Came across a series of articles,seven in total today,I believe they might contain some information we might not know about.This Pope is bad news,and I thought this before I came across this stuff,anyhow here we have # 1 of what will be 7 in the next few days
The Third Secret of Fatima is executed
As we wrote in the article welcoming Francisco Bergoglio, (" The Jesuits come out of the closet ") we are fascinated by the large number of prophecies that have been fulfilled (or self-fulfilling) with the arrival of a Jesuit pope to the top of the power of church. To the visible top, because behind the Vatican has already been controlled by the Jesuits for some time.
But what has brought us back to Rome is the execution of one of the fulfilled prophecies. The one of the third secret of Fatima
The great communication machinery of the Society of Jesus has made the mass media, and with them thousands of people, swallowed many wolves, with their respective lamb skins . There are already many messages of supposed love, humility and renewal of the church ... Francisco wears worn shoes and wears a Renault-4L (which, years ago, stopped being manufactured and which together with the Volkswagen van has been the symbol of the anti-establishment ). It is the ideal car for a wolf to approach the herd without raising suspicion. And when the rest of the lambs are already totally confident, what may happen today in the Plaza de San Pedro may happen.
The Third Secret of Fatima is an even more secret taboo, more feared and more guarded in the Vatican than the Third Secret of Bárcenas at the headquarters of the PP. He has kept in suspense all those people who have known her and many others who have simply been embarrassed by their secrecy, even without knowing her. For years, the church has kept it hidden and has not allowed historians access until 1978. Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), who at that time was responsible for the "censorship" in the Vatican (the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith), said that the Secret concerned "the dangers that threatened the Faith and the life of Christians, and therefore the world" .
According to Lucia dos Santos, the girl who saw and talked with the Virgin, the Third Secret is a serious warning of a great apostasy within the Church, which would occur in recent times with the arrival of 'the False Lamb' and Prophet ' or be Mitra-the false Jesus- for he will betray the Church for the benefit of 'The Beast' (Lucifer, of the same Anunnaki lineage as Mitra) , according to the prophecy of the Apocalypse.
In addition, the girl also said that "The devil has succeeded in bringing evil under the guise of good" " and will even reach the top of the Church."
With the arrival of a Jesuit pope, whose "god" is Mitra, and Ishtar - the false mother of Jesus - the apostasy (denial, renunciation or abjuration of a religion) is fulfilled . As the Virgin of Fatima said, she knows the self-fulfilling prophecies: "evil under the disguise of good".
Prophecy has a weak sense and refers not only to the end of the Catholic Church, but also to the end of Light, Good and Love (which in theory should have meant the Church). To be more specific, the Third Secret also means the end of the envoys of Light on Earth.
And for that, the Marian Day of Adoration of the Virgin and the Consecration of the World to the Heart of the Virgin of Fatima is summoned , with the aim of activating what we could call the "Final Solution".
During this Journey of Marian pilgrimage, a ritual will be performed to activate a work of "curse", black magic that we could baptize with the euphemistic name used by the Nazis. The solution that they applied already other times and that led to the cross to Jesus , or the one that took Joan of Arc to the stake, to Abraham to the poison, to Ghandi and Lincoln to the bullets etc, etc.
It is the same magic that has been come applying to beings sent by the Light, though not all,Only those who have resisted all the darkening traps placed in their path. They have only been forced to apply it when all the attempts to take them, whether from ego or fear, have failed.
And that has happened on rare occasions.
The "Final Solution" is the term by which the creation of the German extermination camps in the 2nd World War is known, as a response of the Nazi regime to the enormous problem that meant managing the tremendous accumulation of prisoners of all kinds, and not only Jews.
Impressive to see the similarity between a peaceful dove and the hardened eagle of the III Reich. When the veil falls, Truth and History become a binomial full of surprises.
