Ignatius Loyola (1495-1556), was a Roman Catholic religious leader who founded the Society of Jesus.
Members of this religious order of men are known a s Jesuits.
Ignatius was born into an aristocratic Basque family near Azpeitia, Spain. His real name was Inigo de Loyola.
1516, Ignatius became a soldier in the army of the Duke of Najera. While fighting the French at Pamplona in
1521, Ignatius suffered severe wounds. During his long period of recovery, he read a book about the life of
and stories about the saints, these books convinced him that he should abandon his life of ambition and
After his recovery, he went to the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat, near Barcelona. There, he hung up his
sword at the altar of the Virgin Mary and dedicated himself to a spiritual life.
During much of 1522 and 1523, Ignatius lived in a cave near Manresa, where he prayed and subjected himself
many physical discomforts. During this time, he underwent mystical experiences. Ignatius drew on these
experiences when he wrote Spiritual Exercises, a manual of self-discipline and prayer.
To prepare himself for the priesthood. Ignatius studied humanities and theology in Paris from 1528 to 1535. In
1534, he and six other men formed the Society of Jesus. The group took vows of poverty and chastity, the men
also vowed to go to the Holy Land. Ignatius was ordained a priest in 1537. He and the other Jesuits then went
Rome to offer their services to the pope.
Pope Paul III approved the Society of Jesus in 1540. Ignatius became its first superior general (head). He also
wrote the order's constitutions, which established the Jesuits' organization and way of life.
Under the leadership of Ignatius, the Jesuits helped reform the church during a self-renewal movement called
the "The Reformation and Counter Reformation".
The following information is at no way aimed at the innocent common church people that attend the Catholic Church. This information is about the behind doors activities that are active behind the outward appearance of
the church.
Medieval Christian civilization ended with the Reformation, a religious revolution that gave birth to the
religion in the 1500's. (This Protestant religion was not at all what it is toady because of the continued
interference and adulteration by the Catholic Church and the Jesuits). As a result of the Reformation, Europe
became divided between Roman Catholic and Protestant countries. The Reformation also led the Catholic
to reform itself in a movement called the Counter Reformation. By the early 1500's. the conditions in the
that led to the Reformation were apparent. The papacy was dominated by temporal concerns. The Roman
was incredibly corrupt. Many bishops lived like princes and ignored the faithful. A great number of clergymen
were ignorant and neglected their pastoral duties. Members of religious orders had become worldly. Fear and
superstition were common among the laity. The liturgy no longer held much meaning or inspiration for the
people, and theology had generally become dry and unproductive.[Sound familiar D.C.]
Many councils, popes, saints, scholars, and movements among the people had attempted to reform the church during the late Middle Ages. However, the church remained largely unreformed.
Indications of the church's move toward reform appear in the activities of three religious orders founded from 1524 to 1530 the Barnabites. Capuchins, and Theatines.
Members of these orders tried to reform Catholic life through missionary and charitable work and by leading deeply religious lives.
A number of religious wars broke out during the Counter Reformation. Between 1562 and 1598, the Catholic majority in France and French Protestants called Huguenots fought eight civil wars called the Wars of Religion.
Many councils, popes, saints, scholars, and movements among the people had attempted to reform the church during the late Middle Ages. However, the church remained largely unreformed.
The counter reformation was the Roman Catholic Church's self-reforming reaction to the Protestant
It is usually understood as extending from about the mid-1500's to the end of the Thirty Years' War
(1618-1648). Indications of the church's move toward reform appear in the activities of three religious orders founded from 1524 to 1530 the Barnabites. Capuchins, and Theatines.
Members of these orders tried to reform Catholic life through missionary and charitable work and by leading deeply religious lives.
A number of religious wars broke out during the Counter Reformation. Between 1562 and 1598, the Catholic majority in France and French Protestants called Huguenots fought eight civil wars called the Wars of Religion.
The Thirty Years' War destroyed much of Germany. The war began as a civil war between Protestant and Catholics in the German states but eventually involved most European countries. The Peace of Westphalia,
ended the war in 1648, declared that the people of each state must follow the religion of their ruler.
During the mid and late 1700's several nations banned the Jesuit Order from their country and colonies.
Portugal banned the Jesuits in 1759, France in 1764, and Spain in 1767.
In 1773, pressure from Catholic rulers helped force Pope Clement XIV to suppress the Jesuits in all countries.
The Jesuits were banned for several reasons.
Some Catholic rulers and churchmen were jealous of the order's influence. Some accused the Jesuits of accumulating too much power and wealth.
Gallicans opposed the orders' complete devotion to the pope and the church.
Some regard them as societies in the worship of witchcraft, magic, Satan and evil, which is the dark side of man.
The Illuminati is credited with keeping the ancient wisdom that has been handed down through the generations as far back as the origination of the pyramids. However, there are some who hold today that the Illuminati is a front for the Roman Catholic Church to unite the world under her banner once again. (Take control of the world again is what they mean to say).
But this side of Illuminism that goes back to the origin of the pyramids was dedicated to being the keepers of enlightenment, the teachers of truth and righteousness, the illuminated and humans of higher knowledge and intelligence, the miracle workers.
So down through time, many different secret groups have been hidden from the public eye, not because all were a secret group of worshipers of witchcraft, Satanism and the dark side of humanity, but it was for their very lives they met in secrecy because their teachings and knowledge were not openly accepted by society.
The group that we are most concerned within this text is the Illuminati of Bavaria. This secret order was founded by and Ex-Jesuit priest and professor of Canon (Jewish) Law at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria on May 1,1776, by Adam Weishaupt.
His secret society was founded on the Lucifer Rebellion and worship, the expert practice of witchcraft and the occult in general, the dark side of world domination.
It is believed that this order was created to carry on the Jesuits covert activities outside of the church.
When Pope Clement annulled the Jesuit order in 1773 because the Jesuits were meddling in the affairs of the state and were considered enemies of the government.
During the mid and late 1700's several nations banned the Jesuit Order from their country and colonies.
Portugal banned the Jesuits in 1759, France in 1764, and Spain in 1767.
In 1773, pressure from Catholic rulers helped force Pope Clement XIV to suppress the Jesuits in all countries.
The Jesuits were banned for several reasons.
Some Catholic rulers and churchmen were jealous of the order's influence. Some accused the Jesuits of accumulating too much power and wealth.
Gallicans opposed the orders' complete devotion to the pope and the church.
The Illuminati or Illuminism is the name tagged onto earth's oldest and most secret of societies. Some regard them as societies in the worship of witchcraft, magic, Satan and evil, which is the dark side of man.
The Illuminati is credited with keeping the ancient wisdom that has been handed down through the generations as far back as the origination of the pyramids. However, there are some who hold today that the Illuminati is a front for the Roman Catholic Church to unite the world under her banner once again. (Take control of the world again is what they mean to say).
But this side of Illuminism that goes back to the origin of the pyramids was dedicated to being the keepers of enlightenment, the teachers of truth and righteousness, the illuminated and humans of higher knowledge and intelligence, the miracle workers.
So down through time, many different secret groups have been hidden from the public eye, not because all were a secret group of worshipers of witchcraft, Satanism and the dark side of humanity, but it was for their very lives they met in secrecy because their teachings and knowledge were not openly accepted by society.
The group that we are most concerned within this text is the Illuminati of Bavaria. This secret order was founded by and Ex-Jesuit priest and professor of Canon (Jewish) Law at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria on May 1,1776, by Adam Weishaupt.
His secret society was founded on the Lucifer Rebellion and worship, the expert practice of witchcraft and the occult in general, the dark side of world domination.
It is believed that this order was created to carry on the Jesuits covert activities outside of the church.
When Pope Clement annulled the Jesuit order in 1773 because the Jesuits were meddling in the affairs of the state and were considered enemies of the government.
At a time close to this, that a more powerful outside force behind the scene and always unknown to anyone
than the keepers of a dastardly secret plan to help Weishaupt, the catholic Church and a secret society with the
capability of their help and an agreement between them for the eventual control of the world economies and
all its
We will refer to this outside force as the Lucifer Rebellion. The Lucifer Rebellion only desire was for world control and domination and the subservience of man. With the information gathered, their plan could undermine and control all religions and undermine all governments through a super secret society which operated out of the public's sight.
There are some who hold today that the Bavarian Illuminati is a front for the Roman Catholic church to unite the world under her banner again and that makes a lot of sense. [Well they are going to see that fail,you would actually need a Pope who is alive to pull their shit off, Francis? He ain't the One. DC]
In August 1814, Pope Pius VII overruled Clement's action and reinstated the Jesuits to all of their former
and privileges so they could go back to doing just what they were doing before.
By now, Weishaupt's secret society and plans were well under way. The Great Scarlet Whore in the Book of Revelations is the Catholic Church and is a false religious system that caused the Protestants to flee from the old European countries to come to the New Jerusalem.
Consider the great power that the peoples of the world are being subjected to; the Lucifer Rebellion which is in force to bring the people of the world to complete subservience; the Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati and the changed, adulterated Protestant Church.
We will refer to this outside force as the Lucifer Rebellion. The Lucifer Rebellion only desire was for world control and domination and the subservience of man. With the information gathered, their plan could undermine and control all religions and undermine all governments through a super secret society which operated out of the public's sight.
There are some who hold today that the Bavarian Illuminati is a front for the Roman Catholic church to unite the world under her banner again and that makes a lot of sense. [Well they are going to see that fail,you would actually need a Pope who is alive to pull their shit off, Francis? He ain't the One. DC]
By now, Weishaupt's secret society and plans were well under way. The Great Scarlet Whore in the Book of Revelations is the Catholic Church and is a false religious system that caused the Protestants to flee from the old European countries to come to the New Jerusalem.
Consider the great power that the peoples of the world are being subjected to; the Lucifer Rebellion which is in force to bring the people of the world to complete subservience; the Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati and the changed, adulterated Protestant Church.
When the Roman Catholic Church became a religious dictatorship, it was seen as "church and state," one in
We know that there were many struggles between the original teachings of Jesus and the rules of state that the mother church of the Christians had to contend with the true scriptures and teaching of Jesus were hidden from the vast population.
We know that the Emperor Justinian of the Second Congress of Constantinople played a big part in changing and altering the true scriptures, because the teachings offended him and new catechisms were substituted instead of the truth.
The one teaching that he did away with is that we all live many lives and reincarnate millions of times on our journey for wisdom. The gospel of the Bible, or true teachings, became altered and had mingled into it ignorance, superstition, worship, hatred, divisions of people, war, controlled pagan philosophies and the Catholic Church started worshipping the Virgin Mary.[Yes!!! One life, millions of stops,and the inbound is just starting DC]
Harmony, freedom and unconditional love were done away with also and the truth that we really are all God's children, one with the creator of the all was removed.
The Catholic Church has for all this time hidden the truth. Romanism perverted the gospel, but there were still a few people who were teaching the true faith during the 1260 years that the Catholic Church cast the truth to the ground.
