Monday, January 28, 2019

Anna Von Reitz...Fairy Tales...A Big Thank You..

Fairy tales?
By Anna Von Reitz 
Now the same people who are urging you to "register" everything including your land-- and unwittingly give it away to foreign powers---and who believe in and promote a great many fairy tales themselves are accusing me of telling people "fairy-tales". 

That is, in true Cabal Satanist fashion, they are accusing me of doing what they have done. 

You want fairy-tales? I will give you examples of the fairy-tales they have promoted that have defrauded you out of the country and the wealth you are owed: 

That a Federal Reserve (Promissory) Note--- an I.O.U. -- actually pays anyone for anything. 

That the "Federal Reserve" has anything to do with the American Federation of States or the actual Federal Government, either one. 

That a group of British Territorial Citizens acting under conditions of deceit and calling themselves the "Congress" of "the" United States of America has acted with "Good Faith" or has any "Credit". 

That a piece of paper promising to pay you "something" undefined and deceitfully described as a "US DOLLAR" sometime in the future is an equitable exchange for your goods and services now. 

That a "Statement" is a "Bill". 

That a placenta is a "human person". 

That the word "person" means "corporation". 

That the words "state, State, or United States" mean"Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia". 

That a "Notice of Levy" is a "Levy". 

That an "Officer" employed by a corporation is a public "Official". 

That we all knowingly and voluntarily donated our birthright and estate as Americans to the British Crown and the Roman Catholic Church. 

That we all volunteered to pay large percentages of our earnings --redefined as "income" ---as Class 5 Gift and Estate Taxes collected as Excise Taxes. (Read that-- they are taxing us for the privilege of donating everything we are and everything we own to them.) 

That we agreed to be enslaved in exchange for "benefits" that we pay for ourselves. 

That our Mothers are all Unwed Mothers acting as "informants" against their own babies and that they knowingly donating their babies as "wards" of the Territorial United States franchises operating as States of States, like the "State of Ohio". 

That any foreign incorporated entity has any right to claim any material interest in or ownership of the flag of The United States of America---including the Title IV Flag. 

That use of our flag and other emblems and capacities under Delegated Powers creates any valid material interest in those powers on the part of those entrusted to exercise them. 

That we all volunteered to mortgage our homes and land for the benefit of foreign corporations. 

That we volunteered to pay property taxes for the privilege of living on our "donated" estates. 

That any "license" is required to get married, have a dog, drive a car, practice law or practice medicine. 

That the Federal Government is composed of three branches consisting of Executive, Legislative and Judicial functions, when in fact it is composed of three actual and separate branches:--Federal, Territorial, and Municipal. 

That a Scottish commercial corporation franchise doing business as "the" State of Ohio is the same as an American Company doing business as The State of Ohio. 

That our actual government is supposed to be run by political lobbyists. 

That we voluntarily abandon any part of ownership or control of our DNA in the process of being born, living, or dying. 
(Hint-- they claim to own you and your DNA. That's why when you bring Proof of your Claim of Life you have to seal it in blood and the DNA has to match the DNA of the placenta these crooks seized upon and claimed was an "abandoned" "human person" and -- and was the actual owner of your Good Name and estate. After the placenta dies they create an "infant decedent estate" for it, claim that "You" died at the hospital, and that big chain of gross lies and "fairy-tales" alienates you from your Name and identity. From then on, you are working for your own dead placenta's ESTATE and the perpetrators of all these "fairy-tales" are claiming to be the beneficiaries of your Name and Estate. Still want to talk about "fairy-tales"???) 

That the "American Civil War" was a war. 

That the "American Civil War" was a "War Between the States". 
(It was actually a Mercenary Conflict between Federal States of States and didn't actually involve the States at all.) 

That the Territorial Government is the Federal Government. 
(It's actually a part of the Federal Government and can be called "Federal" as a result-- but it is not the Federal Branch of the Federal Government- which has other powers that the Territorial Government was never authorized to exercise) 

That the "Reconstruction" of the Federal States of States was ever completed. 

That the American People were ever given any full disclosure about any of this. 

That a "National Debt" of $21 Trillion Dollars can exist in a Debt-Credit Currency System. 
(Every transaction in such a system is self-cancelling with a net zero result.) 

That a "U.S. Citizen" is the same as an "American Citizen". 

