Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Part 6 The Keepers An Alien Message for the Human Race ... State of the Earth ... What I Have Learned ...The Nice Doctors ... The Real Situation

I do believe him about the abductions, but not in tune with Jim's assumptions about the aliens. Anyone who has read along up until now, will notice the change in Jim's thinking from the previous 20 chapters. I really do not think he understands just how corrupt the United States government is. His fascination with the technology imo is dangerous, and I just have to say some of the 'solutions' raise red flags for me, and he is far more trusting then I would be, given the circumstances. Where he sees friends, I see a grave danger. His repeated statement of his belief that aliens been messing with humans for thousands of years, does have me wondering just how many soulless hybrids are on Earth at this time...

The Keepers 
An Alien Message 
for the Human Race 
Jim Sparks
State of the Earth

It doesn’t take an alien from another planet or dimension to prove this — there’s plenty of evidence in the daily papers, the TV news, scientific journals, and magazines. We are all aware of the pollution, imbalances, global warming, and ozone layer depletion. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? 

What I can say is how this affected me. I started noticing the reports on news shows. I started realizing that global warming due to pollutants and ozone screw-ups was affecting me now, but more to the point, it would affect the whole human race in the future.

I think the average citizen, like me, just goes around with blinders on. Most of us are totally immersed in just getting through life, dealing with personal and professional crises that we just ignore the bigger picture. Even if we do pay attention to what’s going on, we just feel so insignificant that we don’t feel we can do anything. Or, feeling upset, freaked-out and frightened, we just stick our heads in the sand, ostrich like, and ignore everything. 

We can’t afford to do that. 

The next morning after this incredible advancement in my relations with extraterrestrial life, I woke up with fresh excitement. I had been approached almost as an equal. I mattered. I wasn’t just a pawn in some obscure ET agenda — there was a cause, a reason for all that I’d gone through! I had the final proof I needed, and I was elated.  

These creatures were neither evil nor benevolent. They were just different. It simply does no good to try to use human measurement and morals to embrace their ET designs. That said, though, there were physical laws we had in common. A polluted Earth, a dead planet, the human race a memory — these are clearly states that don’t suit their purposes. Obviously they had a use for us and an odd, if ET, respect. They needed us. But why? For reproductive materials to create hybrids? Well, that’s been my experience, so that’s what I believe, but who knows what else? The human race has imagination and potential genius to spare, but what makes humans of particular interest to these visitors? From my experience, they are certainly interested in our emotions and sexual energy. Could that be how we differ from other beings in the universe? 

In any case, the ETs consider us some kind of crop or harvest, and I say that in the best sense. Again, they are neither evil, nor particularly benevolent. They’ve been around, using us this way, for thousands of years. I believe this to be so because they have followed my family line and many others as far back as apelike creatures. But I wonder if their intention for us isn’t actually something more than this? Is there a cosmic destiny that they have in mind for us and wish us to continue toward? Of course, this would involve using us along the way. Or are they a part of us and we a part of them? 

But whether it’s in their interest, or ours, the fact remains that this planet Earth is plenty messed up, and they seem more concerned about that than we are. 

Talk about synchronicity. While I’m writing all this here in Fort Myers Beach, the television set is on and there’s just been a news flash. Eighty-four manatees, and several dozen porpoises and sea turtles washed up dead on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico here, almost literally in my back yard. I would not have to go far to witness this. I don’t want to, though. I’m feeling ill. 

However, it does indeed remind me of the mission and purpose I’ve been selected to pursue. The ETs I’ve spoken with obviously don’t feel they can just appear on television. There must be slower ways of mainstreaming this river of awareness. Just call me Jim Creek for now, dribbling some truth into the big mass of information that flows through us every day. 

So, if the visitors wish to assist us with this problem, let’s examine their possible motives. Is it because they have a great love for humanity? Destiny and possibility aside, I don’t think so. In my opinion, it’s simply to protect their investment. And is that investment linked with both of our future survivals? 

True, we do have an excellent species-insurance policy. If we do destroy our environment and ourselves, the Visitors could conceivably recreate us somewhere else, on some other planet. They doubtless have collected every conceivable seed of life that there is on Earth. 

Needless to say, I personally would prefer that we buckle down and fix our environmental mess. If the ETs are willing to help with technological aid, all the better. 

Then there’s the amnesty business, which is vital. 

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Everything points to a grand conspiracy on governmental levels around the world to keep the truth of the ETs away from the covers of mainstream newspapers and the network evening news, podiums that people believe and pay attention to. This has been going on for over 50 years. Unless it is agreed that the people who have been responsible for this cover-up, this subversion of truth not be prosecuted — why should they confess? Would you?

However, if we work to understand why all this happened, and forgive, then we too might be forgiven, and we can work together with the ETs to build a better world. 

Is this far-fetched? I don’t think so. In my lifetime, I’ve seen the Berlin wall come down. I’ve seen the fall of the Soviet Union in an amazingly short time. These changes all seemed impossible just a few short years ago. I’ve seen things that no human being could even imagine with these ETs. 

Amnesty? Not long ago, I would have said that it was impossible, too. Does a major tragedy have to take place first? Do uncounted millions  have to die first to shock us into action? Or worse yet, do we continue down this road of self-destruction until it’s too late? [ huh? they have been jabbing as many to death as they can the last couple of years, Jim, the elite do not care about us...period dc]

Allowing the leaders who still keep us in the dark the legal right to disclose their information without penalty seems to be the proper choice here. Amnesty and forgiveness for them, should they come forward, seems the only way. 