Those faithful people who proclaimed the sacred truth that Jesus came and taught us that were not murdered had to flee for their lives from the wrath of the Catholic Church's Inquisitors.
The true faith was forced to go underground, and in the true sense of the word, that is where your cults or occults came from it simply means "hidden knowledge" for their very lives.
It was so they could continue to study the secrets of the cosmology and the life force that created everyone of us. which is God, and who we really are and why we are here.
That is what true illuminated people are all about-loving the essence of the God within us and the creator of everything and all of the possibilities and probabilities of the vastness called God.
Most people today, because of the church, are so far removed from the creator that is within each of us, and that was the plan of the Lucifer Rebellion from the beginning of their interfering plans.
Through separation from knowledge of truth you give your powers away to something outside of you. Now the Bavarian Illuminati had another plan, but they are all working toward the same end result, total world control and domination.
The secret revolutionary force that had its beginning in the French Revolution is just another tool of the Lucifer Rebellion and is using this tool to further the plan to establish eventual total rule of the world.
In the book of Revelations, the only scripture that is, for the most part intact, predicted to unite the Scarlet Whore which is the Catholic Church and everyone else that has been drawn into its lies and deceptions. And everyone is supposed to fall subject to the ultimate plan of world domination and control.
You need to take a close look at the inside history of the French Revolution and study the subversive groups that actually caused the revolt.
It began around 1788, give or take a year. It was actually planned by the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt almost 20 years before the revolution took place.
While in the background, the Lucifer Rebellion were doing their subliminal works to incite Napoleon.
Weishaupt's Illuminati plan to crush governments, while the House of Rothschild provided the money for their secret society, was working very well and this was just the first of many. Weishaupt began to write down his plan to destroy all governments and religions.
Atheism was to be used as a tool to destroy the Catholic Church, which then was the controlling power in Europe.
He adopted the Jesuit system of espionage and introduced the dark side of the human to his followers and developed a fraternity within his political movement that was akin to the freemasonry.
After he formed his organization, with financial backing from the House of Rothschild, he adopted the name, Illuminati.
We know that there were many struggles between the original teachings of Jesus and the rules of state that the mother church of the Christians had to contend with the true scriptures and teaching of Jesus were hidden from the vast population.
We know that the Emperor Justinian of the Second Congress of Constantinople played a big part in changing and altering the true scriptures, because the teachings offended him and new catechisms were substituted instead of the truth.
The one teaching that he did away with is that we all live many lives and reincarnate millions of times on our journey for wisdom. The gospel of the Bible, or true teachings, became altered and had mingled into it ignorance, superstition, worship, hatred, divisions of people, war, controlled pagan philosophies and the Catholic Church started worshipping the Virgin Mary.[Yes!!! One life, millions of stops,and the inbound is just starting DC]
Harmony, freedom and unconditional love were done away with also and the truth that we really are all God's children, one with the creator of the all was removed.
The Catholic Church has for all this time hidden the truth. Romanism perverted the gospel, but there were still a few people who were teaching the true faith during the 1260 years that the Catholic Church cast the truth to the ground.
Those faithful people who proclaimed the sacred truth that Jesus came and taught us that were not murdered had to flee for their lives from the wrath of the Catholic Church's Inquisitors.
The true faith was forced to go underground, and in the true sense of the word, that is where your cults or occults came from it simply means "hidden knowledge" for their very lives.
It was so they could continue to study the secrets of the cosmology and the life force that created everyone of us. which is God, and who we really are and why we are here.
That is what true illuminated people are all about-loving the essence of the God within us and the creator of everything and all of the possibilities and probabilities of the vastness called God.
Most people today, because of the church, are so far removed from the creator that is within each of us, and that was the plan of the Lucifer Rebellion from the beginning of their interfering plans.
Through separation from knowledge of truth you give your powers away to something outside of you. Now the Bavarian Illuminati had another plan, but they are all working toward the same end result, total world control and domination.
The secret revolutionary force that had its beginning in the French Revolution is just another tool of the Lucifer Rebellion and is using this tool to further the plan to establish eventual total rule of the world.
In the book of Revelations, the only scripture that is, for the most part intact, predicted to unite the Scarlet Whore which is the Catholic Church and everyone else that has been drawn into its lies and deceptions. And everyone is supposed to fall subject to the ultimate plan of world domination and control.
You need to take a close look at the inside history of the French Revolution and study the subversive groups that actually caused the revolt.
It began around 1788, give or take a year. It was actually planned by the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt almost 20 years before the revolution took place.
While in the background, the Lucifer Rebellion were doing their subliminal works to incite Napoleon.
Weishaupt's Illuminati plan to crush governments, while the House of Rothschild provided the money for their secret society, was working very well and this was just the first of many. Weishaupt began to write down his plan to destroy all governments and religions.
Atheism was to be used as a tool to destroy the Catholic Church, which then was the controlling power in Europe.
He adopted the Jesuit system of espionage and introduced the dark side of the human to his followers and developed a fraternity within his political movement that was akin to the freemasonry.
After he formed his organization, with financial backing from the House of Rothschild, he adopted the name, Illuminati.
Weishaupt taught his disciples that the Illuminati were the only members of the human race who were truly enlightened and knew "what it's all about."
Weishaupt had his followers believing that they were to be the cream of the intelligentsia, or the only people with the mental capacity, the knowledge, the insight and understanding necessary to govern the world and bring peace.
However, only a few of his chosen members actually knew Weishaupt personally, and he was regarded by those who had not seen him almost as a god.
Weishaupt recruited into his Illuminati organization as many young men of wealth and position as possible.
Within four or five years, Weishaupt's Illuminati became very powerful and even had his members directing the affairs of Germany.
Weishaupt's goal was to hide the sciences of witchcraft behind philanthropy, destroy Christianity with humanism (atheism), then set up a One World government of New World Order, with the following major goals:
1. Abolition of all ordered governments
2. Abolition of private property.
3. Abolition of all inheritance.
4. Abolition of all religion.
5. Abolition of patriotism.
6. Abolition of the family.
7. Creation of a New World Order.
Weishaupt. who was only 28 when he founded the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, did not make much progress until he met a high-ranking freemason named Baron Von Knigge. Von Knigge was not only a high ranking freemason, but he also had been admitted as a master of most of the secret societies of this day.
Von Knigge was, like Weishaupt and all masters of these particular types of secret societies, an expert occultist.
To spread his Order and give the Illuminati higher influence in the world, and because freemasonry is akin to Illuminism, Weishaupt connected with the Masonic Institution. He was initiated in 1777 into freemasonry at a lodge in Munich that he planned to use to promote his world revolutionary ideas.
Baron Von Knigge joined Weishaupt's Order in 1780 and soon became a leader, dividing with Weishaupt the control and direction of the Order.
The world accepts freemasonry as a Great Benevolent society, teaching the highest possible degree of morality and virtue.
Since freemasonry enjoyed prestige and honor, Weishaupt and Von Knigge planned a world takeover by using the Fraternal Order of Freemasonry.
Their plan was to penetrate into the high levels of the order, then take control in directing the affairs of the nations into an eventual New World Order or One World Government.
Since the Catholics, Christianity was both church and state and had been the dominating power that the Lucifer Rebellion was using to control the affairs of the world in Weishaupt's time.
The rebellion used this controlling and domineering influence that would gradually unite all paganism, teaching false truths, with Christianity and all governments of the world under one controlling government.
Weishaupt's first step was, however, to get control of the International Order of Freemasonry. In order to gain control of the order, Weishaupt and Von Knigge tried to sell the leaders of freemasonry on the idea that their Order of the Illuminati had a higher, much older and more mysterious system than any of the higher degrees of masonry.
The plan for world take over was to operate under cover as long as possible, and when the gullible world finally found out it would be too late to stop them.
The Illuminati was to be a secret society within the secret society of the freemasons, to stay hidden form the vast population.
Voltaire, whose real name was Jean Francois Aronet, was educated by the Jesuits who later turned against Catholicism and helped promoted the philosophy of illuminism. Later, the Illusionist became fused into the same movement working to cause the French Revolution.
In the United States, Benjamin Franklin, who knew Voltaire, was a leading figure in the Illuminati and ironically enough, the ideas of the movement formed the background to the Declaration of Independence.
We were very fortunate in that this confusion was not molded into the Declaration of Independence, and a protective shield against both civil and religious persecution was formulated.
However, it actually began because of the Roman Catholic suppression of the true scriptures that Jesus taught. Jesus did not preach as originally set forth in the gospel. Jesus was misrepresented among the vast multitudes in France.
Because of the false presentation of the gospel by the Catholic Church suppressing the true scriptures, the tyranny and fanaticism, an army of atheists was able to gain sympathy for their cause, and the Lucifer influence was able to make war on the scriptures and overcome it.
This is the reason the Catholic Church lost its dictatorial power. This set the stage for not only destroying Christianity in France at that time, but also set the stage for the forces of France to march into Vatican City and dethrone the Pope when Napoleon came on the scene after the revolution.
Writers have hailed the French Revolution as the dawning of a new era, but it actually was the birth of another terrible deception with the masterminding originally coming from the Lucifer Rebellion.
Before you can understand how Illuminism, Catholicism and Protestantism shall go forth into the world to unite them against the true teachings of Jesus, we needed to know what name the illuminati is operating under today.
As stated before, Weishaupt connected with the Masonic Lodge in 1777. He posed at First among the freemasons as a reformer in religion and a liberal in politics.
Because freemasonry was also anti-Catholic, Weishaupt's anti Catholic policies in Germany became popular immediately.
Weishaupt enrolled no less than two thousand names upon the illuminati register in Germany. Among those were names of the most distinguished aristocrats of the country. It is quite apparent the men of the Order of Freemasonry who joined Weishaupt's illuminati had no idea of what trap they had fallen into.
Very few masons understood what Weishaupt's plans were in the beginning, as very few masons today understand what their own organization teaches.
Weishaupt penetrated into the freemasonry organization with all the shrewdness and subtlety that he learned from once being a Jesuit priest.
Some historians have written that the French Revolution was not premeditated. Some will say that the French Revolution emerged only from political crisis that coincided with an economic breakdown. This economic breakdown generated unrest and riots which even the French army could not quell.[Kind of interesting to see France rioting again huh? DC]
It was this, some historians will agree, that made the people of France determined to cause a social change and overthrow their country. What these historians say is true in part only. The parts of history some historians fail to see or left out is actually what caused the people in the first place to accept this spirit of Illuminism?
As stated before, it was the fanatical oppression of the Roman Catholic Church that actually generated the spark that eventually led the French people to reject Christianity and publicly burn their Bibles.
History records that the events that led up to the French Revolution were caused by anarchy. The citizens became divided into a medley of hate factions that were struggling for power and trying to exterminate each other.
But before this, it was the Roman Catholic Church who slaughtered French citizens by the thousands that kindled a hatred of Christianity.
The murderous character of the Catholic Church was seen in France.
In 1572 A.D., Roman Catholics tried in one sweep to murder all of the Protestants in France. This is known in history as the St. Bartholomew Massacre.
