We continue with the five events carried out by Pope Francis / Company of Jesus / Vatican and that represent the official announcement, with press and all, of those plans and their true intentions and the start of the ACCOUNT BACK for its fine fulfillment l. At the time of publishing this article, the pope has met at a mass in the Church of Gesu (the Church of the Society of Jesus in Rome) with the entire Jesuit staff ...
For reasons of length, we have divided the five facts that we are publishing successively.
Welcome to the second part of the hit musical "LOS MISERABLES".
The 5 facts are:
......................................... ......... ................................ .................. .......................
1 · Sale of Misericordinas, 59 capsules and a COUNTDOWN BACK
to the article From the balcony of his rooms, in the Angelus prayer, the Pope proposes to the faithful to take a new medicine, the "Misericordina", in whose box the image appears of a beautiful "Sacred Heart".
November 17, 2013
2 · Offering of golden roses to Isis. The lost souls of Charon
The pope makes an offering of roses to the Virgin just as in Egypt it was to Isis. But it is not just a rose, it is a golden "Branch" and it is the threat of the FINAL JUDGMENT
November 19, 2013
3 · Presentation of a Priestess. CARDS BOCA ARRIBA
It is not a cultural news, it is the confession of the Jesuits of his heresy. And they say it publicly,I forgot your geeks. The time has come, letters face up.
November 24, 2013
4 · Closing Year of Faith with homage to "CHRIST THE KING" The pope pays homage to the divine monarch, teaches some bones at the closing Mass of the Year of Faith and makes a new ritual with them. ....................................... ........... ............................. ..................... ....................
2 · Offering of a Golden Roses to Isis
While Francisco convinced us of the benefits of the 59 capsules of his misericordina paste medicine , at the same time he sent a personal gift destined for the Virgin of Guadalupe.
The gift was a golden rose, which on Sunday November 17, 2013 was placed at the feet of the Guadalupana in the Cathedral of Mexico. Actually it was a bunch of four open roses and others still closed, that is, a complete rose branch, an appreciation that we will later see is very important.
The gift was a golden rose, which on Sunday November 17, 2013 was placed at the feet of the Guadalupana in the Cathedral of Mexico. Actually it was a bunch of four open roses and others still closed, that is, a complete rose branch, an appreciation that we will later see is very important.
The offering was framed within the event "Pilgrimage and Encounter Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization in the American Continent",which took place in Mexico City from November 16 to 19. An initiative of Pope Francis himself, which by his express wish, has been celebrated in the Cathedral of Guadalupe and that is a translation to America of the "Consecration of the World to the Virgin of Fatima made in Rome last October 13, in which We were already present deactivating a ritual ", see The Final Solution
However, the pontiff's agenda did not allow him to come to this event, perhaps because of his multiple job as a TV presenter or because he was busy repeating the "Final Solution" ritual, which, as we know, did not end well the last time He did in said "Consecration".
You had to try again and this time making sure nothing and no one interfered . And nobody did it, but a "counterwork" was programmed from the light, by which each time they activated their "work" of curse magic to the beings of Light of the planet, automatically it was deactivated immediately.
Guadalupe and the Tarot: note the half moon at the feet of the priestess, origin of the half moon that is at the foot of the Virgin of Guadalupe and Madrilenian Virgen de la Almudena. The half moon is the symbol of the moon god Sin,
father of Inanna / Ishtar.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of the most pagan virgins of all that exists, without wanting to offend any of her fervent faithful. The solar rays (from the satanic cult to the sun); the half moon at his feet (as represented by the Egyptian goddess Isis, meaning Ishtar / Inanna); his dark face also like Isis; its titles of "Queen of Mexico" and "Empress of America" and especially its blue mantle full of eight-pointed stars, the symbol by autonomy of Ishtar / Inanna . The Anunnaki hierarchy is represented by the number of points of its star, a system that the military has later copied .
The Virgin of Guadalupe is a syncretism of the goddess Isis, an Egyptian adaptation of the cult of Ishtar-Inanna.the card of the Priestess in the Tarot, one of the most interesting and on which more has been speculated.
