Saturday, July 2, 2022

Part 1 Forbidden Secret... Prologue A & B... Beyond The Incredible ... Impossible Odds

Jonathan Gray
Eleven year old Jaycee Lee Dugard was snatched at a bus stop. For the next 18 years, she was held in captivity, but apparently did not try to escape and, over time, developed a close relationship with her kidnapper. Her stepfather said that she “has strong feelings with this guy” and “feels it's almost like a marriage.” (Laura Fitzpatrick, "A Brief History of Stockholm Syndrome," Time, Aug. 31, 2009) 

After 10 months in the hands of a kidnapper, Shawn Hornbeck called police to report his stolen bike. The captive gave his first name, Shawn, and as his last name the surname of his abductor, Devlin. (Ibid.) He stayed with his captor three more years, never escaping even while the man was away working at his two jobs. 

There are many reported cases of victims becoming bonded to and even feeling compassion for and loyalty to their captors. 

In Stockholm, Sweden, two thieves held four bank employees hostage at gunpoint in the bank's vault for six days. “When the victims were released, their reaction shocked the world: They hugged and kissed their captors, declaring their loyalty even as the kidnappers were carted off to jail.” (Ibid.) 

Psychologists think the victim comes to perceive the captor as the one controlling survival and life itself. Thus the victim aligns with the captor out of pure self-interest. 

We acquiesce to our controllers 
Uncommon? No. In a broader sense, most of us without protest agree with those who have come to dominate our culture. 

From infancy upward, external influences help shape our values. Most people do not question the worldview which is imposed upon them, assuming that what they think and practise is simply the way it is. 

When challenged, they often defend themselves. They are held captive to their thinking – which they don't realize is often seriously off track. 

Villains have seized control 
Most are not aware that our world has been taken captive. Forces hostile to us have taken over our planet – our courts, our governments, science, education, the media, the entertainment industry, the medical industry, the legal and illegal drug trade, and they have infiltrated mainstream religion as well. 

And we have fallen victim to the same syndrome as a kidnap victim, passively identifying with our malevolent captor! 

Strange, but true! Our whole world has been held captive for thousands of years – and we have come to identify with our captors. 

Firstly, as New Zealand government figure Murray McLean admitted to me, “We are not the ones in control. We are following the directions of internationalists outside the country.” And they, in turn, are controlled by others …unseen, whom we shall identify later. 

It is they who are plunging our world into its current financial crisis. They need to collapse every nation’s economy, so they can replace it with their One World Government. A Conspiracy Theorist statement? No, it is a statement of fact. 

They control the shadowy Bilderberg Group, a financial, political and corporate elite who, at a meeting in Greece in mid- 11 May, 2009, agreed that in order to continue their drive towards a New World Order, the US Dollar has to be “totally” destroyed. 

The extermination plot 
Not only that. A frightening agenda is currently being put into operation – to eliminate most of this world’s population. New World Order planners say this needs to be done, so they can have their Utopia world. 

In 1974, in an address to the National Security Council, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger presented 2 billion people as the desired level of reduction, but in fact the depopulation policy may seek a 2-4 billion reduction, or up to two thirds of the world's population. This depopulation policy is intended by the world's ruling elite to result in control of mineral and strategic resources and water and total control of the world's wealth. (“Implications of world wide population growth for US security & overseas interests”, National Security Memo 200, April 24, 1974) 

By 1979 depopulation was the top priority of US national security policy, as outlined in the national security paper Global 2000 written by Rockefeller contractors Henry Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, Gen. Alexander Haig, and Ed Muskie for President Carter. 

We now see a progressive enacting of this charming plan in the stealthy release of biological/genetic/recombinant DNA weapons, such as AIDS, swine flu, forced vaccinations in third world countries, and now systematic use of depleted uranium. 

But an unseen bombshell is set to explode – and seal the fate of these plotters. 

Plot uncovered
I placed my finger in the bullet hole. 

Peter, a university lecturer and businessman from Perth, Western Australia, now in hiding, had called me to examine it. 

“A helicopter flew low over our home,” said Peter, “and lodged these bullet holes in our kitchen window. Then a sniper team from that tree on the hill fired into this same window. Police later said they knew in advance – but were ordered not to interfere.” 

You ask, why was Peter Golden targeted? In the process of dealing internationally in computer software, he had uncovered information – 11 months before the event – suggesting that men in the Australian government were involved in plans for the bombing of Australians in Bali, and also that individuals in the US government were plotting the 9/11 incident. 

The motive: to provoke anger against the Muslim world which could lead to support for a war in the Middle East, the elimination of Muslims, and the seizing of their resources. 

Within days of presenting a 5,000 page report to a highly placed government official whom he trusted, Peter was told he had to get out of Australia if he valued his life. 

He fled to New Zealand – and from there he proceeded to alert officials in the New Zealand, United States and Australian governments. After each attempt, he became the target of death threats, break-ins and physical attacks on himself and his 6 year old daughter Katie. 

Peter explained: “The physical fact was this: I had stumbled into New World Order plans for a major war in the Middle East – and the elimination of untold millions of innocent people. This  was to be triggered by, firstly, an international baiting campaign to stir the Muslim world into a fury, then, secondly, a series of carefully engineered ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks, such as the Bali bombing, for which Muslims were to be blamed. When I unwittingly stumbled into this plot, the Globalist ‘shadow government’ needed to shut me up.” 

Are lying to us 
On May 14, 2004, Dr Eugene Mallove was killed. The local police ruled his death a homicide. This occurred just as a discovery he had made was about to be vindicated. 

Dr Mallove was a scientist and an engineer with two engineering degrees from MIT (1969, 1970) and a doctorate from the Harvard University School of Public Health (1975). He was also a regular science and technology broadcaster for The Voice of America. 

Dr Mallove commented that if by chance you are one of those who believe “all is well in the house of science” and “official science” can be counted on to behave itself and always seek the truth – even in matters of central, overarching importance to the well-being of humankind – you are sorely mistaken. 

Dr Mallove said it was time to “reconsider your opinion about who is telling the truth and who is defending falsehood.” 

The hijackers are manipulating science to mislead us. When you see a scientific claim in the newspaper, or in a textbook, on television or the Internet, you had better watch out! It is possible you are being conned – and you won’t even know it! A major deception is being foisted on us all. 

Thankfully, confessions like the following are leaking out concerning science textbooks: If [it] supports our theories, we put it in the main text. 

If it does not entirely contradict them, we put it in a footnote. And if it is completely ‘out of date’, we just drop it. (T. Save-Soderbergh and I.U. Olsson -Institute of Egyptology and Institute of Physics respectively, University of Uppsala, Sweden, “C14 Dating and Egyptian Chronology,” in Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, Proceedings of the Twelfth Nobel Symposium, Ingrid U. Olsson – ed,, Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm, and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, p.35) 

Just catch this shocking revelation from news reporter Hannah Devlin: 

One in seven scientists say colleagues fake data… Faking scientific data and failing to report commercial conflicts of interest are far more prevalent than previously thought, a study suggests. (Times Online, June 4, 2009) 

Kenneth Kitchen, Professor of Egyptology in the School of Archaeology and Oriental studies, University of Liverpool, laments that 

scientific and archaeological research is not getting through to young people in schools and colleges…. In some circles there even seems to be a deliberate withholding of such information, yet it is the fruit of leading scholars… known for their restrained, moderate, factual presentation of their researches. (Forward to Victor Pearce’s book Evidence For Truth: Archaeology, 2nd edition) 

Money talks. Scientists who speak up are being shut out of funding for projects… misrepresented… ridiculed…fired. And much of their research has even been destroyed! Positions. Reputations. Opportunity for publication. Small and powerful groups control careers. If you want a university post, you need recommendations. To get your articles published in scientific journals, you must pass what is called “anonymous peer review”. It is easy for a dominant group to control publication, research money and position. To “succeed”, you have to go along with them. Or else, displaying the liberal tolerance we  have all come to love, they will shut you out – despite your qualifications. The crowd in charge here is beyond the pale. 