That such entities as "Sovereign citizens" and "private citizens" can exist. 

Both descriptions are oxymorons-- nobody can be in sovereign or private capacity and act as a citizen at the same time. These concepts are more fanciful than unicorns -- still want to talk about telling us "fairy-tales"? 

That Peacekeeping Officials and Peacekeeping Officers are the same as Law Enforcement Officers. 

That American railroads are American anymore. (The French-run "Grand Army of the Republic" took over de facto control of the American Railroads beginning in 1863 -- and they and their successors have run the American Railroads into the ground and mismanaged them ever since. 

The same players have repeatedly bankrupted the "United States Postal Service"). 

That "American Media" is American. 
(All the major media sources and outlets are owned by foreign conglomerates who censor and limit what passes as "news" in this country by making sure that every news story gets fed through one of two (also foreign owned) wire services-- the AP and Reuters. And all this is overseen by foreigners, too.) 

That the U.S. Military is equivalent to the American Armed Forces and that either one of them are American--- though they are largely staffed by Americans. 
(The Department of Defense is a subcontractor of the British Territorial Government and the DOD is a subcontractor of the Municipal Government run by the Holy See and neither one are American or necessarily loyal to American interests.) 

That the Department of Justice is the same as the DOJ and that either one of them are American. (Same story as above.) 

That such a thing as a "United States Treasury" exists. 
(No such thing since 1924. The Federal Reserve has served that function--- basically as a giant securities fraud and racketeering and money laundering and kick back operation imported by the usual suspects--- the British Territorial United States (Britain) and the Municipal United States (Holy See). The United States of America Treasury exists as a giant slush fund account, part of which is used for commodity and currency price fixing and rigging of markets under the control of the Municipal Office of "The President of the United States" and the United States Secretary of the Treasury-- who isn't functioning as an American nor as a "U.S. Citizen"--- Steven T. Mnuchin is an Interpol Officer and had to relinquish his citizenship in favor of what? Chances are he is a "World Citizen", and a French or Belgian or Israeli Dual Citizen in private life -- but one thing is sure, he has nothing to do with us, beyond being one of two men in charge of our accounts, their use, investment, and yes, abuse.) 

That Americans can just stay asleep and do nothing about this situation and "trust" these charlatans on our shores and it will all be fine. 
(Nothing could be farther from the truth.) 

I could go on for probably 2-3 hours revisiting the lies and "fairy-tales" these con artists have told us, but what really matters is the truth. 

We have been misrepresented, mischaracterized, duped and defrauded by our own employees, lied to by pros, betrayed by purported Allies, sold down the river by political lobbyists pretending to occupy public offices, propagandized by foreign media, fed half-truths and horse hooey as Civics and History, been robbed blind, suffered identity theft, indebted under false pretenses, and horrifically deceived and abused by people and institutions that in fact owe us "Good Faith Service". And that, unfortunately, is no fairy-tale.

A Big Thank You! 
By Anna Von Reitz 
I just want to say a huge thank you to all those Americans who are taking the time and making the effort to reclaim their own birthright political status and who are booting up their State and County Jural Assemblies all across the country. 

It appears that just seeing the sample Mission Statement kicked off a lot of worthwhile discussion and inspired thinking. 

It's true that the State Jural Assemblies have a lot to do and a lot to organize, but with a clear view of what needs to be done and an equally clear view of both the blessings to be secured and the losses if we fail, I am confident that the ranks will continue to swell as more and more Americans "come home". 

One of the greatest and earliest achievements you can all claim with your fledgling efforts is that with the establishment of State Jural Assemblies in every State, the Public and Organic Law of this country can be accessed again. 

Very soon you will see the cracks and chinks appearing in the corporate tribunals masquerading as our Courts and a change in the attitude of all the politicians ---why? 

Because of you. The American Public is hoving into view for the first time in many decades. 

We are well-armed with a correct knowledge of our country's history and the pathway is clear before us. 

Form up our Jural Assemblies and hold our elections, continue the education and outreach, reconstruct our Federal State of States, and when we are ready, call a Continental Congress of the Land Jurisdiction States to take care of our long overdue business. 

Of course, we will face scorn from clueless people and from those who have benefited from our purported "absence"--- but even now, the back of the Beast is breaking as a result of your efforts. 

No longer can the politicians pretend to "represent" us. 