Isis was a goddess associated with motherhood, fertility , magic and was feared by all . His cult was the most popular for centuries in Egypt, Greece and Rome and spread throughout the Mediterranean. It was the only Egyptian deity that remained during the Roman Empire, and resisted the rise of Christianity until its worship was banned in the year 535, in the time of Justinian.
In fact, her name is "Ast", also known as the "Queen of the gods" or the "great mother goddess", names similar to those that have been used later in the manipulation of the figure of the mother of Jesus, to the that have become "Queen of the Skies". In fact, images of Isis and Maria have been confused with each other on many occasions to see Priscilla, bombing in the Vatican
note: · The Virgin of Guadalupe, host of the Vatican
The Tomb of Peter and attached to it, the Virgin of Guadalupe, on the level of the Necropolis where many popes are buried. The supposed remains of
Pedro were found on another floor below.
It may be surprising that a pope makes a wreath to a feared pagan goddess , but more incredible is finding a splendid portrait of Isis / Virgin of Guadalupe in the most sacred site of the Vatican Basilica, under the altar and right next to the tomb -pared by wall- of Saint Peter, apostle and first Pope of the Church.
The only explanation that I personally see, is the widespread custom of placing the portrait of the boss in important places. For example, in Spain, in schools, ministries, etc., the picture of Franco (or the one of whom Franco put in power, Juan Carlos I "the one of the Workshop" see Juan Carlos, of "the Chosen one" to "the Fallen " ). Thus, in the tombs of the apostles, the chief is placed: Ishtar / Inanna, the white dove that is blacker than the worn shoes of her servant Bergoglio.
The Tomb of Peter and attached to it, the Virgin of Guadalupe, on the level of the Necropolis where many popes are buried. The supposed remains of Pedro were found on another floor below.
St. Peter's Basilica has a huge dove on the ceiling of the altar baldachin - Bernini's work of art - and behind it, in the presbytery, a stained-glass window illuminated with another dove - on the St. Peter's Chair, also by Bernini . And if that were not enough, at the bottom of all the walls, there are huge pigeons that look like turkeys. It is what is called "marking the territory".
The Rose of Gold for Isis
The floral arrangements, along with the wine, are the most frequent offering to the gods throughout history. In particular, it was customary for Isis to offer roses, as we already explained to the festival of the rose and Sant Jordi to see St. George, flowers for Isis .
With this offering , the pope makes public his cult to the false Virgin, to Isis / Ishtar / Inanna, barely a month after he consecrated (delivered) the World in Rome . Finally the cards face up.
Mountains of flowers offered to the Virgen del Pilar de Zaragoza,
which shines on the top.
With this offering , the pope makes public his cult to the false Virgin, to Isis / Ishtar / Inanna, barely a month after he consecrated (delivered) the World in Rome . Finally the cards face up.
It was not a rose, it
was a branch of roses
The offering of Pope Francis to Isis is not a rose but a whole bouquet of gold mounted on a flint with a container for oil of anointing. It was created in the pontificate of Pope Leo IX, in 1049, who recognized that already in his time it was an ancient institution, possibly before Charlemagne. It used to be sent as a gift to kings or churches, although at present it is usually given only to Marian devotions from all over the world. The Pope blesses her on the fourth Sunday of Lent, called Domingo Laetare (and not on these November dates). In the antiquity it was granted in the Cathedral of Letrán (where the relic is that emits the code 666 of the Sacred Heart ) and demanded all a long and complex ritual of preparation.
Rose of Gold presented by Benedict XVI to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal. This rose has a container with a suspicious form of Sacred Heart.
So far its history, but let's see its symbolism.
These golden roses enclose a clear message in continuity with what was discovered in the Divine Mercy (the code 666 that hides to prevent the souls from crossing correctly) and with the words of the Pope remembering that the time of the Last Judgment has arrived. And it is that the gift of the Pope, besides making a floral offering to Isis, alludes to the myth of the Golden Branch, the golden branch with which Aeneas and Sibyl "bribed" Charon, the ferryman who leads the souls by the river before entering the underworld, as reported by the Aeneid.
