Sunday, July 3, 2022

Part 4 of 4 :Murdering Liberty, Killing Hope, When Psychopaths Rule the World ...The Anthrax Connection Real Terrorists Don’t Use Anthrax

Murdering Liberty, Killing Hope, 
When Psychopaths Rule the World 
By Jeff Prager

The Anthrax Connection 
Real Terrorists Don’t Use Anthrax 
Any evidence linking 9/11 to the anthrax letters - dated September 11 but sent in mid- October and only to Democratic leaders in Congress, no Republicans - is direct evidence of an inside job because that particular type of anthrax is known to have been of the highly controlled “Ames strain” developed by the US Army at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, and at the University of Iowa in Ames, Iowa. It was also high-spore-count, military-grade weaponized anthrax refined according to a trade secret reportedly held by William Patrick, former Ft. Detrick bioweapons expert, mentor of Steven Hatfill, the only “person of interest” stalked by the FBI as a suspect in the still “unsolved” anthrax case, and the close friend and colleague of Bush Administration bio-counterterrorism expert Jerry Hauer, a signer of the PNAC manifesto calling for “a new Pearl Harbor.” 

On September 11, this same Jerry Hauer personally delivered anti-anthrax Cipro to Vice President Cheney’s staff at the White House. Why? The conservative legal watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a suit against Vice President Cheney and other Bush Administration officials demanding to know why Cipro was delivered to the executive mansion –– and only to the executive mansion — on the day of the attacks. So far the response has been deafening silence. 

On September 10, the day before 9/11, FEMA and other emergency response personnel arrived in New York City for a counter-bioterrorism exercise called “Tripod II” claimed by the Bush administration to have been scheduled to begin September 12. There is reason to believe that the bio-agent this drill was to practice defending against was anthrax, as Jerry Hauer was also a major planner of the New York City exercise. 

And there is also a strong possibility the true start date for the exercise was September 11, as many “exercise” personnel were already in place in New York City on September 10. As the Air Force’s war game scenario had just “come to life” in real attacks on 9/11, were Hauer and Cheney worried that the same thing might be about to happen with their counter-bioterrorism “exercise” Tripod II? Is this why the anti-anthrax drug Cipro was distributed to the White House, “just in case”? If so, it would be strong evidence that Tripod II was on the scenario of defending New York City against an anthrax attack. Was the “vector,” or delivery vehicle, for that emergency response exercise scenario anthrax attack to have been by air via hijacked plane(s)? 

Notably, in their book on bioterrorism, “Germs,” Judith Miller and William Broad claim, apparently from inside sources, that Ramzi Yousef’s plans for the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 included explosively pushing large quantities of cyanide out into New York City. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the “mastermind” of 9/11, is Ramzi Yousef’s uncle. Finally, former New York City mayor Rudolf Giuliani testified to the 9/11 Commission that when WTC7, the location of his emergency operations center, collapsed on 9/11, he moved those operations to the command and control center set up on Pier 92 for the “Tripod II” bio-terrorism exercise and that it worked even better than the original. 

Giuliani told the 9/11 Commission, “The reason Pier 92 was selected as a command center was because on the next day, on September 12, Pier 92 was going to have a drill. It had hundreds of people there—from FEMA, from the Federal Government, from the State [Dept.], from the [New York] State Emergency Management Office—and they were getting ready for a drill for biochemical attack. So that was going be the place they were going to have the drill. The equipment was already there, so we were able to establish a command center there that was two and a half to three times bigger than the command center that we had lost at 7 World Trade Center. And it was from there that the rest of the (9/11 and subsequent) search and rescue effort was completed.”

Barbara Honegger’s Conclusion 
It Was Pinky & the Brain ... 

Covert elements of the US military and intelligence community, not al Qaeda, had the access to plant explosives inside its own most heavily defended world headquarters, the Pentagon. The US military and intelligence community, not al Qaeda, had the access to plant the explosives Willy Rodriguez heard and felt go off deep in the subbasement of the World Trade Center. The US military and intelligence community, not al Qaeda, had the sustained access weeks before 9/11 to also plant controlled demolition charges throughout the superstructures of WTC 1 and WTC2, and in WTC7, which brought down all three buildings on 9/11. 

The US military and intelligence community, not al Qaeda, had access to the sulfur-enhanced military-grade thermite (thermate) detected in the WTC needed to melt the steel found molten deep in its basements weeks later. The US military and intelligence community, not al Qaeda, would have chosen the least populated and most reinforced section of the Pentagon––its newly upgraded west wedge—to strike, minimizing casualties. Real terrorists would have maximized them. Real terrorists also would have maximized casualties at the World Trade Center by placing explosives so as to allow the building to fall haphazardly on other buildings and streets around it, not bring it down neatly by controlled demolition into their own footprints, which minimizes casualties. 

A US military plane, not one piloted by al Qaeda, performed the highly skilled, steep, high-speed 270 to 330-degree dive towards the Pentagon that Dulles Air Traffic Controllers were sure was a military plane as they watched it on their screens that morning. Only a military aircraft, not a civilian plane flown by al Qaeda, would have given off the “Friendly” signal needed to disable the Pentagon’s anti-aircraft missile batteries as it approached the building. Only the US military, not al Qaeda, had the ability to break all of its Standard Operating Procedures to paralyze its own emergency response system on 9/11. 

Only the US military, not al Qaeda, had access to the weaponized, military-grade US Army “Ames strain’ anthrax contained in letters mailed only to Democratic Congressional leaders. It is absurd to believe that al Qaeda would target only Democrats, especially as the US leadership at the time of the attacks was Republican. When he received the anthrax letter dated September 11, then Senate Democratic leader Thomas Daschle was calling for a Congressional investigation of 9/11 and had already been warned off from “looking too closely at” 9/11 by personal calls from both President Bush and Vice President Cheney. 

