KING LOUIS XVI (1745-1793)
Came to the French throne on May 10. 1774, four years after his marriage to Marie Antoinette, and reigned
until his death at the hands of the French Revolution on January 21, 1793.
QUEEN OF FRANCE (1755-1793)
Brought the bloodline of the Merovingian Kings, through her father, Duke Francis I of the Holy Roman
Empire and the House of Lorraine, back to the French side when she married King Louis XVI in 1770. In
1785 their second son Louis Charles was born. Marie Antoinette was guillotined by the French
Revolutionaries on October 16, 1793.
LOUIS XVII (1785-1860)
Was born to the Queen and King of France on March 25, 1785.
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria and mother of the French Queen, died without seeing the birth of the
Dauphin, an event for which she had longed. She had hoped that the production of an heir would solidify her
daughter's position with the people of France.
The death of her mother left Marie Antoinette alone against the world and even against herself. She found
herself surrounded by selfish, frivolous friends, a weak and indifferent husband, and a world that watched her
every action with suspicion. She was overcome with anxiety, and her only true friend, the Princess de
Lamballe, could only weep with her.
One evening in early December, in the year of 1780. Marie Antoinette and her companion Princess de
Lamballe had gone to Paris to visit a man of great power and mastery by the name of Count Saint-Germain.
Marie Antoinette, had asked Saint-Germain to perform an experiment.
On this visit, the Count had taken the Queen and the Princess into an ornate study and seated the women in
comfortable chairs. He sat down before them with a crystal ball. The Princess de Lamballe became absorbed
in the crystal ball. Soon she was mesmerized by the sparkling crystal. The crystal ball was becoming clouded,
and coming to life. Slowly the face of Princess Lamballe emerged in the mist, but it was the face of a dead
woman. The mist about her began to glow blood red, and parts of her naked body floated to the surface.
The Princess started screaming wildly, with gasps of horror. When confronted by the Queen, she refused to
tell the Queen what it was that had frightened her.
The Queen, pitying her companion, did not ask any further, but turned to Saint-Germain and asked for
something consoling. His reply to her was that "the near future is like a sunset, it shows a dark night coming,
with light for only a few years". Saint-Germain told the Queen that in one year from that day, the Dauphin
will be born. The first of two son's to be born to Marie Antoinette.
After Saint-Germain told the Queen of the prophecy that was to come to pass with the birth of an heir. He
asked her to give some thought to some advice that he added to the prophecy.
It was not really advice; it was a warning. "It may well bore and humiliate Your Majesty in your present
mood. What I ask is that you make a short trip to Versailles after the Dauphin is born. Build a bridge between
yourself and the nobility and another between yourself and the people. This would resolve and rescue
Your country is threatened by danger both within and without- Its throne must be a living, lighting symbol; it
must fight the greatest battle in history for the trust and love of its people. Your Majesty must give birth, not
only to a Dauphin, but to a fuller idea of the kingdom, an idea that can survive the dangerous currents that
have been building up since the time of the Sun King." Saint-Germain urged the Queen to heed his words.
"Your Majesty is bold enough to take a stand against old prejudices, he told her, make war on the traditions of
Versailles, and scorn the hate of the nobility just to gain a little freedom and light-hearted pleasure. Do the
same thing, just once, for the good of the people. Try to understand and remedy their ills, acknowledge that
they are in an untenable situation; thus you can make an alliance with them. No one can fight two enemies at
once with any hope of success; you have to align yourself with one or the other to survive. If you do not wish
to ally yourself with the past; make an alliance with the future. Let there be a bloodless revolution of long
awaited reforms; these things will eventually come to pass with or without Your Majesty." Sadly, the Queen
refused to take heed the words of Saint-Germain.
As Saint-Germain had foretold, the Dauphin was born in 1781 on the very date he had predicted. Then in
early summer of the year 1789, the first born male child of the royal family became ill and passed away,
leaving the title of Dauphin to his younger brother that had been born in 1785. The Royal family suffered
much at the hands of the Revolution for many years. The family had been moved out of the palace of
Versailles, into Paris and then into prison at the Temple.
King Louis XVI was a quiet, and not very strong-willed man. Contrary to popular rumors in history he had
made France the most prosperous of all the European states prior to the Revolution. France held one-half of
the money in circulation in all of Europe. In the period of 1720 to 1780, foreign trade was multiplied by four.
One half of the wealth in France was in the hands of the middle class, and the "serfs" owned more land than
anyone else. The King had abolished forced labor on public works in France and had outlawed the use of
torture in interrogation. The King had founded hospitals, established schools, reformed the laws, built canals,
drained the marshes to increase the quantity of arable land, and had constructed numerous bridges to ease the
flow of goods inside the country. The benevolent King was fostering a rise of the middle class by encouraging
a better and healthier society. This situation was intolerable to those who were in the layer just underneath the
ruling class, as the rising middle class began to assume power themselves. There was a conspiratorial group
that intended to eliminate not only the King and the present ruling class but the middle class as well. The
enemy of the conspiracy was always the middle class. The French Revolution was a fraud and hoax. The
people were being manipulated for reasons not even made known to them.
The invisible control behind the French Revolution was the Illuminati, only thirteen years in existence, yet
powerful enough to cause a revolution in one of the major countries of the world. The Illuminati had laid
down the plans for the Revolution years before, and had infiltrated another secret group, the Mason. France's
galloping revolution was assisted in the decades previous to 1789 by the growth of the Masonic Brotherhood.
"Freemasonry had come to France in 1725, but by 1772, the organization had split into two groups, one of
which became known as the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry. The first Grand Master, the equivalent of
president, of the Lodge was the Duc d' Orleans, also a member of the Illuminati. The Grand Orient Lodge
spread quickly throughout the entirety of France so that by 1789 there were a total of 600 lodges all over
France as compared to only 104 in 1772. Members of the Grand Orient were also active in government, as
447 of the 605 members of the Estates General, France's parliament, were members. The plan of the Illuminati was to infiltrate the Masonic Order, convert it into a branch of the Illuminati, and then use its secrecy as the
vehicle to overthrow the monarchy. The new head of the government would be the Duc d' Orleans. The
strategy worked for awhile, but later the Duc suffered the ultimate penalty for his treason against the French
government and he died on the guillotine.
On January 21, 1793. the Revolution killed King Louis XVI. On July 1, 1793, "The Committee of Public
Safety"; issued a decree with the following purport: that the son of Capet be separated from his mother, the
Queen, and be delivered to an instructor, whom the general director of the committee shall appoint. "And so it
came to past that the young Dauphin was separated from his family and put into the hands of Simon the
cobbler and his cruel wife. The young Dauphins life became a living hell at the hands of these two cruel
people. He was repeatedly beaten into unconscious states and cursed. He became physically and emotionally
battered into silence. His only hope was to be freed from his prison.
On October 16, 1793 Marie Antoinette ascended the scaffold of the guillotine as her husband had done before,
and so passed to her rest, from all the pains and humiliations of her last years. She left behind her son the
Dauphin, and her daughter Theresa and her sister in-law Elizabeth.
Now, King Louis XVII remained alive but was a prisoner of the Temple. Only a child of eight years old. but
he was still the legitimate king and there were many people that still called him the King of France. Priest in
loyal Vendee, when they had finished the daily mass for the murdered king, prayed to God, for deliverance for
the young captive at the Temple, the young king, Louis XVII.
The royal family had long had a champion or hero that was loved by all for his loyalty and bravery his name
was Toulan and the Queen so honored this man with the beloved and honored title of Fide'le. Toulan, with the
help of such loyalist's as the Marquis Jarjayes and a Doctor Naudin and Doctor Saunier, along with many
other's had been for sometime trying to free the Royal family. Unfortunately all their plans to free the Queen
and the children had failed. Time was running out and the plan was made to try and free the young King.
These people were working also with the assistance and protection of a rich and noble patron, a true servant of
the deceased king. The Prince de Cond'e. who furnished the rescuers with ample means, and is prepared to
support to them any extent in their undertaking to free the young King. When the young King was freed he
would find in Vendee a safe asylum with the prince, and lived there securely, surrounded by his faithful
subjects. The immense difficulty, or impossibility, was the release of the young king from the Temple. But
with Toulan's help the outcome was a success.
Toulan had went a few days before the planned escape to see Doctor Naudin at the Hotel Dieu. in order to beg
him to visit a sick boy. The Marquis Jarjyes had found a young boy to become the replacement of the young
king. Doctor Naudin was needed to give his judgment on the patient. Naudin's decision determines the fate of
the young King of France. The young child of perhaps ten years of age was to become the substitute for the young king in his prison cell. This poor, unfortunate boy, had pale, sunken cheeks, blue eyes, short fair hair,
and a stupid, idiotic expression on his features. The child was suffering from an incurable form of scrofula,
which would by and by consume his limbs, and convert him into an idiot. He was now deaf This child was
the nephew of the Marquis of Jarjayes.
Doctor Naudin had also visited the Temple to examine Simon and his wife who were becoming ill because of
the atmosphere of the prison; the young king was also suffering from abuse and the environment. Simon and
his wife were both told by the good doctor that if they did not leave the environment of the Temple that they
would both die in a very short time. Toulan had been working with the doctor and had on this trip gone along
with the doctor. He also confronted the Simons, to agree to help in the escape of the young king. They were
bought out with the promise of a house in the country and 600 pieces of gold. They agreed and became
Toulan allies in the prison from then until the young king was freed.