These golden roses enclose a clear message in continuity with what was discovered in the Divine Mercy (the code 666 that hides to prevent the souls from crossing correctly) and with the words of the Pope remembering that the time of the Last Judgment has arrived. And it is that the gift of the Pope, besides making a floral offering to Isis, alludes to the myth of the Golden Branch, the golden branch with which Aeneas and Sibyl "bribed" Charon, the ferryman who leads the souls by the river before entering the underworld, as reported by the Aeneid.
The Aeneid is an epic written by Virgil in the first century BC. Its protagonist is Aeneas, a demigod hero of the Trojan War and son of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology and therefore Ishtar-Inanna). After the fall of Troy Aeneas managed to escape, embarking on a trip that would take him to the land of Lazio (Rome), but before he walked around the Tyrrhenian Sea, which as we explained in The "Concord" and Europe on the way to scrapping , had a special meaning that continues until today.
Upon reaching their final destination, the king of the tribe of Latinos (origin of the "Latin" name) receives them peacefully, and recalling an ancient prophecy offers Aeneas to his daughter Lavinia as his wife.
On the Italian island of Sicily, on the significant Tyrrhenian Sea, the Etna volcano has just had a spectacular lava eruption on the last day of 2013.
Two of his descendants, the brothers Numitor and Amulio ( the archetype of brothers faced, which comes from Enki and Enlil ), fought and the daughter of the loser, Rea Silvia, was forced to join the vestal virgins to prevent the dynasty from continuing. But the god Mars violated Rhea Silvia and she gave birth to two twins, Romulus and Remus. As punishment for breaking their vows, Rhea Silvia was buried alive and her children condemned to be drowned in the Tiber.
Romulus and Remus, the little werewolves, in the middle of breakfast
But the children were found and nursed by a wolf and after the gods revealed their true identity, they regained their royal position and founded Rome, which took its name in honor of Romulus . In the cave where they were breastfed all February 15 were celebrated Lupercales (San Valentín), a pagan festival dedicated to the god Fauno. They were lustful parties much anticipated by young people, because they were drawn to women to be their companions of pleasure during the year . This was the origin of the Lottery . watch Lottery, between the Saturn cult and the F. Quantum.
The souls that the Boatman did not want to cross
We recall the symbolism of the Golden Branch and the boatman of souls with whom the Pope reminds us of the final judgment and the trap of "Misericordina" so that souls are trapped in this plane. Let's explain the mythology of Charon the Boatman, because we have found another horrible surprise in it ...
Charon, commanding his boat moving souls to his destination, painting by José Benlliure. At this point, the souls are still lost in this plane, which is a metaphor for a sad and habitual reality of our present.
In the Greek tradition, the souls had to cross the Acheron river climbed in the boat of Charon, an old man with white beard, and torn dresses, on the path of his final destination, heaven or hell.
Fragment of the Aeneid where Charon is described:
"Charon, the terrible Charon, is the guardian of these waters, his beard is half-white, dirty and badly combed, a rag of dirty cloth serves as clothing, An innumerable crowd of wandering shadows flutter on the banks of the river and pray insistently Charon who passed them, he brutally rejected all those whose bodies had not been buried. "
Charon carrying a helpless naked soul in his boat, an enlarged part of Platinir's painting. To his left Charon according to Ingmar Bergman in "The Seventh Seal"
"He took a few steps and began to hear cries and cries of children, which the cruel death had torn from the mothers' breast, moans of those who had been unjustly condemned to death." After the latter, there are those who have been removed life itself , life that they would like to enjoy at that moment, even if they had to be subject to the most painful jobs and plunged into the worst misery, there was an infinity of others scattered here and there, pouring bitter tears; the lovers, to whom the cares and anxieties had killed "
Let's calmly analyze these two descriptions :
The phrase "He brutally rejected all those whose bodies had not been buried" is the key. Legend has it that Charon only boarded those who had gone through the burial rite, while rejecting those who did not. So what is usually done in a funeral that marks the deceased so that the boatman recognizes them?). In most cultures and religions the deceased are given a signal in the eyebrow, in the third eye. In the case of the Catholic religion, it is done, both in the third eye and in the hand , at the moment of the extra-maternity.