When he received his anthrax letter, another Democratic leader, Senator Patrick Leahy, was leading the Congressional resistance to the PATRIOT Act, a premeditated assault on Americans’ privacy and civil liberties justified by “al Qaeda’s” attack clearly Bush Administration well before 9/11 and “in the can” awaiting its “New Pearl Harbor” trigger event.

And who in the U.S. military, intelligence and military contractor chains of command and U.S. civilian leadership are among the prime suspects for these acts of High Treason? First and foremost are the signers of the pre-9/11 Project for a New American Century (PNAC) manifesto calling for “a new Pearl Harbor” to catalyze its global domination agenda: 

1. Vice President Dick Cheney; 
2. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; 
3. then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz; 
4. Richard Perle, then head of Secretary Rumsfeld’s Defense Policy Board; 
5. Jerry Hauer, one of the government’s top bio-terrorism experts who reportedly took anti-anthrax Cipro to the White House on 9/11. 

Hauer had been director of NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), whose personnel were moved to a New York pier on 9/11 just before its offices were destroyed by pre-placed controlled demolition charges. A central player in scripting the bio/chem terrorism attack scenario for the Sept. 10/11/12 TRIPOD II exercise in NYC, Hauer is also an expert in the response to building collapses (New York Times, July 27, 1999). It was Hauer who insisted, despite the 1993 terrorist attack on WTC1, that Giuliani still locate his Office of Emergency Management, from which a response to another terrorist attack would have to be orchestrated, in WTC7 next door, and also Hauer who zealously pushed the ‘bin Laden did it and planes-and-fires brought down the Towers’ official story on CBS News on 9/11 in the immediate aftermath of the attacks before anyone without inside knowledge could have possibly determined the actual cause of the collapses, taking pains to state that explosives were not involved, when they were. 

The OEM opened on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 in June 1999, where Hauer, its director, had his office. Hauer was also managing director of Kroll Associates before and on 9/11, the company that provided ‘security’ for the World Trade Center, including all three buildings brought down by controlled demolition that morning, and thus had complete access to pre-place the explosive charges he adamantly insisted on national TV on 9/11 were not involved. 

Hauer became a National Security adviser to the National Institutes of Health on Sept. 10, the very day TRIPOD II personnel arrived in New York City, from which new NIH post he managed the Bush Administration’s ‘response’ to the imminent anthrax attacks and the initial cover up of the inside job anthrax killers.

Gary Bauer, the right-wing ‘family values’ zealot who ‘happened’ to be one of the ‘witnesses’ to immediately claim publicly to have seen ‘Flight 77 hit the Pentagon’, proven by the evidence to be a physical impossibility; and then National Security Council Middle East adviser Zalmay Khalilzad, soon to be the first US Ambassador to Afghanistan after 9/11 and then US Ambassador to Iraq – the very two countries whose invasions were rationalized as retaliation for the 9/11 attacks. During the Cold War, Khalilzad was reportedly a liaison to then CIA “bag man” Osama bin Laden in the CIA-Pakistani ISI covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the crucible from which al Qaeda emerged. ‘Al Qaeda’, in fact, was originally the CIA-ISI list of anti-Soviet foreign fighters in Afghanistan. 

Another key suspect is Air Force General William Hayden, now Director of the CIA and then head of the National Security Agency (NSA), which tapped the calls of lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and 9/11 “mastermind” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the day before 9/11, and surely on many other occasions before 9/11 as well — all almost certainly without FISA warrants as required by law. These pre-9/11 warrant-less NSA taps put the lie to President Bush’s claim that he initiated the program of warrant-less NSA taps of al Qaeda suspects because of — and thus only after—9/11. Yet another key suspect is Army Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin, the radical Christian fundamentalist Special Operations commando recently proposed to head the Army’s Special Operations Command. Yet another is the Pentagon’s POP2 office, which reportedly plans and scripts “false flag” operation — attacks orchestrated by the US military but made to appear perpetrated by an outside enemy to justify US military “retaliation.” Yet another suspect is Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Iran expert Lawrence “Larry” Franklin, who was “loaned” to Perle and Wolfowitz neocon co-conspirator Douglas Feith and arrested for passing national security secrets to Israeli operatives at a meeting of top American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) personnel. Franklin also was and is an officer in the Air Force Reserves, which directed NORAD’s “Vigilant Guardian/Vigilant Warrior” wargame exercises on 9/11.
Scrutiny should also be leveled at the scriptwriters for the NORAD and NRO emergency response exercises planned for and held on 9/11, especially members of their lead “White Teams,” which set the content and then oversee both “Red Team attackers” and “Blue Team defenders” on the actual day of an exercise, in this case on 9/11 itself. And every one of the as-yet-to-be-identified “top Pentagon officials” who on Sept. 10, the day before 9/11, according to Newsweek, suddenly cancelled their already-booked flights for September 11. Also National Military Command Center (NMCC) commander Brig. Gen. Montague Winfield, who on that same day, September 10, asked his deputy, Navy Capt. Charles Leidig to take over for him the next morning between 8:30 and 10:30 – precisely the time window of the “game” whose details and date had been given to Atta. 

Further investigation should be directed at the (government) “agency” the 9/11 Commission revealed, without identifying it by name (probably the CIA), took out the vast majority of the put options on American Airlines, United Airlines, Boeing and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in the few days before 9/11. 