The young king had requested toys to play with and the Public Safety Committee had agreed that he could
have toys brought to his cell in the prison. The young king had requested a wooden hobby horse and Simon
agreed to help fulfill his wishes.
Doctor Naudin. who visited the young king every day, proposed that the youngster might not be all right in the
head, and he has ordered, on this account, that his long thick hair should be cut off This way his head might
be a little cooler. So Simons wife was to cut it off. That was probably the last service that she did for him
This was done also because the child that was to be the replacement for the young king had short hair.
The day before the Simons were to leave the Temple for their new post, Simon and Toulan went to a toy shop
to pickup a hobby horse for the young king, and inside it was the replacement child. Upon obtaining the horse
Toulan and Simon took it to the Temple and it was placed in the young kings cell. And later that night the
swap was made. The sick child was dressed in the kings cloths and put into his bed and the young king was
dressed in peasant clothes and was hidden in the wash woman's basket in the bottom. The next morning
Toulan came to the Temple to help the Simons to move their belongings out of the Temple to their new post.
Among the belongings was one very large cloths basket that contained the young king. This happened on the
19th of January, 1794. As King Louis XVII, was leaving the Temple, his sister Theresa, was still living
with her Aunt Elizabeth in the upper rooms of the Temple.
The carriage containing Simon's goods slowly made its way through the country to the custom-house near
Porte Macon. Before the building stood a woman in the neat and tasteful costume of the washerwomen from
the village of Vannes. which then, was the abode of the washerwomen of Paris. Toulan and Simon lifted the
basket out of Simons carriage and placed into the open cart of the washerwoman. The washerwoman was
really Marquis de Jarjayes in woman's clothing in disguise. From the Port of Macon they traveled to Vendee,
under the safe care of Prince de Cond'e.
The Prince de Cond'e was the protector and deliverer. The magnanimous prince had furnished the necessary
money. The little King would remain concealed in one of his palaces till the time should arrive to
acknowledge the young king publicly.
The young king had been in Vendee for two years, all of which was spent in concealment in the palace of Vendee. This laid a strong and firm foundation on which the superstructure of his life rested. He had excellent
teachers given to him by the Prince and had learned much. The Prince de Conde informed the young king of
his enemies, and told him it was not only people of the revolution but some of the royalists were his enemies.
One of his enemies was the Count de Province, which was the brother of the young king's, father.
He was told that Count de Province was his enemy, as he was the enemy of his mother. It is not the people
who have made the revolution in France, it is the princes who have done it. The Count de Province, the Count
d'Artois, and the Duke d'Orleans they are the chief revolutionists.
Then the Prince told the young king that he must be taken to a place where no one can suspect where he would
be. The place was called Mayence. This was a fortress on the Rhine that troops of the French republic had
taken possession of. The young king was to become the nephew of a General Kleber.
Given to the young King before he left the Prince de Cond'e palace was a set of documents which related to
flight from the prison that gave complete testimony by those who were engaged in assisting him, plus a
detailed account of his flight, subscribed with the princes name, and stamped with his seal. He also had the
testimony of the teachers who had instructed him about the palace of Chambord. The young king was given
these papers, to deliver to General Kleber, who was to preserve the papers for him.
Under the care of General Kleber. his new nephew, Louis, as he called him, was given instruction in the art of
war, and taught the more familiar duties of a soldier's life.
Years passed on the gloomy horizon of France before a new constellation arose. From the blood spotted,
corpse strewn soil of the French Republic sprang an armed warrior, a solitary one. One to whom millions were
soon to bow, and who, like the divinity of battles, was to control the destinies of nations and of princes. This
one solitary man was General Bonaparte. The same young man who in the first bloody days of the French
Revolution lead the storm at the Tuileries, and expressed his regret to his companion, that the king did not
command his soldiers to mow down the canaille with grape shot.
Bonaparte hungry for power and glory formed a strong fleet, and Bonaparte, as the commander of the many
thousands who were to go to Egypt under him, called to his aid the most skillful, valiant, and renowned
generals of the French army. It could not fail that one of the first and most eminent of these would be General
Kleber, and, of course, his young adjutant and nephew Louis, (which was really King Louis XVII,)
accompanied him.
On the 19th of April, 1798, the French fleet left the harbor of Toulon, and sailed toward the East, for, as
Bonaparte said, "Only in the Orient are great realms and great deeds in the Orient".
Kleber was the second in command. He shared his perils, and his victories, with his nephew Louis, a youth of
fourteen years, who. from his tall, slim figure, his gravity, and his ready understanding, would have passed for
a youth of eighteen. Who trained in the school of misfortune, belonged to those early matured natures which
destiny has steeled, that they may courageously contend with and gain the victory over destruction.
After many battles in Egypt, Bonaparte withdrew to Syria, taking with him Kleber and Kleber's young
adjutant, the young Louis. The young king saw the horrors of war. He was there, the son of the kings of France, when the army of the republic conquered the cities El Arish and Gaza; he took part by the side of
Kleber in the storming of Jaffa.
While in Egypt the young king took ill due to the climate of the country and it was decided that he must return
to Europe. So it was that the young king left Egypt and his companion General Kleber to return to Europe.
On the 22nd of August. 1799, an hour after midnight, two French frigates left the harbor of Alexandria. On
board one of them was Bonaparte, the emperor of the future, on the other was Louis Charles, the king of the
past. Nameless and unknown, the descendant of the monarchs of France, with his sixteen years, returned to
France. Upon his return to France. Louis was given a place to live by a man, by the name of Desaix. Young
Louis now became known as General Desaix's young adjutant and that was his only rank and title. At the end
of the year of 1800 the frigate l'Aigle, on its return from Egypt, brought a great packet for General Desaix. It
contained many papers of value, many rolls of gold pieces, besides gems and pearls. But it also continued a
sealed black document directed to the adjutant of General Desaix. This document contained the will of Kleber.
commander in chief of the French army in Egypt. He had given it to General Menou. together with his papers
and valuables, with the intimation that directly after his death they should all be sent to General Desaix in
France. General Menou followed this instruction, for Kleber was dead. The murderous bullet of a Mameluke
killed him on the 14th of June, 1800. His will was the last evidence of his love for his nephew Louis, whom
he designated as his only heir, and Kleber was rich, through inherited wealth as well as the spoils of war.
Louis Charles took no satisfaction, and it made no impression on him, when Desaix informed him that he was
the possessor of a million francs. Desaix informed Louis Charles that he should deposit the gold with someone
so that it would be safe. And he suggested Fouche. At this name, Louis became startled at the suggestion
because Fouch'e was the chief of police. Fouche was a traitor, who gave his voice in the Convention for the
death of King Louis XVI, the red republican, a man of blood and treachery. Louis did not want this man to
become the guardian of his most valuable papers and property.
Desaix explained to the young king that it was very important for him to take good care of what property that
he had. Poor as he was in love and happiness, this million francs made him at least a free and independent
man. Fouch'e received the young king exactly as Desaix had expected that he would. He showed himself in
the light of a sympathetic protector; he was touched with the view of this youth, whose countenance was the
evidence of his lineage, the living picture of the unfortunate Louis XVI, whom Fouche had brought to the
scaffold. Perhaps this man of blood and the guillotine had compunctions of conscience; perhaps he wanted to
atone to the son for his injuries to the parents; perhaps he was planning to make of the son of the Bourbons a
check to the ambitious consul of the republic.
Fouche told Louis that he was a loyal subject, and promised to take all means to restore the young king to the
throne of his fathers. He conjured Louis to trust him, and to enter upon no plan without asking his counsel.
Fouche knew that Kleber was the keeper of Louis' very important papers, about who he really was. And that
the deceased Klebers paper was a letter directed to Bonaparte, stating that he, Kleger, knew very well that the
little Capet was still living, and imploring Bonaparte to restore the orphan to the throne of the Lilies.
Fouche told Louis to always have his identity papers in a safe place at all time because his future depended on
the truth that was sealed in these papers. Fouch'e gave Louis documents that would give him possession of his wealth. Fouche had deposited Louis' funds in the Bank of France, and told him that he could draw out money
at any time by presenting these checks that he gave him by simply writing his name on them. Louis now
needed another name. The new name given was to be Baron De Richemont. Fouch'e told Louis that he
would have the necessary certificates and papers made out. at the Bank of France under the name of the Baron
de Richemont.
Soon after this Louis decided to leave France. At about this time the borders had become blocked so Fouche
made arrangement with the wife of Bonaparte, Josephine to help Louis escape France again.
Upon his meeting with Josephine Louis told her of his escape from prison and how he was taken to a solitary
castle, and had remained there for several years, and from that time on he had always lived in foreign
countries. He told her of his plans to go to America. There were ships sailing southward from Marseilles everyday, and in one of these he decided to leave on his trek to America. Close to the date of February 16.
1804 the young king, now Baron de Richemont (for a short period of time), left France for America.
Young Louis stayed in England, and for a undetermined period of time was taken under the sheltering wing of
Queen Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitz. wife and Queen of King George III .