Just a few days after the experience in that carnival yard, I was in my car driving down the highway to meet Daved, with those incredible events still fresh in my mind. It was a nice day and I was pleasantly cruising along. From the corner of my eye I noticed a flock of birds to the right of the car — only they weren’t flying. 

Then as I looked closer, I saw that they weren’t birds either. What first had seemed to be a flock of birds, had been a screen image. There, in broad daylight, were three huge diamond-shaped ships in a triangular formation. Just hovering there, not making a sound. It was an awesome sight indeed, and I took my foot off the gas pedal and just coasted to a stop, not afraid at all, just lost in wonder… what is next? 

Then the ships began to rotate, revealing every angle of their surfaces. Excitement flooded through me. I knew somehow, that they were doing this for me. Then they stopped rotating and without warning, in the blink of an eye without losing formation, all three of them streaked to the right just a few hundred feet. I continued to sit there in awe. Then once again they sparkled in the sunlight and slowly began to rotate. Once more they came to a complete stop and hung motionless. 

My body began to vibrate and a loud telepathic voice said: 


In the blink of an eye, all three ships dashed from the right horizon to the center of the sky and just hung there. Then I remembered that I was supposed to meet Daved. “I want him to see this!” I mumbled. I pressed on the accelerator and wove through traffic (to whom presumably the UFO looked like a bird flock). I kept track of the ships. “Don’t go yet!” I said. “Please don’t go.” Daved needed to see this sight! 

Then as I approached my turn-off, they suddenly streaked to the left horizon. I realized then that they would be gone before Daved could see them. However, in my enthusiasm I wouldn’t give up. I feverishly sped through the parking lot. Seeing Daved, I jammed on my brakes and slid next to his car. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the highway waving my arms, looking like a complete madman, no doubt. 

“What are you doing? Is there some accident?” Daved asked. 

I wheeled around, pointing, but, alas, the ships were gone. 

Breathing hard, I sighed and lowered my arms. “ET ships. They were just up there, communicating with me.” 

“What did they say?” 

“Good-bye for now,” I sighed. 

We looked some more and I tried to concentrate whatever psychic powers I have, all to no avail. Those guys were gone. 

“Always the bridesmaid, never the bride,” said Daved, sighing. “I guess it was just for you.” 

This courtesy, this communication was the final part of my realization of a new attitude toward the Visitors. This particular species even made an honest attempt to visit on my own terms and when I was frightened, they respected my fear and left. When I was confused about how to handle that radio show, they advised me. Then they gave me the truth of it all — a comprehensible message to bring to others. They always gave me the opportunity to examine their ships at close range. 

All this left me with the feeling that one day very soon I’d have the privilege of watching them land, greeting them face to face and walking on board. I was aware, though, of the duty I had been given, and of the serious, clear message. 


And now, this courtesy — this privilege — the chance of a farewell and yet the promise they’d see me again. 


And I believed them. 

Chapter 22
What I Have Learned
I have often been privileged to connect with special individuals who feel as I do. We feel we have been altered in a positive way. This chapter covers some of the peculiar and paranormal activities that took place as a direct result of this phenomenon. I feel these events are as important to share as anything else written thus far. This information will help explain some of the oddities that take place as a direct result of being exposed to alien culture and technology. 

Truly more things exist in this universe than meets the eye, or can be seen by the normal five senses. I have found most abductees have been given the ability to see and interact in other dimensions. Also they receive contact from what appear to be “normal” people, but who, in my experience, are not. I fondly call these strange people walk-ins 1
1. Some people may have a different term for walk-ins, but this is my definition. Since we are attempting to adapt our limited vocabulary to a vast universe that we are only beginning to glimpse, there may be differing terminology

In my opinion (gained from experience), our government is deeply involved in interdimensional human transport. We learned this technology from our alien friends. This advanced technology allows aliens, as well as humans, the luxury of working in more than one dimension at a time. 

I learned that when I am transported in this manner, I get a glimpse of other life-forms that seem to exist naturally in these other dimensions. It took me almost eight years to finally accept these inescapable conclusions. I have a saying: “If you show even a dumb dog something 300 times, he will finally catch on and learn.” So far I have been the dumb dog. 

Remember, I am not the only person who has seen and experienced these things. I believe I speak for many abductees, but I come from a different perspective. I was fully conscious. 

The Man in the Black Robe 
By now you are familiar with the details and sensations that are consistent with the acceleration, a method of transport I call, “going the hard way.” When this method is in progress — as a rule, but not always — an abductee is completely paralyzed. After a few moments, I would slowly regain normal motor ability. The first part of my body to come out of this paralyzed state would be my eyes. After they would open, a few seconds later my body would follow suit. This pattern was consistent. I practiced time and time again before and after the acceleration to force my eyes open sooner than normally allowed. This was always a struggle, but over time I gained a few seconds. 

Usually, after opening my eyes a few seconds early, I saw nothing strange. Once, I managed to open my eyes several seconds early. This time, I was returned to my guest room. As the acceleration wound down, I could feel the softness of my bed against my back. I was completely paralyzed. The loud whirling sound was winding down, and my heart rate was fast, but slowing down also. I struggled with everything in me and managed to open my eyes. I was shocked at what I saw, as was the being standing over my bed, an alien that looked human. He was wearing a black robe, with a black hood covering his entire head, but not his face. 

I tried to scream, but I couldn’t move my mouth. The alien had blond hair, a light blond beard, and a moustache. Some of his hair was out of the hood, resting on his forehead. He was holding a thin, silver metallic rod or wand, about eighteen inches long. When he saw that my eyes had opened, he leaned forward and started waving the wand around my face in a circle. As he did so, I started to lose control of my eyes. It was as if they were being forced shut by some invisible energy that apparently was coming from the wand. I was also losing consciousness. I yelled mentally “No! No!” and struggled to open my eyes again. When my eyes opened, he looked even more surprised. He leaned in closer to my face with his wand, and waved it even faster until I could no longer fight it and finally blacked out. 