"The Beast" of the Apocalypse
The prophecies, in the vast majority of occasions are not such, are simply "future plans filtered by who has the control to carry them out." Something like the self-fulfilling prophecy . One of their rituals is that their plans always have to be communicated, usually in an encrypted, symbolic way, so that only they can decode them. It is their protocol and it produces a kind of irresistible morbid to do it. Sister Lucia, referring to the Third Secret, named the Beast of the Apocalypse, whose robot portrait coincides with that of his sanctity, Pope Francis, with the exception of the 7 heads, the 7 horns and other "props".
More than one was crushed by the
impact of lightning on the dome of St. Peter,
impact of lightning on the dome of St. Peter,
shortly after Pope Benedict resigned.
Recall the first words he addressed to the cardinals on the first night of his election:
"May God forgive you for what you have just done"
"The Antichrist will deceive and seduce all" and the Mr Bergoglio, more folksy than our king, it was already difficult to beat, has pocketed everyone.
"It will not come without before apostasy comes " and ...
- in fact we know that the Jesuits worship a pagan god Anunnaki named Mitra who has passed for Jesus. " He will sit in God's temple as God, pretending to be God. "
--Effectively, occupies the throne of Peter, the maximum representative of the Church, that of "God on Earth"
"It will not come without before apostasy comes " and ...
- in fact we know that the Jesuits worship a pagan god Anunnaki named Mitra who has passed for Jesus. " He will sit in God's temple as God, pretending to be God. "
--Effectively, occupies the throne of Peter, the maximum representative of the Church, that of "God on Earth"
It seems that "what will deceive everyone" had some gap ... Who decides the covers in Times magazine (left) seems immune to certain mass hypnosis. (right, simulation of what was on your mind when designing the cover).
Saturday October 12, 5:00 p.m.
The world is given (consecrated) to Ishtar. White doves flying
Indeed, here is Francisco, the impostor, sitting on a huge throne at the gates of San Pedro, just in front of the altar mounted at the top of the stairs and under a huge relief formed by three bees, the symbol of the trinity Merovingia-Anunnaki.
St. Peter's Square, October 13, 2013
She is already on top of her throne. Normal, she is a queen. It is Ishtar, the Black Queen in her disguise as a humble and kind Virgin of Fatima. She is happy, because her foremen have prepared a very beautiful celebration with songs, tears and thousands of white handkerchiefs in the air simulating flying white doves , her favorite symbol. The white doves is the name of the Pleiades, the stellar origin of some of their ancestors.
Everything is very beautiful; the hypnotic song of the Ave Maria, the rosary, the virgin waving (it is a statue but it seems that it is going to raise the hand as our beloved Sofia does through the car window). Kings are like that, they love the people in their own way. Black Love, beetlejuice, like the skin of the black virgins that are scattered all over the world.
Fatima's does not, because it has a perfect pink skin, advertised anti-aging cream . In addition, the crown leaning over his beautiful face full of sadness and suffering softens his expression. Of course, in my opinion modesty, I should use one or two sizes less.
She is not a virgin, nor is anyone's mother. And much less mother that of an exceptional being of Light like Jesus, what an insult! When he passes near me, everyone shouts "Viva la Virgen ¡¡" ... which in Spain would have a different meaning. I scream "cheating fox, out of this planet" to my insides clear.
At my side, some carry high banners of the " Legion of Mary", the " Army of Our Lady ", the " Blue Navy of Fatima" and other curious warlike names. And also many flags of countries around the world. I do not know if after this we will all go forward to fight or the final of the World Cup ... Surely to fight, because a few meters ahead, already in the VIP area, Very Important Pilgrim / Pilgrim, are the Knights Templar with their period dresses wearing the same cross that flies on the shield of my city, Barcelona, as in the past He did in Jerusalem.
And the Swiss Guard, with its huge spear at the ready, proud to continue being chosen for the protection of the pope, from the middle ages when they were considered the best mercenaries in Europe.
And the Swiss Guard, with its huge spear at the ready, proud to continue being chosen for the protection of the pope, from the middle ages when they were considered the best mercenaries in Europe.
Yes, sure yes, we're going to the front.