After Louis left France it was found that Bonaparte was in hot pursuit of the young king and had found out
what his new name was. It was time for another name change this time it was the French word for "pay
master", Paiesieur. Daniel was taken under the protective wing of the royal families trust alley the Royal
Paymaster. George Paiesieur, who had escaped the Revolution. In those times people used their trade name as
a last name. Louis took the name Daniel Paiesieur; the Anglicized version of which is known nowadays,
through more imaginative, phonetic, and illiterate translation, as several names, such as Bayshore, Pasour,
Paysour, Paseur, and more literally, as Payseur. The people just had a hard time understanding what the
Frenchmen were telling them that their name was because of the way the French roll their words. As history has shown, the French name Paiesiur has been many times perverted into different spellings.
Now the Crown Prince Louis, is disguised as Daniel Paiesieur while in England (with his English relatives),
bought shares in the Virginia Company, and a covenant, under the Virginia Company. The King, gave him, a
ship and enough supplies to enable him to sail to America, there to start a new life.
He landed at what is now Boddie Island, in North Carolina. After a brief stay with the Boddie family, who
were themselves relatives of the English Royal family. He and George, then traveled further inland, eventually
settling just north of what is now the border between North and South Carolina, in the west end of the State.
To disguise the facts as to who or where the Crown Prince really was, King George III, back dated a Land
Grant to 1749 and gave it to Louis' trusted traveling companion only known as George (Paiesieur)
Bashore.(now the "father" of the Crown Prince, "Daniel"). Excerpts from this land grant stated;
"Granted... to George Bashore of Alsace, France... by His Majesty George II, of England. Ye parcel of land
measuring 600 acres in ye district of Tryon in ye Province of Carolina and Anno Domini, 1749".
This land grant executed by "King George II" back dated is very unique, as it is entirely out of sequence for the time period and the area (which is now known as Dallas. North Carolina). This one was in 1749, the others
of that area were all done in the 1760s. King George III was not good at History or Geography. In 1749 the
County of Tryon did not exist, and when it did exist it only lasted for eleven years. Tryon County North
Carolina was not formed until 1768, eight years after the death of King George II, and in 1779 it was divided
into two Counties which were named Lincoln and Rutherford. It did exist at the time of King George III.
however, when he was between 30 and 41 years of age, (having been on the English throne for eight years).
The companion of the Crown Prince Louis, one George Bashore, who could not read or write English, died in
1831, and, in his will, passed the 600 acre parcel on to his claimed to be "son", Daniel "Payseur". Daniel
Payseur died in 1860, and in his will passed the same parcel on to his eldest son Adam, who, being childless
upon his death, passed the parcel in his will to his nephew. Lewis Cass Payseur. the son of his brother, Jonas
W. Payseur, and the grandson of Daniel. This same piece of land has been increased to over 3000 acres and is
still considered to this day by the State of North Carolina to be "French Foreign soil".
Marie Antoinette with her two children
The portrait of the fourteen-year-old Archduchess Maria Antonia, painted tor the King of France.
The leader of the first "Crusade" into the "Holy Lands" was Godfrey De Bouillon, and in that same chapter it
was also mentioned that the original French Kings, or Kings of the Franks, as France was far back as the
founder of the Merovingian Bloodline and Dynasty, King Merovee of 417 A.D.. It was not mentioned,
however, that the same bloodline of French Kings is traceable from Godfrey De Bouillon up to the present
The Merovingian Dynasty, is so named after the King who is considered to be the founder, or first king of the
bloodline, the Frankish (French of today) King Merovee. This bloodline survives to this day, and is traced
from a common beginning, splits into two separate "lines" and re-combines later on.
Frankish leader in 417 to die in 448
"The Young".
King of the Franks of Yssel from 448 to 458.
Childeric 1
Son of Merovee ("The Young"), and King of Franks of Yssel from 458 to his death in 481. The Frankish
Capital City was at Tournai during his reign, from whence Childeric extended his territories to include
Cologne, Mainz and Metz. Childeric's grave was discovered at Tournai in 1653.
Clovis I (456-511)
King of the Franks from the death of his father. Childeric I in 481, baptized by St. Remi on December 24, 496
to consequently be officially recognized as King by the Roman Catholic church, and thereby be called the first
of the "Holy Roman Emperors". Married to Clothilde, a Christian (Roman Catholic) who was niece of the
king of Burgundy. Upon Clovis' death, his Kingdom was divided among his four sons;
Thierry I King of Austria 511-534,
from Clovis' first
marriage to the pagan Evochilde;
Clodimir, King of Orleans 511-524;
Childebert, King of Paris 511-588
Clotaire I (497-561)
King of Soissons from 511 until 558 when he became King of the Franks. Clotaire I had six (6) wives,
conquered the Thuringian Kingdom in 531, then the kingdom of Burgundy in 535, then consumed (by
inheritance or annexation) Metz, Orleans and Paris to become sole ruler of the Franks from 558.
Chilperic I
King of Soissons, 561-584, and had two wives.
Clotaire II
King of the Franks 584-628. had 3 wives.
Dagobert (602-638)
King of Austria from 622, King of the Franks in 630, had five wives.
Sigisbert III (629-656)
King of Austria from 632. Married to Immachilde.
Dagobert II (651-679)
After a prolonged exile in Ireland and England, assumed the title and position of King of Austria from 674. He
was assassinated on December 23rd, 679 by one of his servants who was acting under the orders of the Mayor
of the Palace. Pepin D'Heristal ("the Fat"). Dagobert II had a son (by his marriage to his second wife, Giselle
de Razes) who was named Sigisbert (Sigisbert IV).
"LINE 1"
With the assassination of Dagobert II (endorsed by the Roman Catholic church), the throne was usurped by
Grimoald, but the real regal power was held by Pepin d'Heristal, the mayor of the palace, whose son, Charles
Martel, inherited the position. Charles Martel never took over the throne, preferring to stay in control, while
making sure that a member of the "royal family", seen to be the ruler. The privilege of the seizure of the
throne fell to his (Martels) son, Pepin III, who deposed Childeric I II in 751. Pepins seizure of the throne was
officially endorsed by the Roman Catholic church in 754 when Pope Stephen II officially "anointed" him as
King of the Holy Roman Empire. The deposed Childeric III was kept in a monastery at Sithiu, where he died
in 755. leaving Pepin III, undisputed, on the throne. Pepin III died in October of 768.
Charlemagne (Charles the Great
/Charles I/Carolus Magnus) (742-814)
Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman. became joint Kings of the Franks in 768, until the death of Carloman in 771, when Charlemagne inherited the entire kingdom.
Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman. became joint Kings of the Franks in 768, until the death of Carloman in 771, when Charlemagne inherited the entire kingdom.
Charlemagne is generally acknowledged as being the original founder of what has been later termed "The
Carolingian Dynasty" (from the latin for Charles - "Carolus"), but this honour was actually attributed to his
grandfather, Charles Martel.
Throughout the next twelve years Charlemagne made a name for himself as an excellent tactician and warrior,
and it was with this in mind (as well as the growing unrest in Byzantium) that the Pope (and, of course, the
Roman Catholic church), in an effort to recruit the help of the divinely appointed "Protector of Rome (the
Christian Church)", "anointed" Charlemagne and crowned him "Holy Roman Emperor" on Christmas day.
A.D. 800.
Charlemagne left a great portion of his wealth and land to the church (Roman catholic, of course), and died on
January 28th, 814, leaving the rest of his empire to his last surviving son, Louis.
(Ludwig) Louis 1 (778-840) ("the Pious")
Succeeded to the throne of Aquitaine in 781, was crowned Frankish co-emperor and heir on September 11,
and Holy Roman emperor on October 28, 816. He made out a will which, upon his death, would divide his
empire between his sons. He then remarried after his first wife died and had another son, so he re-wrote his
will in 829, dividing the empire still further. The fight between the brothers lasted three years after his death
in 840.
(Ludwig) Louis II (804-876)
Upon the death of his father, Louis joined with one of his brothers, Charles I ("the Dald"), to fight another
brother. Lothair I.
The Treaty of Verdun, signed in 843, ended the conflict, and divided the lands which comprised the Holy
Roman Empire of Charlemagne. Most of what is now France went to Charles I (823-877) (Karl I, "the Dald"),
who was the first to rule the separate country of France, Lothair kept the land in between, from the North Sea
to Italy (the Italian territory was soon thereafter lost) part of the remaining kingdom was called "Lotharingia",
later to be known as the Lorraine region of France.
The remaining brother (Louis II) gained all of the German Lands East of the Rhine river, which is now
Germany, plus he retained the title of Holy Roman Emperor, thereafter becoming known as the founder of the
German Kingdom.
Karl (Charles) III ("The Fat") (839- Jan. 13. 888)
Received what remained of Lorraine from the split between himself and his two brothers (Karlmann and
Ludwig) of the kingdom in 879, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 884.
Arnulf (850- December 8. 899)
Nephew of Karl (Charles III). King of the East Franks in 887, crowned Holy Roman emperor in 896
Ludwig.("The child")(893-November,24, 911)
Reigned during the time of intense feuds between the nobles, being regarded upon cessation of hostilities as
Feudal Overlord.
Konrad I (876-December 23. 918)
Duke of Franconia, interim ruler chosen by committee of nobles assembled at Forchheim Franconia.
Henry (Heinrich)I("The Fowler")(876- July 2. 936)
Duke of Saxony, son of Duke Otto I of Saxony. Founder of the Saxon Dynasty, acceded to the throne on
May 12, 919.