Destroying evidence 
On August 12, 1989, at a conference in Dayton, Tennessee, Dr Don Patton showed compelling evidence that both human and dinosaur tracks were present at the Palaxy River, Texas, at what was known as the Taylor Trail. (Would it shock you to learn that dinosaurs and man have coexisted during the last few thousand years?) (The Discovery That’s Toppling Evolution, chapters 2 to 4) 

Two well known “scientists” were present. At least one of them was conspicuously disturbed by this presentation. Both flew to Dallas the next morning and went immediately to the Paluxy River. They were seen in the river that afternoon with an ‘iron bar’. And later extensive damage was noted to the prints. 

But don’t scientists accept evidence? It should be noted that a living scientist today is not the solid object he appears to be, but is really almost entirely empty space, a series of holes joined together by French knitting (spaced atoms). That is to say, the scientist is as human as the rest of us. Faking of science is the result of a plan that has been developing for several centuries. 

An intellectual bomb let loose 
We might be aghast at the dangers of the nuclear bomb in the hands of terrorists or renegade governments. Yet even more deadly than all of the above is an intellectual bomb that has been let loose on the race. 

Hitler’s atrocities were based on it. So were those of Stalin, Mao tse Tung and Pol Pot. Now it is the turn of the New World Order crazies. 

What is this intellectual ticking bomb? Nothing less than the nihilistic mindset which has dominated scientific thought for the past century. Based on the popularised theory of evolution, nihilism is now in danger of committing mankind to a course of automatic self-destruction. 

You may be surprised to learn that many leading scientists are now questioning the validity of evolution. But the damage has been done. It has had a free hand and little or no opposition in the universities and colleges, and through the press and television, all these years. It has resulted in reasoning which has brought the most disastrous consequences. 

The “Big E” mindset of Hitler 
The appeal of totalitarian systems such as Nazism, Communism and Secular Humanism, owe a great deal to the acceptance of the “Big E”… as do fascism, anarchism, atheism and militarism. Take away Evolution theory from these belief systems, and they effectively lose a central premise necessary for their coherence. 

Yes, the “Big E” (Evolution) theory was a powerful influence on the mindset which dominated Nazi and Communist leaders. As the holocaust swept into action, Himmler regarded the victims as vermin, as though he was handling a biological disease. “Does a rat catcher think it is wrong to catch rats?” asked a Nazi defendant at the Nuremberg war criminal trials. So came the death camps, in which millions of men, women and children were exterminated. Gold watches, gold wedding rings, gold teeth and gold eye glasses that the victims left behind were deposited into the federal bank. One witness admitted it took an extra five minutes to kill the women, because they had to cut their hair off to be used in making mattresses. 

Of course, we cannot blame Charles Darwin and his colleagues personally for such gruesome practices. But we need to recognise that unquestioning belief in evolution was a  CENTRAL feature of the Nazi belief system, and not just incidental to it. 

The “Big E” inspired Communism 
Again, evolution theory was ESSENTIAL to the communist purges of 60 million in the USSR alone, and tens of millions more in China. The victims were regarded as nothing more than creatures expendable in the quest for a classless society. The central proposition of Class Struggle depended upon evolution theory for plausibility. 

To be fair, one might not blame evolution theory for the inhuman and degrading acts carried out by Nazism and Communism. However, the impact of evolution needs to be placed in its proper context. We need to give it due recognition. 

The “Big E” thinking inspires the Globalists 
A major part of the Globalist hijackers’ plans is to prepare us mentally to accept elimination of life as necessary. So to systematically dull down the minds of the masses, they have been carefully preparing and using a compliant servant team of “nice guy” educators whose doctorates, salaries and grants depend on toeing the line – who will parrot the ideology that “we’re here by accident – not children of a Creator, but ‘useless eaters’ that are expendable to evolutionary progress.” 

You realise, of course, that teachers, lecturers and textbook writers are just the front faces. Most are probably honest men and women who are unsuspecting that they are being used. And many of them would be aghast at the “expendable” idea. They haven’t joined the dots. So they remain unwitting puppets. 

Just like so many people in the media. It has been observed that “most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists.” (Uncensored magazine, September-December 2009) 

Most people are unaware 
The propaganda has already moulded society’s thinking. The people continue to remain, for the most part, blissfully unaware of what has happened and continue to believe the litany of Globalist lies being poured upon them by their propaganda media organs, never once raising any objection to billions of dollars being poured into perpetuating their ignorance. 

No, the issue is NOT just a whole lot of different organizations. ONE CHIEF PLAYER and his gang controls them all. This chief player – the Lucifer Legion – has taken our planet hostage. Its human globalist puppets are now strategically placed throughout the highest levels of power. And, for the most part, we are acquiescing as they influence our lives. Unaware of the issues, most of us live in sympathy with our kidnappers. 

There is a rescue plan 
Why am I writing this? Because I hate to think that you and I are being cheated out of what a former editor of the Los Angeles Times called “a world scoop”. Glimpsing its importance, he asked in astonishment, “Why are you sitting on this? The world needs to know it!” 

There is a rescue program. 

Ask yourself. If a credible, trustworthy and all-powerful world figure were to show you a foolproof strategy guaranteed to end  the current violence, corruption and misery, would you be interested? And if he had also cracked the secret to life extension beyond your wildest dreams – with pain-free, productive, enjoyable living – what would that be worth to you? 

Well, not only is such a rescue program currently under way, but the hijackers of our planet know it. They and their Globalist puppets are determined, if possible, to 

(a) sabotage the operation, and 
(b) stop us from learning about it. 

That’s why I have called this the Forbidden Secret. If you didn’t know, it is so explosive that, when common people discover it, they become ignited, invincible and unafraid. 

That’s what the Globalist villains don’t want - an informed, empowered and fearless population. They are obsessed with you becoming subdued, slumbering, and submissive to them, so that they can more easily execute their dark plans. 


2. GLOBALISTS HAVE CAPTURED OUR SOCIETY They have taken over the nations. Their agenda is to kill off most of us. They are lying to us. 

3. THEIR PROPAGANDA HAS SHAPED OUR THINKING We have acquiesced to their control. 



(a) sabotage that plan 
(b) even stop us from knowing about it. 

“We buried Norman alive! We buried him alive!” The shocking news swept from house to house. 

In 16th century England, some local folks were running out of burial space. So, they would dig up coffins, take the bones to a bone-house, then reuse the graves. On opening coffins, they found that 1 out of 25 coffins had scratch marks on the inside. To their horror, they had been burying people alive! So they began to tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, thread it through the coffin and up through the ground, then tie it to a bell. 

Someone was appointed to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift), to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be “saved by the bell” or was considered a “dead ringer”. 

I don’t need to tell you. Of all things you possess, life is the most precious, right? 

“My daughter is only 15,” cried Moira. “She has a rare brain tumor that cannot be operated on. I don’t want to lose her. What can I do?” 

