Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Pope begins the countdown: 59 capsules of "Misericordina"

#4 of 7 from The Voice of Truth,and it is starting to look like the Catholic Church was never what it seemed to be.I am not talking since Constantine,nor Charlemagne,I am talking from the very beginning with the first pope. I desire this Being to be safe,I take note now,there has been silence now for 13 months.  
A little box of "Misericordina" and the clock starts to run . 

Farewell to Rome from the "Eye that sees everything", on the most powerful and darkest hill on the planet. Moria? Mordor? 
No, it's Monte Aventino in Rome. Back home, but things in Rome and in the world are accelerating. In fact, they have already started the ACCOUNT BACK. For the first time, we publish an article in which we do not talk about the past but about the future. And while the Pope, on 11 of 12 of 13 says that the FINAL JUDGMENT is NOW and presents us with his true "god" ... did he think we would not notice?

The Voice of Truth speaks softly to make sure that who wants to hear it, wants to hear it.
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnaki, Satan
In Rome everything is upside down. Love is upside down, roma. 
The Shadow and the Deception are very present, but not always visible.
 Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnakis, Vatican
On my last day in Rome, once I had done everything I had come to do and more, I spent my time visiting the two hills of this city that are the greatest concentration of power on the entire planet: the Vatican Hill and Mount Aventino . The hill 

The Vatican hill was called  Ager Vaticanus (the hill of divinations) in Roman times. The word Vatican comes from the Latin  Vaticanus, and is composed of Vates (fortune-teller or sorcerer) and Canus (song). That is to say,  the Vatican means "the Song of the Divine"  An esoteric origin more valid than ever, with the arrival of the Jesuits, followers of Mithras the false Jesus, see The Jesuits come out of the closet and a heresy that we will soon discover with the help of the own Bergoglio. By the way, in the subsoil of the Vatican you can still visit a temple dedicated to the god Mithra and in its vicinity remains of various altars to Cybele, the great mother, one of the multiple faces of the usual, Ishtar-Inanna , the usurper of the figure of the mother of Jesus. Near the Vatican there is the second highest hill in Rome, which despite its height is not part of the famous seven hills of the city. This is the Janiculum and was the center of the worship of the god Janus, the two faces that will take center stage in the events that are coming . Jano is the one who keeps the keys with which he assimilates to the apostle Peter who seems to be, was crucified upside down on this hill. In fact, his figure ended up merging with Pedro and Mitra. Perhaps to remind us all this every day at noon a cannon is fired from this hill ...
 Anunnaki, Vatican, Pope Francis, Jesuits, Pedophilia
The Vatican country is also known for its scandalous customs, 
such as the one depicted in this Stained Glass Window.
As everyone knows, the Vatican is the capital of money laundering in Europe . A part of that is also known for housing the most beautiful ceiling that a human being can decorate , the Sistine Chapel of Michelangelo (about the Last Judgment) and for being the destination of lightning when the popes resign. Yes, and also because it is the seat of the Catholic Church. 

It is located on the banks of the Tiber and constitutes a separate country, which also realizes spaces to other countries(such as the extraterritorial headquarters of the Jesuits in Corso San Spíritu a few meters from the home of the Vatican president). This country and Andorra are the only two whose president is a religious authority(the Bishop of La Seu and the Pope respectively) will therefore be the suspiciously preferred treatment that Monsignor Joan Enric Vives, Bishop of the Seu d'Urgell has in Rome, see The future is played in the Pyrenees .