The "Bird - aveee - avemaaaaaaria", the official hymn of the Marian cult, sounds without interruption, while the people speak animatedly in a climate of twinning that I find pleasant. Pity of the massive deception. It begins to pray the rosary, the ultimate work of hypnotic engineering and between the litanies and the "sofrito" to which I am subjected by those who know that I am here and do not like it, I feel like a chicken à l'ast in a chair pilgrim. But the objective deserves it.
note: · Etymology of "Mariano Worship"
Mariano means "referred or supporter of the Virgin Mary", although in its feminine version Mariana is also considered as the contraction of María Ana.
This contraction should not be applied in masculine -Maria-Ano- in no case except in the case of some leaders of political parties in southern European countries.
This contraction should not be applied in masculine -Maria-Ano- in no case except in the case of some leaders of political parties in southern European countries.
The ritual is armed
While the rosary is being prayed on the main stage, in another one located just 100 meters from here, at the Jesuits' governmental headquarters on Corso Spíritu Street, the true objective of this Marian Worship Day is being carried out.
The ritual of "Final Solution" is being assembled and will be left ready for execution tomorrow,October 13, date of the anniversary of the last appearance in Fatima, during the collective rosary that will be prayed in the Plaza de San Pedro. Afterwards, the Pope will celebrate the mass and the virgin will finish her weekend in Rome and will travel back to her glass urn in Fatima.
Using this ritual is a last resort. It is not to your liking to do so, because it involves skipping the universal law of "No Intervention". But they, cheaters like a politician, induce suicide through addictions, depressions, horrible pains and anguish ... in their tortuous interpretation of the codes of the Universe, it is the human being who executes the sentence that they have decreed, that is the trap.
For them, it is not to violate the law if, instead of killing someone, they use a disturbed or possessed person to execute the order without even knowing what they are doing. They never get their hands dirty.
But the Light, is respectful with all natural laws, and the first of them, that of Balance. The law by which everything tends to balance, by everything you do will be balanced by returning to you, sooner or later.
It is the law of Karma. And today, from the same place where you are plotting against another universal law, I am going to reverse the direction of the curse work so that as soon as it is activated, its address will automatically rotate 180º and return to the issuer. And that is not going to be done from the outside by celestial angels, but by any person, from within. Because the Light does, it respects the law of No Intervention. Because for the Light, Freedom must always be guaranteed, even when someone insists on making mistakes.
The "Final Solution" is only administered in cases of extreme need. And it is the current case, because they know that this time is different, that this time, the Light has come to stay , whatever it may be. They have been realizing this for a long time and it makes them very nervous. They have waited long enough to play that desperate card since they could be turned against, as is happening with everything they do in recent times. And they know that if the "Final Solution" fails, the final END of the game arrives.
Yes, the End of the game and the end of an enslaved humanity, resigned to suffering.
This style of sad humanity no longer takes, now what is coming for the new season is a humanity connected with the Source, open to Love that lives in Peace and Harmony. The times have already changed and they are already out of place. This has been shown to them in recent years, with anonymous Light beings, who have deactivated and cleaned out many of the traps with which they have always been able to re-establish their darkness in the course of history.
These are the beings to whom the final solution is now applied. And since they know what is happening, they have hesitated to use that letter. Or all or nothing, face or cross, face, the human being wins because it is a human face. Cruz wins the darkness because that is the first symbol of deceit and submission that has been used until exhaustion.
The cross that has been the mockery of Jesus' suffering in churches, symbols, medals ... the derision of the "Final Solution" that ended him. It does not matter who was responsible, Pilate, Herod, Judas or none of the three. What brought him to the cross was a work of black magic, to understand us, a curse, a very powerful evil eye capable of modifying all kinds of people and circumstances.