Within the space of one month, 60,000 Protestants are said to have been slain in France. All told, there were over 75,000. The Cardinal of Lorraine gave 1,000 crowns as a reward to the person who brought the news to the Vatican.
During the revolution. France was reduced to a state of moral decay similar to that of the city of Sodom during Lot's time. It was from here that Illuminism began to emerge and overcome Christianity. History calls this movement of Illuminism the "Jacobin Clubs."
The Jacobin Clubs in France were the aristocratic terrorists who spearheaded the French Revolution which sent King Louis XVI on January 21, 1793, to the guillotine.
However, most historians leave out who was really giving orders to Dantor, Moret and Robespierre, the leaders of the Jacobin Clubs.
It was the Jacobin Clubs that actually abolished Christianity through the National Assembly and established the worship of the Goddess of Reason or Liberty.
The Jacobin Clubs were also known as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution and were soon organized in every important town in France. They were the most wealthy and influential people in France. They had as many as 500,000 members at the height of the influence in 1793-94.
The truth is that this aristocratic terrorist movement called the Jacobin clubs was actually the French Illuminist operating under a different name.
As established earlier, Weishaupt became a mason in 1777 for the sole purpose of using that organization as a tool for boring into the high levels of government by simply replacing freemasons who already sat in these positions.
With an inexhaustible talent for charlatanry and a well planned system of espionage, Weishaupt's disciples infiltrated into the high levels of the governments in Germany, France, England. Belgium. Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Italy.
However, it was Baron Von Knigge who joined the Illuminati in 1780 that gave this organization its rapid expansion, not Weishaupt.
Freemasons, like all secret societies, choose to remain obscure and do not like to attract attention. Because the Illuminati was a secret society within the secret society of Freemasonry, even though they had penetrated into the high levels of Europe, very few indeed ever heard of them.
However, shortly before the revolution took place in France, two hard blows would land on the heads of Adam Weishaupt and his co-conspirators. The freemasons were not long in hearing rumors about the true nature of Weishaupt's plans to capture their whole organization.
When the freemasons began to get wind of Weishaupt's true purpose, a chief council was held to examine the nature of the Illuminati by top ranking freemasons.
A conference of masons was held in 1782 at which time Weishaupt and Von Knigge attended. But it wasn't until Weishaupt and Knigge had a falling out that led to Knigge's leaving the Order that began to have exposure and a threat of internal strife within the Illuminati.
A contest between Weishaupt and Von Knigge about who was to be the king of this revolutionary movement was the real motive for Von Knigge leaving it.
After Von Knigge left the Illuminati. the hardest blow to Weishaupt's society was received in 1785. when one of Weishaupt's co-conspirators named Lanze was struck by lightning while en route from Frankfurt, Germany, to deliver documents to Robespierre, the head of the Jacobin Clubs at that time.
The documents that Lanze was carrying had important information about the Order of the Illuminati and its plans of not only destroying the French government through riots and revolution, but also governments of the entire world as well.
This is how we, today, have information about this mastermind plan and it all really originated way back with the Lucifer Rebellion.
All of the papers Lanze was carrying fell into the hands of the Bavarian government, and the authorities ordered the police to raid the headquarters of the Illuminati in Germany.
Adam Weishaupt had to escape for his life, and all documental evidence that the Order of the Illuminati was a dangerous international terrorist group was brought to the attention of many countries in Europe.
However, the warnings fell on deaf ears as they will in our day. In 1785, the Bavarian government exposed Weishaupt's plan to destroy Christianity and control all world governments. However, this was not the end of the Illuminati, as most historians have written.
Weishaupt's plans were only interrupted and dealt with as a dangerous revolutionary force in Germany.
The other nations that the Illuminati were operating in did not heed the warning from the Bavarian government.
Just a couple of years later, the plan to destroy Christianity and world governments was first seen in the French Revolution.
This same revolutionary force reappeared again in Germany, called the "League of the Just," with branches in London, Brussels. Paris and Switzerland.
When Napoleon came into power, he would not tolerate the activities of the Jacobin Clubs with their independent opposition, so he completely suppressed it.
However, the Illuminati just operated under other names. It was under the name of the "League of the Just" that Karl Marx became a member. He was hired to update the writings of Adam Weishaupt. written seventy years earlier.
Weishaupt died in 1830 but his revolutionary plans were carried on by a list of successors. In 1842, Karl Marx began to write revolutionary propaganda for the "League of the Just", Marx began to write the infamous "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei," commonly know today as the "Communist Manifesto," which appeared at the beginning of 1848.
Later, the Illuminati, operating under the name of the "League of the Just", changed their name to the "League of the Communists." The communists celebrated May 1st as the birth of their revolutionary movement because it was the birthday of the illuminati which was founded by Weishaupt.
It was Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild who started this partly religious and partly political movement foretold in prophecy in the book of Revelations.
In the 1890's. this world revolutionary movement added to its membership Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who changed his name to Nikolai Lenin.
As the illuminati terrorist group in France (the Jacobin Clubs) caused the fall of the government of Louis XVI, so did their later aristocratic brethren operating under the name of Bolshevism caused the overthrow of the Tsar in Russian and caused the Russian Revolution in 1917.
It well be shown later that these communists was financed by both European and American international bankers.
The commoners of England lost all their liberties, titles to their properties and lands to the conquering King, who redistributed them among his faithful followers, as gifts which were called fiefs, a fief being the same as a feud, which is described as an estate in land held of a superior on condition of rendering him services.
This holding of lands under another term was called a tenure, and was not limited to the relation of the first or paramount lord.
Those who held directly of the king were called his "tenants in chief" In this manner, the lands which had been granted out to what was called Earls and Barons.
These Earls and Barons were allowed by the King to use the lands and any buildings, livestock and farm implements thereon, and the people became serfs, or slaves, with no rights, save those granted to them by their new master, who rented the properties from their masters, and tilled the land for them, keeping the produce for themselves.
For this privilege they had to pay heavy tithes or taxes to their master. The title held by such tenant-owners over their land was described as a fee simple absolute. "Free simple, Fee commeth of the French fief, i.e., paraedium beneficiarium, and legally signifieth inheritance. And simple is added, for that it is descendible to his heirs generally, that is, simply, without restraint to the heirs of his body, or the like.
In modern English tenures, the term fee signifies and inheritable estate, being the highest and most extensive interest the common man or noble, other than the king, could have in the feudal system.
Thus, the term fee simple absolute in common law England denotes the most and best title a person could have as long as the king allowed him to retain possession of (own) the land.
The flip side is "Allodium" which means or is defined as a man's own land, which he possesses merely in his own right, without owing any rent or service to any superior. Some serfs were able to earn their freedom (through good and long servitude or by some deed of bravery) which was granted to them by their master, be he either Earl or Baron, or it could be granted by the King.
The former serf would now be called a freeman and have all his rights of ownership of property etc., granted to him. The King had absolute supreme power in the feudal system of government, the Barons and Earls had to answer to the King, the freemen were under these, and had all their rights only by decree of the Baron, Earl, or the King.
Below all these were the common serfs, with no rights whatsoever, and totally at the call of, and subject to the whims and wishes of the Barons and all those above.
The order of hierarchy was simple:
(Absolute Ruler and Owner of all)
There were many problems with this system. The King ruled over the whole country-lands, Barons, Earls, freemen and serfs.
Nobody was safe from his displeasure. When you were in favor, all was well, when not. look out.
If a Baron fell from grace, or was suspected of doing anything contrary to the King's wishes, he could find he no longer had any lands, serfs, army or income, or, worse still, if his conduct could be considered treasonable, then the King would order his execution, death by beheading.
In either case, his subjects would suddenly find themselves with a new master, usually with worse consequences.
If a freeman incurred the displeasure of his Baron, he would be demoted to serf, and have all his privileges removed, along with anything he may have owned at the time.
If a serf displeased his master, he would be thrown in the master's dungeons, not the best place to be for even a short time, there to literally rot until the master decided to let him out (if ever).
The King needed money to pay his own soldiers, and to run his own and the country's affairs.
To obtain this, he levied taxes on his most immediate subjects, his Barons and Earls. This was not apportioned according to the amount of land of number of serfs each baron had. but only by the number of Barons and Earls in the King's court.
If the King wanted twenty thousand pounds, and there were twenty Earls and barons, then each one would be taxed on a thousand pounds.
This was very unfair for the Barons who did not have much in the way of lands and subjects, and good for the ones who had a lot of both.
A Baron with five hundred subjects would find he had to obtain two pounds from each of his people. A Baron with twenty thousand subjects would only have to collect one shilling from each of his people.
The Barons and Earls also levied their own taxes on their people to pay for their own estates and armies. They would have to collect these taxes from somewhere, the only place being their own subjects.
The end result was that the serfs paid two taxes, one to the King, and one to their masters. View them as federal and state taxes. The taxes they paid to their masters (state taxes) were collected twice a year, in the Spring, after the sheep season, and in the Fall, after harvest, and they were collected, usually, in the form of wool or grain (meal).
If they had a good master, these would be the only times of the year they had to be paid, as the master would have anticipated any taxes the king was going to want (federal taxes) and collected them at these times.
The King's taxes were collected in either case by the Barons. Barons, freemen and serfs paid this (federal) tax. The Baron's taxes (State) were only paid by the serfs. The penalty for not having enough to pay the master's tax was a long stretch in his dungeon. Definitely not recommended.
The penalty for not paying the King's taxes was (as it was viewed as treason against the King, country and state) death, either by hanging, or by being beheaded.
Amongst the commoners, freemen had it slightly better than the serfs, for they only had to pay the Kings tax; but the serfs ended up being taxed so much that they rarely were left with much more than enough to live.
The taxes were collected from the serfs and freemen by the Baron's troops, who often decided for themselves for how much a particular individual was liable, and they were usually instructed to use any force necessary to get it from the poor, luckless serfs.
Most of the Barons did not care how the money was obtained, just so long as the soldiers brought it to him. This system of government prevailed until a time during the reign of King Richard the Lionheart (Richard I) at the turn of the twelfth century.
This led England to the verge of civil war; the only thing which stopped a full scale war was the Barons and Earls, who respected King Richard's wishes and prevented it.
In about the year 1190, news came from Europe that King Richard (on his return from the crusades) had been captured by an old enemy and was being held captive in a castle somewhere in Austria. Rumors had it that he had even been killed.
This was Prince John's chance. The (by now) power crazy Prince John announced to his court that because of Richard's irresponsibility, and the fact that everyone knew Richard obviously did not want the crown of England, and, even if he was still alive, was not coming back, he (Prince John) would take over the crown of England, becoming King John, and he called for the help of his Barons and Earls to enable him to do it.
Prince John only had the support of about half the Baron's in this audacious endeavor, and the Barons who still supported King Richard saw this as a great opportunity to make some changes in the English feudal laws, creating better conditions of life for themselves and their subjects.
They told Prince John that they would support him if he signed a document which would change some of these archaic laws and give England a new basic, fundamental legal system laying out every man's basic rights and freedoms. Prince John desperately needed this support, and, realizing that he would need their support even more after he become King, he agreed.