Having been exposed so often to alien technology, I am no longer confused by most events like these. During or after the initial shock of an experience, I learned to condition myself. Instead of being scared, I tried to figure out what they were up to. As far as I’m concerned, any unusual wonder they are capable of is simply advanced technology, and this approach keeps me centered and focused. This formula enables me to learn and share, instead of wading in the stagnant waters of fear. 

Using this approach, I put a few facts together in an effort to make sense of what I saw. This was the first and only time I saw any alien or person wearing a robe. I usually do not pay attention to what any of them wear. However, on this occasion his clothing stood out clearly. I couldn’t be sure he was human, because I only saw part of his face. The little I could see looked fairly human, including his expression of surprise when I opened my eyes. I have seen humans working with aliens on more than one occasion, so he could have been human. 

The rod or wand he held really fascinated me, because I have seen it too often. When I was in the hanger in the desert, one of the men held the same kind of device — thin, metallic, thick on one end, perhaps a half inch to an inch in circumference then tapering to a point. You may recall, in that experience he kept tapping and stinging the back of my hands with this rod. Later, I realized every spot he touched left a small cut. 

Sometimes when aliens were taking semen, one would hold the same kind of wand, touching my testicles with its tip, instantly causing an unnatural erection and ejaculation. I think this wand is a thought-activated tool with miniaturized components and wondrous capabilities, but it is simply technology. These individuals are not wizards. 

I have come to believe that ETs have been secretly involved with humans for hundreds, if not thousands of years. On those rare occasions in the past when they found it necessary to reveal themselves, perhaps ancient man saw them with this wand. His mind would no doubt have concluded that this was a magic wand. It’s a wonder all right, but it’s not magic, or mystical. It’s in our nature to make a religion, so to speak, out of anything we don’t understand, but it is simply advanced technology.

Out of Phase 
I have personally seen other life-forms in other dimensions. I believe they are not extraterrestrials. I’m not certain what they are or exactly where they come from, but they do exist. I used to have trouble with this aspect, and it can be very confusing. Our five senses (unless artificially altered) are not set up to grasp the concept or to have awareness of these things. I believe every human being possesses the ability to see in other dimensions. We can call this a sixth or seventh sense. These extra senses seem to be dormant, like an atrophied muscle. However, if this muscle is exercised and artificially stimulated (from exposure to alien technology or other means) it becomes active. There is no doubt in my mind that other dimensions do exist; one just needs the tools of technology to tap into them. In my case exposure to alien technology heightens the senses, and if exposed long enough and often enough, it renders one slightly out of synch. 

Being slightly out of synch is a part of the residual effect, and it is usually temporary. However, in some cases (mine for instance) it may be permanent. When one is transported from point A (your home) to point B (on board their craft) a large part of this process includes matter, aliens and people passing through several dimensions. In these dimensions, I have gotten a glimpse from time to time of other strange life forms. 

On first impression, these interdimensional travelers look like spirits or ghosts. Some look frozen in time. Others look like the spirits of the deceased trapped in a movie loop. Still others appear to be alive, with a sense of self and purpose. Some are as curious about me as I am about them. This aspect of the phenomenon used to scare me to tears and confuse the dickens out of me. However, if you are exposed to something long enough to see it for what it may be, it’s not so scary. 

Fortunately, depending on your point of view, (at times I have mixed feelings), this uninvited new ability an abductee acquires lingers for a while after an abduction. In addition, if one chooses, this effect doesn’t have to fade away. If I keep this muscle exercised, like any other conventional muscle in the body, it will continue to serve me. 

I don’t understand everything, of course, but this I am certain of: This new-found ability enables me to see into other dimensions, and I know that other life-forms exist. They seem to occupy the same space as we do, but in a different dimension. Without the aid of technology, our five senses are not aware of these other dimensions. You can’t see air, but it’s there. 

Advanced alien cultures have mastered time and can travel great distances. This technology enables them to tap into other dimensions, and so when they use this technology on us, we gain the ability to see into those other dimensions. 

Dimensional Blending 
Star People have a technology that can split matter, including themselves and their ship, between dimensions in any ratio they choose. I have no problem accepting this, simply because I have seen it with my own eyes on several occasions. It has become second nature to me. However, to the inexperienced eye, witnessing this technological feat calls up a host of possibilities, such as angels, demons, and spirits. This is not to say that such things do not exist, but in this case, it is clearly humanoid-type beings using “magic” technology. 

For example, they can take a plate and make two plates out of it. The original plate might contain 95% of the original matter and the second 5%, or the ratio might be 50/50 or 60/40 - whatever they choose. Here’s the scary part: They can break themselves down, and us as well, in whatever proportions they see fit, which is what leads to the trauma most abductees suffer. I hope this information can help other abductees cope. Aliens make no effort to explain anything, in most cases. They simply use these advanced technological tools without regard to our feelings. It leaves poor unsuspecting humans at a loss to figure out what the hell is going on, just as we probably confuse the elk that we tranquilize, poke, prod, and leave in a different location. 

The thought of non-human intelligence in itself boggles the most advanced minds, to say nothing about alien technology. Aliens do not explain anything to us either because they want to keep us in the dark, or they’re just plain indifferent. Once anyone has grasped the concept or root understanding, things start to make sense. Aliens are seen walking through walls or floating in thin air. Ships are seen appearing and disappearing. It’s not magic, demons or angels. It’s just advanced technology. 