Otto I ("The Great") (912-973)
Succeeded his father (Henry I) in 936. In 951 crossed the Alps and declared himself King of Italy, but had to
return to Germany to quell revolts. Pope John XII crowned him Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (in his
own words "Romanorum Imperator Augustus") on February 2, 962.
Otto II (955-983)
Was the last of the Saxon Emperors when he was crowned King of the Germans at the age of three, upon the
death of his father (Otto II). He spent most of his life in Italy, trying to restore the glory of the Roman Empire,
while leaving his mother and grandmother at home to rule as Regents.
Henry II(The Saint")(May 6. 973 - July 13,1024)
Also of the Saxon Dynasty, duke Henry IV of Bavaria, became Holy Roman Emperor on February 14, 1014.
Konrad II (990- 1039)
First of the Salian dynasty, succeeded to the German Kingship on September 8, 1024. became King of the
Lombards in 1026, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor on March 26, 1027, inherited the Kingdom of Burgundy
from Rudolph III of the House of Welf, and was crowned King of Burgundy on February 2, 1033.
Henry III(1017- 1056)
Son of Konrad II, became King in 1039, and was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1046.
Henry V (1081 - 1125)
Son of Henry IV, ruled from 1106.
Lothaire II (1075- 1137)
Of the Supplinburg House. Duke of Saxony and Holy Roman Emperor from June 4, 1133.
Konrad III(1093-1152)
Son of Duke Friedrich I of Swabia. Duke of Franconia and King of the Lombards, ruled from 1125.
Frederick I("Red Beard",or"Barbarossa")(1121- 1190)
Succeeded his father, Conrad III as King in 1152, becoming Holy Roman Emperor in 1155. He drowned
while crossing a river during the third Crusade to the Holy Land.
Henry VI (1165- 1197)
One of the Luxembourg Dynasty, succeeded his father, Frederick I in 1190. Henry VI is noted for his claims
on Sicily, thanks to his marriage to Constance of Sicily, and also as the Emperor who extorted the huge
from the British Crown for the release of the English King Richard I (The Lionheart) from imprisonment
under the Duke of Austria. Henry VI died suddenly at the age of 32.
Frederick II (1194- 1250)
Called "Stupor Mundi" the amazement of the World, belonged to the Hohenstaufen family, was the son of the
Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI, and the grandson of Frederick I "Barbarossa".
Frederick II was crowned King of the Germans at the age of 2, and King of Italy at 4. He became Holy
Roman Emperor in 1215, and crowned himself King of Jerusalem in 1229.
Konrad IV (April 25, 1228 - May 21. 1254)
Son of Frederick II, Duke of Swabia, King of Germany in February 1237.
Then followed what has come to be known as "The Great Interregnum" when Richard, Earl of Cornwall
(January 5, 1209 - April 2, 1272) was elected King of Germany but could not gain acceptance from the
German people, followed by Alfonso X "The Wise" November 23, 1220 April 4, 1284. whose election to the
kingship was rejected by the Pope and abdicated in 1275. Alfonso was followed by;
Rudolph I (May 1, 1218 - July 15. 1291)
Count of Hapsburg. of the House of Hapsburg, Son of Count Albrecht IV of Hapsburg, Duke of Swabia, Duke
of Austria from 1274 to 1282, Duke of Carinthia 1276- 1286.
Adolph(1248 July 2. 1298)
Of the House of Nassau, succeeded on May 5, 1292, and was shortly thereafter deposed.
Albrecht I (July 1248 - May 1, 1308)
Of the House of Hapsburg, son of Rudolph I, succeeded to the throne on July 27, 1298 and was assassinated
on May 1, 1308.
Henry (Heinrich) VII (1269 - August 24, 1313)
Of the House of Luxembourg, succeeded to the throne on November 27, 1308, Duke (Henry V) of
Luxemburg, became King of the Lombards on January 6, 1311, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on June
29, 1312.
Frederick ("The Fair") (1286 - Jan 13, 1330)
Son of Albrecht I and Duke of Austria, succeeded to the throne jointly with Ludwig (Louis V), as below on
October 19, 1413 and relinquished it in 1326, leaving the throne to;
Ludwig(Louis)IV"Bavarian"(April1 1282-Oct,11,1347)
Of the House of Wittelsbach, son of Ludwig II of Bavaria, who became Holy Roman Emperor on January 17,
Karl (Charles)IV(Mav 14. 1316- November 29. 1378)
Of the House of Luxemburg, grandson of Henry VII. ruled in conflict with Ludwig IV (above) from July 11,
1346, crowned Holy Roman Emperor on April 5, 1355.
Wenzel(February 26,1361-August 16,1419)
Succeeded to the throne on November 29, 1378 to be shortly thereafter deposed on August 20, 1400.
Ruprecht I (May 5, 1352 - May 18, 1410)
Of the House of Wittelsbach, succeeded to the throne on August 21, 1400.
Jodokus (or Jobst)(1351 - January 18, 1411)
Of the House of Luxemburg, reigned briefly from October 1, 1410 to January 18, 1411 in rivalry with his
Sigismund (August 10, 1397 - December 9, 1437)
Son of Karl (Charles) IV, King (Zsigmond) of Hungary, King (Zikmund) of Bohemia in 1419, King of the
Lombards in 1431, and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from May 31, 1433.
Albrecht II (August 10, 1397 -October 27, 1439)
Son-in-law of Sigismund, Archduke of Austria. King of Bohemia, Duke of Luxembourg. King of Hungary,
reigned from March 18, 1438 to October 27, 1439.
Frederick III (Sept. 21, 1415 - Aug. 19, 1493)
Grandson of Archduke Leopold of Austria, was crowned on February 2, 1440. became King of the Lombards
in 1452, and Holy Roman Emperor on March 19, 1452.
Maximilian I (March 22, 1459 - January 12, 1519)
Son of Frederick III, of the House of Hapsburg. succeeded his father on August 19, 1493.
Charles V (February 24, 1500 - September 21, 1558)
Grandson of Maximilian I, son of Phillip I of Spain, acted as deputy for his father until his succession to the
throne on June 26, 1519, and reigned until his abdication as Holy Roman Emperor on September 1, 1556.
Ferdinand I (March 10. 1503 - July 25. 1564)
Brother of Charles V, succeeded the throne on September 1, 1556, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary,
King of the Romans.
Maximilian II (July 31, 1527 - October 12, 1576)
Son of Ferdinand I, Archduke of Austria. King of Hungary. King of the Romans.
Rudolf II (July 18, 1552 - June 13, 1612)
Son of Maximilian II. Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary.
Matthias (February 24, 1557 - March 20, 1619)
Brother to Rudolf II, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary.
Ferdinand II (July 9, 1578 - February 12, 1637)
Cousin of Matthias, succeeded on August 20, 1619, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary.
Ferdinand III (July 13, 1608 - April 2, 1657)
Son of Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary, King of the Romans.
Leopold I (June 9, 1640 - May 5. 1705)
Son of Ferdinand III, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary, succeeded to the throne on July 18, 1658.
Joseph I (July 26, 1678 - April 17, 1711)
Son of Leopold I, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary, King of the Romans.
Charles VI (1685- 1740)
Brother of Joseph I, became Holy Roman Emperor on April 17, 1711, and had no male heirs, so he made the
European Rulers accept the idea that his eldest daughter Maria Theresa, could inherit the Hapsburg
upon his death. They agreed, but broke their promise when he died.
Maria Theresa (1717-1780)
Married Duke Francis Stephen of Lorraine, and bore him sixteen children, four of whom were to figure prominently in history. Two sons, Joseph and Leopold, and two daughters. Marie Antoinette, and Maria Louise(179l-1847).
Maria Theresa thus brought the bloodline of the original Merovingian Dynasty (through the House of Lorraine, descendents of Godfroi ("Godfrey of Lorraine") back into the fold of the Holy Roman Empire. and back under the terms of the pact with the Roman Catholic Church made through the baptism of Clovis I on December 4, 496.
Francis I(1708-1765)
Maria Theresa (1717-1780)
Married Duke Francis Stephen of Lorraine, and bore him sixteen children, four of whom were to figure prominently in history. Two sons, Joseph and Leopold, and two daughters. Marie Antoinette, and Maria Louise(179l-1847).
Maria Theresa thus brought the bloodline of the original Merovingian Dynasty (through the House of Lorraine, descendents of Godfroi ("Godfrey of Lorraine") back into the fold of the Holy Roman Empire. and back under the terms of the pact with the Roman Catholic Church made through the baptism of Clovis I on December 4, 496.
Francis I(1708-1765)
(Duke Francis Stephen of Lorraine)
Was the husband of Maria Theresa, the descendant of the house of Lorraine, and the carrier of the
Merovingian bloodline from Godfrey. All that was necessary was to have a son who himself had heirs. Sadly,
this did not happen, leaving the bloodline to be carried through the eldest daughter, Marie Antoinette.
Joseph II(1741-1790)
Came to the throne in 1765 upon the death of his father, and was co-ruler "under" Maria Theresa until her death in 1780, whereupon he became sole ruler of not only the Empire, but the Hapsburg dominions as well. He died without heirs, despite two marriages, on February 20, 1790.
Leopold II(1747-1792)
Succeeded his brother (Joseph II) as Emperor on the death of his brother. Joseph II) on February 20, 1790. but remained only a short time until his own death, suddenly and also without heirs, on March 1, 1792.