Also, Michael Chertoff, US Attorney for the District of New Jersey during the first 1993 attack on the World Trade Center who, as a private attorney, represented Egyptian-born US resident Magdy Elamir, under investigation for illegally diverting millions of dollars and whose brother, Mohammed Elamir, funded arms smugglers linked to al Qaeda. Significantly, Mohamed Atta’s name in his country of birth, Egypt, was also Mohamed Elamir. In other words, the very man President Bush put in charge of the entire 9/11 “investigation” and who is now Director of Homeland Security -- the top official charged with defending the U.S. mainland from an attack by al Qaeda -- may have himself been directly involved with Al Qaeda and even with Mohamed, and Atta. 

And FBI headquarters supervisor David Frasca and his deputy Michael Maltbie, who ignored 70 pleas by Zacarias Moussaoui FBI interrogator to let him investigate the contents of Moussaoui computer before 9/11. Attention should especially be directed to Phillip Zelikow, NSC adviser along with Zalmay Khalilzad to then NSC Adviser Condoleezza Rice before and on 9/11. Zelikow both orchestrated The 9/11 Commission Report cover up of the administration’s inside job and, at Rice’s personal request, rewrote the Bush administration’s official national strategic plan draft to better match the global domination agenda of the pre-9/11 PNAC manifesto. 

Zelikow specializes in political mythologies, clearly the most important qualification for his selection as executive director of the Official Myth of Sept. 11 – The 9/11 Commission Report. Only someone in the inner circle of the actual criminal conspiracy would be trusted with this mission. These are just some of the names being knitted into the scroll of the September 11 Truth Revolution. 

Barbara Honegger is right. So is April Gallop. So is Willy Rodriguez. There were bombs in the Pentagon. There were bombs in the Twin Towers. There were bombs everywhere and the Twin Towers were demolished by something other then commercial jets in what was so obviously a controlled demolition. Nevertheless, people still suffer from cognitive dissonance and see 19 Muslims gypsy’s from a cave in Afghanistan as the masters of illusion.

Stealing Passports Standard 
Operating Procedure (SOP) 
We do know, for example, that the Israeli government has supported the extra-judicial murder of quite a few people but that’s history you can discover for yourself. Recently we all saw that the Israeli government murdered, again extra-judicially, a Hamas member in Dubai. The Mossad operatives used stolen passports from several countries including Ireland, Australia and even Israel. Perhaps the 19 Islamic hijackers never boarded the planes and the real perpetrators were using stolen passports as their identification? That seems to be the case since the majority of the hijackers are still alive and living and working in various countries and most have, in fact, reported their passports stolen at some point. Were the planes remotely flown drones and the hijackers covert operatives that disappeared back into the civilian population? Very likely they were and very likely they did.

A Dubai Extra-Judicial Assassination 
This Ain’t Pinky & The Brain 
Dressed in tennis gear and carrying racquets and balls, the guests who wandered through the lobby of Dubai’s al-Bustan Rotana hotel on Jan 19 couldn’t have looked less threatening. But within hours they and nine accomplices had carried out the ruthlessly efficient assassination of the Hamas military Commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who had just a few seconds’ warning of his fate as the killers overpowered him in his room. 

The murder bears the hallmarks of a meticulously-planned operation by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. The alleged hit team, travelling on forged British, Irish, German and French passports, spent no more than 19 hours in the Gulf state, killing Mr Mabhouh just five hours after he had flown in from Syria. After trawling through dozens of hours of CCTV footage, investigators have been able to piece together a minute-by-minute reconstruction of how the hit unfolded. 

The 11-strong team (a total of 23 agents participated) arrived in Dubai in the early hours of January 19th, 2010, on flights from France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, dressed as business people with trolley bags and laptops and blending in perfectly with other passengers. As they checked into several different hotels, a young woman carrying a false Irish passport in the name of Gail Folliard, was filmed accepting the help of a porter to carry her bag. A man using the name Kevin Daveron, and using another fake Irish passport checked into a different room in the same hotel ten minutes later, and at 2:29am a man using a French passport under the name Peter Elvinger arrived at the airport with a jumper slung casually over his shoulders.

‘Elvinger’, who is now thought to be the leader of the squad, was met on his arrival by another member of the team, before the two left the airport in opposite directions. After a few hours sleep the team began to assemble for instructions at a shopping centre, though at no point did any of them call each other – instead they used a series of telephone numbers in Austria, which was described by Dubai investigators as a ‘command centre’ for the operation. ‘Elvinger’, now dressed in a striped T-shirt, carrying a rucksack, and wearing a cap to disguise his features, arrived around 10:30 am, followed by five other members of the team including the woman. Two hours later the suspects left, one of them carrying shopping bags, and headed back to their hotels, where they began to check out at around 1:30pm. ‘Daveron’ went straight to another hotel, where he disappeared into the lavatories, emerging in a wig and glasses, and then on to a third hotel to meet up with the team again. At 2:00pm, more than an hour before their target had even arrived in Dubai, the first of several surveillance teams arrived at the al-Bustan Rotana hotel dressed in their tennis gear.

Another team had been sent to an alternative hotel in case Mr. Mabhouh checked in there but they left when they later received a call to say their intended victim had checked in at the al-Bustan. Quite why Mr Mabhouh risked travelling to Dubai from Syria, his home of the past 20 years, remains a mystery, though there have been suggestions that he could have been lured there on the pretext of carrying out an arms deal for Hamas. 

He arrived in Dubai using the name Mahmoud Abdul Rauf Mohammed at 3:20pm and was immediately spotted at the airport by a member of another surveillance team who had been expectantly lying in wait. As he arrived at the al-Bustan hotel, the ‘tennis players,’ one of whom appeared to be wearing a false moustache and glasses, got into the lift with him and followed him to room 230. They then passed on the details of the room number to ‘Elvinger,’ possibly using a radio worn on the wrist, enabling ‘Elvinger’ to check into room 237, across the corridor from Mr Mabhouh.