Of the Catholic Church everyone speaks and more when there is an Argentine pope. It is common for anticlerical sectors to cite the Vatican as a home for demons, and judging by the photos they do not lack reason. What is not so usual is that it is the Church herself who says it, even more so that the Virgin herself (in the Third Secret of Fatima) says it.
Jesuits antictristo
"How I warned and warned that Satan would enter the higher realms of the hierarchy in Rome." The Third Secret, My child, is that 
Satan would enter My Son's Church .
 Our Lady to Veronica Lueken, May 13, 1978, anniversary 
of the 1st apparition of Fatima.
It is not usual for institutions dedicated to LOVE worldwide, to venerate demonic entities and to dedicate such dismal sculptures to them in their congress hall. I say entities because when we were there we expel the entity lodged in that kind of monster that pretends to represent Jesus, who is once again tearing apart his umpteenth tunic.
"The Resurrection" is a sculpture created by Pericle Fazzini that pretends to be the risen Christ that emerges from an indefinite chaos that is death. It is in the Paolo VI Classroom, the hall of the great audience of the Pope
It is impressive to see that "entity" embracing the "highest representative of God on earth" behind, or leaving it because the Pope always sits below. His name is "The Resurrection", but it does not seem to refer to Jesus but rather to the one recounted in the book of Revelation about Satan (the Sumerian-Anunnaki god Marduk son of Enki):
"When the thousand years are fulfilled, Satan will be released from his prison,  and will go out to deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, in order to gather them for battle, the number 
of which it is like the sand of the sea (Revelation 20)
The Anunnaki family in its Egyptian aspect. The big bust on the left is Isis, proof of its superiority, it is just below the dome of the old Astronomical Observatory. The ceiling is decorated with stars to highlight its origin .
It is not usual for sacred places to house astronomical observatories. The passion for the stars is old in the Vatican and today is the leading international. The origins of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory go back to the times of Pope Gregory XIII, when he proposed to change to the calendar that bears his name. Leo XIII founded the new Vatican Observatory in 1891 that was in what is now the Vatican Museum, just above the room dedicated to the Sumerian gods in their Egyptian version .
The dome of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory 
of Castellgandolfo, almost above the Pope's rooms.
Later, the "Specula Vaticana" would be transferred to Castelgandolfo, the resting place of the popes ... who did not want to have an observatory in their second home ?. Pope Francis visited this observatory on July 15, the oldest in the world. There lives a community of Jesuit scientists under the command of the Argentinean José Gabriel Funes, who recently declared that"extraterrestrial life is possible and if so, they would be advanced beings" (...) "Perhaps we are the lost sheep of paradise " . It would have been better to say the black sheep.

In 1981 a second research center was founded in Arizona, "The Vatican Observatory Research Group" (VORG), one of the most important institutions in astronomical observation. And in 1993, the Vatican Observatory completed the construction of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) at Mount Graham, Arizona, considered one of the most advanced astronomical observatories in the world.
There the Vatican is using a unique Binocular telescope in the world with an infrared camera and a spectroscopy. Its name is "LUCIFER" (Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) and according to many experts it is the largest telescope in the world, surpassing even Hubble. 

Surely the Jesuits think that when "the false Anunnaki gods" return, they must be the first to see and welcome them, anticipating the rivals with whom they dispute the position of "foremen
 " . Among them its neighbors on the other side of the Tiber on the hill of the competition, Mount Aventino.

The Great Dovecote
In previous trips I had not visited the Basilica of San Pedro, so as not to make the endless queues of tourists. After the hangover of the great pilgrimage of the Consecration of the World from the Virgin to the Fatima of yesterday, it seems that there is less. Still it is long and I opt for the trick of adding myself to a group of Koreans, it always works to advance a few positions. 
inside the roof of the Basilica of San Pedro with a beautiful dove surrounded 
by the symbol of the 3 bees (see Catalonia and Merovingians )

The Basilica is actually a large dovecote, in keeping with the solid accompaniment that this animal offers to humanity since its inception. More than accompanying, I would say harass: Ishtar, Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit, Peace, etc. There must be a reason...