The Curse of the "fortune-teller's song"
Curse is the expression of an evil desire directed at a person or a collective that, by virtue of the magical power of language, or the intervention of spirits. deities, demons invoked, materializes. It is also common to associate them with certain objects, such as relics of saints or the icons of the "Russian Virgins" (see second part of this article ). The curses in Rome followed a very formalized protocol. The "tabulae decisions", as they were called, were written on lead or clay tablets. The Romans, and the ancient inhabitants of Rome, the Etruscans, practiced this type of curses with assiduity. they were made in the same place where the curse ritual is being prepared, which will be activated tomorrow, the 13th.
The Vaticanus was a hill or slight elevation located on the other side of the Tiber river. In archaic Rome, there was a vicus (neighborhood or town) where an ancient oracle of Etruscan origin was located. In Roman times the place was called Ager Vaticanus (the hill of divinations). The word Vatican comes from the Latin Vaticanus, and is composed of Vates (fortune-teller or sorcerer) and Canus (song).
That is, the Vatican means "the Song of the Fortuneteller" and "Vaticinio", in Latin "Vaticinium", is in fact the song or prediction of a vate (prophet) which shows the pagan origin of the place. A pagan character that is still valid today, more than ever, with the arrival of the Jesuits (followers of Mithra, the false Jesus, see .......) to power.
<<<< The Pope Praying the Angelus in the Window of his rooms in the Plaza de San Pedro. On the right, when he retires to rest, and in which, already relaxed, he forgets to pretend what he is not. (character of "The Adivino" of Asterix).
The Lord of the rings
The Fisherman's ring or Pescatorio is used by the pope, the successor of the Apostle Peter and therefore visible head of the Catholic Church ring. His name, is due to the ancient fisherman's office of the apostle Peter. Each Supreme Pontiff, carries a ring made with the remains of the one used by the previous one.
The Fisherman's Ring, is one of the great papal symbols that is given to the Pope in an official ceremony at the beginning of the pontificate. It comes from the traditions of the medieval monarchies, which used them to seal the official documents and so that the subjects will show their respect by kneeling and kissing him. The caste of the "foremen" - priests and kings - do not hide that, in the end, they are the same ... capatces and nothing more than that.
<<<< Left: moment of the imposition of the Fisherman's Ring on the new Pope Francis, in the center known as "Ring Vyne" and on the right the popular ring of Frodo in the "Lord of the Rings". Three versions of the same symbol.
"A Ring to rule them all,
A Ring to find them,
A Ring to attract them all and bind them in the darkness."
A Ring to find them,
A Ring to attract them all and bind them in the darkness."
The Vyne Ring or Ring of Silviano is an ancient gold ring, discovered in 1785 in a field in England. Apparently it was stolen by another person named Seneciano, over whom the owner of the ring cast a curse.
In 1929, during the excavations of the Roman temple of Nodens, in Lydney, a tombstone was found with a legend that gave great importance to the ancient ring. It was a prayer to the god Nodens, in which a curse was pronounced against the thief of a ring of the temple of Lydney:
"To the God Nodens, that takes the name of Seniciaus denies all health until it returns the ring to the temple".
The archeologist asked JRR for help. Tolkien who studied the ring a year before writing 'The Hobbit' , the book before the trilogy that has immortalized him, "The Lord of the Rings". The diameter of the ring suggests to historians that it was created to be worn on the thumb and above a glove, as Sauron carried it in Tolkien's books. In its central part, an image of the goddess Venus has been engraved, who we already know is Ishtar , Inanna, Artemis, Cybele, Gea and ... the Virgin Mary.

Nodens, was at some point, the leader of the pantheon of Celtic gods that had a silver hand (yes, the silver that so much likes the austere Pope Francis) since he had lost a hand in a battle.Nodens was one of the "Ancients",name that Lovecraft gave to the Archetypal gods and the Primal gods .
Nodens, was at some point, the leader of the pantheon of Celtic gods that had a silver hand (yes, the silver that so much likes the austere Pope Francis) since he had lost a hand in a battle.Nodens was one of the "Ancients",name that Lovecraft gave to the Archetypal gods and the Primal gods .