Fred slaved at his job. He planned to retire at 60. Missing time with his dear wife and children, he drove himself with the one thought… retire, then enjoy the remaining years. Fred was in a coffin before his 58th birthday. 

If someone told you, “I’ll guarantee to add 20 years to your life – 20 years of pain-free, productive, enjoyable living” – what would that be worth to you? 

Yet even better, what if you learned that there are some people now alive who will live to be 200, 300, 600 years old… no, more than that… some who will live on… and on… in glorious quality of life… without dying at all. Yes, you are right, it’s hard to imagine. But there is a good chance that you could qualify to become one of them. 

The colossal cover-up 
However, there is a problem. There are powers that, for reasons which you might term philosophical, spiritual, or religious, want to keep the knowledge of this from you. That’s why I’ve called this the Forbidden Secret. 

And, as unlikely as the connection might seem on the surface, these people are right into the origins debate. As already noted, they control the scientific community, the education system, the media, the entertainment industry, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and they have infiltrated mainstream religion as well. 

They are aware that your knowledge or ignorance about your origins could definitely affect your chance of life extension. Why is this? You will see why, as we proceed. Sufficient to say, it’s vital that first you get your origins facts right. No matter what the popular theories, it is the facts that decide the day. 

Turned off by fake religious people? I understand. So am I. But this is not about religion or non-religion. It is not just about a religious viewpoint (atheistic, agnostic, New Age, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Christian or whatever). It is not about that. It is about a spiritual war being waged against us. It is happening in your own home town or district. This is a conflict of epic proportions. And of such importance that not a single person alive on this planet should ignore it.  

My investigations as a hard-nosed archaeologist over 44 years have been largely front-line, dealing first-hand with on-site discoveries. And some of the evidence you are about to see may knock your socks off. It is still unknown to most people. Yet it is beyond successful contradiction. 

Is this important? Yes – because it could affect your future… personally. 

I promise you that a long, thorough investigation has been undertaken to guarantee the integrity of this information. Facts which can be tested underlie each point. So certain am I that the over-all thesis is correct that I hereby offer $100,000 to anyone who can disprove it – either to be retained by the claimant or donated to his/her nominated charity. 

What’s this all about? 
Glad you asked. This is about evidence. Here are the facts. (References relate to this current book, unless otherwise stated)

Facts at a glance 
I submit that we shall materially and physically prove beyond reasonable doubt (sufficient to serve as actionable proof): 

* That we are here neither by evolution, nor by seeding from outer space, but by a direct creation of an intelligent Superior Being existing outside both space and time. 
 - Demonstrated with evidence, not speculation. 

* That we are alienated from our Life-Giver. We suffer death and cannot save ourselves. 
 - Demonstrated with evidence, not speculation. 

* That, in His compassion, our Creator has provided a single means of rescue and restoration through His appointed Deliverer. 
 - Demonstrated with evidence, not speculation. 

That is the over-all thesis. Here it is in more detail: 

Did life appear spontaneously then evolution take over? Documented and observable scientific evidence from DNA, biology and fossils, says no. (Chapters 1-5) 

Did mankind originate by seeding from outer space? Physical and experimental evidence says no. (Chapters 6-7) 

Observable scientific evidence indicates that an effect is not greater than its cause. It always takes a greater source of information to produce information. The intricate design of human life, intelligence and personality requires a cause which possesses life, intelligence and personality outside the creation itself. (See Chapters 8-9) 

This Superior Intelligence has demonstrated ability to communicate messages to mankind and has sealed the authorship of certain messages in at least two ways that no human being can replicate: 
(a) a 3500 year track record in prophecy - cold, hard, incontrovertible PROOF of accurate foreknowledge of consecutive world history (Chapters 11-12) 
(b).a unique, DNA-style mathematical code within the structure of the written messages. (Chapters.13,43-46) 

Since the content of these messages is exactly consistent with observed fact, then the most reasonable deduction from the evidence is that the messages are trustworthy.  

There is demonstrable evidence that our world is held captive by forces hostile to the human race. (Chapters 14-18)

Messages claiming to be from the Superior Intelligence reveal that a spiritual battle between the powers of good and evil is being waged for the future of each person on earth. One side uses force; the other does not. (Chapters 14-18)

According to the evidence:
(a) We are alienated from our Source of life.
(b).Cut off from this Source, our existence is fragile. We die. 
 (c).Death is not an inevitable, natural, essential part of our existence, but an intrusion, that need not be. (Chapter 16) 

The ancient nations universally claimed that the first great father was informed of a coming rescue program, which will result in abolishing death, and in the restoring of this world to its original perfect state. (Chapter 19)

There is evidence that the name of the Rescuer was known from the earliest times and his name was recorded: 
(a) on the ancient sky charts (Chapter 27)
(b).in the written text of the Tanakh (Chapters 24 and 25)
(c) by various nations – for example, the Egyptians, the Celtic Druids and the Persians. (Chapters 26 and 27) 

Non-biblical sources show that the world’s nations believed the Messiah was to make his appearance through the Hebrew branch of the human race. If this be true, then we might expect the more complete revelation of the Deliverer to be imparted to the Hebrews. Let’s wait and see.

Additionally, more than 300 prophecies concerning the Deliverer were recorded in the Tanakh, including
(a) precisely.when.and where he.would.appear
(b) that he would be rejected by the nation of his.birth. (Chapters.20-23,29)

12. PROPHECIES WERE FULFILLED: There is solid evidence that at the precise place and time predicted, one bearing the prophesied name did appear, living out the prophecies one by one - including those beyond human control, such as place of birth, manner of death, manner of burial, and so on, which no imposter could have acted out. (Chapters.22-23,28-32)

The prophecies said his role would be to offer individuals:
(a) freedom from guilt
(b) power to live victoriously
(c) a restored personal relationship with the Creator
(d) the ultimate end to death
(e) a guaranteed place in the coming new world in which harmony, peace and joy will prevail.

According to the prophecies, after Messiah’s stand-in death for all, then the Second Jewish Temple sacrifices (which foreshadowed that event) would be terminated. (Ch.20) This timing is important in helping us to pinpoint the Messiah’s identity.

Globally, on multiple fronts, a high-powered disinformation campaign has since swung into action against the rescue operation, along with a direct sabotage agenda to physically  

That brief overview now brings us to a bizarre set of historical “coincidences” that demand an explanation. Since no event is isolated and every effect has its cause, then what do these odd.“coincidences” mean?: 
FACT: (a) The annual Hebrew Passover event (14th to 15th day of the month Nisan) centered around a lamb sacrifice. This symbolized a substitute death in the place of man, to free him from the penalty of his wrongs. (Exodus chapter 12; Jewish Encyclopedia) 
(b).Jewish scholars expected the coming Messiah to bring redemption at that same time of the year – Passover. (Cabalistae apud Fagium; Abrabanal, The Wells of Salvation; Ex.12:1-6,11; Lev. 23:4,5; (The Jewish Encyclopedia, art., “Atonement, Day of”) 

FACT: (a) The one with the predicted name said he had come to fulfill the Passover symbolism, to sacrifice his life and free men from the penalty of sin. (Matthew 26:1-2,17-28; 1 Corinthians 5:7)
(b) Jewish leaders, charging that the “named one” “led astray Israel”, condemned him to be executed on precisely the same day as the Passover lamb was sacrificed. (Babylonian Sanhedrin 43a, 95-110 AD) Was it just coincidence that both … 
* the Tanakh’s prophetic date for Messiah to die violently, and
* the Passover “prophecy” date for the sacrificial lamb to die … converged at the precise time that the “named one” died violently? 