No longer can the private courts ignore the Public Law. 

At last the outrageous practices and lies that have kept this "System" going are exposed and a fresh breeze is blowing. 

Wise as serpents, gentle as doves, and if I may, grouchy as bears and stubborn as oxen, the Americans are coming home and viewing the wreck our unfaithful employees have made of things. 

It will take a little time for the word to spread and the walls of corruption to tumble, but you are shining a very bright light in the darkness, by realizing who you are as an American and taking back the powers and assets owed to you and your State. 

I am deeply grateful to all of you and for all of you, because your support for your State Jural Assembly and your action to reclaim your own Good Name and estate spells the doom of the evils that have dominated our country and our world for generations. 

You are the housecleaning crew, the proof that we can and will set our house in order, that we will sail our Ship of State, and we will do this peacefully, intelligently, and with resolve. 

I have had a couple important questions. 

How does the fact that many of the Western States were never actually enrolled in the Federation of States affect them? 

The moment your State Jural Assembly starts to operate the doors start to swing open-- prison doors and other doors of all kinds. 

The "State of State" can no longer claim control of your State Trust; in fact, the State Trust must be dissolved and all the land and resources including all the land titles must be returned to the people of your State. 

Please be aware that although those "titles" are now useless as old broken handcuffs, their release sets you free. 

Open up your Recorder's Office so that people have a trustworthy place to record their ownership interests. Charge a reasonable fee for the service and you are on your way. 

When you hold your State Jural Assembly Elections include a Ballot Question and approve proxy representation by The United States of America (the actual unincorporated version) so that the full weight and power of your sister States supports your efforts to organize and protects your claims internationally. 

Work hard at organizing and running your State Jural Assembly and educating yourselves ---and hasten the day when a true Continental Congress of State Deputies graces our soil again and your State is finally enrolled as a full member of the Federation of States, no longer in any way subject to Territorial United States interference. 

Until that day expect that the Territorial Branch of the Federal Government will continue to insist on managing so-called "Federal Lands" on a care-taking basis, howbeit, with a much greater respect for local people and their needs and a more circumspect view of their actual role as caretakers instead of landlords. 

What is the status of American Indians in all of this? 

In 2015, we established a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty that allows everyone equal access to the land and soil they are born on, so Native Americans can "come home" too, just like all the rest of us. 

They can choose to live as State Nationals or serve as State Citizens like anyone else, too. And of course, they retain their Tribal identity and rights and assets, also. 

What about African Americans? 

We have been researching hard on this topic and found evidence that all "Negro, Mulatto, and Colored People" actually were set free after the Civil War and for a brief time enjoyed the same rights and political status as everyone else before being entrapped by the "conferred U.S. Citizenship" scheme that was eventually expanded and mechanized to enslave practically everyone as Public instead of private property. 

That is, we all started out as free men and women in 1865, and Colored People were simply the first victims of this outrageous fraud scheme seeking to redefine us all as "U.S. Citizens". 

That being so and as you all value your own freedom and stand as victims of the same crimes, I would suggest that the State Jural Assemblies simply add a Ballot Question to officially welcome people of all colors, races, ethnicity, and religions as State Jural Assembly Members. 

We need to stand together on this and we need the help of every able-bodied American. 

As we have all suffered together it's high time we all learned to help and support each other and claim back the rights and property of all Americans. 

Can people born in one of the Western States that were never enrolled claim their basic State National status through a parent, like children born to Americans abroad? 

Yes! And the access to the State Trust goes back three generations -- so if, for example, your family has been living in Nevada for three generations, you can establish your American nationality through even one Great-Grandparent who was born or Naturalized in one of the States that were States prior to 1860. 

This is called being "grandfathered in." 

In a few rare cases it may be necessary to wait until your State is formally enrolled and declare your permanent domicile as all our immigrant ancestors did--by having established a home for at least a year and living "peaceably" without committing any felonies and independently without Public Assistance -- and running three small ads in the local paper declaring your intention to make -- for example, Nevada, your permanent home. 

There are still some sneering Federales swaggering around and there are still some terribly ignorant people who haven't heard the news or understood the message, but what you are doing with your State Jural Assembly is restoring our country and our rightful government. 

The Public and Organic Law is back in effect because of you. 

God bless every single one of you for making that happen.

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