The works of Lovecraft, a cultural milestone with millions of fans and imitators all over the world, may not have been so fantastic. Lovecraft knew much more than he made us believe .
Nodens is the pagan god Sabacius, who gave origin to the legend of Sant Jordi. His famous hands - hand of Sabacius - replete with symbolism can be seen in many museums. ( see Saint George, Roses for Isis )
The "Catalan" Ring of the Pope Pope Francis also uses other rings, such as the "Pastoral" made by a jeweler in Barcelona . It is silver, with a Latin cross in relief, which is the cross of Sant Jordi, the Templar cross, the cross of the shield of the Catalan city. It is the famous " Mark of Cain", always hidden, always in sight.

The base is hexagonal, with 6 sides, 6 vertices and 6 triangles (with reference to 666). Six the imperfect number, and the hexagon contains the cursed number. It is the form that is usually used for coffins.
On the inside of the ring, the name of Francisco and two little angels are engraved , "this last a personal element whose meaning is known only to the Pontiff himself" in the words of the author jeweler. Not only does the Pontiff know, because those two Angels are the same ones who protected the Ark of the Covenant, the peak of power on earth that was stored in the Santa sanctorum of Solomon's Temple.
The commission was made on March 14, that is, just the day after the election as Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Pope. Yes sir, a dad with very clear ideas. The ring is made of silver, as is the cross that leads to the neck (with an image of the Divine Shepherd, as it was known to Mitra in Rome) and against all norms it is also "The Fisherman's Ring".
Before you think about how humble the Holy Father is because he does not use gold but silver that is cheaper, I remind him that gold was the metal they worshiped in the Babylonian civilization, while silver was used in Persia to many things among them, pay taxes(That is the meaning of the word silver). And that in the Persian Empire was where the cult of Mithra began, the false pagan Jesus who is adored by the Jesuits.
Sunday, October 13, 2013, 10:00 h.
The "Final Solution" is activated.
Yesterday, the weapon was loaded and the aim was refined. Today is going to shoot. It will be a boomerang bullet, the bullet of karma reserved for those who have cheated the Universe for centuries. I am again in the Plaza de San Pedro to attend the activation of the ritual that was prepared yesterday.
Francisco makes himself wait, but his boss, Ishtar the white dove, the "Queen of the Skies" has been waiting for some time in her small altar. Yesterday, we opened a portal of very powerful light, enough to burn the lashes to the fake little goddess and curiously this morning the altar has been moved. How little the Light likes some!
I am a bad pilgrim and between the two rosaries that I have already swallowed, and the sun that boils in my neck, I decide to leave. These are no longer important, they are the losers, being there no longer has any interest. I'm going.
So I get up, after admiring the prodigy of organization that has allowed them to distribute so many hosts to thousands of people gathered in such a short space of time.
The only exit, passes through the large wooden fences that delimit the passage of the pope in his populist tours. Everybody looks forward with maximum concentration, because after the Eucharist, Francis, with an expression of great feeling, has begun to thank his presence and his dedication to all the pilgrims who have come to the event.
<<<< Sunday October 13, 2013, doors of the Basilica of San Pedro. The Pope is on the throne and on his right the banners of the "Army of Mary".
In such a moment of climax is when I have to pass between carabineros and escorts, turning my back on the altar and the huge crowd. I hesitate and stop, but a "man in black" quickly approaches me and throws me out of there, heading towards the corridor. So I begin the path of the deserter , with the Pope becoming sentimental behind my back and the crowd looking at me thinking that I am a traitor, a bad pilgrim and worse person. Suddenly, I hear the pope pause, and he can be heard over the loudspeakers: "a saluto a gli amici da Tarragona".
I had just spent a week in Tarragona with my parents, but no, the Pope was not quarreling with me ... he simply sent a reminder to the attendees of the beatification of a few deaths, of the many that were, in the civil war Spanish and that was being done at the same time in the Catalan city.It was the right time to leave.