Alien Healings 
What do aliens really want from us? I have a pretty good idea, and I say more about that in the next chapter. At this time I will discuss another pattern that helped me to discover what these creatures are up to. They have invested a great deal of time and effort in us abductees, even to the point of periodically maintaining our health. I am not suggesting, by any means, that they take care of every little ailment or sickness, or all life threatening diseases. I am not exactly sure what motivates them to intercede in an abductee’s health. I know for a fact that from time to time, they either adjust or correct abductees’ ailments because it has happened to me and to other abductees I know. Let me tell you about “The Doctor.” 

In late 1995, I contracted a terrible flu with weakness, coughing, fever, chills, and nausea. I felt like hell. I don’t get sick often, and when I do, it’s short-lived. This illness was different, however. It dragged on for a month, and I was not getting better. Then, one evening, I had an unconventional doctor’s visit. I was asleep on my sofa, when I suddenly woke up paralyzed, except for my eyes. I was turned sideways, facing my livingroom’s front wall, through which walked two aliens. I remember thinking, “Here we go again!” I was more angry than scared. 

I telepathed to them, “Why am I paralyzed? I thought I was past all this junk! Besides, I am real sick, and I am in no mood for this!” (as if my mood would make a difference!) 

They walked toward me, and the nearest alien manifested a screen image over his face, an image of a close doctor friend of mine whom I will call Dr. T., who treated me for several years after a terrible car accident. I had grown to love and deeply respect this man, whose wonderful bedside manner is a real pleasure to experience. I am sure that the aliens were aware of my fondness for this doctor, from their probing of my memories. They also knew that this created image would make me feel less apprehensive. They were right. I didn’t fight the false reality of that particular alien appearing as Dr. T. 

As he approached me, I asked, “What are you doing here?” 

He responded, “Don’t you remember? I am here because of our agreement.” 

“To what?” I asked. 

“You remember,” he said, “we agreed that if ever you were to get real sick, I would come.” 

His face looked very friendly. Even though I knew that he was not Dr. T., I felt happy imagining that he was. Suddenly, I remembered our agreement. 

“Yes, I remember now. Whenever I get real sick, you said that you would come. And now you are here.” 

“That’s right, and now I am going to examine you.” 

They both leaned forward and proceeded to do just that — examine me. They took several minutes poking, prodding, and turning me around in different directions. I felt an assortment of instruments making contact all around various parts of my body. 

When they were finished, they stepped back, and the one who looked like Dr. T. said, “You have a secondary upper lung and throat infection as a result of the flu.” 

I said, “Well, did you heal me?” I got no response, so I asked again. “Did you heal me?” Again no response, so I said, “Should I go see a regular doctor, or what?” 

They never responded, but simply turned and walked back out through the same wall through which they had come. A few seconds later, I passed out. When I opened my eyes, it was morning. I sat up on the sofa and stretched my arms. I suddenly realized that I was not sick any more. 

While I resist believing that the aliens would do something as helpful as healing, I cannot argue the fact that I was miraculously healed. 

Black Helicopters 
During their visits, aliens seem to frequently create interdimensional fields that alter matter for travel, duplication, invisibility, and passing through solid objects. I am sure that these fields have countless other uses that we have not yet observed. In my experience, a special traceable signature or residue lingers during and after the use of one of these interdimensional fields. This signature is unique and is clearly distinguishable from anything else, using appropriate monitoring devices. Without doubt, it’s the most dependable way covert government agencies can monitor alien activity. 

This residue can linger for quite some time on anything, including humans, with which it comes in contact. It is my belief that there is not a single abduction, cattle mutilation, or other alien-related event that takes place without the knowledge of certain government agencies that monitor these activities. If this signature is particularly strong, it indicates frequent or extended activity. In that event, black unmarked helicopters are dispatched to check it out. Not every event warrants an investigation. I have noticed that usually several events take place before a helicopter is dispatched to inspect more closely. 

I understand to a certain degree why ominous black helicopters show up from time to time. A high percentage of abductees claim to have  seen these black metallic birds. Usually it’s after an abduction or sighting. Sometimes it’s after cattle mutilations or the appearance of spectacular crop circles. I feel certain that I know one of the reasons that they appear, and I have a good idea who pilots them. And it’s not aliens. 

In my July 1995 encounter with “The Doctor,” the aliens worked with me, in our dimension, for the entire evening. They conducted what I believed to be experiments and medical procedures. Because this session was of such long duration, the lingering effects of the field were very strong. After the aliens left, I felt as if I had been irradiated. My senses were extremely sensitized, and my developing sixth sense was especially sharp and clear. I felt magnetic. The residual effect of being exposed to their field was extremely strong. 

I am no longer traumatized by alien visitations. In fact, I was enjoying the “Doctor’s” visit, and I tried to take advantage of its strong residual effect as long as possible. I knew that it wouldn’t last very long. 

I had made a commitment a few days earlier to take my seven-year old niece to school on the morning that unexpectedly featured “The Doctor.” I also had some items to pick up at the K-Mart, which was near the school. After dropping off my niece, I arrived at K-Mart 30 minutes before opening time, so I waited in my car, which was the only customer vehicle in the lot. As I waited, I felt a strange sensation course through my body. It was the same feeling I had felt a few months earlier, just before the diamond-shaped ship appeared in broad daylight on the beach. I exited the car, knowing somehow to look north. It was clear, and at first I saw nothing, but I knew I would, because the residual effect was very strong and all of my six senses were extra keen. 

