Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Part 3: Forbidden Secret ...The Sumerian Tablets Shock ... Did Aliens Create Us ? A Supreme Being ?...A Personal Caring Creator ? ++

Good morning, we continue with Jonathan Gray's work The Forbidden Secret, and I must say how much I love Gray's approach to the subject. He has a very unique perspective from which to share with his readers. It is not everyday you find an archaeologist telling you The Truth about Life and it's source... 

Jonathan Gray

From outer space? 
Erich von Danicken caused a sensation in the seventies when he claimed that sophisticated ancient relics were the result of a space visit to earth. 

Now is the time for the truth. 

Von Danicken, like others, assumed that early man struggled for endless millions of years as a primitive dumb and stupid creature, unable to accomplish anything on his own. 

Then we find man quite suddenly (in the last few thousand years) nurturing a technology so intricate, so sophisticated, that it suggests intellectual maturity from the start. 

You don’t have to be smart to sense there is something wrong here. 

So, faced with the new evidence of high technology in ancient times, and realizing that man could not have obtained such advanced thinking capabilities and complex technology simply by evolving from nothing, Von Danicken’s camp suggested that maybe galactic visitors were responsible. These alien giants crossbred with primates to produce modern man, then left behind artefacts from their visit.  

Did they? You have to admit, it’s an interesting theory. 

The Planet X – Anunnaki shock 
And then there’s the Planet X story. 

It’s the kind of story you might want to believe. A certain popular writer, describing himself as an expert on ancient texts, tells us that beyond the planet Pluto there is an outer planet called Nibiru. 

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race, the Annunaki. 

The Anunnakis’ own planet was dying. So the Anunnaki came to Planet Earth to attempt a rescue of their planet. The gold on Planet Earth was needed to create a shield for preserving Nibiru’s dwindling atmosphere. 

One can actually feel sorry for the Anunnaki. 

Anyway, this Planet Nibiru, in its orbit, came close to Planet Earth. 

A group of 50 astronauts from Nibiru, with their leader called Enki, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Some Anunnaki were sent to mine gold in Africa. 

When the toil became unbearable, Enki ‘created’ ‘primitive workers’ by mixing the genes of male Anunnaki with the eggs of early female hominoids, to bring about Homo sapiens - you and me. 

This sudden speed-up given to our evolution explains how the Sumerian civilization began suddenly, fully developed, with no evidence of a primitive beginning. 

You can credit these extraterrestrials for jump-starting it, this popular writer says. 

Oh, and something else. The orbit of Nibiru (which some label Planet X) brings it into our solar system every 3,600 years. It will return to Planet Earth very soon. 

Well, that awakens my interest. How about you? 

Mr S: “It’s on the Sumerian tablets” 
In any case, this gentleman, whom we shall call Mr S, assures us that this is what the Sumerian clay tablets say. In fact, he has been heavily promoting this topic. 

In contrast to the airy speculation of von Danicken, Mr S claims to be a scholar. He graduated in economics. But he claims to be an expert in ancient Sumerian texts and Hebrew. 

You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay tablets does sound somewhat scholarly. 

Oh well, you must have guessed by now who Mr S is, so I might as well name him. But I shall make it absolutely clear that what follows is not about the man. It’s about the subject. I have no problem with Zecharia Sitchin as a person. He’s probably quite a nice guy. (Later note: Sitchin died soon after I wrote this report.) 

As it was, for a number of years I accepted this gentleman's claim that the above story was in those ancient Sumerian records. After all, you just don’t make up such things, do you? 

 When Mr S first spun his exciting story to us, how many of us had access to all the Sumerian texts?  

What he had right 
From my years of independent research, I knew that Mr S had at least one thing correct – that, from earliest times, the Sumerians enjoyed a very high standard of civilization. 

As you know, in today’s world, where we are taught that early man was primitive, it is rare to hear about high technology in the ancient world. So I felt a measure of rapport with Mr S. 

For this reason, my customary cautious approach softened toward this man. And I did enjoy reading his books. So I let down my guard just a little to give the “facts” in his books due respect – in particular, the claim that certain ancient texts existed that backed up his story. 

Accepting his claim also to be a responsible scholar, I went as far as to quote him a couple of times in my book Dead Men’s Secrets. 


People begin asking 
Over a period of time, I received an increasing number of emails asking me about 
* Planet Nibiru (Planet X)
* The Anunnaki
* The Nephilim
* The 3,600 year orbit of this planet, which is said to bring destruction each time its passes close the earth. 

So I felt an increasing obligation to dig deeper. 

Investigation results bother me 
Well, I was checking carefully through the story. And an irritating anomaly cropped up. Assuming Mr S’s story were true, such mis-fitting data made no sense. It should not exist! 

Naturally, this bothered me. Shrug it off as an isolated problem? Perhaps. But it did cry out to be resolved. 

Nevertheless, pursuing this matter was not so easy. You see, very soon another inconsistency surfaced.… then another…and another. 

Bother! The problem was not just one, but a growing procession of non-fitting pieces. 

That’s when it struck me that the problem might be not with the inconsistencies, but with Mr S’ story. 

Three problems arise 
Here are some of the serious questions that arose: 
1. Mr S said that the Anunnaki come from the planet Nibiru (a 12th planet). How do we know this is so? According to our friend, it’s in the Sumerian texts. 

PROBLEM: Search, search and search! But, no matter where one might turn, it was absolutely impossible to find even one such Sumerian text! 

2. Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto. How do we know? According to our friend, the Sumerian texts say so. 

PROBLEM: Again, I could find not one single Sumerian text that says anything like this. 

3. This planet Nibiru cycles through our solar system every 3600 years. According to Mr S, the Sumerian texts say this. 

PROBLEM: But try as one might, no such Sumerian texts could be found! Not anywhere! 

The Sumerian texts displayed a distressing habit of being not there. 

So could the problem be with me? 

More awkward questions 
As I scratched my head over this, a few more awkward questions began to nag at me:

* Why did Mr S claim that the biblical pre-Flood “sons of God” who married the “daughters of men” were called “nephilim” – when the Genesis text itself said something very different? 

* Why did Mr S say that “nephilim” means “people of the fiery rockets” and also “those who came down from heaven”? – when, in the Hebrew language, the word “nephilim” meant nothing like this.

* Why did many of Mr S’ vital translations of Sumerian and Mesopotamian words, differ so much from Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries?  

Why… why… why? Here was a whole mass of questions now crying out for an answer. 

Facts above theories 
You should understand something here. Experience in front line archaeology has taught me that evidence must always override theories. If a theory says yes, but the confirmed facts say no, then the theory is wrong. That is plain common sense. 

In an investigation, there may be hundreds of information bits to consider. One starts out imagining a scenario, but when all the facts are in, the final picture may turn out to be quite different. 

Let’s say you have hundreds of torn-up bits of newspaper scattered over the table, and you want to fit them together to form a page. But after working for hours, you discover the pieces just do not fit. Well, that’s where I was with the many pieces to Mr Sitchin’s theory. They just did not fit. 

I write to the Nibiru man 
So what would you do? 

What better than to ask the man who gave us the pieces? So I sat down and wrote to Zecharia Sitchin, asking him to help me clarify these matters. 

Surely he would substantiate his story better than anyone. Perhaps he had sources not available to the rest of the world? With Mr Sitchin’s help, this bothersome matter could be resolved. 

On the next page is the letter I wrote to Zecharia Sitchin: 

I “bit on my fingernails”… and waited… 

Seven weeks passed… 

I recall vividly that Tuesday morning at the Thames post office. My heart was thumping heavily as I tore open the envelope. And there, inside, was a photocopy of my letter, with Mr Sitchin’s few brief notes scribbled over it. 