Ishtar / Inanna, the omnipresent dove, represents one of the three factions of "controllers" who are above those who rule the world, that is, their leaders. Each faction has its own group of foremen, always in dispute. The most important thing is that in the change of era of the planet in which we are immersed, the three factions had agreed that the government of the planet would be for Inanna. She and her husband Mitra are a compromise faction , somewhat like a third way to use current terms, between the two rival factions- Ishtar is the granddaughter of Enlil / Jehovah and Mitra is the son of Enki / Lucifer . And as now it is her turn, his servant the French Pope has just consecrated him (consecrate means to deliver) the World this past Sunday, October 13.
A large dove presides over the altar of St. Peter's Basilica. Also, in the lower part of all the walls of the church are some huge pigeons that look like turkeys.
The Basilica of San Pedro is one of the most powerful places on the planet, but there is a small detail. It is located less than another hill in Rome, less known but formerly housed another important loft, a temple dedicated to Diana / Minerva, the Roman version of Ishtar / Inanna. 

It's Mount Aventino, my next visit.

The mountain Aventino
It is one of the seven hills of Rome, taller and more powerful than the Vatican. In fact, it could hold the title of the most treasured mountain in the world, because here are the headquarters of the three most important secret societies (military or religious orders) in history.

Its name comes from the word adventus -reunion- due to the many congregations and celebrations in honor of the multiple gods that had a temple on the mountain. In antiquity, the hill had a lot of temples: Mercury, Diana, Ceres, Jupiter, Libertas, Summanus, Juno, Minerva or Mitra among others had their temple here. Since antiquity, it was made up of luxury residences, as today it is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city.

For these reasons it will be that the two most powerful religious / secret orders today - the Jesuits and the Knights of the Order of Malta - are here, side by side. Only a small and lugubrious square separates them, that of the Knights of the Order of Malta. These two groups, along with the Zionists, are playing a long game of chess, throughout history, which is coming to an end. His obsession, like monopoly, is to capture and dominate the centers of power of the planet and have alternated over the centuries in the control of the Vatican, the Bank, the Military Orders and Religious Orders, the monarchies, Freemasonry, etc

Headquarters of the Dominicans
The Order of the Dominicans was founded by Santo Domingo de Guzmán. They became powerful because of their intervention in the Cathar Crusade, a true "ethnic cleansing" that took place in the former territories of the Catalan Counts. Since then they were the absolute responsible of the Inquisition, which made them feared and hated equally . The cruel cruelty and the sadistic and sexual domination in which he degenerated his method of confession, have gone down in history with the worst of shame and as a terrible joke, because his name "dominicos" is very similar to his darker side : domination
Cardinal Jozef Tomko, highest authority in the Dominican Order
Judging by the look of the current supreme head of the order - left picture - things should not have changed much. It is Cardinal Jozef Tomko, a man of confidence of Benedict XVI as he was one of the three members of the Cardinal Commission created by Benedict XVI to investigate the leak of the Vatican secrets that were the object of his resignation, in what has been called like "Vatileaks". 

Currently the Dominican headquarters is in the Basilica of Santa Sabina, a really strange and very old church, from the 5th century. It was built in the place where there was a temple dedicated to the goddess Juno Regina (which is the same as always) the one that every spring rose on pilgrimage the Roman unmarried women. Perhaps that is why the Dominicans' sexual impulse led them to where it took them.
Basilica of Santa Sabina, Monte Aventino
To Santo Domingo, to whom the Virgin directly gave him the Rosary, he is represented with an eight-pointed star on his head. It is the same star with which Ishtar / Inanna is represented, according to the system of Anunnaki hierarchies later copied by the military. The same star that decorates the beautiful roof of the dilapidated and decadent Church of Santa Sabina. 

Headquarters of the Order of Malta: 
I'm in the square of the Knights of Malta. Despite coming out in many tourist guides, it is not a busy place, there is only a military vehicle and a taxi that patiently waits for some Japanese to take turns through the big lock in an old and uninteresting portico. Between laughter, they make the photo of rigor and they get on the taxi and I approach with curiosity to snoop too ... nothing spectacular, in fact nothing that is worth the trip with the taxi. Best of all is that very slyly those Knights of Malta have achieved that we have all honored the symbol of darkness par excellence, crouched in a "fun" act of submission and at the door of "Villa Malta", at home.