The Barons and Earls drew up the "Great Charter", England's supreme law, or Constitution. Unfortunately for John, King Richard returned and England settled down from its civil war mood, but Prince John only had to wait until King Richard died and in 1199, when this happened, he was crowned King John.
England's' standard of living and social structure and order gradually declined throughout the next few years until a state of virtual civil war broke out in Easter of the year 1214.
King Johns' oppressive army of bureaucrats (from the local sheriffs up) was worrying the earls and barons to a state of near revolt.
The Barons and Earls were fearful of England's condition and future under King Prince John's rule, and they realized that the only way they could improve their standard of living was by pledging their allegiance to King John only if he signed the charter. King John desperately needed their support, his claim to the throne was at best weak and England was not responding to his despotic style of rule.
He had two choices.
(1) Sign the Charter, or
(2) The Barons and Earls would almost certainly assassinate him.
On July 15th, 1215. with the Barons and Earls at his side, on a meadow between Staines an Windsor, on the South East side of the River Thames, near London in a small village called Runnymede. King John signed this Great Charter, now known as The Magna Carta, giving England its first supreme law and Constitution since 1066 and William the Conqueror.
The Magna Carta-"The English Constitution" The Magna Carta contained sixty three clauses, the first of which guaranteed the freedom of the English church, the rest abolished some of the old feudal laws, and made other new ones, such as establishing a freeman's right to trial by a jury of his peers, new laws limiting the power of the King, stating the type of government which would be running the country, and specifically stating the way the new government would be made up, how its members were to be elected to office, and stating its powers.
It stated the right of a freeman to own property, and how that property could not be taken from him without due process of law, etc.
However, this Charter did not completely free England from the feudal system remained basically the same. England now had a new, more constitutional form of government. It made the lot of the commoner much better, but the system remained basically the same.
England now had a new, more constitutional form of government, the King was restrained, some of his powers were taken away from him, but there were still serfs, freemen, Earls, Barons and the King.
The unwritten Common law remained the same. Everybody was still subject to the same two taxes, the King's (Federal), and the Barons' and Earls' (State), but the oppressive form of collection was gone forever.
The order of things had changed slightly, now it looked like this :
This system helped England to grow and prosper, but shortly after the signing of the Magna Carta, a new and nasty form of oppression emerged from a totally unexpected source.
The church now had a new found freedom, and it started to abuse its power.
The first clause of the Magna Carta stated: "first of all have granted to God, and, for us and for our heirs forever, have confirmed, by this our present charter, that the English church shall be free and shall have its rights intact and its liberties unfeigned upon. And thus we will that it be observed.
As it is apparent from the fact that we, spontaneously, and of our own free will, before discord broke out between ourselves and our barons, did grant, and by our charter confirm and did cause Lord Pope innocent III, to confirm freedom of elections, which is considered most important and most necessary to the church of England.
Which charter both we ourselves shall observe, and we will that it be observed with good faith by our heirs forever.
We have also granted to all freemen of our realm, on the part of ourselves and our heirs forever, all the subjoined liberties, to have and to hold, to them and to their heirs, from us and from our heirs."
And the last clause, (clause 63) stated: "Wherefore we will and firmly decree that the English church shall be free, and that the subjects of our realm shall have and hold all the aforesaid liberties, rights and concessions, duly and in peace, freely and quietly, fully and entirely, for themselves and their heirs, from us and our heirs, in all matters and in all places, forever. as has been said.
Moreover, it has been sworn, on our part as well as on the part of the barons, that all these above mentioned provisions shall be observed with good faith and without evil intent. The witnesses being the above mentioned and many others. Given through our hand, in the plain called Runnimede. between Windsor and Staines, on the Fifteenth day of June, in the seventeenth year of our reign."
Both of these clauses guaranteed the freedom of the Church of England, which was, of course not the Church of England of today, but the Roman Catholic church.
The church stated to grow and to gain influence, and England (and eventually the rest of Europe) learned a new form of oppression.
(a) Money is a universally accepted medium of exchange which greatly facilitates commercial and private business transactions and;
(b) Banking is a system whereby the people who own the money allow others (allegedly more qualified) to store it in safe keeping (hence the "safe") and manage it for them.
The real answer is much more simple and far less corrupted.
Both Money and Banking developed from ancient Greek times.
He then had to repeat the process maybe four or five or even twenty times, exchange the chickens for a set of dinner plates, exchange the plates for a carpet, etc., until, if he was lucky, he would end up going home with what he originally set out to get.
This was very risky. In a busy marketplace, the pig or chickens could run off, the plates could be broken, the carpet could get soiled, and so on. He might not even end the day with what he wanted and have to take the unwanted item back home to start the process all over again next market day and, chances were, whatever he took home might spoil before next week.
People developed the idea of creating some medium of exchange which would be universally accepted by all. and would cut the four, five, or even twenty transactions down to two simple transactions, exchange his pig for "money", then exchange this "money" for what it was he wanted.
In this type of transaction he would eliminate the waste of time, a lot of wasted effort, and great deal of risk. The medium of exchange which developed came to be known as "Money".
Money, throughout the millennia, has taken many forms, from stones of varying kinds, to metals of varying types and colors, to grains, olive oil. tobacco leaves and wood. The test of time produced the result that pieces of gold and silver were the most universally adopted and accepted form of money.[Should go back to stones,easy access for everyone,and a person is free to gather as many as he can hold on his body,that would be fairer then the insanity these losers have produced D.C]
Some of them even stamped small disks with their own face or profile, so that the "coin" had a standard intrinsic value, because the "coin" was made of gold or silver of a particular weight and purity.
The warehouse owners would then turn around and sell the commodity for a higher price than they had paid for it and in so doing make a profit. This was simple warehousing, and from this grew the practice of "Warehouse Banking".
In time, the certificates themselves were being traded as readily, if not more so, than the gold or silver "coins", given the fact that the paper Certificates of Deposit were easier to carry and conceal.
Of course, anyone (the bearer, or eventual owner could take the certificate back to the issuer, and claim the bag of grain, or what ever the commodity was.
When presented and redeemed, the original certificate would be destroyed, or kept in reserve until someone else deposited an equal amount of grain again in the "Bank".
Those certificates which were worn out could be presented to the "Bank" by its current holder, and a new certificate would be issued and the old one destroyed.
This form of Certificate banking, namely a paper currency backed by a value commodity, is solid, it is trustworthy, and works very well, after all it is much easier to transport $10,000 worth of grain certificates than it is to transport the grain.
But what if the "banker" is less than honest and prints more certificates of deposit than there is grain in the "Bank", and then takes the certificates and "spends them into circulation" for himself (or others). The effects of this move are not easily or readily apparent, but it all ends when the holders of the certificates present the "certificates" back to the "bank" for redemption, only to find that, in all, the "bankers" printed $200,000.00 worth of certificates, but only have $100,000.00 worth of grain on hand.
The obvious result of this, after an equitable distribution, is that everybody only gets half of the grain which was originally placed on deposit, i.e., the certificate (money) is now worth only half its original value, or it only has half of its original buying power, or, it now takes twice as much money (Certificates of Deposit) to buy the same amount of goods.
This has been recognized for years, and is known as "inflation". The main issue brought up by the spectra of inflation is one of faith. Everybody had faith in the "Banking" system, believing that the bankers were totally honest right up to the point where it was discovered that there was a lot less grain on deposit than there were "certificates of deposit" in circulation.
Then the whole system collapsed, even though the bankers had been printing the fraudulent excess certificates for years.
The general public had "full faith" in the honesty of the bankers. Also, what if the grain spoils? Then obviously, all the certificates will be entirely worthless. In order to protect against the spoiling of the commodity, pick a commodity which will not spoil or lose its value.
The best "commodity" for the "banker" to be holding, would be gold or silver. The Banking system based on the use of certificates of deposit backed up by real (gold or silver) coin money was perfected in the thirteenth century by the Knights Templar.
Money held on deposit in one city could be claimed (by a merchant, for example) in another city, and done simply by means of the presentation of a certificate of deposit containing a type of code known only to the Knights Templar.
The merchant placed money on deposit with the Templars in his hometown, who, in exchange issued him a coded certificate, which simply stated that he had on deposit in that town, the sum of whatever the amount was. He then traveled to another town, and upon his arrival surrendered the certificate to the Templars in that town in exchange for gold, used the gold to buy merchandise, placed the excess gold back on deposit with the Templars, again in exchange for another certificate of lesser value.
Then traveled back with his goods, and sold them at a profit in his home town, and placed both the profits and his certificate for the excess purchase money, back on deposit with the Templars.
All the while his money (and most of the subsequent profits) was in the hands of the Knights Templar, and he traveled without threat or fear of robbery of his money, the most he could possibly lose to bandits and robbers would be his goods, which the robbers were less likely to take, assuming, of course, that the robbers did not kill him out of frustration, and in that event, the Templars could deal with his heirs and successors.
Through this system, in a relatively short time, the Knights Templar amassed huge sums of money which they subsequently lent out to people principally to the Monarchs of the day), again using the certificate of deposit system, financing whatever took their fancy, and charging "moderate" interest rates on that money.
Any government, being insular and separate from every other government, and, in some cases even geographically separated, has the ability to issue its own currency.
To do so would cut out the ability of the "Bankers" (such as The Knights Templar) to charge interest.
This type of currency issue is excellent, and has a proven history in its ability to aid in the development of emerging countries, especially in the absence of natural resources such as Gold or Silver, or when the fledgling country has not had the time to develop those particular resources and get into the business of minting its own coinage; such as was the case with the United States prior to its Declaration of Independence.
More particularly, when no interest is charged, the currency is free of debt.
This form of home-printed currency is known as "Debt Free Currency", as it is
(a) not money which is owned (Causing an indebtedness) to a second party, and
(b) the government (treasury) does not charge interest on it.
When this type of paper currency is circulated purely within the boundaries of the country of issue (as has been proven many times in history), it will promote growth, expansion, and the production of wealth (real wealth, not "money").
In terms, however, of the interests other than those domestic, it has two drawbacks,
(a) other countries (initially) do not like it,. and will not accept it as a medium of exchange, and
(b) because it has been printed by the home government, the other international bankers have been cut out of the circle where they can charge interest on the money which they simply printed into circulation.
The Isle of Man, in the British Isles (the United Kingdom), while enjoying the benefits of proximity to England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the "new" European Economic Community, also enjoys the distinction of being a completely autonomous state within those islands, having its own government (the oldest in the world, having been "in office" continuously since 979), aside and separate from England and the E.E.C., and, correspondingly, its own laws (it still retains the capabilities of sentencing wrongdoers to capital and corporal punishments, in addition to having its own tax laws) and, most importantly, its own currency.
The Manx Currency is the "pound note" and carries the statement "The Isle of Man government promise to pay the bearer on demand at any office of the Isle of Man Bank Limited" followed by the amount and denomination of the particular note. Also, the currency is printed by a private company; Bradbury, Wilkinson and Company Limited, of New Maiden, Surrey, England.