They consisted of only a few words. It was evident that the dear man was stumped to produce any of the claimed Sumerian texts. Sure, as he said, it was in his “books”, but not in the Sumerian texts! Well, I had already been through his books. (You will find the details of his brief reply to each of my questions in my special 224 page report, Just Sitchin Fiction?) 

What you should know about the Sumerian texts 
Further investigation, without Mr Sitchin’s help, turned up the fact that all of the Sumerian texts discovered by archaeologists have now been translated and catalogued. No longer a secret, they are finally accessible to us – and even on the Internet. 

So are you ready for this? Examination shows that there is not one Sumerian text that says those things. Not one anywhere. In my book Just Sitchin Fiction? I show you how to check for yourself all the Sumerian texts online. The truth is that in the entire cuneiform record there is not one single text that says any of these things Mr Sitchin was claiming they did. These texts do not exist. They are all made up! 

Except one. And that is a cylinder seal known as "VA243” (so named because it is number 243 in the collection of the Vorderasiatische Museum in Berlin). But, contrary to Mr Sitchin’s claim, this seal does not show a 12th planet at all, but is the record of a grain harvest offering to a god. 

What about the good Mr Sitchin’s Sumerian word translations? Same problem. They are just made up. 

How can we be sure? Surprise! Not only do we now have access to the Sumerian texts, but also to 4,000 year old Sumerian word dictionaries. That’s right. The Sumerians kept their own dictionaries. And we have these now! And what is their verdict on the “alien-favoring” meanings that Mr Sitchin has been giving us? The words do not mean those things at all! The actual meanings are very, very different. 

What about Mr Sitchin’s Hebrew word translations? Sorry to be a spoilsport, but these are likewise fictitious. (So that you can check it all for yourself, I now offer you a free 224 page e-book in which you can go through each of these in detail. See below.) 

Honesty is a treasure. But I am sorry to state that Mr Sitchin has 
(a) served up to us fictitious word meanings so that we would.accept his.theory,.and 
(b) he has also "made up" Sumerian documents which do not exist. 

He asks us to accept such scholarship as his evidence. If the "evidence" for a theory is bogus, then, may I ask you, what of the theory? 

Millie, bring me an aspirin! 

From outer space? 
“Oh, what a journey that was!” sighed the weary spore as it landed on earth with a bounce. “70 zillion light years – and I’ve made it at last! Now let’s raise the Pleiades flag and claim this planet!” 

So, could that have happened? Could life have already existed in outer space, and then somehow got here? 
Life spores drifted from outer space? 
Some keen minds have been asking whether life might have first appeared on some other planet, then drifted from planet to planet as naked bacterial spores, eventually ending up on this earth? 

An interesting idea! But it seems Isaac Asimov has already covered that one. Experiments have shown that ultraviolet light (UV) would quickly kill such spores. In space, UV is much more intense. 

Also there are other forms of radiation that would kill off any microscopic spores. The big problem would be the accumulated dosages over an extended time period. 

But we still get back to this: matter itself contains no information that can produce life in the first place. 

So it boils down to these two facts: 
1. No DNA information comes from non-living matter, to even create the spores to start with. 
 2. Outer space radiation would kill spores travelling toward earth. End of story. 

DNA brought by aliens? 
Then what about this idea? Might already-intelligent aliens have introduced the DNA on earth – and then let evolution take over? 

Despite the Sitchin Fiction fiasco, is it still possible that aliens may have interbred with primates to produce modern man? 

The quick answer is: I do accept that there are other intelligent beings “out there”. But unfortunately, ET (extraterrestrial) “seeding” would not answer the origin of ET intelligence in the first place - whether on this earth, or on some other planet. 

You can work this out for yourself. ETs from another planet also needed a beginning. They needed to be programmed with their DNA from somewhere - before they could even exist! And then, if you expect similar results time and again on numerous planets… the odds against that ever happening by chance become so exponentially remote as to be impossible. 

Scientists have never ever observed chemicals forming themselves into complex DNA molecules. Life cannot arise spontaneously from non-life. 

Just as for us on this earth, the odds for ETs to exist on some other planet would be as if they had won a million-dollar lottery a million times in a row.  

Could genetic engineering occur? Yes. But again, even if by some long-shot miracle earth primates were given an extraterrestrial DNA boost artificially, any subsequent upward evolution would require continual adding of genetic information. However, as we saw in an earlier chapter, there is no natural mechanism that can add this information. 

So with upward evolution impossible, aliens would have needed to create 100 percent fully fledged, intelligent modern humans in one hit. And the same applies to all other life forms, as well. The whole multitude of them complete and functioning. 

Could not just evolve - whether here or in outer space 
The more you think it through, the clearer it comes. 

Evolution? Not here – or anywhere! If evolution cannot account for the programming of intelligence (or life itself) on this planet, it is equally impossible to explain a more highly intelligent man evolving on some other planet. 

If evolution of original cells is impossible, then aliens with physical bodies could not be the product of evolution either. Aliens could not themselves have created the matter from which they ultimately came. 

The more we discover about the complexity of life, the more one is forced to concede that no form of evolution is an adequate explanation. 

There is no escaping it. This planet’s complexity of life - as evidenced by DNA and the remains of fossils – shows all signs of having “burst” into existence fully formed. It shows no evidence of evolutionary ancestry.

And if matter could not arrange itself into complex life by natural processes, then even the ETs would need a Creator. 

Evolution of intelligent life is so improbable that it is unlikely to have occurred on any other planet in the entire visible..universe. 

So, it all gets back to the question, who, then, was responsible for life? 

A Superior Designer 
Like it or not, this requires an ultimate Master Creator, a Superior Designer working to a pre-organized plan. Someone who was not one of us, but much greater than us – someone greater than any extraterrestrials, greater than the creation itself. Someone OUTSIDE OUR TIME AND SPACE arena. 

No help needed from ETs 
A Supreme Creator outside time and space would be totally adequate to account for
(a) the origin of life on earth;
(b) man’s original intelligence; and
(c) early man’s advanced civilization.

No need for ET help. Civilization did not suddenly drop into the Middle East from some star. 

DNA changes the whole game. It means man was already intelligent from the first cell. Man had the information ability from Day 1 to invent his own technology and high civilization. All it would require were enough people to support a culture. [well stated dc] 

6 other things worth remembering 
Here are a few other things to bear in mind: 

1. None of the out-of-place artefacts is composed of material unknown to earth. 

2..Their technological makeup conforms with the development of our own modern civilization.

3. For sexual interbreeding to produce fertile offspring, aliens would 
(a) need a carbon-based physiology; 
(b) need to be physically adapted for entering the human female; and 
(c) their chromosomes would have to be interchangeable, even for artificial insemination. 

Chromosomes and genes must both match up, which is extremely unlikely and does not happen even between animals and humans of the same planet! 

Simply put, each separate type has a distinct set of chromosomes which holds its genetic makeup. For example, cats have 19 pairs, rabbits 22 pairs. Each parent donates a chromosome to make each pair. With most species, after fertilization, when the cell starts to divide, there would be an uneven number of chromosomes that needed to 'pair up.' The cell would die. There are rare exceptions. Domesticated horses have 32 pairs, and donkeys 31 pairs. Their offspring (mules) have 31.5. Mules are infertile – no offspring. Like zedonks and tigons, their chromosomes match up just enough to allow for interbreeding between similar species. And then (with rare one generation exceptions) full stop. However, the location of a gene is not in the same place on the same chromosome between species. Chromosome A on a rabbit might hold the genetic codes for ear size, hair color and bone configuration, but chromosome A on a cat might hold the genetic codes for vision, tail length and brain size. They could never match up.