Remember that the Bible, speaking of codes 666 ( Revelation 13: 16-18 ), says:
This could indicate that the signal on the forehead has a lot to do with the codes 666. Indeed, with the touch on the forehead, as part of a ritual, a programming is activated that implements a code 666, which is the "mark that Charon can see to distinguish who crosses the other side and who does not. " This is how "poetic" the legend explains it, but reality is simple: the technology of the code conditions the movement of the soul after death . Although it is necessary to emphasize that the effect of the code can be counteracted by other positive forces or by the own strength and Light of the soul.
It is a code similar to the one hidden in the image of Divine Mercy, only worse.If the image of Jesus and the two rays implanted a code that binds souls to this plane and prevents them from crossing correctly, the one that is implanted when one is already deceased encloses the soul in one of the many prisons of souls that are scattered around all the world. They are storehouses of enclosed souls, which remain waiting to be used by the Dark.
The Divine Mercy and the Code of the Charon Warden, two sides of the same coin
The Charon Boatman is actually the Charon Jailer and his boat the police van that takes souls who will not feel the Light and Peace for a long time.
Feel free to not believe something so horrifying. How nice it would be if none of us believed it and this reality ceased to exist, but it is not like that. Therefore, we will continue looking for these prisons and liberating their souls. We did it for the first time in the immense cemetery that is the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and for the last time in the Sacre-Coer in Paris, just a month ago. However, the place we will never forget for its aberrant cruelty and ridicule was in India, in the holy city of Vanarasi (Benares).
On the stairs, the smoke of an incineration, next to relatives and bystanders, behind wood piles for "the next" and the dark windows and doors of the prisons where the souls of the incinerated are trapped.
For those who would like to believe this story but find it hard to do so, I advise you to travel to that idealized city, where thousands of Hindus will die every year, just because the god Shiva (another personality of Enlil / Jehovah) said that those who die in Vanarasi are freed from the cycle of reincarnations. A euphemism for firecrackers and rockets to say that their souls will remain imprisoned there and therefore reincarnate, not to mention .
Throughout the Ganges there are numerous residences, destined to house the dying who wait to be incinerated on its shores, in great wooden pyres. Well, as big as money you have for firewood because if there is little money sometimes the body stays half burned and is thrown as is to the river, as we could see. For many Hindus it is a sacred act, for many tourists it is a sample of the "wonderful spirituality" of India and for the Anunnaki gods -which in India are still adored as they are- is a joyful diversion. The reality is that the souls of those who are incinerated in the Ganges are locked in the dark temples and uninhabited buildings that are just in front of the two places of incineration, as can be seen in the photograph.
And to finish, because even I'm dizzy just remembering it, a last mischief of Pope Francis and his happy gift of the Golden Branch to Isis / Virgin of Guadalupe.
Who had the idea of convincing Charon with the Golden Branch was the companion of Aeneas, who was a Sibyl. The sibyls were prophetesses who lived in caves or near streams, very present in the tradition of the old Catalan-speaking lands, where El Canto de la Sibila has even become a Cultural Patrimony of Humanity (Mallorca).
By adapting them to Christianity, the Sibyls ended up being those who prophesy the Last Judgment. Andagain, the eloquent Jorge Bergoglio throwing hints about his plans.
By adapting them to Christianity, the Sibyls ended up being those who prophesy the Last Judgment. Andagain, the eloquent Jorge Bergoglio throwing hints about his plans.
After so much symbolism and so indirect, the pope becomes transcendent and with a kiss that exceeds Judas's own, confirms what has been said so far with roses and boatmen, with clear and convincing facts.
And with bones. ..
Let us know the following unusual event of the month of November in Rome:
3·Closing Year of the Faith with homage to "Cristo Rey"
As a culmination to these four intense weeks, Pope Francis presided over Sunday, November 24 in St. Peter's Square in Rome, the Mass for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, or popularly known as "Christ the King". , thus closing the Year of Faith that was inaugurated by Benedict XVI on October 11, 2012.