Given that this Printing Company is English, it would seem that they would wish to be paid for their printing services in English Pounds. This is accomplished by the fact that any British currency is accepted in trade on the Isle of Man. including English, Scottish and even Irish (Southern Irish (Eire)) Pounds (the Welsh have no currency of their own), and the "foreign" (to the Isle of Man) currency gained is kept on hand by the Isle of Man Bank for use in making payments to people in England and elsewhere as the need arises.
This system works. The Isle of Man government operates on a fiscal surplus every year. No debts, to anyone, and the system works perfectly in the absence of the natural resources of gold and silver, of which the island has none, and it makes no difference whether any of the other paper currencies accepted by it are backed with gold or silver or not.
In 1974 the Country was granted its independence and the new government immediately formed a Central Bank which took almost ten years to design and print a new currency, upon which was the statement "These notes are legal tender under the Central Bank of the Bahamas Act 1974 for the payment of any amount".
Notice: each singular "note" carries the plural statement "these notes", and "they" are for the payment of "any amount", relying on the actual face denomination of the note for the "value" carried.
Plus the "note" is printed by a private corporation: Thomas De La Rue and Company Limited.
Prior to the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution of the United States, Benjamin Franklin (who currently adorns the $100. Federal Reserve Note) was asked, while in London England "How do you account for the prosperity of the American Colonies". His reply was "That is simple. It is because we issue or own money. It is called Colonial Script and we issue it in the proper proportion to accommodate trade and commerce".
The reply of the British to this statement was that in the 1760's the Bank of England introduced into the British Parliament a Bill which forbade the Colonies to issue their own script, and was intended to force them to issue bonds and sell them to the Bank of England (only).
Of course, the bank would loan them the money in the first place, and charge them interest on the money loaned. The design was to cause the bankers to print the money for the Colonies and therefore have the Colonies financed by Debtor instruments.
According to Franklin, this one Act. once it was passed and implemented, was probably the primary cause of the American War of Independence.
By 1776 Congress had printed $24.6 million in "Continentals" with the result that by the end of the War of Independence the faith in the currency (thanks in part to the propaganda war against it instigated by the international bankers) had degenerated to the point where the "Continentals" were being exchanged at the rate of 500 to the silver dollar.
This was due also in part to the fact that as yet, the states were still "independent" of each other, and the currency was "floated" between the states, and the states still relied a great deal on commerce with Europe, who did not recognize the currency.
This again proved the "law" of economics, that when you print paper currency in large amounts when it is not backed by gold or silver (and especially when you try to trade internationally with that currency) inflation results.
When the United States of America had gained its independence from "British Rule", Congress realized that in order to be internationally recognized, gold and silver coin had to be the only proper form for the currency of a nation to take, this realization is reflected in the United States Constitution, where, in Article 1, Section * the statement is made that:
"Congress shall have the power ................ To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof....and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;"
Therefore, according to the Constitution of The United States of America. Congress only has the power to COIN money, not PRINT it!
The inflation relative to the "Continental" caused the International bankers to renew their efforts to create a central bank of issue in the United States, which was private in nature, and had the power to issue money simply by printing it, and then loaning it (with interest) to the U.S....this time enlisting the help of Alexander Hamilton, who was not unenergetic in his efforts in lobbying Congress. This lobbying effort was eventually successful, when, in 1791, with Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, Congress granted a charter for twenty years to the "First Bank of the United States"
In 1816. five years after the lapse of the charter of the First Bank of the United States, and after the entire debt to the bank had been paid off by the United States. The "Second Bank of the United States" was chartered, also with a twenty year charter. It too loaned money (it had simply printed) to the government. 60 billion of it, and this time it took the government until 1836 to pay off all of the principal (including the debt incurred by the War of 1812) and interest.
The next development of real help to the international bankers, promoters of debt loaded monetary instruments, came in 1819, when Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, in the case of McCulloch vs., Maryland, declared that Congress had the "IMPLIED" power to create the Bank of the United States.
President Andrew Jackson had been President since 1828, and was due for re-election in 1832. Before Jackson's first term the Second Bank of the United States greatly varied the amounts of money brought into circulation, causing first, a booming economy, then a crippling recession. This pattern was repeated several times, and each time, when the recession was caused (by the bank), thousands of men were thrown out of work, and properties were snatched up for fractions of their true prices, only to be turned around shortly thereafter during the next boom time and re-sold by the foreclosing banks.
The banks were making a fortune, and the American citizen was suffering. Jackson was seeking re-election; he was a great proponent of the creation of money only when it was backed by Gold and Silver (Specie) and he was clearly not in favor of the concept of a Central Bank.
The American People agreed with Jackson, elected him for a new term, and his first move was to call for the removal of government funds from the Second Bank of America. The people in control of the Second Bank of America tried in two ways to get rid of Jackson, firstly, he had the distinction of being the first President upon whom an assassination attempt was made (happily unsuccessful) by virtue of the fact that he had tried to foil the bankers (Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy were the others), and secondly, through the political process when they (the International Bankers) lobbied the Senate to censure Jackson, and succeeded in getting the house to pass a bill to that effect in March, 1834, but it reversed this move in 1837.
By 1836, at the end of Jackson's second term, he had caused the national debt to be paid off, (and no President since Jackson can make the claim to have paid off the National Debt), and the charter for the Second Bank of the United States had expired. The United States was once again without a Central Bank, and once again only the Constitutional currency of gold and silver was in general circulation, with the notable difference only where a few private banks kept such gold and silver on deposit and issued in its stead lawful certificates of deposit. The next centrally issued currency of the United States of America was to be created during the Civil War and. thanks to certain influences and the debilitating experiences with the "International Bankers" up to this time, it was to be issued directly off the Treasury of the United States and was debt-free.
Of course, in a large metropolis such as New York or Washington, D.C., there were many banks and financial depository institutions: in other industrial cities such as Chicago Illinois, Cincinnati Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky, and Richmond, Virginia, a l l of which were relatively primitive and undeveloped compared to New York and Washington there were, of course, relatively fewer, but all have one common characteristic; they were all privately owned and operated.
Private banking in pre-civil war times was radically different than we see today. The banks were private in the truest sense of the word, with little or no government (Federal or State) regulations pertaining to them or their operation.
With the advent of the railroads in 1828, and the implementation of the "Depository Institutions" which the railroads were required to keep, the system of banking in the U.S. became, at least in the sense of ownership, more centralized.
The Virginia Company 113s
Weishaupt had his followers believing that they were to be the cream of the intelligentsia, or the only people with the mental capacity, the knowledge, the insight and understanding necessary to govern the world and bring peace.
However, only a few of his chosen members actually knew Weishaupt personally, and he was regarded by those who had not seen him almost as a god.
Weishaupt recruited into his Illuminati organization as many young men of wealth and position as possible.
Within four or five years, Weishaupt's Illuminati became very powerful and even had his members directing the affairs of Germany.
Weishaupt's goal was to hide the sciences of witchcraft behind philanthropy, destroy Christianity with humanism (atheism), then set up a One World government of New World Order, with the following major goals:
1. Abolition of all ordered governments
2. Abolition of private property.
3. Abolition of all inheritance.
4. Abolition of all religion.
5. Abolition of patriotism.
6. Abolition of the family.
7. Creation of a New World Order.
Weishaupt. who was only 28 when he founded the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, did not make much progress until he met a high-ranking freemason named Baron Von Knigge. Von Knigge was not only a high ranking freemason, but he also had been admitted as a master of most of the secret societies of this day.
Von Knigge was, like Weishaupt and all masters of these particular types of secret societies, an expert occultist.
To spread his Order and give the Illuminati higher influence in the world, and because freemasonry is akin to Illuminism, Weishaupt connected with the Masonic Institution. He was initiated in 1777 into freemasonry at a lodge in Munich that he planned to use to promote his world revolutionary ideas.
Baron Von Knigge joined Weishaupt's Order in 1780 and soon became a leader, dividing with Weishaupt the control and direction of the Order.
The world accepts freemasonry as a Great Benevolent society, teaching the highest possible degree of morality and virtue.
Since freemasonry enjoyed prestige and honor, Weishaupt and Von Knigge planned a world takeover by using the Fraternal Order of Freemasonry.
Their plan was to penetrate into the high levels of the order, then take control in directing the affairs of the nations into an eventual New World Order or One World Government.
Since the Catholics, Christianity was both church and state and had been the dominating power that the Lucifer Rebellion was using to control the affairs of the world in Weishaupt's time.
The rebellion used this controlling and domineering influence that would gradually unite all paganism, teaching false truths, with Christianity and all governments of the world under one controlling government.
Weishaupt's first step was, however, to get control of the International Order of Freemasonry. In order to gain control of the order, Weishaupt and Von Knigge tried to sell the leaders of freemasonry on the idea that their Order of the Illuminati had a higher, much older and more mysterious system than any of the higher degrees of masonry.
The plan for world take over was to operate under cover as long as possible, and when the gullible world finally found out it would be too late to stop them.
The Illuminati was to be a secret society within the secret society of the freemasons, to stay hidden form the vast population.
Voltaire, whose real name was Jean Francois Aronet, was educated by the Jesuits who later turned against Catholicism and helped promoted the philosophy of illuminism. Later, the Illusionist became fused into the same movement working to cause the French Revolution.
In the United States, Benjamin Franklin, who knew Voltaire, was a leading figure in the Illuminati and ironically enough, the ideas of the movement formed the background to the Declaration of Independence.
We were very fortunate in that this confusion was not molded into the Declaration of Independence, and a protective shield against both civil and religious persecution was formulated.
There may have been many minor reasons why France became a habitation of atheists during the French
revolution with its three and one-half year "Reign of Terror." However, it actually began because of the Roman Catholic suppression of the true scriptures that Jesus taught. Jesus did not preach as originally set forth in the gospel. Jesus was misrepresented among the vast multitudes in France.
Because of the false presentation of the gospel by the Catholic Church suppressing the true scriptures, the tyranny and fanaticism, an army of atheists was able to gain sympathy for their cause, and the Lucifer influence was able to make war on the scriptures and overcome it.
This is the reason the Catholic Church lost its dictatorial power. This set the stage for not only destroying Christianity in France at that time, but also set the stage for the forces of France to march into Vatican City and dethrone the Pope when Napoleon came on the scene after the revolution.
Writers have hailed the French Revolution as the dawning of a new era, but it actually was the birth of another terrible deception with the masterminding originally coming from the Lucifer Rebellion.
Before you can understand how Illuminism, Catholicism and Protestantism shall go forth into the world to unite them against the true teachings of Jesus, we needed to know what name the illuminati is operating under today.
As stated before, Weishaupt connected with the Masonic Lodge in 1777. He posed at First among the freemasons as a reformer in religion and a liberal in politics.
Because freemasonry was also anti-Catholic, Weishaupt's anti Catholic policies in Germany became popular immediately.
