Friday, January 4, 2019

The Depth of Clinton/Russia-Skolkovo connection not being Reported by Mockingbird Media

By: Shannon @Avery1776
Ever hear of Skolkovo? 

Silicon Valley never slowed down…it moved to Russia & 44 (Obama), et al helped.

The Real Russia Russia Russia starts 07/06/09 with Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission (BTW Renova present 😂)

The commission was the spring board for Skolkovo. 

What is it?
A techno park and innovation campus in Russia. 

All of these government contract holders and Clinton Foundation donors are Skolkovo partners.🗝️

07/12/11 Sberbank Signs Up for Skolkovo IT, Data Centers Worth $800M
Clinton Campaign Bundler Tony and Sberbank

Clinton Foundation Asked State Department to Approve Corrupt, Putin-Allied Oligarch’s Attendance at 2012 Meeting
RussiaRussiaRussia Skolkovo ClintonFoundation Skippy Renova Metkombank

Victor Vekselberg is the oligarch and he is the President of Skolkovo Foundation 

The foundation partnering with Microsoft, Cisco, GE Boeing , et al…

The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections.

Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?

All cited here:

Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

Hillary’s Hypersonic Missile Gap
04/23/18 Viktor Vekselberg’s frozen assets in the U.S. are a blow to Sberbank and a relative who donated to Trump

Let’s get to the brass tax. The key partners with Skolkovo got their foot in the door while SHE was at State AND were Clinton Foundation partners.

Here is the partner list again for reference.
Skolkovo Partner Accenture…

Skolkovo Partner Boeing

Russian Collusion, Clinton Style

Skolkovo Partner Cisco and the Clinton Global Initiative

Skolkovo Partner Intel

How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

Skolkovo Partner Honeywell

Skolkovo Partner Johnson & Johnson

Skolkovo Partner Microsoft

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation LARGEST DONOR

Skolkovo Partner Siemens 
Skolkovo Partners also cashed in on the Cartel violence unleashed by 44, et al hurting our neighbors 🇲🇽

Skolkovo signed a raft of agreements with Russian Post, Huawei and Nornickel OCT 2018 ChicomsHaveWagonsToo

How many people in America even know about this? Mockingbird Media is the Enemy Of The People

The Campus is here:

Source – Shannon @Avery1776 Twitter

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