The Foremen
The history of humanity can be understood only with a short visit to Seville for Holy Week:
Those responsible for driving a step from the front are called "Foremen".
The sail of the ship shines the "IHS", which is the emblem of the Society of Jesus and its best kept secret. The IHS is a camouflaged version of the famous number of the beast, the 666 that we will reveal shortly. And the circle behind the candle symbolizes - in this case - the satanic cult of the Sun and at the same time the Eucharist, a ritual of implanting codes 666 very well disguised. Come on, a logo that speaks for the elbows.
In this case Jesus, scepter in hand and with the Sacred Heart in his chest, is riding in a chariot pulled by lions, while an eagle transports his crown (lions, bulls and eagles are the symbols of the lineage of Enlil and her children, Sin and Baal and her granddaughter Ishtar). More aberrations together could not be put in the same image.
The title of King of the Universe or Christ the King is proof that priests and monarchs were the lineage of "foremen" or intermediaries that the Sumerian-Anunnaki gods created to interact between them and the human being. And a test of how they wanted to ruin and pervert the figure of Jesus and his message. The history of humanity can be understood only with a short visit to Seville for Holy Week:
Those responsible for driving a step from the front are called "Foremen".
to the left two Foremen in front of the Step they lead. On the right an image of the training of the bearers loading a simulated pass.
The foremen are the authority in the step and are assisted by the "Caller", an assistant who transmits his indications to the costaleros of the interior (even in that the "Capataces del Planeta" have imitated their masters). Above the Foremen, as in the photo, there are only the little gods that sit comfortably on the shoulders of the carriers. For their part, Costaleros carry with those who go on the throne, be they gods, priests or kings, pressed together, sweating and always following the instructions of the foremen who "guide" them, since they do not see the way, covered as they are by a thick cloth. For more inri, in some places like Málaga, the footsteps are called Tronos, exactly like the chair of kings, priests. It is clear.
Christ the King, King of the Universe
The feast of Christ the King of the Universe was established by Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925. From the beginning he filled Jesus with "deep satisfaction" and with a sense of pride for his mother, who had previously been named "Queen of the Heavens " (they say that a journalist should never be ironic, but I'm sorry, I'm not a journalist).
The Pope wanted to motivate Catholics to recognize in public that the president of the Church is Christ the King . Later it would become popular in Mexico and in Spain with the Carlists, the phalanx and as a slogan of the rebellious side during the Civil War.
It even came to serve as a name for a right-wing paramilitary organization: "Guerrilleros de Cristo Rey".
According to the church ...
"The feast of Christ the King is an opportunity to publicly proclaim that Christ is the King of our lives, the King of kings, the Beginning and the End of the entire Universe . " Something a bit excessive for the one who, if he had to be appointed with a position, would have been the king of humility.
Prayer to Christ the King:
"Oh Christ Jesus, I recognize you as the universal King, everything that has been done has been created for you, exercise all your rights over me, I promise to live as a good Christian and, in particular, I promise to do to triumph, according to my means, the rights of God and of your Church
"Oh Christ Jesus, I recognize you as the universal King, everything that has been done has been created for you, exercise all your rights over me, I promise to live as a good Christian and, in particular, I promise to do to triumph, according to my means, the rights of God and of your Church
And Jesus, as always, tearing his clothes. Observe the Sacred Heart surrounded by thorns. omnipresent in all the darkest aspects of the Church, see The Trap of the Sacred Heart
Divine Heart of Jesus ! I offer you my poor actions so that all hearts may recognize your Sacred Royalty, and so that the reign of your peace may be established in the entire Universe . Amen."
The Year of Faith, the IHS and the 666

The Year of Faith was inaugurated by Benedict XVI on October 11, 2012, it is therefore a year that has lasted the cabalistic figure of 13 months.