At 4:00pm a new surveillance team arrived at the hotel wearing track suits, T-shirts and caps and carrying shoulder bags, to help the tennis players keep an eye on their target. Mr. Mabhouh left the hotel at 4:23pm, followed closely by one of the surveillance team, just before ‘Elvinger’ arrived to check into room 237 where he was joined by the woman and ‘Daveron’. While the Hamas leader was out, the hit squad busily got to work trying to break into his room. Four burly men, with caps pulled down over their faces, arrived at 6:32pm, followed by another woman wearing a floppy hat, who has not been identified, and a man in a straw boater who took over surveillance from the tennis players. 

The assassins tried to break into Mr. Mabhouh room, and attempted to re-program the door lock as the innocent looking couple kept lookout in the hallway. They were disturbed by a guest returning to her room and police believe they had to abandon their original plan – probably involving lying in wait for Mr. Mabhouh inside his room – and decided instead to fool him into opening it when he returned.

When Mr. Mabhouh arrived back at the hotel at 8:24pm, dressed in a checked shirt, jacket and jeans and carrying a white plastic bag, he had just minutes to live. After he went back to his room, the female member of the hit team emerged from her room, grinning broadly, as the four burly members of the alleged assassination team went to work. Footage of what happened next has not been released by police, but at some point during the 22 minutes which followed, Mr. Mabhouh probably opened his door to his killers, who pinned him down and suffocated him. 

They somehow managed to lock the door from the inside and put the latch and chain in place before they left. Tellingly, when the four alleged assassins caught a lift back down to the lobby, one of them was wearing a bandage on his arm. By 10:30 pm the woman and ‘Davoren’ were at Dubai airport to catch a flight to Paris, followed over the next 12 hours by the rest of the team, who flew to such scattered destinations as Frankfurt, Hong Kong and South Africa. 

By the time Mr. Mabhouh body was found at 1:30pm on January 20th, when he failed to check out of his room, his killers were thousands of miles away. 

The assassination was, as the Dubai authorities have been at pains to point out, “carried out by a professional team that is highly skilled in these kinds of operations.” 

Ten Direct Connections Between 
NIST and Energetic Nano-Thermates 
 “Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues? ... 
“NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.”
 NIST Responses to FAQs, August 2006 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has had considerable difficulty determining a politically correct sequence of events for the unprecedented destruction of three World Trade Center (WTC) buildings on 911. But despite a number of variations in NIST’s story, it never considered explosives or pyrotechnic materials in any of its hypotheses. This omission is at odds with several other striking facts; first, the requirement of the national standard for fire investigation (NFPA 921), which calls for testing related to thermite and other pyrotechnics, and second, the extensive experience NIST investigators have with explosives and thermite materials. 

One of the most intriguing aspects of NIST’s diversionary posture has been their total lack of interest in explosive or pyrotechnic features in their explanations. Despite the substantial evidence for the use of explosives at the WTC, and the extensive expertise in explosives among NIST investigators, explosives were never considered in the NIST WTC investigation. Only after considerable criticism of this fact did NIST deign to add one small disclaimer to their final report on the towers, suggesting they found no evidence for explosives. 

The extensive evidence that explosives were used at the WTC includes witness testimony, overwhelming physical evidence and simple common sense. There is also substantial evidence that aluminothermic (thermite) materials were present at the WTC, and the presence of such materials can explain the existence of intense fire where it would not otherwise have existed. Additionally, despite agreement from all parties that the assumed availability of fuel allowed for the fires in any given location of each of the WTC buildings to last only twenty minutes (NIST 2007), the fires lasted much longer and produced extreme temperatures (Jones and Farrer et al 2008). 

These inexplicable fires are a reminder that the WTC buildings were not simply demolished, but were demolished in a deceptive way. That is, the buildings were brought down so as to make it look like the impact of the planes and the resulting fires might have caused their unprecedented, symmetrical destruction. Therefore, shaped charges and other typical explosive configurations were likely used, but there was more to it than that. Those committing the crimes needed to create fire where it would not have existed otherwise, and draw attention toward the part of the buildings where the planes impacted, or in the case of WTC 7, away from the building altogether. 

This was most probably accomplished through the use of nano-thermites, which are high-tech energetic materials made by mixing ultra fine grain (UFG) aluminum and UFG metal oxides; usually iron oxide, molybdenum oxide or copper oxide, although other compounds can be used (Prakash 2005, Rai 2005). The mixing is accomplished by adding these reactants to a liquid solution where they form what are called “sols”, and then adding a gelling agent that captures these tiny reactive combinations in their intimately mixed state (LLNL 2000). The resulting “sol-gel” is then dried to form a porous reactive material that can be ignited in a number of ways. 

The high surface area of the reactants within energetic sol-gels allows for the far higher rate of energy release than is seen in “macro” thermite mixtures, making nano-thermites “high explosives” as well as pyrotechnic materials (Tillitson et al 1999). 

Sol-gel nano-thermites, are often called energetic nanocomposites, metastable intermolecular composites (MICs) or super thermite (COEM 2004, Son et al 2007), and silica is often used to create the porous, structural framework (Clapsaddle et al 2004, Zhao et al 2004). 

Nano-thermites have also been made with RDX (Pivkina et al 2004), and with thermoplastic elastomers (Diaz et al 2003). But it is important to remember that, despite the name, nano-thermites pack a much bigger punch than typical thermite materials.

It turns out that explosive, sol-gel nano-thermites were developed by US government scientists, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) (Tillotson et al 1998, Gash et al 2000, Gash et al 2002). 

