numerically, of autistic children. 

How many humans are abducted and taken off planet every year by extraterrestrials, and what percentage of these are children? 

The number is quite large, it averages over 1 million souls and the majority of these are young or of childhood age. The reason is to have them more malleable, more influenced by suggestion and manipulation, and to have a greater future potential in terms of strength, stamina, and longevity, to serve the various needs of the abductors. The greatest number of these abductees that do not return are taken by Reptilian aliens. 

How many humans are currently in the Reptilian, Arcturian, and Anunnaki slave colonies, respectively? Which one gets the highest traffic of newcomers as replacements? 

The numbers are approximately 50,000 in Reptilian hands, 10,000 with the Arcturians and 150,000 in the Anunnaki slave world. The latter, by far, also burns through the personnel abducted and transported to their slave colony. The reason is, it is simply a larger operation. There are more uses for humans because theirs is a larger culture with more variation that can employ forced labor in the form of human slaves. The larger sizes as well for Reptilian and Anunnaki are due to the fact that both use humans as food, in addition to other services they submit to in order to survive. The major interest of the Arcturians with respect to the slave colony is in support of their alien Greys, to have a large group pressed into service for training purposes, acclimation and cultural learning to help the hybrid program advance. 

A client asks: “Do your remarks about what you have channeled mean that literally ALL human babies being born today will be abducted? Not to be selfish, but if I have children in the future, is prayer or Lightworker Healing Protocol work enough to prevent them from being abducted?” 

The information you have been given is quite correct. The goal is to engage with every newborn at some point to do a manipulation intended to alter them for the worst—largely to suppress their higher intuitive capabilities. This indeed is what has caused the seeming epidemic in  autism, which is a side effect of the alteration we are discussing. This does not happen in every case, thankfully, but all too often, and the increased numbers reflects the intensity of their program. This keeps them quite busy. And the divine realm can help those mothers who are aware of this likelihood befalling their young and can avail themselves of divine assistance for protection and healing should the worst happen. 

That combination of preventive measures is ideal because there are always many factors in any act of wrongdoing as to how complete a level of protection can be achieved by anyone mounting an entreaty to the divine. It will be more effective if people enlist the help of Get Wisdom to be their advocate as well as doing their personal prayer work. That is because of the increased power in numbers and the Lightworker Healing Protocol has a number of provisions to increase greatly, the leverage through compounding of pooled resources of the practitioners working as a group on every client, including the vast array of light beings doing work in parallel and contributing their intentions to the practitioners to amplify their efforts as well. So you are in good company having learned the process yourself and this will help prevent any such fate befalling your children. 

A client asks: “In addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, what is/are the BEST (if any) healing or other strategies that can also be utilized to prevent further alien abductions until the Lightworker Healing Protocol can take effect, such as nutrition/ natural supplement support, Reiki, meditation, etc?” 

The best thing, in addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol applied to each person, would be for them to actively request their own safety and protection and healing on an ongoing basis each and every day. Few are doing this at present and even those who might do so are often ill‑equipped to do it effectively because they no longer have a high enough vibration to be in divine alignment, so their prayer will be weak despite its high purpose and the tremendous liability at stake that life might well bring to them in the absence of the requested safety and assistance. This is not the fault of the divine realm in coming up short in dealing with such requests, it is the fault of the human experience that people have become so out of alignment and so weakened in their level of belief they can no longer mount but a feeble entreaty to the divine realm and are at risk of the response being inadequate to save them. 

The lesson in this is that things can only get worse without a concerted effort being mounted. Prayer must be practiced. A person must go through the motions and thereby become comfortable in the doing to feel at ease and not self-conscious, to not be in a state of severe skepticism and doubt which will prevent a divine response altogether, but to gradually cultivate greater belief. This is hard to do by a sufferer who sees no benefit in such an outreach and may well set that up as a contest—”God save me now or I will not believe in you.” That is a prescription for failure because you are demanding God lead the way and convince you of its existence and, in the bargain, save your hide. 

While this is a highly desirable outcome, it violates the requirements for divine interaction, that there must be a specific request from the human side made by a human being with belief in the divine as well as belief that one is worthy of divine support. If either of those are partial, the divine will be quite constrained in what it can do and may be totally precluded from doing anything if the belief is too meager. This creates quite a dilemma in and of itself because it means those in greatest need will have the least power to change things for the better. This is where other humans come in who appreciate what is going on and can mount prayer requests on behalf of others, that is the workaround that can make all the difference here. With a quorum of loving humans wanting the betterment of all, that coming together can save the day and change the human destiny for the better once and for all. The key is getting enough involved to bring this about. 

Do alien Greys implant hybrid fetuses in human females and allow them to be carried to term and raised as humans by these unwitting mothers as part of an infiltration of human society? 

This indeed is happening as you have seen intuitively. It is the ultimate enslavement of humans, to raise the young of the extraterrestrials, do all of the work, and to be exploited in the bargain. This is a clever co-opting of human nurturing capability, to provide what the human part of the hybrid beings need to cultivate their human qualities and maintain an inner emotional balance, as they are human enough they need love. And this is one of the purposes for the hybrid experiment, to incorporate human characteristics within the lineage. So these beings are being introduced as a means of furthering the agenda of the Greys to make as much progress as quickly as possible in their genetic program to form the ultimate hybrid. So they are using this strategy to speed things up. 

At the same time, they are also commandeering families to serve them as breeding centers and not breed new humans. This serves them in moving things toward human extermination. This also positions the hybrid offspring among the human population so they will have the greatest chance of being accepted without question and will be able to infiltrate all levels of human society eventually, and with greater numbers can be become a force to reckon with, capable of subterfuge, sabotage, and a kind of guerrilla warfare should that be advantageous for the interlopers. So this is a program with multiple agendas, none of them serving humanity. 

Are children born from implanted hybrid fetuses even human technically speaking and have souls? 

These beings continue to be soulless, so they are a form of artificial intelligence and are not part of the divine lineage of humanity. They have human cellular material and human DNA, but it is no different than a cell culture. So this is an artifice. It is a simulation of a human and will always have limitations as a consequence. 

Mind Control Mechanisms


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Unknown said...

Brilliant. I think we ALL have our "marching orders" now. By the way...I Love You.

Anonymous said...

All aliens are bad for the human race. All of them. Everyone of them refuse to acknowledge humans live on a sentient Goddess being. To admit this is to not be able to lay claim to Earth as real estate. They want to own everything and destroy most of humanity.

Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...