Weishaupt enrolled no less than two thousand names upon the illuminati register in Germany. Among those were names of the most distinguished aristocrats of the country. It is quite apparent the men of the Order of Freemasonry who joined Weishaupt's illuminati had no idea of what trap they had fallen into.
Very few masons understood what Weishaupt's plans were in the beginning, as very few masons today understand what their own organization teaches.
Weishaupt penetrated into the freemasonry organization with all the shrewdness and subtlety that he learned from once being a Jesuit priest.
Some historians have written that the French Revolution was not premeditated. Some will say that the French Revolution emerged only from political crisis that coincided with an economic breakdown. This economic breakdown generated unrest and riots which even the French army could not quell.[Kind of interesting to see France rioting again huh? DC]
It was this, some historians will agree, that made the people of France determined to cause a social change and overthrow their country. What these historians say is true in part only. The parts of history some historians fail to see or left out is actually what caused the people in the first place to accept this spirit of Illuminism?
As stated before, it was the fanatical oppression of the Roman Catholic Church that actually generated the spark that eventually led the French people to reject Christianity and publicly burn their Bibles.
History records that the events that led up to the French Revolution were caused by anarchy. The citizens became divided into a medley of hate factions that were struggling for power and trying to exterminate each other.
But before this, it was the Roman Catholic Church who slaughtered French citizens by the thousands that kindled a hatred of Christianity.
The murderous character of the Catholic Church was seen in France.
In 1572 A.D., Roman Catholics tried in one sweep to murder all of the Protestants in France. This is known in history as the St. Bartholomew Massacre.
Within the space of one month, 60,000 Protestants are said to have been slain in France. All told, there were over 75,000. The Cardinal of Lorraine gave 1,000 crowns as a reward to the person who brought the news to the Vatican.
During the revolution. France was reduced to a state of moral decay similar to that of the city of Sodom during Lot's time. It was from here that Illuminism began to emerge and overcome Christianity. History calls this movement of Illuminism the "Jacobin Clubs."
The Jacobin Clubs in France were the aristocratic terrorists who spearheaded the French Revolution which sent King Louis XVI on January 21, 1793, to the guillotine.
However, most historians leave out who was really giving orders to Dantor, Moret and Robespierre, the leaders of the Jacobin Clubs.
It was the Jacobin Clubs that actually abolished Christianity through the National Assembly and established the worship of the Goddess of Reason or Liberty.
The Jacobin Clubs were also known as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution and were soon organized in every important town in France. They were the most wealthy and influential people in France. They had as many as 500,000 members at the height of the influence in 1793-94.
The truth is that this aristocratic terrorist movement called the Jacobin clubs was actually the French Illuminist operating under a different name.
As established earlier, Weishaupt became a mason in 1777 for the sole purpose of using that organization as a tool for boring into the high levels of government by simply replacing freemasons who already sat in these positions.
With an inexhaustible talent for charlatanry and a well planned system of espionage, Weishaupt's disciples infiltrated into the high levels of the governments in Germany, France, England. Belgium. Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Italy.
However, it was Baron Von Knigge who joined the Illuminati in 1780 that gave this organization its rapid expansion, not Weishaupt.
Freemasons, like all secret societies, choose to remain obscure and do not like to attract attention. Because the Illuminati was a secret society within the secret society of Freemasonry, even though they had penetrated into the high levels of Europe, very few indeed ever heard of them.
However, shortly before the revolution took place in France, two hard blows would land on the heads of Adam Weishaupt and his co-conspirators. The freemasons were not long in hearing rumors about the true nature of Weishaupt's plans to capture their whole organization.
When the freemasons began to get wind of Weishaupt's true purpose, a chief council was held to examine the nature of the Illuminati by top ranking freemasons.
A conference of masons was held in 1782 at which time Weishaupt and Von Knigge attended. But it wasn't until Weishaupt and Knigge had a falling out that led to Knigge's leaving the Order that began to have exposure and a threat of internal strife within the Illuminati.
A contest between Weishaupt and Von Knigge about who was to be the king of this revolutionary movement was the real motive for Von Knigge leaving it.
After Von Knigge left the Illuminati. the hardest blow to Weishaupt's society was received in 1785. when one of Weishaupt's co-conspirators named Lanze was struck by lightning while en route from Frankfurt, Germany, to deliver documents to Robespierre, the head of the Jacobin Clubs at that time.
The documents that Lanze was carrying had important information about the Order of the Illuminati and its plans of not only destroying the French government through riots and revolution, but also governments of the entire world as well.
This is how we, today, have information about this mastermind plan and it all really originated way back with the Lucifer Rebellion.
All of the papers Lanze was carrying fell into the hands of the Bavarian government, and the authorities ordered the police to raid the headquarters of the Illuminati in Germany.
Adam Weishaupt had to escape for his life, and all documental evidence that the Order of the Illuminati was a dangerous international terrorist group was brought to the attention of many countries in Europe.
However, the warnings fell on deaf ears as they will in our day. In 1785, the Bavarian government exposed Weishaupt's plan to destroy Christianity and control all world governments. However, this was not the end of the Illuminati, as most historians have written.
Weishaupt's plans were only interrupted and dealt with as a dangerous revolutionary force in Germany.
The other nations that the Illuminati were operating in did not heed the warning from the Bavarian government.
Just a couple of years later, the plan to destroy Christianity and world governments was first seen in the French Revolution.
This same revolutionary force reappeared again in Germany, called the "League of the Just," with branches in London, Brussels. Paris and Switzerland.
When Napoleon came into power, he would not tolerate the activities of the Jacobin Clubs with their independent opposition, so he completely suppressed it.
However, the Illuminati just operated under other names. It was under the name of the "League of the Just" that Karl Marx became a member. He was hired to update the writings of Adam Weishaupt. written seventy years earlier.
Weishaupt died in 1830 but his revolutionary plans were carried on by a list of successors. In 1842, Karl Marx began to write revolutionary propaganda for the "League of the Just", Marx began to write the infamous "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei," commonly know today as the "Communist Manifesto," which appeared at the beginning of 1848.
Later, the Illuminati, operating under the name of the "League of the Just", changed their name to the "League of the Communists." The communists celebrated May 1st as the birth of their revolutionary movement because it was the birthday of the illuminati which was founded by Weishaupt.
It was Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild who started this partly religious and partly political movement foretold in prophecy in the book of Revelations.
In the 1890's. this world revolutionary movement added to its membership Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who changed his name to Nikolai Lenin.
As the illuminati terrorist group in France (the Jacobin Clubs) caused the fall of the government of Louis XVI, so did their later aristocratic brethren operating under the name of Bolshevism caused the overthrow of the Tsar in Russian and caused the Russian Revolution in 1917.
It well be shown later that these communists was financed by both European and American international bankers.
In 1066. William the Conqueror defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. The new King William
abolished the laws of England (which had been made by King Edward the Confessor) and set up the feudal
system of government. The commoners of England lost all their liberties, titles to their properties and lands to the conquering King, who redistributed them among his faithful followers, as gifts which were called fiefs, a fief being the same as a feud, which is described as an estate in land held of a superior on condition of rendering him services.
This holding of lands under another term was called a tenure, and was not limited to the relation of the first or paramount lord.
Those who held directly of the king were called his "tenants in chief" In this manner, the lands which had been granted out to what was called Earls and Barons.
These Earls and Barons were allowed by the King to use the lands and any buildings, livestock and farm implements thereon, and the people became serfs, or slaves, with no rights, save those granted to them by their new master, who rented the properties from their masters, and tilled the land for them, keeping the produce for themselves.
For this privilege they had to pay heavy tithes or taxes to their master. The title held by such tenant-owners over their land was described as a fee simple absolute. "Free simple, Fee commeth of the French fief, i.e., paraedium beneficiarium, and legally signifieth inheritance. And simple is added, for that it is descendible to his heirs generally, that is, simply, without restraint to the heirs of his body, or the like.
In modern English tenures, the term fee signifies and inheritable estate, being the highest and most extensive interest the common man or noble, other than the king, could have in the feudal system.
Thus, the term fee simple absolute in common law England denotes the most and best title a person could have as long as the king allowed him to retain possession of (own) the land.
The flip side is "Allodium" which means or is defined as a man's own land, which he possesses merely in his own right, without owing any rent or service to any superior. Some serfs were able to earn their freedom (through good and long servitude or by some deed of bravery) which was granted to them by their master, be he either Earl or Baron, or it could be granted by the King.
The former serf would now be called a freeman and have all his rights of ownership of property etc., granted to him. The King had absolute supreme power in the feudal system of government, the Barons and Earls had to answer to the King, the freemen were under these, and had all their rights only by decree of the Baron, Earl, or the King.
Below all these were the common serfs, with no rights whatsoever, and totally at the call of, and subject to the whims and wishes of the Barons and all those above.
The order of hierarchy was simple:
(Absolute Ruler and Owner of all)
There were many problems with this system. The King ruled over the whole country-lands, Barons, Earls, freemen and serfs.
Nobody was safe from his displeasure. When you were in favor, all was well, when not. look out.
If a Baron fell from grace, or was suspected of doing anything contrary to the King's wishes, he could find he no longer had any lands, serfs, army or income, or, worse still, if his conduct could be considered treasonable, then the King would order his execution, death by beheading.
In either case, his subjects would suddenly find themselves with a new master, usually with worse consequences.
If a freeman incurred the displeasure of his Baron, he would be demoted to serf, and have all his privileges removed, along with anything he may have owned at the time.
If a serf displeased his master, he would be thrown in the master's dungeons, not the best place to be for even a short time, there to literally rot until the master decided to let him out (if ever).
Barons, Earls, freemen and serfs had to pay taxes to the King. In addition, the serfs also had to pay taxes to
their master. The King needed money to pay his own soldiers, and to run his own and the country's affairs.
To obtain this, he levied taxes on his most immediate subjects, his Barons and Earls. This was not apportioned according to the amount of land of number of serfs each baron had. but only by the number of Barons and Earls in the King's court.
If the King wanted twenty thousand pounds, and there were twenty Earls and barons, then each one would be taxed on a thousand pounds.
This was very unfair for the Barons who did not have much in the way of lands and subjects, and good for the ones who had a lot of both.
A Baron with five hundred subjects would find he had to obtain two pounds from each of his people. A Baron with twenty thousand subjects would only have to collect one shilling from each of his people.
The Barons and Earls also levied their own taxes on their people to pay for their own estates and armies. They would have to collect these taxes from somewhere, the only place being their own subjects.
The end result was that the serfs paid two taxes, one to the King, and one to their masters. View them as federal and state taxes. The taxes they paid to their masters (state taxes) were collected twice a year, in the Spring, after the sheep season, and in the Fall, after harvest, and they were collected, usually, in the form of wool or grain (meal).
If they had a good master, these would be the only times of the year they had to be paid, as the master would have anticipated any taxes the king was going to want (federal taxes) and collected them at these times.
The King's taxes were collected in either case by the Barons. Barons, freemen and serfs paid this (federal) tax. The Baron's taxes (State) were only paid by the serfs. The penalty for not having enough to pay the master's tax was a long stretch in his dungeon. Definitely not recommended.