Francis II (1768-1835)
A nephew of both Joseph II and Leopold II, and the eldest son of the Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany, was born in Florence on February 12, 1768. He had reigned as Holy Roman Emperor from 1792 to 1806, and was Emperor of Austria from 1804 to 1835.
Escaped from Pepin to the south, with the help of his mother, to sometime thereafter acquired the titles of "Duke of Razes, and Count of Rhedae." The titles formerly held by his uncle. Bera II.
A series of Counts of Razes, followed Sigisbert IV, beginning with Sigisbert V born between 695 and 698 and died between 763 and 768, then Bera III 715-770, Guillaume. Bera IV 755-813, Argila 775-836, Bera V 794-860, Hilderic I died in 867 and Sigisbert IV died in either 884 or 885, who was the last Count of Razes of Merovingian descent, and was also known as "Prince Ursus". From Prince Ursus (Sigisbert VII), came Guillaume II who fled to England in 914 to escape the Viking raids, his son was Guillaume II, whose son was Arnaud, whose son was Bera IV, who died in 975, who also had a son. Sigisbert VII who died between 978 and 982. Sigisbert VII's son Hugues I 951-971, married a girl of Greek descent and they had two sons, the heir being Jean I who died in 1020, but not before having a son, Hugues, who, in turn, had a son, Eustache born in 1010, before he died in 1015. Eustache I adopted the title of Count of Boulogne as a result of the death of Ernicule. his mother's second husband in 1041. The successor. Eustache II, accompanied William the Conqueror to England in 1066, returning home triumphant to die in 1081.
Eustach II had several children from his marriage to Ide d'Ardennes, one of whom was to carry the family "Torch" far and wide. He was Godfroi 1061-1100, his name, anglicised, being "Godfrey", Count of Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine from King Henry IV in 1087, and finally as a result of the victories of the first of the Crusades, led by Peter the Hermit into the holy land, in 1099, King of Jerusalem. Upon his death in 1100, his brother, Baudoin, succeeded him as King of Jerusalem until he died in 1111.
Joseph II(1741-1790)
Came to the throne in 1765 upon the death of his father, and was co-ruler "under" Maria Theresa until her death in 1780, whereupon he became sole ruler of not only the Empire, but the Hapsburg dominions as well. He died without heirs, despite two marriages, on February 20, 1790.
Leopold II(1747-1792)
Succeeded his brother (Joseph II) as Emperor on the death of his brother. Joseph II) on February 20, 1790. but remained only a short time until his own death, suddenly and also without heirs, on March 1, 1792.
Francis II (1768-1835)
A nephew of both Joseph II and Leopold II, and the eldest son of the Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany, was born in Florence on February 12, 1768. He had reigned as Holy Roman Emperor from 1792 to 1806, and was Emperor of Austria from 1804 to 1835.
"LINE 2".
SIGISBERT IV (676-758) Escaped from Pepin to the south, with the help of his mother, to sometime thereafter acquired the titles of "Duke of Razes, and Count of Rhedae." The titles formerly held by his uncle. Bera II.
A series of Counts of Razes, followed Sigisbert IV, beginning with Sigisbert V born between 695 and 698 and died between 763 and 768, then Bera III 715-770, Guillaume. Bera IV 755-813, Argila 775-836, Bera V 794-860, Hilderic I died in 867 and Sigisbert IV died in either 884 or 885, who was the last Count of Razes of Merovingian descent, and was also known as "Prince Ursus". From Prince Ursus (Sigisbert VII), came Guillaume II who fled to England in 914 to escape the Viking raids, his son was Guillaume II, whose son was Arnaud, whose son was Bera IV, who died in 975, who also had a son. Sigisbert VII who died between 978 and 982. Sigisbert VII's son Hugues I 951-971, married a girl of Greek descent and they had two sons, the heir being Jean I who died in 1020, but not before having a son, Hugues, who, in turn, had a son, Eustache born in 1010, before he died in 1015. Eustache I adopted the title of Count of Boulogne as a result of the death of Ernicule. his mother's second husband in 1041. The successor. Eustache II, accompanied William the Conqueror to England in 1066, returning home triumphant to die in 1081.
Eustach II had several children from his marriage to Ide d'Ardennes, one of whom was to carry the family "Torch" far and wide. He was Godfroi 1061-1100, his name, anglicised, being "Godfrey", Count of Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine from King Henry IV in 1087, and finally as a result of the victories of the first of the Crusades, led by Peter the Hermit into the holy land, in 1099, King of Jerusalem. Upon his death in 1100, his brother, Baudoin, succeeded him as King of Jerusalem until he died in 1111.
The French Lineage Charles I ("The Bald") (823-877)
One of the three sons of Louis II and grandsons of Charlemagne, who became, thanks to the Treaty of Verdun of 843. the first King of the newly independent France.
Charles II ("The Fat") (839-888)
Succeeded his father in 885, but was deposed by the Nobles in 887.
Charles III ("The Simple") (879-929)
Succeeded his father, Charles II after a 5 year rule by the Nobles, in 893, but the nobles were too powerful for him and he was imprisoned and deposed in 923.
Raoul (or Rodolphe)
Duke of Burgundy. Succeeded on July 13, 923 and reigned until January 14, 936.
Louis IV (d"Outremer) (921 - Sept. 10, 954)
Son of Charles III ("The Simple"), of the Carolingian House, was recalled from exile in England and elected to the throne.
Lothaire (941 - March 2, 986)
Son of Louis IV. Louis V (967 - Oct 24, 996) Reigned alongside his father Lothaire from June. 979 until Lothaire's death in 986.
Hugh Capet (938 - October 24, 996)
Founder of the "Capetian Dynasty" which lasted until the death of Charles IV in 1328. Capet ruled France from his election to the throne, by the Nobles, in 987 until his death.
Robert II ("The Pious") (970 - 1031)
Son of Hugues Capet, reigned from 996.
Henry I (1008- 1060)
Son of Robert I, reigned from 1031.
Philip II (1053- 1108)
Son of Henry I, reigned from 1060.
Louis VI (1081 - 1137)
Son of Philippe I, reigned from 1108.
Louis VII (1120- 1180)
Son of Louis VI, reigned from 1137.
Philip II (1165- 1223)
Son of Louis VII, reigned from 1180.
Louis VIII "The LionHeart" (1187 -1226)
Son of Louis VIII, reigned From 1223.
Louis IX (1214-1270)
Son of Louis VIII and the leader of two crusades 1248 and 1270, ascended to the throne at the age of 12 with his mother as Regent. Louis was canonised in 1297 by Pope Boniface VIII.
Philip III (1245 - 1285) Son of Louis X, reigned from 1270.
Philip IV (1268- 1314)
Son of Philip III, reigned from 1285.
Louis X (1289- 1316)
Son of Philips IV, reigned from 1314.
John Mean 1(Nov.13,1316-November 19, 1316)
Never succeeded to the throne, obviously, but still was of the bloodline.
Philip V (1293- 1322) Nephew of Charles IV, and of the Capetian House of Valois, reigned from 1328.
Son of Henry I, reigned from 1060.
Louis VI (1081 - 1137)
Son of Philippe I, reigned from 1108.
Louis VII (1120- 1180)
Son of Louis VI, reigned from 1137.
Philip II (1165- 1223)
Son of Louis VII, reigned from 1180.
Louis VIII "The LionHeart" (1187 -1226)
Son of Louis VIII, reigned From 1223.
Louis IX (1214-1270)
Son of Louis VIII and the leader of two crusades 1248 and 1270, ascended to the throne at the age of 12 with his mother as Regent. Louis was canonised in 1297 by Pope Boniface VIII.
Philip III (1245 - 1285) Son of Louis X, reigned from 1270.
Philip IV (1268- 1314)
Son of Philip III, reigned from 1285.
Louis X (1289- 1316)
Son of Philips IV, reigned from 1314.
John Mean 1(Nov.13,1316-November 19, 1316)
Never succeeded to the throne, obviously, but still was of the bloodline.
Philip V (1293- 1322) Nephew of Charles IV, and of the Capetian House of Valois, reigned from 1328.
John II (1319-1364)
Son of Philip VII, reigned from 1350 until his capture at the battle of Poitiers in 1356 and subsequent imprisonment at the hands of the English. The English released him in 1360. Whereafter he stayed to die in London in 1364.
Charles V (1337 - 1380)
Son of John II, he took over the government on his father's imprisonment in 1356 and the throne from 1364.
Charles VI (1368- 1422)
Son of Charles V, reigned from 1380 until his insanity took over in 1392.
Charles VII (1403- 1461) Son of Charles VI, reigned from 1422.
Louis XI (1423- 1483) Son of Charles VII, came to the throne in 1461.
Charles VIII (1470-1498) Succeeded his father Louis XI as King in 1483.
Louis Xll (1462-15I5) Son of Charles, the Duke of Orleans, and succeeded Charles VIII, a distant cousin in 1498.
Francis I (1494- 1547)
Became King in 1515 upon the death of Louis XII (his cousin and father-in-law).
Charles IX (1550- 1574) Came to the throne in 1560 upon the death of his brother. Francis II.
Henry III (1550- 1589)
Brother of Charles IX, reigned from 1574.
Henry IV (1553-1610)
Son of Antione, Duke of Vendome, and of the House of Bourbon, reigned from 1589.