Or was something much bigger at work here? 

DEATH AND LIFE FACT: After rejecting the “named one’s” “how to escape” prophecy, 1,100,000 people died in the siege of Jerusalem, AD 70. Their rejection of his message killed them. (Chapter 33) 

FACT: Those who acted on the “named one’s” prophecy did not die. They escaped. (Encyclopedia Judaica) Their acceptance of the “named one” saved them. 

Bold statements? Yes. An exaggeration? No. These are both documented history. Is there a connection? 

REASON FOR THE DESTRUCTION: According to the Hebrew Tanakh, the specific reason why the First Jewish Temple was destroyed in 586 BC and the nation scattered for 70 years was because they had rejected the prophets sent by God. (1 Chronicles 36:15-20)

Recognising the same spiritual laws to be operative, may we ask, what could be the enormity of the national sin which triggered the Second Temple’s destruction in 70 AD and the people being scattered for 2,000 years? Had they rejected a greater Prophet – even the Messiah himself? (Chapter 29) 

In 586 BC, the First Temple was burned by Babylonian armies on the 10th day of the month Ab. 

In 70 AD, the Second Temple was burned by Roman armies on the 10th day of the month Ab. (Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 6:4.5) 

These two events: are they connected? Was there a supernatural element in the timing, to convey a message of extreme importance? 

Forty years before Jerusalem’s destruction, the “named one’s” public offer of the Creator’s divine forgiveness to all who would accept, was officially rejected by the nation’s leaders when they executed him as an imposter. (Chapters 23 and 29) 

Forty years before Jerusalem’s destruction, on the first annual Day of Atonement after their rejection of the “named one”, the traditional red wool which always turned white (signifying divine forgiveness) now ceased to do so. According to the rabbis this was a supernatural omen that the nation’s sins were no longer forgiven by God. (Babylonian Talmud, Yoma chapter 39b.) 

Coincidence? Or was there a supernatural connection in the timing? 

Forbidden information destroyed 
When news of the “named one’s” death and resurrection, allegedly confirming him as the Deliverer, spread across the earth to challenge the legitimacy of Lucifer worship, sabotage campaigns were launched against it from two chief centers – Rome (the center of sun worship – Satan worship) and Alexandria, Egypt (the center of Luciferian pagan philosophy). (The Da Vinci Code Hoax, Chapters 4-7) 

Acts of sabotage and cover-up included the following:

In Alexandria, opponents infiltrated the “named one’s” group of followers and surreptitiously mutilated selected Messiah texts in order to downgrade the “named one”. Rome adopted and enforced these corruptions of text. (The Da Vinci Code Hoax, Chapters 4- 7) 

However, since most manuscript copies were beyond their reach, only 1 percent of surviving manuscripts are affected. (The Da Vinci Code Hoax, Chapters 17-18,20-21; Who’s Playing Jesus Games? Chapters 12-15; The Sorcerers’ Secret, Chapters 4-6) 

Between 127 and 151 AD, in that same center of undercover corruption – Alexandria – Ptolemy’s historic map of the stars chopped out the prophecy of the “named one” which had been in the star maps for 4,000 years. (Chapter 27) 

Around the same time (130 AD), Rabbi Akiva, “the father of the Mishnah”, promoted a translation of the Tanakh which ripped out key words in certain messianic texts that were being linked with the “named one”. (Chapter 27) 

Rabbis Akiva and Ben Halafta also slashed out 160 years from the Persian/ Jewish calendar to nullify the “named one’s” fulfillment of Daniel’s 490-year prophecy. (Chapter 41) 

That’s right, 160 years of real time was ripped out and thrown away!  

Rabbi Samuel B. Nahmani placed a curse (recorded in the Talmud) on whoever would read the same prophecy of Daniel which pointed to the “named one” as the Messiah. (Chapters 21,23)

The Isaiah 53 prophecy so clearly described the “named one” that some Ashkenazi Jews blasted this chapter right out of their Scriptures. However, the Sephardic Jews retained it. (Chapter 23)

Why such a desperate cover-up of that one single feature in all these different documents? Did evidence so clearly point to the “named one” as the Messiah, that rejectors had no option but to
(a) chop out textual evidence
(b)falsify historical evidence, and
(c) curse whoever studied the evidence?

Shouldn’t one feel sorry for them?

As the climax approaches
According to the prophecies, as the final showdown looms, every person will have opportunity to accept or reject the pending rescue.

Inbuilt into each of us is the capacity for free choice concerning our destiny. (Chapter 15) 31

The hijackers of our planet have admitted they will do whatever it takes to eliminate, suppress, or discredit the news of the rescue plan and the documents which alert us to it – so that you and I, deprived of its benefits, can be brought under their Luciferian New Age control.

There is well-documented evidence that today in real life the name of the Promised One – and no other – is able to halt an alien abduction, free a victim from demon possession, and empower one to enjoy a new quality of life. (Chapters 48 and 49)

Sources.identifying the.Coming One
As already noted, the message of the Promised One was known to the nations of the world, who testified that they had inherited this knowledge from the first great father. They knew that:
• Originally this was a perfect world with no suffering.
• There had been a rebellion in the heavens.
• Man had followed the rebels and had himself fallen.
• The Curer of all ills was coming to restore mankind.
• He was to appear in Judea – and have a Hebrew name.

We shall consult both non-biblical and biblical sources. Why biblical? some will ask. Firstly, because both the Globalists and the so-called UFO “alien” entities have adopted a particular stance toward the Bible as essential to their plans. Secondly, as the most widely trusted (and hated) book on the planet, what it says is directly relevant to our investigation.

How you can benefit
The best part of our topic will be this: You will be presented with actionable benefits in real life. (Chapters 47-49) 

In contrast to the Globalist plan to annihilate millions, I shall show you how you can claim for yourself an extension of life.

Of course, there are laws of health that can enhance your quality of life now – and even extend your life-span to a certain degree. However, there is only one “bridge to eternal life” – and it does not involve preserving or repairing our present bodies. Death is not an engineering or biological problem, it is a moral penalty. Therefore the only solution to death has been provided by the Creator Himself.

I’m not always right. But with evidence like you’re now about to see, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.

In assembling this report for you, I have been excavating deep for rock-solid evidence. We need to be passionate about evidence. Speculation is out. Evidence is king. 

If you just want to surface-scan this report and say ‘I know all that’, then stop right here. But if you’re willing to drill into the facts and accept their challenge, then you are in for some mind blowing evidence that can change everything for you – for the better!

No matter what you’ve thought, you want to know the truth, right? So please empty yourself of previous ideas and just look at the evidence. It might change your life.

Okay, are you feeling adventurous? Because we are about to embark on a grand discovery. For starters, let’s explore a city… 

Chapter 1 
Beyond The Incredible 
The explorers could hardly believe their eyes.

Here was an unknown city. Martin just stood gaping. “Look!” he shouted. “Just see how all these pieces of machinery fit together!”

“So intricately designed,” responded his companion. “Who could have made them?”

They surveyed the scene in wonder.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Martin.

His companion looked at him. “Our most brilliant modern engineers couldn’t construct these.”

Fantastic factory assembly lines… control centres… and transport centres… all unimaginably complex.

And packed into an area so tiny. All inside a simple cell. What simpleton made up that phrase… “simple cell”? 

* * * * * * * 

What’s inside your simplest cell? 
Look magazine, in its January 16, 1962, issue declared, “The cell is as complicated as New York City.”