4. And of course you realize that if these were to match, they would already be of the same or closely related species—and man would be already intelligent.

5. Still unresolved, the problem of the origin of intelligence is only removed to another planet. You have to account for civilizations on two worlds now, instead of one, and you still have to find out how the first began. Now naturally, if evolution cannot account for it on this planet, it is equally impossible to explain a more highly intelligent man evolving on some other planet.

6. Memories of "gods" from the skies are explainable as the recollection by primitive people of visits from contemporary civilizations who had aircraft. Similar reactions have occurred in our day.

With whatever good intentions, the "space gods" theory was born in careless research; since then it has been perpetuated through the use of faulty reasoning and sensationalism. 

Then what are UFOs, and from where? 
Quite apart from any secret advanced military technology, are UFOs real? Yes, there are real UFOs. 

Are other worlds inhabited? Yes, there are other inhabited worlds. 

Are aliens visiting this earth? No, aliens are not visiting our little planet. 

Who, then, are the “aliens” that people keep reporting? 

The subject is much more complex than any of us imagined. It has paranormal aspects but certainly it has very real physical aspects, too.

Few have studied this question better than J. Allen Hynek who founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) along with the now noted UFO researcher Jacques Vallee. 

When interviewed by Newsweek, Hynek expressed this theory: 

UFOs, he says, may be psychic phenomena and the ‘aliens’ may not come from outer space but from a ‘parallel reality.’ (Hynek, Newsweek, November 21, 1977. Emphasis mine)

 We shall address this more comprehensively in a later chapter. Meanwhile, here are a few quick facts to think about. The evidence from millions of observations suggests that:

1. They are here – emanating, apparently, from our own planet Earth.

2. Although visible, they may not be physical entities. They appear to be not bound by the same material, physical laws. 

UFOs can
make 90 degree turns at impossible speeds
• make other maneuvers impossible in the physical realm.
change shape before our eyes
melt away into nothing in front of us
• apparently ‘materialize’ (take physical form)
Two distinctly different UFOs hovering in a clear sky will converge and eventually merge into one object.

These all hint at another dimension. The weight of evidence suggests these are paramountly not physical, but spiritual manifestations. (In a later chapter, we shall examine this closely.) Extraterrestrials? No. There is a better explanation. 

Then what about the seeming traces of physical landings? 

An engineer with an understanding of physics will find no problem with this. They could be explained as manipulation of mass and energy. 

Bearing in mind that all solid objects have a vibration frequency within the range perceptible to the human eye. What if the vibration frequency could be altered into vibrations outside the visible range? Some scientists consider it possible. 

Many open-minded scientists are, in fact, concluding as much - that the cosmos consists of frequencies or dimensions of life that share the same space, just as radio and television frequencies do. 

Reason for the “aliens created us” theory 
So how came the theory that we are the result of alien intervention? This theory stems from the same mindset as the evolution theory – which is basically a resistance to the idea of an Eternal Being who, by creating us, has a claim on us. We want to do our own thing, and banish the idea that one day we might have to account for our behaviour. That’s the bottom line. 

Its promoters are correct, however, on one point: Human intelligence cannot be the product of chance evolution. Man did appear suddenly—at the top, not at the bottom. Man is a created artefact, far more wonderful than any computer. He was carefully planned and endowed with the gift of language and the most amazing intellect, as well as a feeling for handcrafts and technology. 

And something else was implanted within man: both the capacity and the need to communicate with his Maker, the prime Intelligence. Consequently, there is a part of every person which  is restless, seeking unattainable goals, yet experiencing futility and emptiness until it finds identity and peace with the Creator. And that makes all the difference. 

Belief in someone you cannot see? 
QUESTION: Is it reasonable to believe in a Being I cannot see? 

You ask Australian atheist Philip Adams, and he may tell you that any who believe in a Creator “have bats in their belfry”. They are “gullible”, “a growing multitude of dimwits” in need of “psychiatric help,” and that it’s a “looney proposition.” (Adelaide Weekend Review) 

ANSWER: Very early every morning someone delivers my newspaper. I’ve never seen him. But the paper is always there. Should I believe that no one has been delivering the paper? 

In this world we have full confidence that many people we have never seen, do exist. 

Why? Because there is evidence of their presence. So if our world reveals evidence of an architect behind it, is it any less reasonable to believe in a God I have never seen?

I’m an atheist” 
My neighbour Bernie came straight out and said it: “I’m an atheist.” 

“Well, an atheist is one who knows there is no God. Do you know all there is to know?” 

“Of course not.”

“Would it be generous to say you know half of all there is to know?” 

“That would be very generous.” 

“Then, if you know only half of all there is to know, wouldn’t you have to admit the possibility that God may exist in the body of knowledge you do not have?” 

“I never thought of that,” mused Bernie. “Well, I’m not an atheist, then I’m an agnostic.”

 “Now we’re getting somewhere. Agnosticism means you don’t know.” (I didn’t tell him, but the Latin equivalent means “ignoramus.” However, that wouldn’t be nice.) 

“An agnostic is a doubter,” I said. 

“Well, that’s what I am.” 

“There are two types of doubters – honest and dishonest. The honest doubter doesn’t know, but he wants to know. The dishonest doubter doesn’t know because he doesn’t want to know. He can’t find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a policeman. So which kind of doubter are you?” 

Bernie’s face softened. “I never really thought about it. I guess I never really wanted to know.” 

“Bernie, if a man honestly wants to know what is true, then if there is a God He will reveal His reality to that man.” I looked Bernie straight in the eye. Yes, I thought, he’s basically an honest man. 

“Okay, Bernie,” I said, “Would you do this: Would you be willing to write this down and sign it?This is what I suggested:

God, I don’t know whether you exist or not, but I want to know. And because I want to know, I will make an honest investigation. And because it is an honest investigation, I will follow the results of that investigation wherever they lead me, regardless of the cost. 

Bernie studied his shoes. Then, after a pause, he again looked up. “Yeah, I’ll do it!” And what happened in the end? Bernie was not disappointed. He says his whole life now has purpose. 

It is laughable, when you think about it. We have sneered at miracles… but all that time we have believed in the self-creation of life (a miracle, if ever there was one!). 

We have mocked at the creation of the world by a God… yet we have spoken learnedly of unconscious matter producing consciousness, of a primal cell that created itself! 

We have maintained the self-beginning of life, and denied the possibility of Creation! 

When God is defined as the Creator of the universe, we are immediately faced with the mutually exclusive alternatives as to whether the universe came about through a random process or by special creation (by God). We have already proved mathematically that random evolution is impossible. This leaves the existence of God as the only option. 

All that we experience – time, matter and space – had a beginning. This can be shown from the Laws of Thermodynamics, the most fundamental laws of the physical sciences. So it needed a cause. The universe cannot be self caused. Nothing can create itself, because that would mean that it existed before it came into existence, and that would be an absurdity. 

On the other hand, since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, He is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension. He created, so He has no beginning in time. He doesn’t have a cause. It is futile for me to ask, Where did He come from? I cannot use my limitations of time and space to measure His existence. 

One sunny afternoon, I plopped myself down on the grass to watch a baseball game. For a brief moment my attention was attracted to a tiny ant battling heroically through the grass. That little ant moved around beneath the turf, the blades of grass overhead, the soil beneath, and the tinier life forms all around. That’s the world the ant understands. As a baseball game unfolds, this little ant may see an occasional shadow moving above him. He may hear the thud of giant feet and feel the ground shake. But he has not the foggiest idea what is going on in that world above him. He crawls around the grass shoots, virtually unaware of anything but his own world. 

Could you explain that baseball game to that ant? We might smile. That little ant would be incapable of comprehending. 