It is the symbol of the Eye of Horus, of the Eye of Sauron, of the Eye "illuminati", of the "Eye that sees everything" ... and in this gesture of closing one eye and looking for the other I just understood that the symbol does not it is in the open eye, but in the closed eye, in the wink. This famous "greeting illuminati" should be called the "Wink of Horus", because the act of closing one eye and looking for the other symbolizes the cerebral dissociation that the dark seeks in many different ways, con the purpose of better manipulating human minds. An effect similar to when we attend a 3D movie. In the next article we will know much more about this dissociation of the "closed eye". And about the Order of Malta we already talked a lot about having forced the resignation of the previous Pope Benedict XVI, see "They take Benedict"
View of the dome of St. Peter through the lock of Villa Malta, tourist 
attraction-illuminati on the hill of the pagan gods, the Aventine.
A seemingly innocent wink: looking through the lock of Villa Malta offers the best view of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. Look, who is resisting it? it means here to make the most famous wink of all history, the one represented as the Eye of Horus, as the eye that sees everything "Illuminati" or the 
eye that Lady Gaga and many other celebrities have made 
fashionable, much to the delight of "cazailluminattis".
Behind that door that has so cleverly obtained this greeting from me, is Villa Malta, a whole country owned by the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta, (SMOM). I am before the smallest nation in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, whose extension is only that of this farm (1.5 hectares) and that of the Magisterial Palace of the Via Condotti ( in whose chapel the gentleman of Malta Juan Carlos Bourbon ). Its inhabitants are only 80 officials and yet controls some of the most important companies in the world, much of the traffic (sorry, I wanted to say much of the <manufacture> of weapons) of the planet and some other organization of more or less weight political like the European Community.

The village is closed, of course, but the commoners can look through the lock, make the wink of Horus, and see a corridor between hedges and in the background the dome of the Vatican the largest church in Christendom. A keyhole that sees everything (the small view includes three countries Italy, the Vatican and SMOM). And to complete the message, the Vatican is at a lower height, so that it is clear who is in charge.

Headquarters of the Jesuits 
At the same time, a little higher and behind the wall of the square of the Knights of Malta (which looks more like a cemetery), is the headquarters of the secret order that has historically been the eternal rival of the Order of Malta : The Society of Jesus. From its terrace it is observed that the Vatican is in the distance at a lower height. Question of hierarchies. Even to this day they maintain their great rivalry, since they serve different factions of the OO. Origin of Darkness The Order of Malta are the foremen of Moloch, while the Jesuits are the foremen of Mitra-Ishtar. Do not look for "illuminati's" that do not exist, look for them. And also to the third group in discord, the Zionists who make their war apart (see Final game in three bands ).

The Society of Jesus inherited in Spain the power and knowledge of the secret society (formerly military order) of the Knights Templar. The transfer was made in two phases, which we will explain in the next article dedicated to them. 
A cold church, at the bottom of the photo on the other side of the Plaza de los Caballeros de Malta, accompanies the Jesuit headquarters 

The Jesuits are the most powerful group of foremen thanks to their ability to infiltrate, to blend into the places of power of the entire planet and thanks to the unsurpassed recruitment machinery that involves the hundreds of schools and universities around the world, all of them an excellent level. A real army of illustrious laity, linked in varying degrees to the Jesuits, occupy the most important governments, banks and boards of directors throughout the world.

Having caused the debt crisis is one of the best achievements of the Company and its culmination reach the throne of Peter with Mr. Bergoglio. 

And it is that the Jesuits are the foremen chosen by the OO Origin of Darkness, destined to govern the planet to the physical return of the ancient Sumerian-Anunnaki gods. They prepare the way for a return that, however, has already been aborted, at least for the time being. But with their blinding arrogance they continue with the plans prepared.