The penalty for not paying the King's taxes was (as it was viewed as treason against the King, country and state) death, either by hanging, or by being beheaded.
Amongst the commoners, freemen had it slightly better than the serfs, for they only had to pay the Kings tax; but the serfs ended up being taxed so much that they rarely were left with much more than enough to live.
The taxes were collected from the serfs and freemen by the Baron's troops, who often decided for themselves for how much a particular individual was liable, and they were usually instructed to use any force necessary to get it from the poor, luckless serfs.
Most of the Barons did not care how the money was obtained, just so long as the soldiers brought it to him. This system of government prevailed until a time during the reign of King Richard the Lionheart (Richard I) at the turn of the twelfth century.
Feudal Rebellion
King Richard traveled to the holy land to fight the war of the crusades, leaving England under the rule of his
brother, Prince John. This was a bleak time for England. Prince John was not a good ruler, preferring to strip
the wealth from the land by way of taxation, imposing impossibly heavy tax burdens on his subjects. This led England to the verge of civil war; the only thing which stopped a full scale war was the Barons and Earls, who respected King Richard's wishes and prevented it.
In about the year 1190, news came from Europe that King Richard (on his return from the crusades) had been captured by an old enemy and was being held captive in a castle somewhere in Austria. Rumors had it that he had even been killed.
This was Prince John's chance. The (by now) power crazy Prince John announced to his court that because of Richard's irresponsibility, and the fact that everyone knew Richard obviously did not want the crown of England, and, even if he was still alive, was not coming back, he (Prince John) would take over the crown of England, becoming King John, and he called for the help of his Barons and Earls to enable him to do it.
Prince John only had the support of about half the Baron's in this audacious endeavor, and the Barons who still supported King Richard saw this as a great opportunity to make some changes in the English feudal laws, creating better conditions of life for themselves and their subjects.
They told Prince John that they would support him if he signed a document which would change some of these archaic laws and give England a new basic, fundamental legal system laying out every man's basic rights and freedoms. Prince John desperately needed this support, and, realizing that he would need their support even more after he become King, he agreed.
The Barons and Earls drew up the "Great Charter", England's supreme law, or Constitution. Unfortunately for John, King Richard returned and England settled down from its civil war mood, but Prince John only had to wait until King Richard died and in 1199, when this happened, he was crowned King John.
England's' standard of living and social structure and order gradually declined throughout the next few years until a state of virtual civil war broke out in Easter of the year 1214.
King Johns' oppressive army of bureaucrats (from the local sheriffs up) was worrying the earls and barons to a state of near revolt.
The Barons and Earls were fearful of England's condition and future under King Prince John's rule, and they realized that the only way they could improve their standard of living was by pledging their allegiance to King John only if he signed the charter. King John desperately needed their support, his claim to the throne was at best weak and England was not responding to his despotic style of rule.
He had two choices.
(1) Sign the Charter, or
(2) The Barons and Earls would almost certainly assassinate him.
On July 15th, 1215. with the Barons and Earls at his side, on a meadow between Staines an Windsor, on the South East side of the River Thames, near London in a small village called Runnymede. King John signed this Great Charter, now known as The Magna Carta, giving England its first supreme law and Constitution since 1066 and William the Conqueror.
The Magna Carta-"The English Constitution" The Magna Carta contained sixty three clauses, the first of which guaranteed the freedom of the English church, the rest abolished some of the old feudal laws, and made other new ones, such as establishing a freeman's right to trial by a jury of his peers, new laws limiting the power of the King, stating the type of government which would be running the country, and specifically stating the way the new government would be made up, how its members were to be elected to office, and stating its powers.
It stated the right of a freeman to own property, and how that property could not be taken from him without due process of law, etc.
However, this Charter did not completely free England from the feudal system remained basically the same. England now had a new, more constitutional form of government. It made the lot of the commoner much better, but the system remained basically the same.
England now had a new, more constitutional form of government, the King was restrained, some of his powers were taken away from him, but there were still serfs, freemen, Earls, Barons and the King.
The unwritten Common law remained the same. Everybody was still subject to the same two taxes, the King's (Federal), and the Barons' and Earls' (State), but the oppressive form of collection was gone forever.
The order of things had changed slightly, now it looked like this :
This system helped England to grow and prosper, but shortly after the signing of the Magna Carta, a new and nasty form of oppression emerged from a totally unexpected source.
The church now had a new found freedom, and it started to abuse its power.
The first clause of the Magna Carta stated: "first of all have granted to God, and, for us and for our heirs forever, have confirmed, by this our present charter, that the English church shall be free and shall have its rights intact and its liberties unfeigned upon. And thus we will that it be observed.
As it is apparent from the fact that we, spontaneously, and of our own free will, before discord broke out between ourselves and our barons, did grant, and by our charter confirm and did cause Lord Pope innocent III, to confirm freedom of elections, which is considered most important and most necessary to the church of England.
Which charter both we ourselves shall observe, and we will that it be observed with good faith by our heirs forever.
We have also granted to all freemen of our realm, on the part of ourselves and our heirs forever, all the subjoined liberties, to have and to hold, to them and to their heirs, from us and from our heirs."
And the last clause, (clause 63) stated: "Wherefore we will and firmly decree that the English church shall be free, and that the subjects of our realm shall have and hold all the aforesaid liberties, rights and concessions, duly and in peace, freely and quietly, fully and entirely, for themselves and their heirs, from us and our heirs, in all matters and in all places, forever. as has been said.
Moreover, it has been sworn, on our part as well as on the part of the barons, that all these above mentioned provisions shall be observed with good faith and without evil intent. The witnesses being the above mentioned and many others. Given through our hand, in the plain called Runnimede. between Windsor and Staines, on the Fifteenth day of June, in the seventeenth year of our reign."
Both of these clauses guaranteed the freedom of the Church of England, which was, of course not the Church of England of today, but the Roman Catholic church.
The church stated to grow and to gain influence, and England (and eventually the rest of Europe) learned a new form of oppression.
What is "Money" and what is "Banking"?
The popular answer is twofold: (a) Money is a universally accepted medium of exchange which greatly facilitates commercial and private business transactions and;
(b) Banking is a system whereby the people who own the money allow others (allegedly more qualified) to store it in safe keeping (hence the "safe") and manage it for them.
The real answer is much more simple and far less corrupted.
Both Money and Banking developed from ancient Greek times.
A farmer would take his pig to market, and try to find someone who was interested in bartering something in
exchange for his pig. If he found this individual, he would negotiate and argue, eventually to exchange his pig
for, say ten chickens. He then had to repeat the process maybe four or five or even twenty times, exchange the chickens for a set of dinner plates, exchange the plates for a carpet, etc., until, if he was lucky, he would end up going home with what he originally set out to get.
This was very risky. In a busy marketplace, the pig or chickens could run off, the plates could be broken, the carpet could get soiled, and so on. He might not even end the day with what he wanted and have to take the unwanted item back home to start the process all over again next market day and, chances were, whatever he took home might spoil before next week.
People developed the idea of creating some medium of exchange which would be universally accepted by all. and would cut the four, five, or even twenty transactions down to two simple transactions, exchange his pig for "money", then exchange this "money" for what it was he wanted.
In this type of transaction he would eliminate the waste of time, a lot of wasted effort, and great deal of risk. The medium of exchange which developed came to be known as "Money".
Money, throughout the millennia, has taken many forms, from stones of varying kinds, to metals of varying types and colors, to grains, olive oil. tobacco leaves and wood. The test of time produced the result that pieces of gold and silver were the most universally adopted and accepted form of money.[Should go back to stones,easy access for everyone,and a person is free to gather as many as he can hold on his body,that would be fairer then the insanity these losers have produced D.C]
Enterprising individuals in the market place realized that they could make some money for themselves,
literally. They built large buildings and bought the farmers produce from him directly, storing the produce in
the warehouse and paying the farmer in whatever was the currency of the day. Some of them even stamped small disks with their own face or profile, so that the "coin" had a standard intrinsic value, because the "coin" was made of gold or silver of a particular weight and purity.
The warehouse owners would then turn around and sell the commodity for a higher price than they had paid for it and in so doing make a profit. This was simple warehousing, and from this grew the practice of "Warehouse Banking".
Warehouse Banking
The enterprising warehouse owner gradually changed his practice. Instead of directly paying the farmer for
his product in exchange for the commodity being placed on deposit in the "Bank", (hard time, don't you know,
scarcity of money in circulation!), the owner of the "Bank" would hoard his available cash (keeping it out of
circulation) and would instead give the farmer a "Certificate of Deposit".In time, the certificates themselves were being traded as readily, if not more so, than the gold or silver "coins", given the fact that the paper Certificates of Deposit were easier to carry and conceal.
Of course, anyone (the bearer, or eventual owner could take the certificate back to the issuer, and claim the bag of grain, or what ever the commodity was.
If a "Bank" has $100,000.00 worth of grain on deposit, then perforce, there must be $100,00.00 in Certificates
of Deposit for that particular "Bank" in general circulation. Periodically, those certificates will be presented
back to the "Bank" to be redeemed in grain, whatever is the denomination and amount. When presented and redeemed, the original certificate would be destroyed, or kept in reserve until someone else deposited an equal amount of grain again in the "Bank".
Those certificates which were worn out could be presented to the "Bank" by its current holder, and a new certificate would be issued and the old one destroyed.
This form of Certificate banking, namely a paper currency backed by a value commodity, is solid, it is trustworthy, and works very well, after all it is much easier to transport $10,000 worth of grain certificates than it is to transport the grain.
But what if the "banker" is less than honest and prints more certificates of deposit than there is grain in the "Bank", and then takes the certificates and "spends them into circulation" for himself (or others). The effects of this move are not easily or readily apparent, but it all ends when the holders of the certificates present the "certificates" back to the "bank" for redemption, only to find that, in all, the "bankers" printed $200,000.00 worth of certificates, but only have $100,000.00 worth of grain on hand.
The obvious result of this, after an equitable distribution, is that everybody only gets half of the grain which was originally placed on deposit, i.e., the certificate (money) is now worth only half its original value, or it only has half of its original buying power, or, it now takes twice as much money (Certificates of Deposit) to buy the same amount of goods.
This has been recognized for years, and is known as "inflation". The main issue brought up by the spectra of inflation is one of faith. Everybody had faith in the "Banking" system, believing that the bankers were totally honest right up to the point where it was discovered that there was a lot less grain on deposit than there were "certificates of deposit" in circulation.
Then the whole system collapsed, even though the bankers had been printing the fraudulent excess certificates for years.
The general public had "full faith" in the honesty of the bankers. Also, what if the grain spoils? Then obviously, all the certificates will be entirely worthless. In order to protect against the spoiling of the commodity, pick a commodity which will not spoil or lose its value.
The best "commodity" for the "banker" to be holding, would be gold or silver. The Banking system based on the use of certificates of deposit backed up by real (gold or silver) coin money was perfected in the thirteenth century by the Knights Templar.