Louis XIII (1601 -1643)
Son of Henry IV, reigned from 1610.
Louis XIV("The Great","The Sun King")(1638 - 1715)
Son of Louis XIII, reigned from 1643.
Louis XV (1710- 1774)
Great-Grandson of Louis XIV, reigned from 1715 to 1774.
Came to the French throne on May 10, 1774. four years after his marriage to Marie Antoinette. Reigned until his death at the hands of the French Revolutionaries on January 21, 1793.
Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793) Brought the bloodline line back to the French side when she married the French King Louis XVI in 1770. Their son would be the continuance of the bloodline of the Merovingian Dynasty. In 1785 their son Louis was born. She was guillotined for "treason" by the French Revolutionaries on October 16, 1793.
Louis XVII (1785- 1860)
Refer to chapter The Lost French Dauphin
Plain Truth, March 1974, p.21
Here is the Jew who leads the Church of Satan. Another Jew, Dr. Oscar Levy, once said: "We who have posed as having given to the world 'the' Saviour, are today nothing else than its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners. We, who have promised you a newheaven, have given you a new hell."
The only conclusion that makes any sense is that the Catholic Church is a duel church. We know that the Catholic Church has what is called a "White Pope" and a "Black Pope". In simple terms this must mean that there is the public and the hidden agendas of the church. The public view is in charge of false teachings, brainwashing and misleading of the people. The hidden agendas of the church that, "the good Catholic common folk" have no idea exist, under the outward cover" of the church, is all evil. Up until Jesus time in the ancient writings there is a flood of information on the Scribes and Pharisees. After Jesus left they quickly disappeared and the Holy Roman Catholic Church appeared, suddenly. Could it be that the Jewish Scribes and Pharisees are the ones that really created the Catholic Church just to control the people to prevent them from evolving with the teachings that Jesus brought to earth. It is now known from the angels that are communicating with man that Jesus disciples and some followers were able to do the same miracles that Jesus could do. There are even people that ascended the same as Jesus. Refer to the chapter on "The Apotheosis Project."
No government, nor church can control people that are limitless and can manifest anything, food, water, clothing and shelter with a focused thought. That is why a corrupt church and government work well together because together they have for 2000 years systematically killed off everyone that they thought was remotely close to practicing Jesus' teachings like the group known as the "Albigensians". It is the "Jewish Khazars" that are pushing the corruptness and complete annihilation of the 12 lost tribes the Gentiles as the Talmud refers to them. As for our United States government, the "Khazar Jews" have been systematically for the last 25 years scarfing up every position in congress. After studying the Talmud and the Kabbalah and the doctrines of the illuminati it is easy to understand why our government is writing laws of such "Atrocity Levels" to be used on the unsuspecting Anglo-American citizens.
The "Christian" religions sprang (obviously) out of the life of Jesus, and from the subsequent activities of his disciples. From the times of the earliest writings that are today formed into the compendium colloquially known as the Bible, there were many forms of this so-called Christian religion, and they did not always agree with each other, even down to such fundamentals as to who (or what) Jesus really was, as well as to how their various religious rituals were to be practiced, and how their doctrines (and dogmas) were to be disseminated. The Romans sacked Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and most of the writings concerning these "Christian" religions were lost. What today survives to form the current Bible's New Testament was written, at the earliest, from between the years of 65 A.D. to around 100 A. D., about 32 to 67 years after the crucifixion. The majority of the "Christian" writings, or, at least the religious writings of the time which did survive, with the obvious exception of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Scripts, ended up in the hands of the Roman Catholic church, and it made use of those writings to its greatest advantage.
From its lowly start the Roman Catholic church grew and developed, influencing members of the Roman Senate and the rulers of other neighboring lands to such an extent that Rome itself gave over a significant part of Rome to the Church, which part of the old city is still to this day a separate and autonomous, tax free State within the boundaries of the City of Rome, in the country of Italy, called and known as Vatican City.
Around 250 A.D.. the Roman Catholic Church emerged as the biggest and most powerful organized "Christian" religion. It began to infiltrate and destroy, or overcome, and absorb, the many and variegated "Christian" sects and religious organizations, and also began trying to eradicate some of the more ancient religious beliefs, mainly through the "re-education" of the proponents of such religions, or through the destruction or the confiscation and subsequent hiding of ancient "biblical texts" and other religious and historical manuscripts.
In the fourth Century, Emperor Augustine (354-430) virtually re-wrote both the bible and the "laws" of the Roman Catholic church, and the basic tenets, doctrines and philosophies of the Roman Catholic Church still to this day reflect his beliefs, namely ( i ) that God is a being that is outside of each human being, (ii) that only the 70 Grace of God could change a person's sinful ways, and that only certain people would be chosen by God to be given that particular dispensation, and that (iii) people could only be considered to receive this divine Grace if they were a member of the Roman Catholic Church and received the sacraments. Anyone who was not with the Church had to be against it.
To ensure the growth of the Church, it embarked upon a campaign against people and countries which was to continue, on and off, and in many forms, for many centuries.
Anyone who did not belong to the Roman Catholic church and who did not conform to the tenets and edicts of the Roman Catholic church could be accused of heresy. The charge of "Heresy" or of being a "heretic" could be leveled against anyone from noble to serf. The doctrines of the Catholic Church were regarded as God's Law, and therefore formed the basis of Man's Law. and therefore the charge of heresy was a charge leveled not only by the Church, as a charge that the individual's beliefs did not conform with the doctrines of the Church, and therefore God, but also it was a charge of criminal activities or even treason against the State, and the poor wretch had to answer to both. Even the lowly priest had to be careful, he, more than anyone, as a member of the Church, had to conform or suffer the same consequences. Thus the Roman Catholic church acted not only as "God's police force", but also as the police force of the State, and, in most places, the Country. All of these "ministrations" of the Roman Catholic Church, being presided over by the careful and watchful eye of the presiding Church dignitary, depending upon the jurisdiction, from a bishop or cardinal up through the ranks of the Church to the Pope himself.
By the eleventh century their main objective was realized in that almost everybody in the "civilized world" generally was either (a) ignorant as to the prior existence of any form of Christian religion other than the Roman Catholic Church, or (b) was too afraid to enter into any form of private discussion of the matter of other religions, leave alone start a public debate or argument about it. The Crusades changed all that.
The first Crusade of 1096, was led by the Norman Knights, Godfrey de Bouillon, Count Robert of Flanders, Count Raymond of Toulouse, Bohemund. etc., etc... These Knights eventually conquered Jerusalem, and caused Godfrey de Bouillon to be "crowned" as head of the newly created (and re-liberated) Kingdom of Jerusalem. Of these Norman Knights, Godfrey de Bouillon could trace and prove his lineage and ancestry directly back to King Merovee, patriarch of the Merovingian Dynasty of French Kings, and one of the first Kings of France (the Franks) in 417 A.D.
The reasons as to why these particular Knights went to the Holy Land is still somewhat obscure, but for the purposes of this chapter, suffice it to say, for the moment, that the scrolls discovered amidst the caves at Qumran. near the Dead Sea. in 1947, and, more particularly the copper scrolls discovered thereafter, along with the known travels of Joseph of Aramathea and Mary Magdalene after the crucifixion, may give the astute researcher several hints as to how this Crusade alone returned from the holy land with "great treasures and knowledge and wealth", while thousands of participants in the subsequent Crusades died, either while trying to get to the holy land, or at the hands of the Turks when they got there, or while trying to escape back to their homelands and more particularly the clues as to why subsequent Crusades were nowhere near as "successful".
In 1187, the Turks recaptured Jerusalem, prompting the third Crusade which was to take King Richard into the "holy land", leaving Prince John in charge (on the English Throne) and which also caused the creation and the signing of the Magna Carta.
Part of the "Knowledge" brought back from the Holy Land by the first and subsequent Crusades was to eventually trickle down to the general public and would seriously challenge and undermine the religious authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Knowledge and. above that, proof, came down to the masses that there had. indeed, been all kinds of "Christian" religions, and the Roman Catholic Church had not been the only one.
Given that the Roman religion itself was based on the worship of multiple Gods, the old pagan religions of the European theater did not pose much of a threat, and the two types of religion cohabited in harmony, until the advent of the Roman Catholic Church, and the new knowledge gleaned from the Crusades.
Thus began the era of the "Witch Hunts", or the "Dark Ages".
Some very nasty trials and horrible tortures were devised to fine out if an accused "Witch" or "Warlock" was engaged in the "pagan practice of the devil's work". To be merely accused as a witch or warlock was quite literally the signing of your death warrant, and all done in the name of God, the Holy Roman Church, the King, the Country and, of course, for the "salvation" of the people from eternal damnation (of not belonging to the Roman Catholic church, and/or the learning of the truth?). Don't you know the truth will set you free really! And the church could not have that.
A group of men, headed by the "Witch finder", usually a self proclaimed expert or dignitary of the church, and the local Baron or Earl would ride into a village and announce a "witch hunt", and they had some very bizarre ways of finding a "witch" or "Warlock".
One by one the accused would be stripped naked, placed on a special table, and subjected to a most intimate and undignified search, the object of which was to find the "mark of the devil'" this mark could be a wound scar, a birthmark, a mole, or a spot or pimple.