Back home, but I'm still in Rome
And with this little report of conspiranoic tourism, the series of articles dedicated to Fatima and Rome should have ended. But once in Barcelona, ​​the media have not stopped puking information generated from the Vatican. Since I returned, Pope Francis has given us five unpublished events with astonishing synchronicity and all very revealing and even surprising. And with direct relation to what we have revealed in these three articles about the plan of the " Sacred Heart ", of the " Russian Madonnas " and of the false mother of Jesus - the Virgin - with her voodoo and black magic. The Pope also, not happy with that, has made public his true intentions and has launched the ACCOUNT BACK.

November 17, 2013
1 · Sale of Misericordinas, 59 capsules and a BACK COUNT
Francisco, the great trilero, makes us look at the little box in his hand while, in reality, he is starting the ACCOUNT BACK . The time has come.
From the balcony of their rooms, in the Angelus prayer, the Pope proposes to the faithful to take a new medicine, the "Misecordina", in whose box appears the image of a beautiful "Sacred Heart" . What synchronicity with our articles ... will they be true?  

November 17, 2013
2 · Offering of golden roses to Isis. The lost souls of Charon
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnakis, Jesus
In the Cathedral of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera showed a Rose of Gold that Pope Francis sent as a gift to the Virgin of Guadalupe. The gift was delivered by Marc Ouellet, president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
The pope makes an offering of roses to the Virgin as in Egypt it was done to Isis. But it is not just a rose, it is a golden "Branch" and it is the threat of the FINAL JUDGMENT

November 19, 2013
3 · Presentation of a Priestess. BOCA LETTERS UP
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnakis, Jesus
Priscilla, presumed Christian priestess in the Roman catacombs, fresh from the 4th century. Actually, she is the leader of an important first-century heresy related to the Third Secret of Fatima.
It is not a cultural news, it is the confession of the Jesuits of their heresy. And they say it publicly, I forgot your geeks. The time has come, letters face up.

November 24, 2013
4 · Closing Year of Faith, with a tribute to "CHRIST REY".
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnakis, Christ the King
Christ, King of the Universe closes the Year of Faith in a big way
At the cry of Christ the King, the condemned of the Francoist side died when they were shot in the Spanish Civil War. The pope pays homage to the divine monarch, teaches some bones at the closing Mass of the Year of Faith and makes a new ritual with them. Not even in the Olympic Games is there a closure of this level.

December 11, 2013
5 · The Pope warns that the "FINAL JUDGMENT takes place right now".
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Order of Malta, Apocalypse, Ishtar, Anunnaki, Last Judgment

On a day numerologically indicated as 11-12-13, on the day of the Catechesis, Pope Francis has referred to the final judgment with disturbing terms: 

"I am going to speak of the final judgment, but do not be afraid" and " « Esa joy of the end begins now "
(... of the same Pope who already said in his first public appearance:" They have gone to look for me at the End of the World "

These five initiatives of the Vatican occurred in such a short space of time, corroborating the attempt to activate the "Final Solution" in the Consecration of the World to the Heart of the Virgin of Fatima , which we attended and which we denounced in the first of these articles. It is the final solution that was applied previously in Jesus' time and it seems logical that it be activated at the moment when his countdown begins to run. Light beings can be a nuisance and a threat. You have to eliminate them first and the easiest and most effective is black magic . First it was magic, then Judas, Pilate, Caiaphas or whoever materialized the curse. 

Thanks Francisco, you thank your validation even though we do not need it, because we know it is true and who validates us is the Source itself, not an imposter. We also thank you that, after denouncing the plan of the "Sacred Heart", you dedicate yourself to selling it on the balcony of your house and that you call it "Misericordina" and thus give us the clue to complete the piece that we lacked. Also that you make it easy explaining who you really are, because until now I repeat, we were missing a piece. Yes, I refer to that heresy that was in the first century of our era and that you know so well to the point that you have wanted to present it in public, in the catacombs of Priscilla.

Francisco, tell your bosses that they have done wrong by underestimating the human being. 

They may be good geneticists but never, never can be equated to the Creator. 

Nor to that being they consider "inferior", called man, who knows what Love is, something they have never tried.

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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...