No pretense
The act of "consecrating" means "to deliver, offer, entrust" but in reality, the act was officially a re-consecration of the World to Our Lady of Fatima, since Pius XII, Paul VI and John Paul II had already consecrated him in three previous occasions.
So how can a new consecration be justified? The solution was not to do it, because the supposed consecration ended up being a simple prayer to the Virgin in which the three basic words were omitted : "consecration", "Immaculate Heart of Mary" and "world", which were included in the announcement of the act that the Vatican spread. It is more in none of the three days those words were used and it is that the Pope in neither of the two days consecrated anything to anyone .
The lightning visit of the statue from Fatima a was not to "deliver" the world but to "deliver" the beings of the Light to his fatal destiny, to his "Final Solution" . And is that to perform high-level rituals, it takes a lot of energy, the 100,000 pilgrims who were crowded in Rome during those two days. Or the concentrated energy of all the Marian congregations of the world that connected simultaneously on Saturday.
Strange to proceed, how strange had been the appearance of Francisco that day. My tip-off informed that the ritual would be activated at 10:00 a.m. when the rosary was prayed Curiously, Francisco did not appear until he had finished, and when he did , he seemed to be in a trance, asleep and talking so low and without vocalizing that he could hardly be understood . One would say that he had inspired too much incense in the Basilica, or perhaps that he had just emerged from some kind of trance.
In any case, little by little he regained that vital, close and easy-going tone that has dazzled everyone. The truth is that, like a good Argentine, Francisco wins and convinces.
Rectify, only convince.
The victory will be no.
UFOs in Fatima
There are several things in the Fatima events, which make us think of a very well elaborated plan. For example, that in the most important newspapers of Portugal, it was published in advance that an event, of great historical significance, would occur in Fatima on the date on which the UFO phenomenon of "The Dance of the Sun" finally happened. The predictions came from a group of psychics, but also from the supposed virgin. It was she who, during the third contact, announced to Lucia that in October she would perform a great miracle so that all would believe. A request that caused great hostility and disbelief among the priests and authorities.
Later the children would be accused of contacting the same devil and They were even imprisoned for several days.
Also, it is evident that in these first descriptions there are also a large number of references to flying objects and visual and physical effects common in the current UFO phenomenology.
The encounters in the third phase (with contact) of Fatima took place in Cova da Iria, a wide valley located two and a half kilometers from Fatima. Three children, Sister Lucy and her two cousins, gathered their sheep at noon when they suddenly saw a bright flash in the sky. Moments later, a glittering white figurine seemed to materialize on an oak tree and soon the vision receded with a noise similar to the distant explosion of a rocket.
At that time, Portugal was a country with a high rate of illiteracy, and with great Catholic fervor. The UFO phenomenon was unknown, and it is normal that the facts were interpreted from a purely religious point of view. However, by investigating a little, it becomes clear that the process was planned and supervised so that this could happen , and obtain the desired objectives ...
There are many differences between the original descriptions of Lucia Dos Santos and her final memoirs of 1940, especially in relation to "the lady who descended from heaven" because in the original accounts of Sr. Lucia and her cousin, the only two who saw the appearance, they said that the being was very small, about one meter tall and wore a kind of mantle from head to toe. They spoke of a "celestial girl" about 12 or 14 years old who had a ball in her hands ", a ball that later became Marian iconology in the current Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Immaculate Heart has been transformed into a aberrant code issuer 666, As we could see the next day when we went to the museum of San Juan de Letrán, separated only by three metro stations.
What happened on October 13 in Rome with the visit of the original Virgin of Fatima and the ritual of "Final Solution" validates that everything was a montage in which they collaborated, or at least were informed, the Jesuits.
Sister Lucy, was "invited" to spend all her life cloistered as a nun in the Spanish convents of Tuy and Pontevedra, away from the looks and curious questions. He was forbidden by the highest religious authority, to reveal anything in relation to the mysteries of Fatima or to the figure that appeared and was always under the influence of his Jesuit confessors. The Society of Jesus,and to attract the faithful to their new strategy: the adoration of the Immaculate Heart.