These LLNL scientists reported that --

“The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-, spin-, and spray-coating technologies to coat surfaces. We have utilized this property to dip-coat various substrates to make sol-gel Fe,O,/ Al / Viton coatings. The energetic coating dries to give a nice adherent film. Preliminary experiments indicate that films of the hybrid material are self propagating when ignited by thermal stimulus” (Gash et al 2002). 

The amazing correlation between floors of impact and floors of apparent failure suggests that spray-on nano-thermite materials may have been applied to the steel components of the WTC buildings, underneath the upgraded fireproofing (Ryan 2008). This could have been done in such a way that very few people knew what was happening. The Port Authority’s engineering consultant Buro Happold, helping with evaluation of the fireproofing upgrades, suggested the use of “alternative materials” (NIST 2005). Such alternative materials could have been spray-on nano-thermites substituted for intumescent paint or Interchar-like fireproofing primers (NASA 2006). It seems quite possible that this kind of substitution could have been made with few people noticing. 

Regardless of how thermite materials were installed in the WTC, it is strange that NIST has been so blind to any such possibility. In fact, when reading NIST’s reports on the WTC, and its periodic responses to FAQs from the public, one might get the idea that no one in the NIST organization had ever heard of nano-thermites before. But the truth is, many of the scientists and organizations involved in the NIST WTC investigation were not only well aware of nano-thermites, they actually had considerable connection to, and in some cases expertise in, this exact technology. Here are the top ten reasons why nano-thermites, and nano-thermite coatings, should have come to mind quickly for the NIST WTC investigators. 

1. NIST was working with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories to test and characterize these sol-gel nanothermites, at least as early as 1999 (Tillitson et al 1999). 

2. Forman Williams, the lead engineer on NIST’s advisory committee, and the most prominent engineering expert for Popular Mechanics, is an expert on the deflagration of energetic materials and the “ignition of porous energetic materials”(Margolis and Williams 1996, Telengator et al 1998, Margolis and Williams 1999). Nano-thermites are porous energetic materials. Additionally, Williams’ research partner, Stephen Margolis, has presented at conferences where nano-energetics are the focus (Gordon 1999). Some of Williams’ other colleagues at the University of California San Diego, like David J. Benson, are also experts on nano-thermite materials (Choi et al 2005, Jordan et al 2007). 

3. Science Applications International (SAIC) is the DOD and Homeland Security contractor that supplied the largest contingent of non-governmental investigators to the NIST WTC investigation. SAIC has extensive links to nano-thermites, developing and judging nano-thermite research proposals for the military and other military contractors, and developing and formulating nano-thermites directly (Army 2008, DOD 2007). SAIC’s subsidiary Applied Ordnance Technology has done research on the ignition of nanothermites with lasers (Howard et al 2005). 

In an interesting coincidence, SAIC was the firm that investigated the 1993 WTC bombing, boasting that -- “After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, our blast analyses produced tangible results that helped identify those responsible (SAIC 2004).” And the coincidences with this company don’t stop there, as SAIC was responsible for evaluating the WTC for terrorism risks in 1986 as well (CRHC 2008). SAIC is also linked to the late 1990s security upgrades at the WTC, the Rudy Giuliani administration, and the anthrax incidents after 9/11, through former employees Jerome Hauer and Steven Hatfill. 

4. Arden Bement, the metallurgist and expert on fuels and materials who was nominated as director of NIST by President George W. Bush in October 2001, was former Deputy Secretary of Defense, former director of DARPA’s office of materials science, and former executive at TRW. 

Of course, DOD and DARPA are both leaders in the production and use of nano-thermites (Amptiac 2002, DOD 2005). And military and aerospace contractor TRW has had a long collaboration with NASA laboratories in the development of energetic materials that are components of advanced propellants, like nano-gelled explosive materials (NASA 2001). TRW Aeronautics also made fireproof composites and high performance elastomer formulations, and worked with NASA to make energetic aerogels. 

Additionally, Bement was a professor at Purdue and MIT. Purdue has a thriving program for nano-thermites (Son 2008). And interestingly, at MIT’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology, we find Martin Z. Bazant, son of notable “conspiracy debunker” Zdenek P. Bazant (MIT 2008), who does research on granular flows, and the electrochemical interactions of silicon. Zdenek P. Bazant is interested in nanocomposites as well (Northwestern 2008), and how they relate to naval warfare (ONR 2008). MIT was represented at nano-energetics conferences as early as 1998 (Gordon 1998). 

Bement was also a director at both Battelle and the Lord Corporation. Battelle (where the anthrax was made) is an organization of “experts in fundamental technologies from the five National Laboratories we manage or co-manage for the US DOE.” Battelle advertises their specialization in nanocomposite coatings (Battelle 2008). The Lord Corporation also makes high-tech coatings for military applications (Lord 2008). In 1999, Lord Corp was working with the Army and NASA on “advanced polymer composites, advanced metals, and multifunctional materials” (Army 1999).

5. Hratch Semerjian, long-time director of NIST’s chemical division, was promoted to acting director of NIST in November 2004, and took over the WTC investigation until the completion of the report on the towers. Semerjian is closely linked to former NIST employee Michael Zachariah, perhaps the world’s most prominent expert on nano-thermites (Zachariah 2008). In fact, Semerjian and Zachariah co-authored ten papers that focus on nanoparticles made of silica, ceramics and refractory particles. Zachariah was a major player in the Defense University Research Initiative on Nanotechnology (DURINT), a groundbreaking research effort for nano-thermites. 

6. NIST has a long-standing partnership with NASA for the development of new nano-thermites and other nanotechnological materials. In fact, Michael Zachariah coordinates this partnership (CNMM 2008). 