When a mark was found, and one usually was, the accused would then have to undergo the test of the bodkin. This was a needle approximately twelve inches long which would be stuck into the unfortunate victim in and around the devil's mark. If the victim did not feel the needle, or the puncture did not bleed, then he or she was definitely a witch. Some of these needles were in a sliding handle, so the witch finder could make it look like the needle was going into the victim when it was not, and the people would declare her a witch at once. A little pressure could be applied to the exit wound so that it did not bleed, automatically he or she was a witch. There were many tricks to the witchfinder's trade, and he rarely left a village without killing two or three people.
When, the victim had been declared a witch, the witch finder, as per the victims "constitutional rights", had to conduct a proper trial. The jury was the whole village. The prosecution had to find out if the Good Lord would redeem the soul of this unfortunate wretch. The defense was the Good Lord himself.
If, by some freak of nature, the unfortunate accused survived this torment, then it was obvious that the devil was in her, or him, for no mortal could possibly have endured it. That was absolute proof of guilt, and the victim was convicted and sentenced.
Quite obviously, to live in this age was to live in dread and fear of either mutilation or death at the hands of any of the over zealous "witch finders" of the day.
By the turn of the fifteenth century, most, but not all of these inquisitions had fizzled out. Society was, from our modern day standpoint, till in very sick shape, but even with this type of society England and Europe gradually prospered and grew more civilized. When Columbus returned from his 1492 voyage of discovery and told the people of the new world in the West, they started again to dream.
I______________ ______________ , now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the III an continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that his holiness the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given his holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine and his holiness's right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and the now pretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.
I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare that I will help assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness's agents, in any place where I should be. in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland, or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they in trust me and not divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatever but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me by my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order.
I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver, but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. 75 That I will go to any part of the world wheresoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America whatsoever is communicated to me. I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy father of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulfur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.
That I will in voting always vote for a Knight of Columbus in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly.
That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics.
That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope.
All of which I, ______________ ____________ , do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this, my oath.
In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger in my own blood and seal in the face of this Holy Sacrament.
Son of Philip VII, reigned from 1350 until his capture at the battle of Poitiers in 1356 and subsequent imprisonment at the hands of the English. The English released him in 1360. Whereafter he stayed to die in London in 1364.
Charles V (1337 - 1380)
Son of John II, he took over the government on his father's imprisonment in 1356 and the throne from 1364.
Charles VI (1368- 1422)
Son of Charles V, reigned from 1380 until his insanity took over in 1392.
Charles VII (1403- 1461) Son of Charles VI, reigned from 1422.
Louis XI (1423- 1483) Son of Charles VII, came to the throne in 1461.
Charles VIII (1470-1498) Succeeded his father Louis XI as King in 1483.
Louis Xll (1462-15I5) Son of Charles, the Duke of Orleans, and succeeded Charles VIII, a distant cousin in 1498.
Francis I (1494- 1547)
Became King in 1515 upon the death of Louis XII (his cousin and father-in-law).
Charles IX (1550- 1574) Came to the throne in 1560 upon the death of his brother. Francis II.
Henry III (1550- 1589)
Brother of Charles IX, reigned from 1574.
Henry IV (1553-1610)
Son of Antione, Duke of Vendome, and of the House of Bourbon, reigned from 1589.
Louis XIII (1601 -1643)
Son of Henry IV, reigned from 1610.
Louis XIV("The Great","The Sun King")(1638 - 1715)
Son of Louis XIII, reigned from 1643.
Louis XV (1710- 1774)
Great-Grandson of Louis XIV, reigned from 1715 to 1774.
Louis XVI (1754- 1793) Came to the French throne on May 10, 1774. four years after his marriage to Marie Antoinette. Reigned until his death at the hands of the French Revolutionaries on January 21, 1793.
Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793) Brought the bloodline line back to the French side when she married the French King Louis XVI in 1770. Their son would be the continuance of the bloodline of the Merovingian Dynasty. In 1785 their son Louis was born. She was guillotined for "treason" by the French Revolutionaries on October 16, 1793.
Louis XVII (1785- 1860)
Refer to chapter The Lost French Dauphin
Plain Truth, March 1974, p.21
Here is the Jew who leads the Church of Satan. Another Jew, Dr. Oscar Levy, once said: "We who have posed as having given to the world 'the' Saviour, are today nothing else than its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners. We, who have promised you a newheaven, have given you a new hell."
Who created the Catholic Church? I have a really hard time believing that it was the disciples of Jesus. The
church has never taught the true message that Jesus was teaching to the disciples and the masses of people.The only conclusion that makes any sense is that the Catholic Church is a duel church. We know that the Catholic Church has what is called a "White Pope" and a "Black Pope". In simple terms this must mean that there is the public and the hidden agendas of the church. The public view is in charge of false teachings, brainwashing and misleading of the people. The hidden agendas of the church that, "the good Catholic common folk" have no idea exist, under the outward cover" of the church, is all evil. Up until Jesus time in the ancient writings there is a flood of information on the Scribes and Pharisees. After Jesus left they quickly disappeared and the Holy Roman Catholic Church appeared, suddenly. Could it be that the Jewish Scribes and Pharisees are the ones that really created the Catholic Church just to control the people to prevent them from evolving with the teachings that Jesus brought to earth. It is now known from the angels that are communicating with man that Jesus disciples and some followers were able to do the same miracles that Jesus could do. There are even people that ascended the same as Jesus. Refer to the chapter on "The Apotheosis Project."
No government, nor church can control people that are limitless and can manifest anything, food, water, clothing and shelter with a focused thought. That is why a corrupt church and government work well together because together they have for 2000 years systematically killed off everyone that they thought was remotely close to practicing Jesus' teachings like the group known as the "Albigensians". It is the "Jewish Khazars" that are pushing the corruptness and complete annihilation of the 12 lost tribes the Gentiles as the Talmud refers to them. As for our United States government, the "Khazar Jews" have been systematically for the last 25 years scarfing up every position in congress. After studying the Talmud and the Kabbalah and the doctrines of the illuminati it is easy to understand why our government is writing laws of such "Atrocity Levels" to be used on the unsuspecting Anglo-American citizens.
The "Christian" religions sprang (obviously) out of the life of Jesus, and from the subsequent activities of his disciples. From the times of the earliest writings that are today formed into the compendium colloquially known as the Bible, there were many forms of this so-called Christian religion, and they did not always agree with each other, even down to such fundamentals as to who (or what) Jesus really was, as well as to how their various religious rituals were to be practiced, and how their doctrines (and dogmas) were to be disseminated. The Romans sacked Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and most of the writings concerning these "Christian" religions were lost. What today survives to form the current Bible's New Testament was written, at the earliest, from between the years of 65 A.D. to around 100 A. D., about 32 to 67 years after the crucifixion. The majority of the "Christian" writings, or, at least the religious writings of the time which did survive, with the obvious exception of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Scripts, ended up in the hands of the Roman Catholic church, and it made use of those writings to its greatest advantage.
From its lowly start the Roman Catholic church grew and developed, influencing members of the Roman Senate and the rulers of other neighboring lands to such an extent that Rome itself gave over a significant part of Rome to the Church, which part of the old city is still to this day a separate and autonomous, tax free State within the boundaries of the City of Rome, in the country of Italy, called and known as Vatican City.
Around 250 A.D.. the Roman Catholic Church emerged as the biggest and most powerful organized "Christian" religion. It began to infiltrate and destroy, or overcome, and absorb, the many and variegated "Christian" sects and religious organizations, and also began trying to eradicate some of the more ancient religious beliefs, mainly through the "re-education" of the proponents of such religions, or through the destruction or the confiscation and subsequent hiding of ancient "biblical texts" and other religious and historical manuscripts.
In the fourth Century, Emperor Augustine (354-430) virtually re-wrote both the bible and the "laws" of the Roman Catholic church, and the basic tenets, doctrines and philosophies of the Roman Catholic Church still to this day reflect his beliefs, namely ( i ) that God is a being that is outside of each human being, (ii) that only the 70 Grace of God could change a person's sinful ways, and that only certain people would be chosen by God to be given that particular dispensation, and that (iii) people could only be considered to receive this divine Grace if they were a member of the Roman Catholic Church and received the sacraments. Anyone who was not with the Church had to be against it.
To ensure the growth of the Church, it embarked upon a campaign against people and countries which was to continue, on and off, and in many forms, for many centuries.
Anyone who did not belong to the Roman Catholic church and who did not conform to the tenets and edicts of the Roman Catholic church could be accused of heresy. The charge of "Heresy" or of being a "heretic" could be leveled against anyone from noble to serf. The doctrines of the Catholic Church were regarded as God's Law, and therefore formed the basis of Man's Law. and therefore the charge of heresy was a charge leveled not only by the Church, as a charge that the individual's beliefs did not conform with the doctrines of the Church, and therefore God, but also it was a charge of criminal activities or even treason against the State, and the poor wretch had to answer to both. Even the lowly priest had to be careful, he, more than anyone, as a member of the Church, had to conform or suffer the same consequences. Thus the Roman Catholic church acted not only as "God's police force", but also as the police force of the State, and, in most places, the Country. All of these "ministrations" of the Roman Catholic Church, being presided over by the careful and watchful eye of the presiding Church dignitary, depending upon the jurisdiction, from a bishop or cardinal up through the ranks of the Church to the Pope himself.