It is less than one thousandth of an inch long. And the more we study it, the more complex it is found to be.

Think of all the shops in your town. Shelves stacked with goods, display windows, check out counters, carpets, light fittings, telephones, and so on.

Now add in all the houses. Bedrooms, with beds, sheets, blankets, pillows, reading lamps, wardrobes, dressers, windows, doors. Lounge rooms, with chairs, wall pictures, TVs. Kitchens, sinks, tables, taps for hot and cold water, cupboards, frig., dishwasher, you name it.

Now all the factories with their complicated machinery. The automobiles, delivery trucks, with their pistons, radiators and… Oh, let’s not get into this. It’s endless. Every living human cell, like a city, contains multiplied millions of specially organized parts – just like that.

Your adult body contains as many as 100 trillion of these walled cities. Inside each one is activity which includes energy generators, transport systems, waste disposal systems, structural designers, invasion guards, food factories, protective barriers and communication links within and outside the cell city. 

Michael Denton describes it so beautifully:

To grasp the reality… we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is twenty kilometres in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York. What we would then see would be an object of unparalleled complexity and adapted design. On the surface of the cell we would see millions of 37 openings, like the portholes of a vast space ship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity. We would see endless highly organized corridors and conduits branching in every direction away from the perimeter of the cell, some leading to the central memory bank in the nucleus and others to assembly plants and processing units. The nucleus itself would be a vast spherical chamber more than a kilometre in diameter, resembling a geodesic dome inside of which we would see, all neatly stacked together in ordered arrays, the miles of coiled chains of the DNA molecules. A huge range of products and raw materials would shuttle along all the manifold conduits in a highly ordered fashion to and from all the various assembly plants in the outer regions of the cell. 

We would wonder at the level of control implicit in the movement of so many objects down so many seemingly endless conduits, all in perfect unison. We would see all around us, in every direction we looked, all sorts of robotlike machines…. 

What we would be witnessing would be an object resembling an immense automated factory, a factory larger than a city and carrying out almost as many unique functions as all the manufacturing activities of man on earth. (Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, Maryland: Adler and Adler, Publishers, Inc., 1986, pp. 328-329) 

Amazing fact: Did you know that each cell in your body has the electrical potential of 1.7 volts. (And with up to 100 trillion cells, what is the electrical potential of your body?… you work it out!) 

Your amazing genes 
Within the nucleus of that little dot called a cell, 23 pairs of chromosomes are intertwined like a wad of spaghetti. These contain the master computer called DNA. And the DNA molecules contain thousands of genes.

These genes
(a)programme all inherited characteristics, such as height and personality type.

(b)guide all growth processes, such as when and how baby teeth are pushed out by adult teeth.

(c)direct all structural and system details for every body organ.

You and I each came from a single fertilised cell. In the nucleus of that little dot, the master computer (DNA) contained the programming for every aspect of the yet-undeveloped person. Every organ, every nerve, every hair, skin colour, hair colour, behavioural patterns… are programmed in those amazing tiny chromosomes. 

There is automated assembly, perfectly regulated and controlled… miniaturization… and incredible ingenuity. 

Each cell always “knows”
Were you aware that each and every cell in your body contains ALL the genetic coding for each of the other cells of your body?

There are instructions in your cells on how to manufacture and reproduce every different part of your body. The words are set out in sentences, and paragraphs and chapters.

• The genes are like sentences.
• Several genes together make a paragraph.
• Many paragraphs of gene clusters make a chapter.
• Many chapters make a book, which we call a chromosome. 
• There are 23 chromosome books to make the whole encyclopedia of instructions. 
• An encyclopedia comprises a complete person.

This is duplicated to make an identical copy, so that your body has two encyclopedias – that is, 46 books (chromosomes) in each human cell.

These books contain so many words that the human encyclopedia is more than ten times as long as Encyclopaedia Britannica. To put this another way, over a million pages are needed for all human instructions.

And this DNA message is played back every time a new life is created, because its instructions are obeyed to the last letter.

This one million page DNA message book gives complicated technical instructions to make a plant or an animal or a man. They are more technical than any man-made computerised code for making a passenger airliner, for example. They are more technical than any of the computers on our planet. 

Think about this. Could a series of faults in instructions (mutations) make, by accident, such a technical code?

This code, like a Morse code of dots and dashes, needs to be translated before it can be used.

The truth is, this DNA code needed someone who knew the translation and then made a machine to translate it. That translation machine is included into every cell of your body, as well.

Think about this. Someone was needed to
(a) know the code secret and
(b) make the code breaker.

The theory of evolution cannot explain how this information arose. 

As we have just noted, one process which the cell undertakes is the formation of new cells. This incredible process requires the cell to read itself and then reproduce itself. And can you guess how fast it does this? The complete duplication is accomplished in just a few hours. 

Would you like to attempt a job like that? And do it without mistakes.

To repeat: a living cell can do something that no man-made machine can do. It can make a perfect copy of itself in just a few hours!

Now think about this. Somehow, although each cell has such a vast encyclopedia of “blueprints”, yet each cell “knows” its own special job and keeps it. For example, a cell on your skin at the end of your ear has the genetic information to produce a toenail cell… but it doesn’t! Aren’t you glad?

How small are your genes? Now, have you stopped to consider that human DNA is infinitely more complex than our computers? As impressive as man-made microchips are, this bio-micro-circuitry is beyond the incredible.

The programmed genetic coding for all of earth’s 6.8 billion people would take up space less than the size of an aspirin tablet! 

A single gene – can you grasp this – is estimated to be between 4 and 50 millionths of an inch across. And 500,000 genes would easily slide around in a hole made by an ordinary pinpoint!

The density of sub-microscopic information
In an interview with Benjamin Wiker, Dr Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University, said: 

The number of bits of information stored in a cubic millimetre of tightly packed DNA exceeds, by many orders of magnitude, the information storage capacity of the same volume in any computer’s memory. 

DNA’s information density is 1.9 x 1018 bits per cubic millimetre – by far the highest density of information storage known to humans. (Paper: A New Scientific Revolution)

Kenyon observed that this had led many scientists to conclude that living cells were designed by a superintelligent Agent outside of nature.

The incredible RNA
The messenger in a cell city is called RNA. Although it looks like DNA, is has a passport to leave the nucleus. And just listen to this:

Firstly, in a split second, the master DNA and the messenger RNA intertwine.

Then the DNA instantly imprints a section of its code on the RNA.

Then the DNA separates from the RNA.

Then the RNA rushes to the edge of the city. And there it transfers its code in rapid-fire succession to one enzyme after another. 

This code tells each enzyme to do a particular job somewhere in the larger organism.

The whole mass of cells within a body somehow cooperate to act like a fish, a cat, a human, or whatever the total organism is supposed to be.

Protein forming so that DNA could be possible
Here’s a puzzle for you. DNA cannot form without pre-existing protein. But proteins cannot form without pre-existing DNA!

So, can you answer me this: From where and how did the first protein originate, to facilitate the DNA code structure in each species?

Mathematical probability alone has shown that even if our earth and our universe were billions times trillions of years old, it would not even begin to scratch the odds of the simplest protein molecule forming by chance, much less an entire cell.

All DNA’s interlocking, working 
parts must be 100% intact 
And wonder at this! Inside the cell, one piece of machinery is manufactured, then transported to fit precisely into another waiting piece, then another, and another – each one designed specifically to fit and interact with that particular piece and no other. 