7. In 2003, two years before the NIST WTC report was issued, the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) and NIST signed a memorandum of understanding to develop nano-technologies like nano-thermites (NIST 2003). Together, NIST and UMCP have done much work on nano-thermites (NM2 2008). 

8. NIST has their own Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST 2008). Additionally, NIST’s Reactive Flows Group did research on nanostructured materials and high temperature reactions in the mid-nineties (NRFG 1996). 

9. Richard Gann, who did the final editing of the NIST WTC report, managed a project called “Next-Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program”, both before and after 9/11. Andrzej Miziolek, another of the world’s leading experts on nano-thermites (Amptiac 2002), is the author of “Defense Applications of Nanomaterials”, and also worked on Richard Gann’s fire suppression project (Gann 2002). Gann’s project was sponsored by DOD’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), an organization that sponsored a number of LLNL’s nano-thermite projects (Simpson 2002, Gash et al 2003).

10. As part of the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer, NIST partners with the Naval Surface nano NIST has their own Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology Additionally, NIST’s Reactive Flows Group did research on nanostructured materials and high temperature reactions in the mid1990s Page 174 Murdering Liberty Killing Hope Murdering Liberty Killing Hope Page 175 Warfare Center at Indian Head (NSWC-IH) on Chemical Science and Technology (FLCTT 2008). NSWC-IH is probably the most prominent US center for nanothermite technology (NSWC 2008). In 1999, Jan Puszynski, a scientist working for the DURINT program, helped NSWC-IH design a pilot plant to produce nanosize aluminum powder. It was reported that “At that time, this was [the] only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States” (SDSMT 2001), however, private companies like Argonide and Technology were also known to have such capabilities. 

Among an interesting group of contractors that Naval Surface Warfare Center at Indian Head hired in 1999 were SAIC, Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen Hamilton, Mantech, Titan, Pacific Scientific Energetic and R. Stresau Laboratories for “demolition materials” (NSWC 2000). 

A tragic coincidence left William Caswell, an employee of Naval Surface Warfare Center at Indian Head, dead on the plane said to have hit the Pentagon (Flight 77). He had for many years worked on “deep-black” projects at NSWC-IH (Leaf 2007). 

The presence of Pacific Scientific Energetics (PSE) in this list of 1999 NSWC-IH contractors is interesting because PSE was the parent company of Special Devices, Inc (SDI). SDI specializes in explosives for defense, aerospace and mining applications, and was acquired in 1998 by John Lehman, 9/11 Commissioner, member of the Project for a New American Century, and former Secretary of the Navy (SDI 2008). Lehman divested in 2001. 

With this in mind, it is worthwhile to reiterate that nanothermite materials were very likely used in the deceptive demolition of the WTC buildings, but most certainly played only a part in the plan. However, other high-tech explosives were available to those who had access to nano-thermite materials at the time. Like SDI, several other organizations with links to military, space and intelligence programs (e.g. In-Q-Tel, Orbital Science) have access to many types of high-tech explosives to cut high strength bolts and produce pyrotechnic events (Goldstein 2006). 

These organizations also have connections to those who could have accessed the buildings, like WTC tenant Marsh & McLennan and former NASA administrator and Securacom director, James Abrahamson. 

In any case, it is important for those seeking the truth about 9/11 to consider what organizations and people had access to the technologies that were used to accomplish the deceptive demolition of the WTC buildings. It is also important to recognize the links between those who had access to the technologies, those who had access to the buildings, and those who produced the clearly false official reports. 

To that end we should note that NIST had considerable connections to nano-thermites, both before and during the WTC investigation. It is therefore inexplicable why NIST did not consider such materials as an explanation for the fires that burned on 9/11, and long afterward at Ground Zero. This fact would not be inexplicable, of course, if those managing the NIST investigation knew that they better not look for or test for such materials.

Phone Calls Victims Lists Passenger Manifests The Alleged Hijackers And The Moussaoui Trial
According to the official story, teams of four and five Islamic hijackers took over Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93. Victims lists for the four planes published by CNN and elsewhere are free of Arab names. This fact has been highlighted as suspicious by some researchers describing the lists as passenger manifests. However, these lists are not passenger manifests, but lists of victims, and hence include an implicit rationale for excluding alleged hijackers. In a different part of the website not directly referenced by the above-mentioned flight victims pages -- entitled “September 11: A Memorial” -- CNN describes its criteria for including persons in its memorial in a pop-up window labeled “About this site”: 

• CONFIRMED DEAD Includes victims who have been confirmed dead by a coroner’s office or the Defense Department. It also includes those a court has declared legally dead, even if no body has been recovered. Once the court has made such a finding, a death certificate can be issued. 

• REPORTED DEAD Includes those whose deaths have been reported by family, employers, mortuaries, places of worship or by the airlines that listed them as aboard one of the four flights. Includes people for whom memorial services have been held, even if their bodies have not been recovered or positively identified. (Those identified by federal authorities as the hijackers are not included). 

Of the 19 identities assigned by the FBI to the alleged suicide hijackers of the four commandeered jetliners, at least six have been disputed. The FBI’s September 14, 2001 press release identifying the suspects included names and, in some cases, other personal details. The FBI’s September 27, 2001 press release included color photographs for each of the 19 suspects. 

A handful of reports, most from one to two weeks after the attack, identified at least six men living in the Middle East whose names -- and in some cases other identifying details such as actual passport photographs -- matched those on the FBI’s list. 

However, 6 of these men are still alive and as we’ve seen earlier in this book, Mohamed Atta’s father claims his son is also still alive. When asked where his son was, Atta’s father stated, “ask the Mossad.” 