Come to think of it, are we not like that little ant, when it comes to understanding the Supreme One? Indeed, if I could fully understand God, I should either be a god myself, or God Himself would cease to be God. Just because I live in my reality is no reason to dismiss another reality of existence. 

So because I’m ever so inquisitive (that’s why I am a field archaeologist), I now invite you to come with me as we follow Ken Gaub along a road near Dayton, Ohio…  

A personal, caring Creator? 
“I don’t know what to do!” exclaimed Ken. “Perhaps I need a change.” 

For quite a while now, Ken Gaub’s time had been spent giving a boost to others… helping those who were hurting… trying to influence their lives in a positive way.

With this in mind, he and his family had travelled, both across the United States and overseas. He had also established a counselling service on radio and television. 

But that day in the 1970s as Ken, his wife Barbara and their children drove their two buses down 1-75 just south of Dayton, Ohio, Ken was feeling drained and discouraged.

“Oh,” he cried, “Am I doing any good, travelling around like this? God, is this what you want me to do?” 

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted. “Hey, Dad, let’s get some pizza!” 

Ken turned off at Route 741. There was sign after sign, offering fast food. 

“A sign,” mused Ken. “That’s what I need… a sign.” 

As Ken’s family poured out, and across to the pizza parlor, Ken announced, “I’m not really hungry. I’ll just stretch my legs.” 

He grabbed himself a soft drink and ambled back to the bus. Was it burnout? He was just plain exhausted. 

A persistent ringing broke into Ken’s concentration. He looked across at the outside phone booth. The attendant seemed oblivious to the sound. 

Ken grew impatient. “Why doesn’t someone answer it?” he wondered. “What if it’s an emergency?” 

Nine rings. Ten…Fifteen… 

His curiosity perked up. He shuffled over to the booth and picked up the receiver. “Hello?” 

The operator’s voice came through. “Long distance call for Ken Gaub.” 

Ken was dazed. “No,” he heard himself saying. “You are crazy!” And then, realising how rude that must have sounded, he apologised and tried to explain. “I was just walking down the road here. And the phone was ringing…” 

The operator simply asked again, “Is Ken Gaub there? I have a long distance call for Ken Gaub.” 

Oh, this must be Candid Camera, he thought, instinctively. Ken ran his hands through his hair. But no camera crew appeared. 

He looked toward the pizza house. The family was still inside. They were at this restaurant only on a whim. It was randomly selected. And no one knew they were here. No one. 

“I have a long distance call for Ken Gaub, sir.” The operator sounded quite insistent now. “Is Mr Gaub there or isn’t he?” 

“Operator, I’m Ken Gaub.” Ken could make no sense of this whole thing. 

“Are you sure?” asked the operator. Then suddenly there was another woman’s voice on the phone. 

“Yes, that’s him, Operator!” she exclaimed. “Mr Gaub, I’m Millie from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. You don’t know me. But I’m desperate. Please help me.” 

“How can I help you?” And Ken heard the operator hang up. 

The woman at the other end was weeping now. Ken patiently waited. Finally, she gained control. “I’m at the end of my rope. I was about to kill myself. I started to write a suicide note. Then I began to tell God I really didn’t want to do this.” 

In her despair, Millie recalled that she had seen Ken on television. Oh, if she could only talk to that kind, understanding person…. 

But that was impossible. There was no place she knew, to reach him. Millie spoke a little more calmly now. “So I began to finish the note. And then some numbers came into my mind, and I wrote them down.” Millie was weeping again. 

Silently Ken prayed. “Show me how to help this woman.” 

Through her tears, Millie went on. “I looked at those numbers. And the thought came… wouldn’t it be wonderful if God has given me Ken Gaub’s phone number? Oh, Mr Gaub, I just can’t believe I’m actually talking to you. Are you in your office in California?”

“No,” responded Ken, “I do not have an office in California. It’s in Yakima, Washington.” 

“Then where are you?” called the woman, bewildered. 

Even more puzzled was Ken. “Millie, it was you who made the call. Don’t you know?” 

“No, I have no idea what area this is,” said Millie. “I just dialled the long-distance operator. I gave the numbers to her, and made it a person-to-person call.” 

Daub advised Millie what to do. And it was to take her into a successful new life. 

Still stunned, Ken hung up. 

“Barb,” enthused Ken as his family climbed back into the bus, “you won’t believe this! God knows where I am!” 

This incident was reported by Nancy Leahy to Joan Wester Anderson and appeared in the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul, by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. 

Some questions 
• Who was it that arranged those events in such a manner that Ken and Millie should meet on the phone exactly at that hour? 
• Who prompted Ken’s son to ask for pizza exactly when he did?
• Who led Ken to pull into that precise restaurant? 
• Who persuaded Ken to stay outdoors near the payphone booth? 
• Who gave Millie the exact sequence of numbers that would ring that precise telephone beside the road? 
• Who imparted these “impressions”? 
Who answered both their prayers with one “miracle” connection? To each separately an electrifying response. 

And that again raises the BIG question… 

 * Who programs those many DNA machines, all so different from one another, to inter-connect inside a cell? Could it be the same Superior Intelligence that connected Ken and Millie to the pay phone? 

Is this evidence of a Designer who cares about his creation? 
Speaking of this God that thousands of scientists now believe they can pray to, if this God can not only plan, design and create, might he also be able to hear? 

You may ask, If God exists, how on earth could he be concerned about every human being in the world? 

Why does a mother love her baby? She can give no reason, except that it belongs to her. The chemicals comprising its body are worth only a few dollars. It weighs perhaps eight pounds of flesh. That tiny baby causes trouble, disrupts the family routine and deprives her of sleep. But he belongs to her and she loves him. 

Suppose you have five children. Did you love your first baby? Naturally you did. Did you love the second child only half as much? Of course not. So what about the third? You loved it just as much as the other two. What if you had twenty children? You would love each child just as much as the others.

Think now. If you and I, limited as we are, could have hearts big enough to love all our children, why would a limitless God find it difficult to love all of his children on this planet? 

In our computer age, what’s the potential for programming information? By pressing a few keys, one can already gain information about the financial situation of people with credit cards from all over the world. Conceivably, in a few years from now, everyone on earth will have a number – by which all their information will be stored on one machine. Now if such a vast storage of information can be memorised on one inorganic electronic brain, surely it is conceivable that there is a supernatural being that understands us in greater detail? 

“Not testable” 
A guy called DL heard another guy Mark Harwood mention God – and was he upset! “The god proposition does not appear reasonable,” said DL. “It’s both untestable and founded upon lack of knowledge. How can one rationally be expected to believe (have faith) in untestable propositions.” 

“Well,” said Mark, “we all have faith in non testable propositions every day of our lives. Rather than being based on lack of knowledge, our faith is usually based on very real experience. 

For instance, the room you are sitting in is part of a larger building. Can you see the architect and the builder? Have you met them? How do you know they exist? You know the building had a designer and a builder because in your experience you observe that buildings do not make themselves. They all have a designer and builder. 

So, you have faith that the designer and builder have existed, because the building exists and your faith is based on knowledge. But the existence of the designer and builder is not scientifically testable! It would be irrational to assume there was no designer or builder just because you can’t see them now. 

“In exactly the same way, we look around at the amazing diversity and complexity of living things and we know there must have been a designer and builder. 

“One of the sure evidences of design is the presence of information in the genetic code of living things. The coded information is not inherent in the physics or chemistry of the DNA molecule, just like the information in a book does not reside in the ink and the paper. Instead, the information resides in the way the base pairs of the DNA are arranged, and in the way the ink makes shapes on the paper, so that the code is intelligible and meaning is transferred. 

“Therefore, the inference that the universe has a Creator who is outside of what has been made, in other words, a supernatural Being, is entirely reasonable and soundly based on knowledge and experience.” 