Money held on deposit in one city could be claimed (by a merchant, for example) in another city, and done simply by means of the presentation of a certificate of deposit containing a type of code known only to the Knights Templar.
The merchant placed money on deposit with the Templars in his hometown, who, in exchange issued him a coded certificate, which simply stated that he had on deposit in that town, the sum of whatever the amount was. He then traveled to another town, and upon his arrival surrendered the certificate to the Templars in that town in exchange for gold, used the gold to buy merchandise, placed the excess gold back on deposit with the Templars, again in exchange for another certificate of lesser value.
Then traveled back with his goods, and sold them at a profit in his home town, and placed both the profits and his certificate for the excess purchase money, back on deposit with the Templars.
All the while his money (and most of the subsequent profits) was in the hands of the Knights Templar, and he traveled without threat or fear of robbery of his money, the most he could possibly lose to bandits and robbers would be his goods, which the robbers were less likely to take, assuming, of course, that the robbers did not kill him out of frustration, and in that event, the Templars could deal with his heirs and successors.
Through this system, in a relatively short time, the Knights Templar amassed huge sums of money which they subsequently lent out to people principally to the Monarchs of the day), again using the certificate of deposit system, financing whatever took their fancy, and charging "moderate" interest rates on that money.
Governments and Self-Financing
The Knights Templar knew and understood this system of lending currency to Kings and governments, but
contrary to most popular opinion, governments sometimes do learn, if only a little, and even then very slowly. Any government, being insular and separate from every other government, and, in some cases even geographically separated, has the ability to issue its own currency.
To do so would cut out the ability of the "Bankers" (such as The Knights Templar) to charge interest.
This type of currency issue is excellent, and has a proven history in its ability to aid in the development of emerging countries, especially in the absence of natural resources such as Gold or Silver, or when the fledgling country has not had the time to develop those particular resources and get into the business of minting its own coinage; such as was the case with the United States prior to its Declaration of Independence.
More particularly, when no interest is charged, the currency is free of debt.
Debt-Free (or Non-Debit) Currency
Several times throughout history, various governments (when not under the influence of bankers) have
attempted to issue their own unique paper currency directly from their own treasury, and not borrow the
money from another source (either another Country or an International Banker). This form of home-printed currency is known as "Debt Free Currency", as it is
(a) not money which is owned (Causing an indebtedness) to a second party, and
(b) the government (treasury) does not charge interest on it.
When this type of paper currency is circulated purely within the boundaries of the country of issue (as has been proven many times in history), it will promote growth, expansion, and the production of wealth (real wealth, not "money").
In terms, however, of the interests other than those domestic, it has two drawbacks,
(a) other countries (initially) do not like it,. and will not accept it as a medium of exchange, and
(b) because it has been printed by the home government, the other international bankers have been cut out of the circle where they can charge interest on the money which they simply printed into circulation.
Examples of Debt-Free Currency
To digress for a moment, consider two currencies which follow this theory of currency issue successfully in
the 1990's, the first being from an island which is a geographically part of the British Isles, although not
politically, and the other, a country which gained its independence from England in 1974 after being one of its
colonies since the early 1600's. The Isle of Man, in the British Isles (the United Kingdom), while enjoying the benefits of proximity to England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the "new" European Economic Community, also enjoys the distinction of being a completely autonomous state within those islands, having its own government (the oldest in the world, having been "in office" continuously since 979), aside and separate from England and the E.E.C., and, correspondingly, its own laws (it still retains the capabilities of sentencing wrongdoers to capital and corporal punishments, in addition to having its own tax laws) and, most importantly, its own currency.
The Manx Currency is the "pound note" and carries the statement "The Isle of Man government promise to pay the bearer on demand at any office of the Isle of Man Bank Limited" followed by the amount and denomination of the particular note. Also, the currency is printed by a private company; Bradbury, Wilkinson and Company Limited, of New Maiden, Surrey, England.
Given that this Printing Company is English, it would seem that they would wish to be paid for their printing services in English Pounds. This is accomplished by the fact that any British currency is accepted in trade on the Isle of Man. including English, Scottish and even Irish (Southern Irish (Eire)) Pounds (the Welsh have no currency of their own), and the "foreign" (to the Isle of Man) currency gained is kept on hand by the Isle of Man Bank for use in making payments to people in England and elsewhere as the need arises.
This system works. The Isle of Man government operates on a fiscal surplus every year. No debts, to anyone, and the system works perfectly in the absence of the natural resources of gold and silver, of which the island has none, and it makes no difference whether any of the other paper currencies accepted by it are backed with gold or silver or not.
Free Trade
The Bahamas Monetary Authority, established under the British Colonial government in 1968 took this type of
statement one step further, when on all the denominations of their currency was the statement "These notes are
legal tender under the Bahamas Money Authority Act 1968 for the payment of any amount". In 1974 the Country was granted its independence and the new government immediately formed a Central Bank which took almost ten years to design and print a new currency, upon which was the statement "These notes are legal tender under the Central Bank of the Bahamas Act 1974 for the payment of any amount".
Notice: each singular "note" carries the plural statement "these notes", and "they" are for the payment of "any amount", relying on the actual face denomination of the note for the "value" carried.
Plus the "note" is printed by a private corporation: Thomas De La Rue and Company Limited.
The American Colonies
Prior to the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution of the United States, Benjamin Franklin (who currently adorns the $100. Federal Reserve Note) was asked, while in London England "How do you account for the prosperity of the American Colonies". His reply was "That is simple. It is because we issue or own money. It is called Colonial Script and we issue it in the proper proportion to accommodate trade and commerce".
The reply of the British to this statement was that in the 1760's the Bank of England introduced into the British Parliament a Bill which forbade the Colonies to issue their own script, and was intended to force them to issue bonds and sell them to the Bank of England (only).
Of course, the bank would loan them the money in the first place, and charge them interest on the money loaned. The design was to cause the bankers to print the money for the Colonies and therefore have the Colonies financed by Debtor instruments.
According to Franklin, this one Act. once it was passed and implemented, was probably the primary cause of the American War of Independence.
The American War of Independence
As always, wars are costly to the governments of the countries involved, and the War of Independence cost the
government of the United States dearly. In 1775, and in answer to the need for money, the Continental
Congress passed an Act to finance the war with the issue, direct from the Treasury, of debt free paper
currency. The currency itself was called "The Continental", and, as expected, it enraged the International
bankers because they could neither control its issue nor could they charge interest on it. Some of the
individual States even went so far as to pass laws requiring their citizens to accept the new "Continental" as
legal tender. By 1776 Congress had printed $24.6 million in "Continentals" with the result that by the end of the War of Independence the faith in the currency (thanks in part to the propaganda war against it instigated by the international bankers) had degenerated to the point where the "Continentals" were being exchanged at the rate of 500 to the silver dollar.
This was due also in part to the fact that as yet, the states were still "independent" of each other, and the currency was "floated" between the states, and the states still relied a great deal on commerce with Europe, who did not recognize the currency.
This again proved the "law" of economics, that when you print paper currency in large amounts when it is not backed by gold or silver (and especially when you try to trade internationally with that currency) inflation results.
When the United States of America had gained its independence from "British Rule", Congress realized that in order to be internationally recognized, gold and silver coin had to be the only proper form for the currency of a nation to take, this realization is reflected in the United States Constitution, where, in Article 1, Section * the statement is made that:
"Congress shall have the power ................ To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof....and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;"
Therefore, according to the Constitution of The United States of America. Congress only has the power to COIN money, not PRINT it!
The inflation relative to the "Continental" caused the International bankers to renew their efforts to create a central bank of issue in the United States, which was private in nature, and had the power to issue money simply by printing it, and then loaning it (with interest) to the U.S....this time enlisting the help of Alexander Hamilton, who was not unenergetic in his efforts in lobbying Congress. This lobbying effort was eventually successful, when, in 1791, with Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, Congress granted a charter for twenty years to the "First Bank of the United States"
In 1816. five years after the lapse of the charter of the First Bank of the United States, and after the entire debt to the bank had been paid off by the United States. The "Second Bank of the United States" was chartered, also with a twenty year charter. It too loaned money (it had simply printed) to the government. 60 billion of it, and this time it took the government until 1836 to pay off all of the principal (including the debt incurred by the War of 1812) and interest.
The next development of real help to the international bankers, promoters of debt loaded monetary instruments, came in 1819, when Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, in the case of McCulloch vs., Maryland, declared that Congress had the "IMPLIED" power to create the Bank of the United States.
President Andrew Jackson had been President since 1828, and was due for re-election in 1832. Before Jackson's first term the Second Bank of the United States greatly varied the amounts of money brought into circulation, causing first, a booming economy, then a crippling recession. This pattern was repeated several times, and each time, when the recession was caused (by the bank), thousands of men were thrown out of work, and properties were snatched up for fractions of their true prices, only to be turned around shortly thereafter during the next boom time and re-sold by the foreclosing banks.
The banks were making a fortune, and the American citizen was suffering. Jackson was seeking re-election; he was a great proponent of the creation of money only when it was backed by Gold and Silver (Specie) and he was clearly not in favor of the concept of a Central Bank.
The American People agreed with Jackson, elected him for a new term, and his first move was to call for the removal of government funds from the Second Bank of America. The people in control of the Second Bank of America tried in two ways to get rid of Jackson, firstly, he had the distinction of being the first President upon whom an assassination attempt was made (happily unsuccessful) by virtue of the fact that he had tried to foil the bankers (Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy were the others), and secondly, through the political process when they (the International Bankers) lobbied the Senate to censure Jackson, and succeeded in getting the house to pass a bill to that effect in March, 1834, but it reversed this move in 1837.
By 1836, at the end of Jackson's second term, he had caused the national debt to be paid off, (and no President since Jackson can make the claim to have paid off the National Debt), and the charter for the Second Bank of the United States had expired. The United States was once again without a Central Bank, and once again only the Constitutional currency of gold and silver was in general circulation, with the notable difference only where a few private banks kept such gold and silver on deposit and issued in its stead lawful certificates of deposit. The next centrally issued currency of the United States of America was to be created during the Civil War and. thanks to certain influences and the debilitating experiences with the "International Bankers" up to this time, it was to be issued directly off the Treasury of the United States and was debt-free.
Private Banks
Of course, in a large metropolis such as New York or Washington, D.C., there were many banks and financial depository institutions: in other industrial cities such as Chicago Illinois, Cincinnati Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky, and Richmond, Virginia, a l l of which were relatively primitive and undeveloped compared to New York and Washington there were, of course, relatively fewer, but all have one common characteristic; they were all privately owned and operated.
Private banking in pre-civil war times was radically different than we see today. The banks were private in the truest sense of the word, with little or no government (Federal or State) regulations pertaining to them or their operation.
With the advent of the railroads in 1828, and the implementation of the "Depository Institutions" which the railroads were required to keep, the system of banking in the U.S. became, at least in the sense of ownership, more centralized.
The Virginia Company 113s
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