By the eleventh century their main objective was realized in that almost everybody in the "civilized world" generally was either (a) ignorant as to the prior existence of any form of Christian religion other than the Roman Catholic Church, or (b) was too afraid to enter into any form of private discussion of the matter of other religions, leave alone start a public debate or argument about it. The Crusades changed all that.
The Crusades
The official reason of the time as to why the first Crusade to the Holy Land was undertaken is that as a result
of the interference with travelers and pilgrims by the Turks, and the fact that the Islamic Turks were in the
"Holy Land" at all. Pope Urban II. in a council of churchmen and noblemen at Clermont, France, in 1095,
called for good (Roman Catholic) Christians to rescue the Holy Land from the clutches of the barbarous
priests took up the cause, spreading the message through their Churches and thousands of "good Christian
people" volunteered to fight and die for the Roman Catholic cause. The first Crusade of 1096, was led by the Norman Knights, Godfrey de Bouillon, Count Robert of Flanders, Count Raymond of Toulouse, Bohemund. etc., etc... These Knights eventually conquered Jerusalem, and caused Godfrey de Bouillon to be "crowned" as head of the newly created (and re-liberated) Kingdom of Jerusalem. Of these Norman Knights, Godfrey de Bouillon could trace and prove his lineage and ancestry directly back to King Merovee, patriarch of the Merovingian Dynasty of French Kings, and one of the first Kings of France (the Franks) in 417 A.D.
The reasons as to why these particular Knights went to the Holy Land is still somewhat obscure, but for the purposes of this chapter, suffice it to say, for the moment, that the scrolls discovered amidst the caves at Qumran. near the Dead Sea. in 1947, and, more particularly the copper scrolls discovered thereafter, along with the known travels of Joseph of Aramathea and Mary Magdalene after the crucifixion, may give the astute researcher several hints as to how this Crusade alone returned from the holy land with "great treasures and knowledge and wealth", while thousands of participants in the subsequent Crusades died, either while trying to get to the holy land, or at the hands of the Turks when they got there, or while trying to escape back to their homelands and more particularly the clues as to why subsequent Crusades were nowhere near as "successful".
In 1187, the Turks recaptured Jerusalem, prompting the third Crusade which was to take King Richard into the "holy land", leaving Prince John in charge (on the English Throne) and which also caused the creation and the signing of the Magna Carta.
Part of the "Knowledge" brought back from the Holy Land by the first and subsequent Crusades was to eventually trickle down to the general public and would seriously challenge and undermine the religious authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Knowledge and. above that, proof, came down to the masses that there had. indeed, been all kinds of "Christian" religions, and the Roman Catholic Church had not been the only one.
The "Pagan" Religions
When the Romans, under Julius Caesar, conquered Europe. France and England (between 58 and 54 B.C.),
they found various cultures which had. for more than a thousand years, practiced a so-called "pagan" types of
astrological religion, worshipping Sun, Moon, Stars and Earth. The Gauls and Celts were predominantly
farmers, relying on such astrological calendars as stonehenge and other Pre-civilization monoliths and burial
grounds which were strewn all around France and England to tell them when to plant and sow and reap their
harvest. Which just is not the truth about these objects but, the pagan religions thus practiced in this way a life
and means of survival. Given that the Roman religion itself was based on the worship of multiple Gods, the old pagan religions of the European theater did not pose much of a threat, and the two types of religion cohabited in harmony, until the advent of the Roman Catholic Church, and the new knowledge gleaned from the Crusades.
Religious persecution
At the beginning of the twelfth century, the "Dark Ages" or "Inquisition" began in Europe and in 1215, with
their new found freedom granted by the Magna Carta, the Church started a new type of program closely allied to the inquisition, but with a new twist. The focus was still mainly on heretics, but now the net broadened to
include those members of the general populace who had any direct or indirect knowledge of an "old Pagan"
pre-Christian religion as well as the more modernistic persons who practiced or preached any of the new
Christian (non-Catholic) religions. Thus began the era of the "Witch Hunts", or the "Dark Ages".
The Witch Hunts
This was an age reigned over by the terror of the Roman Catholic Church which was to last more than two
hundred years. The Roman Catholic Church declared that any one who was still practicing any "old" religion
had to be working for Satan and was. therefore, either a witch, or a warlock. The same accusation as had been
leveled for centuries were again leveled from nobleman to serf, but this time the accusation was not heresy,
that of being a witch (female), or warlock (male). Some very nasty trials and horrible tortures were devised to fine out if an accused "Witch" or "Warlock" was engaged in the "pagan practice of the devil's work". To be merely accused as a witch or warlock was quite literally the signing of your death warrant, and all done in the name of God, the Holy Roman Church, the King, the Country and, of course, for the "salvation" of the people from eternal damnation (of not belonging to the Roman Catholic church, and/or the learning of the truth?). Don't you know the truth will set you free really! And the church could not have that.
A group of men, headed by the "Witch finder", usually a self proclaimed expert or dignitary of the church, and the local Baron or Earl would ride into a village and announce a "witch hunt", and they had some very bizarre ways of finding a "witch" or "Warlock".
In many cases, this self appointed inquisition would single out two or three of the persons of the village, or
even their own priest, who would be questioned (and even tortured and maimed) in order to find out which
members of the village would be most likely to be found to be a witch or heretic. Some horrific systems and
instruments of torture were devised specifically for this "religious trial". Inevitably, someone, while being
tortured, would scream the name of one, if not several of their friends and neighbors who the inquisition could
then question (and torture) and subsequently find to be a witch or heretic.
Anyone who was thought to be a little abnormal (mentally retarded or "touched") or just a little strange, if
someone in the village simply didn't like you, or an old maid or widow who lived alone and practiced herbal
remedies, a particularly beautiful young woman who was thought to have the power to "bewitch" the young
men of the village, anyone with a birthmark or freckles, anyone who was crippled from birth by a strange
disease (Spina bifida, polio, downs syndrome etc.,), or who had a strange disease or malady (leprosy,
epilepsy), or was known to have an animal (a black cat or dog) which could be a "familiar", even someone who just showed they were "too scared" of the witch finder, everybody could be accused of being possessed,
bewitched, or of being of an old "Pagan" faith, and would be subjected to the two specific tests of the trial.
The Trial
The first thing that would happen was that the accused unfortunates would be brought out into the village
square and the whole village population would have to witness the "witch bane". One by one the accused would be stripped naked, placed on a special table, and subjected to a most intimate and undignified search, the object of which was to find the "mark of the devil'" this mark could be a wound scar, a birthmark, a mole, or a spot or pimple.
When a mark was found, and one usually was, the accused would then have to undergo the test of the bodkin. This was a needle approximately twelve inches long which would be stuck into the unfortunate victim in and around the devil's mark. If the victim did not feel the needle, or the puncture did not bleed, then he or she was definitely a witch. Some of these needles were in a sliding handle, so the witch finder could make it look like the needle was going into the victim when it was not, and the people would declare her a witch at once. A little pressure could be applied to the exit wound so that it did not bleed, automatically he or she was a witch. There were many tricks to the witchfinder's trade, and he rarely left a village without killing two or three people.
When, the victim had been declared a witch, the witch finder, as per the victims "constitutional rights", had to conduct a proper trial. The jury was the whole village. The prosecution had to find out if the Good Lord would redeem the soul of this unfortunate wretch. The defense was the Good Lord himself.
Test 2
If the village had a village pond, the victim had to go to the "dunking stool", a device like a child's see-saw,
with a chair tied to one end. The naked victim was tied into the stool and submerged in the freezing water for
very long periods of time, up to fifteen minutes, and never for less than three time. If he or she drowned, then
the Good Lord had obviously decided to spare his lamb from this torment and had taken his or her soul to
Test 3
When the village was in a hilly area, then the victim was taken to the top of one of the hills, and encased in a
barrel, through the outside of which the villagers drove large nails, and the barrel, with the victim now inside,
was allowed to roll down the hill. Again, as with the dunking stool, if the victim died, the Good Lord had
taken his soul. If, by some freak of nature, the unfortunate accused survived this torment, then it was obvious that the devil was in her, or him, for no mortal could possibly have endured it. That was absolute proof of guilt, and the victim was convicted and sentenced.
The sentence, in either case, when convicted of being a Witch or Warlock, has to be burned alive at the stake,
and this done in public in the village square. Either way, to be accused was to die horribly. Quite obviously, to live in this age was to live in dread and fear of either mutilation or death at the hands of any of the over zealous "witch finders" of the day.
By the turn of the fifteenth century, most, but not all of these inquisitions had fizzled out. Society was, from our modern day standpoint, till in very sick shape, but even with this type of society England and Europe gradually prospered and grew more civilized. When Columbus returned from his 1492 voyage of discovery and told the people of the new world in the West, they started again to dream.
I______________ ______________ , now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the III an continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that his holiness the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given his holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine and his holiness's right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and the now pretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.
I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare that I will help assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness's agents, in any place where I should be. in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland, or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they in trust me and not divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatever but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me by my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order.
I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver, but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. 75 That I will go to any part of the world wheresoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America whatsoever is communicated to me. I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy father of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulfur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.
That I will in voting always vote for a Knight of Columbus in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly.
That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics.
That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope.
All of which I, ______________ ____________ , do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this, my oath.
In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger in my own blood and seal in the face of this Holy Sacrament.
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