Abdulaziz Alomari 
Abdulaziz Alomari was identified by the FBI as the hijacker who accompanied Mohamed Atta from the connecting flight from Portland and helped him hijack and pilot Flight 11 into the North Tower. Abdulaziz told the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper: “The name [listed by the FBI] is my name and the birth date is the same as mine, but I am not the one who bombed the World Trade Center in New York.” Saudi Embassy officials in Washington defended the innocence of Alomari, saying that his passport was stolen in 1996 and that he had reported the theft to the police. 

Saeed Alghamdi 
Saeed Alghamdi, a Saudi Airlines pilot, was identified by the FBI of being a hijacker of Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. Alghamdi was “shocked and furious” to learn this three days after the attack, noting that his name, place of residence, date of birth, and occupation matched those described by the FBI. “You cannot imagine what it is like to be described as a terrorist - and a dead man - when you are innocent and alive,” said Alghamdi, who considered legal action against the FBI. 

Salem Al-Hamzi 
Al-Hamzi was identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers of Flight 77, thought to have crashed into the Pentagon. Al-Hamzi said: “I have never been to the United States and have not been out of Saudi Arabia in the past two years.” 

Ahmed Al-Nami 
Al-Nami was identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers of Flight 93. Al-Nami said: “I’m still alive, as you can see. I was shocked to see my name mentioned by the American Justice Department. I had never even heard of Pennsylvania where the plane I was supposed to have hijacked.” 

Waleed Alshehri 
Waleed Alshehri, a Saudi Arabian pilot, was identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers of Flight 11. Alshehri turned up in Morocco after the attack where he contacted both the Saudi and American authorities to tell them he was not involved in the attack. 

Abdulrahman al-Omari 
Abdulrahman al-Omari, a Saudi Airlines pilot, was identified by the FBI as one of the hijackers of Flight 11. After learning this, he visited the US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation. 

Ameer and Adnan Bukhari 
Ameer and Adnan Bukhari were named by CNN as suspected hijackers of Flight 175, the jetliner which crashed into the South Tower, in an article dated 9/13/01. In a correction, CNN stated that Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash in Florida, and that Adnan was still alive in Florida, having passed a polygraph test to confirm his innocence. 

In spite of the widespread circulation of the news stories referenced above noting problems with the FBI’s identification of the alleged hijackers, neither the FBI nor the 9/11 Commission addressed the issue. The 9/11 Commission Report simply repeats the official narrative with the FBI’s original set of 19 suicide hijackers in Chapter 1 and goes into great detail about the men in Chapter 7 and in the Notes. 

In 2006, the BBC published an effective repudiation of its 2001 coverage of the identities story, deferring to the 9/11 Commission and boasting that it “carried the full report, executive summary and main findings” while failing to note the Commission’s silence on discrepancies in the FBI’s identifications. In contrast to its earlier investigative journalism, the BBC now simply parroted the FBI: “The FBI is confident that it has positively identified the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 911 terrorist attacks. Also, the 911 investigation was thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and the House and Senate Joint Inquiry. Neither of these reviews ever raised the issue of doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers. 

The apparent discrepancies in the FBI’s identification of suspects raises many questions but provides few answers. The failure of official agencies to address this issue may appear suspicious, but it may reflect an opinion that the “hijackers alive” story doesn’t pose a threat to the official account. It appears that what we have here is a case very similar, strangely identical to the Mossad Operation in Dubai where in an extra-judicial execution numerous agents used stolen and faked passports of people who were, in fact, still alive. There’s a method to the madness and I’ve been asked why Intelligence Operatives would use the identification of actual living people when they could just as easily use passports of dead or wholly made-up people, and of course they could. But if these operatives were to do that they would then risk their covert operation being discovered and possibly even falling apart completely were they to be checked and discovered by airline personnel, police or security staff at airports, train stations and bus depots. 

The Flight Manifest 
As we’ve already discussed, the airlines, CNN, the FBI and other sources have made various lists available detailing the passengers on the 4 planes, Flight 11, Flight 77, Flight 93 and Flight 175. There’s been a great deal of controversy surrounding these manifests but as far as I can tell I’ve managed to find the actual manifests. Below is the actual Manifest released by American Airlines for Flight 77. I’ve circled the Al-Hamzi brothers names even though we know they weren’t on the flight.

Late in the day on 9/11, CNN put out a story that began: “Barbara Olson, a conservative commentator and attorney, alerted her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson, that the plane she was on was being hijacked Tuesday morning, Ted Olson told CNN.” According to this story, Olson reported that his wife had “called him twice on a cell phone from American Airlines Flight 77,” saying that “all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers. The only weapons she mentioned were knives and cardboard box cutters.” 

Ted Olson’s report was very important. It provided the only evidence that American 77, which was said to have struck the Pentagon, had still been aloft after it had disappeared from FAA radar around 9:00 AM. Also, Barbara Olson had been a very well-known commentator on CNN. The report that she died in a plane that had been hijacked by Arab Muslims was an important factor in getting the nation’s support for the Bush administration’s “war on terror.” Ted Olson’s report was important in still another way, being the sole source of the widely accepted idea that the hijackers had box cutters. 

However, although Ted Olson’s report of phone calls from his wife has been a central pillar of the official account of 9/11, this report has been completely undermined. Olson began this process of undermining by means of self contradictions. He first told CNN, as we have seen, that his wife had “called him twice on a cell phone.” But he contradicted this claim on September 14, telling Hannity and Colmes that she had reached him by calling the Department of Justice collect. Therefore, she must have been using the “airplane phone,” he surmised, because “she somehow didn’t have access to her credit cards.” However, this version of Olson’s story, besides contradicting his first version, was even self-contradictory, because a credit card is needed to activate a passenger-seat phone. 