We’re talking about many parts of a complex machine, so small you can’t see it with the naked eye! 

Then what about this: DNA has to be totally 100 percent intact with all its interlocking, working parts, before one living cell can even exist. Not only do you need the information in the individual genes. You also need the information that enables them to work together. Such masses of information do not emerge from chance random processes.

Our sophisticated machines can do nothing at all unless someone supplies a programme of code instructions. And the programmes must be developed by intelligent human beings.

Suppose I told you that my XP Windows computer, with all its interacting information software, just “happened” – that no one ever designed it?

You might be too polite to say, but I can guess what you’d be thinking.

How did this information evolve?
Now here’s the big question. Do you have the answer?: DNA code, more complexly assembled than a computer… how did this information evolve? By a fluke?

I found myself unable to shrug this off. Information is not something that can evolve, step by step, nor even appear suddenly, fully assembled. It first has to be programmed.

I would like to introduce to you Dr Stephen C. Meyer, Director and Senior Fellow of the Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. (He is also author of Darwinism, Design, and Public Education, and is co-author of Science and Evidence of Design in the Universe.) He says:

It’s part of our knowledge base that intelligent agents can produce information-rich systems. So the argument is not based on what we don’t know, but it is based on what we do know about the cause and effect structure of the world.

We know at present there is no naturalistic explanation, no natural cause, that produces information. Not natural selection, not self-organizational processes, not pure chance. But we do know of a cause which is capable of producing information, and that is intelligence.

So when people infer design from the presence of information in DNA, they’re effectively making what’s called in the historical sciences an inference to the best explanation. So when we find an information-rich system, in the cell, in the DNA molecule specifically, we can infer that an intelligence played a role in the origin of that system, even if we weren’t there to observe the system coming into existence. (DVD, Unlocking the Mystery of Life, Illustra Media, 2002) 

In 2004, the scientific journal Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington published an article by Dr Meyer, advocating that the complexity of living organisms could only have been deliberately designed – and that biological information could not have arisen from Darwinian evolution. 

Like it or not, information has to be an artefact of intelligence. 

Scientist forced into a U-turn
Dr Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology (Emeritus) at San Francisco State University, was one of the leading chemical evolution theorists in the world.

He co-authored Biochemical Predestination, which claimed that the evolution of life was inevitable… that proteins to produce living cells were formed directly by forces of attraction between their parts… that proteins are just formed together (self assemble) in chains, directly from amino acids, without any DNA assembly instructions. 

His theory was accepted with enthusiasm by the evolutionary scientific community. But within just five years after publishing, Kenyon suddenly had serious doubts.

It began when one of his students asked, “How could the first proteins have been assembled without the help of genetic instructions?” (Proteins were the necessary information to build the first cell.)

And then DNA was discovered. This would prove fatal to Kenyon’s molecular evolution theory. Kenyon confesses:

The more I conducted my own studies, including a period of time at NASA-AIMS Research Center, the more it became apparent there were multiple difficulties with the chemical evolution account. And further experimental work showed  that amino acids do not have the ability to order themselves into any biologically meaningful sequences.

The more I thought about the alternative that was being presented in the criticism, and the enormous problem that all of us who had worked on this field had neglected to address, the problem of the origin of genetic information itself, then I really had to re-assess my whole position regarding origins. (Ibid.) 

What he now had to address was this: What was the source of the biological information in DNA? 

If one could get at the origin of the messages, the encoded messages within the living machinery, then you would really be onto something far more intellectually satisfying than this chemical evolution theory. (Ibid.) 

The astonishing fact is that inside every microscopic-sized cell, machines work together to accomplish specific jobs and are shepherded by other specially shaped machines to precise locations where they are needed.

Learning this, Kenyon exclaimed, “This is absolutely mind boggling, to perceive at this scale of size, such a finely tuned apparatus, a device, that bears the marks of intelligent design and manufacture!” 

Observable evidence of a Master Designer
What else can you call this but observable evidence of thoughtful, programmed designing by a Superior Mind? Evidence of intelligently organized patterns.

Obviously, such a Designer can only be greater than us. Greater than the creation itself.
Oh, and something else. Did you know this? It was recently discovered that DNA is linked to music!

If you like music, but think that you can’t carry a tune, you may be wrong. Respected geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he’s discovered music in genes – particularly human genes, fish genes and rabbit genes. Susumo is a researcher in DNA. 

He asked himself, If we were to assign a musical note to each chemical on the DNA strand and string those notes together and play them, what would DNA sound like? 

So he did this – and the result was amazing. He discovered musical patterns of notes, that again reveal intelligence. Susumo Ono was so astonished that he took his findings to musicians. And musicians, in turn, were astonished to hear echoes of Bach, of Schubert, of Mozart in DNA music.

Using the same formula for converting DNA into music, Dr Ono worked backwards and translated Chopin's funeral march into chemical symbols. It came out cancer!

Skeptics naturally point out that these strands of DNA produce only a string of single notes; it is the musicians who fill in the rhythm and the harmony.

That’s so. But the bottom line is this: Whichever way you look at it, the PATTERNS of single notes testify to intelligence as the source of DNA. Certainly it is not from a blind, accidental force in nature.

Identical to written language
But there’s more, much more. Scientists at Bell Laboratories conducted studies on the mathematical language in the DNA molecule.

And what did they find? Its mathematical pattern is identical to that of conversational language.

Concerning DNA, Charles Thaxton states:

A structural identity has been discovered between the genetic message on DNA and the written messages of a human language. (Charles Thaxton, “A New Design Argument,” Cosmic Pursuit 1, no. 2, Spring 1998)

Hupert Yockey explains: 

There is an identity of structure between DNA (and protein) and written linguistic messages. Since we know by experience that intelligence produces written messages, and no other cause is known, the implication, according to the abductive method, is that intelligent cause produced DNA and protein. The significance of this result lies in the security of it, for it is much stronger than if the structures were merely similar. We are not dealing with anything like a superficial resemblance between DNA and a written text. We are not saying DNA is like a message. Rather, DNA is a message. True design thus returns to biology. (Hubert P. Yockey, “Journal of Theoretic Biology”. Quoted in Charles Thaxton, “A New Design Argument,” Cosmic Pursuit 1, no. 2, Spring 1998. Emphasis mine.) 

Since it takes intelligence to write a language, is it not evident that it took intelligence to write the DNA code? 

Intelligently designed ‘sentences’ 
impressed from the ‘outside’
Dean Kenyon was asked if DNA comes in intelligently designed ‘sentences’. “Is it true that when scientists peer into the microscopic world of DNA, they find not mere random arrangements, but well-written ‘instruction books’?” 

“Yes,” responded Kenyon. “Masterpieces of immense intricacy and subtlety.” 

“And you argue that these biological ‘sentences’ in DNA could not have arisen merely by material means, as evolutionists suggest?” asked the interviewer. 

“No,” said Kenyon. “Just as the chemistry and physics of ink and paper do not determine the order of symbols in a printed text, but that order must be impressed on the ink from the ‘outside’, so also the order of the bases, or sub-units, in DNA [adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, or A, T, G, and C as commonly represented] is not determined by the known 50 chemical tendencies of these individual sub-units, but instead appears to have been impressed from the ‘outside’ on the subunits to create just those sequences that make biological sense.”

The fantastic complexity and orderliness of the DNA code – condensed into an incredibly tiny size – suggests the work of a brilliant intellect rather than chance processes. It suggests that much thought has gone into their design – just as human beings use intelligence to design and construct computers, Jumbo jets, space craft and other intricate equipment.