By the way, while we were in San Juan de Letrán with goosebumps before the monstrosity that holds the Sacred Heart of Mary, the Pope released another of his pearls, at the Mass on Monday, October 14, the day after activating his "Final solution"
"Many Christians sin of believing themselves good"
Is Francisco confessing the historical deception of having subjected millions of faithful to go to darkness when his original intention was to walk towards the Light ?. Or on the contrary, are you projecting your own problem, which is not good and is only an appearance? Or both things.
And to eliminate any doubt, if they still existed about something hidden and evil hidden in the apparitions of Fatima, on the same date but in 1981, Pope John Paul II was hit by a shot in the same Plaza de San Pedro.
And for those who love numerology:
The date of the appearance, on the 13th, by itself is a high esoteric load number. But in May it is "13 + 5 = 18", a satanic figure that consists of 6 + 6 + 6 .
The year 1917 adds 1 + 9 + 1 + 7 = 18 (6 + 6 + 6). The appearance occurred appeared 6 times , only on the 13th of each month.
Right: Modern sculpture in the Sanctuary of Fatima and logo of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, the American organization that recovered the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan, the other great abomination that we learned -and deactivated- in Rome in these days. >>>>>>>>>>
Notice the clear allusion to the female sexual organs , and perhaps also reference to the excessive sexual appetite of the true Virgin, the Sumerian-Anunnaki goddess Ishtar , creator of the sacred prostitution in their temples . Below, montage to further clarify the association.
The miracle of the "Dance of the Sun"
On the other hand, this day of Marian adoration coincides with a very significant date , the miracle of the "Dance of the Sun", which occurred before more than 70,000 people, the day of the last appearance of the Virgin in Fatima . Thousands of worshipers, unbelievers, priests and the press that filled the valley, as the event had been predicted in the newspapers before, observed a silver sun dancing in the sky. A pure UFO phenomenon that the church has confirmed as an authentic miracle .
The day had dawned cloudy and rainy but around eleven thirty in the morning, it cleared and a strange sun appeared, like a silver opaque disk that turned frantically in the sky. Before the astonished eyes of the crowd that looked anxiously at the sky, the sun trembled and made unexpected movements out of all astronomical logic, rotating madly on its center and filling the multicolored field of lights. At times, it seemed to come off the sky and fall at great speed to the earth, then stop and return to heaven. The witnesses also said that they felt intense heat and that their clothes soaked by the rain had dried completely.
Twelve minutes lasted the show for the crowd that remained kneeling with their hands together, crying and praying, some preparing for the end of the world, in what was possibly the most massive UFO sighting in history.
Those present did not hesitate a second and quickly spread the news of the miracle of the "Dance of the Sun".
The event could also be observed, from places located in a radius of several kilometers around Fatima. However, the astronomical observatories did not report that day anything abnormal, which indicates that it was a local phenomenon, at low altitude and directed only to the thousands of people congregated in the area .
The Pope Pius XII himself admitted having seen the sun rotate four times and perhaps that led him to finally recognize the apparitions of Fatima in 1940 and soon after to consecrate the entire world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pius XII met many times with Sister Lucia, the seer of Fatima, and ordered him to transcribe the messages received from the Virgin. He was therefore the first authority to know what for years has been known as the third secret, which has remained hidden until Juan Pablo ordered it published, although fragments had been leaking before.
And as a culmination, on November 1, 1950, Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption, as a fulfillment of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
October 13, 1917 the "Dance of the Sun" takes place in Fatima
October 13, 2013 Consecration to Fatima and "Final Solution"
With almost 100 years of difference between the two images, and seeing their similarity, we can be saddened by a humanity that has always walked hand in hand with deception. But let's look up at the sky, not to see miracles or UFOs, but to be fully illuminated by the light of a new planet .
Because today a definitive step has been taken to make it possible.
And let it be soon, humanity should not wait any longer. We can not wait any longer.
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