DL: “I’ll only believe what is testable. Is there any scientifically testable evidence for the existence of any spiritual being?” 

MARK: “The answer is clearly ‘No’. But the problem is you are asking the wrong question. Perhaps you could ask: 
1. Do you only consider something to be real if it is scientifically testable? 
2. Is love real? 
3. Are historical events real? 

“Clearly, there are very real things that are not accessible via scientific experiments. Most importantly, past events can only be determined by historical records as they are not available for observation and are therefore not accessible by science.” 

And I believe we do have such historical records… 

We have a beautiful Labrador dog. After feeding him, do we take no interest in talking to him? We hear his cry, we experience the joy in his eyes, we feel him licking our hand. Do we never want him to experience the love that is in our hearts for him? Don’t you ever want to let your pet know that you love him? 

Of course you do! And who implanted that ability and desire into your heart? 

We have already considered a Supreme Being’s ability and willingness to hear us. But, since we are designed to receive information, then might our Maker desire to communicate with us – to send us messages? Would that make sense? 

Ability to speak to us? 
But would He be able to communicate to us? Think now! Here is this Master Designer who has inter-dimensionally transmitted coded data into our DNA molecules. He has programmed our DNA to send millions of messages a second throughout our bodies. And we think He cannot pass on additional information in other ways to us? Even to guiding human minds to write down messages? 

The personality question 
That naturally raises the question as to whether God is just some impersonal force or a personal Being. 

Ask yourself: Did your personality come from impersonality? Is the Intelligent Programmer who planned and produced your DNA – who designed you to be a personal, intelligent, thinking, speaking, communicating being – does that Designer have LESS ability than you? 

Would not our Maker possess the same ability to think, speak and communicate, that he has given us? The Intelligence that made the ear, can he not hear? Whoever designed the eye, can he not see? 

Observable scientific evidence indicates that an effect is not greater than its cause. It always takes a greater source of information to produce information. On this basis, the design of living, intelligent, and personal human beings requires a greater cause outside the creation itself which possesses life, intelligence and personality – a Superior Intelligent Being. 

It makes sense that such a Supreme Creator would be able to – and desire to – communicate with creatures He has made. And would not need a space ship to do it, either. 

Again, wouldn’t it make sense that humans were created, not for what they can do for their Maker (or even He for them), but for an enduring relationship of love, fellowship, and interaction with Him? And that this relationship defines the purpose of human existence and gives it meaning?  

In fact, might He even document evidence of our origins, and stamp the document with His signature in ways that no human being could replicate? So that none of us would have any rational reason for doubting? 

Actually, there does exist a document that 3,800 times makes the outrageous claim to be not man-made, but the Creator Himself speaking to us – and it even challenges us to disprove it. So why don’t we accept this challenge? 

If the document’s claims can be disproved, fine. But if we can establish its credibility, then might it contain information relevant to our subject? 

Remember, we’re talking about evidence, not preconceived ideas. 

So what is this document? And how accurate is it? In the next four chapters we shall see…

Archaeology’s verdict: 
The desert pushed right down to the water’s edge. And as Sayid, our Egyptian friend, packed the sleeping gear on to the roof rack of our expedition vehicle, Paul watched the sun climb over the sea. 

If we were not mistaken, there was something quite startling down there on the floor of the Red Sea. And we were about to investigate. 

But this whole saga began much, much earlier… in that land of romance and mystery, ancient Egypt. Some 3,500 years ago, in the most glorious era of her history, Egypt was the granary of the world. She was eminent in science, the arts, luxury and magnificence. Egypt was, in a sense, the super power of that day. 

Slaves’ baby becomes a prince 
And this is where we stumble upon a fascinating old story. Was it just a myth, or did it really happen? Here’s the story, anyway…

In 1526 BC was born a baby who, according to the Old Testament account, was to dramatically alter Egypt’s super power status. Moses was born to Israelite parents in humble surroundings. But by a bizarre twist of circumstances, he grew up to be trained as “the son of Pharaoh’s daughter”. 

Because of his relation to the throne, Moses had all the might and wealth of Egypt at his fingertips. He became a great statesman and general. Yet he had learned that the thousands of slaves working in the brick-pits were his people, and that his destiny was linked with theirs. 

The time came for Moses to make his decision. He could choose to become king of what was the world’s greatest empire, or to be numbered among the sweating and grumbling slaves. 

Red Sea crossing 
The biblical book of Exodus tells us that the Hebrew slaves, led by Moses, escaped from Egypt, but they were pursued by the pharaoh’s army. When they found themselves trapped at the Red Sea, a strong wind blew from the east, opening up a passage for them to escape across a dry sea bed, with a frozen wall of water on either side. But, as the Egyptian army pursued, the sea collapsed upon the army and every man in it was drowned. 

Now, my work requires that I deal with evidence. So was there any truth to this old story? Or is it just a colorful myth? 

Well, at the alleged site, the Gulf of Aqaba arm of the Red Sea, we have had at least 30 international divers scouring the sea floor. Most of our dives have been on the Egyptian side. 

And – hold your breath - we have actually found the remains of chariot cabs and wheels intermingled with skeletal parts of horses and men, scattered across the sea bed.  

These chariot remains were not in perfect condition and required careful examination to see exactly what they were. They were covered in coral, which at first made it difficult to see them clearly. The coral was the agency that had preserved them! 

There were numerous wheels. Some were still on their axles, and some were off. There were chariot cabs without the wheels. 

Meanwhile, Viveka Ponten, a Swedish lady with a work permit in Saudi Arabia, dived on the Saudi Arabian side and found and photographed more remains. These were similar to those we found on the Egyptian side… wheels and skeletons. All mixed together across the seabed. 

A portion of one wheel was taken up from the sea floor and presented to Nassif Mohammed Hussan, of the Egyptian Antiquities Department in Cairo. He pronounced it to be from the same period given in the Bible for Moses and the Exodus. 

Pre-judging For many today, the study of history is incorporated with ideas that there is no God, miracles are not possible, we live in a closed system and there is no supernatural. 

With these presuppositions they begin their ‘critical, open and honest’ investigation of history. 

When they study, for example, the story of Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea, they conclude it was not a miracle or even a real event, because we know (not historically, but philosophically) that there is no spiritual dimension. Therefore, these things cannot be. 

They rule out the Exodus of the Israelites even before they start an historical investigation of the Exodus. 

These suppositions are not so much scientific biases, but rather, philosophical prejudice. Instead of beginning with the scientific and historical data, they preclude it by prior speculation. 

But now we have seen physical evidence to convince any unbiased, thinking person that the Bible is real history. 

Why introduce the Bible? 
When I mentioned to an email correspondent my plan to reveal the “forbidden secret” and expose those who were suppressing it, he asked, “Why introduce the Bible into the discussion?” 

This was my answer: As an experienced hands-on archaeologist, I have learned that: 
(a) to ignore the biblical writings is to deprive oneself of a valuable source of information, and 
(b) an amazing 3,800 times the Bible claims to offer vital intelligence data beyond what man can discover on his own. 

So would common sense prompt us to at least investigate? 

Yes, we might as well admit it. The real truth concerning our topic will never be found in the opinions of the present world system. The best it can offer is the convenience of thousands of people blundering in and out of theories, as through a revolving door. It is also a fact that if you do not start with the right premise, there is no way you can come up with the right answer. 

Now, let me share with you a trade secret. When we decided to take the Bible “myths” literally, our archaeological teams began discovering ancient remains that others had been missing. Its clues gave us an outcome more solid than expected. We also found long-forgotten scientific secrets within the Bible. 