Then it appeared — a black dot that gradually grew larger, until it became recognizable as a black helicopter. It emitted a deep, thundering roar as it made a beeline in my direction. (I have on other occasions seen silent black helicopters.) I had no doubt that it was looking for me. I felt it! It approached fast and suddenly stopped, hovering over me and my car. It seemed to be hovering at about 150 feet in the air, and its color was pitch black. The windows were opaque black, and I could see no occupants. I stood staring at it for 20 or 25 seconds. I made a few very noticeable obscene gestures, as many as I could think to create. Finally, the aircraft slowly looped around and headed back in the direction from which it had come. 

I was radiating a strong residual signature that morning. I feel certain to this day that the reason for this close encounter with this black helicopter was my residual signature from my experience with “The Doctor.” 

Six months before “The Doctor” healed my flu, I had had another medical visit that was very uncomfortable. It changed my eating habits in a profound way. I had been a heavy meat eater. My diet included a rare steak at least once a week, hamburgers for lunch at least twice a week, meat loaf, pot roasts, roast pork, you name it. 

I was a true carnivore, but not anymore! Since this event, my diet has consisted of a minimal amount of chicken and fish, some bread, and of course, vegetables. Anyone who knows me knows that this change in my diet is not like me at all. “It would take an Act of Congress for Jim to stop eating meat,” people would say. But I did stop, and I’ll share the reason. Some of these alien medical exams, unfortunately, include anal probes - Yuck! - a subject I do not enjoy talking about, writing about, or experiencing. Of course, not everything I write about is comfortable to relive, and in this case I feel it is necessary. 

I was asleep on my sofa when I was escorted to the ET craft the easy way, and I found myself face down on an examination table, in tremendous pain. They had inserted a deep anal probe into me, and I could feel it churning about in my guts. I felt so miserable that I cried out, “What the hell are you doing to me?” 

One of them responded, “An examination of your system.” 

“The pain is awful! You’re hurting me,” I yelled. Then I blacked out. 

When I regained consciousness, I found myself face up on the table, sore inside, but not in pain. Two aliens were present, and it appeared that they were just finishing up their procedure. 

One of them said telepathically, “It is necessary that you stop eating animals. Your system is overloaded with trash.” (The word “trash” surprised me.) “Intelligence dictates that you do not have to kill to survive.” 

I blacked out again, and later I found myself at home. When I sat up, my insides were extremely sore. I was accustomed to a little discomfort from my encounters with these creatures, and I knew any discomfort caused by them would pass relatively fast. I went into the kitchen, made some coffee, and started making breakfast. As I opened the refrigerator door to reach for the bacon, these words rang through my head: “You must stop eating animals.” I could not bring myself to cook the bacon. 

At lunch I stopped for a fast-food burger, but I couldn’t eat it. This pattern continues to this very day. I can no longer eat red meat. I like the change in my diet, and I feel better. 

Exactly 30 days after this diet-changing visit, the aliens returned and I suddenly awoke to see them walking through my wall again. I had thought that they would be working with me again in my living room. As they approached, I passed out and found myself on my side on the examination table. They were poking and prodding me again and I hated it! 

“Damn it!” I said, “Why are you doing this again? I stopped eating meat!” 

“We know,” they said, “we had to make sure that it was helping you, and it is.” 

I blacked out, and when I regained consciousness, I found myself at home again. My insides were sore for a few days, however, but I have not eaten red meat since that time. I have done many speaking engagements across the country, and I have met many fellow abductees. The bulk of them are vegetarians. I find that odd. Do you? 

The alien-human hybrid life-form is neither a created worker, nor a human, nor an alien, but a combination of human and alien. It is part of the aliens’ insurance policy. They are creating a being that is more alien than human, at least more alien than we are. This way, if we fail to turn our environment around and we die off, after the dust settles, they can repopulate the Earth with hybrids that could possibly be more adaptable to the Earth’s changed environment. They need far less food, water and energy, yet they still have enough human raw material to be useful to the aliens. 

“We come in many different shapes and sizes.” 

To me a walk-in is an alien who appears in human form and contacts abductees on our turf. In my experience, there are two types. A type one alien walk-in screen-images himself to look human. He is physically alien, but he simply projects a human image. 

The type-two walk-in looks human in every way. This type is extremely perplexing, and I have great difficulty accepting that they exist. However, I know from personal experience they do, which can also be verified through other abductees. We have experienced these beings while being alone, or in a few cases with other abductees. 

Type-two walk-ins pop in on us from time to time and talk in riddles. They may start a conversation with you out of the blue and speak on a topic you shared with someone else in private. They exhibit the same behavioral patterns as alien doctors, appearing only when really needed. 

I am very uncomfortable with type-twos because it is hard enough to deal with aliens on board their craft, without having to interact with them in my own space. Also, I feel safer not relating too many stories regarding my face-to-face contact with what I call walk-ins because I’m not sure what my involvement is with them or how much information I should reveal. I believe there aren’t very many of them, and their appearance is rare. 

I don’t believe the men who followed me around in Texas were aliens. I think however, they were government people. In what capacity? Who knows? Budd Hopkins theorizes that they were human all right, but possibly born and raised by aliens. 

Here is a personal example of the type-two walk-in that involves another abductee and me. My close friend Don, his daughter, her fiancé and I had rented a van and drove 600 miles from south Florida to Mobile, Alabama, for a UFO conference. On the way, over we talked about everything under the sun to occupy twelve hours of driving time. At one point we talked about recent movies, in particular, “City Slickers.” For hours none of us could come up with the name of a popular actor in this movie. We struggled and strained our brains to the point of exhaustion, and at times it was at the tip of our tongues, but none of us could come up with his name. Finally, we gave up. 