If radio signals were to be received from outer space, they would be understood as evidence of an intelligent source. Why then should we not regard the message sequence on the DNA molecule as prima facie evidence of an intelligent source?

Designed to NOT evolve
But that is not all! Gene code letters have built in error protection! Genes store information in long strings of DNA, in the form of chemical letters, called A, T, C and G. So that genes can be accurately copied, each gene consists of two parallel strands of DNA held together by links between the code letters of one strand and those of the other strand. The two strands are not identical. That is, A’s do not link to A’s, and so on. Instead, they are complimentary. A’s link to T’s; C’s always link to G’s.

Donail MacDonaill of Trinity College, Dublin, studied that pattern of linkages between letters. And he found that they form a parity code similar to computer codes, to minimise mistakes during the electronic transfer of information. (Nature science update, September 18, 2002) 

Now is the moment of truth. No one would be so naïve as to believe modern electronic parity codes could have evolved by chance. They were carefully planned by software designers. Could the parity code found in DNA be further evidence that the genetic code was deliberately created? 

DNA is designed to maintain accurate copies and avoid changes in the information it carries. This means it was designed to NOT evolve. But rather to reproduce its own kind forever. Doesn’t this make evolution scientifically impossible? The genes of fruit flies were manipulated to produce flies with no eyes. When these were interbred their offspring also had no eyes. But after several generations eyes started to reappear due to this fail-safe mechanism, reverting back to a normal fly. In other words, no evolution! 

A miracle – nothing less 
Microbiologist Dr Michael Denton challenges the scientific community to address the impossibility of a single cell being thrown together, unless by an occurrence “indistinguishable from a miracle.” (Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, Md.: Adler and Adler, 1986, p. 264) 

Is it any wonder that mathematicians can have serious doubts about evolution? Mathematician I.L. Cohen, a member of New York Academy of Sciences, writes: 

…any physical change of any size, shape or form is strictly the result of purposeful alignment of billions of nucleotides in the DNA. Nature or species do not have the capacity to rearrange them nor to add to them… The only way we know for a DNA to be altered is through a meaningful intervention from an outside source of intelligence – one who knows what it is doing, such as our genetic engineers are now performing in the laboratories. (I.L. Cohen, Darwin Was Wrong; A Study in Probabilities. New York Research Publications, Inc., 1984, p. 209) 

He adds: 

…every single concept advanced by the theory of evolution (and amended thereafter) is imaginary as it is not supported by the scientifically established facts of microbiology, fossils, and mathematical probability concepts. Darwin was wrong. (Ibid.) 

…The theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science. (Ibid., p. 210) 

Impossible odds - 
I used to love betting on horses. What excitement to buy a newspaper, work out a winning system… and listen to the race! To increase the excitement, I might sometimes go to the track. Those last few moments were so tense! Even with reasonable odds, I more often lost. 

But just take a look at these odds below! If they don’t propel you into outer space, I don’t know what will. 

First, let me tell you something that’s happening inside every cell of your wonderful body this very moment. 

Proteins: intelligence with no brains 
Proteins are workers inside the cell. 

Among other duties, proteins are the transporters within the cells. They are the stevedores that lug everything around. Who tells them what, where, when, and how much to carry? 

I will tell you the answer to that one, yet it only presents a bigger question: Another protein (often a constructor) moves over to the transporter, touches him momentarily, and the  transporter then knows exactly what to get and how much is needed. 

Each protein is carefully assembled by another protein – which was itself assembled only a short time before. It does the assembling job from materials lying around. And it never makes a mistake. 

Who taught the protein how to assemble another protein? 

Each protein has a very complex structure. It is made up of hundreds of organic amino acids, arranged in a totally complicated order. 

There could be only one correct arrangement of each protein – yet there are millions of wrong ways it could be arranged. 

The utter randomness of evolution could never come up with the right combination for each protein. 

If the constructor protein finds he does not have the right amount and combination of amino acids lying around, he tells another protein to bring him some more! 

The messenger goes to the edge of the cell and tells the gatekeeper (another protein) to bring them in, which he does. 

This is going on millions of times a minute in every cell of your body. 

Each little protein molecule does the most fabulous things. It carries out complicated tasks which require great intelligence. The problem is there is not a nerve cell anywhere in its body. No brains. 

Armies of proteins carry out complicated series of actions. Every step is complex, yet the finished result is always perfect.

I ask you, how can this be done, when different proteins which never meet each other take part in the different steps? As you know, none of the proteins lives very long. And none of them teaches the new proteins they construct how to do the work they are going to do! There are no classroom teachers in the cell, for all the students have no brains, yet they know exactly what to do! 

And now consider this: Even if, just one time, evolution could produce one correct protein – how on earth could it keep repeating the fluke again and again, which it would have to do in order to replicate that correct protein in making millions more of it? 

Something else. The simplest form of DNA complex is a virus. But for a virus to reproduce it needs to enter a living cell to utilise energy from mitochondria and the protein-producing ability of the host cell. It is unable to reproduce on its own. 

Enzymes: mathematical odds 
Enzymes are proteins of high molecular weight. Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Wickramasinghe write: 

Biochemical systems are exceedingly complex, so much so, that the chance of their being formed through random shufflings of simple organic molecules is exceedingly minute, to a point where it is insensibly different from zero. (F. Hoyle and C. Wickramasinghe, Evolution From Space. Dent, 1981, p. 3) 

They explain that there are perhaps 1080 (10, followed by 80 zeroes) atoms in the universe and 1017 seconds have elapsed since the alleged ‘big bang’. The number of independent enzymes necessary for life is about 2,000. The probability of building just one of these enzymes cannot be better than one in 1040000 This outrageously small probability could not be faced, even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup. 

Ione is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training that life originated on Earth, this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court. (Ibid, p. 24) 

Fred Hoyle, writing in New Scientist, repeated that 2,000 different and very complex enzymes are required for a living organism to exist. Then he added that not a single one of these could be formed by random, shuffling processes in even 20 billion years! 

Our existence on earth is as if we had won a million-dollar lottery a million times in a row. 

Amino acids: impossible odds 
There are 20 amino acids. There are 300 amino acids in a specialised sequence in each medium protein. There are billions upon billions of possible combinations! The right combination from among the 20 amino acids would have to be brought together in the right sequence – in order to make one usable protein.

The possible arrangements of the 20 amino acids is 2,500,000,000,000,000,000. If evolutionary theory is true, every protein arrangement in a life form has to be worked out by chance until it works right – first one combination and then another until one is found that works right. 

By then the organism will have long died, if it even had been alive! It’s becoming embarrassing… The sheer amount of speculation… the myriad “blind chances” needed to support the evolution thesis… I need a glass of water! 

All need to exist together, instantly! 
DNA only works because it has enzymes to help it; enzymes only work because there are protein chains; protein only works because of DNA; DNA only works because it is formed of protein chains. They all have to be there together, immediately, at the same time. 

But the enzymes only work because the protein chains are coded in a special sequence by DNA. DNA can only replicate with the help of protein enzymes. We are really in a chicken and egg situation. (E. Ambrose, The Nature and Origin of the Biological World, p. 135) 

Outmoded theory 
Yes, it appears we are now in the soup with this evolution theory. We are stuck with an outmoded mid-19th century idea that was devised when almost nothing was known about proteins, genetics, or microbiology. 