I now believe it will throw some light on our topic, the “forbidden secret.” But first, let’s do some more tests on its accuracy. 

Crossing the River Jordan 
I love skeptics. (I was one.) And I loved the man who smirked as he said, “So you’ve confirmed one story. But what about this: The Bible says that, after the Exodus, the Hebrews came to cross the Jordan River. It was flood time… but that river – in flood, mind you – suddenly dried up so they could cross over! A tall tale, if ever there was one! Impossible!” 

You would have to agree, that’s quite a story. 

“Well, let’s see how you’ll wriggle out of that!” he chuckled. 

As it turns out, there’s something interesting about the geography in that area. Sixteen miles upstream from Jericho there’s a place called Damieh (the site known as Adam in the biblical incident). At that spot, the limestone cliffs rise hundreds of feet high, forming a deep, narrow gorge through which the stream flows rapidly, especially at the season of floods. 

Due to erosion or earth tremors the cliffs at this point sometimes collapse, completely blocking the river with a natural dam. It may interest you to know that the River Jordan has ceased to flow on at least three different known occasions in history. These were AD 1267, 1907 and 1927. 

The 1927 event was actually witnessed by archaeologist Professor John Garstang. Newspapers reported that the waters from the upper stream were blocked for 21 hours, so that many people crossed and recrossed the Jordan on foot. 

Stopping the river flow for the Israelites to cross over was really a miracle of timing. Could not the Creator control of the laws of nature He created? We now have evidence that such an event could happen. 

Critics “had a ball” 
More and more we’ve been discovering that the biblical record stands up remarkably well to the missiles shot at it by critics. 

For many years, attacks on the Bible by the higher critical scholars of Europe stood unchallenged. That was because so many biblical names and stories were found nowhere else except in the Bible. And it certainly did appear that its stories were ‘made up’. 

For example, the Bible mentioned a nation called ‘Hittites’. But they were unknown to history. So critics could boldly claim that the Hittites simply had not existed. 

Then, in 1879, A. H. Sayce and W. Knight identified strange hieroglyphic inscriptions found in northern Syria and Anatolia as monuments of the long-lost Hittites. In 1860, the Encyclopaedia Britannica had devoted to the Hittites a mere eight lines on one column. But its 1947 edition would give over ten full pages of two columns each to an article dealing with Hittite history, culture and religion. More widespread digging began to take place in the Middle East. And the deciphering of cuneiform inscriptions started to furnish evidence which would leave the critics dumbfounded. 

Jericho’s walls tumble down 
Another apparently wild Bible story concerned the city of Jericho, on the Jordan’s West Bank. 

After the river crossing, Jericho was the first outpost standing in the way of the Hebrew tribes occupying the Promised Land of Canaan (Palestine). The Bible says that the Hebrews, led by Joshua, camped nearby. Then they marched around the city every day for a week. Then, on the seventh day they marched around it seven times. Yes, seven times in a single day. They then blew a chorus of trumpets. And the walls surrounding Jericho came crashing down. 

Seven times around a city in one day? Oh, come on! 

Well, today, you can see what remains of ancient Jericho. Archaeological evidence confirms that an earthquake did actually bring down the walls of Jericho. According to Dame Kathleen Kenyon, who excavated the site in the 1950s, scorching and ashes throughout the city prove that “the destruction of the walls was the work of enemies.” 

This is precisely how Joshua’s capture of Jericho is portrayed in the Bible – an earthquake that broke down the city walls and the whole city burned to the ground. (Joshua 6:24) 

During his excavations of Jericho (1930-1936), John Garstang found something so startling that he and two other members of the team prepared and signed a statement describing what was found. In reference to these findings Garstang says: 

As to the main fact, then, there remains no doubt: the walls fell outwards so completely that the attackers would be able to clamber up and over their ruins into the city. Why so unusual? Because the walls of cities do not fall outwards, they fall inwards. And yet in Joshua 6:20 we read, “The wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.” The walls were made to fall outward.’ (John Garstang, The Foundations of Bible History; Joshua, Judges. New York: R.R.Smith, Inc., 1931, p.146) 

The fallen walls of Jericho seen today are precisely those that came tumbling down in the face of Joshua’s army. 

Kenyon’s expedition uncovered a portion of a house wall and floor, with an oven and a small jug, which appeared to be “part of the kitchen of a Canaanite woman, who may have dropped the juglet beside the oven and fled at the sound of the trumpets of Joshua's men”. (Kathleen M. Kenyon, Digging Up Jericho, p. 263) The single dipper juglet was beside the oven, lying on the floor. It was found in situ. 

It turned out that archaeological digs substantiated the Bible story in a number of ways. 

1. There was a king for each of the small Canaanite city states, just as the Bible suggests. 
2. There were double walls. 
3. Only one gateway was found. This harmonizes with the biblical comment about ‘shutting of THE gate.’ 

Unlike the ruins of other ancient Middle Eastern cities, all of the city of Joshua’s time (and parts of even earlier levels) was eroded away. This is not surprising, since the crumbling mud brick structures were not preserved by being built upon by later inhabitants, because the city was unoccupied for centuries after Joshua’s time. (Joshua 6:21) Pottery finds in the tombs outside the city, indicate that Jericho was inhabited in the 14th century, just as the Bible states. 

Seven times around in one day 
But what about the “impossibility” of marching around this city seven times in one day? 

Some time ago, I explored those ruins. And it is evident that Jericho was actually a collection of tiny dwellings compactly crowded together on such a scale that you can easily walk around the foundations in 30 minutes or less! Yes, the city’s total size was less than 8 acres. Seven times around would be 140 less than 3 miles. Well, it seems the biblical history has stood the investigation better than the opinions of the scholars! 

14th century date for conquest of Canaan 
While some critical scholars have been fond of saying there was no Hebrew (Israelite) Exodus, there have been others who did accept such an event, but rejected the biblical dating of 1400 BC. They preferred to place the Hebrew Exodus and the subsequent conquest of Canaan, as late as 1200 BC. 

So who was right? The answer came with the discovery in Egypt of a complete royal archive. This comprises hundreds of official letters received by the Egyptian kings Amenhotep III and IV from their Palestinian and Syrian vassals. 

Known as the Amarna Letters, these documents prove Egypt was politically weak in the 14th century BC, the very time which the Bible claims the Hebrews were invading Palestine (Canaan). 

Some of these letters come from the king of Jerusalem, Abdukhepa – a Hittite. He pleads for weapons and soldiers from Egypt to defend his city from the invading Habiru. He writes that the “Habiru” have already taken over great parts of the country, and that they threaten to overrun the whole land. So what do we have here but a description of the Hebrew conquest of Canaan as the Canaanites saw it. 

And knock me down, we’ve stumbled upon further evidence that the Hebrews were already in Canaan in the 13th century BC – long before the time claimed by critical scholars. 

The Egyptian pharaohs frequently erected monuments in the form of high stone pillars to commemorate their victories and political successes. One such stele set up by Pharaoh Merneptah mentions Israel as a people he had defeated in a battle in one of his Palestine campaigns. This bears witness to the existence of the Israelites in Palestine in the 13th century, just as the Old Testament says. 

Archaeology furnishes evidence 
biblical persons, places and events 
As noted earlier, because so many names – and events – were known only from the Bible, these were blasted by critics as pure myth. But now archaeology has turned the whole situation around. Here is a sampling from the almost countless examples:

• Pharaoh Shishak’s Palestinian campaign in the fifth year of King Rehoboam: a fragment of his victory monument found at Megiddo, confirms the biblical account. (1 Kings 14:25,26) 

• Many fragments of beautifully carved ivory plaques from Ahab’s palace, described in the Bible as an ivory palace. (1 Kings 29:39) 

• Assyrian inscriptions of Sennacherib’s siege of Jerusalem in 701 BC, against Hezekiah again confirm the Bible record. (2 Kings 18:13 to 19:36) 

• Assyrian inscriptions mentioning the biblical kings Joash, Azariah and Manasseh, Ahab, Jehu, Jehoash, Menahem, Pekah and Hoshea. 