About ten minutes later, out of a dead silence, Don’s daughter and her fiancé simultaneously shouted, “Jack Palance!” We all laughed. Stay with me, and it will start to make sense. 

The day after arriving in Mobile, Don and I walked around the downtown area looking for a place to eat lunch. We paused for a moment across the street from a few restaurants, talking among ourselves and deciding where to eat. As we stood there, an odd middle-aged man in house-painting clothes walked up and said, “Come on in, because in here, you can have anything you could possibly want!” It was an innocent enough statement, nothing really out of the ordinary, except for some oddities. 

He didn’t come from inside the restaurant; he came from down the street. It wasn’t as if he had just eaten there, and was walking out complementing the place. Also, after making that statement, he didn’t go into the restaurant. Further, we had been across the street from the restaurant, talking alone, completely out of earshot of anyone. We could have been discussing anything, not necessarily restaurants. 

The events so far really didn’t get my attention until later, but they piqued Don’s attention. He commented, “How odd!” We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, walked across the street and ate. As we were sitting at the table, our friend (whom Don and I now fondly refer to as “the painter”) walked up to our table from what seemed like out of nowhere. 

He looked at Don and said, “Do you know who you look like? It’s on the tip of my tongue, give me a second, um… um…” He continued to act in this manner repeating the same words over again. Don and I looked at each other with a strange smile as he rambled on. Suddenly he shouted with emotion, “I got it now. You look like that actor, Jack Palance.” Being in law enforcement and thinking like an investigator, Don processed the facts of the case: “He quoted and expressed our conversation in the van, word for word! How can anybody do that? Unless the van was bugged. However, we rented this van out of the blue; no one had any real time to prepare. First he said, ‘Come on in. You can have anything you want,’ and remembering a conversation word for word the way he did! Jim, I think this man is a walk-in.” At the time I didn’t agree or disagree with Don’s conclusion. 

After lunch, we went back to the hotel and attended the conference. The idea that this man was possibly a walk-in did briefly run through my mind, but I dismissed it. Early that evening after the conference was finished for the day, I met a young abductee woman who was very nervous about her experiences. I felt led to help her cope with some advice. Although there was a lot she wanted to say, she was hesitant to speak, primarily because of not wanting to be overheard by any of her conference attending friends. I assured her there would be no pressure from me, and perhaps we could find some out of the way place to talk, where none of her friends could possibly run into us, and she agreed. We searched and found what we thought was the perfect spot, an old-fashioned bar and grill. After a few minutes of talking, someone tapped me on the back. I turned and was shocked to see our friend, “the painter.” 

Before I could say anything, he looked me in the eye and said, “You should know, we come in many shapes and sizes.” He turned and walked out. I sat there with my mouth open and watched him walk away. The young woman said, “Wow, it felt strange when he was standing next to us. Who was he?” 

“Oh, he’s a painter, just simply a painter.” I replied. She sensed I didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t ask any more questions. Later that evening, I caught up with Don and told him the story. It helped to confirm what Don believed. I still wasn’t sure. However, it was strange. 

Sunday afternoon the conference was winding down. Don found me in the lobby and said, “I ran into our friend again, or should I say he ran into me.” I asked Don, “Well, what did he say?” 

“He walked up to me,” Don said, “offered his hand and we shook. He was wearing old shabby painter’s clothes, so I asked him if he was attending the conference. He said no. Although I knew he wasn’t with the conference, I asked him in order to dig for information. I asked him if he was doing some work here, like painting, etc. He answered in a riddle: ‘No, I am not working here, but I have a few loose ends to tie up here, and then my work here will be finished.’ Then he left.” 

Don continued, “The point here is this: He obviously knew of our conversation in the van. He knew what we were talking about on the street that day, and there wasn’t anyone around to overhear our conversation. He shows up in that out-of-the-way place where you were the other night. Then he tells you, “We come in many different shapes and sizes.” Then he shows up at a UFO conference in shabby clothes and talks in riddles by saying he is not here to attend the conference or do any work. However, he still had some loose ends to tie up and his work is finished. Jim, he must be a walk-in!” 

Whether or not this man was truly a walk-in is unprovable. Don seemed convinced. As far as I was concerned there were many odd indications pointing in that direction and this will have to be enough for you to get the picture of what a walk-in is. 

I will close this chapter with an example statement made to me by a person who made it clear he was a walk-in. These people are intergalactic or interdimensional travelers. The following statement typifies that fact. At one point in a conversation with one of these fellows, I asked, “How long will you be here?” 

He said, “I will be here for two weeks, but I am leaving tomorrow.

Chapter 23
The Nice Doctors
There’s an interesting side of human nature of which we are all aware, but which still managed to surprise me, and it affects abductees all the time. The pain of this effect cut deep into my soul, but in the end, I learned a lot. 

The majority of us thrive on a support system that makes us feel as if we belong, whether it’s our family, place of work, or fans at a sporting event. These social boxes can be positive and give us that security we crave from family, community, and country. At the same time, anything we do or say that doesn’t fit into the accepted “norm” of a particular box can be seen as weird. Therefore, we do our best not to step outside our boxes in order to avoid rejection, so we often keep silent, no matter what the cost. 

Most abductees experience this first hand by being rejected by the very support systems that sustain them — family, friends, church, and community. I was no different. In the early chapters I wrote that my family was politely supportive of my alien abduction. However true this may be, it certainly didn’t start off that way. Initially, I was flatly rejected. In those early months it was pain on top of pain when it came to the disorientation of the abduction scenario, and almost as traumatic was the initial rejection from my family, which was totally disheartening to me, because I know that I am an honest, logical, and truthful person. My father’s initial reaction was total disbelief, not just in the abduction subject, but suddenly, for the first time in my entire life, he didn’t believe a word I said. My brother, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care. To him it was a concept that couldn’t exist, and hence he ignored it. When I talked about my experiences to my normally very warm and compassionate mother, she stood there silently, giving me a blank, cold face. 