Do experiments suggest we could create life? 
Dean Kenyon is a fellow of the Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture, an Intelligent Design think tank based in Seattle, Washington. He is a Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University. He holds a PhD in biophysics from Stanford University. He has been a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, a visiting scholar at Trinity College, Oxford University, and a visiting Research Associate at NASA-Ames Research Center. 

The following extracts are from an interview he did with Benjamin Wiker. 

Wiker: According to the standard materialist account of evolution, billions and billions of years ago there was on earth a kind of chemical “soup” and from this lifeless soup somehow living things arose. What discoveries in particular led you to reject this account? 

Kenyon: The standard account has many flaws – not the least of which is the fact that there is no geochemical evidence for the existence of a prebiotic soup! 

Wiker: But how do you account for those experiments which supposedly showed that we can create the building blocks of life, amino acids, out of just such a chemical soup? 

Kenyon: Stanley Miller’s famous experiment, first performed in the early 1950s, presumably simulated the earth’s primitive atmosphere. Using a mixture of methane, ammonia, molecular hydrogen, and water vapour, and supplying energy with an electric discharge, he produced small amounts of a few amino acids and other substances which occur in living cells.  

But less well known is the fact that the dominant trend of the chemistry occurring in these experiments is toward non-biological material – that is, amber gunk which coats the inside of the apparatus. 

Moreover, such experiments routinely leave molecular oxygen out of the apparatus even though geological evidence suggests that oxygen may well have been present in the earth’s early atmosphere. 

Wiker: Why do they leave oxygen out of such experiments? 

Kenyon: If molecular oxygen is present, then it destroys, by oxidation, any biochemicals that form. Of course, we should add that if both hydrogen and oxygen are together in a mixture of gasses supplied with electric sparks, the apparatus might explode! 

Wiker: So the Miller-type experiment does not, in this regard, match the actual chemical environment of the early earth? 

Kenyon: Correct. In this instance, the oxygen is left out of the experiments because of a requirement of chemical evolution theory, not because we have evidence that it was absent from the primitive atmosphere. 

And there are many more difficulties. For example, the energy used to initiate the chemical reactions in these simulation experiments – electric sparks, ultraviolet and other types of radiation, heat – would actually have destroyed the more complex products they presume were created. 

The energy sources, rather than being creative, would have interacted with the presumed prebiotic carbon compounds in such a way that the destruction of chemicals would have predominated over their synthesis.  

Finally, we have no plausible naturalistic account of the prebiotic origin of genetic information – that is, of the origin of specific biologically meaningful linear sequences of nucleotides in DNA and RNA. 

These are just some of the reasons why I think the empirical case against a chemical evolutionary origin of life is overwhelming. 

Life created in the laboratory? 
But couldn’t life be created in the lab? After all, scientists have created some building blocks of life – amino acids. 

Not so fast! Firstly, it has been done by men with intelligence, under artificial laboratory conditions far different from those on the early earth. And secondly, amino acids are only a tiny part of the necessary components for life. It would be like claiming that accidental laboratory production of a speck of black ink proves that the Encyclopaedia Britannica randomly evolved. 

Why Kenyon had to repudiate evolution 
Wiker: I’m taking it that it has not always been this way – that you were not always so skeptical about the claims of evolutionary theory. You were co-author of the best-selling, advanced textbook on chemical evolution in the 1970s. 

Kenyon: Yes, that’s right. 

I did postdoctoral research in Melvin Calvin’s lab at the University of California at Berkeley, and collaborated there with Gary Steinman in writing Biochemical Predestination. 

It wasn’t until after I taught the evolution course at San Francisco State University for ten years that I began seriously to doubt the evolutionary account. 

I had growing doubts about the transition series of fossils and about the chemical evolution experiments – such as Miller’s – and became increasingly uncomfortable making the standard evolutionary claims to students because these claims could not be supported in the scientific literature. (Interview by Benjamin Wiker. Paper: A New Scientific Revolution) 

Some other honest scientists speak up 
Evolution theory is scientific? Where is the science? I can assure the reader the American Kennel Club would not certify an ancestor of your dog based on evidence such as paleontologists present. (Isaac V.Manly, M.D.,Harvard Medical School. God Made: A Medical Doctor Looks at the Reality. Joplin, MO.: College Press, 1994, pp. 15,117,228) 

I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens, many people will pose the question: how did this ever happen? (Saltationist Soren Lovtrup, Professor of Embryol- ogy, University of Umea, Sweden. Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth. New York: Chapman Hall, 1987, p.422) 

So we can sleep well tonight. Our children’s education is in the good hands and sticky fingers of honest “experts”. 

Now comes my next question to test the imaginations of these mighty thinkers…


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1 comment:

TruthSeeker said...

I am pressed for time at the moment but I am thrilled to be able to comment. I just don't know how truly "open-minded" the author really is. My comment will be the litmus test.

I noticed one of the scientists in your article, Saltationist Soren Lovtrup, stated "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens, many people will pose the question: how did this ever happen?

One word: Indoctrination. But, I strongly disagree with his belief. I believe that the greatest deceit in the world of science is the long-held, unquestioned "assertion" beyond reproach by most, but not all, learned scholars, educators, civil & mechanical engineers, architects, aviators, meteorologists, physicists, clergy and Navy personnel is the heliocentric model of our "solar system," even though it's still just an unproven theory along with the magic of Gravity.

Btw, that magical force which holds the earth's oceans to its surface but somehow allows a butterfly to glide about carelessly, has never been proven, is quite impossible to prove and is quite easily debunked, along with Outer Space, the Moon Landing, rockets going to "Outer Space" which they say is a near-total vacuum even though earth is right next to it with an atmosphere but no container to prevent that atmosphere from being sucked into Outer Space's vacuum in an attempt to equalize the pressure.

Very few scientists will ever actually be brave enough to be a whistleblower and expose the obvious fraud because the few who did lost their careers and reputation. Some were actually murdered when they wouldn't shut up. Do you honestly believe that Elon Musk jettisoned a red sports car with rubber, plastic, glass and paint into a supposed vacuum where temps supposedly reach high enough to melt titanium?

And with claims, backed up by NASA and believed by most of the world's dumbed-down population called Sheeple, called that for good reason, that it is still intact and heading out into that starry, starry night. Seriously?? Next, I suppose you're going to tell me you believe that SpaceX drop-shipped a vehicle on a make-believe rock called Mars & controls it with a remote control joystick here on earth. And, that sailing ships disappear behind the horizon, right? And the sun is 93,000,000 miles away yet its cirpuscular waves are shining through the clouds. And, sometimes the clouds are BEHIND the sun! And behind the moon! I personally snapped some photos of those anomalies here in Tucson.

Need I continue? I have nearly 200 proofs that the earth is a flat, stationary, non-rotating plane. NASA even admits it in their engineering documents. I can point you in the right direction to research it all for yourself, if you'd like. Don't take my word for it.

So, the next time you decide to write about conspiracies, you would be wise to include the Granddaddy of them all. Btw, NASA rakes in $53,000,000 a day to continue the ruse. Why do you think Buzz Aldrin turned into an alcoholic? He couldn't stomach lying about it anymore. You can even watch him in a YouTube video answering an 8 year old girl's question as to why we never went back to the moon after landing there 50 years ago. His answer? "Because we never went there."

It is an ongoing struggle for me to comprehend how in the world intelligent people, such as the author of this magnificent book of all the lies told to us since birth, could have missed entirely the biggest one of all !!! Again, one word: Indoctrination.

You have referenced many times throughout this article the "planet" we live on

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