• Babylonian receipts confirming the exile and food rations of Judah’s king Jehoiachin. (2 Kings 24:8-15; Jeremiah 52:30-34) 

• Excavations at Susa in Iran, show the layout of the Persian palace in such perfect agreement with the biblical description of it in the Book of Esther that scholars have been led to admit that only someone well acquainted with the palace, its environs, its divisions, and its court ceremonial could have written it. 

• Almost every Assyrian, Babylonian, or Persian ruler mentioned in the Bible has been rediscovered in contemporary documents – Shalmaneser, Tiglath-pileser, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Cyrus, Darius the Great, Xerxes, Sargon, and many others. 

• Even officials whose names are in the Bible, such as Nebuzaradan (2 Kings 25:8) or Nergal-sharezer (Jeremiah 39:3) are met with in the official documents of their time. 

Babylon’s fiery furnace 
The Bible speaks of three young Hebrew men being thrown into a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (Daniel ch. 3) …and others “whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire” (Jeremiah 29:22) Excavators in the ruins of Babylon City uncovered a peculiar cone-shaped structure that appeared to be a firing-kiln for the production of brick or pottery. But when the cuneiform figures were deciphered, linguists were astonished to find this inscription: 

This is the place of burning where men who blasphemed the gods of Chaldea died by fire. 

That the incidents recorded in the Bible concerning punishment in a fiery furnace were in keeping with the times is also shown by an inscription of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal: 

Saulmagina my rebellious brother, who made war with me, they threw into a burning fiery furnace, and destroyed his life. 

Nebuchadnezzar’s son-in-law, in one of his royal inscriptions, claims to have “burned to death adversaries and disobedient ones.” Evidence that the Bible record is real history. 

Daniel in the lion’s den 
The biblical book of Daniel also records that the Hebrew captive Daniel was tossed into a den of lions. (Daniel chapter 6) 

That such ‘lion’s den’ punishment was in keeping with the times is now proven by the discovery of that same inscription of Ashurbanipal that we just mentioned. It continues thus: 

The rest of the people who had rebelled they threw alive among bulls and lions, as Sennacherib my grandfather used to do. Lo, again following his footsteps, those men I threw into the midst of them. 

On one occasion, as the famed excavator Marcel Dieulafoy was digging amid the ruins of Babylon, he fell into a pit that appeared like an ancient well. After being rescued by his companions, he proceeded with the work of identification. How astonished was he to find that the pit had been used as a cage for wild animals! And upon the curb was this inscription: 

The Place of Execution, where men who angered the king died torn by wild animals. 

Nebuchadnezzar was Babylon’s great builder 
The book of Daniel identifies Nebuchadnezzar as the builder of mighty Babylon. (Daniel 4:30) 

An inscription by Nebuchadnezzar found among Babylon’s ruins and now in the Berlin Museum states: 

I have made Babylon, the holy city, the glory of the great gods, more prominent than ever before, and have promoted its rebuilding. 

In fact, numerous bricks have been found in the ruins of Babylon, stamped with Nebuchadnezzar’s name. Evidence of biblical accuracy. 

Belshazzar, Babylon’s last king 
According to the Bible, the last king of the Chaldeans was Belshazzar. (Daniel 5:2,30,31) This name was unknown outside the Bible (or works based on it). So, for centuries, scholars hotly denied Belshazzar ever existed. All secular histories dealing  with that period listed the last king as Nabonidus. Therefore the book of Daniel was said to be a forgery, written not when claimed, but by some later ignorant writer. It was not until the 20th century that contemporary records bearing the name Belshazzar surfaced for the first time in archaeological digs. 

In 1924, Sidney Smith discovered a tablet in the British Museum which showed that Belshazzar was the eldest son of Nabonidus and that in ‘the third year’ Nabonidus ‘entrusted the kingship’ to his eldest son (as coregent) and also placed the army of Babylon under his command. 

This was a severe blow to critics who claimed the biblical book of Daniel to be a product of the 2nd century BC, and not a 6th century eyewitness report. (Babylonian Historical Texts. London, 1924, p. 88; Latest trans. By Oppenheim in Ancient Near Eastern Texts, ed. By Pritchard. Princeton, 1950, p. 313) 

According to Cuneiform sources, Nabonidus was absent from Babylon at the time of its capture. 

A prayer tablet of Nabonidus says: “As for Belshazzar, the firstborn son, proceeding from my loins, place in his heart fear of thy divinity; let him not turn to sinning; let him be satisfied with the fullness of life.” Evidently the old king was quite worried over his wayward son. 

That Belshazzar was merely a co-ruler in Babylon is also indicated by the fact that in the Bible (Daniel 5:29) Daniel is referred to as third ruler in the kingdom. So two other rulers are implied. Who were the other two? Nabonidus and Belshazzar! 

Intricate detail puzzles skeptics 
Professor R.H. Pfeiffer was typical of those who did not accept the book of Daniel as genuinely written in the 6th century BC, but claimed it to be a 2nd century BC forgery. 

However, his skepticism raised a problem for which he could find no answer. The mystery facing him was how on earth could accurate information about Belshazzar have been put into the book of Daniel at a time when this king had been so completely forgotten in the ancient world that not one of the Greek authors mentions him? 

Therefore he wrote: 

We shall presumably never know how our author learned… that Belshazzar, mentioned only in Babylonian records, in Daniel, and in Baruch 1:11, which is based on Daniel, was functioning as king when Cyrus took Babylon in 538. (R.H. Pfeiffer, Introduction to the Old Testament. New York: 1941, pp. 758,759) 

If one accepts the book of Daniel as genuine – that it was written when it says it was – the problem disappears. 

On the other hand, if a scholar does not want to give up his critical attitude, he finds himself in a serious dilemma. He cannot understand how a man of the Maccabean age (2nd century BC) could be so accurately informed about the historical events that took place 300 years earlier, when no reliable source material of that period existed any more. 

Kings of Israel 
My friend Hugh dropped by the other day, carrying a book written by a well known modern author. Hugh wanted to know whether some claims made in that book were backed up by archaeological discoveries or not? 

Well, I took a good look. And here is one statement that jumped off a page: 

Did MOSES, SOLOMON and King DAVID exist? I would say categorically no. (David Icke, The Biggest Secret. Bridge of Love Publications USA, Wildwood, MO, USA, 2001, p. 82) 

King David It is true that until fairly recently, there was no evidence outside the Bible for the existence of King David. 

But in 1993, a team of archaeologists in Israel led by Professor Avraham Biram, were excavating Tel Dan. This was a beautiful mound at the foot of Mount Hermon in northern Galilee, beside one of the headwaters of the Jordan River. 

Anyway, on July 21 that year, they came upon a triangular piece of basalt rock, measuring 23 x 36 centimeters. Inscribed in Aramaic, it was eventually identified as part of a victory pillar erected by the king of Syria and later smashed by an Israelite ruler. The inscription on the stone dates to the 9th century BC. This was about a century after David was believed to have ruled Israel. The inscription includes the words ‘Beit David’ (which means ‘House’ or ‘Dynasty of David’) and also refers to ‘King of Israel’.

So you see, the inscription refers not simply to a David, but to the House of David, the dynasty of the king. This reference to David does strongly indicate that a king called David established a dynasty in Israel during the period that the Bible states. 