As for most abductees, disbelief adds so much more stress to an already chaotic situation. The support system that knows you better than any one else can’t believe or handle your experiences. You stand alone, and as I learned I was able to do that, it made my confidence grow. I now wonder if that is not part of the ET game to test us. 

For me, time played a big part in changing all this, and over time my family became supportive. However, this, too, carried emotional pain of a different sort, because it was the way they changed that bothered me at first. Thanks to television, magazines and other media reporting abduction incidents, and the personal support offered to me by cutting-edge researchers such as Budd Hopkins and Harvard professor, Dr. John Mack - my family’s attitude towards this subject shifted. 

I was deeply offended and hurt that my own family had rejected what I was honestly reporting, but they began believing me when “professionals” with accepted credentials believed me. I kept this pain to myself, and came to understand it in a positive way when I accepted this deeper understanding of human nature - that the need to belong is a driving force in all of us. 

As you know during my first 18 months of alien interactions, I was driven to no avail to convince anyone and everyone to believe that what was happening to me, was really happening to me. All I got was closed minds and ears. At that time, I made the decision not to speak of alien abductions. What a surprise it was to find that this strategy made everyone feel better! In fact, a friend of the family said to me and I quote, “Jim you are a perfectly normal person as long as you don’t talk about that stuff.” So I didn’t, for several years. Again, it was when mainstream media began producing documentaries on alien abductions that family and friends started seeing me in a different light. Although I never said anything, it made me angry inside. Why couldn’t they just believe me from the start? Why must my credibility depend on others? 

Then one day my mother shocked me. I was sitting out in the Lanai at my parents’ home one afternoon enjoying the good weather. My mother came out, sat down, and lit a cigarette. She started talking about a show on abductions she had seen the night before. Then she just said it: “I have been examined by those doctors all my life, and they are always nice to me. Every time I am there lying on that gurney, they say nice things to me. They want to make sure that I am OK. They are never mean to me, like the ones you talk about. I like them, and they like me, and this has happened to me all my life.” 

One would think at this point that I would have fainted. There sat the woman who birthed me, the same person who was so despondent when I came out with “ET world,” and just like that she spills her guts, as if it were a natural everyday occurrence. I realized that even if someone is unknowingly experiencing something bizarre, they still can be in denial for quite some time until the conscious mind is ready to accept it. 

I responded in kind with just a couple of words, knowing two things at that point: Mom was an abductee, and, thanks to media support and hopefully being forthright with my own experiences, she came out with it. 

She couldn’t relate to my story, because in her mind all along it wasn’t the same thing. I was talking trauma, and she was experiencing kindness. Was it screen imaging? Perhaps. It didn’t matter, because I now knew that Mom was also an abductee all her life, and to her it was pleasant, and that’s the way I wanted it to stay. So I said very few words, and we never talked about it again. We didn’t have to, because from that point on, we both knew, and we were both content that we shared a new social box together, no matter how bizarre it would seem to the rest of the world. It still gave me comfort.

Chapter 24
The Real Situation
In some ways, this chapter was the most difficult to write because of the complexity of the phenomena. On the other hand, the passing of much of the pain associated with the subject makes it easier now. My life and how I view things have been tremendously expanded. The knowledge and understanding I have gained are incomparable. Although I feel that I have paid a very high price, anything worthwhile has its price. This is a law I feel applies to the whole Universe. 

We are not alone in the Universe: We play a major role in the universal life chain. Yet I feel that there is another universal law: Higher intelligence takes advantage of and uses lower intelligence, not unlike the way we use cattle. With the privilege of use comes the responsibility of care. A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them and taking care of their medical needs. He makes sure that all their survival needs are met so that he and his family can also survive. The cow, with its limited intelligence, lives out its life span completely unaware of its fate. 

If, however, the pasture were to become contaminated, the farmer would take actions to protect his investment, either by cleaning the pasture or moving the cattle. If he had the technology, he might even take eggs and sperm from the herd and store them as insurance against the possibility that the pasture could not be saved, or that the cattle would be unsalvageable. Clearly, it would be easier to move cattle seeds than cattle bodies to cleaner pastures, and any such activity would take place right under the cattle's noses, without an inkling that anything was out of the ordinary. 

Of course humans are not cattle, and the Earth is not a green pasture. Or is it? The Earth is too big to be a pasture, and humans are too intelligent to be cattle. Or are they? We know we are too smart to destroy our environment. Or are we? Our governments and scientists tell us that we are effectively alone in the Universe, and we believe what they say. Or do we? 

Why do aliens take seed and raw materials from humans? One revelation that came to me is that the aliens are creating worker beings, much as ants do. Does this mean that the aliens are farming us? Yes, it does, but not to eat, fortunately. Farming humans for raw materials and spare parts is only part of the story. 

The Field 
The alien field to which I have frequently referred may be electromagnetic, vibrational, or something for which we have no name. Light is sometimes associated with it. I have been exposed to it many times, and it makes my body feel magnetic. At times I feel static electricity. At other times everything it influences loses color and fades into black and white. This field enables the aliens to do many marvelous things, some of which I discuss below. 

Invisibility. When the man in the dark suit escorted me from my house to the beach, you may recall that when we got to the water's edge, we stood there waiting, watching an obscure small light hanging not far away over the water. Suddenly the light formed into a large rectangle into which we stepped, and we were on board one of their spacecraft. The ship had been there all along, but it used the field to make itself invisible. 