Logo contains valuable information ... If desmenuzamos find references to the ship, whatever Noah (when they caused the Deluge and the re-start of humanity) that is the rescue ship Europe, see The ship Concordia and Europe on the way to scrappingThe sail of the ship shines the "IHS", which is the emblem of the Society of Jesus and its best kept secret. The IHS is a camouflaged version of the famous number of the beast, the 666 that we will reveal shortly. And the circle behind the candle symbolizes - in this case - the satanic cult of the Sun and at the same time the Eucharist, a ritual of implanting codes 666 very well disguised. Come on, a logo that speaks for the elbows.
No. 666 and the IHS
The IHS is actually the "number of the beast" or 666, so called because it is the last code, and the most important one, among the list of the 666 codes that are called that way.
The codes 666 take the name by the total amount of created codes, that is to say 666. The codes are negative limiting implants, that once in people emit frequencies with a specific intention.
All people have different implant codes ... that's why the Apocalypse says that the 666 "is man's number" . Soon we will publish all the information we have obtained about the codes 666 (subscribe ...)
All people have different implant codes ... that's why the Apocalypse says that the 666 "is man's number" . Soon we will publish all the information we have obtained about the codes 666 (subscribe ...)
I love relics ... I love dead?
At the close of the Year of Faith, at the Mass of the humble name of the Mass for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, an unprecedented event occurred that has gone unnoticed in the media: For the first time they were exposed to public relics of the apostle Peter, first Pope of the Church.
Pope Francis had previously carried out another unprecedented gesture with these relics. It was April 1, a few days after his coronation, when Francisco became the first Pope to visit the necropolis that is under the crypt, two levels below the basilica of San Pedro. There, workers who in 1939 dug the foundations of the tomb for the late Pope Pius XI, found an inscription in Greek that read: "Petros eni" that is: Peter is here, with some bones. Only with this inscription as proof, is what the Vatican based to announce in 1950 that the remains of the Apostle had been found. Remains that today at the Mass of Christ the King, have seen the light of the sun for the first time.
The bronze box that contained the supposed remains of the apostle Peter was present all the mass next to the altar. It has the inscription "Ex ossibus in Arcibasilicae Vaticanae hypogeo invents Beati Petri Apostoli esse putantur" ( "Of the bones found in the hypogeum of the Vatican Basilica, which are considered the Blessed Peter the Apostle ") .
This fondness for bones, relics and magic could go unnoticed, if not because we know the enormous potential of the relics in black magic. For centuries the use that the elites / foremen have made of them to harm the rest of human beings has been hidden, obeying the desire of those they serve, what we call OO. Origin of Darkness on this planet. In this case, the relics were also used to launch a poisoned message among them, in the purest style of the mafia.
In modern history (AD after Christ), Rome has been the most coveted center of power, first for being the epicenter of the power of the great Roman Empire, then for being the seat of Catholic power. As in the game of Monopoly, Rome has been a place that had to be "bought" at all costs to win the game. Two thousand years later, the Jesuits have the best banks, the best companies, the best tax havens, the best universities and ... Rome. The game has reached its end. The Company wins, Pedro loses.
The victorious pontiff kissing some bones that are supposed to belong to the apostle Peter.
It is the "kiss of Judas", the kiss of humiliation to the vanquished, the kiss of the winner, the kiss that the mafioso gives to the one who has fallen into disgrace,
Pedro, who by now you imagine that he is not what he seems to be, is the great rival and enemy of the foremen of Ishtar and occupied the center of power of the church for centuries. But he has lost and Francisco has not wasted the opportunity to stage it, in his own way.
The time has come, that the truth be known of the Catholic Church, of the GREATEST DECEPTION OF HISTORY , whose proper name is PEDRO The Catholic Church has never been what she has made us believe and EVERYTHING started with him *** For more that try to retain it, the Truth - like sand in the hand - slips seeking freedom. Not yours, but the freedom of the human being.
1 comment:
Amazing! And everything is upside down. We have been led by the Liar of Liars. These holy deceptions have guided nearly, if not all, aspects of our lives. There is no light in this house, but the curse of darkness and despair. The is no freedom in this house, only bondage and entanglement and slavery.
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