But that’s not all. In the inscriptions on a stele known as the Moabite stone, another scholar found the name ‘House of David’. This is similarly from around 900 BC, a hundred years after the alleged time of King David. So I ask you, how did King David’s name appear in historical records if he were no more than a later literary invention?  

As time passes, more such evidence involving Bible names and places is being discovered. And, like it or not, the skeptics are constantly having to retreat. 

Very well, so King David is real history. But where’s the evidence for Solomon? Because I notice that our friend Icke, in his book, says, ‘Solomon – it’s all invention.’ ” (Ibid., p. 87) 

King Solomon 
Pardon me if I now ask, who is really inventing tales? Because archaeologists have been stumbling upon evidence after evidence of King Solomon. 

Temple Hill tablet: Israeli geologists announced on January 12, 2003 that they had examined a stone tablet dating to 800 BC which detailed repair plans for the Jewish Temple of King Solomon. Tests confirmed this Temple Hill Tablet, as they named it, to be authentic. (See the report by Laurie Copans, The Associated Press, January 14, 2003) Of course, some stone tablet ‘finds’ are later presumed to be forgeries. But not this one. We must be careful not to confuse the two. 

Phoenician treaty record: The Bible speaks of a treaty that Solomon made with Hiram, king of the Phoenician city of Tyre. (1 Kings 5: 1,12) The historian Josephus informs us that a thousand years later, independently kept copies of this Phoenician treaty with King Solomon could be read in the public archives of Tyre in Phoenicia. (Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book VIII, Chapter II, Section 7) 

Ethiopian record: Furthermore, an independent Ethiopian epic, the Kebra Nagast, written about 850 BC, tells the story of an Ethiopian queen’s visit to King Solomon of Israel and of the enormous riches and gifts that he showered upon her. 

Indian record: Then there is a mountain in Srinagar, India, called Tahkti Suleiman (‘Solomon’s Mountain’). Very strange, don’t you think, that a mountain in India’s highlands should be named after a Hebrew king – except that an ancient tradition declares that King Solomon came there and arranged for the construction of the temple on the summit. 

Red Sea inscription: In 1984 a commemorative pillar was found on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba… close to chariot remains on the seabed. It bore an inscription in archaic Hebrew: “MIZRAIM (Egypt); SOLOMON; EDOM; DEATH; PHARAOH; MOSES; and YAHWEH”. Was this erected by Solomon to mark the Israelite crossing of the sea? Of course, I still respect the critic’s right to say that Solomon never existed. 

You can’t take the Bible literally? Here is some more evidence: 

After the Deluge (Global Flood) the human race divided into 3 families.(Genesis 9:19) 

All mankind has stemmed from one origin, in 3 main branches. (Royal Anthropological Institute Journal) 

This physical division of mankind took place during a forced
scattering 5 generations after the Flood(Genesis 10:22-25)

National genealogies show a unity until the 5th post-Flood generation, then they diverge. (meticulously kept Flood pagan Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Norwegian, Danish and Iceland royal genealogies) 

Customs are described concerning the duty of a childless wife; precedence of an oral will; giving up an inheritance by barter; inheritance titles inscribed on dolls (Gen.16:1-4; 27:1-33; 25:29-34; ch.31)

These customs fit no other period of ancient history (1911-1750 BC) and were later forgotten - indicating they were written by persons on familiar with those events. (Code of Hammurabi and Nuzi texts prove these customs were unique to that period.) 

Jerusalem’s original name was Salem (Gen.14:18)

Confirmed by one of the Ebla tablets Salem.(c. 2000 BC). 

Five Jordan plain cities were Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah,Zeboiim, Bela (Zoar). And the king of Gomorrah was Birsha. (c. 2000 BC) (Genesis 14:2)

Five Jordan plain cities were (in  the same order) Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, Bela (Zoar). And the king of Gomorrah was Birsha.  (Ebla Tablet no. 1860) 

Burning sulfur balls from the sky turned 5 Jordan plain cities
to ashes (1893 BC).(Genesis chapter 19) 

Five sites turned totally to ash and sky  peppered with sulfur balls have been discovered on the Jordan plain.(The Weapon the Globalists Fear, ch.14) 

The price of slaves in 1728 BC: Joseph was sold for 20 shekels of silver. (Genesis 37:28)

Matches the price of slaves during 18th and 19th century BC. (Mari texts)  By the 8th century BC the price was 50-60 shekels, and by 5th C BC it was 90-120 shekels. 

In Egypt seven years of plenty were followed by 7 years of famine (1715 BC)(Gen.41:29,30)

Egyptian inscription tells of a 7 year famine and 7 years of plenty. (Rock (1715 BC).  inscription, Sihiel, below First Cataract) 

The Hebrew people in Egypt were placed under bondage of physical labor (1470 BC) (Exodus chapter 1)

Egyptian monuments depict people called “Apiru” “Habiru” or “Habiri” doing manual labor during the reign  of Thutmose III (1400s BC) 

Well, you get the picture. The parade of archaeological discoveries revealing the Bible to be accurate history just goes on and on. So does anyone still dare tell us it’s just “myth or allegory”? Yeah. And I’m the tooth fairy!

Critics jump the gun 
A serious anti-Bible campaign got off the ground in the 1800s. When Darwin postulated random evolution, many of his contemporaries, turned off by a hypocritical church, jumped onto the bandwagon, believing they had been given an ‘out’ from belief in a Creator. 

Predictably, it wasn’t long before the Bible was placed under the microscope – and found to be ‘inaccurate’, ‘mythical’ or ‘allegorical’. Some critics deemed the Bible writers totally uninformed, foolishly imagining things that did not exist. 

And so many, acting with woefully incomplete information, rushed into judgment. 

At that time, there was virtually no modern archaeology to “test” their assertions. What the critics did not expect was that hundreds of later historical and archaeological discoveries would support the Bible’s astounding accuracy. And often in minute detail. 

Now we have evidence that the people, places and events they wrote about were indeed real. 

From my firsthand experience as a field archaeologist, leading or participating over the years in at least 25 hands-on expeditions, here is the bottom line: Beyond reasonable doubt, the Bible is better informed than its critics. The.historical setting is true to fact and the events described did really happen. 

Nelson Glueck, one of the world’s most eminent Middle Eastern archaeologists, would tell you much the same: 

It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. (Nelson 151 Glueck, Rivers in the Desert: History of Negev. Philadelphia: Jewish Publications Society of America, p.31) 

Confronted with the evidence, the “myth” charge has failed. It seems we need to update our opinions. I submit to you that the authority of the Bible as literal history is substantiated not by academics in their ivory towers, but by hands-on archaeologists who follow the book’s directions and find physical remains from mentioned events. Actionable proof in real life. 


A small boy was sitting on a park bench, exclaiming excitedly, “WOW! That's fantastic!” 

A ‘learned’ gentleman, a skeptic, approached. “Well, son what are you getting so excited about?” 

“Oh, Sir, I am reading how God made the waters of the Red Sea stand up and let all the Israelites cross on dry land, and then when the 600 Egyptian soldiers in their horses and chariots tried to follow them, God let the waters go back to normal and drowned them all.” 

“Oh come now, son,” said the man pontifically, “the Bible is mistaken, it wasn't the Red Sea, but the Reed Sea and it’s only 6 inches deep. When it says they walked on dry land, that means the water was only ankle deep.” And having set the boy straight, he continued on his way, only to hear “WOW! That's awesome!” 

So he turned back and asked the boy, “What are you carrying on about now?” 

“Isn't God great,” answered the boy, “He managed to drown all 600 soldiers and their horses and chariots in only 6 inches of water!”  

Now we come to the acid test. If you want to discredit the Bible, I’ll now show you now precisely how to do it. 

Prophecy’s verdict: 153s

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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...