Interdimensional Travel. Interdimensional travel is the ability to go from Point A to Point B in literally no time at all. I know this, because I have been taken by this field from my home to and from their ships and to different points on the Earth's surface. The Star People, use this field both to travel across galaxies and to transport selected people to and from their ships any time they wish. Distance becomes inconsequential, and our laws of science are probably a minor and incomplete subset of their science laws. 

Screen Images. The field seems to play at least a part in screen imaging. You might recall that once when I was out driving, I thought I saw a flock of birds, when in reality it was three ships in formation. It seems that they use the field to disguise themselves and to project perceptions that people see. 

Scanning. The field seems to enable the aliens to scan us and to know ourselves better than we do. With it they can browse through every minute detail of our lives, including lost memories. 

Technology. The aliens use thought-activated technology, and their machines are at least partially biological and can interact with us as if they were alive. Their ability to take in, process and project information is so vast that they can see the future coming. 

Spare Parts 
With all that they can do, why do the aliens need us? What is the common denominator that links all intelligent life? It is the need to survive as long as possible. I suspect that if intelligent life could live forever, it would. I further believe that our alien friends come very close to immortality, but they need us to do it. I have seen and experienced many, many things to reach this conclusion. [not our friends!!! dc]

Natural life dictates the inescapable need to survive for as long as possible. It is as natural for animals and humans as for aliens. We all seek all means to feed the yearning appetite that survival demands. An animal seeks food and shelter, knowing that if it gets too cold or doesn't eat, it will die, but its brain capacity limits it to hunting for food and shelter. Humans, with larger brains, have developed medicine and science and can even transplant spare body parts, if the tissue match is compatible. 

What if we could successfully implant into animals significant portions of our genetic code, not enough to interfere with the animals' well being, but enough to maintain a sustainable reservoir of human DNA, blood and tissue, to support human bodily repair needs? There would be medical teams to track, secure, tag and extract necessary materials. Individual animals and blood lines would have to be tracked constantly, so that they could be retrieved on demand. 

You get the picture. Aliens have been taking advantage of us with their superior technology in secret for a very long time. They implanted portions of their genetic code in humans long, long ago, and their ships come regularly, in waves, to “abduct” (secure) and return tens of thousands of humans, extracting whatever biological materials they need. The donor is unharmed and completely unaware that anything is missing. The tiny wound is quickly healed by the “abductee” (donor). However, they transplant in ways we do not understand. With their field technology they can reduce extracted biological specimens to vapor and then superimpose it into the recipient, where the pattern is reproduced as necessary. 

Consider: The Earth and the known Universe are billions of years old, life is abundant in the Universe, and countless intelligent cultures have developed, advanced, and died out. Flying disks have been seen and recorded throughout human history, from cave drawings to today's video recordings. Every year thousands of people around the world report being abducted, many of whom report extraction of semen or eggs. Reports of alien abductions tend to follow family lines. I have seen and experienced these things with my own eyes. 

We self-proclaimed intelligent masters of the Universe are not much more than a spare part inventory for aliens. That is humbling. It is hard enough for people to accept the existence of any intelligent life anywhere else in the Universe without having to also see ourselves as maintained organ donors for aliens. Even with this truth, however, I doubt that people would run in the streets in panic, or that the stock market would fall, or that the church would disintegrate. We are humans. We are resilient. We are survivors. We will get through this. 

Our Exopolitical Situation 
Because of the intensity of the cover-up of information relating to these topics, we cannot know exactly what has gone on between the visitors and our governments. Let me speculate, based upon my experiences and perspective, about what really happened: Aliens made contact with principal Earth governments years before the Roswell crash. They explained to the Earth leaders that environmental disaster was imminent and that we had to do something about it. Our leaders, however, guessed that Earth populations were not ready for knowledge of aliens just yet. So a deal was struck: The aliens would supply certain technologies to us to help us clean up our environment, which would help ensure human survival and protect their investment in us as an inventory of biological spare parts. 

In return, certain time guidelines were agreed to, during which our leaders were to carefully spoon-feed all Earth populations with information about the existence and role of non-human intelligent life on Earth. The technology duly arrived, but the appropriate time to disclose never did, leading to a long period of secrecy, disinformation, incarceration and missing people, most of which was done for the sake of national security. We took the technology and made money and weapons with it, and we let the disclosure timetables lapse. 

It's also possible that the aliens may have delivered even more technology in return for Earth governments destroying all nuclear weapons.  They clearly detest nuclear weapons. Once again, we failed to honor our side of the bargain, again because of international distrust and competition. Roswell and other crashes were covered up, not only to conceal the fact of off-planet life, but also to hide the depth to which our governments have been secretly involved with alien civilizations, and the reckless risks our governments have taken with the viability of continued life on Earth. 

In order to protect secrecy and national security, information was suppressed using criminal acts, which is why individuals in the secret government sector do not come forward. The criminal justice system would simply crucify them unless they were granted complete amnesty in exchange for the complete truth. That way - and only that way - can the truth be told. Once it is out, we can use the technologies the way they were intended to be used and work together to fix the environmental crisis facing our planet. 

If we continue to misuse our environment as we currently do, the human race will not be long on this planet, and life will not be worth living during our exit process. The possible end of human life on Earth deeply concerns the aliens, who have a large investment in us. They have taken great invisible steps to adjust our environment, but the task is too great for them to do it alone any longer, and they respect the fact that it is still our planet. The aliens and we need each other. We need their technology to fix our environment, and they need our governments to disclose the truth so that we can all work together to preserve life on Earth. Truly, we are all in this together!

Closing the Gap


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

We must remain Vigilant.

Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...