Later that same day, moreover, Olson told Larry King Live that the second call from his wife suddenly went dead because “the signals from cell phones coming from airplanes don’t work that well.” After that return to his first version, he finally settled on the second version, saying that his wife had called collect and hence must have used “the phone in the passengers’ seats” because she did not have her purse. By finally settling on this story, Olson avoided a technological pitfall. Given the cell phone system employed in 2001, high-altitude cell phone calls from airliners were impossible, or at least virtually so (Olson’s statement that “the signals from cell phones coming from airplanes don’t work that well” was a considerable understatement). The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004. 

However, Olson’s second story, besides being self-contradictory, was contradicted by American Airlines. A 911 researcher, knowing that AA Flight 77 was a Boeing 757, noticed that AA’s website indicated that its 757s do not have passenger-seat phones. After he wrote to ask if that had been the case on September 11, 2001, an AA customer service representative replied: “That is correct; we do not have phones on our Boeing 757. The passengers on flight 77 used their own personal cellular phones to make out-going calls during the terrorist attack.” In response to this revelation, defenders of the official story might reply that Ted Olson was evidently right the first time: she had used her cell phone. However, besides the fact that this scenario is rendered unlikely by the cell phone technology employed in 2001, it has also been contradicted by the FBI. Olson’s Story Contradicted by the FBI? Yes, exactly. 

The most serious official contradiction of Ted Olson’s story came in 2006 at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker. The evidence presented at this trial by the FBI included a report on phone calls from all four 9/11 flights. In its report on American Flight 77, the FBI report attributed only one call to Barbara Olson and it was an “unconnected call,” which (of course) lasted “0 seconds” as can be clearly seen in the FBI trial exhibit on the facing page. According to the FBI, therefore, Ted Olson did not receive a single call from his wife using either a cell phone or an onboard phone. 

Back on 911, the FBI itself had interviewed Olson. A report of that interview indicates that Olson told the FBI agents that his wife had called him twice from Flight 77. And yet the FBI’s report on calls from Flight 77, presented in 2006, indicated that no such calls occurred. 

This was an amazing development: The FBI is part of the Department of Justice, and yet its report undermined the well-publicized claim of the DOJ’s former solicitor general that he had received two calls from his wife on 911. Ted Olson’s story has also been quietly rejected by the historians who wrote Pentagon 911, a treatment of the Pentagon attack put out by the Department of Defense. 

According to Olson, his wife had said that “all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers.” This is an inherently implausible scenario. We are supposed to believe that 60-some people, including the two pilots, were held at bay by three or four men (one or two of the hijackers would have been in the cockpit) with knives and boxcutters. This scenario becomes even more absurd when we realize that the alleged hijackers were all small, unathletic men (the 9/11 Commission pointed out that even “the so-called muscle hijackers actually were not physically imposing, as the majority of them were between 5’5” and 5’7” in height and slender in build”, and that the pilot, Charles “Chic” Burlingame, was a weightlifter and a boxer, who was described as “really tough” by one of his erstwhile opponents. Also, the idea that Burlingame would have turned over the plane to hijackers was rejected by his brother, who said: “I don’t know what happened in that cockpit, but I’m sure that they would have had to incapacitate him or kill him because he would have done anything to prevent the kind of tragedy that befell that airplane.” 

Obviously Barbara Olsen’s phone calls were a figment of someone’s wild imagination. What’s certain, beyond any doubt, is that the government version of this conspiracy is also wild imagination.

Of the 1765 reported deaths in Word Trade Centers One and Two, 721 of those deaths were at Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers and 39 of 40 Office Of Naval Intelligence financial fraud investigators were killed as well. Seven Raytheon employees were also killed on three of the four planes and all seven were working on technology associated with remote commercial jet flight and engineering and applied science related to drones. The one person that could have enlightened the world to the financial frauds at BoNY associated with 911, Michael Diaz-Piedra, and who had insider knowledge was also killed. Diaz-Prieta was a former West Point graduate and son of a Cuban exile. Michael was the Vice-President of Disaster Recovery Planning for the Bank of New York. In the aftermath of September 11, his death was mis-reported first as being an employee of Bank of America (below) rather then Bank Of New York and then as being in “money planning” at Bank Of New York (above).

What Actually Happened On 911 
At this point I think it’s safe to say that the reader can easily see how 911 was pulled off using the QRS11 Gyro Chip to command and control the planes from the ground at take-off. It’s unlikely the planes even had pilots. Large commercial jets, Boeings in fact, were not only equipped with ground command gyro chips but the advanced technology used to do so has been known and in practice at least since the mid-1980s as established by the Controlled Impact Demonstration. 

Smacsonic lining the bulkheads caused the planes to literally melt into the buildings and the plasma generated from the intense heat of the energetic nano-composite Smac caused enormous fires; an uncontrolled conflagration. Mohamed Atta was not a Muslim terrorist but rather a CIA/Mossad asset with a clear agenda; to fool the public and establish a relationship to Osama bin Laden who, in his very first video in September of 2001 made the very clear claim that he had nothing to do with the events of 911 and that his religion, Islam, prevented him from harming innocent people. Not so for the very Anglo perpetrators of the attacks on September 11th. 

The banking community, the SEC, the Federal Reserve, the military, the intelligence community and the political elite were intricately involved as a result of the proceeds from Project Hammer. The following pages partially document Project Hammer, the existence of the gold and several of the names mentioned in this report using various images from the internet along with General Earl Cocke’s deposition. This investigation is far from over and the internet being what it is, it’s now your turn to begin searching for more evidence that will support the conclusions within these pages by using the many names mentioned in this manuscript.

The events that took place on September 11th, 2001, were Made In America. 
Don’t Wait For A New Investigation. 
There Won’t Be One.

Start at page 95 on the scroll here

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Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...